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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1929, p. 1

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a ~ ~be eo.akitan ~t4tenan With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 28th., 1929. $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 13 IComing Again The Thi-se Act Play l"Danny Boy" under auspices o! ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH wilii&gain bc piesented un OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE on Wed. April 3rd This piay was a tremiendo&us suc- ceas Isat tiue. Yeur favorite cast wNI & gain entortain yen. Guitain at 8.15 p. ni. r Aduits 35c; Children 25c MINISTER5 AND CHURCHES COMING EVENTS St. Josepb's R. C. Cburcb, Suuday Reserve Thursday, April il fori services Mai-ch 24th-Moruing Mass fSt. John's Cburcb Easter Supper. 10.30 a. ni. Eveniug devotions 7.00, The Operetta "Cinderelia", underl p. Mi. Iev. P. P. Butler-. the direction o! Mrs. Clark Bell te-j Tiinity United Church, Rev. J. U. wards the sud of April. Robns -P.tr. Sunday services: Keop Wednesday, April 1Oth free il a.ansd 7 p. ni., the pastor will for Robt. W. Waiton's Concert Re- preach Easter sermons. Spetial citaI at Newcastle Conuity Hall. Easter music by the choir. See advt. elsewhere. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churich, Corne sud bear Maplo Gr,,;e coi-uer Teomperauce sud Chus-ch Ste., young People present their play Rev. R. MeDerrnent, M.A., mninis- "Take My Advîce" in Triuity S. S. ter. Holy Communion il a. iu. Room, Monday, April 8th at 8 p. ni. Evening service 7 p. ni. Sunday RsreFiaArl2t o Scbool at 2.30 p. ni. There will be Reexe riy, pnl2tfos s shor-t preparatory service lu tbe comedy drania "Red Acre Farin", tei chia-chThusda evuin ats p u hopi-eeuted by Orone talent inI churh Tursdy eenig at8 p m.Opera Hous, under auspices o! Trin- St. John's Anglican Chus-ch, Rev. ity Y. W. Auxiiary. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Good Fridsy, Music Study Club will 'meet lu Sti Mai-ch 29, 1929. 10.30 a. n. Paul's Lecture Rooni IOn Wdnesday, Auo-omunonservice and ad- April 17tb at 8 p. ni. Conveners: drs. 8 p. m.-Litany sud addi-ess. IMrs. J. Albert Cole sud Mrs. Smnith Easter Day, Marcb 31, 1929. 8 a. m-. Ferguson. Subject-Gennian Music. -Holy Communion, il a. n.- Holy Communion sud sermon. 2.30 The Hospital 'Birtbday Pai-ty will p. m.-Children's Service. 7.00o be heîd ou Tbursday a!teruoon, p. i.-Evening Prayer. Mai-ch 28tb., at the Nurses' Resi- i deuce, ta wbich you ai-e cordially lu-, St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. ited. Donations will be gratefullyl Best. D.D.. Minister. 11 a. nM.- received. 12-21 IMoiring Worsbip--"An Easter nioru- ing gieting"-Easter music by the choir. 7 p. m.-An Easter choral service wilI be sung by the choir o! the Suuday Scbool under the direc- tion o! Mr-. H. J. Knigbt. The en- tii-e serice wil] ho conducted by the meambers aud staff o! the Sunday Schooî. Address by Mr. Wm. Dob- son, B.A. 2.30 p. m.-Suuday School. Mrs. McClelland, Hamilton, was in town this wesk visitiug lber sister, Mrs. J. H. Crydenjuan, whe, continues quite i11 in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. sud Mrs. Claude Garield sud sou, Ted, Strat!ord, and Mms. H. Kob- 1er, Ottawa, are bore on account o! the se-i-oua ilînes o! their father, Mr-. Wrn. Quick, Si-. M - -- 'I Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap>--But How Good Accessories that Imply Distinction Hosiery Follows The Color Vogue The vogue for "sun-tan" has gathered moentum nti t it bas become eue o! thbe moat discussed style angles for Spi-ing. Naturally, hoiery ,seelcing nov chaunels for expression, han adopted this fascinat- ing shade. A s-job toue that hananonizes or contrasta -beauftifully. See lt at the stars. Scarves Cati Add Materially to thse Clever Tailleur There's sometbing appealiug sud splendidly bizarre about thbe acarves for Spning. Pdodern patterns predomnate in uew sud 9astling ariginal efets that appear treni- eudously impresaive with the ne-w costume. A Gay Flower Adds Jaunty Assurance Most apring coats require the enlivening influence o! a pert littie group o!f fowers, a boutonniere or spray. Delicate tones or ricbly wild shades vie wth saab other ta adorn mlady's spring coat. New Gloves 811k snd Kid, newest shadesansd styles. : Fashion Again Does Fascinating Things to Millinery A veritable pageant is the Spring presenta- tion o!fthe new aud amart in headwear. Fashion ne-ver tries expeiimnting with 'milinery sud ber every effort seenis te add mare insouciant peise--nore sophisti- cated chi-more beeminguess. A slasb ii. the brum-a smuai-t off-the-face -effect- a sudden dip-a fiare at oue aide. Stziawa ai-e used-effeotively. 0f course, the shades are in keeping -witb the modern pas- sion for colon. By ail means ses aur dis- play. The Ensemble Rules The Fashion World This Spring Unquestionably a light o! a vague tbait bas presented a maguificent selection of feat- ures-the ensemble, a!ter eonstant eu- deavour, bas finally reached a point wben it wilI ýbe carefully considered in choosing the Spring costume. Coat linings te match dress-novel scai-! tisa to match, etc., are but a few o! the many ensemble effects featured for Spring. Coats Favor thse Prince&& Line It's tweed this Spring-the smartestu coat designers ai-e cheosing it te modei coats that ai-e swaggerisbly 'beautiful. O! course the princesasslheuette bas made a profound ispression-its ai, care! uily moulded hunes carry a certaip de-houair chic thighly flattering ta se many woen. More New Dresses There bas been such a deimand fer aur ne-w dresses that ws had te ascure u- other lot this week. Men!1 Order Your Suit or Coat For Easter A ESNLAPPRAISAL 1 MODERN TENDENCIES IN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HOLD 1 ,1 E0FOBUSINESS EFFICIENCYI WORLD AFFAIRS BIRTHDAY PARTYI Rotarian T. S. Holgate Introudces 1 Men'. Canadian Club Hears Brilliant To PurciaeLinoleum For Floor at Unique Program at Rotary Club Addres on the. l..Ague of Nations. Bowmanville Hospital Luncheon.Wednesday evenlng last, the Men's1 The Birthday party under auspices The Education Committeof which G ada Club displayed their bus.. oldfrBowanviUernWom nen'S.sitt Rev. Joe Robins is chairman ,had fulil pitality by entertaining the wiveshedriaatenoinheSO.E sway at the Rotary Club 'weekly lu1l nd ayfred of its meinbers at a Hall was a splendid success. Où . cheon at the Balmoral Hotel on F bianqueayt i heBamraH>, Pa rank Jackman, President, presided.f day. The address for the ocso aqe nth amrlHle. During the 'business session it wasi was delivered by Rotarian Tom Hol- A.fter ail had sufflciently indulged, decided to send $1.00 for the auto- gate who had prepared a question-fr m in th e a ffut ok nte suniptuous repast spread be- graph quilt being made by the To4h-b aire which had its am'using features tfostre osea th wl ay d of rutcock- ermory Institute to supply funds to 'as weîî as its serious apets.j0~~înse aes furnisb a home for the doctor who is ,pikle, livscatsup, rols, coffeelIto undertake the work there. The t The Rotarians were asked te make and pies , numnorous in variety and ' Institute will also plrchase linoleum. a ipersonal appraisal of their business Kdelectable in quality, and hacI join-j for the floor of the Institute Ward at'0 efficiency, scoring points as outlined ed ini singing the National Anthean, Downanville Hospital. r below, then total the figures. It wasj the Presîdenyt, Dr. J. C. Devitt, in- A short programiwas given înclud- f as ugsted that each memberitroduced Mr. Grove Smiith, Otitaswa, ing the roll caîl, a recitation by Miss il take i questionaire home and al-1who wate apeak on the League of Minnie Webber who appeared in cost-n low bis wife ta aize up bier better Nations. ume apropos of 'St. Patrick's day,0 h al!, witbou fear or favor. This is The speaker prefaced his address Mrs. A. Colville sang splendidly1 tthe explanation and "ballot", as witb a few ehoice jokes, told in 1fl'- "The Daughter of Mother Machree",F handed out by Tom ta bis unsuspeet- mitable style, and expreaeid h1ij acconpanied by Miss Margueritef ing Rotarian confreres: pleasure at being in Bowunanville! Armistrong; an Irish ilecitation bylb We present herewith an efficiency again and in meeting sol many of it Mm. W. A dams, was given in beri l test advoca.ted ita discover your ownl worhy cîtizens, as meushers of the usual pleasing nianner. weak and strong points. Credit and Canadian Club, such organizations, The visit of Mes. John Baker, So- Idebit yourself impartia.lly and se he declared, beiug instrumental inljlina, District President, was one ofp b ow close to 100 per cent you carryuig on the fundainentals uPOOn, the pleasing features of the after-e cerne. wbich the Dominion is established. . noon, and bier address included manye To all the following questions tbat In apeoking of the founder of~ practical suggestions for activities, you can answer "'yes" put the figure the Dominion, hie quoted "They' help for wbich inay heobotained frin f, 5 opposite. knew not wbat they h>uilde.d, but theyj the Departinent free for the asking.e Ahl of the foliowing questions that buildied greater than they knew".. She aIse spoke of the special coursesf yuare ai al uncertain about, put "Canada la not only a territory, buti and the 1benefit derived by the mnetu- yoeiur 2 poie a spirint", hie asserted, "a soul thatl bers taking them. Ms. 'Baker also the figre 2 oposte.aal go uiarching on tihrough youj favored witb a solo "A little bit of Mf the answer ito any of the ques.-i snd generations ta corne". 1Heaven" with bier daughter, Missa tion la"no bae te seceblak.1 After these preliinary reiarks, Mu riel 'Baker, accompsnist, whicb de- Add up the column and the resultj Mr. Smith stated that bie had chosen' lighted everyone. will be your relative business effi- ' as the theine of his discourse, "Mc>d-1 Tables were attractively laid forn ciency-provided your answers are' ern Tendencies in World Affairs,". fifty witb green sha.mrock decora- t true and given witheuut bias. If you Ho urged bis audience to renemiber tions8 of tissue and plants coumbiningh don't play fair it is like cutting your tihe words whicbh le saw insciibed on tO give a pretty efect. The wait- score at golf-you simply cheati rock in a smaîl village Ln the Alps, ers with fancy aprons and green yousel. Bi- ar th qustons: henimfed lu by frowniug beights auJ caps served an Irish supper grestly yourelf Hee ae te qest abysmral chasms, "Remeinber, over enjoyed 'by ail. Much credit is due Do you like your work?l the nueuxtains, there are mien also". Mms. John Chala, Convener of No. 1i Are you open te, suggestion? InL other worda we must look beyond grroup, and ail who assisted in mak- i la y'our mauner pleasant; are you our own petty interesta, for the ing the meeting a sulcceas.1d always courteous? world a gi-ester than faxnily affaira, Next meeting in charge of No. 21 f Are you dlean and rneat about youir affaira. affairs, even nationalf Group, Mrs.A.L ihlsCovnr Dopersp orofie soe t bas been said, stated Mr. Smith, ENJOYABLE IRISH NIGHT Do yound kep you ffc o tor hiat the country is bappiest that basi AT WHITE SHIELD CLUB' neatandordelyne blutai-y. iBut tlhe bistory of Can-. Do you keep your buildings and ada is full o! romance and valourl St. Patrick's celeibration at the office fi-ee frorn fire dangers? and we would nort wigh ikotbelrwise.1 White Shield Club ,March l2tb vasR Are your own actions and persona] The provinces o! our great dominio .nmost delightful evening. The dealings in your cenimunity con- came into being because o! voyage-1 ron was very prettily decorated ducted on a high plane se no reflec- ours, woodamen, coureurs des bois, Jes- with emerald green, shanirocks and tion la cast au your connaay? uits, etc., who lame froi other' pigs. The evening vas in chargel , la your turnover et least tbree <ountiisa, thiz. Oansda's past isj of Mrs. W. Clar-ke wbo provided a t trnes a year? linked up with a larger world thani splendid programn, whicb c onsisted off Is the time ef youi- el f and your her own territory. Likewiae, her Irish recitations by Mrs. T. Gould, assistants fully o se Wàotiere i. ,destiny is lin'ked up with a la-gsi- Irish songa by Master A. Culiey and no soldieri'ng on the job? wrd r.D .Bs Have you a systern of getting facta Since tihe begiuning ýof tiiue men Pictures were sbown by Rov. Dr. about îpossible customers tl*t vill have been at war with oue another, Best which gave one a lovely itupres: h help you in making sales? and -the pages of bist.ery have been sian cf the ibeautiful lakes, casties, washed with the life blood of men. and scenery cf dear old Ireland. ' Do you make a personal cauvass it is net because it is natuzia for Mrs. J. H. H. Jury briely descrilbedn te increase sales? man ta war witb man, it lasemore- each picture as sbown. I la y'our stock in good order, and thing artificial, bufit u.p. Mi-. Smith Au Irish sketch presented hiy Mrs. de you keep it that vlay aIl the time? cited many instances of men wbo W. 'Clarke, Mms. Hall and Mrs. Ceuld ,V Do yeu make a peint te, know yens- bad, in ages gone by, attenpted t-i performed in splendid style, vas fuli goods and alao iuform your assint- i acIve the problem of living wit!iout of typical Irisb wit and dialect and ants. 50 that each insy give intelli- 1 w.ar. caused eceans of leu«hter, the ar- gent advice ta prospective customnera? Now the League of Nations nas tists richly deserving the bearty ap- De you regularly read your trade been formed by men o! like visioni plause given tbem. paper and other good business liter- and inspiration, though, a! te-v the Refreshanents were served. and a ature? dreadful days o! the war they could social balf heur enjoyed. The good iDe yeu spend a part of each day see nthing ahead cf thern but darkj night song and National Anthei ineretstudy in odrf n scOd. Teschene-oa ertin concluded another very jeily and en- your own pers,nral efficiency? o! parliaueut of aIl the nations vasi .ioyable eveniug. Do ou akepar i ciic ffarssuggested by President Woodrow À EDZOSO AHO of you tkom pat i cvc faiaWilson e! the United States, andi 1DZOUO AHO o you cmk uty? or though regarded as ideM.listic aud Th laiso o%=nle ad Do you mako your weekly or ~mon- altrui.stic, and derided nercilessly, Telde fBwmnil n thiy reports proenptly and in good yet vas eagerly snatcbed at, ove-n b vicinity bave long since bsd the i-e- order? unbelieve-rs. Thus thbe League o! putation o! always being weli dress- Have you a systeni o! getting the Nations was formed, not a super-, ed, besides showing exceptionally credit responsibility o! your possible atate but simpiy a parliament o!fnmen, good. taste in the selection cf their customors? a national fedoration ta solve prob- Wearîng apparel. It was therefore Do you auswer business letters le-ms in -the inte-reats o!fsîll Mr., not surprising ta, learu that the chie! promptly and couspletsiy? Smith gave an iuterestinIg descrip- topic o! conversation among the lad- On charge iaccounts, do you have tion of the village o! Geneva, where ies these days la animated pi-aise thbe Laueo ations meets, and a about "The Smart Shop" recently a definite understanding wheu gooda Le.agi'uee o! Nlckby eo are sold as ta the date o! paymet. synopsis of the nume-rous events e!opf e nteCwa c yGo do you insL-À on paymnt at the timé far-searching importance which haveR.M5i. so specified? taken place thero, such as the or-- This 'braud uew and very attract- ________ gaization o! the Red Cross. L.akej ive store la on a par with the special- Gene-va at sunrise is like 'the paint-1 ty shops so popular just now in the ed glass o! a window, inolten by large fashion centres,. Hanse key found. Enquirs at'i he radlance e! the sun", as Ruskini The gaily decorated display win-; Statesman Office. S'ys dow on the opening day witb its col- Cawkr cus met frsh dily e is arnid tube beauty and grand-1 or scheme featuring red and white eur cfrscuhsscene ftbst the Leaguedresses and trimmings of the sainie suit bis custoaners' useda. ero uhsee hitteLuu o! Nations mete.56 natýons cf the contrasting colors, 'proved a decided -wo.rid in full confederation every magnet to peep inside the store andi country but Turkey, Mexico sud thbe see more of the lovely coats, Springl UJnited States.ý Ensemble-s and Miladys Accessories. i ln order that thbe Leaguc may 'bül And ut was worth wbîle for here isununoned qu'kly, there is a councili one found a galaxy o! exclusivel Con er R ci eat istain, of abassadors frei ready-to-wear garment-, consideratble i Con er R ci ai GetBia France, Gemamyl4-lin advance o! wbat is usually foundi aly, Japan, called the "Big Pive" oui.de the big cities. As eue lady and 9 otber elected mteiber-s 3 said, '31r. Mason, you are bringing An outstanding musical and 'ho reieacya. Ltlnt- us the latest modes right te our- ewn literai-y event will be presented in %*hom tirethatCanadaa is been - doors direct froin New York andi ,memiber of this ceuncil for severallParis" Enthusiastie wvords of j Comm nîtsHal praise and approïval in superlative 1 Comm nityHall Mr. Smith went on te tell o! sorneteis were beard on all aides. f te ativtie o!tiu Legueo! There were coats in sun-tan and I Naions A ivilservce taff orother shades snsartly trirnmed witb Newcasle rMtin.at, iv ppiedvite scarf ry utstand--up collaris predoniinating; a ,ýÀth icfth asainemb ry outwonderful array of dresses of geor-j on ýe wll f te asemly. Ever-y gette and canton ci-eps in Linden-i on imiaginable question o! hunian in-, burg blue ,hearteae, -so eerest is ce-vered. For exainple, notfare n Y~1 nly he ause-9fwar ut'.e- et1-other new shadea Iu 'tttactivply1 SAM SNOWDEN SELLS FARM Exchange& Maple Grove Property For Oshawa Real Estate-Selling Off Faimstock and Implements. Whsn it fbecame knowu a-ecently that Samn Snowden, the laird o! Mapie Gi-ove, had sold bis farn en the Provincial Highway, muany o! bis frienda -wondei-ed if Sami had decid- ed te quit work sudive the life o! the idle rich. "No chance", quoth he, wben the question was asked, "I'm too youug te sbop werking". Kendal & Garbutt, welI-kuown con- ti-actoes o! Oshawa, bought the fanm o! 63 acres wbicb includes haîf acre o! youug beariug orchard, a fine 10- rorned -brick bouse ,and u')-t,-date farm building with modern cnven- ionces. Mr. Suowdeu took four nsw bouses lu Oshawa on the deaI ou which he gave seme cash "boot". The deal was put through by Carter Real Estate Ageucy. It will there- fore ho seen that the nov ewners bought tii splendid fazm an specu- lation. Lst year Mi-. Snowdeu sold bis property ou south side o! highway ta Noble Metcalf sud Roubt. Jaurvie, each buyer securing about 25 acres each. ,Mi-. Suowden who bas lived on this fai-m for uea-ly 40 yoars 'bas retain- ed a strip of 'laud about 2 acres usa- the oast ibouudairy of the farn on wbich la located bis slaughter bouse. He has not quite decided where ho sud Mrs. Snowden will take up their abode, but it ia just possible tbey .nay continue tic remain lu this com- munity sud Ibuild a residence on the-ir re-maiuing pi-operty close te the high-way. -As Mr. Snewdeu bas te vacate the f aum alumost imsuediately 'ho la dis- oasing of bis fine -herd o! Hoîstbeins by public auction on Tuesday, April 2nd., wbich offers a good opportun- ity for farmsrs te. impreve their dais-y herds. For Sami is a pretty fair judge o! cattle sud bis be-rd la certainly above the average. NOTICE Regarding Meailes and Othe- Cou. The Board o! Health o! thbe ToIwn of Bowrnanville wish te cali the art- tentien o! every Heusehoîder te Sec- tion 54 Sub-aectiou (1) of the Pub- lic Health Act o! Ontario: "Wbeuever any bo-uebolder bue-as or bas reason te suspect that any person within bis fasally or houas- hold or boardiug o- lodging wltb bim, bas any communicable disesse, lue shal, 'wltbin twelve heurs, give notice therof to the ssc-etsi-y o! the local Board". Signed Board of Heafti, Bowmanvlle H. Biu-ks, M. 0. H. John 'Lyle, Secretary. Preparing For Easter Fashion Parade Easter, Spring's Great Festival of joy and gladness, is only a littie over a week away. Ail nature and ail humanity will then be emerging froni the long winter. We are ready to do our part off er- ing the ladies of Bownianville and district a splendid variety of the latest fashions in ail kinds of Women's Wear. Royal Theatre Pr.,enting The Fimoat la Photoplaru Phone 589 Fa-iday-Saturday, March 29-30 Leatrice Joyr and Betty 'Bronson and an ai star supporting cast In "THE D.ELLAMY TRIAL" A 'beautiful society matron is found dead in a deserted cottage on a long Island estate. Who killed her? Sue Ives was brought to trial for her life. Did she kili ber? You wiil nover know who killed her until the very last scene of the muat thrilling mny- stery picture of the year. Bon't miss it. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c. Chapter 1 of "TH-E MYSTERY RIDER" starring William Desmond and regular program Monday-Tuesday, April 1.2 Greta Garbo and NNus Asther In "IWILD ORCHIDS' In the tro#pic jungle, Fate offered him the revenge be thirsted for- his wife's lover-an eye for an eyeL-and then-the thrilling tîger-hunt climax to a tbxoblbing film romance. And neyer has enticing Greta Garbo, in aillber brilliant career, had a triumph to equal this one. Wednenday-Thuraday, April 3-4 Alan Hale, Renee Adoree and Fred Kohler In "THE SPIELER" She had iuherited a carnival lay- out, then began a relentless war- fare açainst the crooks that fol- lowed it--camne the day when the mopieler entered ber life and love dawned-a dramatic story of caruival life old and young alike will enjoy. Starting Wednoaday - Thuraday April 3-4 Gladys MeConneil and Hugb "THE FIRE DETECTIVE" Couch,Jilhnston &Cryderman. Bowtnvllle phons 104 Limite«I jý

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