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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 2

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PAGETWOTHE CANADIA~N STATESMAN, BOWM-%ANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST Is:, 1929 L-EGAL THE EDITOR TALKS SUMMER WEDDINGS OBJTUARY WHITE SHJEL.D PICNIC Ba.rG. V. Golcto, B.a., L.D The adoce-ý on Education at ~ Alger-Bunner Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, Oshawa On Tuesday, July l6h the White' BaritrSoiitrNtay 'au*.auqua here 'asw ieek niust 1I-i Shield Club by invitation spent al Money to ]oan on Farm and Town have 'an pron. l and A prett edn asstenzd A h i, lv "î,ec:,.d n<dent of most enjoyable time at Camp Copper Property. Royal Bank Building, un.:il n very serio usy-it on Thursday afterno an, July 2.th, atEaýýt Whjtbv '.ipi the person: Beeche Nncai . The dav was idea I Bowmanvilla. Phone 351. w attt and rùat cr-,nien e horne of Rey. and 'Mrs. John W., of M Elizabeth 1ýiýiizn:, w:dù%v of'and it was a 'very happy load of: îa~ ebe'iuve as ,,he lady speak. Burnner. Bowrnanvillc, when their :h a te George ' . na - Ohawa, mothers, and ch'ildren who received' W. R. STRIKE d ua the knowludge a boy or daughttr, 'Mary He:en. -,vas married pa sý-el awv on jSu7ý' dav.Juiy 21zzt, a moist hearty welcome from Miss i Successar to latelD. B. Simpson, K.C.Ie'fnth hoead..M-1 zi aeaZ BarîteSoictoNoar Ee frn heb9- ad oMr. Sen ,art R. Alger, son of Mr. l'a O-b 'Sia Genvra l p.a, f.e a iegler. teachers, and mothers at the' tao e:ente gso 2 and and .r7..0O M. Alger, Os-ha%\a. The .e 1'y neýs. M.h-ni ais bad a, Camp. Soon ail were quite at home~ Solicitor for Bank of Montreal ._, t ai'. anS*. eeediniy and bri'dt's father, Reoi. John W. Bun- isei ;nu:; acciden- :r ) br 1927. and a jolly time was spent in social Money to Loan Phone 91 vi-a..y importanît as in this- period nier, ofliciatcd. ass<_ýed by Rev. W. A. wxhen ohe Tî and br_ kt her nip, and, chat and picture tak-ing. after which Bowmanville. Ontario -ne to)undatieni is laid for the ac.ive Buriner and Rcv. J. U. Robins. hais been bin-e . ý;- ý once thaliail wvended their way to the water fî utc ll!f,.. The dioc.plîne and! The bride, who -,as given in mar- Une. ber adianced aze nking the i zide for a dip or puddle. ,where lots of W. F. WARD, B. A. k-no.vle2dge gained froni parents and riage by lier brother, Mr Ewart Bun- acent a very serious one. Shefun was enjoyed by young anL old. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary :ýeacher0 ce0unt 'tery cons iderably nec, of Brampton, was charming in "as about eigh: ', vars- <d and ivas a A splendid supper was served out- Money to loan. Bonds for sale. and oýften decides wbether life shall White georgette and bridai vieil, and daughter of the biteMr. and Mrs. doors under the trees-,to which every- Offices-Bleak]ey Block, King St., Ibe a succes or failure. We wish carr:led a shower bouquet of 'rose5jF.dwin Thomnasf England. For1 ene did fulI justice. A~r'ue Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone- yourig parentis could understand theiranllyfthvley Tebrd-nan ach':elnNrbOhai kinds of games were f(idue r Office 102; House 409. great responsibiiity in the proper aid, Miss Jean Grant, cousin of the aw, but an the d"u:a-h of her hus- al enjoying tbemselves to th ut- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~training and instruction of their bride, of Toronto, wsg-ndi ad:ev 'a.ncAewn ems n h raetfnpea]d chiidren duringwele ea; ao thewet trmstcndihldhood aunndtild. ciear yuh. We theis careho and pale yeliow georgette and lace, andl' vewith her sister. Mr.s. Alice Dancing on the veranda after the eary yuth Wee tis areandcarried a bouquet of roses. Little James, of Columbu'. She made her setting of the sun brought to a con- DENTAL wisdomn always shown and practised Miss Margaret .Elliott, of Tweedl,lhome there unti! the time of her ac- clusion a most lovely outing, whichi DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE continually botb by precept and ex- ic of the groom, made a charming cident about tw1en:y nionths ago. will long be remembered. Hoorgrdat i Dnisry T , ample there would be many less i ails flower girl. The groom -was sup- She was a fai:hfui member of the Very reluctant]y the caîl fo home Bonr gadute n Dntitry Tronto and asylums necessary ira Canada. perted by the bride's t-win brother, First Baptist Chur-ch. Oshaiva, arad a was heeded and after a veirhearty University. Graduate of the Royal 1~'Bner,,... N i ..thl..regula-r aztendant while her ealhioeoftha+1,%v-- -ier.-.11,.- uoltegeot menal burgeoof ~Un- -> ' We wish to direct attention te an- L*ask of Porerrymisplaed( tarie. Office King St., Bowmant'iiIe. other phase of education concerning weddingf morh. ry lae Office phone 40. House phone 22. h eida-rpbi n ihwdigmrh X-Ra Eqipmet i Offce. scbool and Perhaps coilege coursesi Alter a buffet luncheon, Mr. a DR. J. C. DEVITT are ended, when the student closs M r.Ageietoaneeddt Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson bis text-books and faces life's real to Jasper Park and Vancouver, a Iwvork and responsibilities. We fear On' their return -wii] reside in O Graduate of Royal Dental College,1 hr r e un h hnmyaa Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- aeatastr mrsinta i manvlle. Office hours 9 a. i haeatrnioc mreso ta i manville educai'on has been compieted. if 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phonejbi nelgn n miiuh 90. Houe pone283 xiii not long entertain that idea.1 Martin-Williams X-Ray Equipmient in Office. ilnstead. he xiii cenclade tha' be Ihas DR. R. E. DINNIWELL j acquired a certain store of basic in- On Thursday evening, July ll Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- formatioz n a erndtera t Mark's Anglican Church, Tirc sity and member of Royal College of!te knowledge. to, xvas the scene of a x'ery pret Dental Surgeons. Licerased toi Then la the tirne when hie shoaldlnvtIti:ng %hn-ion Lcy Elzb practise in Ontario and the Dominion.i realize tha-, te adxance in is chosen I a ghter (f M. & - . XVi'ia b.' Dentistry in ail its branches. Of9ce.î business he mus, tudy it, that pro.- carne the bride of Mar..nall' Panna King St., Bowmanville, oppoâite1 periy te discbarge bis jatýes as a ci- Larue Martin, son of Mr. and M: Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. zen he ought te stady the public af- P. Martin, Ne-astie, Rex'. W. fair., and the needs of h:.; coniiunity White officiating. and bis country and thac ta keep in- The bride. who was given away1 MEDICAL !formed of progres.s in any depart- ber father, looked cbacming in bli Iment of human activiy he must de- geerget ibge mharaa C. W. LEMON M.D.,C.M. 1 vote some attention ta current liter- carrying a bouque-t of sweethea Gfronuteoformrliy ofEnicakillen. deaiing with the subject. roses witb baby breath. The bridE Torotoformrlyof Enisille. ** *maîis, 'Miss Phyllîs Williams ai Office anad Resi'lence, Dr. Beith'si Good olId Dr. Johnson affirmedt tat'MsAres'ýa Martin, 'tiene lovely former residence on Church Street,," desire of knowledge is the natural pink anti peacb georgette, witb blai Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44.t1 feeling of mankirad." andi Locke as- mohair bats and carrying pink rose J. CLARK BELL 'serteti that "the improvement of the The groom was supporteti by M flA.D., Ch.B., F.R.CS. (Edin), D.PH.i understanding is for two endts: first, William Baggs. (Sucesor o D. A S.Tile7) for our owI' increase of knowledge; (Sucessr t Dr A.S. illy) i secondly, te enable us te deliver and1 In'mediately after the ceremony Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-j1 make out that knowledge te others." 1 reception was beid at the bride's pa deen University; Fellow of the RoyalIl it is the natural "desiî'e of know- ent's. Mrs. Williams receiving in hli College of 'Surgeon.s, Edînburgh.! lde that makes young children georgette, and Mrs. Martin in, heig Offie an Reidene, ueenSt. living points of interrogation andiAfter a brief boneymoon the hapl Bowmanv'ie, Phone 89. i chiltiren of a largen gnowtb avail] couple will reside in Parkdale, To Office Heu,.rs: .1 te 4 p. m., 6 te 8.30 p. mi.j theniselves of opportunities aff ortied1 onto. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. 1 them Vy technical schools andi uni-' versities. It is the desire "to de- Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 te 8.30. 1 liver and make eut" knowledge to Telephone 108.' others, of which Locke spoke, that I Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's former residence, Wellington Street, ampels the educated to seek te en- Bowmanville. ' large the facilities for education. DR. V. H.STOREY There is mucb force ira this view Office hours 2 te 4 anti 6 to 8 p. mi. of the situation, bence, it la not sur-j After 8 p. mi., by apuoira'm-nt only.j1 prising that a section of the World Exception-Office will he open 9 te& Federatiora of Educational Associa- ~ i 10 Saturday right. 36tfj tiens slxouîd have fcrmulated a plan '. »R R. W. CLARK to a.ssist others te continue their eti- PI!yica & Srgen jucaaion during thein lives as aduits.ý S', omavll.The chairinan of that secti, pitt Offce-iviionSt, Bwmavile.out 'bat young people, after tbey i (next te Tririty United Church) cioed thein schoel books, entered ai ~ Office Hours-3 to 5 andi 7 to 9 p. nm. period of their lives iran-bich emecg- i Suntisys by appointment only. eti "ail our international, national, 4-.industrial andi social iflcte. Phone 4 45-tHe anti bis asseciates feliities." DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS belp mnr andi women te cope ih their pnoblems the onganizatioras The Physiciaras of Bowmanville affiliateti with the Federation shoulti have agneedti t close tbei.r offices: seek te make the great literatures of Wednesday afternoons. Ira case of! the w'onid easily avaiiablii te atult~ eniergeracy at this time eraquire of persons botb in towns antinir country the bospital or telephone operator districts. The chairman hopeti for' A for a doctor. the creation of a new profession 1 __"trained by our universities anti cm-1 ployed by our library boartis te leat i CHJROPAcTIcAND DUGLES in cortinuirag their studies"' THEROPY A peet bas written "Where ignor- j DURWIN E. STECKLEY arace is bliss, 'tis foily te be wise," honor graduate of Toronto Collegel anti the author of the book of Ec- of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- clesiastes bas saiti "He that increasesý manville Office Tuesday, ThursdaYl krowletige increaseth sonrow." l and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. may te true that the man or woman, Resîdential calls made during fore- possessed of a profounti knowletige of' EJf Roon. the histoiî-y of the past and of the' problems of the present and the f ut- i ure rnay have for that reason a keen-i FUNEAL IRECORS er sense of res'ponsibility arad duty. itst arariversary of the world's FUNEAL IRECORS On the othi hanti, it is stili true tisat Iarges aanumal exposition. The F. F. MORRIS CO. j "Ail kno'wiedge andi wontier, whicb i how window of nations celebrat- au Compiete Motor or is tbe seed of knowledge, is an im- ingE PR ERiha Herse Equipment. pression of pleasure ira itself," and n EM RE EA wtha (~ ) Ail calîs promptîy that "Kowletige anti bumara power f laborate 14-daY COntitaous pro- attentied te. are synonymous. ' "A life of kraow-J gram. Exhibits from cvcry clime. NU71 Private Ambulance. iedge is net oftera a life of irjury andti Bowniaraville phone: crime." A mana who seeks toe et- fIrspring musc daiiy by the Goîdmara 10 and 31. ucate himseif equips himself for hisi and other famous b'andis; 4 concerts l'y Brancb Stores- own hatties in life anti aiso fits bu.' :he rcnrnsced 2,oi-voice Exhibition Orono & Newcastle. self te aid in thse improx'ement ofj Chorus î,Aug. .24th and z9th, SePt 3rd l condition ira bis counatr'y. A man or ý ad 7th), Thavau's Bandi anti opcrarîc ALAN M. WILLIAMS 1wo%-man shoulè, ira oun opinion, be a _Insemllie gaganric progarm of landi Embalmer and Fanerai Directer. 'dn hog iefrba ut. andi warcr sports headed bly the woriti's Calls given prompt anti personai1 at-I tention. No extra charge for dis-i HorLo? a bit cf god atvice: h is I tance. Moton Ambulance at your1 etn by TN, Fnmily D"cton iin The1-1 service. Phones 58 or 1.59, Bew- Farnui', tiocf Juls'2th.- manvilie, On'. 3-tf. ad tib5- Di.. S. Stariley Bsc:on T nnî. 1:is about the valuable f 1eirc dec'1) Iaeu'hîng: Everx'lody AUCTIONEERS sb'a.d take '-n long breatha ion the THEO M. SLEMO'N Ibauok ' ccs'op the irs: :hing in thel Auctioneer rn 'ru ng be&fece )breakfast, anti exery Farm anti House Sales a Spccialty. 1,)n g reah xvilIisqueeze sýoie hile Ternis moderato. Enniskillen P. 0.1 Oa' cf s'car Ial ha4litio xviii pre-' Phone 197r3. 1-tfi yen' sýta.s;s 'i the bile. Ten long'j bneatb- xx'ibasc î'eutilate your1 - - '-'lung- anti tc-ar y'iur braira cf itsý VETERINARY mental fcg.. Anc'h.,eti niet.hod oc E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. v. sc. tak i ng long breathsiz ,t,, nie ai Orono yeung horse barc-buck to the' pastano faonor Graduate of University of i fieltis fr thte c'ns eeryncrnin fi Toronto. Ail cases given prompt1 Yla iylin a fnîî-Englageira and careful attention. Office-Dr. pro 'c uIi'rao xalking, (,ne, McElroy's former office. Phenes.oftf b,0'ai- ctMutonai. ndlc' ' Clarke 3921; Orene 18-1. Hi' fav'cr0 tb 'u.so'e p )f r -tits ira i:r"n tIc c_,nuiug an h'ý)ur iîfîc - fi cak'fa.st iratiuâting the' <doeso 't d'auii-a'h,,' a ib uit cau. i. Tho'o 'ý- tion.' uie proc-ntat ira' cf gail its'rc-. ÀDrJ.D.KELOGG.s ~ ~ Mnr. R. H.Coaot wishes te ira- terni the public that ho is prepareti1 adtownship. Al erders promptl" uooeo m>gcep filled and satisfaction guaranteed. '- ~ '~~??ioe QUIcj~y Phone 518. Wuieiftmm~ ?b*VNAs,,p.LÀUNDRY WANTED oe "e w. a~Ail kindie ofIaundry work done prompt- ; 1 , "ati.tactorfly and ait reanonabla prie, Wnlate Pot OM08c Box 12, or cal Mrn.I W. Marjorani, King Ut. a. flowmanvIll.. Phone 478W. prcnule. r %sfrt spectacle, rihe FOURTH WRIGLEY MARATHON SWIM ira two evorars F- Aix -iug. z 1 uomien and tVte . x 1îg. 28 (open), for $5,i cî,.îh pr,7rs and uorld. chain~ship larcds, U.S. vs. Canada an yachting, ouuahard nrîmr boat racing andt rack all'î.. Colossal mlirary and naval prenitaion "Briratinia's M1ýusier" t'very ecnîng l'y hundýreis cof' perfý,rraicrs on the «%'(,rld's iargest stage, iuprerax o dîplay of horsenianship l'y the N.Y. Srare Tritîpers i Iý- permission U. S. 1V.î,-Dep't. . $125 i'iticAgriculý turai Prine Listir'Trottiang anti lacing ita, esand -S3'i' ii"Fu rîtîes First ofewnguti >1 io rcar iodcls ira rhe n,'v $i 'i, iAur'îairis e Bud- ing.NaiiilArrt Shoi%ý', Carraivsai cof the ('Lad.. .c ar'îrc afrer fcaturc dUring terll' cire rw i iseeCki AtrrIgC >cu r ' ta î to l'c ini'T'rionto thle i .st wseek if Aagust aaîd rhe irst week of Perfect îghwi)ý.Iue.uced stearnshîp. r'aîruad and ti rua)s rates,. Ample tau..eimmodattum. VI'1he reservations row for Bxhîbitton Ch(e-us C'Qccrts and Cirand Stand performanes ~THOMAS BRADSHAW, Prtr4dent HW. WATERS quneraL ýIanag.r ,111tf ier iearn vLe i ,aIn., ,Nas gnvvitto ail aV thej permitted. the Camp, the bus pulled away with: There are no cildren, the surviv- the Canipers and 'Mothers singing thel ing relatives being Dr. Julia Thomas, White Sbield Goodnight Song and of Toronto; -Mrs. Mary J. Redman, trip Detroit; and Mrs. Alice James, of FISHING IN GEORGIANBA and Columbus.BA 'sh- The funeral %vas he'd Tuesdav af- Fishing is the busine0ss in Ge orzian ternoon from Luke Fanerai Parlons. Bay-black bass for -the ccd, and ýzai- mon or lake trout dow-n deep. Hotels and crnfoctable :opping, jtý R. T. Hoskin, Simece, Ont. 1 tThe .)ah f R ehlard T. Husk;1ini a- hibocceLl n Tc'-'Genei'a! tte".;" - " ala-J:5 1 caie aS aie-a'p; nl "q ceX -te l:' leIian cti- îti re nd in -this abv '"Ini nian:ts'a-a.l .r'::s enas on- H. encacà'îi in bis xvok uap t -loie in jhe '11a5s:staicken. bv H n'0the sU - ' ' h e due 1,1',e J 'ýhn anîd J'în Wî -'dey Hos~-l rand Xiii. Be-heada, L:i"b!ng'cn Townnshic i !rt %i'hei'oe iras 'uon Augi-: :30' h.- les-I 1 S-d9. rand He gi'atua,ej fa 'si the Boxnî-i in ville High Scoi : ant iaf-et' atteitt- I ck ing Motiel at P,,'rt Hope he taught ;. Ischool for tbî'ee y'eurs a t Por- Gran- r.h y. He*hen dectied 'to enter to0 tiîug bus3iness andi ufter o'ing h. aappa'enticeship ini Wbun.p0g andi ,a-graduating freni the MýaiÈtoba Col-1 tue lege of Phai'nacs- ho suoi'e-"fuill ge. entuctej a businîes, in W'innipegr )Yand isten at Rapiti City, -Man. While rthere "Dick" 'tin foi' a nunîber of s'ears a niembea' of the To,,în Council and School iBoarti -About. 9yeaî's -ago he retu'raedti nOntarie anti. ancil the tinie of bis deaih hatibe ca' rs- ing on a tirug buasiness in Sinîc,ýe. He iras alwav- cf a bright andi jeheerfai disposition anti nadte nany jfr encis xîherevea' ho xi n:. He at- Jtoretie St. Jamues Un;bet Chai-ch. S"ioanti w'a. a menaber of tbQ Ulcial Boardtiof xîhich ho n'a- i'eas- urer. anti until vo " crec-:'supelr- lintendent cf the Sa'ndas' Scb, 'i. - i uas being inten,"'*e4l 'r t1a' tauf. '-. 'ana-e ie- in Iif,e",à îîa- a %(!,. aie- i., j e Hoxwa-'aken -d~' -Thau', .J ily' i th. ua! f j ~tniedicla i endncer -p'n asr j e-ý bo.;ng b5' ;ýd )an ah- ceson thlu îî'nin. .-nra "rvv î '"s'ere c ndi c'eîi 1 he hne 'f hs mother-in-nu' Mc Wic- e' WelIine' 'n St.. Bow-i i a'~n'ile~'Y R x- J. U. lR î,in,, pas- '")rif Tr:îii-y l'nitc.l 'h:ircb h. - oulyRex'. G. K. Bradjh,nx- Sinice anilRd - P. E. Deeýh. Juax- n- erment t 'ýk Place at B,1ixîranu-al î('eneters'. The hearers 'teî'e six npîw: IMes'srs. Ei'ne.t Ruratle, Cetic Panr- Ssn, Otto Bragg, Nelson Bragg. Les- lie Hoskin andi Howard Hoskjn i bis levirag 'tife, Eva Wickett, anti two chîltiren, Gwendolyn anti Jack; aise five sisteas, Mrs. J. L. par-ns Dalnigton, Ma Charlotte Bragg, Toronte. Mrs. Alfredi Guii3, Oshaxwa, Mrs. Thos. Whbite, Tyrone, Mrs. W. S. Bragg, Buixmaraville; anti five b- thers, James, Cephas anti Weslyv(cf Oshawa, .John cf Balfour, 'Man., antid Fred of Acine, Alta.; one sisten, Mn'. Thos. Runtile (Jerany> predeceased ii hini ira 1885. The florua offerings 'tere ver- j beautiful anti expresse inir a snîal mea.sure the e.steeim ira which he usas Ritiîld nifned ten rsn from Sinac'oe, Jarvis, Oak'tiile.- W l') sock, Tri(ato. Oshata, andi sar- a ou nting tons hips anti village- Gonce for a rîhIe cf -potless wn-it, iGo ne iHoux aen'., unsulioti ighc, j Gene whei'o :hey se4c the Saviour'.s I face,a iGene as a tKunipb cf s-aving gri 'e;j i (,'ne isba-a- hu storrns fot-ver ci-a-e 1Gýn ai îtuî Hi'ven's urrffied tice (;cne fri'm -irr, n ia ptience h)o tjje, Gîine sioro " one eternal mc rn. TASTE THE JOY 0F LIFE IN MUS KOKA You enjey every moment of a' Muskoka holiday, b& lt î'eekent cri morath. Such an enticing avrax' of pleasures that bring the j'îy of livîing .to aili.--4,,oif ra six fine cour --es, ton- nsex-eraywhere, la't'r-bewiing, hikes through avenues of fragrant pines, caraoe an ste-amner tr.ips amonz the. Paradioe, sailing, motor-lîeating anti bathing, thon dancing ira the cool ',f the evenIng antier ideai condiitions. By uing ('anadiaa Na'ional Rail- waYsys 5'ûa ach youn chese4-n spot ira this realaîi of pleasune. iahr'thûi'c'is't' cottage on comafrt-ablo hotel by any one if three enti'ance.s,-MNu.ýkeka Wharf, Bala Fark or Lake Joeph Wharf-alI witbin a few heurs nun fr xm alaieost any part of Ontarie. Ask yoar nearest Canadian Nat- ional Agent for information anti lit- erature on Muskoka andi its varieus This will be Empire Yean at the Canadiaa National Exhibition, Tor- ontoe. This year's prize liât of the Cana- dýian National Exhibition la greatly places afferd evecv tncl.:x- a' - able rates. and Cainaian NIi-ationllz Raili-ax--offer two gvw-"s tz: i 11.Miland and Par"v Sund. witio j ýeanerc cnection. fc n, ahtoi resorts and fi..h:ng ""'o'îud iv ingn be :we en. A -- ic neare' C ' na4i an N-at- ional Agent for the c.'~e . e "30,000 Islands cf the GUeoîi« n DI1UU)NT b1is Suzm erSfeelM STOIBIE, FoRLoNG & Co. STOCKS BONDS GRAINI Head Office:- Reford Building i 'i Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expense AUl the Goodness of the Wheat Ini a Tasty, Digestible Form SHREDDED of the whole wheat Criaj, it i the ove-ct i crumbled up or in biscuit form. COver it with cooling cream or miIk. Rich ln ail the food ele.. 'en eyou need--vitaxnins and salt&-delicioua for any meaL. 'e 'nIrlf &ri VIi F \ Co mi iP\ %yi ~ Il ['l UV ~3~L) I~iLl iiEiD PAGE TWO p

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