~J ~ ~. With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmianville News 1~ Vol. LXXV M. w A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l9th, 1929 $2.OO a Year in Advance 5c a Conv No.3~ MUSICAL ýINSTRUMENTS Planos botii new and used; or- gans for churcli and sehool; rad- !os sud phonograplis sold eu ernis convenient Vo custoniers. The Freed sud Philco are con- sidered marveleus for distance and oue quaiity. Tiiere la no- thing fluor iradio. Have you seen the uew 45 inch Dominion piano? An altogether Charming instrument. F. J. MITI Phone los Bowmanville1 OSHAWA PRESBYTERY ELECT *NEW OFFICERS jPass Strong Resolutions Regarding the. Temperance Situation Officers and Standing Coqnmittee f or th e coming year were eiected b. the Oshawa Prsebytery of tiie Unite, Chuxch, at its reguiar meeting ii Brooklin on Tuesday, Sept. 17tV) Rev. J. R. Bick, Hiampton, is Chair man; Rev. P. IL Juil, Broolin, .Sec reta and Rev. J. S. Ferguson Pickoring, Treasurer of Presbytery 1 Rev. W. P. Rogers, Newcastie, j Obairman of the "M. and M." Cois mittee, and Rev. A. L Richards Whitby,. Chaii'man o'f the Homue Mis, sions Co'mmittee. Mr. W. R. Strike, Bowmanvilie, i 'President of the newly formed Lay. men's Association, wriff J. C. Young Oshawa, ITice President; J. D. Mac. KaY, Oshawa, Secretary; and H. F Werry, Kedron, Tre.aurer. Two strong resolutions re tii Temperance Situation were unani. mousiy carried - 1. We note with deep intierest ti announcement that a. Provincial EIec. tion is to be .heid in the near future and urge ail our people Vo use theii influence and franchise for thseiim- ination of the traffIc in intoxticatîng 'beverages. To this end we reaf- flrm- our belief that the prohibition of the manufacture, importation, and sale of alcoho]ic beverages la the mos effective method knawn for reducing to a minimum the evils of intemper. anc. and alcoholjsm, and urge ail oui people Vo support such candidates aE wiil pledge themseiyes Vo this end. 2. That tisi Presbytiery depiore, the evils incident Vo rum-running, and once again cails upon our Nat- ional Government to prohibit the exportation of intoxicating Ilquor to any country udor a prohibitory iaw. MINISTERS AN4D CHURCHES St. Joseph's R. C. Churcb-Rev. P. P. Butler, Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 2 2nd: Mass at 9 a. m. and 7 p. mi. St. Auidrew's Church-Rev. R. Mc- Derment, B. A., minister. Suudsy services: il a. n.-Morning Wor- slip; 2.30 p. m.--Suuday Schooi; 7.30 p. m.-Evening Worsbip. St. Paui's Churcl-Rev. D. W. Beot, D. D., Minintsa. 1 a-i o.ni- 7. 0IM orhi-0Pm o" 7.30P. m-Eeutu WÔuli-." Discovery"; 2.30 p. tn.-Sunday School. Trinity Unitemd Chuci-aev. J. U. Robins, Poster. Sunday services at il a. n. and 8p.e Sunday Sahool at 2.30 P. M. Musical services lu charge et Mr. F. Sutton, erganlat sud choir directer. St. John's (Anglican> Churcl- Seventesnth Suuday after Trinity, Septeniler 2M, 1929: 8 a. m.- Holy Coniinion; il a. m.-Morn- ing Prayer & Litany; 2.30 p. n.- Sund.ay School; 7 p. ni.-Evening Prayer. At a niesting cf the Prealbytery of Peterboroughi held lu St. Paul's Pres- byterien Churcli, Port Hope, tbe re- aignation of Rev. Robt. MeDermeut, M. A., minister of St. Andrew's Prea- byterian Churcii, Bewmanville, ws accepteïd, Vo take effect the sat Sun- day of September. Tiie Rev. J. Go- forth Hlornsliy, Port HL9pe, was sp- pointed Lnteriun Moderator during the, vacancy. GIFT TO SCHOOLS Second Volume of "Great Men of Canada" Presented to Newcastle Scbool The Newcastle &chools have receiv- ed through hs secretary Vwo copies of Vhs second volume of "Great Men of Canada," by John Henderson. Pasrted ou Vhs inside of Vhe front cover hsaa specially designed book plate with a maple leaf border and the inscription, "For hs School Library, Presented bY Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Minist- er of Education-September 3rd., 1929. The signature of the Primer Minister and Minîster of Education is also appended Vo a preface conmend ing the book Vo th,, attention of Ithe yeungsr generation. This second volume containi-ng short and interesting sketches of Si, James Douglas, Rob,-rt Baldwin, Sir Egerton Ryerson, Sir Wiifred Lau:. :er, Alexander Mackenzie, Sir Janiez Whitney, Sr Sanford Fletning and OlvrMwt, Sir John Thonîpson, Sir Adam Beck. Tities of ether sections of the vol- umne are, Two Builders of the C.F.R.. Tii. Opening of.th» North West and The Royal North West Mounted Pol- ice. Border illustrations adorn everv Page cf ths book depicting Vhs star- les within and there are aise foukooen full page Portuiits of as unany emin- eut Canadians. The Vwe volumes ought Vo prove a hIi.Pfui addition Vo Vhs libroiry. Resalera' opinions and judgmnents lu respect of the. notables deaIt wlth mnight frequently differ frein thes. Oft fil author, but wlist does it mat- ber? FIJRNITURE SALE Saturday, SePtember 21st Mrsq. F. G. Hinds, corner Welling ton and Division Sta., Bowmauvl[e. will sel liher household turuiture aud ldtcheu ettecte. Tarrns cash. Sale at 2 p.mn., (daylight saving.) W. J. Challia, C. H. Mason, Auctioneer. Clerk Prohibition Union Meeting A meeting of tihe Prohibition Union wiII b. held in TOWN HALL ORONO on Tuesday, Sept. 24 et 2.30 p. m. (standard time) Ali those opposed to Govurnment Control are cordially invited teo attend. KENNETH COURTICE, Secretary HAROID G. MACKLIN, President TAKE NOTICE Revert to Standard Time Citizens will take notice that on Saturday, Sept.28 At Midnight Bowmanville will revert to Standard Time, and al concerned are requested to govern themselves ac- cordingly. By order, M. J. Elliott, Mayor. 1. - 1 Our Store PoIirv: Not How Cheap-But How Good NEW FROCKS EMPHASIZE THE SUBTLE CHANGES FOR THE AUTUMN SEASON The smartest styles that smaxitly dressed women every- where will wear-Side Length, Backward Mares, Shallow Curved Forehead Lines are indicated. Fashion, like everything else, refuses to stand stili. Every- thing is moving and Dame Fashion takes it upon herseif to keep just a few intemisting steps ahead of ail the rest of the world. Autumn hats are no exception to this rule of proguess. Their brim lines partieularly have taken to travelling towards al points of the compass. Some of them go up, some of them go down, while stili others follow an outward and bxoadening move-. ment andi quite literally show -a decided flare for the unusual. The long side and long back movements are exemplified in the collection on'display of Feit, Reversible Soleil, Satin and Velvet, which are the favored materials. English Green, Bur- gundy Reds, Brown, Beige and Black are the leading faîl shades. Authentic reproductions and expert adaptions define the new chic as it makes its debut at our store. LADIES' NEW FALL COATS Neyer have. we shown such a large and exclusive range of Ladies' Coats as we are showing at present. We have selected the very best values frorn many of Canada's leading loak manu- facturiers. You wiIl find among the large collection the very best values to be found anywhere. Many of our custorners have already taken advantage of early choice, paid a deposit so as to secure the style and cloth they want. We advise you to take advantage of the wonderful selection and if you do not want to take the coat just now, by paying a small deposit we will hold coat until you are ready for same. NEW DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY The daytirne Silhouette for faîl is long and moulded with fuiness placed low in the skirt. Fnocks for business and sports wear show a new femininity with the introduction of flares, god-. ets and gores. The waistline is raised a bit higher. Lingerie touches are a fresh note. New dresses are arriving every day-even earlier than last season. We are all enthusiastic over this season's merchandise. r Corne and see these new frocks. SOLE AGENTS FOR KENWOOD BLANKETS Also received an importation of beautiful Scotch White Blankets. In our Men's Dept. we are featuring the newest in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats for Faîl and Winter wear. Couch,Jtihuston &Cryderrnan, -- . . - 1& 1 - r - 1 ý- . 7 71 , -OTUý rS TALKING PICTURES FEATURE j WILL SPEAK AT ORONO 1 LOCAL AND OJHERWISE 1 R O A L T E A T E O P N I NI M is s E liz a b e th P a in io n i s v is itin g r Monday Night WiII Unher in New Era! 1 relatives in Toronto. , in Modernized Amusement HouseI Dr. Wells, St. Louis, Mo., wa in es Since C. T. Ross tok over the town this week caliin on old friends. y ma age ent of hs R yal The treM r. Ray Diling motord o New dy baaers t cgl theoal Thages York on his holidays and visited with .d here eighMye.rJas.oMcDou changesoronto, cahei- iand improvements have taken place finatee h. in the picture show business. r.Mr.d n i Jas.ieds blor nto, dal an r-Rosaslias kept weli apace of the[ do l iins e'Stra n Ctimes in keeping hia popular amuse- attended the Pair. , ment house un la par with cityi Miss Msrioçn Belman hms entered Y. theatr'ss. It was not surprisigte else OPtl ooti iS to iearn thiat early titis apring seps riàgfraUU6 1were being taken to have tihe Royal Dr. and Mir. L B. Williams, TOr- , Theatre modernized in every way and onto, were among the interested vis- - equipment instal.lod for the presenta- itors bo the Fair on Saturday. tion of talking pictures. Miss Marguerite Armstrong and as This fact bss been accomplished Mr. Kezmeth Werry are attending rduring the part Vwo months and n'extNomlShl apitbr. ,Monday evening the. Royal ThewStre led o od fr nd b r. o will open its doors to an awaitingivile,.adMs .S ihBle pvilleccwithdponcticaliy adcompiete pablc wih prcticlly comleteWednesday enroute Vo Toronto. new and up-Vo-date interior with con- ie(edElitdnve aa- .e veniences and appointments which tenimg Higdh Seot Eeai s t-n - wil geatl sd Vo he omfot ad Iwith lier uncis, Mr. J. E. Elliott. enjoynient of its patrons. Mr. Rosa W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C. Miss Dorothy Allia, Misa Nellie ýe bas accompliabhed hua ambition Vo be Inwe n is fd oln able Vo show t.alkîng psctures which I Liberai Leader in the Legislaturs wiio SodnsdMs id oln are -being (pregented in the million will gpeak at the Liberal Convention atnigNra Sio tTrno Irdollar theatres in metropolitan ciaies 1 at Oro-no on Monday aftee-noon, Mr. C. W. Sqach, Hamipton, and 1- a a simiiar atinosphere of luicuryl Sept. 23rd. It is expsctsd Mr. Sin- Mr. Howar~d Pye, Ennishilen, wee 9and beautiful surroundings, 'but on clir wil*l present the Lib-eral Msni- giie9ts Of Mms R. H. Soizch on Fair I_ a more moderate scale in lceeping festo for the coming elebion at this Day. nwith the town's requirementa. Ani meeting. Mr. and Mmr. L Gorniali and Mr. d inspection of the building cannot help and -Mra. A. S. Oornish, Torouto, but impress the observer that ta reail were in Vbown recently cailing on old nice iittle theatre la the resuit with BY'TANN COLFI friends. -everythlung carried out in good taste. BYS _TAIIN____ AI iMr. and 'Mrs. B. E. llngham anad r rom the stveet lino double-giaasd1 Formai Opening by Premier Ferguson son Mac Of Port Hope apent Tuesday , doors open into a miedium sized clos- Tuesday, Sept. Z4 lVith Mrs. Washington and Mmi~ ed lobby where ticket office ls located jwWrnica. awhere large miliror stood. On either The next big event in this district Mn-. Hug~h Cameron and thirfe side of 'box office are doors leading is Vhe annuai fll fair at the Boys' sons have returned home after spend- Vo the foyer wbich presents a moatiTraining Schooi, Tueodiay aftsrnoon ing the summer with !hlbriter at éattractive and invitiing appearrnce.1 next. Dr. G. E. Reaman, Superintend- Lo. Angels, Cal. -From thia rocin acceas is availabis Vo ent and his staff are desirous of Mr. and Mira. Harry 3asker'rille, ladies' retiring roonu on the lsift, making th.is occasion a real commuun- and Miss Ada Sîlver, Toronto, wore menas smoking roor. on the right, and jity event at which every citizen laj here Saturday sttending -the Fair snd mansger's private office on left. cordially invited to attend. Thuis af-~ calling on oid fina Stars lsolea Voopsatig oom f ords a splendid opportunity Vo ses IMr. and Mm. 'Mark Rosnigk ieft above the foyer which cOntains 2 the farm, inspeot the school buildings, on Wednssday for their home ini Van- picture machines and 2 sets of equip- view Vhs exhibits of the boys andj uvlBCafravrylesn * mnt o rproucetaiingandmusc iarn first hand ths splendid work viait with relatives bore. simultaneously s the picturea appear beîng accomplis'hed by this schooi for on the. screen. Then there is a film the unadjusted boys of Ontario. Mr W . llnreeie wrdO *room and a work room, aIl thlree Then of course, obther features for his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gso. W. rcons UPStairs beîng separated by the day wili be the presence of Prom- Alina acuvr .C *fireproof doors. 1 ier G. Howard Ferguson who will f or- latVnovrB.C The auditorium is beautiifuiy dec- mai.iy open the Fair at 3.30 p.m. The Miss Anna ïBeimman and (air Albert arated in excellent taste with 80ft (3onsei-vative Chieftain being a head- E BeLimun left Monday for î=xsa. tinta on ceiling and walis harmoniz- liner oiths occasion should flot in- ren, Man.-,tO visit their ssi lKy ra. *intgla every detail. -No expense ilas bpdrere with super-sensitive Liberals, Chas. Cres9well, who is quit. ii. kb*en.pared Vo- obtain preper s- Eregressives, U. F. 0., Advocates or iMr H. E.'Rsynodés' Graniby, Ql».. cOustics Vo reproduce correctly sourd Prohibitionlats attending ths fair as was reeent Ouest of "ai parmet, 1fr and speech. Tc do hs ths back thus sebool is not considered a gv and Mms. E. Reynoide, and an inter- wall and part cf ths aide walls have ernunent institution in th bodretdviie tti.Pi n1audy been draped witb feit one inch thick sense, but ia model place for social Mrs. C. MeGilI, Dr. Geo. moGili whkic 0 cvered with veour draper- reformn in which Service Clubs and and Misses Eva sud Kathjleen MoGiII i«s. Seats have been spsced froin other like societies interested in Toronto, vusited on Sunda<y .t Mr. 3 Vo 6 inohes fartber spart than beys' weifsre work are giving moral %ab Rey's, Braebank FarM, Betheéda. 1forunerly Vo sdd Vo coenfort Of Pat- and financial support wholeheartediy. Mine Annie M<>untoy Of the Viito rens. Thirty seats have been sacri- As a Prootoff Vida latter fact Rotar- Romie, Mr. Henry and Misa Louise fieied o accenipliali this end. - ians frou aaIl over theo province wili Pearce, Mr. Elinor Siemon, Toronto, The. building la new as near fire- be present when District Gevernor spent Sunday with Mr. u Mr.. prool as it la possile Vo be made. Ch"a. Buchanan wili make formai E. Ellictt.ýdmS.J The. floor ia cf re-inforced concrets, presentatiion Vo -the sehool, on behaif Owing Vto extra demande of adver- wiich Contractor T. E. Flaxcman in- of Rotary Clubs ot Ontario, the fine tisera at Vlie 11Vh hou ea>te 7sisted on double reinforcing althougli new $35,000 gymnasium and swi- ema'iil Pi Udrt ef lit o, not specified by the architect. Tbere ming pool. prewnoshdVob artd eer V are no stops or sai roei the street -Physical training displays by thensfext week. lino Vo Vths rear exits. The floor la students, and music by Oshiawa Citi- ~ .B emadMs so gradeld and seats arranged that zensa Band will be other features on HelenA.ry.ernuan werandn igar screen iha visible bo everyone. Alb- ths progrim. FaIS this weok attedin te tgieroj so0lute satety lias been provided by As Concession St. is being paved fa V hs trzer'airothe Mv.Cak having double the number cf exits fren i Lbertiy St. to the achool, citi-Of he Creran required by law. zens are advised Vo g~o via Kingston No. radiators are misible on walla Road Vo firat corner est of Bowman- Ti,ity 'Church i lCIM an sd as indirect heating systein ha used ville cemetery, then go north one Second Choir will meet for the fluet witih suction fana forcing hot air block. time hs 8«-«-n on Tuesday evening, hrough grill over exit door on west Sept. 24tub, at 8 p. Il in Vhes chool aide. rOenu cf the churchi. AUl iutsvested There's a lot of work Vo be donc COMING EVENTS Vo singinanod aly înv it e between nOw and Monday nig.ht and t igaeeri]Yivtd althougli it will noV b. compieted Vhs main details wilI be in readinesa Vo The ladies of St. Andrew'a Chuarcl weicome an expectant audience. are holding their Bazaar and Af er- There wili -be two changes of pro- noon Tes in Vhs Surda Schooi Room grain weekly on Mondays Pand Thurs- on Friday, Oct. lSVb. Reserve Vhse -~ " " days. Prices of admission w;ll bc date. R - p n n adults 40c plus 2c tax; cbildren 25c. Reser y sSaturday, Sept. 28th, for OF Vhe H0n Cooking Sale and Tes un- der np Paus'sfhe ospitalocuinata T ea r ROGERS BATTERYLESS RADIO d:rausin t.es of Vh ospitai Auxlt CONCERT SATURDAY NIGHT 3.30 P. in. ON Bowmanviiie Women's Institute Aradio presentation of real muai- meets Friday, Sept. 27tVb, at 3 p. m. M n a ,S p.2 cal delight is in store for nmusic loyers. in Vhe S. 0. E. Hall. Progranu in o d y Se t 2. Saturday n1ght at 9 'dýcock, whiclîi i charge of Group One, Mrs. E. R. WITH being sponsDred by Rogers Battery- Ilounsali, convener. ,, es, network. W. J. Bagiiell, local The ladies of St. Andrew's Presby- dnaler.I- spoec;ul advertisement terian Church whli bold an Afternoonl -TakIg .,n page 4 giving rartýculars of this Tea and Mrsicale at the home of coniccrz. Mr. Pagntll issues a speciai Mrs. J. McLaughiin, corner of Elgin - F .Iw .. 1nvta':on to aIl e;t;zens, who can bel and Concession Sta., on Friday, - i t r s accoinodated in his store SaturdayI Sept. 2Otb, frenu 3.30 Vo 5.30 p. mu. nî9'ot, to, ava:l the -selves of hs op- Coine and enjoy a pieasant afternoon. Atter Vthe thealtre hms been clos- prorui. arn ts enerab a Companions cf hs Forest are hold- ed for 2 montha s ow complet. pRoadi o. e Rogers Batteryless ing their annual -Bazaar in Sons cf aiterations Vo Vhe building sud in- Rai.England Hall on Thursday, Oct. Brd, salto f«tli' at 3 p. mu. AIl kinds of homs.,made saaio ftake equipment, KURV INN TOURIST CAMP sewing, both useful and fancy, at very wo wiii be ready Vo resuine our FORSAL BYAUCION moderate prices, candy bcoth, home regular progrMai on Monday FO AEB UTO cooking, and afternoon tes. Bran nigit witii Geo. M. Cohan'a funni- Located Bet een Bowmanville and Pie for Vhs chiidren. est play ev'er coneived INewcastle on Provincial Highway ~a'u H m Wednsda, Seten ber 5Vh at EB NEZE CH RCH E-O ENI £de h $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No.38 t man