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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1929, p. 6

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PAGE S¶X THE CANAD~IAN STATESMAN, BIOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 Stop the Cough.-Coughing is caused by irritation in the respiuatouy passages and is thse effort ta dislodge obstructions that corne fuom inflam- mation of the niucaus membrane. Tueatnsent with Du. Thomas' Eclec- trie Oil will allay the inflammation and in consequence the cough will uaually Stop. Try it and you will be satisfied. A Quality Service That Is a Cen uine Economy Some fol-ks stili dling to the idea that laundry charges are expensive. However, hundreds of thrifty housewives are each week learning its genuine economy. An average price of $1.30 for a normal fam- ily wvash with flat wash ironed is shown by our records. Surely any housewife should value her time more highly than that without considering any other costs. Try our service and be convinced it is convenient and economical. BOWMAN VILLE AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED KENDAL Report S. S. No. 13, Clarke, final examinatia ns: HigIs School Entrance - Laura Croan, Willis Wright. Names in aider of meuit: Jr. IV ta Su. Iv-Edith Cisyton (H), Roy Little, Jenuxie Wright, uc Su. HIllta Jr. IV-Donald Little (H), Leonard Falla (H), George Thompson (H), Rebt. Martinell,1 Peter Martineli. Jr. III to Su. III-Lloyd Glass. Sr. IlI ta Jr. III-Marjorie Patton,[ Beunice Langstaif. Jr. Il ta Su. II-Ray Glass, Walter Wright, failed. Su. l-Asnie Wiight. Primer-Wilima Carson (H). K. W. Stewart, teacher. CROOKED CREEK Report ai final exaninations, S. S.1 No. 7, Clarke:j Jr. IV ta Su. IV-Clinton Par-1 row (H), Raymond Hughes (H), Carl Farrow, Jack Reid uec. Su. III ta Jr. Iv-Bobby Hughes (H), Lily Hughes (H), Tommy Tur-j ner, Gladys Ogden, Clara Kirkipat- rick, Beatrice Tbompaon, Haruyi Burley. Su. Il to Jr. 1II-Dorothy Ogden,1 Henry Burman.11 Jr. 1 to Su. I-Alfued Ada ir, John Thompson.1 To Sr. Pr.-Lillian Hale, Sidney Burley, Stanley Day. Jr. Pr.-Lewis Stone, Jean Hale. Calvin Hamsm, teacher. LOCKHART'S Report of final examinations, S. S. No. 9, Carke: Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Charlie Glan- ville. Jr. III ta Jr. IV-Roy Patton (H). Jr. ILI ta Su. III-Carman Patton. Su. II ta Jr. III-Jim Geddes (H) 1, Jack Geddes 2, Isabel Geddes 3, Harvey Blake 5. Jr. Il to Jr. Ill-Douglas Reid.4,j Dauothy Wight 5, Er-nest Bowen 6. Jr. Il ta Sr. II-Russe] Pinch, Bruce Pinch. I Jr. I ta Sr. I-Reg. Gibson (H)i, Noel Middleton (H). Jr. Pr. ta Su. Pr.--Clauence Gib- son. Pr. A ta Jr. Pr.-Flouence Pinch. Standing af pupils enteuing Jr. MI I class is indicated by numbers. W. A. Ne&], teacher. Nearly aIl children are subject ta woums, and many are born with them. Spare themr suffering hy us- ingz Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator, an excellent renedy. pu££ DADT BOOK@ B 41 tO0OSt.NeulStrot ., atel fat two Baby Welfsrc Book@.. Keep to the Right on Curves and His "I thirik Lydia F. Pinkhamn's Vegetable Comnpound la wendcrull 1 bave had six children of which four arc living and my yoursgest is a bon. nie baby bo-y now cight months oid who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was borri and have certainly re- ceived great bene&i from it. 1 urge my friends to take it as 1 arn sure they wiII recelve the same help 1 did.' -Mys. Milton McMuILen, Vanessa, Ontario. "I, b , - Il' There is hardly a household that liasn't hearîl of Castoria! At lenst lve inilliar homes are neveu wlthout it. If theuc art childuen in your fansily, theue's almosi daily neerd of its comfort. And any nigl may flnd you veuy thankfui there's il bottle in thse baise. Jssst a few drops andl that colic or constipation is ulievel I or liisruhea checke<l. A vegetahie lpro iluet; a baby uremedy meant for younsf foîko. Castoria is about thse oniy thsn«lp vois have ever huard doctous adivise giv iiig ta infants. Stuonger inedicines un dangerous to, a tiny baby, howevvs haunsless tlsavrMay lh o bgrowris ssps Cood oId Castoria! Rernmembeýr tIhe fame and remember to buy it. t may fpari always ueady, always Safj. to lise; il emrergenicies, or for i.veryday ailimestL Any hour of the day or niglit that lbk becoînes fucîfol. or uestless. Castoria wai neveu more poîtular %çith niotheus than il ls todlay. Eveuy druggist lias it. 4 eS.OR A Don't try te pass You can't be safe if you persist in passing another car on a curve, or near the brow of a bull. Before you attempt to pass another car, wait until you have a clear iriew of the road ahead, and make certain there is ample space for you ini the traffic line. On curves and hills, you can't sec the road ahead, so always keep to the right. BLACKSTOCK BURKETON Mr. Robt. Mahood suffered a Report of S. S. 15, Darlington: stroke last week and is under the Sr. IV-Verna Cochrane, Charles care of Mra. Robt. Archer, nurse. Henry, Velma Stinson. Congratulations are extended to Jr. IV-Keith Orîniston, Jamie Miss Kathleen Phoenix, our PublicjStark, Merle Stinson, Pearl Taylor. School teacher, and heu three en- Sr. 1jI-Ralph Ouuiston. trance pupils, on their suecesa at thel Jr. III-Harvey Henry, Murray recent examinations. The resultsiMcCulloch, Muriel Gilroy, Howard were as follows: Bobbie Smith Ormiston. (Hon.); Donald Graha (on> Il-Isobel McLeod, Greta Stinson, Grace Mountjoy. - i -Roy Taylor. M.J obtaer Mr. S. A. Devitt was in TorontoM..Hobtahr recently. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. E. Darcy, who underwent an operation at Lockwood Clinic, IS Pro-~ Following is report of the standing gresaling favorably. of pupils fox Enniskillen Pubylic Mrs. Osmond Wright, Lulu and School in June examinations: I Edith, visited relatives in Midland. Promoted frou J-r. IV to Sr. IV-1 Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Sbires of Bow- Mona Dickinson (honours), Mariel manville wexe recent guests of Rev. Oke 78 (honours), Ruby Vfrtue 74 and Mrs. P. G. Powell. (honoura), Gordon Stevens 62 (pass) Mr. and Mrs. R. Spink, Mm Floyd Pethick 54 (pass). Argue, Mra. M. Spinks and Mrs. Ed- JSr. III to Jr. IV-Bernice Stain.- gerton, were in Toronto last weký ton 76 (honurs), Bruce Ahtn 66 calling on Mrs. Darcy, who is ill.' (pass), Ruth Stevenson 62 (pass), Miss Betty Brisley of Toronto wa Douthie Stacey 60 (pass>, Vernal a guest of Miss vera Powell, at the Pethick 59 (isasa>. Rectry.Sr. Il to Jr. Ifl-Wilbur Stacey 661i Metr.an r.RlhFthte (pass), John Oke 54 Epasa>, Marion 1 Mu. nd rs.Ralp FicheteOf Guifin 53 (Paua), Clifford Pethicki Orono, visited recently at the homet (recommended on tria]), Lorne1 of Mrs. E. Montgomery.1 Bradley (failed). Misses Susie and Helen vanCanip J Sr. 1 to Jr. Il-Irene Sharp (hon- recently visited Mrs. Francis Werry!ours). at Enniskillen. 1 Jr. I to Sr. I-Vernon Stacey Mrs. M. Smith is visiting relativesi ps) en t1y(asHr on St. Joseph's Island. oldAshtvonaSe (pass) , ar Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt and Marjorie Jr. Primer to Sr. Primer-Alice have returned home from Windsor, Stevenson (honours), Roy virtue iwhere they were visiting Mrs. Nes- (honours), Wilmer Griffin (pass), I bitt's daughter, Mrs. Robt. Doag' Wilma Ash*ton (pass), Edna Brad-1 The Blackstock Fife and Drum ley (pass). Band and the two Orange Lodges Jr r M . H. DnAston.ech (ladies' and men'.s) attended the M .Dlotahr demonstration in Port Hope on Fni- HY day, thse l2th. 1_______ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and; family have returned homie froun a (Rece ived too lat e for last week) very pleasant hoilay ,,ith relatives Mrs. Rleuben Ashton and Missý in Bancroft. Irene Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Congratulations are extended tolWilson and family, Port Hope, atý Miss Mabel Argue on receiving Hon- Mr. Les. Graham's. . .. Mr. and Mra ours on ber recent examination in IFrank Westlake and family, Solina,j music (Primary Theory). f Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welsh andý Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fee and family sons, Toronto, Mr. Edgar Cooper andi of O.memee visited Mu. and 'Mrs. Jos. Mr.W. Hansford, Toronto, at Mr. C. Archer recently.1 Avery's..Mrs. C. Johns, Mrs. C. ASplendid 17 pound lunge Zas La ngmaid, Misses Nancy and Helen caught by Mrs. S. A. Devitt, . ileJohns, Mu. Will White, Hampton, at she and Mu. Devitt were enjoying a Mr. Milton Slemon's. Mr. Stanley little fishing outing at Caesarea lasti Woolings Jr., Miss Helen Westbury, week. Mrs. Dickson and son Bill, Mu. and, A poultry demnonstration conduct-IMrs. Stanley Woolings and Violeti ed by Mr. J. Y. Kellough. of PortltBeatrice and Norman, Sundayed at Hope, and Mrs. Cavera, of the O.A.C. IMn. H. Ashton'a ...Mrs. T. Ryan Gue lph, was held at Mr. Leizh Byers' and daughters Sundayed at Mu. J. on Monday, June 30th. Owing to Wright' ... . Miss Frances Hawkins, thse very bsusy season, the attendance Oshawa, is holidaying at Mra. R. Mc-1 of those interested in poultry wa Neil's .... .Mr. W. Hawkins, Oshaa,I ratiher small, but those who were Mr. Fred Cowling and son Freddie, present rneceived soine very practical Purple Hill, at Mr. R. McNeil's .. information, especially along the line1 Mr._and Mrs. Silas Trewin snotored of culling. te Peterboro, Rice Lake and otherl Mr. Corner, Bank Manager, and1points Sunday ...Miss Annie Tre-. Mr. T. Smith, were in Port Bolsteri win, Courtice, spent the weekend at at the home of Mr. Corner's brother, home. ..Mr. and Mrs. Eveuett Beech 1 ecently. and Gladys Sundayed at Mr. A. The July meeting of the W. M. S. Beech' .... Mua. E. Grant and sons cf the United Church was held at thse Bill and Jim holidaying at Mu. A.I home of Mra. Cecil Hill, on Wednes- MeNeils ..Mr. vanzent, Mr. and day aiternoon, July 1(hih, with a Mus. McClusky, Toronto, at Mus. J.1 splendid attendance. Devotional Creeper's . .. Misa Ma.xine and Betty exercises were conducted by the Ryan, Toronto, holidaying at Mr. J. President, Mus. F. Stinson, Mus N. Wright's ...Mr. Eliner Bradley, Mountjoy and Mrs. Roy TayloS.iMisses Renia, Fueda and Viola Brad- Following progTanz was given: solo ley and Mra. E. Bradley Sundayed by Mus. Winterborne of Winnipeg; at Mu. Bert Ferguson's, Enfield. i paper by Mus Roy Feugusen, "Temp- League program Tuesday evening erance in China"; ueading by Mxs j was in chauge of 3rd Vice President, E. Dorreli; a m'outh-os-gan and harp Mu. Louis Ashton. Bible reading, selection by 'Mrs. Wesley Býeacock; Fred Beech; devotional reading, Mrs. and a report by thse president fts T. Cowing; reading, Miss Rema Presibyterial held in Hampton. uc Bradley; one of Pauline Johnston'E was served by thse hosteas. Ar- poems was nicely recited by Miss rangements 'were made for packing Maxine Ryan, Toronto; reading of a 'bale at the next meeting ta be held bOok, Miss Mabel Beech. Afteu thse at the home of Mrs. Jas. Ginn. Program everyone enjoyed a sing Mr. and Mua. Jas. Farder and fa=, ong- ilY have returned> home from Ban- Muscular Rheumatism Ssbued.- croft, wheue they were visiting M-.When one is a sufferer from muscu- Forder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. *Rut- i lar rheumatism he cannot do better ledge. thau to have the region rubbed with Mrs. T. Smith visited her parents, Du. Thomas' Eclectrie OiI. Let the Mr. and Mus. F. Lambe, of Man- uubbing be brisk and continue until chester, uecentîy. ease is secured. There is more vir- 1Miss Mary Rutledge of Bancroft tue in a bottle of it than can be fully is the guest of 'her sisters, Mus. J. estimated. Forder, Mrs. Carl Wright, and Mrs.1 N. S. MeNally. U We are sorrY ta report that Mrs.1 W.Venngi citcll ll hat W l Mr ad r. . am ndfmiv fPou Slute were in Oshawa recently. do IL i E' 1- - 'J 'i. .4. 4 * 1< '1 .4 *1. v s* c 4 .4 s- v le, 't. c t I 4; 4 VICTROLA It bas that full Ortho- phonic tone - natural - human-like. It stops automatically after ev- ery Victor Record. rice $95 ( less albums) 9nour usual . easy terms F'. F. Morris Co BOWMANVILLE '4; LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRA~CITE Vie Coal 7maSa""fea SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES Y ou wifl neyer have cause to regret using ouxi Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Art. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 15 LOCAL DEALER FOR Bowmanvilie Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oil Marathon Gasoline ALL MKIHTY GOOD McColl-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency Roaci Service F. F. Morris Co WiIl deliver this beautiful new Orllwpjin ie "brin g a small sum with you" TH KYS-N IVI'FT ÎIRRE Elon. Geo. S. Henry, Choirman Rlghwy Saety oanal1te E,%.RN 6.00 TO 10.00 A DAY L,- rn :nd Lrn part flrnt %otoM,,han- 1j f4Bart.., l.Vldnl '. '.ciý zing, f À , .,P, n. ~ o a.ftatutv ok DOMINION 'o:. P Er WisTuo'i A Friend in Need Whether your income is from farm or fac- tory; whether you handie the plough or the pen; whether you work in office or in the open fields, you need the protection of sound, dependable insurance. Insurance after a Ioss is a friend in need. But don't wait until after a fire or other misfortune. See this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. to-day. It may save you heavy loas tomorrow. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville PAGE six THE CANADJAN STATESMAN, ýBOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 King St E.

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