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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 BEALITY PARLOR Mrs. E. Conboy, formerly of Foshay's Hairdressing Parlours, O)shawa, is opening a Beauty Paxlor on September 24th, 1929 at CREST HOUSE NEWCASTLE J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phon.,: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave, Toronto. 87-lyr. Cougha and Chest Colds' Remedies which ahould be in your inauline closet These complaints elhould be lreated promptly. If negected, pueunionia or pleurisy may devel- op. A çeugh is uatu.re's means of clearing the nose, throat or bronchial tubes of a discharge caused by germ irritation. Rexali Bronchai Syrup 50c An efficient and -soothing expectorant. Rexali Cherry Bark 3&c and 60c Loosens the cough, lessens the irritation. Boots Meloids 25c Reieves the tbroat. Jury & Lovel Druggiots and Opticians Durhamn'& Leading Drug Store Phono 78. IRFREADY I SALEM______ Pastor J. R. Trumpour conductedil The:I 4 ~ JD ES1 uc~ nz' c - service asat Sunday.. Sehool chjîd- i The Elite Shoe Store ren of this section attended the ______________FOR________W EAR 1School Fair at Hampton on MOnday.F VO TE F RFA LWR There wvere a]so quite a number o THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1929 aduft.s from this community and they, Fashion decrees that ml' choice in Footwear report a splendid Fair and a large ~ * ~ - - iay attendance as the weather was ideal.1 NEWLYWEDS GIVEN SURPR1SE NWÇ TE Miss Switzer, asssatHg col wI ecifyBo n. A ogornw Fl ..Mr. A. Cator, Mis rEdith jl PARTY AND PRESENTATION 1~ teacher, was severely injured in a Shoes we have several anappy styles in brown. Mrs, A. Cator, Miss______ Ior Miss Nellie Garrod, Tor onto, spent motor accident on Tuesday, and xviii Toronto, and M.r. J. Cator, Maple. The hospitable home of Mr. and the weekend at home. be unable to resume her duties for Women'a Brown Kid Pump, covered cuban heel, Grove, we.re home on Sunday, it be- Mrs. W. H. pe.arce, and of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grubb and littie daugh- some time. i mad on o bnainls, efctitn, ing the happy occasion of their moth- Mrs. Erie Pearce, who have lately re-: ter Evelyn of Weston vîsited Mrs.- P. The cash register was stolen from i d ncm iainlspretfti er and father's wedding anniversary. turned fromn a wedding trip to thelLeGresley. E. C. Hoar's Garage on Monday nigh,$75 Pr Hearty congratulations are extended Pacic Coa.st, was beseig'ed on Tues-, Mr. and Mrs.J. Mellow, Napanee and wa found in the ditch near Cob I$.5 r to M. ad M.s. atoron aving day evening by almos't a score Of wer weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.ý bledick's side-road on Tuesday, the W mnsBo nCi n tawt uke redced fe and w e ahthemo w cars and other conveyances, carrying1 A. E. Mellîew., contents rifled. $5.50 Pr. ded ife,-andwe wsh tem anyl about one hundreà friends, relatives r.AE.Mlo isvitnhe M.adMs retBow ad happy returns ...The little Misses and neighbors, stanchly and ebua- Mm. A. E MeorowGsrli"itirohnr Mr andOxfordEnestBrown an Colwil anddantly rmed wih hor4esofKsond parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Dean, little daughter, Oshawa, spent theW mesor il'Bow Caf xod, itcu n Hampton, were Saturday callers at wiches, cakes, tarts, etc. The be- South Napanee. ween wth r.ndMsFan heels and colored trimming ............$5.50 Pr. Mrs. C. Polla.rd's. The children were seigedl eventually surreadered and Re-opening meeting of Young1 Branton, and also called on Mr. and enjoying a splendid afternoon driving consented to join forces with the aît PeopleY8 Society of United Church Ms o Spencer. Women's Patent and Black Kid Pumps, with cov- with their pretty littie pony. .. Miss tachiers in spending a most enjoyaible will be held on Monday evening, Oc- The Woernan's Association of theerdhes. ..........$75 P. M. Bariret, Newcastle, is visiting with eeig ue t.Uniedrhrc i paninetlsrv Mrs. F. Honey, and attended the Mir. W. J. S. Rickiard, bitother-in- IMiss Minnie E. Pearce spent the an Olde Tyme Supper in 'the S. S.MnsFieBakC fOxod, nEnls lat school fair on Monday .ma-S. W. iaw of the gro.om, was master of cere- ekn ihM.adMs .E Roonis on Thursday evening, Oct. 17, e'FieBakClOxod, nEgihlst Stewart, Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. monies, and after a fe~w preliminary Sculthorpe, Por~t Hope, and other and invites your patronage. 39-1 wt ete elsyihadsriebe Ronald Scott, Bethesda, were Sunday remnailc, caîîed upon Miss Lillian relatives in Welcume.f Mr. Geo. Uglow and college chum$70Pr Diiod wi.. rale ng P.Eople Clemenoe to explain the circuin- rfwnCoilreued oda visited bis grandmnother, Mrs. J. J. Me$7Brw.C5fB0chrcur.oul Mr.sitoirs withlMr.etand Mrs.nE.yUglow, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Car- M nsBow afOxford, lce cud be journeye...t. Blemkaongon l stances underlying the expedition. from Saskatchewan where hie gained veth while enroute fram Chicago to jney t su pre sdtheiron r 3 a s Clemnience read a nicely worded considerable experience in operating their college la the eastern states. soie, and leather heel ..................$8.5o Pr. ngtadpeet terppl 3-address, expressing the esteem inraowing Oxfordscomine aet play, "Star Bright," before a very which the bride and groom were heldahuetcorndomi. Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson Smith rwn Girls' School O frs blackc or bo n lag n pieitan uinebrodwhntwsisofalpeec. Ween iiosa ars og r nvdtoTrnoo odyan om osadlo el ........... 35 r October 9th, they are to present hir At the o'pportune moment, Misses with Dr- W. H. Walton-BaIl were bis while sOrry to lose them everyone ro yte n o el......35 r play lu Sunderland.j Minnie Selby and Alba Colwill set cuSmins, Mr. Stanley Harris and sis- wishes them ahl hapi-ness and success Boys' Schoel Boots, black and brown, ________ before the sligltly bewilde.red «couple ter. Miss Hairrîs of Canton and Mr. lin the future. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.$29 an $3 5Pr a walaut chesterfield table, with Wilfred MeLean of Torcnto. Mr. A. Rodger are planning to move into$29 an $3 5Pr ENNISKILLEN runner, and a pair of handsome book- and Mm. Alfred Bronskili accompan- the Smith hase SHOES THAT SATISFY Mi adMm Wi Gifu Eîlends. Both recipients rose to the led the doctor dowu fromt Toronto Last Sunday week Mr. and Mrs. Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manage Mr. nd rs.Wm-GTifin Elisoccasion aud responded gallantly. and are spending a fortnight at the Anson Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maiion and Wilmer, Mr. and Mrs. An interesting ýprogram was given, Iodge. Walton and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. _______ Russell Griffan motored and spent the conslating of vocal duet by Misses *Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmnaid and Walton, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. I_______________________________ day with the latter's parents, Min and Marion and Winnifred Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Artihur Langmaid, Osh- Leslie Nichols of Bowms.uville, visit- Mis. Aberne'thy, Tottenbiam..The piano solos by Misses Loreen Lorri- awa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. e<I the fornser's brother, MNr. Ernesti final play-off of League gaines be- man and Ada Allia, reading by Mrs. Normian Allia; while Mr. and Mrs. Walton and family of Buttnville, and Mr. A. A. Colwill miturned on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Fisher, Belle- tween Enniskillen and Bowinsnville R. C. Pearce, congnatulatory and fleo. T. Haucock, Pornt Hope, Mrs. F. on their return visited his sister urday from bis trip through New On- ville, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Football will bie played at Leskard on humorous speeches by Councillor J. Brown, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mns. Bertha (Mrs. Andre'ws) of iunbirton tario where he was iudge at the faîl Bragg and Mrs. Gleo. P. Riekard, en- Saturday at 3.30 p. m. standard turne. H. Jose, Mr. Clarence J . Allia, who. Peter Laing, Lockhart's, and othe See "Bob Steele" in "The Man in feins. He visited the expenimental route from Toronto, where they at- ...Mr. aud Mrs. Aldred, Toronto, spoke as one recently acquiring the relatives from Peterboro, were guesti J the Rough" in Comimunity Hall, Sat- farm at Kapuskasing and found there teaded the funeral of Mrn. Fisher's visited the latter's sister, Mrs. W. digaity of a benedict, and Mn. H. R.' of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin. urday, Sept. 28th, 8 p. m. 39-1 much to intexiest hlm. father. Sweetman... Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pearce, brother of the groom. The Staples vlsited friends in Bethany on assembly was divided into gnoups Sunday .... .Mn. Marlon Moore, Mn. accOnding to the rmon.ths of their ~. . Douglas Moore and Miss Kate Moore, binthdays, the October group being-- Bowmauville, visited at Mi. Thos. successful la a novel geographical IAI n A L U McGill's .... Mr. Alvmer Beech lost contest. a vaubehrels ek....Mn. An inteQUALion Y anded VALUE Osbaa, Sndayd atMn. . Stvens age, yoag ad vey young aduled ~In its deallngs n thlits employees, whlch are recrulted from than wiiing te, overlook a matter of overweght-tweec- OshwaSunayd a Mr H.Stven' aedyoCanadians, the A & P Company' strives to inaintain the mant nize no excuse for anything less than full welght and f ull * .. Nmbes fom roud hneat-in onvrsaionandmusc. Refnes.h- cordial of rglations. We believe that tis close understanding measure-to even thse smailest fraction of an ounce. We no thmbersrst taaaoucdurteous-anndcaIl-rstndnservicesica o r nithcie tat-illtof edA&P ustmrict rguat wonsclarth tended Lindsay Fair on Saturday... ments were then served, choice in and symisathyo interests between employer and employee In celhteodwme utmrsta edsiag The School Fair was held on Thuns- quality, and abundant la quantity, as j - Food Shops. We reaUize that al of us make naistakes, and regard. wasaia nA&PSoela h lgts day, Sept. 19th. In spite of the cbilly the fittiag consuinmatioa of a delight- ÏSTABLISHtO isolated cases ot carelessness came up in even the greatest of If any oneos hp taA&PSorbsteslget 9organizations-and we like to treat anl sucis Instances wth doubt ai to thse welght received, we ask nothing better than weater god cowdgate-re. Te fl eenig.cvery regard ta thse principles of BRITISH FAIR PLAY. But an appertunit ta investigate the matter for aur own satis- weather a llrereene adgood crntne pit ewdfernoexasthe te m.ned.T Thecinaswe afui evenhsing. ols oo o ay di their parts wel. .... Mrs. A. Walk- n V1. T ECONOMY RLS matter is the question of honcsty. Racis and every member of thing you have ever purchased or ever will purchase-It holds dd iWIOur staffs hs instructed to guard thse Interests ot the A & P geod se aon g as thse name A & P stands in this Province asa erToont, a vsiingMr an Ms. LOCAL ENGINEERING FEAT customer wth the fullest measure of value and weight. This symbal of t he highest standards of merchandising. J., Freb o, .isvitnMr. and Mrs.a- A eniergfatothofpb institution in big enougis to overlook carelessness-lt In more "A geed name la rather ta be chosen than great riches." ley isied M. ad M. Jaes en-lic attention is the new water diven- i-- ry, Blackstock . nM. and Mrs. Stan- so aa hog n .H . ley May, Toronto, spent the weekend soncnl hfiewethhe C M. . H.I B.'FIMMIKFD0 CENIO E HEES ARC with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. N R. nsorh andthte nrte C IVT' RNIM M-FDORCASNGHEEEETFBIC Ashton..Mr. Fred Robbins, Miss NbRge oneMiii St.,dote soe fas- Evelyn Robbias, Mn. Eugene Roach. trsBig.EXTRA W EEKC-EN 2 ogs Rochester, visited Mir. and Mrs. HuntrPBrde.S U. Frank Robbins . .. Mrs. John Sanders, This aew water course la designed1 OUR OWN IIGHEST QUALITY FA.NCY ____d_____ 3_ Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm by the municipal couacil to carry the DELICIOLS SMALa ROASTERS PASTEURIZED CREAMERT BUTTER Creightoa and Lorne, Hanna, Alta., creek in a straight line frnn the rail- AVERAGE ABOUT 31-2 LBS. &UNT JEMIMA PANCAKE are viiting at Theo Sleinon's ...way arch to the aforesaid bridge to Dr. and Mis. Ferguson, Milna and save the latter from being funther ks0 Donald, spent Suaday at the former's weakened by the waters in flood time B~ UR T T ERSILVEDROOKBR311 ..Mr. and Mis. H. Burimaster are wig as they d d ast spring. __________ laia-igi Buffalo and other Amer-- The new channel will also indirect- CAB VV ED-CARE=ULY BOUT. ;on" ,pmwu. . T. Lu.u uv~îuu - W .,A-Iybenefit Mr. Chaplin, for la receat RYATTRACTIVE PRICES AMN OVFOIM2l 1 : -~ nlghçt was in change of the social years the creek has been taking a i wider and wider sweep rudtth FOR W NTER vice presideut, Miss Audrey Dorlaad. east side of the flat, taking wide F OR wu'i .1 LR After opeaing exercises Misses Ma-scefrmbspsreadanle- jory Martyn and Annie Oke sang a is o paonthrewtla rgeand e- duet; Miss Myrthe Bradley gavesa posiits faon dthael etlreyde- reading; and Mms. H. MeGill gave the vordt of grasn anythil ng grede- topic; another reading was given by vThe watrwastor ne intoitsene. Edgar Wrig'ht; follo-wed by a pîano chnel atherfirs tu0f ed tew duet by Misses Fiva and Velma Or- Raee he ickr fand Cunchon Jhe chard. Everyone then en.ioyed a a nkee en ic nd Compn lth Mn.os social haîf-hour and League losed in Jon arr, inscopctr ofth M.k bhe sualway.officialhy visited the scene. Roast Fowh Supper at Zion, Tues- The credit of digging and complet- I 8 ctbe th. îng the new canal and of dammnig I the oId water course .belongs mainhy j to thnee Neweasthe aiea-Mn. Anson IHAYDON Walton, Surveyor and Excavating and m. C Avey, M andSupenvisor; Mn. Anthur Toms, Geolo- Mr. nd rs. . AeryMr.andgist and Watenways Expert; and Mn. iMis. Silas Trewin, and Mr. Ceci] Alex. Moffatt of the Drainage and Instll Heca Fmac Sleon otord t Toontoon un-Transportation Department. Instai..a.HecMa.Furnace Bee 0lhas re-1 The opening cf the new Welland The Powerful AII-Cast turned from his sumamen field of work Canal about the samne time, sornewhat -t KleSas. We har pledididierted attention from this work. Ail-Fuel Furnace with aetsyle, Sas. We h herse, ani but it is an accomplished fact just Patented Retu.rnFleR d raised more than enoug'h money toe _______ lator. Caîl and see this1 build their new church. The Ladies' Aid presented Mn. Reech xih a Mrs. I. E .Bowell returned on Wed- furnace in our shop. beautiful pen and pencil. The chut-eh nesday frntm Michigan, having ac-1 presented hlm with a purse. M." r.cempanied her niece, Mrs. Jenome n Ms. Austin Larmen, Cartw.right, Johaston, te the interior of that R . E . LO G A anisitedat Mn. A. Beech's ...Mr. state on her return homne te (Chicago, RE.LGNEugene Beech has been spending a Mn. and Mrs. Bongard of ont, few days at h.ýme priel- te hlm lcav- who some years ago nperat-ed a farni Plumber and Steamnfitter ing for Queen's University, King.,tcn, west cf Bowmanville bar-4or, 'Ie r Next to Pethick's Barber Shop Ite pursue bis studies..Sunday weekead guest.s cf Mises Mary anl Bow anvlleSchool Raly aext Sunday at 2 p. nm. Ellen Breen. They weee niuch i- Bo~~anville Mrs. M. fSemon and our pasor have pîesse<l with Nwateo- eLk ......................................erv as an attractive sumrmer resont ln4j __________________ he Young men's clai.s. Evcrybod'y have sonme though, cf building a cot- welcome . -. Y. Pe0ple's Ikague Tues- tage bore. day at 8 p. mi. Meeting will te tak-__________________ en by Mnr. F. Stanard .... Church ser- vice at 3 1).am., our pastor in charge.NOIC ....Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Gi ____and' Frank, Tononte, have beena1Lon Teidýrs wili i hrî ifili.s ~ friends .. Mi. and Mný. .ILes. (;ar- Nmî tl ( 111,,.'lîrt I r,iîs . on 41 ~ -- .~ rard an<l daughters, Moliv and L,,r ja. s to2-thîr or ,.V. 'i, I enie, cf Camp Borden, are visiting at te ih n il n, s <lthoi. f, bis m ther's, Mrs. Gaî,nand. Mr. oct. 11h itil l'i îgjî'st 1 1ri- rt' and Mrs. Chas. Montgomery and Mnr.~ sanl H. C. Sonathan. j and Mrs. Wentwontb motore<l fîneai erk., Il Mlaters Nol Buffalo and were guests, of Mr. and N'ewcastlv, S.ýPt. 19, 19.>9. 29-1 MsH.Ashton.. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. SELL WINTER WINDOWS Alabastine mixesread- Gibbard, Oakl'and, California, whî _____ ily with hot or coid are on a mGter trip, paid a visit telo rewatnfo mi wh ný.sie1 water and remnains elars îlmy cr nreaIy -_j mzed i îont,, Wn fiuid no matter how bis ho me vlagbeig inier wdw onýrakt!ng or nien w i nl,-r long il stands. Wili since hie was here. Net many cf thelI tan in (ccii îocaîty A(I(Iroiis IL (C not rub off. residents of that time are hene now. . Nuan. Manag,»r, B3ox 190, Ha~milton. 39-i Use a 3ofi bristle brush. . . . Min. and Mis. Jno. Graham, Osh- 1h awM.and Mrs. D. Graham invsited j "M.CODWA= Mr. Thos. Archer, Lindsay ... Mn. N tc o C e io and Mrs. Thos. Brown, Mirs. JnoNo ie t r d o s Douglas, Newcastle, visited at Mrs. Creeper's... Mis. S. J. Vanstone, In the Surrogate Court of the United Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, Toronto, Mirs. Cute Durhaman M. Moore, Bowmanville, Misa MeNeil, Cahi at our store and sec what Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shemon, Toronto, Inthie Estate cf Clara R. Goode. 1;t.i cailed on Mrs. R. McNeil end Mirs. A.'o! them Town of liowmianvie,, In the. Coun-' ty of Durham, Spinsten, meemcl wonderfui work Aabastine wili MeNeil.... Mi. Bert Ferguson anid Notice ls abrly givèn that cl trsn wals. ou an utMiss Elva visited at Mn. Elmer Bmad- having elaima againath11e Es~t te of (Clara doe to youir wls o u ley's ... Mr. Theron Mountjoy en- R. <oomic,, Spinsier, deceagd amt, o h. wo!f Bowmanville, In thieCourty cf' it ony1ourelf.teitained a nunber f friends at a Durnami. who died on or about tii, 29t, ~t n yurelf jcoin roast. day of August, A. D. 1929, are rrîquirrd( ta mail or deliver tho paarie with fuIl par- A concert unden auspices of Hay- ticuiers verin¶d by AfRIdavIt tii thié uniler- don League will be given at the siga ed on or isefore the 121h d<lorcfoc- Chu.nch on Monday, Sept. 30tbh, at 8 lober, A. D. 1929, after which datem.the, e - . Executor wilI distibute ther asso-is or tii,, I11p. m. Members of 'Pinity Church Estate having régard oniy 10 the cdaims P ,. ritchard Choir, Bo'wmanville, will furnish the tisen fflld. musical part of the ipnograiml. A 1I Dated at Bowmanville, Oýnta.rlo. thub Bowmavilltwenty-first day of september , A. D. 1929. ~wmavîI shOrt play "HOW Betty Put T-hiags. W. F. WARO, B. A., Over Pa," wilh b.e given. Admission iaolctor for the Execuhor, soc and 15C. 38-2 39-3 Bowmanviiie, ont. FOR Tis WEEK-END ON HEM sous« SPRING LAMB LEGS ib.32 Loinslb. 25e Froutu lb.117o BD-TME PERSOPAL DLKNI> OP A FAMOIU COURPEPLANTER nmREPOPULAZ EXvEET DAT-TUE COFFU Y2 VhvoTMahZ9570 PEAUMLARMAL ATTRACTIVE PECU ON TEKS POPULAR FLOR Cottage Roils 'z e m-2&e Monarch M24 àtBu*1.1l1I I FANCOT BMOKED AND MEALE» 7-lb. Bag .................... 35c BA co N ALWAYS M IDEMAN» Peam aek Faney Smoked Breakfat CHA TEA u Piece lb. 38eSIIeed lb. 400 sliced lb. 32,e CHEESE rSt 3 %-: 49,o BEST QUALITY THE CIILDREN INEED A HlOT BREAKFAST CERA MThinly BO*EDHOatsî l« uik or Large lb iJuaker a çRguiar Pkg. mI.ue BEST QUALITY A & P BEEF iR OAI S AYLMER GREEN LABEL ORANGE Porterhouse .... L.38c Blade ..........IL.24c Ugolmuj B Prime Rib ......l. I 27c Shoulder........l. I 20c ROSE BRAND-PU-RE PORK Sausage Cazt.o. 35,e DAVIES'b 2 0 Pork Pies àm20 FlriSK PRES9 COUDE SALMON Steaks l.30o FRESE MEDIUM SIZE HALIBUT Steaks lb. 30e FANCY QUALITY Oysters Ja, 40,e SMfoKD oFiNNA Haddie lb. 16o FRESHLY smoKED FlUets lb. 20,. Week.-End Specials on Fruits andVegetables GRAPES RED TOK.AS 2lbu. 23. GREEN FOR PICKLINC' ToniatoeS . nQ Bt. 2 5e WEALTIIY OR WOLF RIVER APPLES............. 5 LBS. 25e NATIVE GROWN NO I STOCK ONIONS............. 8 LBS. 25c CALIFORNIA VALENCIAS, MED. SIZE ORANGES........... 2 DOZ. 29c PRUNE................... 3 LBS. 25c'l ICEBERG 2c LETTUCIE......... 2 HEADS21 CRISP. TENDER ,ELERY........ 3 BUNCHES 25C NATIVE (.ROWN CABBAGE......... 2 HEADS 15 LTlAGROS.... 6 BUNCHES 194i 40 09. leekist 21/2 Ti 350 THE CLEANSER THAT CLEANS WITIHOUT RUBINGi.Pg THE IIEALTH DRINK Vitone TI' '32,0 lb530 CROWN Sy2u ?JN. 2,9 Syrup Tns WESTONS DUAL Creams Ml. 290 LYON'5 BLUE LABEL BLACK Tea 1/2-b. Pkg. 35o GRAPE Nuts BAKING POWDER Magie WRIGLEY'S Oun, RABS CLEANSER....... TIN 14c ZEBRA LIQUE> STOVE POLISH ....- BOITL lic LOBSTER....... 1/-LB. TIN 39e For laProseraing Quart Jan.Do. .89iAFPlUSl...UDm Me Certo ............ .... O4ik e f TmGREAT ATLiANTic & PAcI1c TouAC». LIMITED 0P CANADA LARD e 4 Il le 2 3 -31e Win-0&34o 3 Pkga. 10a 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 PAGE TEN 1

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