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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1929, p. 8

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THE C ANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th., 1929 _____________ PAOB MORT 'TheN W ateIrdperd i __ IF 1 OWED YOU ____ ____THURSDAY, MARCH 28th., 1929 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLCHOIRTE RTAINED WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION 2 D L AR '1_HI__TRTIE Be sure to see the Easter Llies' Woman's Association of United and Cut Flowers at Mellow's Drug The niembers of Ne>wcastle United Church met at the Parsonage on For a year or more ana made fno Store. Church Choir when they emerged Thursday afternoon, March 14; the efr-to "settie up", you w udWatch for further particulars of from the Bible Class Rooni on Fni- ladies being received at the door by maeevr ffr o olette"A Prairie Rose" to be presented byl eean , hre e aie the w:lco ,ed W .inbyP. Rogran make everyeffort to ollect thethe Young People's Society. 'sumnined hl nhu ale hnwloe ihnýyMs oes me he ccsthed ou ofme two-spot whether it made m FFes gt o r maldehyde heacsmdhorfmeting for Mrs. Percy aepeiddadMs "mad" or not, wouldn't you? at Mellow's Drug Store, for treating gretedI by a niostprctice, werd W.nH.Cake Mrs. W..J.L . Rickard di h And you would not be anxioUS your seed grain and potatoes. tguing spectacle in the Sunday opening devotioflal exercises. MrsfH _ to eilmeanyhin m re nti iMr. Robt. Douglas ,Lake Shore 2Scool Room. The chairs had been Geo. Honey had charge of the tem- had arranged payment. Theii home of r. and MrsH. R Pre alerrayad n sp tes wit, w'¶h awkeflin lk onthgavee a evi suppose that in addition to me, The date of the drawing f or prizes, dainty Easter adornments, while of the sale and use of intoxicating for which tickets have been sold, un- fromn the .kitchen there emanated od- liquors. Other nun-èbers on the pro- Smith and Jones, and Bellamny, der the auspices of St. John's R. C., ours of a distinctly a.ppealing nature. gram were a solo by Mrs. Frank and Whois owed you each $2. Church, has been changed from Aprili The kitchen door rernained closed for Branton; readings by Miss 0. War- at maes is to Aril 1-th.the timte, however, and the choir, to- ren and recitation 'by Miss MargaretFR r Howard, m dbttht gether with its 'other halves" and Toms. The association adopted the P~L Rev. and Mrs. ScottHoad Miss friends who had assemnbled on re- report of the Parsonage Committee, T houl< $10.00 comîing to you, and nlo Salome Howard and Miss -Beatrix quest, proceedcd to enjoy themselves given by Mrs. W. P. Rickard, Con- one paying, each one of your Mcýntosh are expected home nexd under the direction of the conimittee vener and Secretary-Treasurer. The to travel debtors saying: "WThy it's only ýweek froni their West Indies' and of hostesses-the wives of chloir Icommittee, accompanied by 'Mrs. Rog- at thîs ei 2.0 htsth ur? btSouth Aierican tour. leader W. J. S. Rickard and Presi- ers, had been to Torono and had whnou C o . . St Trsd1ay ., He was dent W. H. Gooke, and the organist, selected wall paper for thre om whnthe $2.00 is multiplied 5 o sE. E. lsniTuder, He* w' Mrs. L. M. Fisher, assisted by Mes- of the parsongae. Lunch was serv- times it's $10, and when it's mul- very pleased to find that music was da m an A.H.liace J. R. Fisher eW at close of ineetinz. the Bank tile ytosnsit's a ono houht the school.1 The ladies retired to the vestry f for your money". i to don arosof Irilîiantanvr-S igsP 1 r.adMsFrn isnadie hues, while the gentlemen drew SL FWSENHRSSm nai Subseribers to The Statesmail daughter, Helefl, leave Thursday te bows of like nature front a basket.1 AEO ETR IRF nnlt( nu brit h huad.Gibson leaves shortly for Calgary ron inatched the bow which he wore orAtnacThug Lack of T Eahrcie h ttsa hr iewl pn h uie. p e n his lape] and each couple Advertising Eahry eeive The Saesmainher.eChepbllspe lnthe num ber retired to a place at the tables. The sale of Western horses at theP33 T evexiyWeektehe paer, ink Mn. C anve C.WNl R.ngtton aiA number of very interesting con- adwrmn pwhi e nterestfsrwere cnutd ytehs- C. R. Lovekin's farm on Friday pre- inoi r aid orevh beenfo M. ery art he C. N ned t ests cnuced bf thape -sented a fine lot, hefty, sound and into ît ae pal evry week.to Trenton on learning of the fatal1 esses. Th wierofa <Ul of a very desirable farm type. They Th sbsritinsco edue but illness of Mrs. Williaims, his mother-iguessing contest were tied-Bea trice might have brough gerpis f in-law. Brae' and RvW. . r gersnd who the sale had been better advertis- Bowmanvil once a year-Just $2.00-multi- SlyadRv .P oes h d nfc twshrl detsd14 plid b thusads*Mr. and Mrs. J. S. .kmes, Bow- with *Mrs. Rogers xvas included' at aIl. The attendance in conse- plie by housnds.manville, and Major and Mrs. H. W. arnong the guests. The prize, a qenewa ery small, hardly a real This is jat to remnd YOU jfDudley, motored to Trenton on Sun- prettiîy decorated basket of apples,'boer e sen oreeyiosof Thsi us ormidY U i day and attended the funeral i>f the was presented tu the four. A Musi- uepeedOwn r e horse as Wni sbcito spast du o it iate Mrs. Williams, mother of Mns cal terni contest was won by Rev. W ued over, of Camise croft This SPRING FLOWEI i du toPercy Hare. P. Rogers and Minnie Selby. lot sdoner of the crolasThi Thank .YOUilan te ecio Everyone present was asked to purchased in the West and ýbroughtl List of Prize Winners f FreanP.O'ei ad hesetn d raw a -picture of a ten cent piece, down here for sale. Among local Horticultural men of the C. N. R. were called ot either side desired, a prize of loc fanmera making purchases were W. um olito _________________________________________ISunday evening to attend a washouti being given to each of the two bet, P. Rickard and George Honey, who unayolitf ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH east of the station. Ihey had toý one for each side. The lucky il- each bought a black mare in foal; and awards. First work alI night and on Monday the j lustrators were Robt. W. Walton ,of P. LeGresley and Leslie Anderson name denotes numbei St. Pau's Junior Missionary Soc- United Church, Rev. W. P. Rog- Bowmanville section gang came to Walton's popular grocery store, andl who got a teani. Nonrman Down won; second figure, iety had a quilting bee Monday af- ens, Pastor. Sunday, March 31st., their assistance. i Minnie E. Pearce, special feature who i, ever on the look out for gooi third figure, 3rd priz ternon whe two uiltawere uilt- Eastr Suday. l a~ .-Mor-~ St Geore's CurchRev.E.hReriterof th Canaian Satesmn hores ,aidatedhih est pice fr any Mrs. ator rown ed. After tea the regular meeting ing Worship and Reception Servi*ce.1 James, Rector, Sunday, March 31, Bowmanville, which, ail deiared animal n the sae, $162.50 for a E. C. Bonan-1O, 2, was held with Miss Ida Stephens,i 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. ni. Easter Sunday. 8 a .Hl simply went to prove where ail the heavy black gelding. Matchett-2, 3, 7; Fr President, in the chair. Mrs. (Rev.)1 -Easter sermon and special Easter 1 Communion. il a Mi.-Morningcahoetesdys Best took up a chaipter of the Study 1nmusic. Prayer. 2.30 p. m.-ýSunday Seh&ol. Acrostics on the word "Easter" book "In Great Waters" in a very dSpecialLne srie , ry 7ip.. m.-Evensong, special Easter were c(>ome ygouao or itrsigmneand Mrs. Albertal and epraie being held in the. S. music by the choir. Mh esm e My Tomgsan Emth Car- B'rown eomhasîzed the nierits of thel S. roonis at 8 o'clock e've ry evening RgMsae a osadEihCr "Missionary Mo)nthly." this week with the exception of Sat- Reular meeting of the Mission veth ,and Messrs. W. Howard Cooke The afternoon tea and ho ee urday. The choir la prnviding a Band was held at the honne of Mrs. and Harry R. Pearcýe. The commnit- bakiug sale at the home of MNs. C.! prograni of music in keeping with IL E. Hancock on Saturday, March tee, lîterally 9peaking, 'ýhurIed a AmthurC&wker, Lowe St., under aus-ý the devotional therne oi the services. l6th. Aften the usual devotional- brick" at themn for their displv of pices of St. Paul's W. A., on Satur-l AIl group meetings of the week are exercises and buisine ss session aiskilI along the uines of sentimental. day afternoon, was succesaful cnd1 ancelîed 50 that notl'ing Mnay stand, short .programn was given, consisting1 poetry, but the brick, being of ice pleasing ini every aspect. The con-' n the way of the mnembers of the of vocal solos, Evelyn Allun, Ruth. creani, was very cordially wloid tre table was very artistically and congregation attending these Passion Honey; recitation, Jean Richard; The winners of ail but one of these beautifully decorated with springi Week services nightly. 1piano solo, Gladys Pollard. contesta being at the large centre flowrsrâ3onsand andesinltable, needess to say, any admir- flcwer, î*os ad andesin Rev. W. P. Rogers, and Rev. Win. We welcome to our cominunity ing and envious eyes were turned in blending shades of pink and silver. Sterling of Oropo, are e'oehanging un Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jones. They that direction. Te mrs.J.L.Mrd e and lo5. Thob Wensa evening. have taken up residence in the formn- The kitchen door was thrown opentu ni Tod . . An exie.n ady fine po- er Mr. and Mrs. Firnk Gibsodn at last, and the choir and its guests i sonil gram~ was rendered duning the after- PRESENTATION AND FAREWELL hom, pwoned al hOntarioh the were regaled on dolicieus sandwich- noon, coasisting of vocal solos by '_______ joinnpery o hyTh Mr.ntanlO- ecakescfeadiecem Mixse e eaY l o le s ade n T M rs.and ex. Chas.iWile, and way is m anager. M r. Jones la in A vote of thank s was moved by M r I Reus. HMr. ngA nd MeClville a. Family. the employ of the comnpany here. Normnan AI-lin, seconded by Mr. W. I Mess. H J. nigt an Mevill S.D. Bragg, and conveyed to the con- Dale; pano solos by bina. (Dr.) J.! About 75 friends and neighbors of Mrs. Chas. Hancock has the deep- mittee who had conceived the brul- Clark Bleilland Yliss Gwen Willianms;1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, repres-f est sympathy of a wide circle off liant àdea of giving the choir a treat, nednsby M-'. Bell. ecop nt n pacicl1 te hoeiak the passing of lier esteerni-by Predent W. H. Cooke. Choir ~l ists were Mrs. C. H. Dudley and Mis's Shore School Section, gathered at! ed mother, Mrs. Robent Adair, who Master W. J. S. Ricicard ,also express- ~*I T~ Williama. Proceeds oven $50. thein home on Tuesday evening, had been a citizen of ovl lgfo ed te, the ladies his appne.ciation of -- oVV - Lar J March Sth, and tendered them i asolme years past. mr. auok their kindness and thoughtfulness. farewell and presentation. Greet- who has personally devoted herself, MRS. E. P. BRADT BEREAVED ings over, wraps laid aside and lunch1 to the cane of her mother during her At the conclusion -of this highly _______provisions stacked, Mn. Ro'bt. Mar- waning years and months, has gone diverting and enjoyable evening, alI Hemr FatLer Des From Effects of tin, in the capacity of chainnian, away for a needed fortnight's reat. joined in singing, 'Till we meet Fever Contracted in Cuba. called upon Mn. Robt. Douglas to Again" with Mrs. George Honey at give sonie explanation of the pres- The evening service on Sunday, the piano. On Monday, March 13th., here ence of se, many people. Mr. Doug- April 7th, will be in charge of thef pasad aay t LckhrtFloida las then read to the surprisedl coupe Young Men's Welcome lass of thee o o passd aay t Lckhat, lorda'United Church Sunday School- OBITUARYFo me Edward Gox, who was bo:n in Glan- this addness- Teacher, Mrns. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers. j fond township nean Hanilîton in Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wils3on :-We, The entire service will 'be conducted, Mr. Robert Adaioe, Newcastle N8. Y., ino91ead tapeng tchof ou friends and neighbors, havef by these young men, incîuding choir Latest Spring styles from INa isn1891ife nd or nea' thatplo.f *ttonmnbes Te pakrof the even-1 There passed to rest early Wed- hislaerlie n r nartht lae.gathered here to-nmgh to convey 'i ng will heev.kDr. .C oleto esday morning, March 20, Jane For the paet three on four veari lhe you the high esteeni in which you in wTh Wel. r.J.Coertlsnu, Micelwdw fte aenA spedig newiterinCaifnnare] held in this community. We 1 of Toronto. TeW e Cthsi RthMiell, a ir o B oftheilaeit en U LF h as pen « u h t m e i ra eII ig f we w e are expe ssprehe sitigesthea lsenti-e d an e.espeak R bea Alarge ffiatten dancineer 2at uRo ert.9 thningon winter n and M n x.<ments of one and ail hene present service. 87th yer Eanly thswitr-r-ndMs 'xDeceased was bonn in Whitby went te FI-nida and they had us when we say that we are sorny ta neturned froin autpota ua mhen I township on March 11, 1843. lewstknilwth b ouarygin ot fou nldt. . OVNGTIEPrevious to her marniage to Rob- A rack full of shoes in Patent or froqm which he neyer recovered. He caus als you hae thay eenoread y- Mr.Wni. Reid la moving froniC. ert Adair of Whitby township, she1 is survived by his wife, fornnerly candselln ouhaendwashbepnghad R. Lovekin's f an te Wn. Fanniow's taught school 'both in Ontario and in Straps, Hennietta Harris of Bartonville, and fthe United States. They lived ins wherever the opportunity presentedain,3dln.M..arwhl i Bowmanville for many years pnion the agtes r.G R rc fitslef. We shall also miss youn sale Tuesday and will be inoving ft hrhsan' eahi 91,as th.ree dauightensth Mrs. DG.iR.late yeaof Williaims of Boston, Mass., and M. We isyuevery success in oain Martin Farrow property. MrsS cial bas adee athomf198 E. P. Bradt of Btýv manvîlle. ne wplaceof be d o peta nI. and NMrs. Tho..Powell, n1 Proa-md hm hm wt The uneal as hld n 1Mnda ,yu npylae onde adthopenj t icii ihwyest1av lao ier daughter, Mna. J. C. Hancock, thefain acte hyMn Cas.Wiso Newcastle, where foi- anme tinse past tefamily cemetery at Tyneside. 1 b. I truth, w wish you, in the lfr aae ) r hs isn Mach18 fon Cleona Ot. t wrd o teold adage, Heailh, i - . dMs oh etnd fan- bencnie tohnoi Mn.andMn. Badtatendd he uo- Walt an P~spniy. ly ef ou comuîtYoon nday 1 Duting ail this tume she has been beaut .ifr wreath foniath .,staff xor yourfrhendbtta alMu hrmand . Jahn BnstafFriGirl theBes' ranin Shol, owan-fnend ae nt or. Peae a- - Sh _rviedby ou sstosShosoro Whitletoiri, the eldest daughton, an-iC(<mlîo Martin, MIiss Vera Powers lations ta Mn. and Mrs. James Brad- thein. rived frorn Belle Plains, Sask., on sn'l i.- ladys ('500.M',i.;;s Freda ley on attaining their golden period CR FTAK Sunday in tume for the funeral. Wil.sonnf the' Ornon Post Office and;in their lives. CR FTAK -- chol in Trerton and livos wlth her Women's Institute desire ta express iMn. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock and YOURt OPPORTUNITV unv14e anI sount. 'Mr. andl Mrs. Blake thein best wishes to Mrs. 'Bradley who family, Newcastle, wish te thank DratllK iI fi yu fr 50 a îsoptr Cawfond., were home for the event. was the first President when this their neighbors and friends for ex- Wee . jractlcal sr ti me' trainlag. Mn. andi Mns. Wilson and their organization was formed in IBw preissions of syiupathy in their ber- -. Free sur.n- vounger son Kenneth, are giving up manville in June in 1900 and whchevmn, Ieornay in n- seor oon ite CommerQcnl St Weetarmn nd intend ta niove ta Tor- celebnated its silver anniverury in memboances during Mm. Adair's long Toronio. 13à iohtt next week. June 1926,5.nw ~1 rhe Road to the Banik [d be well worn: it is a safe road and you will always frnd a welcomne cnd. ýe cav you rnay need assistance f rom kto buy seed grain or to provide feeci rstock until marketing time. A Account wvith us now is a good recoin- [n for future credit. he Rýoyal Banlk of Canada à? y L RSHOW 1;n R Mr. iChis w-, 1,a2;ger.J io! Newcastle Society. )f pnize winners ,figure after a er of lst pnizea 2nd pnizes and es. 1-7, 7, 3; bina ,2; 'Mrs. J. E. 'ed Fligg--2, 3, Jackson-1, 2, 1; Mrs. J. R. Fisher -O, 3, 2; Mrs * Ounningham-1. 1, 1; M-rs. H. E. Hancock-O, 2, 2; 3Miss Drummond-2; Mra. HL 3. iTomis-O, 1, 1; ýMrs. R. W. Walton -1, 1; Mrs. Cobbledick-1; J.hn 1Garrod-1. 1Allowing 3 points for lst prize, 2 sfo>r 2nd and 1 -for 3rd., Mrs. 'Brwn won 38 points, Mrs. Beman 36 and fMrs. Matchett 19. Values for Easter S Forp pengmesfm $2.95 up to $7.00 A Special Table with a line of Good- year Welt Shoes and Boots, For Boyis $1.95 up to $5.00 efor Kiddies Pat", Oxfords, Slippers and Boots ý1.19 3SHOE STORE theold McMurtry Block-Phome 528 I'.~ h~1P~is~1 Je ig On Sale At $3.45

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