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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1929, p. 5

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I. - ~. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MJLRCH 7tb., 1929 MORE SPECIALS ATTH The EconomicSc to $1 Store Here are a few of the items at Special Prices for this week: Egg Cups ............................... Special Sc Each Easter Greeting Cards.................... Specia.i le Each St. Patrick's Day Greeting Carda............ Speclal 2 f or Se Fancy BTasa. or Nickel Ash Trays .............. SpecialIse5 Cigarette Cases ........ b......................Special 1Ise Ladies' Rabber Aprons....................... Special 25c Ladies,' Bleache.d or Unblleac'hed Cotton House Aprons Spec. 39c Ladies-' Si]k Vests............................ Speciai 59c Ladies' Si1k Bl&omers.......................... Special 79c Ladies' Silk Nightgo'wn...................... Speejai 98c Yard Gouda at Reasonable Prices. Ail Kunds of Notions at Special Prices. Corne in and Look Around. The Economie 5c to $1 Store King St. West - Opposite Silver St. - Bowmanville Next Door to Rosner's Dry Goods Store Brighter Homes Store DON'T BUY WALL PAPER Until you have inspected our new stock. We don't ask any fancy prices. We're satiseed with a sniall profit. GEO. PRITCHARD PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phoe 489 Bowmanville Thrills Ne ver Be fore in Pictures! A STORY 0F ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE-of brave men and women stir.rod to the. depths by tiie quest for Gold. Tih. camera travels the. trail over CHILKOOT PASS WHJCH BROKE THE HEARTS 0F 50 MANY MEN PROUD 0F THEIR STRENGTH. Buried beneatii the avalanche; swept to death froin fimey boats in icy waters, still with indomitabie spirit they Iept thse trail. Here is a living monument to aas courage and the àpmit that shait mot die! ROYAL THEATRE Monday - Tuesday, March Il - 12 MATINEE MOINDAY AT 3.46 P. M. Roths Niglite at 8 p. m. AIl Seats Res.rved 50c and Sc tax. Seat. on Sale Friday, Mas-ch Sdi at 12 -oc. aet the Tuatre. Matina.-Childrefl 15e; Adulte 35c and 3< tax. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Miss Ina Pethick, Toronto, visited MILLER-on Friday, February 15th, 1929, ta Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Ty-I ait home. rafle, a son.1& Miss Florence Wermy is visiting METCALF-In Darlington, Tuesdayh her sister, Mrs. C. H. Rowan, Beth- March .3, 1929, ta Mr. and Mrs. Norman~ any. Metcaif. a son. Mr. .and Mrs. J. Wigle, Kingsville, BRUNT-At Wilowdale Rest Home. are visiting his aunt, Mrs. H. A. Far- N'ewcastle. on Monday, march 4, ta Mm. and Mrs. W'elington T. lrunt, a daugh- ow. ter. Mrs. R. Dumas is spending a coup- RWN-tBliiyonTrdai le of weeks with Mrs. Geo. Grant, F'ebruary 28, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Clar-j Toronto. once H. Rowao, (nec Alice Werry). the 'A Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goddard, gift of a daughter. Toronto, spent Sunday et Mr. Gus. - Bou.ns.all'a. MR7AE Mrs. H. F. Hutchison, Toronto, AR GE1 spent Sunday with bler mother, Mrs. WILSON-WEST.-At Tampa, Flarida, j P. C. Trebilcock. Tbusday, February 28, 1929, by Rev. C.i H. H. Branch, George H. Wilson o! Lind- lm Mr. E. C. Thornton, Woodstock, say, and Miss Annie C. Weet of Londan,0 called on bis cousin, Mrs. R. H Ward- Ont. er. on Wednesday. DAVIES-GRANT-At 261 Wrighitm Mr. N. E. Wright, St. Catherines, Ave., Toronto, on March 1, 1929, Rev. Dr 'Long, Ermiaie Hilda. second daughter recently visited his numerous rels- of Mrs. Anthony Grant. Bowmanviile, to tives in this vicinity. Robert Davies, Tomonto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry,- _ Oshawa, were Sunday guests of their rETH uncle, Mr. M. A. James. DAH Misses Agatha and Greta Rowe, THORNTON-In Woadstock, on March Oshawa, spent Sunday with their ais- 1 1929, B. T. Thomnlton, aged 73 years. te-r, Mrs. W. D. Wood, Carlisle Ave. CM PBL-n rn, nStudyl Congratulations to Miss Marguer- of the. late John Campbell. ite Artmstrong wbo has passed bheri SPRV-tn Oshawa, on Tuesday, Marcld Intermediate Piano ex.ams withbhon- 5' 19,MayHenbeoddugtrf .Mmrand Mrs. W. J. Spry, aged 5 year. ors. JOHNSTON-In Bowmanvie. Mamch Rev. C. C. Washington, Fenelon 2, 1929, Philihpi Ann Cullis, widow of tie Falls, on Monday visited his father,' late Jamies A. Johnstoti, in hem Simd ye. Rev.W. . Wshigton wh cotin LAWRIE-In Tiedford. Ont., on Mon Rev.W. . Wahinton whoconîn-day, Mamch 4, 1929, James A. Lawrio..V ues quite ill. Intemred et Thedford. Brother o! Johnv Mr. nd Ms, ohn hoipsonandN. and Alexander Lawmie, 13owmanvilîe. I cLAUGH LIN-At Cobourg, Wedne- daughter June, Oshawa, spe nt the day, Februarv 27, 1929, .NlMary A. Beatty,c weekend with her parents, Mr. and' beioved wife'of Mr. G. L. Melaughlin. Mrs. red yle.aged 71 yeams. Interment St. Johins 1r.Fe ye Cemetemy, Biackstock. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hancock, Pet- WOODSOn Tuesday, !.tarch 5, 1929,!. erboro, spent Sunday with bis Ruth Irwin, beioved wfe of Mr. Wilbur moter Ms. eo Hncokan ~ 35th year. Intemmed at Oangevilie. ter, Mrs. Alberta Brown. Sister-in-taw o! Mrs. Geo. W. James, Mms. A. Hl. Bickell has returned Bo%%manviiie.V WRIGI-T-In Grev township, an Tue s-9 honie froni a visit to Dundas, Hami- day, February 19, 1929. Mary Jane Chan- .A ilton and with Mi-s. S. West, Beanis- non, widow of the. late Hugh ùH. %righ ,n ville, and points in the States. ageti 81 years. lnterrnd in Elnîa Centre 1I ('eretery. Farmerly o! Tyrone. Ont.1 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy and Aunt o! Miss Dingnin andi Mrs. ý3. A. a daughter Betty, and Miss Agnes K. ràdmondstone, Bowmanville. 1 Hladdy, Toronto, spent Sunday with n_______________ Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy. Mr. Alex. Lawrie is attending thse Policeman Wanted 1 funeral of bhis ibrother, Mr. James bLawrie, who passed away Monday Policeman for egular duty on Bow-' morning after an ilînesa of over a manvilie Police Force. State age, ex-! year.peienca, and salamy expected. Appli- year.cabaons in writing wili be received up ta Mrs. T. R. Tennant and so Mamch l5th by W. P. Cobett, Chairman Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Had- Police Coamttee, Bawnianville. 10-t dy and Wesley, Toronto, spent the-- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.F Knight. Wanted Mrs. A. Colviile, contralto soloist, STAiN WNE-xeine tow, asisedtheC.ooug Klti'smarried man, weii ecommended desise E Band at their concert in 0-,--gon work o! any kind. Appiy Box 22, Bow- Marsch 5tb., rendering seeaWie;avle 03 nu.mbers. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-Far home Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Butiner, In Bowmanviile. Two adults. Ail con-9 Msr.Grant and Dwight, and Mi' veniences In home. No washing. Applyb Mesrs in writing ta The Statesman, Bowman-t Helen Bunner, spent thse weekend ville. 8-tf 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bunner, ______ Bramnpton.f Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- Lost or Foundf onto, Mrs. Howard Coucis, Marjorie1 and Ileen, Bethesda, spent the week- LOST-Weed chain, Sunday nigbt ho- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs tween Haydon and Bowmanville, around Guide Board Corner., H. Ashton, phone W. J. Bragg. 239-21. 9-tf« Mm.andMrs Rbt.Man an ~ WRIST WATCH LOST-In Bowman- Mr. Wilbyur Mann., Cobourg, ànd ville on Tuesday afternoon, Mahc6 , a Mrs. Elton Goodrich, Dundoniald, gold wrist watch, witli silvar bracelet. were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wil- Finder please leave at 9aliteïmnan Office hiaies, on Sunday. -onin.le. it Mis RuisAi-stongofGrae WATCH,,LOST-On Saturday niqit, ,Mis Rut Armtron ofMarch 2. at the Royal Theatre, or be- Hospital, Toronto, gave ber parents, tween there and Carlisle Ave, a White Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, a goid wrist watcb. Reward for retumfit welconse su#piise last week by Bowmanville. HdoOfc,1 inSt. spending a day at 'home. 1 Mr. C. J. Thornton and daugbter, - -- Mfiss Augusta Thornton, Orono, and Mrs. R. H. Waider, Bswmanville, To Let attended the funeral of their brotb- TO RENT-A good 6-roomed bouse. er, Mr. B. T. Thornton, at Wood- î 'et .ntrally iocated. suttable for a stock. I mal aduit family. Appuy ta C. W., Meuhes f ayi Oane ode1Drawer B, Bowmanvie. 10-1w' No. 2384 held a'very enjoyable dance HOUSE TO RENT-7-roomed brick at te Bwma Hose o Frdayev-bouse on Liberty St.,. eectic lits. at heBowna Hoseon riay v-watem autside, $15 a montb. Immed- ening. Music for baoth square and laie possession. Address Box 37. Bow- round dances was furnished by Al- tiisnvtlie, phione 389. gie Harnden's Orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, Port LAUNDRY WANTED Hope, announace the engagement of their daughter, Olive Mary, te R<*b- Al kinds o! aundmy work dons prompt- etAlvin Jones, son af Mr. and Mmrs. g atisfactomily and at eaanabue prices ert Write Post Office Box 12, or caîl Mr . Rabert Jones, Cobourg, the mairriage W. Marjoram, King St. E. Eawmanviiie. .will take place quietly in March. Phone 478W. Mr. F. R. Foley, St. Catherines, -wlo spent the weekend with his sis- ter, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, was in bhis former place in Trinity United Church on Sunday morning and re- ceived the glad hand from many aid friends there. Mrs. Anthony Grant, Miss Mar- garet Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Grant, Bowmanville, Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Moorey, Enniskillen, Mr. Philip Grant, Oshawa, were in Toronto on Friday attending the nedding of the former's daughter, Miss Erininie Grant and Mr. Robt, Davies. A nunmber from here attended the Oratorical Contest heid ini Ontario Ladies' Coliege, Whitiby, on Friday evening. The subject for the even- ing was "Canada and Wcvld Peace" and was most efficiently dealt with. The program included six %peeches and several musical nurabers, anîong them being a piano solo hy 'Miss Phyllis Challis of Bowmanville. Start the day witb Cream of Barley Coming 1 under the auspices of St. Joseph'a Church "1DANNY BOY" 3.ACT PLAY Opera House BOWMANVILLE on Monday, Mar. 18 This play is being put on by ST. MICHAEL'S CHLJRCH COBOURG Saine cast as presented the suc- cSdfui play "SUCH SI4ANANIG.ANS"P IAdnàsion-Adults 38c; 2se Chilîdren HOCKEY FINALS Centrai Interacliolastie TWEED va B. H. S. at Taylor'& Riait, Bowmanviile THURSDAY, MARCH 7th. at 8 p. m. B. H. S. is only 'Bowmanville Tesan to reach the finals. The litelleet- uals put up a magnificent fight in the semi-finals against Port Hope. This will undoulstedly be the last hockey match this season. A gorod response is needed for the return trip to Tweed on Saturday. Corne and give the boys your sup- port. They deserve it, Admission 25c THANKS HIS CUSTOMERS Ini sellîng out niy Model Grocery, pulling down the blinda, taking off my apron and turning the kery ini the door for -the last tusue theire are niany thoughts corne ta mmd.l One of them ià that it would be very' ungrateful of me if I didflot at thisi tinie excpress niy sincere thauks toi my custoniers for sharing their trade witb me. It takes me back <>ver a quarter of a century when I tirnt atarted in business. There are in- stances 1- can recall where four gen- erations in succession in one family have patronized my store. There are other good frieiids who have al»o been pretty regular customers, and some who just dropped in occasion-I ally. in eacb case and at aIl tins 1 'have endeavored ta give satisfac- tion. No doubt inany turnes I have failed ta ineasure Up ta expectations --but that ia anly human. Ho'wever, I realize the service 1l have rendered and the mesure of auccess that 1 have attained would not -be possible but for the loyaltyi and cooperation of hundreds of faith- fnl cuatomers. To each anid al o1 yen 1 would asic that you kindly acce$ thesein- cere and mprecistive th.anks of yonoe humableservant, Býownaavllle, March Sth., 1929. AUCTION SALES Saturday, March 9th-Auction sale of 20 farm horses ,all broken toi harness ,the property of W. GQ Arm- strong, Central Butte, Sask., at Gra-1 ham's Hotel, Rrooklin. Sale at1 1.30 o'clock. Geo. Jackson & Son,! auctiomeexs.10-lw i Monday March Il th-Mr. James i Dart, Lot 24, Con. 10, Darlington,' will seil by auction ail of his farm stock, implements, furniture, etc. Sale at 1.30 p. m. See dodgers. 1'beo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Thursday, Mardi 21-Mr. Richardi Ginablett, 539 King St. E., O.shawa,I will seli 25 head of hcsrses, consistingl of Heavy D'raughts and General Pur-ý pose, also bolater, dump and flat' wagon, farm ixmpleinents and heavyl team harness. Sale at 1 o'clrnek W.ni. Maw, Auctioneer. i10-2 Tuesday, Marci 26th-Wm. Par- row, Sr., Lo>t 18, Concession 3,1 Clarke, who is giving srp farming,% will seli by public auction ail his farin implements, 35 head of Dur-il bai and Hereford cattle, ýpoultry,, horses, etc. Sale at 12.30 P. M.' G'eo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneera. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-A quantity Of @good liay. W. T. Symans, phone 160-5, BjOwran-j v Ille. -w BARN FOR SALE-18 ft. x 36, in good condition. Apply H. E. Smith, Queen St., North Side, Bowmanville. 10-O' CLoVE=R SEED FOR SALE--Quantityi Of Red Ciover Seed. Apply to James, ,Moorey, R. It. 1, Hampton, phone 197-3.; TANK FOR SALE-Beatty Bros., gai-! vanized tank, suitable for cistern, 600; gai. capacity, good as new. for hait price.1 Apply W. Len ElliOtt, phone 348, Bow.- manville. 10-31 FOR SALE-Red carrots for table use,, a'Iso good for feedin g ralibits or guinea pige; by basket or bag. Phone 246W. Geo. B. Bickle & Sans, Liberty St., Bow- manville. 10-2w1 SEED DRILLS FOR SALE-I have a Ifew used combined drills--dise and hoe styles-at, prices that mako good buy- Ing. R. E. Osborne, Cocksliutt Agent, phone 473, Bowmanville. 10-3 Real Estate For Sale SMART BUNGALOW FOR SALE OR RENT-Apply ta Mies Violet McMiIlan, Victoria Apts., Oshawa. 10-1 FOR SALE-New brick residence wtb ail modern conventences. Apply ta Jas. E. Flett, Centre St., Bowmanvile , plhons 384. 41-tf FOR SALE-7-roonied brick bouse, one mile east of Bowmianville on Hlghway, good garden; liard and sot t water; goal barn, chicken bouse and garage. Apply ta Mrs. W. C. Allun, Bowmanvllle. R. R. No. 4, Box 16. 9-3w' FARM FOR RE-NT OR SALE-00 acre farm, south lialves of Lots 31 and 32, Concession 1, Townsbi p of Darlin gton. for ment or sale. Flul possesson Aprill 1, 1929.. Over 50 acres faîl plougling done. Apply Conant & Annis, Barrist- ers & Solicitors, Oshiawa, Ontario. 5-13w EXÉCUTTOR'S NOTICE AIl persoas aving any dlaim aga.lnst estate of tihe late Rtobt. Robinson, who died at the Township of Clarke,' on or about the 23rd day of Decemnber. 1927, are required tafIle the same with proof tbereof with tlie nndersigned or lis soit- citor not later than April let, 1929, after wbieb date the estate will be digtribut- ed and aIl ciainis of wbich the Eýxecut- or lias not received notice wll be barredl as against themn. Dated at Bowmanvilie this 2nd day of Marclt, 1929.1 W. F. ROBINSON, 485 Windemere Ave.. Toronto, Ont. I BV M. G. V. GOULO,1 10-2 Buwmanviiie, Ont., bis Solicitor.1 ISALESMEN WANTED iTo Live In Bowmanville i, I. Good position, good wages for good men .Apply at once ta Thickson Motor Sales 9 Bond Street West Oshawa Ontario 5-t J. HERMON Buys Poultry Apples and Wool At Fair Prices Phones: Bowfnanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Tor'onto. 10-2w r PAGE PIVE a! Service That Counts Some p eople are only attraeted by the pce of an article.- But those who look deeperpand consider the quality of the groceries, accommoda- tion and service given Vo custoiners are agreed that "'IT PAYS TO BUY AT HARRY ALLIN>S"... When you shop at this store you know the proprietor whose interests are centred right i the town-your own community. He's one of the citizens everybody knows-born and brought up here. You may, therefore, buy with confidence and assuruance as others do who have been put- ronizing this popular grocery store for oveî' 25 years. EVERY ITEM IS PARTICULAR GOOD VALUJE Tea, our owrn blend, we recommend at 59e IL Aylmer Pork & Beans, large tin .............20e Aylmer Pork & Beans, 2 medium tins ........25e Aylmer Soups, 3 assorted kinds ............28e Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter, reg. 25e for 20e California Fancy Spinach in tins, this season's crop, Regular 25e for ...........................22e Oranges, sweet and juicy, 2 dozen in basket 55e Oh Boy Hand Cleaner, 3 for ................25e Fresh Shipment Edwardsburg Corn Syrup-good cooks should read their advt on another page. Fiah Headquarters Plants and Cut Flowers Reasonable credit given Vo regular customers. Goods delivered without extra cost IiARRY ALUIN, Orocer PHONE 186 aoWMn "VILLE rfrà_TUECUT 0F YOURt CLOTHES THÂT COUNT Clothohave the Snal-Pa.seSho.I- der, aasuring a Wv. wfth Socfity Brand. The Double BreastedYVest and Plaited Trousers One of the very newest styles for irn is the. double breasted veut and pa~it trousers. There's nothing amarter... If they're correctly cut. Those by Society Brand are. Absolutely different. .. but in Fi t emely good taste. A welcome relief from the monotony of the usual style. Shown in specially selected fabrics. T. B. Gilchrist Phone 61 SOLE AGENT Bowmanville FIRST SHOWING N ew Spring Coats and Dresses CMaà~rqenicu ln towmanvmle Phone 161, Bowmanviile S. NeLýori's Where you are never urg.d te Iuy. One l)oor West of F. F. Morris Co. e »--.a j

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