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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1929, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 19~29 LýEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS OLD AGE PENSIONS ACT m. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. To be hard of hearing is a seriousýCitizens Should Familiarize Them- Barrister, Solicitor, Nat8X7 handicap to an ordinary person, es-I selves With Particulars of Thism Money te loan on Farm and Town pecially if they have te meet mnany New Act Property. Royal Bank Building, people. In these days of telephones Bowmanvilla. Phone 351. and radio one misses very nuch if There is considerable ignorance: ~. R STIKEhe cannot converse over the phone abroad as to the qualifications neces- I W. R. TRIKEnor listen in on a radio and the afflic- sary for a person to draw benefits Successor ta late D. B. Simpson, K.C. tion is oftener felt when in company under this Act. In the first plac e, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary or seated at a table at mealtimie. ln -if one hasý children who are able toi Solicitor for Bank of Montreal ail these occasions deafness is a sore maintain a father or mother, the first1 Money to Loan Phone 91 aff liction, also when one is deprived1 call f or such maintenance rests upon Bowmanville. Ontario of the pleasure of hearing church theni, as provided under the Parents'1 ~. F. services, singing or other nmusic, Maintenance Act. If you have a son WF.WARD, B. A. lectures or addresses the deprivation. or daughter w-ho is reasonably able Barrist2r, Solicitor, Notary is keenly feit. Hence anything that to provide for your keep, you need Money teo ban. Bonds for aale. can be done to prevent an individual net look to the Old Age Pensions Act Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., frein losing his or her hearing should for assistance, but you may invokeI Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonea:- le done and any advice on prevent-itheir aid undcr the Parents' Main- Office 102; House 409. ion of the great luxury being takenitenance Act. _________________from us should bc heeded. We have1 Secondly-Where oe is a fit sub-I within a few years been deprived of ject for pension, any prQperty or îas- our hearing, se ardently desire te set yau nmay be possessed of must bet DENTAL render any service in our power tei transferred te the care and manage- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE those who are net yet se afflicted. ment of the Old Age Pensions Coin-t * *missions of Ontario, who may seli Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto In the Words of that devoted such or dispose o! it in any way and! University. Graduate of the Royal Christian lady Helen Hunt Jackson: apply the proceeds towards their College of Dental Surgeons of On- If I can lirve te make some pale face maintenance. The follOwing condi- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. biheadt ieascn utetosms ecmle ih Offi" phone 40. House phone 22. rgtantegvaseodlsrtismuthec pidwt: X-Ray Equipment in Office. to some tear-dinsmed eye; or cheerj 1. (a) is a British subject, or be-1 sonne way-worn soul ini passing by; in a widow who is net a British sub- DR. J. C. DEVITT miy life though bare of much that ject, was such before ber marriage; Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson seemeth dear and fair to us on earth, (b) has attained the age of seven- Graduate o! Royal Dental College, will not lhave been in vain. ty years; Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- Or, in the thought of W.- E. Bart- (c) has resided in Canada for manville. Office hours 9 a. m. t, on on the value of words timely and twenty years; 6 p.m. ailyexcpt unda. Ponefitly spoken, ho says: I spoke a kind (d) has resided in the province in 90 H.m.dalyexhoept28na. word, almost thoughtlessly, and a which the application for pension is X-Ray Equipment in Office, long time afterward -one thanked me made for flive years; for it with tears in his eyes; then 1 (e) is net an Indian as defined by DR. R. E. DINNIWELL thought since kind words cost se lit-I the Indian Act; Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- tle and help soeinuch why arn I not1 (f) is not in receipt of an income sity and member of Royal College of always kind? So in kindness we are Of as much as $365 a year, and Dental Surgeons. Licensed te giving this Talk in the hope thatI (g) hias not tmade any voluntary practise in Ontario and the Dominion. someene or many may receive somelassigninenit or transfer of proiperty Dentistry in ail its branches. Office- benefit in retaining the use of their'for the purpose of qualifying for a King St., Bownianville, opposite hearing faculties. pension. Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. * * * The maximum pension payable is ____ One who seems to understand why $240 yearly, whicb shall be subject se many folk become hard of hearing1 to reduction by the amount of the MEDICAL tells us that when ta person over 20 income o! the penîioner in excess of C. W. SLEMON, M.D., CM. years of age becomes liard o! hear-1 $125 a year. Gradateof rinty Mdicl Clleeîng it is most often the result of ig-1 Where a man and wife can both P, Tornto fomery ! Enisilln.norance or neglect, very rarely the 1 qualify each is entitled to a pension. Toffieond fRmesidenc e Dr. eth'consequence o! some unavoidable! And the further conditions are ar-I e former residence on Church Street, sîckness or accident. The causes ranged for 0 Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44t which lead te graduaI loss of hear-I 2. (a> Where a pensioner is them ing and the slow progressivenessaof owner of an interest in a dwelling o J. CLARK BELL the condition are 'very o!ten over- house in which he resides, and the q si.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin>, D.P.H. looked by the victim or his friends. Old Age Pensions CommissionofB (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) An equal loas of acuteness of eye-I Ontario accepts a transfer to it o fîA Rions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- Siglt would cause the greatest con- I such interest, the pension is net sui-1 deen University; Fellow of the Royal cern and help would lie sought early, lect te any reduction in respecti l College o! Surgeons, Edinburgh. for the individual would lie consciouslthereo!f but the Commission on the Itr Office and Residence, Queen St.,of his defect. But we are so made, easîng o esino r uch dweligV Bowmanville, Phone 89. ~ that one may actually lose a consid:' igt ocp uh wligPý Offce Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. erable amount of his sense of hear house may seli such interest and re - b ing without himiself being aware of ta in out of the proceeds the amount IPr W. H. BIRKS, MD. 1lit. o0f aIl payments made to the pension- of Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. **e1eri nea fteaouth ol Telephone 108. This may be easily explained. It have received if such interest Pra Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's is because we do not require in Our net ben transferred te the Commis- former residence, Wellington Street, ordinary relationships and occupa- in. See Dominion Act, section 9 o Bowmanville. tiens the high degree of acutenes i (2) and Ontario Act, section 10 (> hearing with which we were original- (b) The right te the Commissioni B DR. V.H. STOREY ly provided, and which animais and te recevery of pension payments eut Office hours 2 te 4 and 6 te 8 P. M. uncivilized men find necessary te of a deceased pensioner's estate, butj After 8 p. m., by appoinment only. protect themselves against attack his right is not te extend to property Exception-Office will bc open 9 te and in following their enemies or theI.Passng te another pensioner or te a 10 Saturday niaIt. 38-tf game on whicî they live. persen w-ho has assisted in maintain-I Tic DR. R. W. CLARK When one of us has sufered from i ng the pensioner. (See Dominion Physician & Surgeon graduaI impaimment of his hz'.ring 'ctt scton9 3) ad ntrî At, such an extent that hie himself recog section 10 (2).) Office-Division St., Bewmanville. nizes the !act, in many cases it is tee ?(c) Thepension is net to e I able (next te Trinity United Church) late te restore it. It is onîy when te nyproncial or municipal taxa- Office Heurs-3 te 5 and 7 te 9 p. m. the disturbance is discovered very tien, and cannot be attached or seiz- Suixdays by appeintment only. early and aIl the causes which would ed under any legal precess, and is Phone 24 lead te further loss of hearing are net assignable except as hereinafter 45tpromptly removed, that we can hope mentioned. (See Dominion Act, DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS for the best results. section 10 and Ontiario Act, section The Physicians ef Bowmanville Anyone interested naturally will (d :- pninrisicpc havearre tne lnoA+, i." i,.t.~-a,.LIJr tvaasit, flotrsitf rf.eyY" Te pvÂnÂudeusA ; tne'1 Wednesday a!ternoons. In case o!fnser is "Peeto. I soî eninri siglspnither emergency at this time enquire o! by regular, thorough periedic exam- weota frlsow eeft 1h thehesita ortelphoe oeraor atonso! he arste etemin pesin may lie paid to a trustee te tor a ocptalor hehoe Praori ondiofton stodeemi be expended f or the benefit o! the fradco.their cniinand acuteness for (e DmnonRegl1 seunds, that diseased conditions can pensioner. SeDmnoRgua be detected sufficiently early te make t ion No. 21a and Ontario Act, sec-I it possible for treatment te do the tien 11). CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS ms ed hsde e na (e) The Old Age Pensions Coin-I mostgoo. Tis oes ot eantha mission o! Ontarioe may, with thel THEROPY treatinent o! advanced cases is net consent o! the pensioner assume the DURWIN E. STECKLEY te lie encouraged. Even such can imanagement o! any property belong- honor graduate o! Toronto College often be helped te the extent of pre- ing te the pensioner. (e nai o! Chiropractic will lie in the Bow- ventîng the !urther rapid progress ofiAc, ecioe1ead om nion riou- Manville Office Tuesday, Thursday the disease, and should have the ben- Act etion o.2.) Doiin eu and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. efit e! the advice o! a well trained aI (f Te N cip.o apesin.ha Residential cails made during fore- physician. odiqafyn prnfomvt neon. The same advice bolds oo e ltdsulf n esnfenvt îîd e nz at any provincial et- municipal specting the condition o! the teethîcîec ti.' (See Ontario Act, pec- and the eyesight o! chiîdren and, in1 n oiinAt eto FUNERAL DIRECTORS yg!l.1 8 (2).) F. F. MORRIS CO. Se many conditions ebtain that1 THE ELEMENT OF SPEED Cmlt oo orthe more knewledge we can gain_____ Copee Mt&o about our faculties the better. O-ne FcsWrhRmmeigWe HerseEqui nen saîd: "Man know thys-elf."' Driving an Auto AIl calîs premptly Tfb.oldvc still bolds gcd._____ attended to.The question is often askedHo1 e aesm inrqtgfgue \Ue~/ Private Ambulance. HowfaHere ae some înerer-ing figure Bowmanville phone: frogtIt er" Nraîiwbicb motorîsts will do iveil teý por,- 10 and34 « oe should hear the faintest tick of~ Branch Store- the watch or any other low sud eoe. Acrtaeln: I / Orono & Newcastle. an equal distance with eacb n, e15 miles per bout- gees 22 ft. paec. that distance oe foot or Lwenty feet . m0iiles per heur goe.s 29 ft. per sc.ý ALNh.eILIAear whieh is net being tested 2 i jmiles per hout- goes 36 ft. per sec. ALAN . WILIAMSmust be closed tightly with tie 30 miles per boum goes 44 ft. per sec. Embalmer and Funeral Director. lfinger <ýp. If yen boom the watch .35 il1es per heur goees 51 ft. per sec. Calîs given prompt and personal at- more dis<inctly witb one car than 40 miles per heur gees ;-)8 f t. per sec. tention. No extra charge for dis- with the ether. sornethine is w'reng. 45 miles per heur gees 66 ft. per sec. tance. Motor Ambulance at your While a normal car may not hear a Distance required te stop a car de- I service. Phones 58 or 1,59, B<iw- ladv's small watch mnore than a few- pends upon the mechanical condition j manville, Ont. 3tf. feet, one shoul<l be able te hear the o! brakes, condition of road-wýay and large Ingersoîl watch at lea-t twenty iupon the mental faculties of person feet, the test of course te ha made 1 eperat ion the car. AUCTIONEERS in a quiet roci. THEO M. SLEMON ***_____ Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Sp46calty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. i tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-Dr.I XcElroy's former office. Phones. Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. UNBURN Soothing and refreshing. Gives immediate relief. .Ratores smoothness Non-greasy. Can be uàed at ail tines. jMLL(N BALI Here is another'practical test that i can ha very' easily miade: The sup-I prassed or low whisper <proeluced hy) first emptying the lonçrs- hy hyrEatbi'ngI o ut, and then ]icstînctlv whisperi test words) should le hi-ard in a quiet place at least thirty te .sjxtv fe et. Thie person being examined I must net sec the lips of the examiner, and the former prove that he Lq hear- inz ecr word used hy correctly re-, pcating it. The distance will van,,' considerahly for diffierený -wor4Ils the, quietnp5;s.;cf the ron and thec elear- np.zs:e!ofentînciation cf the persmI 'n~~~~~~~~~~ r, l-rlllv" ,hneq G 'e qppm sc' n ifrtiein+ll. e.nh' v -11 r'n'- cr' rý'iln 'void fiirtlirmr e,- mero,,i n. T'ho cap 'm'a- t t 'mmrvont1 -n, P'l ýn j- e" f lme ,pc" s ýn -f' r;11 nf flIe c I,,.ef,., fhov Tl,~,pc'~~'~sire nffen riP'qnfinm oiph i1id1rnod. itîcir effgPrt,orm- ;,, eîfiinitplv arnarent ennlv r interç %vorg. BV s nrAful snia, rlp-(qyr, hAeptered in tiMP te sivnid i «Pinaqcn.qnuencýq. A cantle. school nurs eau <ften detect these. Pve forgotten 1 ever had any nerves Your doctor wiil tell you how the act of chcwing relaxes and soothes strained nerves, and how the health- fui cleansing action of Wrleyte refreshes and tonca you up ail round. Aida digestion. aftoe Captain Dancy to Speak Here on "Canadianization" Noted Canadian to Give In- spiring Vital Lecture at Chautauqua Tent Capt ne Nelson Dancey.j noted Canadian author, editor and outstanding lecturer, cornes to the Canadian Chautauqua on the 1.t afternoon with a vital, InÀspiring lecture, ",Canadianization." Captain Dancey at the age of twenty-one was editor of an Im- portant city daily. He was one of the first Canadians to go to France at the outbreak of the World War, where lie won the rank of captain and galned distinction as a aoldier. CAPTAIN DANCEY 0ellowlng the armistice ie, achiev- ed International fame as a speaker. His series of lectures was heard by over a million soldiers and com- nanded the praise and admiration of Marahal Joffre. As a conse- quence Captain Dancey was per- sonally commended by the bighest Allied officiaIs. Captain Dancey. althougli bomn ln Ontario, has, since the War, con- ributed widely te the rapidly de- 'eloping lite o! the West. The people of the East will enjoy this breezy speaker who returns te bis province with a message which ls of iuprgme national Importance. CaLUtwtn Dancey believes ln bis native land; la acquainted wlth the roblema that confront her, and haP a message whlch will appeal te &Il <',anadians BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Adults-$2.75 (Tax included) Children-$125 (no tax) 'ckets on sale at Statesman Office and Balmoral Hotel. THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER <Fromi Kamloops, 1B. C., Sentinel) A fýew years ago observers "saw*" the lage metropolitan newýspprs -with their wvide and, in sonie cases,ý national circulation driving the rurali press eut of business. Some wvent £0 far s to predict a time near at inad when only ve.ry large cemimunities could financially support even one pape r. These groundless prophecies were inspired by consolidations and sus- pensions of weekly and small daily newspapers then taking place and still continuing in lesser numbers. But one could have predicted as eas- ily the passing of the metropelitan press, for wholesale consolidations and suspensions w'ere taking place among city papers during the saine period. The truth is the country found it- self in the position of having an ex- cess of newspapers and some had te drop eut of the long and bitter strug- gle for bare existence. The satura- tien point had been passed long ago, and the retreat te the point of satiety is now nearing consum-mation. What las been the result? flatter, larger and more reliable newspapeirs are oe result. And newspapers as a whole. frein the smallest weekly te the largest daily, were neyer more I presperous. ýMen every-where are coming more and more te understand and appreci- ate the part the rural press is taking in the affairs of the nation. And its usefulness lias increaseil with its, presperity and the public's confi- dence in it. The metropoliian press, or sma11 city daily, with aIl their resources,I cannot do for a comnîunity %vhat thel home paper can de. The ho:me paperi bas responded te deniands mýade on it. Often it is the Hansard o! the community; its sympathies are wider, its kindnesses more apparent. It softens occasions for the unfortunate and omits mudli that might grive pain; its understandings. while more a- ochial, are generally inspired hy its closeness te what is happening te the individual and frequently by leaving a thing unsaid it earns an unspoken tribute in the hearts o! the distressed. BELL PHONE EXTENSION Will Spend Over $22,M0 on Local Plant In accordance witli the general service extension policy of the Bell Telephene Comipany it has been an- nounced by the Manager o! the local exchange that a suni of ever twenty theusand dollars will lie spent in re- lieving the present congested state o! the plant, and in installing new equipment. The work wiIl com- mence around the first o! August and 'will go on for several menths. Fur- ther changes are planned in the pro- gram for 1930 and 1931, the general result of whidh should be a steady improvement in the standard o! both local and long distance service. TI E ROA DSTER Cu'itA rumble mat), $850. .Spicial cqu:pment extril T Fi E //l-si'ze Chry-sler-bujlt Pîx-ilotpl is just a yc-.r oîd- and w hat a phî'î imenal year of suc- cess it h-as bai! AII this week, we are celebrating the first I>Ivîîuuth annivt-r-arv hy- holding a gala -howing of the newî:- rciîned and :mprovei riodels which nîke tod:îv s I>Iý-îîî ni stilI more ourist:lndi'r in the Iow priced field. Whe a car in its first y'ear be- coînles the giant Plymouth is-when it Nvns the- popularity that 1Pîvmo-uth enjoys-when thousands u po n thous ands of owners sing its praises adexhibit an*d, it to their friends wîth gen- umne prid-that car certainlv must have nierits that no other car in its tlass possesses. That, in essence, is the story oif the Chrysler-buflt Plymouth. Plymouth is the on]y Jul/-size motor car at anywhere near the price -the on/v iow-priced car with the individuality and style of Chrysler designing-the on/y ]ow-priced car with the smooth, flexible, quiet live- liness so typica] of Chrysier engi- neering-the only low-priced car with the safety of Chrysler-famed S four.-wheel hydraulic brakes, '5 nternal-expanding, weather- proof, positive, nolseless. FULL SZ You are cordila]iv invited un visit the anniversary s howing being heîd at our display roonm in honor of the Plyrnouth's flrst birthday -July 6 tîntîil JuIv l3 Coupe,' $Y20; Rolidter (wit/î rum6/e Seai), $850; 2-DoorçStdi, ,$V6o fOuoi $7 lD e L uxe C oupe ( u tA ' eo , s t , $ 7 o1; 4-Door Seaan, $ý(,. .1pries f. o. é. !J5edspr, Ontdr-u, rJui:ot.siti'rdfiitory eýuîpment (rg/tard taxes extra). ]P]lYIYIDJTU CANADA'S LOWEST -PRICED P l'i1.1 -S 1/ZrECA R SPECIAL LANNIVI;RSAîy SIO WING of bproved Plymolith Models July 6 -July 13 3 22 WALTER DELINE PAtzE TWC ~1~ Evenîng Rates Begin at 7 p.m. Many users of long distance overlook the fact that reduced Evening Rates now beg-in at 7 p.r. These reduced rates (about 25 per cent less than day rates) apply, of course, on Station-to-Station cals. After 8.30 p.m. the reduced rate is stili fr-er-about 50 per cent off the day rLt-. (The minimum reduced evenjing rate is 35c; and the minimum reduced night rate 25 cents). And an additional convenience-charges on Station-to-Station cals may now be reversed, w-here the rate is 25 cents or more. Remember - evening rates begin now at 7 p.m. by your local time. TIIE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA a r. I STOIBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Systom il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phene Calîs At Our Expens. CHRYSLRR MOTORS PýRODUýC ýýý MARKING THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY 0F A NOTABLE Succuss b. a 9 Phone Newcastle 3733. Newcastle, Ontario un ,la

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