THE CAJNADIAN STATE.SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14th., 1929 Fie Ofîc " .:r'.:n".e 'bJics.M--(oncl ptbl p>a e sm- in tht- church e~eve nli. i jW-J.Bryvatht- ,'ader o! thý- patheticaily and succinctly presented JmsLigo lretwsi Goodyer wel ~ ,-t-î.:tr 'thic Ms~-î-Kathleeon Thurs-' froni tht- pulpit hy the pastor on Jae Lan o!Caketnsp __________________1 n<l .udre- ' u î,, d'-'- ~vISunday, Februax-y 17. It brings the* a les g25h t b o! putro en Mon- R. Je R O V / . Il.piano ,iuoî-. Tht-e 'iiunity jtotal amnount contrihuted u t.odangbt eievd wth avetruek. tak- A I'~IIII('L~' .sIn gig was led by Nr. 1.,'gan. The'1 $1628.00. It ii understood that e ytivswt rc. M- * LJ1LdIiI~A~ j ac cmpanists .vere MissLtta L.1Ithest- recent pecial subscxiptionft in Wi. Fro !tesnetwsi poieteBwnn &mngad Division Sté.. ;Bragg and Mrs. Harry Smith. way affects this year's glvin. reports the loss r e etly o! sevexa Kingrai ?wec noyed after the proe- 1 whicb are coming in tbx-ough the en- bead o! cattWe on. tes Rehets were enerved. velopes i the regular way. Cream iof Barley makes you fit. i CONGREGATIONAL MEETING 0F ELDAD CHURCH, h v ~ eInd e d i master pAil De- n_____i ____Conitio The congregation of Eldad United THURSDAY, MARCH l4th., 1929( Church held a very successful Con- F oot eaim gregational meeting on Tuesday ____evening, Maroh 5th, with the Pastor, NEWCASTLE NEW CHOPPING MILL AT NEW-t NEWCASTLE W. M. S. Weêmei's Shoes, in .Brown, After a short worship period Mr. Mr. Kenneth Pearce was out T Regular meeting of W. M. S. ofY Blonde. Grey Kid, priced from Bick gave a brief sketch of the pas4froni Port Perry on Monday eveningl Citizens Gathered at Wmi. Buekloy's Newcastle United Church took place chang I vot $.0 ear's work, and of the standn atnding Miss EN'ely-n Rickard's ill o ites StrtofNe in the S. S. Rooum, Thursday, March $50t 90 the church. Eldad Church seves- ira y Party. i 'th, and despite the roaring March everyl _____58 families of 239 persons. Five Mr. John Baker, Solina. aaid Mr.l Induitry. blizzard we had a splendid attend- giveo families have inove<l away durrng Arthur Baker, Oshawa, called ati ance. Women's Black Patent Punips and the year, and seven were lost by Messrs. W. H. Pearce's, H. R. Pear-I Mr. Win. N. Suckley's new chop- Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers presided and Striea. ini cuban and louis heels death. Twenty-twN, were added to ce's and W. J. S. Rickard's on Sun- pn ilo Baldwin St., Newcastle, devotional exercises were conductedV front 4(( o$. church miembershi'p during the year, day. was pu.blicly, officially, formally and by Mrs. F. Rickard. After trans- t gveg ceremoniously opened for busins action of business the following pro-1 $.0o$50 making a total membership of 109. The many acquaintances of Mr. on Wednesday afternoon, March 6, gram was given: Mission Study tak-F The total moneys raised for ail pur- Loftus Buckley will be sorry to learn A. D., 1929. The opening marked en up by Mrs. J. C. Hancock; vocal poses durîng the year were $4243.00. that be had his left hand, severely the establishment of a new industry solo, Miss H. Mason; after wvhich c Mr. A. L. Pascoe,' treasurer of crushed in an accident at the Good- in the village and was therefore anu etn a ie oe otesek Mens xfqdsinBllckan Ta Curc Bar an asoof unayyear Filant, Boxvmanville, last week. event of considrable historical im er of the day, Mrs. Thomson, Pres- Cal, wide and medium toe, IShool gave report. Report O j Mrs. Asa Broad and Miss Hattie portance. byterial Secretary of Christian Stew-F $450 to $850 year $917.87, while receipts of Sun-; end here visiting their aunt's, Mrs. S he mill wasrd tattailrshp an ireadine Shol wse$for6. ogrindingiter Ms.Mrs.e miThomsilinonainprove<l tog Ms.Thmsbepova t cap-ap dayScholwer $70.1.Jos, hei sste, rs. Mekle ad that the first load of grain able and engaging speaker and one Mr. Harvey Hardy, treasurer for Clark, and their cousin, Mrs A. Cow-1 would be put through on this particu- and al] feit that it was worth bravingF Boys' b)xfords in Black and Building fund, reported total cost of1 an. lar afternroon, a large number of the wild storm to hear hier. Mrs. Browt 'nannisht last building improvement-s $3443.14, ofl Mrs. Boadford Kay, New York, ar-1 citizens and several farmers gather- F. Rickard wvas appointed Temper- which congregation had already rais-'rived on Saturday and will rernain ed at the buliding to witness the in- ance Secrertary. $300 to $4.50 ed $2486.19. i with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. auguration of the service. Owing to unavoidable circum- Mr. Alan McKessock, Superintend-l Eilbeck, for a few. weeks. Mr. G. Some one suggested that the oc- stances our next meeting (Easter ent of Sunday Schod.1, reported on1 Murray Eilbeck, Port Coiborne, spent casion was worthy of some public re- Thank-Offering) will be held Thurs- the work of the loyal officers and 1 the weekend at his home here. I cognition, and the crowd hecoming day, March 28th, instead of in April. techrsconetd it te cho. A Conceft will bie given in the enthused with the ides, called upon ciialormmbr n red The total enrolment of the sch OOl\vas 1Community Hl n Wdedy r o.Cusnt c scarai kindly remexnber this date. Phne12 ow anile 123 of whom 102 were present ast pril 1lOth, at 8.15 p. m. by Mr. Rob-, though hie had soniething different Phong Poe10 B w avle Sunday. Cradie Roll showed a ert W Walton, baritone solo0ist. front a chair to stand upon. In aOBT Y membership of 15 and Homne Depart-A itng artists-Miss Ethel Clowes, fine speech in which he seemed to ________ _____________________ -ment a membership o! 20. violinist, and Miss Elsie Bush-King, excel ail bis former efforts as an 'm- O~IeHnyCraBwavle - reietHloTnkoheaf<freader. Admission 35e and 50c.i promptu orator, '.%r. Coulson, exOelHnr uaBomnie the League reported that their playý Mr. slaeHleLk hrrev ftevlae add M. It la with regret we announceth "W'rat Doth It Profit" had netted had the imisfortune to fracture an Buckley's public spirited ideals, his death of Mr. Orville Curran, who over $200, while their Forward Move- lankle while engaged in handling al foresight, his industry and his tea- passed away at Bowmanville Hospital q 1,7 '~ iA ment had brought in $55. The Wvagon box Saturday afternoon. Hie city o! purpo-e. at 3 a. ni. on Saturday mnorning. it egn hastan saveraie attenancele Hospîtail M.Fak Aun xree of iwas a great shock to his many Laue bsa vrg tedancel M Fnank llinne-reee f riend.s and reltvsa ewsi i of 40 regular members, ail active and' wheree was ae at once for X- Clarke, and Mr. Thos. Moffatt, lt ja lewsi i 1 loyal. ~~~~~ray examination and trea tment. speaking as citizens of the village, sahel oWdnsylstad HerertTiloyal. . rof r. nd rs. Se-ward Dowson, Town also commended Mr. Buckley, for at his emtployment. Hie xas take-nH Herbrt inkptrasuer Ms- . ad ad ecame un onciu-sand remin-, ionry ad Minteanc Fun, r-l Line, entertained the cast of "Un-i the enterprise he had shown in es-,udnl I n hrdymrig W aniMiteaceFn, panaepv ucniiu adrean ported congregational givings o! tangling Tony" at their home last tablishing a new industry in the vil-edoutithenm igisben $ ;)11. Wednesday evening. The No. 9 lage and congratulated him on the casoustle fbind, eh. isbe dramnatists are presenting this fas- succeso! bis undertaking. The the fuer to k pl d acefrm Mr. S. C. Shortridge, treasureciTefnrltokpaefo i oýf emeeryBoad, epotedon orkcinating play this week in Oeshaw,,a at mill. would prove to ne quite an as- mother's residence on Sunday after- Large stock to choose ofedydne h Cemetery Boardn rk the North Oshawa United Church,! set to the villaze and its presence noon, the service being conducted by alredy dne. he emetry BardRev. A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D., Past-1 would give peutopoeina froni ail 1929 patterns, arentendaforngte praman endow- je or. j mercantile business in general. The Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector of St. John's mftentrfundsorrthe permanentnupk. D.MS. p.,, assemblage vigorously applauded Church. veo! h e goundsdFred BatsmandD.D.nS. these well expressed sentiments and There was a large gathering of very prtty desgns an Lodge Wellington, Bowmanville,incovio. frîends and relatives to bid farewell Miss Edna Reynolds, secretary o! company with a number of other' ovctos to one who was regpecied by one and cotorings, suitable for anyI Aduit Bible Class, reported an enrol !lodge hrethren. visited Newcastle1 Following this ceremony, Mr. Wil- ail who knew hiin. ment o! 29 with an attendance lastI Thursday evening and installed the fred Banting, expert engineer, start- Thpa-beerwrehsfin, room. lSunday of 27, besides visitors. officers of Lodge Newcastle. Mr. R.1 ed up the engine, anid Master George Messrs. H. Hobbs, W. Clark, A.ey çW. Holimes, Bowmanville, who offic- Buckley, w-ho had come home from mor,..olnsnShefoey- NOT HOW CHEAP- Th.eoto the MisoaYD- iated as Grand Guide, will represent school a little earlier than usual, bearers were the Mesrs. Clark, partment was give n by Mrs. S. E. 1W ellingeton Lodge at the urm pulled the clutch lever that set the Sid Tonilinson, C. Tomlinson, Ern- How good for the price. Werry, cinvener o. Mssiorary Comn- !Grand Lodge meeting in Vancouveri grinder and elevators in motion,. s wel n .Hbs n acmitteeo!.wJ.h enotherandmersE next August. Mr. Geo. Lumsden, South Clarke, The cortege was followed by a U d W1iII be pieased to show RarlMrs. A . eyod isi-anc rprE. A number o! villagers held a tree !hba.s the honor of being the first long procession o! cars which showed have gr.aylor.prA gcd missîn arndthe cutting bee for Mr. W. H. Hockin oni farmqr to have his grain ground in the respect held for the deceased. ~you. otudy c o h e premises o! Mr. T. W. Jackson the new mill. tI had been deliver- fie was the second son o! -the late offerings o the Sna colso last Tuesday week, Mr. Jackson ed two or three weeks bfore and SO Charles Curran and Mrs. Mary Cur- increased interest in the cause. kindly giving the trees in considera- had precedence over ail other lots. ran o! Division St., Bowmianville, and One of the livest reports o! the tion o! Mr. Hockin's long iliness. Charlie Glenney came second, then was in bis l9th year, just having meeting was that given by Miss Ruby1 On Thursday o! this week villagers Eric, Pearce and other fax-mers in passed his 18th birthday on February N 1 T A L EDewell, of the activitis .-f the %'G. and farmers hl a bee, cutting treesl regullarsulcceson 8h at W .T L E .. Udrteladrhpo r.i r er das-odlti h h il snwi prto vrlCARD 0F THANKS John Baker they are certainly living 3rd concession o! Clarke, and haul-' day and is proving a real boon to "Bit 20", Bookstore uip to their inotto: Cherish healt.h, ing them to Mr. Hockin's home, this far-mers from a wide territory round Mrs. Charles Curran and family, seek truth, know God, serve others. eommun1nilty service being mnade pos- about. It has an estimated caps- Division St., wish to express their The girls this year made s beautiful sible by the thoughtfulness and kind- city o! 50 bags an hour and in act- heartfelt thanks for the deep sym- autograph quilt which was s'>ld re- ness o! Mr. Adamns. ual perfoitnan-ce has already proved pathy and numerous floral tributes Ph cently at a box social. Froîn their A very enjoyable birthday partv eqEual to this. extended to the=i in their sad ber- Po funds they have purchased new was beld on Monday evening at the The building itself -which is 30 eavement in the death o! lier belov- àRNZ hymn books for use o! Sunday home o! Reeve W. F. Rickard, in hion- feet wide by 40 long 4nd 3 îstoreys ed son Orville. School, sent aid to the Welsh Miners, or o! Miss Evelyn Rickard. The jhigb.presents a neat and rather strik- and provîded Christmas cheer for paxty was arranged as a surprise, and Iing appearance, being roofed with the needy ones. from that viewpoint ,as well as ail' coxrugated iron and covered on ail otihers, was a great success. The ides !ro'm the grouind up with large, Eye (IlasS Mr. Tom Westlake reported on the evening was pleasantly spent with smooth sheets of the sanie bright. ectivities o! h on e and the gantes and contests and various other: metal. Youiig Ladies; Mr. E. R. Taylor for1 fox-ms o! amusement, and a deli- The first sod was turned on Sept. Serviceer for the Home Department; and I biscuits, ice cream and coffee, pr- George Buckley, only son of the pro-I1 Mrs. H. E. Tink for the Cradle Roll; vided by the guests, and sex-ved in preoad Master To.m Walker, - allreort sowng oo prgrss abndncewa geatly noyed. r I ono Mrs. Jas. Wade. Froni We recognice our responsibil- Afe'i eot a enrci- Among the fax-mers fromt New- that date the excavating, the layngî ity ix caring for the eyesight cd, ers.i Jeorhn ak e nd Re j castle and neîghborhood who attend- of the concrete, the erection of the L ts p ig Sye o! our p~ieuts.McKessock were elected membors to ed the Northumberland and Durham building and the instlainoth thf Quurtrly oar. The follow- Apple Growers' Convention at Port machinery has steadily proceeded. th Qarery oad.HpeFrda wre W H ibon SmeofMr I>ckeys hicfasis-W omefl's Footwear Our interest is therefore o! a ing were chosen as a Finance Con- JoeFiaywr:W.. isn omW!.- B'clysche sit concietios, yx~athtic nai- nittee-Messx-s. A. L. Pascoe, S.E. D. J. Gibson, W. H. B. Chaplin, R. ants in this work have beenJ.W oetneds syb the esir ait- Wcrry, B. G. Stevens, N. Yellow-,leesiK. Bragg, Otto Bragg, Wrightson Glenney, Henr-y Adamis, Charlie k s uire, gvre y tedsr o CSitElR-ayo 1.Hrd. ' Wighrt, W. J. S. Richard, W. F. Rick- Glenncy, Sam Brown, Geo. Mofratt, l W e are featuring this week leviate visitai defects. C.Sih .R alrH ad. ard, T. C. Bragg, W. J. Clemence, Matu. Aldread, Tom Lundy, Frank i new numbers for women in Pat Mir. A. L. Pascoe who bas beenI T. H. Cemence, S. C. Aluin, Geo. C.. Gbson, I'win Colwill, together with Iete rN-rw afi t Our tkorq»sgh, 3cientific exam- trea..orer for the 'Churcb Board for Wright, W. E. Beman, A. 0. Pre, uber of farmers and others who Lahro uBo nCl nSr- ination !oliowed by furnishing a quarter of a century, havirig re- A. A. ('olwill, Ir'win Colwill, H. R. helped at the three days' raising bec. Pumps or Oxfords, in high or eu' less lt r peie and ,igned, the Finance Conmittee ehos,' Pearce, Chas. Wight. Mr.-. Halfway,l The engine which furnishes the heels, lenss tht ar preis Mr. E. R. Taylor as Treasurer. Manager' for the Port Hope Orchard motive power is a 50 H. P. internai therefore give relief, offers the Co, whicb recently purchased and cobmbustion engine, manufactured i FEATURE PRICE $2.95 answer ai to why oux- patronage At the- close of the business ses- took possessiop o! Mr. and Mrs.1 by Marshalîs o! Gains*borough,' Eng- iconîtantly growing. sien a s -ciai time w-as enjoyed hY Frank Gibson's orchard and build- land, and sold by R. A. Lister Ce.' of isaIl. The programn consisted O ings. was present and took a keen in- Toronto. it uses crude obl for fuel. coimunity snging led by Mrys. J.! terest in the addres"es and discus- Mr. Wilfred Banting who i a flrst uh e Baker. wvith Maiter George W~erry at'siens. There was also a large re'p- cousin o! Dr. Banting o! insulinIK d is h e Jury & Lovell the piano,; ireading. Miss, Jessie YVel-I resentation o! appie men !rom BoN%--, fame, installed the engine adr- lowlee-<; instr-umental duet, Mrs. Bicki mativille and vicinity, among the' mained te supervisýe its operati,<n on: H nrd fdfeetm kso When We Test Eyes It la Donue adMssCmbh o aitn nunîher being Bowmanville's Mayor,ithe openineg day. 1r eiyreading, Mrs. Roy 1,angnîd; chorus,, Milton J. Elliott.1 The mill at present i, cquiPçted fr, dies shoes to choose frorn: Pr(LIT.; reading, Alan MîcKessock;j icave your order now for Easter: grinding only but Mr.Bcke - Phn 8male- chorus. S. E. Werry,.. J. Bal -iles1 tMllow's Drug Store. tends te put in a set o! rollers in the "Huributs" R .'R Vice. H. Tink: E. R. Tay- near future. 1r, E. Dear; eading. Mr. C'has. news bcld over from last week oni This is the first time in neariy 40 i "Bunny Foot" iShortridre; instrumental duet. Mrs. pgsl ca 1-ta Bick and Mis., aechpig rbl i oftecofns . "Jack anud Jlii Th. - mbl o! bout10 ~ Cre:vi of Barley nmakes you fit. the op ralthintheiocüne Mhý 'iti UJ ~ 1 -Il Putll .n, Mr Js.Smle:Ls te amon Mrc nghthehe ýý,tinn t"Little-Pal" 1%AdMO làlrf-'UT n Latest Spring Styles in Men's Footwear Special feature fo)h this week, a new la, ne of Men's Oxfords in Black or în Tan leather, FEATURE PRICE $3.45 one atent -m Men's Work Boots Feature f or this week is a 30% re- duction on Men'a Work Boots. We carry "Grebs" "Sissman" "Valentine Martin" 4'Hydro" anîd a vaî'iety of other makes. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Meîî's panco sole work boot in "a Hydro" make in mennonite grain leatheî', a work boot that selis regu- larly for' $4.25, THIS WEEK ONLY $2.95 in our Men's Department only, îy of lue, $1 .39 $1 .59 $1.89 Withi separate collaî' or attached, Regulaî' $2.50 lune, FEATURE PRICE $1.59 3 SHIRTS FOR $4.55 CORBETT'S OT + BUNS Fresh every Friday during Lent. HOMEMADE HUM BUGS 30e LB. DELICIOUS FUDGE Saturday Special in pound lots 29c LB. EASTER NOVELTIES oubtedly the largest and best assortment we eever shown........................ 5c to $1.00 CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD makes children strong and healthy. W. P. Corbett BowmanviIIeë one3 e ek1lyStore News kN'S SHOE STORE luse in theold McMurtry Block-Phone 528 KEEPING ABREAST )F THE TIMES M~odern retailing is undergoing constant ges and improvemnents. And we are doing thing to keep up in the van of progress to irnr customners the best at the least cost. .. vVe have also recently increased our stock to great variety. Here you will now find F'resh Cured and Cooked Meats Canned Vegetables Fresh Vegetabless Butter and Eggs Fish in Great Variety rea and Coffee Prompt Service and Free Delivery ~A. EDMONDSTONE kid- Lkes. ne 21 Baker and Confectioner Bownianville 1