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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1929, p. 5

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MHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, AP'RIL I8th, 1929PAEFE WATER SYSTEMS EVE.rything comîlete for water supply and sewage disposai ln country and Buh- urban homes. Cost surprisingly low. Easy layments. Catalog and fou particulars free to home owners andi buders. Halliday Company, B3ox 27, Hamilton. 14-4 Buy the Best IWallpapersi Make it a point to see what I have before selecting your Wall Papers. In addition to xny own, 1 can soul you goods froni some of the best Wall Paper Houses in On- tario, where papers are priced to seli fast. Prices given on ail kinds of painting and decorating. J. H. Abernethy Concession St., Bowmanill. Phone 431 Here's G 75c Rubber Gloyez 49c Oniy the trernendous ýbuying power of the Rexali Stores couid gve you a giove equai ta Lady Dainty for less than 75e or $1.00 ONLY 49c Water Gam. Formalin for Grain 15e lb. and Potatoes 2 lbs. 25c 35c lb. ZOZAK The only Dry Wash Made A dirty, mnud-spiashed auto can be made to look lilce new in a very short tinte with the use of 'Zozak Auto Dry Wash.' 1 No sponge, bucket or hose nec- essary. il $ 1.50 CARD 0F TH-ANKS BIRTHS Mr.Joh Simon Eniailin, e- HENORV-Lake Shore, Newcastle an- Mr. ohn lemo, Eniskilende-April lst, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs, John aires to thank the Superintendent Hendiry, a son. and nurses of Bowinanville Hospital ORMISTON-At Enfiield, an ApriI 15,i 1929, ta, Mr. and Mrs. ILirold Ormistoni for their kindness and attention, and (nee Marjorie Smith), a daughter. his numerous f riends for reinember -____________ ing hixn with beautiful flowers, let- ters and cards during his st.ay in the MARRIAGES Hospital. 1CRIOXALL-ELLI NS-At the Vntled Parsonage. Brooklin, by 16ev. J. P. Juili 1 WANT YOU TO KNOW on Saturday, Aprul 6th, 1929, Mr. Edgar i Croxall and Miss Evelyn Ellins, both ot '1hat lInm trying my best to get roln around to see ail you good folks of Bowmanville and Durham County, DAH but it's a big proposition. It takes~ WEBB-At Pontypool, April 9th, 1929. time. How.ever, if you can't t J ha Webb, aged -î3 years. Interment and must have that insumance right at MeCreas Cýýeery. Gret-es Lie ssr- M UiR-A.t 1lontypool, April th, 1929, away ini the Gra-etLf su - Henry Muir, beloved husband of Chris- ance Company why just drop me altine Milîs, in is 61st year. Une or phone and l'Il 'be Tommy-on SHAW-At 3466 Pe-el St.. Montreal, on the-spot. I'm finding policy hoid- Saturday,vApril 13th, 1929, Jennie Lav- inia, belo ed wife of Charles Orlando ers of the Great-West are the great- Shaw of H-untsville. Mother of Mrs. est boosters you ever met. It's no R. J. Gi, formcmiy of Bowmanvulle. wonder, for you certainiy do get a- lot of protection and profits in re- turn for low prexiums in the Great- IN MEMORIAM West. iBetter investigate aur poi- In ioving mexnary of our dear mother, icies befome insuring and provide for Hannah Noiun, who entered into rest comfort in your oid age or proteet- tbree years ago to-day, April 18th, 1926 ion fr yor larily.W, think of her in silence, on oryar fmiy.îlr naine we of' recall, e Your fo Lie (lnsuanc) I ut theres nothing left ta answr Your forLif (Inurane), But lier picture on the wfll. 161T. H. Knight Ever remembered by lier loving Son, Daugter-in-law and Grandchildren. In loving ruemory of Millie Todgham, iîeloved wife of W. J. Quinn. wbo enter- ed into rest April 2th, 1928. 1,t tilI th, loom i, slnt, A'nd the shuttles cease ta fly. Shall(lad pull aside tlie curtain aod N ews And show the reason why. In loving meinory of! Millie Todgham,1 iielovei wife of W. J. Quinn, wvho (ied, April 2fth, 1925ý Eye StrainI Oh, how patient, in her suffering, -Nervous DebiIity"~ When no lhand couid give h,ýr case; (lad the helpe r of the helffless, joften arises front pour vision. ISaw lir rief andi sent the case. Your efficiency is reduced- I lusi)and and F'amily. things do nat seem bright. o\-stk-n of rememhrancte o Our Eye Strain does this. idear father and rnotiîer. .James Scott Have your Eyes anld lIiz'aeth Orr Scott, wlîo left us at the Est,.rtide (if 1914 and 1922, April Examined To-Day 21st and April 101h. Math Larvex In oloing memory cf our dear cou sin'i BallI llannah M.%olun. who (lied I the Gener- als$1.00 Pt. a1 Hospital, Toronto. April lSth , 1926. 15c lb. With Sprayèr Gad knew ilat shewaus suffering, And the h ias bard to cimb, 2 lbe. 25c $1.75 So lie clo 9ect ber weary eyehIds, Il n whispered "Pmee ne.Thine." im thinking o! yau to-day, dear Hannab FREE JThinking of the past, 1Plturng y in memory 1MOTH BAG Sadly rissed hy Bella, Jack and Jackie. with every 25c package Red Ceclar Flakes Coniplte Moth Proteci For 25e e of ,tion JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 78 We Deliver 1Just What Is Needed --50 THE COOKS TELL US The honie-mado, preserves are getting rnighty low after a strenuous rush on the fruit oeflar. Soniething is needed ta take their place on the menu. Here it is: Langley-Harris Very Best Pure Orange Marma- lade, in 40 oz. jars at 30c -an exceptionaily low price for one -week only. No More Apples The apple barrel is ompty-Ibut thank goodness we bave a real substibute, in Ayimer Soiid Pack Appies, juat the thing for pies, a huge big tin for only 70c. Fish For Friday No need of camning up town to order fish, just phone us for Salmon, Halibut, Filiots, etc. We deliver. Ressonablo credit la given responsible people, Sa you don't have ta pay for your groceries before you beave the atome. Free delivery service-4why carry your parcels? May We Suggest That You Try These Oranges, 2 doz. .... .. .. .50 Pois, Corn, Tomatos, 3 for 38c Maple Syrup, Imp. qt. jar 75e Cream Oirve Soap, 4 f or. .25c Maple Syru.p, Wine qt. jar 65c Special Distplay of Olives Bqrford Pesa........... l0e Fui-O-Pp Chick Starter IIARRV ALLIN, Orocer PHONE 186 The Smart ZEPHYR LINGERIE lis mnade af 'Du' qualities mateE in bloomers; 3 at $1. 5e. e 'LADIES' ENGLI The vemy newe shades, at $7.9 ORIENT HISE F'ull fashioneti at 1,50. ulesco. It's soft peari-like lustre and hard wearing s it ainazingly popular; g'uiranteed even to elastie 3style&--standard, bobette, som.i.babette, ail shades ISH TRENCH COATS st, D-4Buckle style, gabardine rain coats, putty 95. d, wonderful wearing qualities, with contour heel BEAUTIFUL SCARVES That wili put the flnishing to.uch tW your new coat or brighten up the oid one, just received, priced froin $2.00 ta $5.00. Y«s, we also seil Gossard Corsets, Umbrellas, and of course a wonderful array of new Dresses and ýSpring Coats. NO ONE OWES THE SMART SHoe-TH~AT'S WHY OUR PRICES ARE SO REASONABLE. GEO. R. MASON, MANAGER. BOARD AND ROOM-For a lady, also room for a business mon. APPly Bo 159. Bowmanville. 16-tf Lost or Found WATCH LOST-In Bowrnanilo Saturday night, ladys gold rstth.. Reward for return to The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 16-tf Hou... to Rent APARTMENT TO LET-In Cowan Block. Mrs. Cowan. phone 370, Bow- manville. 16-2w HOUSE TO RENT-A large farm bouse on Manvers Road with 14 acre of land. Enquire of Mm. Osen, phone 181-5. 13-tf TO RENT-Two furnished roornes ad use of bathroom. Apply Mm. H. Ever- et Smith, Queen St., North Side, Bow- manville. 15-tf TO RENT-Dwelling bouse. Hope- land" on Queen St., Bowmanville. pos. session at once. Particulars ap- ply to H. Gale, phone 6, Colborne, Ont. 14-tf Wanted WANTED>-For Bowmanville Hospita1 a maid, dutiee to b>egn now. A ly to Superlntendent. 16-tf Erupioyees Their Famiiies Cierks Miliera Doctors Grocers Rentera Barbera Printera Garages Farmers Lawyers Laborers Jeweiers Butchers Milliners Preachers Druggists Dairymen Landdords Mechanies Stationers Policemen Carpenters Restaurants Blacksmiths Undertakers Coal Dealers Raiiway Men Auto Dealers Hotei Keepera Jitney Drivers Paper IHangers Harness Makers Sehool Teachers Shoe Merchants Grain Merchanta Projperty Owners Insurance Agents Retired Residents Furniture Dealers Impiement Dealers Hardware Mercbants Dry Gooda Mereiata In fact, every man, woman and child benefits, more or less, from the money spent in Bowmanville witb, and by, the bakeries of this town. Local bakeries are always at your service-either through their stores or by direct delivery to your homes. Local bakeries pay taxes toward upkeep of public institutions and community enterprise.. They support and contribute toward ail movements for the betterment. of Bowmanville. Bread made in Bowmanville i. good bread and i. sold at a reasonable price. There is no par- ticular need for buying "f oreign" bread. Sto>p Ar-idi TIhirik ea /Vome rit When you buy bread made out of town what does it mean? -Your money leaves Bowmanville neyer to return. -You are helping to put local baker. out of business. -You are lessening the opportumity to give yourself and neighbors employment in Bowmanville. -You are supporting outside capital and labor who do flot contribute anything toward local taxes or communty institutions such as churches, schools, etc. -You may think by buying 1 loaf of "out-of-town bread" a day makes no difference te the situation. But supposing 700 citizens buy a loaf of "out-of-town bread" a day whatwill become of the local bakers, their 51 employees and dependents? Who will f urnish the $97,000 and more they are now spending each year in Bowmanville? THIS IS A CO-OPERATIVE PROPOSITION which calis for the fair mindedness of every citi- zen to be loyal to hie own community. You need the Bowmanville bakeries and they need your support. Be Loyal To Bowmanville -- Buy Bread Made In Bowmanville Liv Stocki~ For Sale WANTED-4-Good general housemaid. 0 - Apply ta Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Lberty St. N., Phono 94, Bowrnanvillt. 16-1w FOR SALE-Olves fam vealing. H. _____________ - -- -R. Pearce, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1114.1 WANTED TO BUYV-One homse wag - 16-tf, on and set of single hamness. Apply S. G. Chant, Hampton. Phone Oshawa FOR SALE-Youngl Durham milking 123.16-tf c0W. W. T. Perritt, Hampton. Phono ______________________- -376r34. 1. WANTED TO RENT-5 or 6 oomedI bouse by May 18t, centrally locatod. COWV FOR SALE-Blue. cow, due April' wauld lease for year, noa blîdren. Write I219t. Âpoly ta, N. J. Metcaîf, R. R. 2 "H. L." Drawem B. Bowmnanville. 14 31 Bawnsanville. Phono 124 r il. 16-1* FOR SALE-Younig mare, 6 yeams aid, Rea Etat F r Sle welI brokon ta hamrne8e. Apply ta Har- Rea Etat F r Sle vey Hardy, R. R. 1 Hamipton. Phone 1 167r2. 16-1w FOR SALE-New brick esidence with ail modemn canveniences. Applt oJan. FOR SALE-A thorobmed Jersey Heif- E. Flett, Centre St.. Bowmanvilre, phone er Cat, anti o-Dma 0l.4 a 384 4-tf oOw testing .8-2nd primea cow at Bow- __________ _______ manville Fair ln a clsas Of 9; also at FOR ALE-ew rame boue.--61 god yaung c0W. Jersey and Ayrsbire roarna. electric ligbie. waterwnrks, % cross, a good mrkrad vr a acre land, choiegardon .@MI. A bargain righ. Jn1Pec6-omfiVil. hn for quick sale. Te r me. A. E. Gives, 220.161 3rd St.. Bowmianville. 16-2w' OSSAO O AE FARM FOR SALE-About 123 acres, Choice 5 yeam aid 1111Y. aou. 1,1 'lis Lots 3 and 4. B. F. Dariington. consid- sound and godin harneans; .ne generat erod one of beet grain fanme In lawn- purpoge mare, 12 years aid, go4 singule ship. Can view whole farm tram' or double; 1 Durhasm boiter; aSs nel buildings. Fimt cias bouse snd bars. Hostein cow about in renew. Sefii 50~~ ~~ ace.lwd ossina né at Noble Metcaif'5. Conwe and 12 ycar Apply te Jas. MaeConnachie, box 68-I Id ai J. L. Me-tcaif'5.1. .2,Bw Bowmsnvilie. 14-tff manvilie. phone 477-31 or 183-5 14-tf FOR SALE-A new brick bouse on El- gin Street, Just blng flnisbed, at a ess- Iii orSd onable price: aisea brlk residence on Welington St. Ail modemn canvenien- ces in bath; also two residences an Lib-1 FOR SALE-A uantity Ofcf d haY. erty Si. About 10 acres of gond chick-, W. T. Symons, 1one 160-5, BOwMafl- on ranch for sale or wouid exebange for ville. 3-1w house li îown. Aply ta Wm.i Brok, Queen St.. Bowmanville. phone 114.'r12- FOR SALE-KItchen Oabinet. .Apply ---ita R. H. Colacott, Phone 518, Bowman- ville. 1- Eggs For Hatching ORGAN FOR SALE-Bell Organ in 1irt -chias condition. Wili accept reason- FOR SALE-A few settings. bred la 1 able offer. Phone 586, Bowmanvillo. iay S .'Whvite Legborn bntching egge, at 5c eacb. Apply Cliarence W. Wood- I FOR SALE-Chalce heavy-bearlng loy. Tyrone, phone .120-.5. 12-tf I Cuthberts Raspbemry Canes, $3.00 per ___________________________ Iitindrê'd. A. Laird, (Maple Grave), R.1 HATrCHING EGGS ATr REDUCED PRICES-We have reduceti aur lhtc-t HAN' FOR SALE-Quantity of rixed ing eggs for balance of sensan tram $881 iy, tiBo a feu, tons of ensilage. Apply 1ta $5 per 100. Wtbave a large hlock in H. S. Barrie, 1R. R. 4 Bowmanviiie. of bigli winter egg-îiroulucing S. t'. 1iione 136 r 13. 16-1w* White Leghorn liens. Tii,'se liens are - mated ta R. 0. P. eocku'rels. A%.11 RADIO FOR SALE-Frld-cismlan. 7. Ciemens & Sons.,1B. R. 6 owninnvIlie.i tube, ail eiectrIc. xuw machine. 1150,111, Phono 237 r 3. 16-2w j .pply John llately Garage, Temnper- _______________________1____ ce St., l3owmanviliC. 16-tf HATCHING EGGS-S. C. bred-to-lay White Leghorn eggs, birds are direct FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-1928 tram Guilde' famous 8 ilver quili e train, Whippet Coacb for Farm MacinerY or 15 eggs $100. Eggs fron i ar utilitl tock, or Diving Outfil. W. K. B., stock of bred-to-ia y 1larre( Rock. bred Drawer B. Bomniile. 16-1w- i Ifrom hIrds direct tram (Guild' bes e DCIil.t 3 Bowmanviile. Phone 476r21. 16-21 15 eggs $1.00. A special oe f 8 ----i1 I hoice Gulild' bred-to-laYl3arrei Rock FOR SALE-Set Platfarm Scaies. ca- boens, mated ta two. choie pedigmeed I paclty 1400 Ibn. $1000; aiea Percheron maies, dams record 259, and 25"" ecolt, iig oeyJr pl hs 15 (ggs$1.0, 0 egs . 0. charà Snowden, Phone 20b3r2, Bowmanville. SanderSal, Tyrone R. R. 1. Phone _______________ 32Or21. 16-30'. CARS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- __________________________ If you are thînkinig of buying a car oeee the new Fards, or I f 'OU want ta trade in LAUNDRY WANTED your od1 car for a 110V,'one soe us. W. I.I fJ. Martyn, Ford Agent. Bowmaiivilie, Ailk ,dsofanry work dons prompt- phone 36. Writp Pomi OMfce Box 12. or cali Mm. W. MejorR m, King St. E. Bowmanville. Phone 478W. HoW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER? Doce it need aharpening or ropair- ing for the comning season? Lots of folks, have already had us put theirs in shape. Bring yours in ta- day before the rush. We use the Ideai Lawn Mower Grinder which gives such excellent satisfaction. Proympt service assured. D. Al.- dread, Blacksmith Shop, OPPOsite Salvation Armny Hall, King St. East,ý Bo'wmanville. 1 6-tf, FARM MORTGAGE FOR SALE- $7.200.at 5% ptrient, due April lot, 1937.,an one of0 te est grain ternisln rhtrlingtari towýnoli, well equipîîod. For furtber partieulinrs apply "WV. R." Drawèr B., 130w nnnv Ille, Ont. 16-3' AUTO FOR SALE-llIiIk 5 passeng"r touriar, 1925 model, 6 cyllider, mleagp lese tban 17,000,.ln gaad repair. aiways I driven by private owner, upholIBering ln1 perfect condition. a genuine bargain for1 qulck sale. ApPly DO5tSX's Cash liard- wame or A. Mitchell, llowmanviiie. 14-t DICTIONARY FOR SALE-Webster's 1927 authentlccoditioli, buckram bound Dlctionary 400.(000 words, 6000 Illustra- tions, 27610 pages; ln AI condition, .]leghtly usod. Retaiiing Sit present at $1.00 plus clarges tram book-emlleils. Ideal for ahool needina 0One. Sacrifice $12.00. Byron Hyland, Nestie ton. 16-1 mun L BOWMAN VILLE .Shop The New iCanada's First Complete Home Laundry Fully Guaranteed. Moderately Priced. Built in Canada by one of America's oldest washing manufacturer. For full particulars, price and demonstration call at Dustan W Cash Hardware Why You Should Buy Bread Made In Bowmanville Citizens, did you ever stop to think what the bakers of Bowmanville mean to Bowmanville and community? There are 51 residents of Bowmanville who are employees or dependents of the 2 local bakers for a living. The 2 local bakers spenci annually approximately $97,000 in wages, materials, supplies, etc., which are bought right in Bowmanville. It would surprise you to read the liat of citizens who benefit, directly or inclirectly, by buy- ing bread made in Bowmanville. Here is a classified list of some of them: oiai_- PAGE PIVE

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