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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 1

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ian With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advane L ý othr.ivtitanexr tnd mnsurp ftn( er ens-To-nigbt, as we Back ta fifty years ago; Mr. Wrieht anti tht. ladies of the Montsad ntethehldo or o-1t's a trail you walked together, don Wedding 'Day, looking backwand Wbere the flowers of meinory COBOURG PASTOR AND CHOIR Itbrougb Time's corridor, our grow. AT TRINITY CHURCH thougbts and yours blend for a time, Many years have ýhad their passîng, and thon are different in the setting. Times have olianged and cuatoins, The exchange of pastons and You look back ta youtbful days with too; choirs between B.ýowmanville and Co- life's radiant and alluring visions But Love's sunshine iâ'ts that bourg United Churches on Suaday before you, with its hopes, its pathiway, evoning pnoved very pleasant and dneams, its lofty aim and thon trace Just the way it used Vo do. profitable ta both congregations. througb the years the golden tbread May thoe coning years bring bless- Rev. W. R. Tanton, the Cobourgt of the fulfilment of these ains, inga, pastor, was accompanied by his or-i dreams and hopes. We look Iback- Richer mýemories, gladder thoughts ganist, Mn. Frank Parkinson, and aj ward to aur childhood's hapipy hours As yau walk that golden psttbway choir of forty-three voices fr.. ay fdvloignnnodad Brdered with forget-nue-nots. Trinity Chuncb. womanbood. Mrs. Wi. R. Williamns pnesented Rev. Mr. Tanton's subject, "Spir- We bave felit your hovihtg cane, Mrs. Skinner witb a gohd pin and Mn. itual Passion," was based 'on the, profited by ysour wiso counsel and Leslie Collacutt ipresented Mr. Skin- words, "And being in an agony b'ie. nc -uraged by yaur high ne- non with a gold-heatdod cane, andj prayed more earnesthy; and bis so.veJs and sacrificing spirits. We Mn. Norman Collacuutt presentedi sweat wau, as i-t were great dro'ps of, - -' hîtv.'guely express the love we Baby Lloyd Skinner, infant son of' bhoud," Luke 22:-44. Il was a verv tee ci and the bonotir that is your Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, witb a tinîely and practical dLscourse. The uK-ght, bîtt hope ouir ive.s will bce x- gohd lined silver mug. speaker said the gceatest need of nn-~ of the. ideals you have sot M.Sinrmd utberpy Gchistianity to-day is. the maî'ks. be.,î o.-:. e ', yaur chiltîren, in1,M. kinertitnm-ae act itat trep Many peoaple theso days are desiring. lovingis' de.siurc ibat youn remaiaîng family ciccle of six children 'was un- a costiess religion, an easy-going ne- years -of life's span shal'be sot wîlh broken and -dhI wero present. ligion. He discused the subjeet the bigtest jîewels of oun affection Ateafe spchs'I iedn from tbree points, the nature of the an<I the cons.iousness that eacb suc - Ae e pehs-l o di pasothe puurpose, and two basic ceedin*- year 'but tbe more endeais suaging, ,"Put on your old Grey Ban- pasinpe, nmlama - a yut s net," 'Silver Threads Amaong thre a .piriuual passion nust first have an dlî Fresnd otwex e aorcied fro e-~ open to the ,%,trld's need. and Dean Hcai'ts, we can se very dimy Frsn. eeaiorIie rm secoadhy a willingaess ta sympathize1 know iMn. and Mrs. R. Oâhonne, 'Mn. and with and sufer for Jeaus Christ.I The dreanîs that called Yau fifty Mrs. Tbampson, Mn. and Mns. Johin The speaker show'ed by sevearal il- yeans lage. Haidge, Mir. and Mrs. WilI fHoidge, lustrations that we cannot accmf Wel who have journeyed uucb a lit- Dr. and Mrs. E. Hoidge and Mr. and lisb anything in the Christian lif'êe ',lewuy ,Mns. Shernman Osborne, Toronto, ai- without putting our whohe bearts in- 1 Townid the s'gnpost you have i'eacb-l1 au a numben cf lettons of congratula- ta it, and anything accomplisbed that e~d to-d1ay; tions from othe.r friends. is wontb while means sacrifice. jWe are 'but novices at oving-bow The choir sang twvo anthemrs, "'Hail shaîl we te the Lord's Annointed," and "Thou Guessa ut the visions that yaur eyes ROTARY CLUB O Lord Art Praised in Zion," bath can sec? being welh nendered. Tu ýhese a'ere We bave oun hopes and Iongings; Three New Members Initiated added two efectively rndered num-1 ah, but you Îîoxîilanx'illit lotuiiv clubiii dituti bers, a duet, "My Faith Lo.oks u Are looking back on days wo nover miuicsipîirusr m lte.a t t he b r.A. J. Gauld and knew. wee-kus- luiteiteon ai 1kilmeatîloiItel on tas TMe. b Mprlig n oo Cn. h rmsstatw tl il rday. President R. F. Ailcitison, on MrBs. .spanofiMyad asa, "Conie Thenomses ha e tildily half of the. Clib, extendeti a cordial Ye Blssedof M Fater," y Mr. sose, velcome to lte now ix-îîmlirs bin-tîlci A. C. Hodgetts, both being exep- Your heants have proved tbem 'by ex- be itriefs' outlineti t-e oliecîs tanîl tîlp ioaally wel rendered. These musi- 1 perience; ohlontltior creois' a tn cal numbers with the hyins,"nt Yes. from your lave's brigbt flamir ee i Tois'tt.'itiagli eemnecit Iroui, the Hilîs," "Saviaur Thy Dying o that Manch mora, irno. Reltîer, it 1%llMinore, Fred Cry- Love," rdepr hn eknewderman andîii.en. Elloit), ivuo in illb Loe"and "The Day Thou Gavest Tî getrdopntawe - ptinr-sses îîres-nbcd lte insignia o!fIlcir Lord is Eaded" eartiîy sunig b y the were bonn.- resptective claýssifcations 10 the new Rn- congregatian, ahI combined te aka And yet because we l'ave yau, wihî îartans.-Harrs' Alun. retail grocer: T. th sric a v ry hep ulon .yo kk A. .aron, notor transîortaton; W. . the ervie averyholpul ne. ou tlceShane. radio ltroadcasling <CNGW). The prpecitio oftheBowan-These simple gifta for that sweot The musical part of the progirîm, was Thl e c apre iatin waf e IBîoîwman- day'. sake a very enjoyale teatwhen v clIoo Mr .C.ngrogatiand Mr.W. J.In menory of the Young Loves were given y Mrs. F. H. Moody and Mra.gT . C. Jo el and M n. s W. .,. rag b lM s . C.Palmer, with Mrs. D. R. Mor Brag, MP.P an~ relie ~tro mrrigo ellrîsan accompanist. heard frein the President of Co-> And the Old Love, ithat bas worn go Rotarlan Tom Holgate gave a britl bugchoir and thei. tr wll. breezy acoount of bis tnIp ta Edimonton We understand Rey. J. U. Robins I ~rmteFaiy anc e at the leitroît Confenonce whot and Trlnity C0hoir had a very cordial A the Uic rtîme, Miss lIore e h heard and shook banda with I. B I roper Sutan. fRotary InternationlIPresidet, 1reception in Cobour'g. BoSott fprogented lier gran4pseeuts af Mexico. y r d if T. A. bre B. bat 5c a Copy No. 19 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES "THE KING 0F KINGS" CONFIRMATION SERVICE MSCLRCTLG le edn eerto St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. Wonderful Screen Masterpiece Pre. At St. John's Church Conducted BylIEnjoyable Program Given By B.T.S. ïBest1, D.D., Min ister. il a eq .nts in Graphic Manner the Story Lord Bisbop of Toronto Choir and Violin Pupils of Mr. Morning Worship-Mýotber's ____f____ oin t oyl he-Smith of thsBo-s'mTnaininRoyal Thea lieLaig noflands was administer- b iln comf730p.m-At ortinRe- tLMa 0.1.Thyistorinrt o nrmtnlr. ConvTaiin er seSith ,von'î eth. 7.0 p.m.-utbrityin e- d in St. Johns Churcli on Sunday even- i'uiilî of Frank CoveseSîtiiAno ligion. 2.30 il. n.-Sunday School cciii , rieMilli, wîîo bas.cd his tam- ing by tlhc Lord iishop of Toronto. T7ut.stay tening in the Optr.t looe, -Special Miothers Day servic. osituTiTîtonintmft, gtcncndae were îîreseflted de a largI;, and appreciativeadec Trinity United Church-Ron* . ~osati tas il thetabiet s of th' t tIh lJi sitoîtby tht.Rector, Rev. R. J.10ilWtanidfecie losv. n iti' -e.J. . , roditced -Tiei. King of Ktngs- Sbires. in flic stately words of the iroutr.ss of tilt. work thiit is ttttttig donc Robins, pastor. Sunday sel ice % i 'ticlit s iaseil on fle storv of te GOS- Ciîurch 0of England ritual. included io Scl nsbyte .io1,u Suîîday School Anniversary, Rev A Lt-ls anii', lite Of ti.leix tnt. man f th.tn ti er, tîxo from tile neimth- direct ion of Mr. Smith. i Richards, B.D., Whîtbv. sek u oorat ari freibmîiIigth.cnirwinoftt ight feitiale Oit tii,, stage tiirougiout anmi sangsx 11 .-Mtcî Day service. 1ît . tare liere, conjoinet i tlitspcC- canildmtes lucre came ullet sîn Nrih fra umnigtecofrain ffl ,rvice not ertitfine noînhers with sjtlcntliti itîne fantiidAoo hs x . 2.30 p. ni-M',ass meeting in hnc.tacîîiar beauty ttantd eyii gtc very fnriiiar in i3owvmainxic-tuie ad- exrsso.An Caile Sone vSlu St Jhî's(ngicn xti tt.q1s ly i Miglacnoir eiglo Cu chofatitnioii o f is lta"th îîn om ini- 8 1. ni.-Addre-ss to young people. 1 ma icloe r. M ilr. endl.%Itg(ia-ns ii5ot tht. ('bticof a memiton ro- b, thl, latter wiixîlnuuiot l'.itii ir eîr-Ilanchtio an fession of falth. lit las-il by Mr. Smith andpin l Sundy aterAscn.so'.May l2th:ialirrwh liasforsikîn iir banqtîc Th, Ciîtrcb was xery wel fuil, and illiioîîî xxtl verses sîîng v.ry nîcely a Si > a. iî-oAscomension adSo-iurlanifhoxx i it iîn.rantt mrkrl the congregation liîsitoi-d ith t.io-e t - jaiîî,s Mc\*teirlî, -My 01 ,1 - iiv n io n. Prcacher, Rev. D. HiltzG B fitrcts tninofu isiOi iîîes10îfa sîtloiiietlxx n Mrorissito i txit-d Z T : T flic- tieSiory front ti,. retîcroltion canitels on t he nec, ssi ty ooin i at ,wltcitsrousinCant isi i î-ie RE., Torointo. First Communion i îtfile MtIagittieIîe. rists btiv' grand smwiiyaî uniiy itit v uit lite 01.1 (ami. tlî-îîînîl for ntjxx ;vcunfiried. 2.30C.ni ' î,îortil,,- c,însitig oftif ii Templte During the offertory, Miss Jane Ma,- Itlx sîssn y ml îg Sunday Schol addi-esed by .Daioti liiittte-iiit iii i-mn Jliisus Riitg on, ont of the canlidal. s, sang t lteveryiTeoj'ficntîroni.îrorm if titt1eve. iTii. terri fîtctiîn - aîpîroitrizttt. lîvtit, 'Tit. it' î I w-s a pino îil iu th-2lzît of tii e .1 h--I Ilut il lie. Con secrated, TorTti h10 iet, ' îtSti ' dilYcti Itv .Tatas'ti Hiltz. 7 p. n.-Evenung rayer- I orthlit.' î-tipiîîre oitiitiîsttîe .ibgrcat feeling. adAohr.î..Anue Preachet-, Retor. i "r cafor i't itî'lti quct Tîaistecoe fteS vcl Rev. Mlton . Sanerson B 1 itipel ii n ltelotli -st .iraîîtiv a.ntniversary of lii., Rings .q scessioii wattsilfîi ttt -ftieyeeîi i i Witti'ittt5,ionniconted blîfic singîng of fil iies MeV ixuh soli ît Mîr C. Sandersoti, Bunketon, of painîttngtzorfor%- ii c-fnxtri ii- aiouiAitb.. us.- nîtîtîttîr- xx --ni- in*erspe-rsei xibt a pispulai- ani w-ll-known yung grandti i-vOis itto ii.,woriîl cittis -Ont. iontsting feattîne of the. tisbops viotin solo ie, b>- titlsPot Mn. Smilth. ministeitint.rOitziontad dotrttaIjuîîîîstortani î5t.-i ii a-s t- ierivai,' adiniistration of 'v-irSog'.e.elsiO wn mînîster in Dnlington nd ar-lii'. sto urîiîti.. file rite of Confirmatiton to a itoituar iveli ila5.-îi ut317.N. Nîtrris.liauwt. j wrigt, ho as ben asti- f i .tî n1iiorof wotntiroiîs sw-.tnl-s 5 îtîti. nti n ii,- locail itospiital ont Stnilav wiil-,lteaudîience wcre detlighcIî(eîitil Birchcliffe Unîited Chuî'ch,, huis uc- tl-m t 'il fyle it' sitLz fron t lti7i ît it ternoon Vtctor I e rts Serenitile . aàs'u'i tiit-- b cetd al oS. uher' o i (bi F nlastýr inorn ai is TIii- Finst omnino fl ei i lo "rgtlier Wallace.. ceped cal o S. Cth ertsicx --ituings froti flit hvt îî h ofntduî aeiic nSnly Agnes Itoîler, Toronto. Luta-P xtwvo Churcli. Fairb)an,and Will coTa- t, Matti'. iMay I,201, ai ila.m., w'hen it is ex- steios.'FuitFnt\e inence dutv Juls- lot. Wuîtit lis mî.ia ti -rs uo f New liped--i tiit ilsuconfirmeti members otf lat.tnl.t Mra etln,àt St.Jobî' A.Y. . . jurnye toTî'iuit'ttisc-n. s. fie-, ctinir tfightt- fle ct'lîi-it viijoin ftue nexi'members nî-sionîieîinta ottliîi,'.lappuîi. It.i, w-ii Poi~t R' ~ d -. d i-n sit 'i i ettstci .Thte in the ,t(-t of conmunion tidtt.ilow sbiit en.ore niîmlt.r.F PrHoeo Mna vrigadiu.îîg of l.ings, %x"iiciî contes toie tien t litehtrcits greuit service of praise ltîoden iOninells-rs in the Bible Pasebal Contest witb. Roval Tittaînre. Billaox 11e on Mooilay a t o-il-iîcution. eT aieso tni aio lictti ietns the Aniglican Young People in thatj anti Ttttsiy,'May- 20-21, bas alin.actel lîla.tîi-s EanutiiellRt-ata i nit't, i town wtt the clid Tin ChallengeI c1ow-i su atfîil UitedesCOMING EVENTS 'barmeilieor atudience w itit h r an isuc Cup xhich was presented to Mn. J.,tsuitues. nendtii of Seltz"Cnet A. Guiin, President, hy Pont Hope i Home-Made Cooking Sale and Th inal numerxts; rendoreti by the. MR. AND MRS. LEVI SKINNER, TYR014E President. A good program %as on-j St. Josepb's R. C.C rc:Ms Aftennoon Tea, St. John's Churcb xilinisis. Arnes Bouger. Eiuin-, Reamaini l~ joyedpu on by the Pont Hopers, ai-l at 9 a. m. Evening devotions atiParisb Hall, on Satunday, May llth, Fstîter Wallace,.E. N. Norris. CItsca E OLAOT-A utwt use'fgl ndas o- pu t.Tamieson anti Raymondi Nilitois. Tbcin1 SKINNR-CLAOT-A hýî apreofglanasoabà- ter whicb efreshments were served. I 7 p. m. Rev. P. P. Butler. at 3.30 p. m. Tea 25c.e.-îeprsntinofHnes'l- Manse, Newçatuc, on Mardli 28thi, 1879, quet of roses ta one grandmothen. i go~~~~~~~e." w-u' erv heautiful anti ivi-tireei*--i by, Rev. A. A. Druimmonti, Levi Skinner n.W Wodn Tonoad pdlt y tht.audiience. n ayJnduhe M.atiMrs. L. Wben, Tritoy, icscfi 'TesinzîInz of the National Anthitelnd ayJnduhe fM.adMs .WbeWibnecso btrnttlit Ibis very dleligitfitil ur.zram of Mrs. Robert Coliacoît, both of Tyrone. Mr. Skinner, presented them with1 muisc to a close. Dalington. gold pieceas.1 FOOTBLL BAQUETOn Friday evening, April 26th, a Rev. Mn. Trumpoun, on behaif of1 Our Store Policy:- Not How Cheap-But How Good FOTALBAQE eception was held at Spring Hill the relatives and friends, nead the Britishers and Canadfians Partici arm ynnwbn ian dfollowing address: in Hapy Gaherin ait olina friends called to offen thoin congrat- erM.ad is.Sner- e ~~~~~~~~~A unique, but a tiecideîlly lnleneslingi ulations to Mn. and Mrs. Levi k-I arM.an M-s Skinnr- event took place at Eldad Siînday School, Gatbered to-night to celebrate with i room Wedncsdiuy evening. Miy Ist, ixhen' noïr -on attaining thein fiftieth wed- you the completion -of fifty yeans of! abioutl3aiioung men, representing tbe îing anniversary. Miss Ethel Skmn- life's closest companionship, wo re- eil DeS aeplayers anti officiais o! Solina footballinen answered the door - whilo r. - wihyuthta1heeotd leam andtlite layers of a local ail-Bnil- Fe ooeecotdth u s toof hf e you e til tb the lo o-fid ish teant. met at the Invitation of d-Fe Mor sotdteget oo i yuaetl whtehlof ney Wright. the dining room wbero the wedding youn eanly Love about yîou and have p ~At 8 o'clock ail were iniiedtio sit cake suirrounded with its fifty can- been spened through life's changingi down 10 a sumptuous super prepared ainit serx-ei by bbe ladies of Solina Wm- ls dorned the centre -of the table. cnsutàth vtrGle Wd ens Instltute, consistinx of! meat, sal- Mns. J. H. IMutton pouned tes andscnsuniltsvoaGodnW - atis, jeliies, bread anti buttier, pies, MrsNra odly ad Ms ding day. -Browning says: cheese, cake, ice creama and coffee. PTe BNomnW dlyad Ms1 order was Issueil huaI al bhal10 lie con- Lorne McCoy senved. The colon "Grow old along with nie, thsue o l b (6spitec salof piempl lîy cheme of tbe rooîn was prettily The best of if e is yet to ho."1 We re eatrin ths wek secil sle f vry ttrcttIle record) the boys hadt l admit Ibeir are out in green and yellow. We refetuin tiswreka pecalsae f er atrcWalteloos .oe 6 icsof lealcriand wo your friends, express the Stîpper avec, Mr. Wright, acting asi On Satunday, Apnil 27tb, at fivei wish, that although youn patuhway Vo- ive an ls rse nGogttCeeadCeed hn Toastmaster, calle il Mr.t Clias. o'cloek the faaily, the relatives andi gethen lias been one of happiness, - ive anu u.yortÂÂdgresse proi 0 Creptana "rhp de heeKingr-triheb progpos:re , u l10 shrtafew other nean friends met to colo-I yet "yOUr best of 1if e is yet ta be.", fo uikslln. TheseDrse were rglrypnicedupt snapps' speeches tollow'ed liv John Xiu-ch. brate the event. Wben all 1usd as-1 With youn ebIldren abçqut you,i foPuc slig resse Pà>Prdt, anti Jackt Reynoldis, Captain. sembledth usswe nidto1arn hmyuxlv,6k ep John Baker. Manager. In. bis usuai tri- dtegstweenitdtarud ho yorlv,ôkop $25. Fo thi vey spcia vaue-gvin evet w hav grup-imitalîle atter-dinner mariner, in a bum- isit down to -a nicely pnepared wed- land ideais have been woven in lever- ous speech lîroposeti a tocast in the Bril-Id ing supper, the tables and dining. asting design, you face the twiight Ishers. Ht. commenteti favoraly on thel ou on eoae ibfowr oehrwt nafcinsrne ed them in three lots at ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~imanly Industriotis type of Olti Countryvombigdcrtdwt lwr oehrwt nafcinsrhe ed tem n thee ots t Youîn g men conting antongr us, W-t-si,I in keoping with the golden occasion. and more beautiful for the strain isl. Scotch andi English lieing repire- The wedding cake, which was pret- and stress of life have taught you ta siented -T requestedth ie natixe borti 10 ee'ercTc! pt heIr inflîîî'nce in beli, the tily deconated and surnounded by trust eaeb -other moire f.ully, to ap- new Come r 10 atiamitl imself to local fifty candles, 1usd the o or*tî~ of the prociaito eacb 'other duly and ta find conditiions andti 1 maketgoond citizens contre of the bride and grooin's in each other a kindred spirit of un- $ 5 0 8 $ 09 8$ 9 0 8amon ils andti tat ecttanti exens' one woulti acl the ceaI sportsman on the table. derstanding, The Inifinite F'ather, Tont Jones ile afint l sechli esponfiei When aIl the guests bad been serv- bas heliped you bis cblîdron, ta paint: .ri ipa slimited an epoiiey antdulct such noset ia toast to the Canadia.ns, for lhey years ago, were invited teo the centre Rand bas suppliod the canvasa and tolisBa er displheaye ando- e , hebpos nd grtm ofvelyyo r ifdupcuheateth r. H" are ".oliy Goond Feliows" wits heartuly'o thz om and Rev. J. R. Trum- the colaurs, and with you we thank depedabe gamens a thee brgai prceI Popular longs were sung beltween1 pour,,teinï pastor, made a f ew. suit- Him that you can say with the poe't: deedbl am nt tths aganpics numhers with George Werry aie abe marks and called on Miss "Bxti hl cm topsta t1 pilano. Sorte amusin Mostres werelot ihv others tresenit.Tht. feglîvilies enui- '!Ethel Skinner, wbîo on bebaîf of te t shl cmeVopas ht at Ii i n znod lime anti ahiltieparti wit 1 family, rend the following remarks: eoning time it shal hohigt a drolden ril +knho ts indine SPECIAL SERVICES Sunday School Anniverssary Nezt Sunday at Trinity Church Anniversary and Mother's Day ser- vices will be held by Trinity Sunday School on Sunday next. Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D., Whitby, wiii be the -peaker. Il a. m.-Mother's Day Ser- ,lice. 2.30 p. m.-Mass meeting of School ln the church. 8 p. m-Addreefl to the young Peopile. Special music tg being prepgred. Generous offering ln behalf of school funds. Publie cordially Invited to ail services. Royal Theatre Presenting The Finest ID Photoplays Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, May 10.11 William Haines, Joan Crawford and KariliDane in "The Duke Stops Out" Ho quit the prize-ring because of a girl--but it was the prize-ring that won her for hlm et at. The Saturday Evening Post serial hit and novel succes-brought to the screen witb thrills, laughs and cheers. Matin..e Saturday at 2.30 p. Mi. Chikiren 5c Chaptor 7 of "The Mystery Rider" and regular prograrn. Monday.Tuesday, May 13.14 Charles (Buddy) Rogers, with Nancy Carroll, Jean Hershoît and J. Farrel MacDonald in "Abie's Irish Rose'# Tolerane--T-he great play that flashed this message to the worMd. Eighteen million peûple have seen it on the stage. Now its on the screen. 'The sensation of the cen- tury transformed into a dazzling, moving, laughin.g, romantic mov- ing picture. Special Matin. Monday, May 13 at 3.45 p. ni. Children 10c; Aduits 25c. Evening prices 25e to ahl. Wednesday-Thursday, May 15.16 "The House of Horrors" With Chester Conklin, Louise Fazenda and Thelma Todd Fantasy in the weird passages of a house of a thousand ýhorror- Fun, the kind you can expect front inimitable Louise Fazenida and comical (Chester C«kin- Raîters of roars on a corner- stone of cedy-4Jf its Fun yiou want then see "The Rloie of Horrors." Ail performances atart on Deylleht Savlng Time. -~ -~- t - --- '-4, - -' - - ~'S"~5'î I I ~ More New Dresses On Display Wednesday morning we opened up another fresh slip- ment of Dresses, figured and plain, latest materials, newest styles and lowest prices. SEE OUR NEW CURTAINS Curtain Nets, attractive designs ...............25e to $1.25 yard Curtains, made-up, very beautiful .................$1.25 to $4.50 Draperies for side curtains, great variety ...90e to $2.25 yard LADIES' PURE SILK HOSIERY A wonderful assortment, in newest shades, undoubtedly best values to be had at $1.00, $1.50 and $2-00. pair. Boys' Suit s Haif Price Special lot of Boys' Tweed and Blue Suits, sizes 33, 34, 35, 36; were priced from $16.50 to $10.50, now clearing for one week only at $8.25 to $5.25. Men', select your Spring outfit here and save money. Couch, J ihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvllle Phlo4 Limiteat 1Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walker, Pontypool, have inoved to Bowman- ville. Mrs. W. B. MeMurtry bas return- ed hoýme fromn a visit in Detroit, Mich. Miss Muriel Hancock of Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. F. R. Brown. Mrs. E. V. Ritchie, Cobourg, who spent the win-ter in Midland, is visit- ing ber cousin, Mrs. G. A. Gillispie. Miss Eva Bales, Oghawa, on Mon- day visited 'ber cousin, Miss Eliza- beth Pai-nton who is recovering nice- ly from ber rocent oRperathýn. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Henderson, 'Mr. and Mrs. P. 1. Bentley, M.ill- brook, motored to Bowmanville and called on Mr and Mrs. W. H. Argue. Mrs. G. W. Garner, Oshawa, la ýpending a week with her mother, Mrs. D. T. Morris, while Mr. Gar- ner is on a business trip Vo Regina. Mr. Win. W'oods, a former highily ,esteeined citizen and station agent of the Grand Trunk Railwy in this town, bas been 'visiting old friends bore, guest of Mr. J. Lake Morden. District Annual meeting of the Woxnen's Institute will ibe held at Solina on Fniday, June 7th. Mrs. J. W. Stone, rBondhead, President Provincial Federation, is expected Vo be present. St. Paul's Church steeple, which is supposed to ho tbe .highest on any church between Toronto and Mon- treal, and which was damaged by lightning on April 5tb, is being tak- on down. Miss Jean Crew, Reg. N., who lias just completed her course in Publie Health Nursing at theb University of Toronto, bias ýbeen spending a few weeks àn town working with Miss Tod, Public Health Nurse. Mr. and Mms. E. G. îBoyd, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stevens, Mr. and !Mrs. Carlyle Stevens, Mr. Norman Steen, 1Tor~onto, iMrs. T. *Buckloy and Mrs. J. Chapman. Oshawa, were Sunda;Y visitons of Mrs. E. Stevens, Hamnp- ton. Mr. D. Coleman Warniea, Detroit, Micb., wss in town Monday and -mot- ored to, Fonelon Falls to visit bis mothen and grandmothen who are sjpending a couple of -weeloe with Rev. and Mns. C. C. Washington be- [fore returning borne. :1 'ri

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