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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL lSth, 1929 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS WEDr M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.,LLD We wonder if there was ever al It is important to unders-tand hisi Kern-. Barrister, Solicitor, N3tary time when more attention was given mental or intellectual makeo-up. Doesl Money to loan on Farm and Town to the mental, moral and physical1 the chiki have a duli, slow, plodding' A marriage of Property. Royal Bank Building, education of children than the pres- mind or a quick, brilliant ono? Does; took place April 4- Bomavll. hne35.ent. Besides the teaching of ho enjoy reading and book learning1the bride's parent.; W. R. SRIKE 1schools, week--day and Sunday, the or does hie prefer active work withi ence of inmcdiate W.R.SR!Eefforts of public lecturers and thous- his hand.s? What are his speciallEdith Winona, on]. Successor ta late D. B. Simpson, K.C. ands of articles in nncwspapers-, abilitiE>s and gifts and what are his!snd Mrs. Norman Barrister, Solicitor, Notary magazines and books telling how to. handicaps? To what extent has he' Langdon Crescent, Solicitor for Bank of Montreal train children in the right way, edu-1profited by his schoil training and the bride of Mar.s Money to Loan Phone 91 cationists in conventions like the1 hoi' satisfactory has it been teo the Memphis, Tenness, Bowmanville. Olitario Ontario Educational Asisociaion 1 child? What are his particular in-: of 31r. andj Mrs whose annual meting has just bec'x terests and amibitions? A know- I Rev. E. F. Churet W. F. WARD, B. A. held in Toronto heard addresses !)y ledge of these, points will aid e The bride enter Barrister, Solicitor, Notary some of the ablest 'mon in thé Do- i parents in planning MdLcvxonal and 1 roOm with hier fai Money to loan. Bonds for sai. flhion on the education of the youthf vocations] training, and in av'oiding! of the Lohengrin Offices-Bleakley Block, King sLý of Canada. In the last soalysis, it making gieter demands fin the child plaYed iby Miss H Bownianvil]e, Ontario. Phone».-' is up to parents to assume thie re-,l than his mental equiipneit %ar-'large fire place, ý Office 102; House 409. apniiiyfrth dcto fteiri rants. Sometbhing regarding~ h dwt am children and best resuits come wvben! child's feelings or emotions mugt ai-'of daffodils, tulip parents and teachers co-operate in so be kno%wn by the parents. What1 tall trurnpet basket their training. goes on in the inner life of thel and gold, containi DENTAL ***chýild? *p-*j m, comp]eted th ing. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE sIftdy gowera is equally important for, parents5 The bride wor Honor graduate in Dentîstry, Toronto exchange these wise words: In these tionderps tndthershi; hiis ela- lFrtenc mdef University. (raduate of the Royal1 days when parents are so bus.! tioan hi wihrelthes is foeelings f eitted boice, Ùh College of Dental Surgeons of On-jaffa:rs o utside -.he home, it 7s sdbhairinrltont ac a-clnig nga tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. no- ent, brother and sister, toward bisiaustere simplicit: tnate that the; have little time school and teachers, his friends andlwas relieved bya Office phone 40. House phone 221.,r tudy of their chi]dren. Thejpa-te;hw e racs hn b oivrtul X-Ray Equipment in Office. l -ise fatherow is ethesonenjbvhof can makel DR. J. C. DEVITT a chum out of bis boy, and the wiseI honwt odrad yune1vle0 rmwil moter he ne hois er aiibte'sgroups; whether hoe makes friends1 ers to the uneven1 Assitan Dr E.W. issn mthe theonewhois ierdauhte'swith ease or wlth special difficulty;I eau of orange bloss G Assiate fRyDr.enW.lSio confiante.Nmon fpuihiwhst social feelings and social pst-, the bridaI veil wi Goronuto ffRoyalDn t. atCoge mnt corporal or otherrwise, can terni- he is 'building into bhis person-j orange blossoms sn Toronto. ~~~~~Office KingSt.9Ea.tBo- accomplish one tenth of what car ebc t.ba. Te rd 6anPulM. ffiecepthouri 9a. m aPhonehdbytos uit at Each child being very different ibouquet of Ophel 90.- .dal Huexcp Spy hone 23 to heart talks between parent and 90. ous phne 83.child which mean sa much to the equipmnent and personality mus~t bei throated orchids X-Ray Equipment in Office. parent. handled differently according toi his V lley. A lariat Iparticular make-up, speaîfic needs pearîs completed t DR. R. E. DINNJWELL 1 and problems. Miss KathleenN Honor graduate of Toronto Univer-11*..mi Tebdg sity and niember of Royal College of The educatiOn of children is to Cultivate in every child attitudes 1 ed by bis brother,1 Dental Surgeons. Licensed to vast a subject to discuss in a weekly fsl-ofdne rslig foiIPtyKr n practise in Ontario and the Dominion. talk, so we shall confine our thought frequent opportunities for successf ul' were dainty fiower Dýentistry in ahl its branches. Office- now to their mental health. Clara achievement. No miatter howl Mrs. Norman J. King St., Bowmanville, opposite IBsssett in a recent article that hasl handicapped a child may be, eitheri imported model of Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. been given wide publicity in the' physically or mentally, hie must bel radience shades, ________ _____press rightly said: We are al faini- handled in such a way that he will i traceries -of gold. liar with the sources and principles have confidence in the abilities he 1 let of crystal campl MEDICAL1 of physical bealth of cbjîdren siich' does possess and in his usefulness ,a-si Mrs. J. H. Kern S: C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. as diet ,weight, regularity of eatin.g a person. Every child must ho giv- bridegroom, wore %îrauateof riniy Meica Colege value of f resh air, sunshine, joyousj en frequent opportunities to achieve chiffon velvet, appl ToradutoforTrniy MdclCee play and sleep in making a child ipraise and success within the limnits esse lace. Mrs. Torotoformrlyof Enniskillen. i physically healthy, sturdy and in-I1 of his oivn capacities. The develop- grandn1other 'of the Office and Resielence, Dr. Beith's 1 mune to disease, but we realize that i ment of skill in the child must bec gown of black tra former residence on Church Street,1 physical bealth is not enough: the along the lines of bis best ahilities.i1 relieved by a rope Bowrnanville. Pnone 259. 44-ti saie thought and care must lio ex-1 He must not -be forced into fields Following the ce J. CLARK BELL rcised by parents and teachers toi which the parents desire, whon their supper was served, M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. insure the child's bavimg not onîy ambitions and desires for the child la reception was hel <Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) la fine bealthy body but also an exceed its abilitieG and demand ca- large number of fi equally healthy mind and character. pacities which lhe lacks. lent Sons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- Children may bave sick minds, sicki1 Every child should bie given con-. Mýr.an Mr.? dolee nv of 'Fl f h oa personal ities and sick characters ini stant opportunities to play with i lef t f'or the Pacific Colg f urgeons, Edinburgh!the way that they have sîck bodies.I1 other children from its eariiestl will spend a short1 Office and Residonce, Queen St. Bowmanville, Phone 89. '**. years, to share its playthings and, Ileaving for Mem as it grows older, to consider the where they will ma OfIRce HOurs: 2 ta 4 P. m., 6 ta 8.30 P. m.1 Parent and teachers have comne to feelings and dosiros of others. Hol The bride travell W. H.BIRKS M.D.realize that the difficult, disobedient should be enco-uraged to bring hisi Of bronze, camel-hï W. . BRKS M.. icbild is no more a sibject for pun i friends home and toplay amicabîy jfrock of blonde cr Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 ta 8.30. ishment than the child who is phy- together. The ability of the childi brown and a mode] OfieadTelephono 108. ial sick. Careful study is nec-! to take an active part in group acti-1 and feit, csrrying OfieadResidence: Dr. Hzeodàesr to find the hididen cauess Of vities, te, co-ciperate and to have the gift of the bri( former residence, Wellington Street, bis behaviour. The causes of their friends among both boys and girlsi Leader. Bowmanville. ificulties can usually bie traced back fromn the earliest years belp ta equipi The bride is as i DR. V. H. STOREY ta the early handling of the child,' the child f or a happy, succes.sf ul life.1 J. H. Cryderman, Offce our 2 o an 6 a 8p. tu unwise attitudes and methods 01 Nothing so enrichs life as fscilityl- Office rs2p. ., byapnmn t oni-m handling by parents and teachers in in msking contacts with people andi HOME P Ae .mb pon'utOl-ial enresulting i rn a aaHt o redhp Exception-Office will be open 9 toai yas nW H bh aact o rinsi.orne builders' Wri 10 Saturday nght. 36f tsof thinkung, o fegling and be- Home' and prjces o:.ý having. Teachors of yosing child-~ Children should be encouraged to Ourservice ~ b pimay ahooa hve oud, njo redin, ad tisreading obligation. T-aiiay DR. R. W. CLARK ren Hnpiayshol ae 1amilton.v Phyicien & Surgeon that very often the unwise handlingi should be directed into wholesome Offce-iviionSt, Bwmavile.of parents bas already resulted tn'echannels according to the cbild's de- (nfietDtaisronitUt. od Church) certain characteristies and habitua]l1 velopment. He should have accea OffieHur- to 5 aiy ntd 7 tu9 phni.reactions whicb stand out as diffi-j te miaterial which awakens bis im- Office by appointme n7t on9l.y. culties needing special attention. agination, whch nourishes bis ideals Sauidays b ponmn ny Child prablems are many and wroI and stitnulates his aspirations. Pains Phono 24 methods of parents often lay the ha&- must ha taken to discover and DR.D.M.is for serious trouble later in lfj bring out any small talents, and tihe DR. D. M.CAMPBELL and may become important lmnschdsou easit oaqir 19 OkwodCAPBlLin the develapment of subsequen sin ga essimmted ancqireg, 191 OkwoodAve., Toronto nervous, mental and delinquent dis- music, art, writing, or dramaties. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT orders. Young parents need much 1 First and Third Saturdays 2 P.In.! wisdom on child 'ife. It is also necessary for a child ta Bow-an HuseBowmnvile. 2tilgovern his life hy bis own thinkingi Boma Hus, 3oninvhl. -t1 * * *. and decisions and ta find joy in do- DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS Blessed is the child hemn to a Nise igrgtinac-ac wt i w The Physicians of Bawmanviîî o t e ortraiinm oft deicaten sinner idoals and aspirations. De- have lgroed toiclosttheiroofficlicsae task in, pendence on the dictation or decis- haedngesdaternoos. er fincse o the world and so requires of parents l ions of others can only lead ta un- eegeny afterthis.Imenquare of time and study We learn. Teacbersj happiness. OF the hospital or telephone operatar Ispend much time andl money learn-, Because children are quick ta de- for docor.ing how ta deal with those commît-J tect realities behind pretense and for docar.ted te their charge; and parentts shams, it is impossible for adults ta, __________ Ishould learn, too, the way ta, handle, - vebhlîdren characteristics and at-I understand and guide the physical, titudes wbich they tbemselve have CHRORATI AD enaland emotional deve>lopment not achie.ved. A parent wbose ife CHRORATHERAND DRUGLESS ofietheir children. Happy relation- is saturated witb fears or eatn THRPY1ships in the home, toa, lie at the cannot teach bis child ta be<erls DURWIN E. STECKLEY 1 very basis of the mental and emo-i for bis example speaks louder than honor graduate of Toronto Collegel tional development of the childi-en. bis words. of Chiropractic will be in the Bow-, Homes in wbich there Ls constant, These are only a fow cd the many manville Office Tuesday, Thuraday quarreliing, hatred, fear, tyrannia traits that should be given attention andSatrda evninsphoe 11j.1 dmintin, ritcis, lck f bar-, in the development of the mental Residential calîs made during fore- j mOny hetween parents and chldren pwr of every child. noan. j contrihute ta the world the largest share of unadju.sted, difficult cbîl<l- - __________ - -- ren who later in lic develop serious OTC FUNEAL IRECORS mental and nervous cndition.. if I UT R OTC FUNRALDIECTRS psren,,.s do not live bappily in thel hoenor -'----vhamny ffciiAUl prsons lhavinor any c-airn t .tinst ~ affec ion tai-or hý tii ..- rhiait nt F. F. MORRIS CO. snd .stahility, their cidrnswholi I' Ii _, o orti- hlt thé. "iri 'tv of Complete Motar or life will likely hc fillled with inse- --. b-r. 19-19,.a- th,. Town '-f Pow- - ~ Horse Eqipmet. urity and uncertainty, and so sheîri ""'vi1W. I th,- ('ountv 0of t)rhm. ar- Ail caîls pop proper- development will most likelyl hý-fy it5v with i crsro, r on attended ta. lbe warped and crippled, the more ecs-1 S!i- or flont Iqat'r ti1în '<tv r0h. 1<21. Prvt Ablnc.ipecialiy Lif they heai- cnstant nag-r rî inlntilir-tim s orwhin-h th,- Bowmanville phono: ging and critici.sm on the psttof rx,-tor hbis nntr' Viflt-wii 10 and.34.1 1 tn9 t1L In! <ti. h Branch Stores- r;1ý , at 92't. H. A. -TAIýlT. 0 er'-e~i t,-cfr.,n:î ' tî.aand in round. Aids digestion. m-(ntài anel 'pb-ical bcup'ent. In 9 ojrdtr to unchr..tand oit-h chl asa %r* ~AR 600TO 10.00 A DAY cho- isi- knùw him W R G L Y ~ I ph Parent.-s hobclif know if th(- ct ;d 'afe oe s evlpnent : nria .iii for fe ~io o.1r EDiHO hi.age hetber leho a, aoy p' s v MM . OTOc- EO scwhich need attention, wb -th Ia ,mwLm.,eu,.~oato at erhehas etablisheti right habits ofCil _______________________eatng, sleeping, etc. Visit ihie ot t1ht Y OU are cordially invited ta visit our how- room during the Special Spring Show, and1 to Iearn more about the big six quality whichi Pontiac now introduces (for the first rime) into the low-priced field. We shall appreciate the opportunity of showing you the magnificent Fisher Bodies . . so roomy and luxurious.. and the scores of big-car mechanical features which make Pontiac a true BIG Six. And we should like very much to demonstrate to you, on the road, the amaziig BIG Six performance which i3 causing hundrecb% of former big-car buyers to join the ranks of Pontiac enthusiasts. PS-20 4. 293 Corbett Motor Sales King Street East PkÔUY ÔVCUEAL MPOTORS *o Bowmanville CANADA, Llm IT te ý, eYi Brantford Roofing Co, LUmited, Head Office and Factor-y, Brantford, Ot. DvaacjO$oesand War«so.oeas ToSoto, Wiadeor. Wioaipe1. MonL. H&and Saint John. NIL For Sale By: RICE & CO., Hardware TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANViLLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1929 PAGE TWO

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