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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1929, p. 1

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With Which IsIncorporated Trhe Bowmanville Newsl Vol LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Cnv MN. 2 Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap-Bu Summer DressE Bargain Pric Ladies' Feit Fi Just the Thing for Sumu $2.95 and up Ladies' Spring 9 Balance of Coats in Stock At Haif Price LADIES' STRAW HATS Balance Clearing at $1.50 eac LADIES' PURE SILK HOSIEF A wonderful assorinent, in newest sha best values to be had at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 I Special line of Silk Hose at 75c P Silk Gloves, newest shades and styles, NEW SUMMER DRESSES Owing to demand for ouji Summer Dresses w( more new ones Thursday. MEN'S STRAW HATS AND SLJMME] Great Reduced in Price. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Children's Colored Cotton and Silk Rose at C Prices. PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHI And Napkins to match at exactly wholei 'Coming Soon ST. JOSEPH'S LAWN SOCIAL on MONDAY, AUGUST 5th. at White Rose Gas Station Lot (Corner King and Liberty Sts.)1 Sanie place as last year. Many games will bie played- Whcd] of Fortune, Bingo, Fish Pond, etc. Horse Shoe Tourna- 'ment added attr-action. Two black knights, colored entertainers. Oshawa Regimental Band wxiI furnish music. SUPPER SERVED From 5.30 tili 8 o>'clock. Corne aIl and enjoy the fun. J. W. JEWELL BIG 20 Very Special SALE of Lined Envelopes also New Holiday Gift Line J. Wesley Jewell BIG 20 Phone 30 Bowmanville I r 'I Couch, Jtihnston & Cryd BOWM&nVllle Phoneo 14 T 1 -THE CHURCHES RUSSIAN ENTERTAINERS IPACKED TENT GREETS FIRSTý NEW B. H. S. TEACHERS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE St. Joseph's R. C. Church-Rev. jGîve Classical Program of Their CATULAPORA Two Teachera Appointed ta Fill Miss Lily Rosner is visiting rela-. P. P. Butler, pastor. Sunday, Julyl Weird Native Music I Audience Thoroughly Enjoy.d Pop. Vacancies of Principal Morrison tives in New York City. 28th.-9 a. m.-Mass; 7 p. m.-I____ Benediction. Chautauqua patrons wre accord- ular Broadway Comedy. and Mr. Henry. Mrs. W. C. Ashton recently visît,. St. Andrew's Ohaurch-Rav. R. Me- ed something -iew in the way of en- Citizens thoooughly enjoyed them- The High School Board bas becn ed Mrs. C. J. Staples, Welconxe. Derment, M.A., minister. Sunday tertainmlent on Ttiesday eening s elves at the initial performance of fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. M. Rose, Belleville, la vist- services: 10 a. m.-Sunday School; when Anatol Frikin, a graduate If Canadian Obautauquas on Monday Mr. Louis W. Dippell, B.A., former mnglher cousin, Mr. T. S. flolgate. il a. m.-Morxiing Worship; 7.30 the Russian College of Art, and a evening. he«d of the Science Department at Mr. John Hellyar Jr., Cliaton, ja p. m.-Evening Wooi. group of Russian Artiste, presented The big tant on the Public Scihool Renfrew Collegiate Institute, as visitin« bhis uncle, Mr. John Hlellysir. Trinity and St. Paul's United a. clever program of operettas, de- rud was crowded te i8 apait Principal of Bowmanvile igli Mi. Mans1aian daugher Jea, Ch uynchsrUnio seves.dURoin s.onth inah. itreqelf f< by an enthusiastic audience who School at a SalarY of $3200. Mr. Winnipeg, are visiting Mrs J. Lorne cf uIyin hage f Rv.J. . Rbis. ussa.loudly applauded and fully appraci- Dippell was an 'honour graduate of Stevens. Morning service in Trinity Church. The program was divided into ated the, i, pece ndsta Toronto University in 1920, and Mrs. M. J. Stubbings, Winnipeg, ChuchandScoo metsStIl .m treepats th frs gvg gmPse1 tions, as wall as the near-trg. holds a specialists' certificate in Man., recently visited at Mr. M. W. Preaching service in St. Paul's at 7.30 of life among the excotic surround-'touches in the popular comacly Th Science anid Pihysical Culture, as well Taxnblyn's. p.m. Trinity organist and choir in ings of a 15th century nobleinan's Famnily Upstairs," whioh waa very as a Cadet Instructor's certificate. Msr.Cdi eda .dEn charge of the musical service, home. In this scene tihe music of ably and realistically presente y Duoing his Six Years in Renfrew, essris.hCanîîlusN. Y., are hou- Choir practice 15 withdrawn at some of the greatest Russian com- the Martin Erwin players. b Mr. Dippal'bas held an enviable restdaiSm ier, a ils .Y. r Trinity Church on F'riday niglit on Posers was featured by the artists. Emma Heller, thbe mother, whose cord with bis classes. In 1928, onei ss account of Chautauqua. I cn Il, the Primitive exciting1 ambition to appear wealiiiy and toi hundred par cent of bis chsa passed I rs R. Freeland, Toronto, in vis- ____camp ip of the Gossacks was Iictur- "get Louise niarried" almost so.e in Upper Sehool Cbemistry and Zoo- iting the Misses Stephens and other ed nd eelngy ite prtedby helie fist hace;Joe Hlle, te oie and in Middle Sehool Physies. old friends. Couc, Jhnson &Cryermn aeduicand fecing. i ierire11d by fth br sfirt chance edandHell e Inogaddition to tis, for eacb of te Mrs. W. C laude Ives and daughter Couh, ohnto & rydrmaara gypsy scene, with the romantie & uekn ' atd wo p~ee last five years, one of bis pupils lias Rutb are visiting Mrs. Emmna Cahoon seligsoe ue inntale ecolorful atmnosphere of the wander- cOmfort to, style; Willie, the son won a scholamàhip in soma branch of in Bloomfield. i and napkins te match at exactly ing Russian. 1hs im ee 1ecaewk jScience.Ms.RJostnNeovila osatlew pre Thes r tsc The music throughout waswo-b a politician; AnnabeIle, the mis-. With these qualificatios and a re- visiting Mrs. J. H. Warry and attend- ona utne erec god.derfully harmonious and alluring andtchievous twelve-year-old sister, wh putation as a good disciplinarian, ing Chautauqua. Durham RPegiment as usual got its [played with perfect technique and' hated to "practise"l; Louise th there is no douht but that Mr. Dip- Ms enBlTrno pn h full share of honors in the camp re- expression, whiîe the solos by Anatol charming and I eider e , itepel will execute is duties as Prin- Mise eaenBwith Terornt, s.nd h cently held at Barriefleld. CaPL- A. Frikin were rendered in a baritone who, at the age of twenty-one, bad cipal to the general satisfaction cf Ms. elv i Be. rnsM.n H. Bounsaîl proved to bie best shot voice of exceptienally rich andinot vet rbe ar" n i al i.I r.Mli el in regiment. Corp. A. Leon Gunn pleasing tone, and a very wide range. ily, Charles Grant, hier fisst. G.ou.g h fifTh asto,. aspntlendyr ib s and finTr fhor indB Co. The regiment also In addition to the piano, violins, nan,"-alî these chasacters were conilPete i îfh ea ahead of On mos. Cot uter. t M. n won the Divisional cup in tugof- guia, tambourines, etc., the native iportrayed SI naturally and effective- bourg Coeiatc eprietnCo s.Ts oue. war, and Brigade cup in soft bail instrument of Russia, the balalaika,1lY that one could imagine oneseîfibugChlgaeInstitute, bias been Miss Jean Morris recently visitad toraet MjrE .Fegsnwsfeatured. getting a glimpse of the real home1 appointed teacher of Mathematics in bier sioter, Mss. (Dr.) J. W. Langi say tour aet Majr E.S. F nte t g Teson dancers, Anna, Russnin if e of a real family. Bowmanville High Scbool at a aalary snaid at Sturgeon Point. I systhsear oherreuîs otyeljand Alexanider Boishakoif, of whom The players were introduca-d Ibyie $2900. Mr. Wagas holdp the *Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke and J reposted in which tbey expect more 1thse latter was formesly soloist and Miss Wallace, Cbautauqua directer, B.A. degree frein Toronto Univassàity. fainily of Greenwood spent Sunday onr.i ballet master with the Russian Opera who also made an announcemenit of, and M. A. degree fsem Teachars' at Ms. and Mrs. Neil Mutton's. Company, attracted the attention of tbe programas to Lollew dusing the College, Columbia University, as Weil Mss. G. Arthur Wright and sons the au4ience immediataly as tbey wee.k. If "Tbe Faniily Upstairs" i seatispailas etiaei ai-GeresdTm a=iltn are vs performed witb a practised skill, the a fair saniple of the programs te fol-_ ic. Mir. Wagar comes highily iting ber mother, Mrs. Thos. Tod. graceful and spectaculur native low it will bie a çVeek cf deligtul,' recommnended as a conscientous and 'Mr .and Mrs. F. F. Morris bave Li o oddances. The artists were garbed in interesting andj inspiring entertain.a tecran dicpnainsd retusaed fromn an enjoyable vaica- tHo Godthe vivid, picturesque Russian dress, ment for Chautauqua patrons. j willne doubt prove a valuable addi- tion in M»ntreal and Quebec City. throughout, and, in fact, evesy de- to otehg coltcigâaf Mr. and Mss. T. A. Anderson, Tor- tail cftotrae porenn' esrma nteEDUCATION OR CATASTROPHE 1onto, ara holidaying witb their cous- tere e a nprt o ne dRu sraigtit.___ GOODYEAR PLANT ADDITION ins, Mr. F. C. and Mim Florence thebertofOl Rssa.W&& the Title off an 0ut tandin Hoar. urge andintrsidentr.Et theCn-. ddreua at Chautauquaslby n Fourth Unit Added to Local Rubber Principal and Mss. J. H. Jobuston, orain Cautauqua Cno.fteipand Mr. D. P. Beyea Factory in Twelve Years Bert and Eleanor are visitin.g hme to the audience something cf the1 tTedyatronsCua Acrmn ftnsa neetfat*mer, Ms. Gee. Lunnmay, Collk~- foudigth gswt, heaim aid qa Mms. D. P. Beyea preved te lie a and i-pertance toek place Tuesday, Campbellford tennis club leaders ideals cf the organization, whiclb's deligthtful and con'vincing spakr July 23rd, at 6 p. 'm. at the local ot league will play 'here Saturday ait strictly a Canadian cOncein. with a very cbarming personality. plant cf the Goodyear Tire & Rub- 3 p. mr. Citizans are invited to wit- In the atternoon the Russian art- She beld the closest attention cf both ber Co., when the first sod was turn- ness the gamnes. ~~ f~~~jm ~~ists furnished a shert prograin cf adults and children firom the very ed for a new addition te Bowman- Ms eleMte n isMr .~O ~ usi a a reudetotheletur, utst. In speaking of the title cf ville's largest industry. This new jerie Mutton are visiting tîhe form- "Education or Catastrophe," by Mrs. bier lecture, "Education or Catastro- part will be cf brick and steel cen- aer's brother, Mr. Neil Muttoxi, and D. Pirie Beyea. phe," she declared that we inust ed- struction meaauring 72 x 60Oft. and ejyn huaqa e s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .ucate ourselves te overcome t:e diffi- 12 900 sq. f h,. T is wilceprovide Mr.GeW.Jmsaddmghr e s ~~~~~~~CHINA WEDDING culties cf the modern civilization. 290s.f.mr lo pc r.Go .Jmsadduhe She based bramark n triple This unique event was witnessed Ruth xnotoed te Owen Sound on Mr.andMrs LwisJ. ucley Ornofeundation,-the mental, physical by mnembers of town counicil, ~a num- Monday whiere they will visit bier _____and sissitual growth of the citizens ber o tiesGoodyear officiais and mother, Mss. Geo. Woods. The fine country home cf Mr. and1 cf to.'morrow. employees. H. M. Nanson, Manager ReNv. C. W. Barsett and Mrs. Bar- Mrs.Lews J.BucleyClake Twn- Much case ahould bie taken ini Personnel Division, was directos cf rett, Kingston, are visiting at thse Mmleasi.tske, lrk ow-trainig a cbild's mi. Don't oves-' ceremonies and chairman fer the home of Mes. Barrett's parents, Rev. ship, ivas the scierieof a pleasant e!iaeo ne-stmt h ne- occasion. ingmuni 1ty even omeonda avn- ligence of a ohild's mmnd, she uiged.'d Congratulatosy and eulegistic ad- Misa Marjorie Coudh, fBethesda, nmer W lear ingJuof th, wreltiesomrewondsadi a child bas te appear in juvmn- dresses were made by Mayor M. J. and Mis uielhBeir,andçina,r neghos ssnbldtoete t eliiecor bcas o hepaets n-Elitt Ree .H.Thcbecauseoidy ofihthi gndaeno abrate with them the twentieth an- difference, lack of knowlaclge, o erman W. A. Edger, J. D. Cassuth- Ms. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg and taking niversary cf their marsiage and to faulty training in the early years of ers, President et Chamber Of Cern- in Chautauqua. present tbem with a complete dinne its lite. Thie formative, plastic per- merc e, and others. Mr. and Mss. W. J. Found and Mr. set f chna. he pesenatiner1 î,,4. of child's lite la at the age rom A. M. Hardy, Superîntendent of land Mss. Charles R. Found and tam- slaet fona.the prselant2b,1. pratidn ooki make cal plant, bad tbe honor of tura- '11y visitdtheis uncle& at Bra=ud theassmbld gests al f w thais werds "lIaw" in test time, they igthse firat sod witb a spade orna- Port on the Otonabea RIvia, Peter- se mbed guestrs, allound seats, nve il.mented with the Goodyear colora. bro udy set ao har, semia onlongh plan hespakrdeclared that insteadi llie spade was afterwards preented otherofprincipalSIly the chu-on te Frank Jackmnan, foreman in Mrs W. H. Hutton, Kincardine, dren on he gus.insane more case Shou]d ha taken to Msarge et erection of the naw Unit. HMr. W. C. Hutton, Detroit, Mae. W. The consmittee in charge had pl .-peetaide onn no lM . Hardy in biHsa pimitc . Pollard, Toronto, spant thme week- ed a large dining table on the lawn world mentally and pbysically unft. me reveiwed the history sud end guests cf the forimar's sister, k Clearing in front efthtie bouse and bail placed SIme aaid aima was looking forwasd toienta inlgot ofGoderMWH.Au, upon ift the 97-place dinner set witb the tiine whemm people 'who appli s tng this was the fourth addition Mss. John Poster, wlho bia been lanre andteatble utnuarg ecfe a mammrinlicense ahould bha iemada te local plant in tweWe apeuding sevaral montiha'witbLh lez cenraetthetale Bu alage emeled e rig a medical certifi- y«er. daugliter, Mss. A. L. Brown, Chicago, white table cloth concealed thasa for cate proviag themiselves Sound in The steady expansion et this cern- Ill., is now visiting lier son, Mr. H. the ime eing Mr.and M-- ind nd bdy.pany and the pePUlar demnand fer B. Fastes, Horsey Street. Buckley wera eecorted te, chaire lia- She teld et the great advancexaentGoderpdut eas elfr M.MlvleDeofBw niql, fore this table, while besida thesthat bas bean made in the alimina-th management as well as the faith- was guest of Mss. George Curtis, groom of twenty years a seat et hon- tien ofthtie dread diseases of th fuI and efficient service rendesed by Lindsay, oves lthe weekeud. Mr. :h or was given te bis 'venerable fatiuer,[ ol ul smlrateeaal its empleyees.Daepssesafntervicsd Ms.Jon ucle, wealhegbin; pex, etc., and et the decreasing in- - sang in Firat United Ghurch on Sun- bis 94th year, teck a li'vely interest tant death rate, end ue'ged tisat EPIDEMIC AT MAPLE GROVE day--Post. RY la aIl the proceedinga. Çlose bes ide people sbcmuld lie taught te case for TRACED TO CHEESE Mss. Chaales Bick.le, Liberty S. Ms. Buckîey Sr., sat bis eld and bon- their.own bodies, and their children's will receive for the first turne aine ades, undoubtedly onred friend, Ms. Thos. M. Gribsen, as scientifically and casefully as tibey Health Authoritie, Issue Statement bar marriage on Wedneaday, July Newcastle.l do their macinary and pure bred i As to Cause of Violent sicknels 31sf, frorn 4 te 6 and 8 tei lO p. rn. pi.Il Mrs. Ernmest Hammn read te thee liveetock!j at Church Te& Mss. Gao. Biekle will receive witli ar.rather surprised and bewildered' Mrs. Beyea aise expressed bas bie-I ber. Pair bride and groom a nicely wordad ad-ý lief tîhat a sound spiritual back- We have been requested te publish Tbsa engagement La announcied of ardresa etcongratulations and hast ; graund was a necessity for the suc- the following signed statemneut bear- Audrey Doris, daugh.ter of Ms. and $1.0 upwishes and as sha concluded, Mms.ijcessful advancement cf the human ing on thme sudden eipidemic et sick- Mss. A. T. Stainten, Hamipton, ta $10OUpWnm. N. Buckley and Mss. Silas race. ness wbicb teck place at Maple Rosa Edward Lee, youngeet son e Soucb lifted the covering frein tise Mrs. Bayes illustrated ber points> Grove annivessary: Ms. sud Mss. F. W. Lee, Taunton, table, revealing the flowems and the with three examples, gleaned from~ As so many people of the cern- marriage te take place in August at dinner set, and at the samne time ber own ricb experience as a werld- Munity bave been intesested in thse Zion Ghurch. e wilI have some placed la Mss. Buckley's banda a wA'e traveller, social wosker, and tests made by the Provincial Heal'th Is maCbeMse oe substautial rolcf bilis, thse overplua-seM .Ema inn ise oo trom the donations. Tisuadr s e in the late wsr. Authorities regarding the food stuifstbF and Helen Cahoon, and Master Theaddesssent te tbem for analysis hy the Loc- Errol Caboon visited recently withl was signad by tbe committea: Ms. BOWMANVILLE BEACH, al Bead et South Daslingteu and tise Msr. and Mrs. Claude Ilves, and st- and liss. Ernest Hamm, Ms. and Mms. EAST SIDE town et Bowmanville, fsom tise tai>- tended the weddiag of Mr. Corey Ca- MR SUITS Wm. N. Buckey and Mr. and Ms. tlies of Mapla Gsova Annivarsary la hoon and Miss Dorothy Selomon i Silas ouch.A very pleasant altesnoon was June last, if bas now heen deflnitely Hart Housa Ohapel, Toronto. When Ms. snd Mrs. Buckley had spant at Mrs. Newtcn's cottage, on determined tisat the cause et the out- M.S .RyodMs etho expreased tbeir thanka and apprecia- Wadnasday, J'uly l7tb. 'Ple occas- break was due to tise Racillus Entes- Bayacîd. o.fRWinods, Mss. laticel tien, Ms. M. H. Staîples led the gath- ien was a "Bridge," in aid cf the itidus, s hacillus found la tise cheeyndso f WirdsndHareofB'ws vile ering lnasinging "They Are Joily Star Fresh Air Fund for wbich the sesved at the faibles. Fse n aodo Bwavle Greatly Reduced Good Fellows," followed by tibsea sum of $35.75 wau sealized. AIl tisa This B:eillus is onethat i occas- l!sr and Mss. C. E. Aldswortih of rousing ebeers and atiges. Iladies on.Vise East Sida were invited whn ka ond i ietedftodcb'act a rercenMisi lttios frontoss Mn. Souch thea sead a highly hm- and moat et them accepted thea mvi- we ae noFh tmc c sar rnk visaworS ofuarStatdion. orous- and traminiscent lattes of tation and wese prasent. The con- quickly and violeatly, producing the FakAdwrh oiaSain gretng fei Rv.Mr MEaisrnveners were Mss Ne -cn rt Tr-iarkd smptma hatwer prset---. . C1Sy-ou-su somaw eana i an , atteman

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