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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 7

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PAGE 5EV8EN THIE CANADLAŽJ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, AUGUST list, 1929 Happy Housewives 'Moe are lot. of them in and ar'ound Bowmanville They don't have corne for they have uWe Nya'a Corn Remver and they axe making their pickles vdth Keralake's Pickle Mixture flhe kind you de not have to heat.-No fuss, no muas, just mix the. ingredient cold and add veeetables. %6 gallon quantity 25c - 1 gallon SOC Be sure ta have plenty of films for tho hliday. W. can iiiPPIY both Gevaert and Kodak Film&. KERSLAKE 'S The Dependable DUG STORE After Heating in the Glass Lined Pastuerizer - - Then What The milk then fiows over a large cooler in a special enclosure where contamination from steam or other sources is impossible. This cooling from 143 degrees to 45 degrees very rapidly is one reason why Glen Rae Pasteur- ized Milk keeps longer. R. R. Stevens & Son PHONES: Office 408; House 175J BOWMANVIILLE STORE CLOSED MONDAY Being Civic Holiday our store il be closed aill day Monday. So don't forget to get enough Bread, Buns, Pastry, Cakes, etc., to last over the holiday. We have made extra preparations to supply the big holiday demand. The Bowmanviile Bakery PIýONE 97 BOWMANVILLE SUMMER DRESSES STILL CLEARING AT EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES We have had a wonderful sale of Summer Dresses and 'viii continue them for another week. *This will be a chance you should not over- look to get a pretty stylish dress at a fxiaction of original cost. Pl" Smart Shop GEO. R. MASON, Manager. M - '4! p August Clearing Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Men's $2.00 Khaki Pants for ..............$1.50 Men's $2,50 Work Pants for ................ 0 .iMen's $1,25 Blue & Khaki Worik Shirts for ..$1.00 Men's 75c Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers for . . ..50e Men's $1,25 Nainsook Combinations for ...$1.00 Men's $2 Broadcloth Shirts, coliar attached, $1.59 Men's 75e Lisle Sox, assorted patterns, for .. ..50c Men's $2.00 Shirts, sepaxate coliars, for ...$1.50 25 Men's Suits, inciuding fancy patterns, also navy blue, in young nmen's double breasted models 2 Pair of Pants, regular $35.00, For $24.50 AIl Straw Hats Reduced to Nearly Haîf Price S.G.Chartran Bowmanville Phone 26 I i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS bay' at found-enquire at Juîy lth, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. F. L A Stateanian Office. Dudley, Tyrone, a son (William James): Roadc Mrs. C. A. Pascoe, Toronto, Was in LEASK-At Oshawa Genemal Hospital. ownTuesay allig onoldfrieda.I July 21st, to Mr. and Mme. Gordon Leaak, townTuesay allig onoldfrieds.Sol]na, (nee Marjorie Annie), the gift KE' Mrs. C. N. Ruse has been visiting of a son. entranc her daughter, Mrs. L. K. Stoutt,j ASHTON-In Bowmanville MHua p liI, Toronto. oJuy 20tlh, 1929, to Mr. and Mn. L. Rt. Ashton, Haydoa, a daughter (Marie pUE Miss Martha Warren, St. Cather- Elizabeth.) 4aturd8 ines, is visiting lier uncle, Mr. G. A. contain Eidmonstone. 14ARRIAGES Phone Mr. J. W. Brownson, Moeunt ALGER-BUNNER-At the reaidence - Bridges, recently visited his cousin, of th~e bride's parente, Wellington St., Mr. C. N. Ruse. Bowmianville, on Thursday, July 25th, Mrs.B. . Wrnia i hoidaing1929, by Rev. J. W. Bunner, father of Mrs.B. . Wrnia i hoidaingtho bride, assisted by Rev. W. A. Bunner with her brothex, Rev. C. C. Wash- and R«av. J. U. Robins Mr. Stewart R. FO R ingoni Muskoka. Alger, son of Mr. and lre. «O. M. Alger, Yorks.t lflgoflOshawli, and Mary Helen, only daughtem 2, Bowl Miss Edith Carscadden, Toronto, of Rev. and Mme. J. W. Bunner, fiow- has been visiting ber aunt, Mrs. F. manville. CAR H. Morris, Elgin St. -- tartde Mr. and Mis. F. A. Haddy and DEATHS Miss Lena Haddy are bolidaying with LNE-tOhw Jl Gh121AUTC relatives in Toronto. MryAnno -Avishawa Julyof6the 19ate1real b: MaryAnn Daiswid 0 he ateC. S. Master Artbur Culley bas eturn- John Lander, In ber S5th year. ed home after spending a week with DOWSON-At Port Perry, July 23rd,7=Î. Miss Mary Reid, Toronto. 1929,* James George, third son of 1&r. andiPO Mrs. Frank Dowson, aged 12 years. nationsý Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins and PETHICK-On Sunday, July 28th, 1929 195r2 . Miss Marjomie Ro.bins are holidaying at 1385 Queon St. E., Toronto, William - at their cottage et Wellington. Richard Pethick, ln hie 78th yeam, form- FOR ely of Port Hope. Playor; Mi' Abet ndMis AmaHut, WINSLOW-In Cavan, July 25, 1929, Api Windsor, visited their uncle and Elizabeth Goggin, widow off C. D. Win- At. aunt, M.%r. and Mrs. Jesse Hunt. slow,, aged 76 years. Intorment St. FOR Mm. W. Bruce Honeywelof Tor- Johns Church, Ida. No. 1c AVRE-At Loveland Hospital, Denver, ceami onto, sailed on the R.M.S. Ausonia Colomrado, on Thusday, July lSth, 1929, Wood, for England on Friday, Ju]y 26th. AdJt. Mark Ayme, aged 72 yenms. Bmo- ville. thor off Mr. John Ayre. Darlington. Miss Carnie Cherry, Toronto, SAXBY-At Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on 81iL( spent a fcw days with lier brother, July 29th, 1929, Robert Saxby", latte off 4, ln Bey. W. T. Cherry, and other friends Deseroanto, father of R. M. Saxby, Tom- bas no onto, lIis S3rd yoam. Intcmment at Wilkins here. Wesleyville. 146-11. Controllor Somerville and wife, JONES-At Port Hope Hospital, on AU Trno weme weekend guosts ef Thusday, July 25th, 1929. Jean Eliza- 19T7 Tootbeth dealy belovcd and only daughter -97,i Mr. and Ms Grant Edwards at Port Iof Hêmb.l) and Annie Jones, aged 15 yearsreal brh Bownianville. anmi 4 nionths. Stuart Miss E. M. Wermy, Travellers' Aid 35. Association, Toronto, is visiting Mms. IN MEMORIAM- - John Craig, 306 High St., Marshall, I oigmmr f erhsad I Mieh, onvacaion.and loving fatlsem, J. J. Spicem, who died Round and Square Dance inl, Aucust 2nd, 1928. FO Gene's Hall, Courtice, Tucsday and I oftcn sit and think of himT, denoei an' hen I am ail alone; floome; Thursday evonin.g, .August 6th an For memomy is the oniy frlend suit. th. Good music. That grief coin calIts own; to J.1 Like iyon th. withemed oak, Phone WiIl the lady who called at States-ý When othem thîngs decay, Phono man Office F'riday, July 26tb, be-1 My 10vefor him will still keep green, And nover fade away. tweon 3 and 5 p. m. and paid $4.001 Fo.r a beautiful memomy le ail we bave HOU please lt us have her nanie. left Heloigwie d -os on cor Mrs. H. C. Garbutt, Sycamome, Ill., Alec cf dear Victor, son of the above, brick and Miss Ada Wight, Edmonton, AI- wîho di ed ln the year 1913. fame Swee letho ordremebreoo, Scugog ta., are visiting their parents, Mr'. weiste orrrnmac, Easyt and Mrs. Alex. Wight, Carlisle Ave., WAs these few linos wiil show, Bownia We hold you stili ln memory, Misses Mary and Florence Stev-1 AS the yeams come and go. DarlngfrdMan, hl-1Ev,ýr emembered %~ hie loving Mother ens, alnrMn, are on a hl!and Bruthor. iday visit to their grandfathe.r, Mr.1 F. N. Stevens, and other relatives! ROO here. morme. Messrs. Lloyd Varcoe and Alex Wazited in Thompson of the Royal Bank, Whit-....WANTrED-Men Boairders. Apply te St., 7 by, spent the weekend with the Mms. Wm. Clarke, Liberty St., Bowman- orx C. forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ville. -30 -1 w garage 'Varcoe. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED-By WIK business man, with private family. Ap- TO1 Mr. and Me. James Infantine, Mr. pîy H. D. Wightman, at Stateiman Office. Oshaw Pbilip Cancilla, and Mr'. A. Dillizk -______ buildin motored ta Buffalo, N. Y., owing toa HOUSE WANTED-To ent, medium to pi, siz bouse wlth modemn convenlences, ÂppIy death of Mr. lnfantine's nephew, central location. Appiy Statesmnm - Jos. Traïner. Office. Mr. and Mrs. 1ougald MIntYre FARM WANTED-Small farni want- Tend and daughter, Mr. Robinson and ed, &refer going concern, la exchange be mec daugirter, Woodbridge, visited the for shawa bouse with acre garden a 12 0'c $3800). Write owner, F. Waddell, 3125 the çý former's brother, MT. John MclIn- Gibbon St., Oshawa. 1-1 om tyre, recently. --te be Mr. and Mms. Harry Brust, Roch- CARTING AND TRUCKING acep ester, N. Y. spent Sunday witii her Carting and Trucking, local and long For father, Mr. Warren Dinginan Miss distance. H. Bombard, Martyn': Bowl- ,A. flinginan returned homne wth. 465. 1h353, the'm for a visit. (Bo'wtanville Rotary Club will hold a Rotary Carnival at the Faimr Greounds, Tuesday evening August 2th. Reserve the date and wgtch for particulars next week. Miss Ida Wickett, Miss May Suth- erland and Miss Louise Mortimer, Toronto, weme last week with Mms. James G. Richard snd Miss Florence Rickamd, Centre Street, and enjoyed Chautauq.a te the asat number. Mothers and wives who buy clothea foi' their men folks, as well as bach- elers who buy their own furniahings, will be interested in T. B. Gilchrist's advt./this week. The engagement is anneunced ofI Marion Rose, daughtem -of Mms. Squaim and the late Professer Squaim, Toronto, te Harold S. Hunter, son o Mrs. Hunter and tho late DaJvidj Hunter, Ldinburgh, Scotland. The niarriage wiIl take place the latter1 part of August. Mrs. A. C. Denike of Havelock, was calling on Mis. Hamry oster and other friends on Wednesday. Rer former friends here will reinen- ber hem as Minnie Jolliffe, youngeot dauchter eoftthe late Bey. T. W. Jol1- lif e, a fermer 'beloved pastor 01 the Methodist Church in this taiwn. ms. C. Wilson of Sununerland, Soutuh British Columxbia, is viffiting friends in Bowrmanville and Tyrene. Mi's. Wiison was the. eldeat daugliteT ef the tata M. John S. Deney ef Ty- rans. M. and Mirs. Wilson and family motemed frein their home te Onta.rio and Mrs. Wilson i reinain- ing for a longer visit than t.he otherix. Mr'. a.nd Mrs. T. Kennedy and Mr. andi Mms. E. Kennedy Jr., Howde'n- on-Tyne, England, wbo are on a tour Uo-rougth Canada, were ecent guests et Mm. and Mrs. J. Poulton and Mi'. and Mms. J. A. Tait. M. Kennedy was formnerly Manager ot the Cook- son Leat W.orks, whesre Mr. Tait waa employed under him for twelve years before coming to Canada. FURS REMODELLED Mrs. E. Delinage wishes ta infom the. ladies et Bowmanville and vicin- ity that ah. îa pepared to do al kinda ef re-niedelling of fur coata, repairing, lining, etc., at their homes or at the home of Mr&. John F. Cole, Ontario Street. Now ihe timte to have tuis work attended ta. L«e orders eaSly. Phone 339. 80-8 HOW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER? Doe it need sharpenhng or re'pair ing for the. coniing seson? Lob et folks have already had us pui theirs in shape. Erhng youra In te. day betore the rush. W. une thi Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder wh1cl gîves such excellent satisfactioni Prompt service aaaured. D. AU dread, Blackwmhth Shop, opposib Salvation Army Hall, Ring St. Euti Bowmanv'llle. 16-t Lost or Found VY'S HAT FOUND--On Manvers on July 27th. Owner may have by calling at Statesman Offoe. - - - - 31-3wi YS LOST-2 keys lost, in or at the ce to Bownmanville Cemetery, oni 30th. Finder please leave at sman Office. 31-tf RSE LOST-In Bowmanviile, on day, July 27th. emall black purse ling $5.15. Reward for return to M. Cawker, Jr., Bowrnanvile. 94. 31-tf Articles For Sale :SALE-Number of choice young, bire pigs. M. W. Blackburn, R. R. 'manville. Phone 183-24. 31-1 :FOR SALE-Ford Touring Car, rlicense, $60 cash. H. J. Davis, eRoad, R. R. 6, Bowmanviile. TO FOR SALE-OChevrolet Sedan, a bargain for immediate sale. $125. Mason, Phone 161, Bowmanvile. 30-tf rATO DIGGER FOR SALE-Inter-I il, in Perfect condition, bargain.1 ÇVerry & Son, Enniekiflen. Phone 31-1 :SALE-Williams Piano and Piano r; ictrola; Electrlc IRange, etc. to Miss Violet MeMillan, Victoria Oshawa. 3- R SALE-Massey-Harrls ndr condition; aiso severai second-hand iseparators. Apply to L. R. I.H.C. Agent, King St., Bowrnan- 28-tf 0 FOR SALE-Wooden silo, 121 x ngood condition, for which, owner io further use. Apply Mrs. Alex. ns, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone. 29-3w *O FOR SALE-Pontiac Coupel n excellent running order, recentl *uled, ail new tires thie year. A i)argain for quick sale. Applyl ,R. James, Bowmanville. Phone 30-tf Real Estate For Sale USE FOR SALE-A rug brick resi- >with ail modern conveniences; oak itile bath; large lot. Terme to~ Car taken on exchange. Appiy E. Flett, Centre St., Bowmanvilie. 0384. e384. 17-tf ,USE FOR SALE-Brick bungalowl ®rer Division and Wellington Ste., garage, good gardon, smaîl fruits: residence on Wellington St.; eresidence ani brick residence on Dg St. Modern conveniences in ail. j terms. Appiy to Wm. Ilrock, nanville. Phone 114. 31-4- To Let )MS TO RENT-4 unfurniahod B.Apply to Mme. Thos. Vanstone St., Bowmanviile. 3- >USE TO RENT-Bmick on Queeai 7roome, near High Schooi, ail mod- conveniences, hardwood floore; bricki ge; possession Sept. lit. Wmn. kBowmanville. 31-2 RENT-Farm of 125 aeree, clo.eto ,vs. all under cultivation, good igs and la.nd, Immediate posseasion ow, full1 possession April lut, 1980. yG . D. Conant, Oshawa, Ont. 29-7 TEND)ERS FOR PAINTING nders addresed to undersigned wili soeived Up to Friday, August Oth, at 'ock, for painting theo outiside of windows. doors and dlock tower of munity Hall, Newcastle. Materiais eused-be.st white iead and oil. veut or any tender not neoeeaarily pted. 8.ct'y. Board otf anagement 31-2 The Elite Shoe Store Keep Cool These Hot Days We are ahowing these iu oxdooed style and one-strap pat- terns, both with cuiban rabber heels a.t.8..3.00 per pair For those wiia want a dress white shoe, we have a fine wanhable w;hite kid, narrow stxap and buekie at $5.50 pr. Dorsay pump in patent leatheir, spike heel . 8. 5.50 pr. IBlack satin one-strap, oubun covered heel ..85.50 pr. 11n patent and cream elk: 5 ta 7% . 8.1.50 8 te 10% .... $81.715 Il ta 2......8$2.00 RUBBER SOLES CANVAS SHOES Misses' and Children'a one- stmap ...85C and 95C Pr'. ford .............82.25 Pr. Wornen'u alil ,be, No heel .........8$1.25 Pr. Witlh heel ....... $1.48 Pr. Men's brown duck oxfords, $1.25 Pr. Boys' broiwn duck oxfords, 81.15 Pr. SPECIAL VALUES 1N SUMP4ER SHOES Women's patent leather one atr&p lippers, with cuban or spanish heels................................8$2.65 pair Wc>men's colored slippers with wide etrasp and -high heels, short vamps and round toes ......................8$4.95 pair Visit ou Foot Comfort Department for Foot Relief SHOES THAT SATISFY Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager BUSINESS* IS GOOD And you can make it better by having that necessary repair work done to your Eavetrough and Furnace before the. coid wet weather cornes in the Fail. Agent for Hecla and New Idea Furnaces* Sole Agent for Hecla Furnaces Re E. L.ogan Shop located next door East of Royal Theatre Phone: Shop 264; House 453. , Bowmaneile This Week-End We Feature Hosiery and Holi*day Wear MEN'S DRESS SHIT DRESSES HALF PRICE HOSIERY VALUES THAT YOU Pano ac raeohwt 200 to choose f rom, ail colors CAN'T DUPLICATE ELSE- collars loose or attched, ail sizes an izs icuin oieWHERE Regular $1.79, and siznes, uincu,ing Vies, c 25 doz. Misses' Silk & Lisle 69c For $129 Chesua chFg ress,198etc.0.5, hose for ....................... 39e MENS COWHIDE BELTS Al Haîf Price t 30 doz. Ladies' Silk Hose-sub- A regular $1,00 line. but spec- - stndars ofourreguar $.00 ially priced foxi this week-end, $1.00 LACE TRIMMED BLO)M- line, ail sizes an'd colors, regu- ERS 69c lar $1.00 for ...........MESA..BOYS' CAc 25Dozen-Fresh shipment just- Extra good values and ail sizes 25 20 doz. Monamih Green Stripe ini the lot, arrived in ail colors and ms Hose, ail colors and sizes, run- Specially Priced 4e to $1.39 A wonderful buy 69c Pair proof,........Extra Special 69c MEN'S SILK TIFS LADIES' BELTS 22 doz. Pure Thread Silk Hose, A nice sellection at saving pries In ver wnte mae with a regular $1,50 line, ail colors 49c to 98 In Pvricaned m k idand sizes,............................ AT8c UT _______________________ $2.00 Full Fasiioned Hose-ali To be cleared at a big discount, ICORSETS and CORSELETTES . guaranteed lst quality. We are 69c to $2.49 The finest values in town, to fit clearing up the balance in stock PLAY - BALL ail figures, at the ridiculous pj1ice of ..$1.39 Big Rubber Water.Bail, hicory 98C to $3.50 Only a limited quantity. make,98 Boys' Golf Hose-ail sizes in BTIGCP CHILDREN'S SOX the lot but not ail one make- BTIGCP Clearing reg. 29c Uine for .. .. 19c not a pair worth less 79c, Ail colors, designs and prices, at Reguar 9c or.......2c ToCler a 5k prices that 'viii surprise you, Reguar 3e fr ................29cTo Cearat 5c 1c to 39c ecd W~1So eof Bigger adBte t iNeion9S eValues Walk a Block and Save a Lot bf mama 1 -

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