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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1929, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL.E, TRURBDAY, MARCH 7th., 1929 Try this flavoury blend when next you order tea New Year has breught yenf resh healtit and atrengtli. Your editor taîks I enjoy reading se ntucb. One in particular 1 have clipped for t urtben reference, teacit- ing in the nmedern ec.hoels, the- honme nigitt lessons and far-fetcfned sibjects. I quite agnee with Ye in ail this and wish semetbing could i be d-one in te educalional wonld Vol remedy these wrongs.i Younr ealtit Talks, tee, are veryi interesting, and several hints regard- ing the potato, aggs and other t'nings are new o me. I have roade notes of themn most especially did I enjoy your grandson's latter wbicb he wrote on h is travels thniougb the United States and Canada. The sehedule, clerver equipment,an management of so I rany boys was ail very fine. l! mru.st have been sa'vendertul tnp. jand weli wonth w;.riting as an. ril in a Geographical Magazine, espe- Icially if be had photos- to illustratel One more item I must mention tue- 1 fore I dnop The Statesanan-there j bas appeared aeam4y every week, and once three in ene copy, poemis hY Laura Bedeil. Soetefeth"m nare lovely, and I bave inede many clip- Vings of thent. 1 am quite ciirious1 te knowwbo Laura may ie, jas ! have neyer seen hier wnittiiajs in others paipers. I wij;h i couid write poetry like she does. Mr. John G. EIiott, 94 Botrnie St., Kingston, wvries: Dear Mr. James -1 nead wiitb pleasune in Thie Ne'w Outlook of you being warmly con- gratulated on yottr eighty-fir.ct birth- day, nentembrances conting frein roany distant friands and relatives- slOw me ta offer MY congratulations. 1 ain sure that you are in splendid bealth when you couid ait do'wn Vo a fowl dinner and net hliefDundered as a result et lt. I aro aiso glsd Vo kcnow that yen are stili aibie te g'ive sage advice through the coluimas of The Statesman. Mmr. Wm. C. White, Daningford, Man: Dean Sirm-The Statesman cornes as a welcon' ilsitor ta Our home each week. We wsh te be ktndly remnbared ta te Senior !iditor, a friend et my father, in te days cf long ea. - We have bad a very ccitt Janus.ry and February go tar bas been coid, lovely bniglt dlean sunahine, but V*i7 frostY. No one need endure the sgonY Of corna with Hoih>waY'a Corn Rernove et bard Vo reoe. *uM. T LA 'VFrgsl §rom the. gardenal OBITUARY APPLE GROWERS' CONVENTIONj FALL FAIRS LOSE GRANTS r Mr*. G. L. McLa;ughlin, Cobourg IDu4iat and Northumberland Aàso-.Supenîntendent J. Lockie Wilson _______ciation Wil Meet Marcb 8th at Port Condemna Pyactices Allowing A sad death took place on Wed- 1 Hope.I Gambling. nesday wafternoon, February 271 whenMrs Mcaughlin ,wife of Mr. The annual convention of Durhamt A h eetcovnino h G. L. MeLaughlin, Cobourg, for the and Northumberland Apple Growers' menibers of the Ontario Association past 16 ycars Governor of the Cou-i- Association will be held at Town of Fal Fairs and Exhibilions held ty Jaýl,' assed away, aged 71 years. Hall, l'on Hope, Friday, March 8th.,irecently the associates were address- Mrs. McLaughlin fraetured her arin comntencirig at 10 a. mn. At 12.15 ed by Superintendent Lockie Wilson last Novenber and had flot been in the Apple Growera' Banquet will be in soarewhat pointed ternis. He good health since. For the last few held in the United Church. The Pro- disparaged the course which had days bier. condition fwas knawn to be gram:- been folluwed iy nany operating very serious, fit'h op a n 10 a. i.-Orchard improventent fall fairs where they have allowed tertained hy ber niany friends, that conference. gam[ling devices and indecent side- a change for the better inight corne, 1. "4The meat troubiesonte erchard shows lio operate, afier being warned and ber Ilife be longer spared. disease of Laàt yeaT," Prof. J. E. against such a practice fby the de- Mrs. McLaughlin was a lady w-ho Howitt. partnent of agriculture, as a result was justly held in very high regard 2. <a> "«The main insect pesta of of which he declared that several thii by a wide circle of f riends here and the district." (b> "Suggestions for year would forfeit their 1929 legis- also at lier forimer home in Durhamt imprmeeent of the Fruit Growing lative grant. County. She ýposeeaed a gracious in the District," Prof. L. Caesar. personality and those graces of char- 12.15 p. n.-ApPle Growers' Ban- "It is ntigbty poor policy ta sel] acter that mnade bier well beloved. quet et the United Cburcb. 1 tbe rigbt ta garablers to steal the Mrs. Mcbaughlin, before ber ma- Speakers- Dr. J. ilB. Reynolds, Por oney of your patrons", Mr. Wilson niage was Mary Beatty, and she wasl Hope; H. T. Foster, Burlington. 1 tated. born in Gavan Township and former- 2 p. x.-"'A cultural prograro for M.Wlo edtefloiglt ly resided in Cartwright Towrnship 1the apple orchard," E. F. Palmer, tr.sWilont o rednt olang ceV- where her huaband held the position B. S. A., Direc-bor of Horticulture, tr etott rsdnsadsce of Reeve for several vears. Experîmental Station, Vineland. taries of the associations: She is survived by lier husband "Observations en Export Mar- "The oficens of -the society shall and by ýtwo daughters, Mms. Taylori kets," W. B. Sonmerset, Representa- 1 revenit all inim4>ral or indecent of Edmonton, and Mms. Corbett of te MOnaroet. GowmOT h shows and ail kinds of garnbling andi Cobourg, with whont very deep s3rm rias aret gaines -of chance, including path is eLt. Mrs.M ýln is General discussion led by P. W.ilsýfoendcgae, oll path la elt Mrs ~Mcaughi s owitt, îollowed by discussion of bes-ffxtne iegnts ol. survived aiso by tïwo brotbems,1 coin tables. draw lotteries or other il-~ George and John Beatty, Emniets- prînted questions. legal gaines at the -place of holding burg Iow; an by wo sster, Mm The oficers of the association are: hbto tfim fwti 0 BulIa;a b yiffalo, and rs Mthie'pat Preident-J. G. Waite, Col- tlhe exhbtoofaisofwhn30 Bulnaof 11ifflo an 'rs.Mahi- borne, Ont., R. R. 3. Preident- yards thereof, and aay association son of Adamis Basin near Rochester. E. 1 m ot oe Vc'or socie ty perêiitting such illegal Deceased's daughter, Mrs. Taylor is PeietW .Hr Cbu proceedi7Ws shall forfeit al daim expe'cted here to attend the funexal,'Peretaden-W. Ea.-arte, rg i. Vo any legisiative grant during the' whieh will be held on Monday. OnSeretar Treat-Waler H.Smith Sunday evening -a service will tue heldIBrighton.yerntesug" at the residence, and interment wil Directe rs :W. H. Gibson, Nw- me endency to emiphasize te ne-1 take place on Monday at St. John's castle; D. J. Gibson, ýBw-nnville;l creational, rathen Vissa the educa- Cemetery, 3lack5tock. R. K. Squsair, tBowmanville; W.* F." tional features of the faîl fair, 'was Rickard, Newcs*le; J. G. Fitîlayrl, a bado'ne, Mr. Wilson state~d fur- Lula Mable Alm, Clarke Coborne; H. Sirett, BTighton; R. H. ther: I-n ovig memoy ofLul Itble Crews, Trentont. fam'ilneoub, o- In lvin meoryof ulaMabelChairman of Çommittee on Res' -I OTfiswln obcn Allin, youngest daughter of Mms. AI- luttons-f- J. Gibson. Bowroanville. 1 tînue and rigimtly se te (have sports linandthelat ThmasAlli ad amusements cf minous kinda", Clarke. 1NTEEITRSMI he said, "îbut you vtill agree that this The funerai took place fron thVIe INTH _______MAL vuluable adjunet should have its limi- reidne f e boVe-in-la-, Mr.1 tations. 1 Sm of opinion thalt there resdene o br bothrI An "Intereted States.a Reade"! ta no roo for a circus and an agri- homa d lo Ma tteded writing freint BritiaffiColunmbia ne- cutural so'ciety's fair on he saine ary 18th, and wa a ngey atnd . cently writes: We have had a re- day and on the saine grounds. Yen, by maay fiends and neighiboms, also markalbly mild winter, and te be- deubtlesa, get a big price foer your fniends froin Toronto, Pickerng,. Whiiby Osaw, Bw~nnviea ginning ef Januury buda were burst- concessions ta the shewnten, but are Sohina. T Ohawa.Bewan wee ng roses were in bloomo, and thelthere net other things than dollars and ertSams, illStaletn, il-bulba howing. Then almost with-1te be uonsidered in this vital gaie tan .Bro'wn, Clarence Mitchell a douit wArning came winter in earnest.1 htweaep)yg? Roy MeKay. ~~~The second week of Janusany the iy-oscee hdufrd She is survived by lher mother, sVoitw, e do et ike k t alI.ing eisbs o'wing to bad weather conditions, two, sisters, 'Mre. Fred Couch and to tbwi ong ridiy, t for . thie hesaid, but 1928 bd been a fairly Mms. Norman Sentis, and oqçý brother firsthw weeks iV wasbiVVerythe succesul yer. Exceptionaily good and sister-in-la'w, Mr. and Mm. Les-1 witiàn ard frostis and wind& and faie, d esen alld i therugsngOn lie Aluin. , drifts. Ugh! 1 den't like snoiw. tre seilya aulaig The floral offeinga were beauti- Naturaliy I h-ave n«t been ablle ta gol The priminence given by ntany fulths niily, Sunday Seherllout, but amused myself shovefling 1country fair Boards te feature at-I Uneihard a nd erto Wa1trsA a for exercise and to break the tractions was deplored by the Presi- MneR. cr and M lme Walters, menotony. We are glad ta see the dent, J. A. MacLéean of Rodney, Annis and fantily, Mr. Harold Allia, rngasaaiad the breonof nt Mr. and Mms. Clarence Mitchell,' Lad-it rad-On the day of (the fair the ape- ies' Association, Newcastle. She 0f course yen are used o aTiow, cia] attractions that 'bulk se large in rwill be sadly rissed by ail. and in Ontario I think the houss are many of our fairs ne'ver sho'uld con- Loving was lher heart and true, bujît différent. Here it is very cold. flict with tlhe judging of livetok, Pure her lit e, ber thoughts sincere, We read 91 great distres ecause of the grain or the other really rvialueb1le And ne unkind word frein ber abnorntal celd winter in Europe. features of the fair", the Iresident Even caused a falling tear. Seen t ange te know ot shortage I tated. "It is discouraging ta te By long months of suffering, oftfula and feod when we are sur- genuinely ceuntry-minded ta see ai Berne with caînt and patient gruce rounded with trees and plenty of 1 dezen f olk watching the placing et Perfect was she runde at lest food. We have ntuch te ha thankful fine dairy cattie, wiile alet inte To fil a igiherplee for have we flot in Canada? time spectabons* stand tan ro.w deep ________wetching a horse-dhoe pitehing con- CARD OF THANKS -Mm. W. C. Clarke, Sidney, B. C., test. Sucb a spectacle is the resuît _______under date of February l9th, apol-flet poor errangentent." Mms. Thomnas Allinanad family ogizes for delay in writîng, ewing to _____ wish Vo t'henk their friende and pressure cf honte duties, and thein neighbours fer their kindneas and writes:- Don't alve it for granted you.are sympathy duning thein sad bereave- Ryimt I must congratulate you an dolng te right tbing in1zteriht mient. youn gsit birthday, Jaauary 14, and way. Searcit; inveatigate; quesion - - I incerely wish you naany happy ne- find -out the ntetb<uds of others and As a vermifuge an effective pre- turn. I thiuk you are wenderful compare thent with yeur own. paration la Moithen Graves' Worm te keep up your writing, 1 only hopel Exterminaton, and it can be given 1 may be as cdean headed and able, ta te root delicate child rwitbou±te do 50 should God spare nte te se fear of ijuny Vo te constitution. great an age. I do hope your old N ot Spasmodic Bargains BUT Every Day Values in D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Domestie Coke for stoves and furnaces. Blue Grass Cannel-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless) for general use. Hard and Soit Wood-sawed and split also Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Birch B. C. Fir Flooring, Ceiling & Trixn B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-ali grades Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pinie Joists, Studding, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent and Lime. Quotations cheerfully given upon application. Your inquiries solicited. McCIellan & Co., Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phonos 228, 274,218 Kig St E. Bowmanvffll piyu..Uu voet cueater on&umu wMUu oMer cars lu Una price ra.ge Ktw.e s AMD UIPWARDS iW. 0.la.wmNDO, ONT. New Plymmouth - Chrysier Motoe' car ithé lawetpriccd field--coni. to you at substantiully l@wer prioes- with qualit,' unchanged. No other car in ira cdans gives Plymeud's inmbu- Cnt econoiy-no other car nt anywhe m ent ira price offers Plymouth'& fuiliaize, it. marked safery of control due to wetheroof hydreulic fou r-wheel brakte, and its characteric Chrysie power, p-ed sud picksup. 171 To u he. .nw Plymouh in to pronounS. k beautifuil beyond ny car with wbich it may b. ompared. To ride in k ta recognize quickly why Plymouth is eveywbere conceded tody'. "turet value in the loweur-priced fi"~ Coupe, $820-, Roadater (khrublsot), $M,0;2- Doer Sedan, $860; Touring, $870; De Luxe Coupe (vôth rmublu smat), $870; 4-Door Sedan, $M9. dU priusf..b. Wàund.r Ontariw, .ucludiug seeurdb..- m'ry .qapwa.ut (feght a;Ut..w eh). qqlvmlrr 9 CHRYSLBR MOTORS PIODUCT WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733. Newcastle, Ontaaio Twelve Ounces of' Energy SHREaDDED FORGET THE "'BLUES" 1l we LEA'RN 'W G JIdItEnîtnue n~Auto ery r Welicing and Plaateriug. aise yiurBactffotS.tL<I2d! Barberint and Ladies' Hair. POLTY Earn $6to $10 Per Day REGULAIOR Expert Instructors. Practi cal NOW for bWr PaY and a br g t future rite or .11 for ' nl',e f-,Pr POUl W DIpecialOffer and Free Book&. Prai ÇodCorpa:g fCtiQ~.bWIvd DOMINION 'TRADE SCiOOIS 328 .H.A.,~7t~' O~ f188 ing Street West, 7laronto --Children thnive otsefhynt. Bc builds up firmn flesh and muscle, and laye the foundation of a souad constitution. OXOiecomb- centrated Beef at its Beet. Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. Aut9 A wrist pin knock is a danger signal al toc, often neglected-your motor caým be wrecked by aloose pin. If you are travelling fast at the time, you will be lucky if you do flot ram an approaching car or one parked by the road, or hurtie into a crowd. Propoely adjusted wrist pins break et times, and inake trouble. lueur- .,oc& will make good ycour b.., botk for damage to your car sud ta the persu o r Propety of otLac. if in- woived ina aMixup. Get automobile insurance here coverin fre, theft, collision, liability and proper- ty damage. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmalville f How Many1Mlonaires Can You Name? There are 252 millionaires in Canada today, but flot one of them is a tele- phone millionaire. In forty-eight years of growth the Bell Telephone Company has neyer ex- ploited the public nor has it itself been exploited. Its shareholders have neyer received over eight per cent in dividends and its subscribers today have the lowest rates in the world for comparable service. The Bell Tlphone Company ta own.d by 15,300 shareholders and no bditdual ha. as much as on@ quarter of one per cent of the total &haro&. COMPANY 0F CANADA THE BELL TELEPHONE Mh4and

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