THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW MANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1921) rzsr.i.1.VV tU Office-Division St., Bowmanviile. the pres-cat generatian tlat it xvas- (nex to rinty Uite Chuch) the efforts and influence of Senatar (n5ext ta rinity 5Uni t 9Ch.rch. Beitb at Ottawa that won for oui Ofic >rs-3 5apnd 7 ta 9 y. m.citizens the splendid pas-t office andi SdasbPoi en 24 y the excellent site bn which it stands.' 45-t We bave reason ta know the truth of aur statement as wc bat the hion- DOCTORS' H-OLIDAYS or of being Mayor of 'Boxvmaaviile at that time and had sime actix'e The Physicians of Bowmanvîlle part in the negatiations that gavel have agreedtot close their Offices this toxvn the pas-t office and thej Wednesday afternaons. In case of municipal building andti nce itt le i *mergeacy at this time enquire of park between theni. We were sup-I the bospital or telephone operatar potted by an aggressive tawn coun- fer a doctor. cil that co-operatet with us. Since then we were appointet i Secretary and Treasurer of the VWesti CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS Durham Agricutural Society, an of- - THEROPY fice we beit for niany years-, beingîl DURWIN E. STECKLEY ais-o a directar and member on the honor graduate of Toronto College Managîng Commnittee of the Ana'ual of Chiropractic wîll bie in the Bow- Fali Exhibition, sao turing th ee manville Office Tues-day, Thursday maay years- in eecutivc relation a»d Saturday evenings, phone 141J. witib the Agieiulioural ESaciisty we - Reidentiai cails madie during fore- had a wite and intimate knowlctige 19oon. 'of how agricuitural exhibitions- arei ____________- ranaged. We xvcre ais-a on the Board of Managers for many years+ý of the West Durham Fat-mers' Ia- FUNERAL DIRECTORS stitute and anc ycar honoet with'ý1 F. F MORIS O.lectian as Presitient which afforteti additioaal oppartunities for" Complete Motor or mingliig with fat-mers andi assîstingr Hors-e Equipment. in the promotion of agricuitural in-[I , Ail cabis promptiY tercst-9. la addition ta these officest attentedti t. w eesm er ietro Private Ambulance. te Bwreme ycars- a ictrear of- Bowmaaville phone: h Bo aaieHatutraSc- 10 and 34. îcty andi a warker in its activities-. Braach Stores- During these ycars;, ton, we at-i Orono & Newcastle. tentet several of the annuai meet- ings- of the Provincial sacieties- of' ALAN . WILIAMSthese organizatians la Toronto, ALANM. ILLAMSwbich gave us a stili wjder acqusînt-t Embaimer and Funerab Directar. l ance with their interets andi oper- CIlis given prompt and persanal at- atians. b@nio.. ,N extra charge for dis-j ** tance. Motor Ambulance at jour[ Be,'ides aur Canadian experiences; service. Phones3 58 or 159, Baw-i with- exhibitions- we attende inla Manville, Ont. 3ti. 1886, wve tink wnas the year, the, ________________________ Great Colandries Eipositiona t e AUCTIONEERS Crystai Palace, London, Engiaad, sti which ail the Britishb colonies were THEO M. SLEMCiN representeti by exhibits anti attend-J Auctboneer ance of people. It n'as in ever IParm anti House Sales a Specialty. respect a vcry ontr'fui exhibition. Terma moderate. Ennisklbeii P. O. Another summer whea we werc lat Phone 197r3. 1-tf Engiand we attcnted the Interna-l - .. -tionai Exposition ine Liverpool wtîîch1 was a mas-t intercstiag and great ob-1 VETERINARY ject leqson af Brit'ish natural re-i f- CL KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. sources, industries and agricuiturai! O ro a lteres-t. t, toa, was 'very large-i *onor Graduate of UniverzitY of ly attendet. e j Toronto. Ail cases- giien prompt St. Pter's FPair at Ila)sworthI and careful attention. Office-Dr. Devon, -%vas an institution of muchi XcElray'5 former office. Phone&; lesser note but 'most unique ain t.: Carke 8921; Orono 18 1 character, anti we s-bail puhiish bere-1 witb a repart not of the anc we san" but of tbe 1929 exhibitio)n as repart-ý I d la The Western Times of Exetr ~b~1ii,~ ~ on July i2th. ¶On Tuesday, June 29th, tee /were eariy ris-crs- at HoIswortby forý the occasion was one of the nias-t1 i important in the ton'n's- social cal-: entar-the opening of the sanuali St. Pcter's Fair, whicb lasts for tre-e days. Dull but dry wcather fav'oured the event, blsut it would take mare than cioudy sky ta damp- en the apirita of the crowds that flock ta Hohsworthy for this event. The Fair is helti Iby Rvoyal Charter granted by Jamea I. This charter provides that the Fair &hall h. de- POftT CRRY R * 4TOt y ORT ff!ULl"6TCJ LINDSAY C%.E&vNTRAL FAIR September 18 - 19-»20 -219 1929 The GREAT BOYD & SULLVAN MIDWAY The. PREMIER EXPOSITION of Livestock, Agricultural and Manufacturers'Products j Metbodîst about 1,S90. In eaniy tiayý the place bad Bible Christian, Weleyan Methodist. Primitive Ma(-tboti't, Preshyterian. Oit Kirk. Discipe- of Christ, Congregational, Anglican, Roman Cathoi.c, anti Ply- noutb Bretbren. Non there are bu' four denominati- os andi a s-mal number of a once quite large Salva- tion Army aîembersbip. The chief centres fifty yearF ago wbere church aaaivcrsaries were haIt were Ebenezer. Hampton. El- dad (Slina), Enficid. Ty-i'one, Pro-1 vidence and Bethestia, at al of which places the Bible Christians were the larger churches-. The twa asat aamed bave been closeti but at, ahl the others ani'versaries or bar- x'est homes are hcld and people, as o f aid, came ta th em. Recently cach church bas developeti a dram- atic socîety and these bave become very popular s-o that $300 ta $400 is flot unusual as the praceets of an anniversary. The chief benefits arc the raising moaey for the Sundjay Schools, giviag the schalarts a jolly1 occasion and adults- a splendid soc- ial t'me. DOXOLOGI ES I can sec f rom out my wintiow A sbining pool I love, Ant i x'iloxvs xeaving laces- Jus-t above. 1 can bear the yciung frogs pip In the niat-shes green and cool Making sangs of reeds anti rosi 1- Ant a pool. 1 is there aix'iayx somnethiîtg stiri ITa give vaice ta sanie fair thii jThat our spirit s-case may wake Siumberiag. 'tes -ring ng? efrom Or do 1 reaily knoýw Birds make their sangs in beaven Ta sing beiow. Ice i at failing back again 0fn such annng the trecs, O uhthe goo<l brann arth bas mate Laura Bedeli Gas on Stomach IIs Dangerous Gas, pain, loatîng antisauî'ness aftr eating aimas-t always nmean "to much acit" in the stoms-ch. The condition is- tangeraus. Acit irri- tates the stomach ]ining anti may lea(l to Ulcers. Gas forme anti presses agaiast the beart. The stamach neetis an aikaline. Bisur- atet Magesia-pawter or tabets- le the iteal niethoti o! getting safe, quick, iasting relief. It neutralizes the excess acid, swcetcns- the stom- ach, breaks up the Cas, stops the pain and saurness. Foot digests naturally. It must give prompt re- lief or înoney back say druggists every'where who seil it on this iran c lad guarante.. Your Owi iLEGAL T HE EDITOR TALKS clared at 8 -a. m. under the "Great 1 noted for the like virtues. and flot' CO-OPERATION IS KEY TO M. . V GULD BA.,LL.. Ma we h fogien f e gveTree." Needicos ta say, the tree isreceiving parochial relief. These! SUCCESS M. G V. OUL, B.., LD. ay -ve e fo.-ivn i we ivena longer existent-local gossip sayýs'donationsý shail be niade ta the samei Barrister, Solicitor, Nitary soie personal h.-to)ry about thej it -was poisoned-but the spot' on wvonion once only-. Money ta boan on Farm and Town fairs andi exhibitions we have at-' wh ich it stood is now marked bv a ,NCitizens of Durharn("'untyland Property. Royal Bank Building, tended duriar a long life? Whitby stone slab in the Stanhope-squàare, I The committee camne t1-j unani-, Bawmanville xiii have an opp )rtul- Bowlnanvilla. Phone 351. I"ail Fair in aur boyhood days m-as land îtit kon this that the town crier mous decision tha- the y.n lady l'ty on Sept.. 13-14, of ceiebrating, a grea; affluai ev-ent thiat we dislk- (Mr. Fred Sice) staod for the fiftieth most fitted ta ee' n',noirwas -the (ith Fair and it is -o be t,,us-ed W. R. STRIKE 1dt î~'.I o tefrtbgar-caTsecutive year on Tues-day and, Miss Edith 'Mary\Vo. the tivprutv- that ever\'one xiii enter :010-h'h auccessor ta lste D. B. Simpson, K.C. cultural 'show tha' r'e can recal-1 read thie quaintly xorded proclamna-[ threa x'ear old d.qazstVer or -r. ".idspirit of the impû,rt.ant ee" t Barrister, Solcitor, Notary ln bfreEe aadian National towibrn sflos-Yz ' s ilan\ok.fN"hra, 1ali:the zeal andl enterprîiýe xhiîch .hei Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Exposzitio)n was pernianently estab-1 0 Yez! Hokxxat'th:.. lh' ehce prnved al cc îndemands. Noney to Loan Phone 91 lisbed in the C.ty of Toronto'. The** popular oe, f -12tZ. tU't~)1.,What à succes-ful and wîil-ntan-1 Bowmanville. Ontario later was -,he Provincial Exhibition1 A proclamation ta be made on St. whc'n the ce'.ît; 'ý. a_0 te îr-lageci Fair nwans tc thbý 100 ýn and fo in er n %a edi o-Peter's yearly by homage, the 89th formed in thie p'c1f epn b i-rCî Cana 1etmaeli W. F. WARD, B. A. fon. in yeamitntw an dxvs eiiJonc in the 22nd year of the reign cburcb, a large er,,v'ad aseniied'1ilar.s and cents only. It b.ngs Ioi Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Kingston, and po-ssibly a few ather of aur Soxereign, Lord James, by 1 and wxhen the fortuna'e lady made aur mind's the dev-elopmient- of past Moeytaba. ons ornae.ciie. But, ta the youth of Ontario the Grace of God, King of England. ber appearance there w'as mucb years- and eniphasizes 'lie prugres-s Offices-Bieakley Block, King St., caunty where "ie lived as a fanmer's Scotland, France, and Irelaad, De- cheenîng and appi.u 'se. Iof aur tawn and counly Ita meet to-1 Eowmanville, Ontario. Phones- son Up ta l5 years of age, Whitby fender of the Faith, hy 8 o'clock lan 'The money was h. .nded over in gether where problems of mutual in- Office 102; House 409. Fail Fair was the supreme attraction the morning under the great tree of gold and the pr-nttl vas made terest can be disctxssed and the aims for aur whole family as for hun- Hoisworthy. The Right Worship- hy the Rector. wh.) nuno that and abjects of each xiii be better dreds of the farmers' familles in the fui Sir Nicholas Prideaux, Knight for the fin-t time for severai years uaderstood. surrounding district. Indeed, we Lord of this Fair in the behaîf of Ehe ý derived fr-'ni the sum We taa often tbink that whea the ma afrthe people in the towns aur Lord King James, by thIl ac staoid h-teRe..'1 a managemen-, of sucb an institution and villages as well. Most ail the of God, King of Englaad, Scotland, sufficient to.a Oîa'w,, Vl,'eqieFs t'- is piaced in the handls of an efficient DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE f'olk, aid and young, considered France and Ireland, Defender of the spinsters not uncler '1(l vfyens- Of ag-e executive that wxe have done aur Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto Whitby Fair Day as their day off, Faitb, now putteth ail men ta note - -'- - and fot neceiving parochial re- duty. But we must remember that University. Graduate of the Royal duty and a genuine lholiday. It' that this day beginnetb bere an ief." unless the public be ready and will- College of Dental Surgeons of On-j was several years later that Oshaw Open Fair, ta be kept according ta For some reason names of the ing ta support it by sympathy and tario. Office King St., Bowmnanv'ille. y aemen anteAgiutral1 law and according ta aur King otnt pntr eentgvn attendance, it cannotsuce.n O)ffice phone 40. Rouse phone 22. Society over ta making Oshawa its Majesty's Law, and that ail and ail matter ho . efficient that executive X-Ray Equipment in Office. permanent home. manner of persans during the said MM may be. DR. J. C. DEVITT* * Fair do keep the King Majesty's I It is ta be hoped that every citi:zen The first great exposition that we Peace upon pain of grievous impris- a h onyxiiso pieîto AssstntDr E.W.Sisa attended after xve grew ta manhood onment. He chargeth and com- j1 of the splendid services af thosp who Graduate of Royal Dental Coflege, land was teac'hing -the Baltimore vil- mandath that ail the variaus items 1 ' haxve iabored long and diligently ta Toronto. Office, King St. East, B 0w- ] shool was The Centennial Ex-' herein contained are ta be observed akthsFialsinni,!-t anil. Office hours 9 a. positio n at Pbiladekpbia in 1876-a and kept according ta the law, under i by attending this splendid Fair ip.m. daily except Sunday. *Phone1 genuine World's Fair, altho la cele- pain of fine, forfeiture and iflpris-1.( which xviii be an added incentive tao go os poe23 bratian o h Daaato f Inde-1 onmient. Gad Save the Kin.te xc ta cninei h ac- X-Ray Equipment in Office. p-cadence of the United States of i * * * complishment of stili greater tbings-.l D R. R. E. DINNIWELL Ainerîca. In campany with an-1 It is interesting ta note thatte Honor graduate of Toronto Univer-! the schoai teacher. Mr. Harry office of town crier is béredita, sty and member of Ryal Ca lege if Richardson of Amerstburg, we spent1 and in celebrating it.' jubile as pro -_________ST USOM actise'inOntario and teLinionaC. tnia xpstinad nvi--red Sîeequais the record of bis <From iThe Nexw Outlook) j,%ntistry in al its ban De.omiio. ex The ho a district about Boxvmanville Bank of Montreal. Phone y i o'n had a married sister in ury j ba long heen noted for its stabilit' moreweek t' Th jil chur-cb woî'k, a feature of whie' bhome. One tbing xve recal Idyi, fcuse h ermn fare the xonderful aninixer.,are. iabout it is that s-be used tomatoes 1 îkn h rtt adadbsav The period from the last of May tub MEIA nta fpooes n te dail ikivte rtymadadbetw the first of Juiy and at times of ba r- MEDICALa iestadnd otats ingth dLin g upan ber the fruits of the gener- vest îeing that chosen for tbe gath-1 C. W. SLEMON. M.D., C.M. 1 euanw n lain xei sity of a man wha died years- be- 'eig. A h eus fyu a- Gra<nuate of Trinity Médical College, l ence ta bath of us. fore the maiden xas ' At respondent, n.M oAfJms- ourco- Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Wespa fu dy l igtse- It was as long ago as 1841 that Y W 'I'Tmin'le'- vtea ditr nd Office and Residlence. Dr. Beith'a ig f New Yark City, guests at the l the Rev. Thomas Meyrick, the then manvlleWEWE'M an rie former residence on U!iurch Street,t ?ld Manhatten Hotel. The mastl Rector of North Petberwin, deposit- ~~cburcb-mnan. bas supplied abie Do-wmanville. Phne 259. 44-ti înteresting sigbt that we recali vas' cd £100 in trust in order that the in- hbistory of their genesis: at Rocka'way Beach xhere we saw alIterest wbicb accrued migbt be given ~ISiSame fifty or mare years ago the J. CL.ARK BELL 1s-mail man and vr large .. . i' every year ta trhe girl h fuifilled ibeCrsin cgéatos n M.D., Ch.8., F.RC.S., (Edin). D.P.H.1 thé Atlantic bathiag wbea the surfI certain conditions as to character givea brifliant lasting Darliagton township began holding (Succesor ta Dr. A. S. TiIley) was- runaing bigb and the mani bad andi church atteadance. aihine wlth amimu Suaday school anniversaries xvichl ffons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- a very beavy contract to keep the. £3. 10 and £2. 10, respcctiveiy, Of fè Use it daily xere great event.s sacially in tnany~ deeon University. Feliaw of the Royal, large womaa afloat.shhb eaygentteyogoyoroaoo l of the commuaities. Originally the College of Surgeons, din b u rîh. ***sal oan resident in that par- BiblrChritianscame bieflafio Office and Residence, Queen t, Since then we have atteadedj ish, beiag under 30 years of age, anti butap aloo ease it iCrn'A'all ati evn. n land, htad Bowmanv'îile, Phone 89. World's Fairs la ;Chicag~o and Buf- genera'îîy esteemed as the most de- but s be eaus nrdcdthese andetraim nuawi cch eas Offce Hours: 2 ta 4 p. M., 6 ta 8.30 p. M. falo and the National Horse Showservîng andi the moat hanis-onie, and p'aie i.lahr nietraaet vib bcm 1lin Madis-on Square Garden, New the mos-t noted for ber quietness- and TE"U GT" NOBS réunions of the familles from thé W. H. BIRKS, M.D. York City, several times- wben Sena- attendance at churcb, and shall give T WI6NUT A TISTOENS OlLandi, and the people foi' any Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30.trRbr etwo th Grnth eaneofttsu oayWIHAT ST1 6 miles arounti foregatbered and com-ý Téléhone108 Championship with his string of spiaster, flot under 60 years, anti arethen, érnew cesnty. Baxx' mani Office and Résidence - Dr. Hazlewood'à Hackneys and ýbecame known as the _______________________ ecame th eouters of thlede former residence, Wellington Street, Hackaey King of America. His _________________________________ nmntin the Chdurch paperthee Bowmanville. winnings- there put Bawmanviile in n ~~observer, heg ubihed there, and DR. V. H. STOREY particular anti thé Dominion of iAil Lthe 1Ia of theBible Cristia Ofic hur 2t 4an 6ta8 . Canada ia genéral on the map. A L RO D S EA D TOw iashe g se ofth e iblehrisa Oftie r s . m. y aa.ntoa p. m.We believe, fna other borseman ~i- PbibgHue vt e.Cpa Aie .mby poi"t n this Dominon, ever won 50gratM.,',R'o4 Bai'ker as Book Steward anti Rev. Exception-Office wil he open9tPalRbnasSceryTaue. 10 Sturay igh. 3-tffame for the King of dams-tcai alRbn sSceayTe rr mals in Canadat. 6-tasicdid auraty W<P/Fornmaflv vears Baxi manville masi aaaa idorwrty to. q.v MEaHFALLS UI« Bible Christian Cburch N'as the iarg-1 DR. R. W. CLARK towasman Robert Beitb, Seator. IWOVI etinetonad_1 otiudu .. I t may not be generallv knoivn ta' CA?4nrNs tet9I4 and:. o cinued uni. Physcia & urieon 1 Z- -- - _/_1jitU th i HIOft i lu it h I ,ll fl a1 began by working Spurred on 1,y thec desire to own their own farm, they put their rnoncv in the 11H)k month 1-yrnonth, and season by season, until thev couI pav for Lii of thcir own. if you, too), are workîng foi- inother man and want a farm of your own, your courýecleir put your mnoney in the bank. YOU VIULlICE I1ANKIOC AT THE ROYAL The Royal Bank F931 of Canada Bowrnville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager EAT BETTER BEEF -Is a New Slogan Adopted at Canadian National Exhibition This Year. This better beef campaign is no new idea with our firrn. We have been practicing it in our store for 75 years. So that our customners know when they buy beef, or meat of an'y kind here, they are confident they ývi1l get the best and choie- est on the rnarket. Oui- reputation has been buit on *'Quality meats." That accounts for our stead- i1y growing business. If vou m-ant the best meats corne to our store. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanv;.lle More cups to the pound, more flavor in the cup, more tang to the taste. That's what makes Red Rose Tea so popular. Every package guarantetci 62 ]REI)ROSE TEAis good , RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good A re You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of your- order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us and get our prices before you buy. McClellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; Houa. Phones King S t. E. i228, 274, 218 BowmaLnville le T takes three ta complete a tebephone cal: the Ioperatar, the persan calling and the persan calbed. If any ane of the three is at f ault, the eall faibs. Uncampbeted telephane cabîs arc a serious public probltm. We cabi attention ta it because we want you ta have the best passible service at lawest possible cost.' Every day in Ontaria and Quebec there are over anc million local telephone calîs- which are block- ed - a waste of twa million minutes a day - a congestion of traffic - a source af irritation - a handicap ta, perfect service. Some af these uncompleted calîs cannae be help- ed and samne arc due ta aur awn errors, which we are constantly reducing. Many af the failures - "Line's Bus-y" - "They dont Answer" - "No anc on the Line naw" - "Wrong Number" - originale with the other twa parties ta the call. We plan naw ta give publicity ta common faubts lu telephone usage in the hope that there ms-y be a mutual effort ta maintain high efficieacy of tebephane service. *Zt is cas-ln inomre than $27,000,000 titis year ta ý @ extend andi improve tele- 1ý; phone service in Ontar'io l and Qtubeo. iPar,.r. TWO MST4oaf the prasperaus farmers of to-day1 for sarnieane cise. li 1 i 1 6pu maqbae