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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1929, p. 3

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THE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSPDA.Y, SEPTIBER 26, 1929 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 50 Fashion Craft Blue Serge and Fancy Serge Suits, in double or single breasted modeli? guar- anteed indigo dye. 2 PAIR PANTS $35,00 - C S.,G CHARTRAN King Street Bowmanville Meats That Satisfy Hearty Appetites The choicest cuts of Steaks and Roasts that ever graced your meat platter. Tempting Chops? Certainly. Lean, tender and fresh. What kind would you like? We have lots of other good things besides meat, including Vegetables, Fruits, Canned Goods, Tea, Ooffee, etc. Q. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowxnanville a Are You Ready Are you ready for the Fail rains ? Don't put off having the leaky roof put in proper condi- tion. We seli ROOFING-Shingles or Rolls ROOFING PASTE ROOF PAINT We will gladly give you an estimate for roofing, etc. MASON & DALE'S POPULAR HARDWARE STORE Bowmanville me iril fIIKotof SHEET STEEL CBILINGS add the tcucb eof proo. et fofr schools. helktchen& u pt o u at laie orliteuf Scete O ti te clama PHONE 143 Iapwnantgri'Oo r"Ode e h£Mbid GAVANIZED SIDING for Ouuide Wag,~ Attractive to look ut. Inempeuive. Easy to iloover old walla. ofick, Rock4kS a" bubard pattn Preton-Wrigbt A very pretty Autuma wedding was solemnized in Christ Church, Robcaygeon, on Wednesday, Septeni- ber l8th, Rev. W. G. G. Dreyer, rector, officiating, when Wilhehnina Robina, eldest daughter Of! MT. and! Mrs. Stanley Wright, was unitet! in marriage to Frederick Chanla Pres- ton, o'! Peterbo(ro, son of Mrs. Pres- ton and the late G. Preston, Ennis:- killen. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, gladioli and asters. The bride,,who was given in mar- niage by her father, looked cbarming1 in a gown o'! flat ivory crepe, hon voil o'! tulle was caugbt with clusters of! orange blossonis. She cannied a1 showor bouquet of! sunbunst roses and lily-o'!-the-valley. Miss Julia Benoit, Toronto, was a very chanming brides- malt! in a gown of ortcbid moire silk with barge pictturo hat o'! orchid foît tninvned -with two-toned velvet ribbon with silver shoes and hose te, match and carried a bouquet of but- terfiy roses and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Peggy Thompson, Toronto, wasr a veny sweet little flowen girl and! car-c ried a basket of! roses. She was' dnossed in a quaint little '!rock o'! nue green geongette witlb a two-toned bandeau o'! nibbon on her bain and wore wbite silk stockings and patent leathon sli'ppers. Mir. Thomas Pros-d ton, O'! Oshawa, brother of! the groom, 1 aCtot! as groonisman. The usixer was Mn. Jack Wright, b'o-ther O'! the bride. Mms. (Dr.) Kelly played the wedding mugie, and! duringi the aigningi o' f ic negister Mm. Richard Nichols sang -%i love you tnruly.1" A t!ainty ýluneheon was servet! ut the 'home of (the bride'a panants, but &WIng to the illnesa of! the bride,& brother theire was ne reception heid. Mrs. 'Preston, mother o'! the groom, W"s dreedet! in black silk and! wore a corsage cf roses. MM. A. Fountaip, aunt of sthe bride, wore black crepe and v«& S acorsaWe of roses. Out of tiowa guesta were: Mna. Thoimpson, Toronto, and Mise Peggy Thompsca, c'! Torontoa; Mr. at! Mm. T. G. PreStOn, Of (Oebawa; Mn. and! MM. J. X Edgerton, cf Wh1tb'; Ms-. and! Mn.. E»w'od ahme, of Oshuia; Mm Ifr«Prcn, cf Enniaknlme. Iegro0m's CM to tehe bride wus PAGE 1TER ME [WALKER STORES Limited WED>DINGS Taylor--Purdy A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the home of tlhe bride's par- ent.s, Church St. Bwnanville, on Wednesday,. September l8th, when Edith Katherine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy, wvas united in holy matriniony to Mir. Reginald Ivison Taylor, of! Oshawa, enly son of! Mr. G. W. andi the late Mrs. Taylor of Bobcaygeon. Rev. J. U. Robins I of! Trinity United Church ofiRciated, assistel by Rev. M. L. Hinton of Bobcaygeo'n, an intixnate friend of i the grooii's fainily. The bride, Whio was given in mar- rnage by her father, looked very pret- ty in a simple gown of white flat crepe with veil and orange 'blossoen wreath, white shoes and stockinge, and carried a bouquet of! roses. The wedding mrh wiaa payed by Mrs. Edwin Wood!. The house wras beautifully decorated writh ever- greens, asters and gladioliis.1 After a dainty luncheon, the bride I and groom left amid showers ocl con- fetti for a short honieyxnoon ini Bob- caygeon, their former home, after which they will reside in Oshawla. The bride'a going away dress was rome beige georgette, with hat, gloves, etc.,- to match, and a navy blue cout. They receivdd many beautiful and useful presents, among which was a; beautiful floor larnp presented to the bride by her amsociaites la the Good- year Tire & Rubber Conmny. Guests were present from Bobeay-. geon, Dunsford, Toronto, Norwood, Ornemee and South PoSrupine. A very pretty wedding took place in Burketbon United Church on Sat- urday, Sept. 14th, when EvaA. y«unger daughter of Mms and thie late Chalaiers Sanderson, was united in atceiage with Devid B. Kay, son of! Mr. and Mm. Matthew Kay of! To- onto. The bride's brother, Rev. Mil- ton I. Senderson, Toronto, cfficlated, assisted by Rev. J. M. Whyte, paotor of Enniskillen circuit. The bride, who was given in mar-1 naeby hern brother, Wilf!rid E. Sanderson, entered the church toi wedding music played by Ms Hilda Kay, and was cltarmingly gowned in~ eff-shell satin with tight basque and a skirt lengthening by a double skirt uf silk net frilled in taffeta with or- ange blosaom trintming. She carried a bouquet of! o'*elia roses, llly-of-the- valley and orchids, lher only attend- ant being honr little niece, Irene Shakwp, daintily dresse'd in sheli pink georgette picoted in pale bhze, carry- iga basket of autumin fiowers with gypsophila. The ushers were Min. Will Byers and7 Mr. Adam Sarpe. A reception was 'held et the home of the biride's mother. Mrs. Sand!- orson receivet! in a gown of! beige georgette with chantily lace and bat Wo match and corsage bouquet of! Ophelia roses and lily-o'!-the-valley. Mrs. Kay, mother of! the groom, waa in sand ensemble with hat to match and corsage bouquet uf Ophelia roses. Aften a dainty buffet luncheon, ser- ved by eight girl friends of thie bride, thie bride and! grooa left for a moton trip Wo New York City and! Provi- dence, R. I., the hrie travelling in a bmrn and beige nmottled cepo with travel coat of! autumn brown angora cloth, squirrel trirmaet!, and! bat tac match. On their retunatbey wflll reside in Toronto. The bride and groomi were the ne- cipients Of 1many beautiful gifts in- cluding one from the ýBank ut Mon- treal, Toronto, the bride beiag form- erly on the staff, and! from the Office Staff of' Willsrd Chocolate Co., and! a yellow granite kitchen showeN-r giv- en by the Misses Sharpley, Toronto, and! a green crystal one by Mrs. I. M. Fiske, Toronto. . Guests were present fromn Warren, Ohio, Detroit, Woodville, Peterboro, Toronto and! Seagrave. SI7XTY-FIVE PAGE BABY BOOK FREE le, FREE!If For Méthers or sayone lateoete this litti, book is written to aid in planiiW the littie ciothes necbuary for B4es' coefort and bealth. Emnnt ihsians es Dr. EL J. Cxioeiine, of âmerican Child HhalMhAâm~iaton; Dr. KsewaiiS. Duduu, Couaâa et Realt%4 h, Ohca, end oeaUY o*ebhes" vaMR& valuai>!. ODtiUU tioca to this lftle book. Keep it ini your woek baset where it imy b. eaaly eferTed to. If Intereeted cuillet ui ir storee erly au the aupply Of these books in limite&. v I VANTA KNITIE The Ideal SleepinuGCarment 7ttis easy lit"ale owu wall witihetand aty amounitof twlsfting, turing, kiecking, fer It closes ut bobtotm lke a bag. Baby ca kick te his herrVs content but atU keetp wvarm. Cornes in 3 length8 in so~ft kait- ted out*aun. Featuret! for Baby Week at 98C RABY'S RUBBER PANTS A splendid heavyweight, acit! proof Rub- ber Pant, in both medium and! large size. Peut made wi1th shining at waist and knee. Featuret! for lBby Week 25c TEETHING 1BANDS Babies' second garment, a fine pure wool Teething Band. A combinet! abdominal support and! sleeveless underefhirt, knitted without a seare. Featured for -Bâby Week &5C VANTA GERTRUDE SLIPS Soft sund absowbent, fine pure kuitted wool dainty lanis fiane nsbroidened finish. More thai filUa the place in Layette fonmenly oc- capied by Flannel Petiticoat. Featuret! for Baby Week« 98C INFANTS' BEAR CLOTH COATS COZY Little Coate of BDea Cloth in culons 0f white Mxid usnd. Alil are wur'mly inet! with flannelettte, $3-00 to $500 Each BROADCLOTH ROMPERS Neat Litle Rompers of Mencerized Cotton BreadCloth, w.!! made aad prettily tri=.- met!. Colons include white, piak, eky, etc. A special at 73c Each VANTA BINDERS Baby's First Carment This Biaden of fine, soft pure wool is de- signet! to give the greutest conifont ad best protection nequmrng neithor pins nor sewing. Featuned for Baby Week at 43c VANTA PATTERN FREE Why not use one of these ne'w Diapere? If ycu prefer Flannelette niatenial, asic us foer a frec p#ttera. Use tabla and! folksw diretions given. You will be mmie tihan Pleaacd with the new diaper recoxnmend- et! by doctons at! nurses. VANTA DIAPERS Elhnat.s Pimw A square feld knitted Diaper cf seft alb- Ieabent coin, adjustable with Vanta taistem tape. Aasther source of! coni- tort. Featîmred for Baby Week 49c VANTA VESTS Il* Parfect Shirt for Balies 'Dainty soittfltte Veste, plus the added grateful knowledge that they effort! double prOtection oven chest and uabdaaea and! thlat they bave no pins or buttons. Mater- ils (Ae. corne ln are cottion, Cotton and wool, silk and wool, and pur~e wool. 45c, 69C and 98c BARRACOATS A Oor t, lightweight IFlunelette, juat the garaient tac help keep baby warn. Feattw- cd for Baby Week at 49c "LInTLE NELL" HOSE imnfants, and mhlre' i Wool Cashmere Rose, muae front finest selectet! batsy yaras, ln fine ili i b, plain seamniess feet, colors white, black, aand, li aizes 4 tac 9. Pticed uccort!lng toesize. 3kc to 75c BABIES' JACKETS Babies' Pure Wool Kautted Jaokets, in plain and faacy knita, saine have .11k fiorai decoirationas ad edges bounld with sàilfoas. These corne in colora cf white, Pink, sky, copen and! caaiel. For infants up to 1 % years of age. A apecial valm at $1.49 Each BABY FEEDERS Good Boy or Go.d Girl An excellent quality Texiry Feeder, linasze 9 x 13 inches, with tic tapes. Colored border of bIne or pink witih goot! bey or good girl deuigu. Festured for Baby Week 25c INFANTS' DRESSES Babies' Fenh Dremaof! real fine mezjer- b.d laIKW2some embroidcred, «thora have fine tuekingu. Colora are white tAimmed min; white trimmod sk>i; & à! wmite. ia"l Values uit $1.49 to $2.75 Each FLEECE LINED SLEEPERS A wam kmzt s"ePer wlth hcamy sft fl0eece linlng, buttOned at bmik, and bu droi'p set. Couac, lan atural ahade oeW In Oise forifat. and chilfren upto 9 yeara ci agie. ,Very speclul t 98C Each Walker Stores, Limited YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPNG CENTRE Formerly S. W. Mason & Son Phone 164 a beautiful string o'! peanls, te tho omb teirtto htte bridsmad acrysal eckace;to hej cause in theo- stomech and intestines, gnoomnsman goit! cuff links, to the; deprive infants of! the nounishment soloist a white gold bnooch, to the, that they should donivo '!rom foot!, organist a goît! bar pin, te the fiowor and mal-nutrition is the rosult. Mil- girl a locket and! chain, and te t1he îe's Worm Powders destroy wormsi usher a silver cigarette case. and correct the mor'bid conditiou. n Lator the happy coupfle lo'!t a.mid1 the stomach and bowes that are'!av-I showons of confetti and goot wisbes orable to worms, so that the fuli on a trip te Cleveland and othor nutriment o'! the ch;ld is assurod and points, where the bride will visit ber development in every way eneoura.- sister, Mrs. Roy Potts. The bride od.- traivellet! in a broxvn tweed coat with brown fox collan, light brown feIt An Oul that is Pr'zed Everym-bore hat, witkm shoes, gloves and! purse to -Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OI was put match. Hoxr dress was o'! brown upon the market witbout any fiourish crope faille silk with cream bair-line over fi'!ty yeans ago. It was put up stripe. On their neturn Mn. and te meot the Wants o'! a âmaîl section. Mrs. Preston will reside in Pterborol but as soon as its mprits ecm CARTING AND TRUCKING Clrting and Trucklng. local and Ion distance. H. Bombard, Martynsa Bowl ing. Alley, Bowmanvllle. Phone 36 o 46.38t Hens bothered with Lice are too busy to lay Eggs- KM t he lie" with known itbad a wholelcontinent for a field, andi it is now known and! priz- eti thnoughout this continent. Thene is nothing equal te it. "'THE CONFEDERATION" OFFERS PLEASANT TRAVEL TO THE WEST You'll eajoy your Western trip via "The Confederation." The high standard cf service, the modern equipment, the fumous cuisine willi make yourjure long nemexnbened. "Te Co1leeration" louves Ton- onto evory eveaing ut 9.00 p. m. Mor Vancouver, stcppiag on route ut Winnipeg, IBrandon, Regina,, Saskau- toon, Edmonton and Japer. it de equippet! with Compartnient-ehsoe. vation-Libu.ary Car (Pati)-Valct Service; Standard Sleeping Cars, TOursta SIleing Cars and Dining Car. Ptùl inforemation, reaez.vutdona, etc. froim any Agent cf Cunadian Nation- al auays. 8- PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS King St. Bowmanville Why it Looks Just Like New And in a sense it is new! For our Dry Cleaning Process actually restores life to the tex- ture of any garment, as well as bringing back the brightness of new colors, and the beauty of fresh, dlean apparel. The same applies to curtains, drapes and bedspreads. YOUR WEEKLY LAUNDRY Cut out blue tixiesome Monday by letting us do your laundry-cheapest and most satisfact- ory in the long run. Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMANVILLF AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL *1 9 I e GET RICS FO'eOUe TRS1TH 4CA N ER Sold bv .01dee, PPATT FOOD Oof .j id..ù.Lbd 3% Cnkw A,... Toeo., & Oi. September 23 to 28 Inclusive BABY WEEK-A week devoted to serving the Mother and Their Royal Highnesées, the Babies! You wiII find a large display of Baby Clothing, etc. in our windows and store. Our clerks will b. only toc glad to explain the features of the many garments offered for your inspection. A Iimited number of valuable Baby Books wilI b. given awsy free to intier.tied custome ...-M %rrv TV% r. à m -

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