PAGFOURTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l8tb, 1929 Shoes To Sel at $7.00 We say "Shoes to Sel]" advîs- edly, for we are confident that on your inspection of these that your first tbought will be their- value. Men's black caîf goodyear welt oxfords, medium to-e, built- ini arch at $7.00 Men's blück caîf oxford, good- year welt soles9, exceptional value $5.503 Knox's Shoe Store1 Phone 120 Stone Root Comnpoundi Relieve, Kidney and Bladder TroubLes Rheunatisn, and Scatica Sold in Bowmanville at KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Bowinanvi île1 Brighter Homes Store We carry a full line of: Wall Paper Peints Varnishes Alabastmne Turps Window Glats Coal Oul Putty School Supplie, And Stationery Our prices are right. in town make our store headquarters. When your G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator Phone 489 Bowinanville Estirnates given on ail classes of Home Decorating. Stone Root Compound strengthens weak Kidneys Restores health and vigos PHONE 49 Contract Pi We have just a few lots of peas yet to4 have a field suitable for growing peas get in phone and we will supply you with seed. CONTRACT PRICES Range fromn $1.80 to $3X( per bushel HOGG & LYTLI PHONE 203 il' 't i-I 'I à I r ~' v day evening. With tin pans, homns i and other instruments tbey announe OSH WAed hpr cmig.Mr. and Mrs. Aif N'~S IS OSHAWAL. Pascoe invited the young peoDple I inah i]char. aco serve er- wi nch M bad aolly timd efrer 1We men ts. 1 HAMPTON MAPLE GROVE SALEM Mrs. Clifford Colwell and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Sarnuel Snowèen i Rev. J. W. Buniner, Bowmanville, ters visited her mother ini Oshawa spent Tuesday in Cobourg assisting1 deliivered .ry fine sermon at the recentiy... Mr. W. W. Horn and in the Golden Wedding celebration udyaternon service, his subjecti Mr. Wallace Horn were in oonto o r.Sodns parents, Mr. and1being "What constitutes a Christ- over Sunday. Mrs. Gunn and so n rs. Macklin ...Miss Helen Wor-an an th dscre cnand Rayrnond, Buffalo, are visiting hem den, Toronto, spent the weekend rnuch food for thougbt on the part parents, Mr. and Nirs. J. Clark. . .. with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and' of bis bearers and sbo-wed that the MIr-. C. W. Souch bas returned from Mrs. R. I- Worden. Miss Hilda jspeaker bad given the subject bis a pleasant visit witb ber daughter, Foley also spent Suinday with tbem.1 earnest consideration. ..Miss El]a Mrs. Kenneth Caverly, Windsor .... ....... Miss Vera Power, Newcva-t]e,' Collacott, Oshawa, spent tbe week- Mî_s Mary Niddrie and f riend, Whit- spent tbe weekend at home . . ..Mr.end wit hber parents .... Road con- by, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Nid- Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent Sunda ditions are stili very bad between drie. Mrs. -B. Ferguson bas been at bore... .Mr. and Mrs. W. H ere and Bowmanville especially on spending a fe, days at Mr. C. Vaughan, Toronto, spent Tuesdaylthe town corporation roads. Town Smith's, Enniskillen. ...Miss Mar- with Mr. and Mrs. F. Swailow. ciin antb eyaxoi o jorie Martynr, Enniskillen, spenti Cburch service on Sunday was in country patronage or they wouid Sunday at bore.... Mr. Charles cbarge of tbe W. M. S., the churcb take soine steps to improve the roads lHastings made a business trip to 'being fuil, and ail were deligbted ileading into tbe town s0 that it Toronto on Monday ... .. Mr. Frank witb tbe address on Missionary Work would be safe, at Ieast, to travel Hastings, Toronto, is at his bornelIby Mrs. (Rev.) Irving of South Osh- over theni. here suffering frorn measles. awa. Music was fuînished by mern- 'bers of the W. M. S., assisted b Readers in and around HamptonI Mrs. (Rev.) Stainton. A solo ws AUCTION SALE I will find conisiderable about this vil-; sung by ýMrs. Roy Van Camp tc, tbel____ lage and its residents of long ago on delight of ail present. A nice suinRt W. .ALI inside pages of this issue. was realized to belp a!ong tbe Mis-j R .W C L I .sionary Work. ...Rev. and Mrs. H., Kingston Road East HAYDONW. Foley, Selby, visited bis si5sClr, (East of Bowmanville Cernetery) ________. J D Stevens. wiil selI ýby publie auction on IMr. Harry Milis, Bowmanville, ;SATURDAV, APRIL 27th. Sundayed at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's. ...Mn. Earl and Roy Tho mpson i atl1.30 p. m. tbe following: Bowmnvile, erehom ove tjl 1Good Dominion Organ, 1 Wal- B'wmnvil . lad werereioveriltheCOURTICE I nut Sideboard, ]iîning Rooni Suite, I fS e o is i p o in f e h~ e te Rev~ . a d M r W . S tbeP . Boyce, ute 'm, o s we Tables, C airs, ' cent operation in the General Hos- Brigbton, aevstn hrdugh- Cres agn Lampa, and av pital, Toronto ...Miss Mt s tr r.Clarence Penfound. . .. other bousebold furnishings; alsqý ,to, Tronowas at hm over the1 Mrs. S. S. Brooks is in Toronto witb Chaiff andtte hBI attacbed fori weked ...Mr. and Mrs. Austin le daubhter Mrs. Marshall Soules. power, adRdBr Bicycle. Larmer, 'Burketon, Sundayed at Mr. fV.Mr. S.S. Brooks, Mr. Rae, Miss, Tri-ah A.~~~~~~~ Behs r.LliGrbn(Ethel of Oshawa and Mrs. Sbortt 116-2 W. J. Challis, Auctioneer. jlnd Mr. Cbariie Ganrard, Osbawa,.inooe oToot udyt Fere Ashomon asr ernd...Torn:Miss Aura Brooks who is in the bos- FredAshon as ietuness....Toreoguepital there...Mrs. W. R. Courtice'1 FURNITURE SALE to after bis necent wans...Lau s in Oshawa Sunday visiting ber lirn t harge f Misoar Veie Presi uie' iiMr. George Perkins, who is The undemsigned lias received in- li care f isinay ic Pes-,,til ...Mr. Frank Waiters structiona from dent, Miss Renia Bradley. Bible spent a few days in Toronto rece nt- RE .E .T N I read ing, Mr. Fred Beech; devotion- .... Thursday last wvas a gala day E . .A.T N I wasal reading, Mrs. .CosTCiang; pat our church, it being the annual to selI by auction at bis residence irwasn a boken "LitMre.KT. g of ;qujltingof theW~. M. S. The ladies Washington Placé, 1 dn1o ok "ite Kig o assernbled before dinner and enjoy- Angel's Landing," Miss Mabel ed a social hour while they partook Bowmanville (Beech; Missionary story, Mr. Louis of the wonderful variety of almost SATURDAY, APRIL 27th Ashton. At close of programi a everytbing one could think of. Af- 1rn number of riddles were asked, af.ter ter the dinner bour the quiiting was at1 . . s Mte oi hig: j wichthebusnes oftheeveingresurned until about 3 p. m. whetn Chairs, 1 Rocker, 4 Smai] Tables, was re seeawito tb .. ew stil barn-the President, Mrs. Clarence Pen- Fireplace Stove, i Screen, i Quebec ditioen o r oads. . . Cburchoun-: found, called the ladies to order and Cook Stove, 1 Dining Rooni Table, was weloflrattended, rchonuns .o the meeting in charge of Mrs. Ar- 1 Buffet, 1 Clock, 2 Screen Dooi-3, day wa elatneoi a tbtur Oke's group was held. Aften Carpet Sepr, 3 edtas delierig aspledidseron. the devotional period a most inter-1 SWpings and Mattresses, 3 Dressera, 'esting rissionary taik was given bylLinoleumn Rugs, 3 Wasb Stands, 3 ENNI SKILLEN I Mrs. Russel Gay, and somte hymns ileît Sets, 2 Lamps, Quantity of I 1were sung. After the meeting thel Kitchenware, Quantity of Dishes, il A combined Leagae and W. M. S.;quilts were finished and a very bap- Small Steve, 1 Kitchen Wash Stand, meetng ws hed on Wednsdaypy day ended. i..On Friday evenîng Quantity Canned Fruit. inight. After a bymn, Mrs. Cooktbe TuxisanC.G1.T edajitersCth led in prayer. Miss Grace Wenry meeting in the Sunday School Rooni. Tem-Jason& on read the bible lesson and Miss Naomi Readings were given by Mîiss Louise Gutea. Jac ort & Son, Virtue gave the devotional reading.ICourtiee and Miss Eva Courtice and _______ After the minutes, the meeting was a piano duet by Misses Hazel Run- in charge of tbe Missionary Vice dle and Sadie Muir. The main0.. President, Mrs. T. Ashten. A read- feature of the evening wvas a debate ig was given by Miss Annie Oke;lby two C. G. I. T. and two Tuxis ns.H. cGil rndeed n istr- boys wbich was dealt with in a fine FlrneN~tnaeLde o ,Mr, H Mcil rederd n istr imanner. Afterwards candy and oecNghtna LdN. mna;Mrs. Sid. Trewin gave a well1 aaa eeare n ae n 66, 1. O. 0. F., will celebrate the I repaned topic on India; and Mrs. baanswekh ad n gms n . . ery av aredig. Met io. .. heatedaceohSndynniversary of tbe Order by ing closed with the Mizpah benedic- to the services was larger than it attending service at St. Jobn's Ang- tion ...Mrs. George Preston bas bas been for a few Sundays past, lican Church on Sunday znorning, reuredtobe brn breafter the roads becoining a littie more April 28tb. Rev. R. J. Sbires wilI spending the winter witb friends in1 presentable. Iu the evening our pec h emn rteswl Port Huron and Osbawa .... .Mr. andIpastor, Rev. J B. Stainten, preach- leave tbe Lodge room. at 10.45 a. ni. 4 d an evangerîaýJc sermon wbich be sharp. Ail Odd£el]ows are invited Mms. Hugh Annis visîted ber f atber, I 16-2tend Mr. John Slemon, who we are glad1 will continue to do tbro' this montb.tJated to report was able to corne home a- ..M.Morley Wilkins bas pur-I ter spending eleven weeks tin Bw-ihased a fine new car whicb be wil manile Hsptat 'Miss Elsie Oke, 1 e sportin g around as son as tbe Toantoi hop ital... prensroads are better. ... Mrs. A. F. Run-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke. Mrs. i dle was in Trnols ek Oke bas been confined to her bed; S for sorne tume. Hope ahe will soon - be around again. .. Congratulations, to Mr. and Mrs. William McLaugb- SOLINA 'E lnon the arrivaI of a baby girl .... Finsileetdi h la Mms. Albert Stainton and son, CIiff-1 rinsntesed nth la onto on Friday after being storm- know that already several substan- stayed bere for one week..Mrs. tial checks bave been necieved. William Herring is visiting friends. Those wishing to contribute will lin Oshawa... .A good congregation 1please (end their contributions to T i e was out Sunday even ing to hear our1 either Chas. Shortridge, A. L. Pas- paston, Rev. J. M. Whyte, wbo deiiv-1 coe or S. E. Werry, Committee .. ered a fine sermon on Temperance. Mm. and Mrs. H. E. Tink visited at i Our Sunday Scbool is busy 1 Mn. Clarence Tink's, Providence. practising for the annivemsary under Mrs. Mary Wood, Tyrone, Mr This is the timer the leadership of Miss Marion or- Spencer Wood, .B.owmanville, visited brighten up the hoi chard. .Miss Annie Cuibani, Tom- at Mm. John Kiveill's... Mr. adt ecandse ' onto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spry and Mms. W. T. Taylor visited at Mm.1 hsmrhniee famuly, Bowrnanville, spent Sunday. Ernest Larmer's, :Blackstock. Mr. pl4nned months ah, at Mn. G. A. Cook's. .. Master Allen; and Mrs. Donald Yellkwlees, Jean values at prices we IFerguson bas the measkis.... Miss, and Doothy, Columbus, visited at MainOrhr vstd e isterI Mn. Walter Vce's..*. .,Mr. and Mrs.tyofhitwn ,Marion rchard isited leMn.i loy Wililliampton. toAporth meet- Mr.F. Heddon, Columbus, on Sun- usWlimHmtn were ati --- _jing of the Solina Women's Institute!1c iU Junk Wanted was beld in the Sunday Scbool Rooni30 adsCrti Junk Wanted ~~~on Thursday aftenno-on witb the 30yad utiE To the cititens of BowInivUe'.I i Pres.ident, Mrs. R. J. McKesso ck, pay the highent prie for oop er, preîid>dng. O'wing to unfavoma.blei 1 brass, wooi. mattresses, magazines, bot- weatber and bad noads there werej20ys CranN îles or anythlng you have to part wth. not as many present as usuai. Al 1 arn a local tax payer and pensioner 0f rcie r grat war. No one buying for me.1 communication was recie rm 350 yus. Curt.ain Ne hear .1,.ws are using mny name. Drop me1 the Tobermomy Wo'men's Intue pogt card. William Taylor, Duke Si. the ing f anInstap qitt 15-w. th aiemney to furnish a ho quio 300 yds. better gra( the doctor wbo s 'being sent to Tob- 200 yds. Nottingha, ermory by the Women's 'Lstitutes. i The request was granted. A spiem ' 69e yard for... 1 did progm.ant was then given by 1 150 yards fine Brus5 Phone 26 L 'q ig Clean sWith Us Agi ofyear when you need new f urnisb )me. We have assembled the finest a -ver offered the public of this district- àead-we can offer you right-up-to-the. ebelieve have neyer been equalled in1 JRTAIN NETS, ETC. Scrim with colored borders, a real valu. 1. lts, 36 in. wide, in 4 good designs for .'ts, 36 in. wide in 6 designs, a good bu3 2. te Nets, lace edge, worth 49e yd. f or. n Nets imported from a leading maker ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 sels Nets, beautiful designs in white, i, ve extra good wear, 40 in. wide, regula SIDE DRAPES nd colorings, suitable for any roorn Rayons and Art Silk Effects, Repps, P( Priced 39c ta $2.503 yard ONGOLE4JM..RUGS ide and ail sizes. Corne in and see tl like thern. Five new designs just oi you money and deliver thern to your hi (TRA SPECIAL VALUES adras for curtains, a regular 59e value, While it lasta 294 Ivet Pile Rugs, size 45 x 70, in taupe, s ue $10.00 for ............................... tft. 6 in. by 7 ft. 6 in. Congoleurn Rugs, fiase. They seil regularly for $3.50, Take Them Away for $1 .91 rORE of Bigger and Beti 'lk a Block and Save a Lot Bowmanville rng ain kings to, tock of -having >minute the his- je at 5c yard 19c yd. y at Sc yard 35c yd. rworth 9c yard ývory or ir 95c, For 69c in the ongees. he new ýut, and orne. ýc yard. and or .... .$7.95 Sofa 18 each. ter Va lues A Handy Place To ShoP You'l find our store a convenient and economical place to do your marketing. Fresh, Cooked and Cured Meats In a variety that will satisfy you. Southern Fresh Vegetables Just received-Rhubarb, Beets, Celery, Onions, Green Peppers, Tomatoes, Head Lettuce, Cab- bage, etc. Canned Goodsj Pork & Beans, Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Radish, Olives, Salad Dressing, etc. Gold edal Tea and CoffeeOinTeRda Gold edalTea and CoffeeOin e Rda Hall Coff ee. -And We Deliver the Goods G. A. EDMONDSTONE Bowmanville Phone 21 2 Big Specials This Week 50 Men's navy blue serge suits in single or double breasted styles, sizes 35 to 44, guaranteed indligo dye and sunproof, will not crease or fade. 2 Pairs of Pants These Suits are worth $40.0,0 For $30.00 100 Men's and Young Men's Suits in ail the up-to-date shades and styles, single or double breasted vests and pleated trousers, also coats single and double breasted, ail sizes from 35 to 44. 2 Pairs of Pants These Suits are worth $42.50 and $45.00 For $35.00 Sorne People give their cars painstaking care but neglect themselves. HEALTH deserves more attention. Protect it with STONE ROOT COMPOUND s. t ;~'i t' The EDite Shoe Store Shoes That Satisfy Get the habit of buying your footwear needs here. We seil serviceable shoes at fair prices to ail. We offer: Men's sample Oxfords, sizes 7, 7½/ and 8, black and brown caîf oxfords, regularly sold at $7.50 to $9.50 per pair. While they last our price, $6.50 ta $7.503 Men's work Boots for farm wear, in black or brown, good solid leather, $4.503 pair in top grade Boys' black elk boots with sewn and pegged soles, a real good school boot .............$3.25 pair Women's house shoes made with cushion soles and rubber heels in a one-strap p attern $2.75 pr Growing girls' school oxfords in black caîf or paft- ent leather ..........$3.50 and $3.75 per pair. Children's patent strap slippers, 2 to 5-$1.20 Pr. 5 to 71/2-$1.85; 8 to 10/-$2.20; il to 2-U2.25 Weinvite your inspection of our goods. W. C. IVES, Manager. OMM S. G. Chartran -F.-- PAGE POUR