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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 8

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PAG1~ FTGHT THE CANADIAN STATFSMAN, BiOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1sf, 1929 It jMay Be ttcse wrrns, (f whateven variefy, but wil! serv-e tii repair the injury C Mr. W. If. Shtarp(, cf Torcato) and m( rsons, Dr. J. Il1. Sitarpe, C. P. R. sur- geon, Swift Cumeünt, Sask., and Dr. W. C. Sbarpf-.AIrxandra Saniforlunt, London, Ont.. sýpent Tues;day la towa calling rn <1<1 frie-ndi-. Dr. J B Tut-ker cf Saskatchew-an, who i' visi When iou "-- Children Ciy font0 Castoria is a comfort when Baby fretful. No sooner taken than the liti one is at ease. If restless, a few drol soon bring contentment. No harm don for Castoria is a baby remedy, meai for babies. Perfetly safe to give tl youngest infant; sou have the doctor word for that! It is a vegetable pri duct and you could use it every day. Bi its in an emergency that Castoria mea' Most. Some niglit when constipatic must be relieved-or colic pains- other suffering. Never be without it some imotiiers keep an extra bottle, ui opened, to make sure there rll alwa3 be Castoria in the bouse. It is effecti' for eider ebidren, too; read the boo that cornes with it ORONO CADMUS (From The News of Juiy 25tb.) Promotion Examinations of S. S. jMrs. W. Limbert, Toronto, -visited No. 5, Cartwrigbt. *-Those pre- h er daugbter, Mrs. R. H. Brown. vented by -ickness fromt trying but Miss Lillian Cuttell, Toronto, vis- promoted on their yea's' work. ited her cousin, Mrs. H. N. Junker. Names in order of menit: Miss Eleanor MNilîson is holidaying: Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Gladys Batten at her fatner's, Mr. Hanry Milison. ( honours). Miss Geneiva Aikens of Toronto~ Sr. Ill'> to Jr. 1V-Mýarie Trew>n wvas a recent visitor of Miss M. Knox. (hono)4rs), Allen Fallis (bonours), Miss Etbel Winter is engaged t.lSid ney Heminigton, Violet White, teach Sixth Lino Scbool the coming Percy Hulbert. term. Jr. III to, Sr. I1-Doris Wilson Corna are painful growths. Hol- <honoura), *Harvey Thomapson, loway's Corn Remover will removre *Vola Brown. 1 thent. Sr. Il to Jr. III-Allen Beacock Misses Elma and Vida Tourjee (bonours), Andrew Marlow, Russel i spent Sunday witb their father, Mr. Brown. A. Tounjee. Jr. Il to Sr. II-Jack Marlow, jMr. Tbomas Vinson of Toronto is *Dorothy (Brown. enjoying a two weeks' vslit with Cecil H. Robinsan, teacher. ~ friends here. ___________________ jMr. and Mrs. R. A. Fitebette have tkncharge of their new business iting is fathene bere, will make the at Miillbr&ok.1 return trip by motor with Dr. J. H. MNrs. Mitcbell and daughter, MissiSharpe. Mn. William Sharpe was a May Mitchell, Toronto, are visiting one time farter of Orono section, at Mn. George ButteS's. owning and working the present Pet- Mr. R. H. Armstrong, Toronto, er Laing farm. spent a week witb bis pasrents, Mr. The OiÙ of the People.-Many oiLl and NIrs. C. G. Armstrong. have corne and gone, but Dr. Thomas'1 JMr. Will Leask and daugbter, Miss Ecleetric Oil continues to maintaink Eleanor Sbeppard, of Taunton, spentj its position and increase its spheree2 Sudyat Mn. A. A. Rolph's. of usefuineas eacb year. Its ster-1 Mr.(Dr.) McElroy, son Keitit, Jing qualities have brougbt it to the and daugter Marganot, visted herifront and kept it there, and if can parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Noble. 1 truly ho called the oul of the people. is -Miss Evelyn Staratt of Toronto is1 Thousands have benefited by it and le a guest of Miss Enid M.%cKenzie atf would use no other preparation. OP8 ber grandfatber's, Mn. T. Smitb. ; Mrs. Frank Cooper motoring to e, Miss Dorotby Robinson and Mý'-s' orono on Satunday last, witb thret- It Elliott, Toronto, visized thte forrner's 1EanMs .PttroMi oî grandchildren in the car, happened . Motber rsW aer ans' W. with a near serious accident. Sbe r tocwi riGves'Wr Extermina-I was driving along the Sixth Line1 uo.to willdut ve-orms- from the systerntwben tbe left front tire went flatt ne ithutinjury to the cbild,' because turning ber car to the left and in onisaction, while fuily effective, is pulling it back on the road lost con-1 ,rmild. trol wben if sent over the bridge 1t r.Chas. Mont and Miss Dorotbv west of the old Rickaby farm, land- m-Richard-, Toronto, apent tbe week- jirg upside down in the Stream belon-. ,Y end wihthipaet,_ran r.MsCopri etnou at gt ve1 J. E. Richards. under water. AIl received ninor cutsa ok Miss Marion Dickson spent te and bruises, Mra. Cooper being cut i week at ItLake Olysbant, wîîb her i about the face. Tho car xvas consider-f frindMis Bety otz w reurnj ahiy damaged. Harry 'Mercer of the ed home with ber foc a visit. Orono Garage wvas cailed and pulled js Ml-s; Mu il Millr>on bas; returned the car ouf. Friends in the village 10 hî~ o~iionhi Trûîo fte aîurried out to render any assistance holiday iri Kingston andl a- ber> possible. AIl are now reported quite tî mothei s. Mis. H. E. Milison. recovered'.11 The death is repos-ted of _Mr. Joe The Man Wifh Astbma, almoat j1 -Camnpbell a- Hot Spring-. k. His longs for deatb to end bis suffering.s wife. El'za Lang, is a daugter Of He sees ahead only years cf endless tha ateRicardLan. Krby . orment wif.h infenvals cf reat wbiche Mr. and Mrs . McIsaac anidmîy are themaselves fraughf with neyert Toronto .. and Mrs. A. MiUl-.:î. Soiua, ceasig fear of renewe<I attacks. Letb wece 1,ýVI -i:ors of their parents, MrI. i turn te Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asfb- and Ir.A. J. Leigh, last woek. mia Rernedy and know whaf comploteh Mrs. W. F. Rolpb arrived homne on relief if can give. Loet him but use i, Tuesday from Wellesley Hospital, lit faithfully and ho will find bis as-t T ononto, where site unde rwent' a thma a thing of the pasf. critical operation a few weeks ago. Dr. E. G. Kerslake attended the joint meetings cf the Ontario andi Central Canada Veteinary Medical lAssociation heid in Kingston last !week. Mrs. Powors and daugbter, Miss~ Helen, bave re-turned from a vsit* w.ith Rev. Mr. Tucker's -farnily at 'Wasaga Beach, and witb f riends at jMeaford. Mn. and Mrs. M. W. Chatterton made a flying visit Sunday lasfteo Kingston wbore ber sister, Mrs. Cav- erly, underwont a succes-sful opera- tion in the Genenal Hospital. Mna. H. G. MacDonald spent the past week witb relatives and friends in ber oId home town, Wellington. Her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Rolph, mofored down and brought her borne. Dr. J. P. Rosa and little daughten Eleanor arrived from Detroit on Sunday f0 spend a day or two. Miss Eleanor will make a moire extended visif with ber aunt, Mra. H. N. Junker. Dr. John M. Lang, son cf the late Richard Lang, Kirby, suffered a stroke cf paralysis Sunday 14th, andi is reported in a critical condition. His nephew, Dr. Rosa Lang, is at- tending physician. Miss Margaret Wannan is in Bala, .Mu.sko ka, witb ber aunt, Miss Scott, at her cottage, Ricbmnerre House. Mrs. Wannan accompanied ber as far as Toronto, and remaiaed for af week's visit witb ber motiter, Mns.1 1 Scott, and otiter relatives. Mr. J. W. Maxwell cf Chicago, 111.j arrived last week on bis annuai visit l and received a bearty welcome frô>m bis host of friends. Ho is baving a jbusy week or two fishing and visiting oîd scbool day haunts. Rev. Chester Willis of Niobe, N.Y. iwho bas so ably suppîied in the ab- sence cf Rev. William Sterling dur- ing the montb cf July, -%ill compleft h is services on Sunday noxt in Park Street Church. Re'v. Wesley Ellioff cf Port Perry will be in charge dur- ing August and September. A ower of ifs Own.-Dr. Thomas' AP cticOi bas a subtle power of iEts n. ll whohave used it ko valuable liniment avaîlable. Ifs uses- YCI, RED INDIAN quards MC COLL-FRONTIENAC r t: ~o4 qualij E VERY day more and more car- owners are swinging over to the use of Cyclo Gas (No-knock) Motor Fuel . .. Red Indian Motor Oil. Marathon Hi-test Gasoline. Available at ail Red Indian stations, these McColl-Frontenac products have won wide favour through their quality and worth. Thousands of motorists have discovered that they bring to any car added power .. . increased mileage.. . better performance. Drive in to your neighbourhood Red Indian station to-day! Cycio Gas MOTOR FUEL A new niotor fuel with drive --pep--and punch a-plen- ty 1 MOTOR OIL Provides a per- fect film of protection between all working parts of the engine!1 MARATHON a ASO0LIN g Slow burning ... economical .. . uniformnly clean and te- liable 1 :OLL-FRONTENAC' McCOLL-FRONTENAC QIL COMPANY LIMITED 22-160 g At Riaiway Crossings Look and Listen r TE EYSON O Ë I , :I l VAR1ETY IN THE KAWARTHA DISTRICT Whether you seek conipanionable people in comfortab]e hotels or a secluded cottage in the backwoods, you wiIl find both amongst the Ka- wartha Lakes. Front welI-appoint- ed resorts there offers tennis, danc- ing, lawn-bowiing. bathing and the jolli est sort of a crowd to the fisdiing waters of the hinterland; there are surroundings to suit every taste. No matter what yoeir choice may be, fish, and plenty of them. are not far away. The nearest Canadian National Railways Agent can give you cont- plete infoýrmation and literature on this easily accessible piayground. 'MUTT AND JEFF COMEDY Coming ta Opera House August l3th What promises to be an event ex-1 ùraurdinary and one sure to estabisdi a new preceden, in the way of genu- ne1 rimeniiiblt, surpris-es, laughter, fun, revelry and ail-round entertain- ment is the iatcst Mutt, and Jeif son- sation, MUTT AND JEFF'S HON- EYMOON. Thtis brand new comedy with music, of wbich so much has been heard, cornes to Opera House,j Bowmanville, Tuesday night, Augusti L3tb. It is in two acta and six scenes and written by Frank Cos- grove. Twenty-five exclusive and ear compelling song bits will be in- troduced. This is said to be the best of the 'Mutt and Jeff series of- .ered thus far. exceeding in point of humor and gayety any of the prev- iOua adventures and escapades of bhis beloved and famous twain. v ALJGUST ROD AND GUN A large variety Of stories and ar- ticles of outdoor if e, fishing and bunting, well illustrated, combine to make a very attractive publication of the August issue of the national outdoor life magazine, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News. Among the favorite contributors having splendid featurea in this is- sue of the magazine are John Rich- mond, Bonnycastle Dale, J. W. Win- son, G. P., Siaden, W. C. Mot]ey, C. S. Landis, J. R. Mattern and F. C. Ness. Their various articles cover the outdoor field very thoroughly in interesti'ng and informative style, particularly ln angling and target and game shooting. The magnificent cover design by the well known art- ist, Major Allan Brooks, la itself worthy of special mention. Up to date developments in tbe silver fox industry are dealt witb in the regular fox section. Hlghway Safety Couimittee Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Chairman A DOZE~N ditierent things may cause a headache, but there's just one thing you need ever do to get immediate relief. Aspirin is an absolute antidote for such pain. Keep it at the office. Have it ready in the home. Those subject to fre- quent or sudden headaches should carry Aspirin in the handy pocket tin. Until you have used it for head- aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you've no idea how much Aspirin can help. It means quick, complete relief to millions of men and women who use it every year. And it does flot depress the heart. eASPIRIN Aopiri la a Trademarul Rltered In Canads -AFr!en d to Wionm Lydia E. Pînkham's Vogetable Comfpounld LYDIA E.* PIN KHAM MEDICINE CO. Lynn, Ma s., U.SA. snd Cobourg,zO. *, Canada. 6,ok'a Regulating Comnpound A as/e, Ihabte requWojnst ,ned. l(] in & id r iIà>,de- ,Cp, eýÀ o! sr~îI-Il,-No. 1, is No. 2, id; >-I. 3. 85 per box. sold l'y ai]ldruguisti, or ,,rnl ~<'7.. n (Ija n Jrcips o! price. ~ Fee ,rr, let. A dr, ,a: THE COOK MEDICINE CO W- DOSPHOS PH QD UNE . Te Great English Preparatinn. uTones and ins'goaies the whole nervou% systein. maties new Blond in old Veins. lised for tIVervoiis In~Debility. Mental and Bra4n K nrr, DepnecLaus ofEnerry. Palpitation ý/ gbHgarg,Fal PMm riPce $2per bcx.3 j«e$5.9Sold by alf druggints, or mai led n pla In ijg.oflrpoltf price. New pamphlit mai led JT l~.TuOOmen OICIE OJTORONTO.O#qT. 4 I. Approacli a railýay crossing carefully and at moderate speed. If you have not a clear view up and down the tracks, be particularly careful At double tracked crossines after a train lias passed, make sure no train 18 conuing from the other direction. Don't be a victfim of a crossing accident by pour own carelessnessf THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1-st, 1929 PAGE EIGHT 4- n.2 14

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