THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, '1HURSDAY, JIJNE 27th, 1929 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Msses Elsie and Irene Bragg Tür -\Ir. A. NI. Hardv is in Nxx Yo k onto. are hoidaying at home. -City on business. 1NI s. R. ( rei n -s lias I l,î ix to Mrs. A. Ni. Iohinstün. e, tiiii frieîîds in Rchlu't, r ,îi.l 1',,,il iùlc !penthe week-cneld xxitlitlier enc n Miss Frances Galbraith, Buffalo, ji..W\. G. L>y-r .and Ns , ok N. Y., recently v<sited relatives in h «ai. o t' luiebus. town. Mlr. and MNis. H. E. Reynoi.ds MNrs. A. S. 'Wood, Oshawa, was ai Granby, Que., motored here WVcd-! recent guest of hec cousin, Mlrs. B.1 nesday and visited his parents, Mr.1 . Warnica. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds, Queen St.~ MNrs. R. Taylor and M.%iss Ada Si Readers' attention is ealied toi ver, Toronto, spent the weekend aithîthese corrections in the A. & P. Miss Alice Silver. Stores advt. appearing on anotheri Mr. S. R. Wickett, Toronto, re- page: Hot House Tomatoes £rom 3.5e cently -visited Mr-. and Mi-. C. NM. to 33c; GÀanadian Head Lettuce from Cawker and other frie'nds here. 12 for 19c to 2 for 15c. Nirs. W. Cvril \Veynouth and 1 Dr. G. E. Reanian, Supeýrinitenidutît daughter june, Toronto, are enjoying 1 of the Boys' Training School. haq beeni two weeks' holidays ait Nliss; T. laud! granted two wceks' leavc iLÀ absence e'nfotind's. on accounit of iii heaith. Hc left on I Is.Wmi. Edger, Ms W. E. F a nrigfor Rcetr where Crago, Messrs. Arthur and LelandtOiitrltvs Edger visited over the weekend the Ms C. W. Hackney, M.%rs. M. W. focmer's sister, Miss Mabel Ham,. Tamblyn and Mrs. J. Hewston re- Mpaford, who is very iii. 'turned Saturday frorn attending Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.PP., Mr. Rebekah Assenibly of Grand Lodge Bragg and Mr. and M'vrs. John Baker at Harilton. TÈhey also spent a spent the weekend with Mr. and NMrs. few days in Toronto. S. Dunseath, St. Marys, and also at- Mrs. C. Day Clark, Mrs. E. F. Hol- tended the unveiling of Prof. Rey-1 land, and M-%iss Betty Holland, Tor-- nolds' portrait at Ontario Agicuitur- onto, spent the weekend with their ai College, Guelph. Mrs. Bragg and aunt, Mrs W. C. Washington. Mrs. Mr.Baker are rernaining for~ a E. Day Washington returned to Tor- week to viqit their numreouz rela- onto with thema and xiii leave short-I tives there. ly for her horneini Vancouveor, B.C. Bowmanville Community Day and Flower Show Dominion Day July 1 st 1929 Plan to spend the afternoon at Agricultural eark. A party of Durham Old Boys will visit the Park -during the afternoon. 4See bookiet for prize list of Flower Show.j -PROGRÀM- To be pretented under direction of Mise Peardon 1-Grand March 2-Folk Dance-Resp the Flax - Girls 3-hby Herse Song and Drill Boys from South Ward School 5-Frolic of the Frogs Little Girls 6-English Country Dance - - - - Girls 7--Playground Games 5-Dumb Bell and Wand Exercises - Miss Peardon 9-Sword Dance - - - Miss Norah Drow.n 10-Irish Dance - - - Girls il-Bail Drill and Singing Gaines - - - Girls l2-Ry.thmic Dance - Marion Connssrs and Grace Welsh 13-Club Swinging - - - Miss Pesardon 14-l'loral Dance - -Girls (In case of rain the prograi wilI be given in the Opera Hou». at 2.30 p. mi. Mm OYAL mANU OF CARA4- &"iOney Order Enc1oSd'" r.Rsafety and convererce in serding rnoney by mail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isies, use Royal Banik Money Orders. They niay be obtained at any branch of this Bank and are lssued payable i ither dollars or pounds. OwTheJblyal ]Banik of Canada Bownianville Branch R. F. Aitchisofli Manager 1049 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MINISTERS AND CHURCHES N-r. i. N il lAn î. ISt.i .sc. R. C. tîtilrcli Snlay xas Iin 'tt iittiilit a lîtotiixv U SNîcing NIass 9 a.iin. E thc w cv-ck mi. cing DcV )ticI ný7 p.rn. Ni . '. I 'Misîs Vitnre' s ni Buîbcaivgueni spent Butler. iast w euk w tii lier sister, M-\rs. G. F. Rev. R. J. Shires, rect, i« fSt. I'urdv, Chîirciî St. Johns Church, xiii again hds e chargel Ni.andi NIrs. ~ i. Mi 'roîtice and of thie Siiorner 'S',hool in lhii(1 son Maxwell, Toreonto, are guetts of Strachait toliege, Torentu, cotnienc- 1NMr. andi Nie. T. C. Icwefl. ing juiy 2. NMr. and Nrs. George Suggitt Reg- Irtnîtv tUnited Church, Re\.I ~ ina, Sask, arc x isiting 'Mr. and c.Rbnlstr udvSn c'; i WV. C. Ferguson, Liberty St. a.nt., Cliurch and SundaI, Schoeel Preaching serv ice. Sacramnîtal 'Mc. and Nirs. Percy Magahay and serýices boîth imorning anldexnni.AI] txvo ebjîdren of Omemee spelît Satur- services in charge of the pastun. j day excening with Nirs. Nlagahay's sis- St. John". (Anglican) Clhuneh Rle-.1 terNMrs. G. F. Purdy, Churchi St. 1R 1 hrs etr it ina i Chif o PoiceVenon nd frý. er Trinity. June 3th, 1929. 8' ar. Vlon ani faim lv and NIr. Jon and vI ,niinon i m N~ron Mi iss E\ a Helivazr arc on a nctor trip Pa 2.9pn. Sna Sbia( te Wi-'tern Onîa*zrio, the fornmer vsîting Bible Ciass; 7 Ex entîng îrayr. relaitix es at Nicaford andi the latter visîtîii. thuir nicce, Nirs. (Dr.) Ives, St. Andrex's Church; Rev. R c ai Sî.avier. Durinit, iister. Sunday services:- _____Suinday Sehool ait 10 arn. Preaching' scrv ices at Il arn. and 7.30 p.nî Sac- BOWMANVILLE GIRL MEETS rernenitai service in the mrcning. Pre- TRAGIC DEATH paratory service at 8 p.m. on Thursday. St. Pauls Cliurch. Rev. 1). W. Best, Mildred Cole Drowned in Toronto Bay 1)1).. Ninister. Il ami. Nonin. vr- Missing a Month ship and Holy Conmmunion; 7.30 p.m. ________1_Ex eniing vorshii,. The Niîîîstî r ,î Citizen. friends and relatives join both serv ices; 12-12.30 Stiniay School ini tîdering toi Mr, and Nirs. -J. E. L.ll P5n1eriod. Tiîîrsdav.JIinii(:27th, Cole and fnlivy their sincere 1rciaratory Serx ice, S p.rn. i.îîixi Ile (Icatil of their eldest _________________________ iat~ht r Nildr(iFiorenice Cole. NMis t. le tattohi public sciîoci tori MARRIAGES S nX S - ear, a lii tiiB RAGG-ABBOTT---4in rExt.'. Jin;- atii u Nlt~lek. r. scîtnth riast 1t92i, i Lf.Mars, low. I' 1 ac ni a lce (ua ceîricli position ll', It 'Iit. kit. Oa., xx ti;tiî~ Rticlii! Cn. -,cili Com rn j - v S. W t. S ltnîtgg.s i4r soit J'lv IfT i t ".î ,iialii. - lier IhomIle at N 'f l 1 .1Mi .. XV. gEni'.,.. ix n te 011<N.o mîrk St. Shc - 1 OENIGK-CLARKE - On S t aY ateidda iect;nOiz lie totiipati\ tmmi2.ît.i:: ,Si.ToisALi * n Ii ex-ttcfNa27,nha - ltiId. 1oîniani , .1t l io; niv lof . Mi -ie. a cv ,n 27 ai,- -e ,seIttgii. ii,,t.! . ihîtI tt iI. .ctcR N*iiit.- n 1I b cIliýIit t e " l\- the riuttix ex ail i s .1 Ro' ni '. K. n GtMn. e.nik t, 51%. J. liýi , uîson.1. St'Mnr. J. l in rnthe b), t iia she liîîiciît I nlii vî(t ruititr lbuit aiter sex iraI xx eekc Imx t x iii.the b-lv xvas iscovercd in:_________________________ Toronto bay and after being identiled xas br,-neilit to lir borne bere lor DAH The dîneral iiîîeNxaý private îook i S2rALES-loto t 1Kirkie]sul , . lSth, 199 tJon auples. azuS q2 .. ans place ir miii thi hcnme (Àlier par ents on DOI~UGLASAt Ncwcastl,-. on Siinlav, Ce)nce.sio i. St. it \Nedniedayalter- 1 22rl, ltý29, Jolin tDouglas.,in bis1 iioomi. service beings c-iiductcd bv Rev.. 76ttî yar.1 I. __ . .obins'.,pAtitii 1Ii - Tl- Jr-, - ri 1 1 Clînrei of vhiliise %vas a member t,.t uauglter oftm teTous AJIin o ,111( aise a sv tîlseti inuben oi the Sundi lani. choir. Rev. John Wilkinson, Vie- CORDEN-At Newcastle, On Sunday, toria Road, friend of deceased, as- Jîîne 23nut, 1929, Shirley Mari Corden.: infant daughtpr of M'.%I.andti Mrs. Stanley sisted in thesie at the house and R. Conilen, agcul 8 monilis, 14 'laya. aise gave a comnforting miessag e. COLE-Suddilnly at Toronto, Mildced Rev. J. R. Bick assisted at the grave. I Focence C'ole. eldest daughter of 'McI. and The ntemen tok pace i 4.J E. L. Cule. Bowmanville, aged The ntemen tok plce i t34 ears. Interment in Hampton Cern- the family plot in Hampton cemetery. eîery. The Ijali bearers xxece six cousins. ____________________ Messrs. Frank Park, Napance; Roy v Sis. Foxboce, E. Howard Cole, IN MEMORIAM Hampton; Ross Lee, Kedron, L. C._____ Sncswden, Maple Gcove; 'Bruce Mc- WRIGHT-tn loving oete f Lucy, Gregor, Kedron. daugiter of Mc. and tIrMc. Ec-d NWight. Oshawa, who 6usd June 24th, 1925. She leaves te niuun lhec passing, bier June brings baok sati memnori'-n parents, one brother, Albert J. Cole Of a loved one laid te reat; oi this t0w-n and one sister, 'Miss Mac- She waa Jusi a beuatiful flower That came with us to stay. joric Cole, St. Cathacries. But God thoughtit je tte' Beautiful fierai effecings express- Focrlier te go with ili. ed the sympatby ef niany friends un Eer aenemberi ytler, ate their bereavement. ____ In loving memory of Williani Etiger, JUNE WEDDING who depacted ibis lite June 27th,, 191. Oeyeac has Paased, but stillito-day, Fend memecleas are enshrlned Philips-Hoope.wI a leving heart ofts lonely one His lite was atl.ful In kindly deetis, Cincinnati's ancient regime WO.5 A helping liand for others neculs; mucb interested in the wedding Wed- Hia talthful lite came tu an end, nesday afternoon, June 19th, at He dled as lie llved. evecyone's friend. 1Sadly misseti by W!,'. and Family. Christ Church Chapel of Miss Char- lotte Bradford Hooper, la daughtec ofi the late Henry Northey Hooper and!. Articles For Sale Mrs. Hooper, of Mount Auburn, to Mr. James Alexanderc Phillips Jr., of FOR SALE - DIvanette, Refrigecator New York. and Recking Chair. Phone 246. 26-1 As a grand-daughter of Mr. Grif-b FOR SALE-Sewlng Machine; baby itb Pritchard Griffith, this bride was u2y -uerdest los6 aise known to a wide and influential FRSL- ecgctr ag ie circce whose admiration fer herseif eheap. Apply Geo. C. Wright, New- and hier family is a matter of gener- castie. 25-2w ations of friendship and affection. AT O AE12 ~ i As the guests asseunbled for the Coach. Apply G. L. Hall, Centre St. cecemony a haîf bouc of mnusic, in Bownîanville. 22-ti terpreted by none other than that FOR SALE-Baby Carrnage In good distinguished organist, Mr-. Parvin condition. Apply te Mcs. Wm. Nicliols, Titus, pcepared the way for the Kig Si. E., ljwnffnville. 26-i Lohengrin chorus as the bridai pro- FOR SALE-Hall Seat and Mlccoc, cessionai proceeded to the chancel Gramaphone and 40 records. Apply steps, where the groom awaited the Lawcy Cryderman, Queen St. 24-t bride. BUCKWI4EAT FOR SALE-Good seedj buckwheat. Apply to W. J. Leask, Mr. Arthur Hein Walker, the Taunton. Phone Oshawa 163-13. 243J adopted son of Mr. Stuart Walker, FRSL-ht ehrsadBc and Mr. Henry Lotspeich wece the ced Rock Chicks, canging In age from ushers and led the processional. baby chleks to i1] weelcs' old pullets. Mrs. Joseph A. Fr-eiberg and MssPhone 599. 2- Maiion Phillipe, a ister of the PIANO FOR SA LE--Gechard -Hein tz- groK>m, wece the bride's only attend- nman Piano In firt-claas. condition. Foc particulars apply to Mcs. F. L. Smith ants, bath gowned alike in piCtureS- Enniskllien R. R. 1. Phone 197r24. 25-Ï que taffeta frocks of chartreuse FRSL TABRANOe3 gree, fshined accrdig t th humer oil stove wlth oven: also one mode with low waistline, uneven baby cardiage: both I n gooti Condition. hem, long in the back to accentuate AMay be seen at J. T. Hoopec's, Chucch the deep V-neck of the 'bodice. T-heur St, Bowmanvilie. Phone 50)9. 26-tf slippers and amail, close-fitting hats matched their frocks in this exquis- Real Estate For Sale ite colon, 50 essentiaily Parisian. Shower bouquets of yeliow roses and FOR SALE-At Newcastle, 9-roomed s-weet peas in pastel shades contrast-jhouse, situateti on Beaver St., hait acre of garden. Apply 10 J. W. Bradley, ed with these toilets, green Crystai Newcastle. 243 neekiaces, gifts of the bride, eck.m-l HOUSES FOR SALE-Two brick resi- pleting a chai-ming effect. dences. wlth ail miodern cotiveiiiezces. Mr-. Henry Nothey Hooper, whe Apply to J. E. Flett, Centre St., Bow- vvas best man, accompanied hi1 ise manville, phone 384. 17-tf to the chancel steps, where ah Wt FOR SALE-New brick veneer bunga- met by Mcs. Ho-per, wbo gave hiec low on Queen Street, near Lbercty. Cash or terme. ApplY 10 il. Furber, Bow- daughter in niariage. manville, Phone 438. 26-3w* The bride woeere mothei's xed- ding gown of superb old lace, made Lost or Found with long basque and flowing skirt, which lengthens at the back. Hiec LOST-Rack off trck. color blue on veil xvas of rare point de Venice, a june Sîli between Nestleton ant i ow- beautiful pàttecn brought ox'er fcom mEflivllle. Finder pîsase ntlty P. Mac- Belgium generations ago, foc it has ln&Sn.Bwavle 4t been wocn bi ail the brides of the TIRE LOST-A gooti Ficestolie Tire, Hooper family in Boston since 1857. 30 x 3%6, andi im off carrier, on Chevro- Itw the ape o te lt Touing, sornewliere on road betweeti I as caught alten ft h oundacy lins, Clarke.aniAtu neck by a band of orange blessons Peeclis, Haydon . Flotter please notity j wîchwer xvrn y hc mteraiArthur B,'ech, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. i gmndmother in the samc fashion as at hiec own wedding. Hec only jeweLs xxere a stcand of pearîs and ai me diamond wrist watch, the gift of thel groomi. Hec flowers were bride WANTED-l5y tiiti-ti n market gai- d-n. AîuîtvSydm 0 ,- rux t, M idle Rond., roes mingiod with sweet peas. ltowîtl;n\ill'. 2-s jThicty-five guests surounded thel WOMAN WANTEO --Foc genecal bride and groonm at dinner at the i louse-work. Apply Mca. M. Chrisl,' at hoeme of the brid's mother iomied-I ltowinnilllsBapih1touî'- 28r4. 26-1* iately after the cereniony. BOA RDERS WANTED - Room andi Mr. Pilp and bis bride saile<l board In central part efthie town. Ap- the latterlpr f h w frply lu Mca. Dlnnlwell. Stîxer St., Bow- France and xiii he at home after lat inthir .pctmntat -iELP WANTEO-veitig girl 10 assist jSeptember1t n i pr tme xvt iîîlight lhouia-ke,-iîlng andI teo inti 1334 Rivecaide Drive, New York. luîir îyîaîytinmeugtu wv Shost of felicitatiens follew thon caîtle 11,tutti. Appli,'saiiig wages ex- front fac and near.--Cincinnati En- tIvO Ont. quirer. HELP WANTEo-Yoting man wt The groom is a son of Mr. and Iligli Sehool edunaiti00, for Accounting Mrs. James A. Phillips Sr., New York lelît. ii local 0manuta.cturiiig plant. Ctand a grandson of Mr. M.A. State agty, e'cîeience If any, andi aaac ('ifv e . Apply in own hand writlngt James, Bowmnanville. [T. (I." Statesman Office. 2- I _____________ - Inte resting Items for the Week-End Women 's Smart Hats Clearance Price $1.e95 Smart Straws! - Smart Yet what a low price! Straws, Mohair, Perle Styles! Fancy Visca, etc.-show medium or upturned brims and trimming of corded ribbon. Colors include navy, red, grey, green, mauve, rose. Silk and Wool Pull-Overs Summer weight Sweaters in ail wool or silk and wool, in V or round neck style. Much in demand for wear in the cool evenings or for general sport wear. Ail the new pastel shades and ail sizes, Regular values to $5.50, $2.59 Smart Tweed Coats Ail recent buying in coats foii travel or sport wear, no two alike, tailored and belted styles, ail pure wool and in sizes 14 to 20. Regular values $9.95 to $15.95, $6.75 and $9.95 SALE! A Special Purchase of 75 Little Girls wash Bloomer Dresses Sizes 2 Wo 6 years. Made of novelty Printed Percale. They are made in a cute style, and a large selection of colorings, 49c each New Flannel Coats A conspicuous success this summer is the Flannel Coat. For Friday and Saturday we are showing a ver special group i a superior quality ail wool English Flarnnel, in colors of green, red and -white. Sizes 14 Wo 20. $6.76 and $9.75 Art and Thread Silk Hose 79c Ilimdreds of our customers are wearing these dependable service weight hSe. Carefully shaped with good fashion marks. More 20 shades to choose from. RAG MATS Attractive Rag Mats in hit and miss designs, stencilled ends. Size 24 inches by 48 inches. each 59c FLOOR OIL-CLOTH Remnants of Floor Oilcloth in attractive patterns; 18 inches, 1 yard and 2 yard widths. Haif of regular Price Women's and Misses' Smart ail Wool Bathing Suits These aIl wool garments come in one-piece style, tailored to fit snugly and to insure swimming comfort. Sizes 34 Wo 44. Red, green, powder, black, navy, trimmed with white or con- trasting colors. $2.49 WALKER STOR'ES Limited PictoriaI Patterns Reyiew Pattent, mm. du- PAGE FIVE Parade to Agricultural Park at 1.30 p. m. Led by Fif e andi Dîum Band. Folk Dancing- Fancy Drills Public Sehool Pupils under direction of Miss Peardon. Physical Culture Exhibition Boys' Training School - Direction of Mr. Earl Cunningham. Soft Bail Tournament for the "Whiz" Challenge Trophy. Flower Show - Orchestra in Attendance Admission to Grounds-25 Cents Kee