~ÂGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TrnJRSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1929 MALPE C.ROVE NiIDSLA SALEM ENNJISKILLEN '\r. anîd \Irs. Lawreie Woods,. Mr. 'M\r. and M½. aII ndfaiiiilv. , cxiiii ont hie-îrtfeiî syrn;oathy Sunday Sehool aniversary servicel Miss .Marie Werry, Oshawa, is vi and Mrs. James Woods, Mr. Elmier 'Mount Denais. and u Ms.E. il- ic le nîiiv f e uic cNrnnS. B.1 were held last Sunday ai 3 p.i. anîd iting her cousins, Ms Russell Ormi Woods, Town, motored to Stittoi. miston. l3ownnvie. \ isited au i V. Jamie-.\A nomiber froin hlere atteiic 7.30 Ilm. when Rev. R. liîs. ton, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and NI. Go and visited friends there. W. J. Ormitons. the finnural ini cîîilc Saturuiav eCn of -St.Jo îî Clîtîrcli, on don T. Werry. Miss Hilda Foley 9pent the week- Miss Florence Mef.adden. Fleshr i.ron manville, delivered tuuo e'.eilent Mran Mi.Cs.amlM end with friends ini Toronto. ton. is visitinîg Msverna Ormiston. iMr. and Mrs .. \.. Reviielis ;and sermons, giving veîy clear pictures Annie Thompson, Woodbridge visi Mr. and Mis. Grant Bennett, i. Mr. and M.irs. W. Veille. \I. ?'nu' Mi..- Mon. Mr. and MIrs. iol Baker of the work of the "Moiîîted Police ed his mother, Mim A. Tambl-yn au and Mrs. Roy Metcal! and chlilden Is. T. %IcLatighliiiîand famiiv. Toir- att.niud the umixiling of îhe portrait of the North West. in the pasu. and other friends over the weekend. spn1h ekedwt r n onto, 'Mr. and Mis. Frld i'eîgiion. of iPr. 1. B. Revli in Guelph on making an earnegt appeal foi ints- M.adMs .HreDto spen th wek-ed wth Ir.andPort Perry. visited ai i.\Ir.ert Fer- Sattid(a\-. NMi. andl Mis. Rcynolds sionaries and equipmenute carry on M. and Mrs. W.ra rderiso, Detr is. Claude Tueker, Stirling. 1 guson's. andfi .dîî,î arc visîiiig Dr. and NIrs. even a greater woîk inth stucfîîî r. andck, Mr. adFra. W.inson, Bi Mr. and Mrs. John -Munday and M ~r. and _Mrs . Alfred Page. Mr. Fuis nd. Hiilsburg. 'Mr. and by the law of love. than had belnsok r ndMs .Ctc Wallace. NMi. aîd Is. R. L. W01 Frank Page. Toronto. visitcd mi Mr. Mis. lolîn Baker arc xisitiîîg frjends accompfflished Il the poltc,(. $42.38 Knawr eetvstr f3 den, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mr. S. Pages, au St. Marys. was raised for S.S. fîinds. A good- and Mrs. Jas. Ficeborn. Edward and Florence Foley, sp cnt ' Mr. a nd MNrs.' Walter Greene. Tor- Mi. and Mis. Harvey Hardy and ly number froin neizhboiing vIcii. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robbim Sunday with Mis. Alec Wilkens. Sa- onto. Dr. and is. W. 1cuboh family -peni the wcck-enîd with Linfi- ties attended the services and were Pickering, Harry and Edith Hast4 lem, and attending anniversary scr- and MiNfs. J. Heatîte visited at .%r. J. say anid Camnbray fîiends. entertained by Salem friends. Pickering, Misses Gertrude and Wir vices. , McCulloclus. , Miss 'Mary Hoigarth and Mis. R. Mr. and M.\rs. Rov Lanunmald. So nifred Oke, Bowmanville, visiteda VrowisedMr. and Mis .Capduhe.. Mis. Thos. Smith, .Mirs. M. Smithl Paçcoc visitcd Flarinonv and Oshawa lina. wee uests of*.Mir andl'Is. G.Mi. Wesley Oke's. andMi.J.Smih, liiksiu1. i. J îî i vcr thc week-end. Stephens. Our community extends sympatih C r d Ms.Ho o LS n . C Chalm M s. vii e i at d. i. Pa itls. Trn, Mr. and M s. Geo. W . James, W il- Mr. and Mirs. R. K. Bragg. M . and to, M . M. A. James and family i Mi.andMrs L.C. nowenMis viite aiL. . Pscos.i h-m and Ruth,i.\Ir. I.A. James, 'Miss Ms .S areadCro.p~ the death of a ]oving son and broLhe H. G. Freeman, Mr. and Mis. Roy 'Mr. H. Cameron, Tyrone. was theFuhPadowavle Ms. H.vidnce; rri and Gordon Werr, Mi. Norman S. B. James, Bowman Metealf atteaded the funeral on guest of Mr. T. Henry. William A. White and Mrn. James A. Ebenezler were Sunday gîîests of Mi ville. Some from here attended tl Wednesday of their cousin. Miss Mr and M.irs. 'M. Hobbs have heen* Phiiiips. New York City, visited at and MiWrG ei . funeral ilc took place on Satur Mildred F. Cole. visiting at Seagrave. J.Mi. A. L. Pascoe's. Mi. Wd . .Toh Mudy . day, Junc 22nd. Mi. ad Mrs MarkBlaekîîîn is M. M. obhs as bMnile-ngage * Bragg, Toront susi-and Mis. E. W. Folev. Edwaîd and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robbins an, ited his mother, Mis. W. C. Black-1as teacher hy the trustees foi an- --no sNit hurn, Newcastle. other year. ing her nieces, M\fisses Helen and Florence, Mi. and Mis. R. L. Woi- babe, Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Wns ýison anlenMastrk,'is e. 'tnMuriel Baker. den, «Maple Grove. i.\f.and fi sMi.. iRobbins. Bowmanville, visited at M, Quatery srvie nxt undy WIlken M Mr.ad %.Fak JamsFrank Robbins'. ternoon. o n se . MeKerizie, have!j-Mis s Evelyn Tink spent the iln, r ad î. a ae Mr. Ernie Laird. Toronto, spent hieen at Bîooklin. writiag on the!I enl with Miss Florence Ashton, and family. Oshiara. with Mi\rsA2. A goodly number fromn here at Sunday at home.1 fiîst yeai's examination of high Shaw,'s. Wik eIls, tended decoration -service at Han,' A large number fioni here aýttend- sehool. Mi. andl Mis. Wcii, Mifs. Harper, Mis. F. Taniblyn, '.I. and Mis, ton on Sunday. cd the funeral of the late Noriman B kiMrs. Lynui, Gode ilv Ji- J H. Weriy and Ml.-s Weiix, Miss Mrs. Geo. Preston, Mi. and Mis S. B. James on Satîîrdau-. The sin-COGURTICE cd Mis. S. Shortridge. Ida Stephens. Mis. Edmon dq, MsA. Will Toms, visited Mr. Fred Preston cere sv-nîpa thv of iîl commiiniv IMi. anîd Mis. John Bryant, Mr E. Dudley, Miss Doras and Marion, Peterboro. and fricnds ai Lindsaý goes out to the familv in thei sad -Mr. Thos. Power., and Miss Hc-len an'il \rs. I-ny Osgoodc. Saxon's 'River'. Bownianville, Mi. and Mis. W. Mtof- land Omeee. and sudden bereavement. Poweis, Orono, iecentIvv isited -'I. rî.îiare\i itin uMr. lHar\ cv jfat adfml.Ooo eeret r.ONiLnsy i.R _______________________ and Mis. .F. Annis. Haîdy's. oI f Mr. and Mis. F. 1.. u-uiair. Oveal, n dwr s tMs cfR. M 3r. and Mis. Peteison, O..hawva, Mr. and Mis. Carl Wjlbui and Mrs, 1 Mi. and M.Isa. rrFassia dailrh- Pre.ston and other old frîends. and Mi. and Mis. Peteison . Aiden IliE.likeri ssitodfi fiends nu (Col- 'oprs. Lon aut vr îsso i. Ou .orsett eteo u were Sunday guests borne ani Lakcp)c.iî last week. and Mis . F oney. Oreorwn oNsltnSn wveie uWalt e, of!-Mi. andi Mis. -'\Ir. and Mis. VW. T. Taylor \isited Mrî. and 'Mis. W-. Miliar. Jetlîesda. iday evening and assisted in the an. is. WV. R. Courtice spenu the 1 ai Mi. Ernest Laimnei's Blackstock weie anests oî Mi. and Mis. C. 'M. niveisai\ serie heteCG.T week-end witli cousins, in Listowel, 1Mr.and i Is. Joln is cil, Mir. and C-surutheirs. Ldi weli r' laehe i ~Lan oieil.'\irMs. \V. T. Revnoids and 1RuIth tspenull G e v a e rt -Draytina.dSomeisfiill.s Cer i dMis 1 e ll.lw i- Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visite. Sunday services, weie well atteno- Srdy' i \. eSlil's hrr-1M. Ms E. Lnraste. NWton11-hr (Caîl t Gayvert)cd.si t.eLanncnsotirptNewRevn-cd. viippaents, Mr. and Mis. John cd. n th moningour astr, Rv r. Thos. Baker ivent te, Rochester ville. wcie guests of i. and ',rs. Siemo-n. to the boys and girls on the subjoe he\adc'cecrio.,W. L utr.M.ad'r.E ehc n o «'Birnlng youî rde eidedwt e nce-'\r .A ans r and Mis. W. H. Westlake, Mr. with his; brother, Mi. S. Pethick. The speed film Yoti." Afteiwaid pîeaching anotti Bovvmanviile. Ms atnadduheMs The speee srmn tdte film. heWill Westlakc. Sol.Mi. and .Ni. MîsMaian dugtMi er in srmn o headit. he No service here on Suiîday on ac-E WheMi. . .Rde.. Jean Martin, Toronto, weie Sunday "Gets" them every tinie Sunday Sehool in itue afteînoon was cuio!Hr-tî XnEisr. . andhis.te rBWhCs udvie. Mr.îsitors of Dr. and Mis. Fergu.son. Ramorsitne aso el atened lath evaîgfRemember the Division meeting in Mi. and Mis. Leslie Collacott. Miss Annie Oke and Miss Audrey o ui pastor gave anothei fine dis-1 the Sons' of Ternperance Hall on Doîland are spendiag a fcw days Youll an a il ortw fo te cure o: Fio Mon e oon 1 Thursdav ex-cning, July Ilth. Miss 'M. Bassett, Newcastle, has with thc former's sister, Mis. Frank Holiday On Thuîsday last at 2.30 p.m. ai The young people are holding their been a week end visitor in the neig. SpyRcet. Betertr te oe whchgivs are umbr ! ades ndchldenannual picnic at Lakeview Park, Osh- boiiilood. Oui Y'oung People held their an- met at the home o! Mis, W. H. Ni awva, Fîiday aftcînoon, June 28th. Aaniveîsaîv visitois weie, Mi. nual picnic to Lake Scugog on Set- B et esutschois. it beinz the meeting of thei Oui football team piayed Ennisldl- and MiNfs. Chas. Biîyeiow and 'Mis urday and ailrpr ago0u Best Reaults ~W.IM.S., also the Baby Band. m e' len îeam last Wednesday evening on Bigelow, Tyrone, iluMi. and Mis. See report.Ilrpta odiie Al 'sizes and samne prie as presîdent, Mis. Ciarence Penfound, 1 the community giouinds uith neither Xelsh. Mi. and Mis A. Annis, Miss Mi. 'and Mis. Stanley ïMay an< odnrfim.1AeadanMr on niwas in the chair and the fiîst pio- team scoring.Adadend i.LîcAnsT- Miss Beale, nurse in the new East oîinr flm.gram presented was by the childieu one, with Mr. and Mis. W. Cana. End Hospital, Toronto, spent Sunday who sang thîe songs. A fier con- i n t hefne'sprnsM.a sideabl buines aproganu on UCTON ALEMi. and Mis. D. Hooper, Tyrone, Mis. Elias Ashton. Mothers was given by the ladies. with Mr. and Mis. E. J. Doidge. Ms sh ad o m1 Mis. F. W. Rundie gave a most in- Saturciay, June 29th.-Mrs. IlIhosJon ines, B emnvie, Use Gevaert Films for teresting addîess on the mothers or Knight, Queen St., opposite High Mr. J. Cator, Maple Giove, Mr. is visiting ber daughtem, Mrs. Thet today. Readings weîe also given hy Sehool, Bowmanville, will seli et hem and Mis. A. Cator and habe. Toron- Slemon. Perfect Pictures Mis. L. J. Couitice and Mis, IN. R. i~ residence aIl of hem lhousehold effeets to, with their parents. la the even- - Letus evlop~ fi~. Courtice. Mis. G. P. Annis and Miss including parlor, dining rom, four ing Mr. J. Cator motoîed to Toron- Let-usdevlo yor nxt ll Hazel Rundie sang a duet and Min. bedroocns and kitchen furniture, to, taklng his brother and fanily BU! 00l NOW Waiter Saider played some favorite (many odd pieces of walnut), alve home. His mother and sister Bca- M.R.HCiactwshstin hymas on the accoîdian and ail sang. carpets, mats, blinda, dishes, kitchen trice accompanied theni. foin R.tHe.publctt w hes topepine E S A ES A!temwaîds efeshments were merT- utensils, etc. Sale at 2 p. mi. <day- Sorry to learn that Mi. and Mis. to continue to deliver coal at Tymone KE S A E S ed. The Baby Band weîe entertain- light saving). Gordon Stmutt have !ound it acces- station and to ail parts of the town l'. epnab. rg ta. ed and served out on the iawn. Mis. C. H. Maton, W. J. Chala, sary to have their baby taken to the and township. Ail orders prompti3' T1oD pHndbe Du tr Nichols us superintendent o! tht Clerk. Auictioneer.Slck Childien's Hospital, Toronto, fiiied and satisfaction guaranteed. PHON 49Band, and she and hem daughtcm, i25-2w., foi tîeatment. Phone 518. Mis. Walter Saider were very at- _________________________The World's Largest Sound Syttem The Elite tentieStr ShoeStor ir~~ -,-i& The Royal York, the new Canadian Pacifie Hotel in Toronto and the lai gest modern descendant Ë the Village Inn beneath the Union Jack, is hein g cquipped with the most extensive centialized g adio and public address system stallation ever attempted in any part o! the woîld. The equipment was designed and manu!actured in the Radio and Telephone Lahoratories o! the Noîthein 12er- trie Company, in Mfontieai andi is now heing installe inii the hoiel. When the Roy-ai York is de-- ciai.d oficially opeùneul on Jun2 12th, this ycaî in each o! its twNei s- hundred bed rooms will he a iaduo outiet on the wali te which iîead- phones may be attaclicd, so that guest.s nay enjoy one or two pro- gra ms oîiginating !rom anyonp of 9ve difierent sources. The Vice- Regal Suite wilI ise ecîuipped wil h specially designed loudspeakeis has-ing the most pleaming tone qualit3- and an mrtistic appearance in keeuing with the decoration o! the suite. ln the main dining room, bal room, banquet hail, convention hall, roof garden. aud the private îlining reonis wili beilocated roupa of loth miciopuhones andh ornâ; uernitting eitheî the picking up of prog:iams fions these locations and tlie 'lroaulcastiug" o! them to al11 parts cf the house, or the distibiuîtiusonofa prograrn te eny one o! Su--e lpoints frein any otiser locality ur via ratio from outsidie. Two Iiiv.iy sensitive and ultra. selcu-tîse raio recei,,ing sets will be luuuatel ini tl.e, contre1 roomn on the fouuth ;oir. There also willi Le fuuuid inuuuî.ig lnixer" and i (.011 -ni i -1 m ý- uni f s\e -i framied amplifier paels capable o! boosting up the atreugth o! the re(eived signais one million,million 1 1,000,000,000,00t0) times-power- fui eneugh to deliver good volume mii ail points la the building-and yet may le tuued down to the softest toues desired for the most îestful entertainnient in the privae rooms. A five horse-power motor genelr- ator set la used to conveit the 25 cyclei curcut supply into the 60 cycle power source necessary te operate these vaîious systems. These function through somte twelve hundred and fifty outieta conected together by a network of neeriy ten miles o! high îîuaiity rubber insuiated and cotton cov- ered, tinned, copper wire, aupply- t iag musical enteiinmeut to every ,,oruer of! iis modern botel. andDress up for Holiday ir. With Dominion Day holiday and vacation tirne in]in view we offer these timely suggestions and exception- ie, ai values: a FIGURED COTTON TAFFETA DRESSES t-hý, A beautiful assortment, sleeveless styles, sizes in rier 14 to40, at ....................................... $2.95 ur PRINTED VOILE AND MUSLIN DRESSES md Organdie trimmed, sieeveiess or short sleeves, 1 ni.clearing at ........................................ $1.98 LARGE WOMEN'S DRESSES p-f In figured Craysheen., suitabie for ]arger women, sizes 38 to 50, regular Up to $15.00, Saturday only your choice foi'.................................. $8.95 FLANNEL COATS s. VveIla Fiannel, Coat Flannel and Basket Weave, whiite green, sand, maize, lineci throughout, $16.75 e'i -idThe Smart Shop )ni id Cowan Block GEO. R. MAS ON, Manager. i i Ready for Business I wish to announce to the public that I arn prepared to do ail kinds of FURNAE WOl PLUMBING STEAMFITTING TINSMITHING My 20 years' practicai experience qualifies me to handie ail kinds of work in a thorough and satisfactory manneî'. A share of your work wili be appreciated. AGENT FOR NEW IDEA FURNACE Shop located next door east of Royal Theatre Re E.Logan Phone: Shop 264; House 453. SALE 0F SHIRTS THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 300 Shi*rts At $1.59 14 Points of Superiority 1-Made only from standard quality ibieadcioth, and "Rnubydescent. a aew novelty fabiic, and "Glow- check," a aew lustrous fabiic. 2-Guaranteüd coIoifa.st; oaly vat dyes used. 3-C-rut full-no-t -kimpy. 4-Long and ro<omy sleeves; t.wo sleeve lcngths to each neck suze. 5-Tailoîed with exceptional cane. 6-Conter pleat full leng-th of shirt. 7-Smart, up-to--date collai. 8-Six button front of good quality iridescent. Large buttom on cuif. 9-Beat-s eny conuPetition in this price range. à O-Wrkanhisize and 'patîcsýrn effecte equal to highei..pric<l shirts. 1 l-COmplete assortment cf fac esigas including lhe iauc.st P'Istel shades. I 2-Stana<l quaiity materials w-ill isi.sî iugh iaundiy treatment. I cl'iance te giveentire -au.ifactioTI bY ene of the WÛrl's lagest shirt mai,- -Uf ac tuuie.,;. 1l--T rmnL,spoPular de- mnand fOi Publix Shirts e -a;les , - sIl them et a price tisati-is unusually low, Se G. Chartran Phone 26 ]Bowmanville SHOES TUÂT SATISFY Holiday time is here. Let us equip you witb your Footwear Needs for every occasion. WHITE SHOES FOR JULY WEAR JWomen's White Kid 1-strap, with buckie, A and C widths.................................. $5.50 pair. Women's White Canvas 1-strap, cuban rubber heel......................................... $3.00 pair. Women's White Canvas Oxfords, cuban rubber heel......................................... $300pair. SANDALS FOR CHILDREN Patent leather and cream eik sandais with repair- able goodyear sewn soies, 5 - 71/2-$1.50; 8 - 101.;-41.75; il - 2--$2.00 BARGAIN COU NTER ATTRACTIONS Men's sandal oxfords .................$2.95 pair. Men's black oxfords .................$3.75 pair. Men's work boots ..........................$3.65 pair. Women's patent sandal oxford .......$1.98 pair. Women's black satin 1 straps .........$2.98 pair. Women's patent one strap siippers ..$2.65 pair. COLORED SHOES Women's colored shoes in newest shades, $4.95 pr. Women's patent one strap, with cuban heels, $2.65 and $3.45 pair. Women's sport oxfords in crearn caif with creîpe soies....................................... $3.95 pair. rENNIS AND SPORTWEAR Wornen's beige and brown canvas oxfords, c1'e])e soies and heels .....................$2.25 pair. Women's beige canvas rubber sole aiid heel, $1.45 Without heel ................................... $1.25 Misses' stral) siippers in biege .........95c pair. Chiidren's sizes ............................85c pair. Men's basketbaii boots,...............$2.50 pair. Men's suction sole bromm ..............$1.90 pair Boys' suctioni sole, hrown ............$1.65 pair. JMen's plain brown boots ..............$.35 pair. Boys' plain brown boots ..............$1.15 pair. __ - W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1929 Bowmanville