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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1929, p. 4

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*A.GEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 Orono- Agricultural Fair Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. 1lst and 2nd More and Better Exhibits - Increased Facilities For Exhibitors and Visitors, extensive improve- ments in ail departments will mark this year's Fair. The Agricultural Displays, Live Stock and Poultry Shows will be exceptionally good. With Stock Parade. In the Flowers, Friuits, Domestic Science, Needle Work and Art, give many opportunities of léxhibiting choice specimens of taste and skill. Horse Races-Everybody enjoys and the Orono Driving Club off ers a programn. The contests will be bot. Fýree-fouiall. the Races réal speed 2.20 and This is going to be an, educational and enter- taining Fair, with surprises and a good time. It's your Fair so be there. If you did not get a Prize Liat let the Secretary, Adolph Henry, know. "Black BiI"-The largest steer in the worid, who weighs 3600 lbs., will be there. Baby Show - Championship School Fair. FiddleWs Contest-Cash Prizes-Oct. lst, in Opera House, followed with Old Time Dance. Oct. 2nd-Durham Regimental Band; Opera Blouse Drama under Dramatie Society. Plan at GiIfillan's Drug Store. What Miil Ne Eat? That's the old question that cornes up morue often than any other. Meat, of course, is the foundation on which every meal is based-and you will find in our shop a variety of cooked, cured and fresh meat suitable for any menu you are preparing. 4Just phone or cail at our shop, tell us what you would like and it will be delivered pxomptly right to your kitchen door. C. M. Cawker & Son Phone 64 Bowmanville LAKE SHORE, CLARKE J MILK TEST RESULTS (Receivedt5 oo late for last week) LoaDaesn odCnionWh Mr. Allan Martin, Brighton, spent O.clDare n ExdCetondiinWt the weekend at Mr. Robt. Martin's..eEceto .Mr. Bev. Jaynes, Oshawa,sena few tiays at his mother's, Mrs W. Acting under tee direction of Dr.! Jaynes... .îmr. Win. Lake and daugh-1 W. H. Birks, M.0.H., saanples of milk' ter, Mrs. Bombarti, spent the week-from four local dainies were sent te endi at Tyrone, and attended the bap-j ToSonto, where they were test-et with tisin of MasteT Lloyd Skinner on regard t o Bacteria Count and Butter Sunday .... .Miss Hilda Rowland leftl Fat. A bacteria count of less than Monday te attend Toronto Normal 100,000 is considered gooti, and 3.55c Sehool. Miss Etta Homes was of butter fat is the standard requireti home from Oshawa for the. weekend. by the departinent. j..... Mr. Ross I)ane, Shaws, visiteti The local dainies on this latest test, Mr. Howard Crytierman on Sunday. stand as fnll<}ws: Bacteria Count- 28,000, 50,000, 68,000 and 1,000,-J 000. Butte~Hr FPt-.5.. 3. 5 5, 3.7 BLACKSTOCK Rev. Mn1. Mason of Toronto con-1 ductek the services in St. Jo.hn's Chunch on Sunday, Septenmber 22nd.1 He was entertaineti at the home of Smith Bros. The. regular montb.ly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society cf the. Unitedi Ohnrh was held at the home of Mms. Jas. Marlow, on Weti- nesdey, 8ept. lat, witih a splendid at- tendance of mexnbens anti visitors. Th% following prograin was given anti lunch serveti: Paper by Mms. T. Samn- ells, on "Tenipran ce"; reading by Mfrs. E. DoKrreil, "Negro Philosophy"; paper by Mm. Normnan Mountjoy on 'Prayer"; reading by Mra. A. John- ston entitld "Moving the. Feuce.." Tiie th annual conférence 4>f the Victoria Deanery Woman's Auxiisy was helti at St. Paul's Chumnoh, Lind- say, on Wetinesday, Septeniber lite. In the morning Rev. W. T. Weir, rur- al dean, preacheti the sermon ait dite. joint meeting of the clergy and tee representatives cf the Womian's Aux- iliary, when over 100 partook cf Holy Communion. Rer. Mr. Weï- teck for his subject the last greiat coin- manti cf Christ, "Go ye into ail the worlti anti pneacb tee gospel." He spoke cf the need and oppetrtunity cf extentiing the Kingdom cf Goti, through the efforts of clergy andi laity anti onganizations such as the Woman's Auxilia'ry. Dinner was senveti by the ladies cf St. Paul's, at the close cf which short lafter-dtinner speeches were given by Rer. Canon Marsh, Rer. MT. Goldring, Canon Al- len anti others. In the afternoon a separate meeting cf the ladies was helti at whidh oveor 135 were present anti fifteen byranohes representeti. IMrs. (Rev.) P. G. Powell of Uxbritige, formenly cf Blackstuck, presided. Mrs. <Canon) Mansb -gave the a.ddress of welcome. The following oficers were electeti for the coming ye,.sr:J Presitent-Mrs. (Canon) Allen, Mili- brooDk; Vice President-Mrs. (Rev.) Weir, Omemee; Sec.-Treasurer--,ýMiss R. McNamara, Millbrook. In ans-1 wer te the rolcaîl fifteen secretaries gave splendid reports of work donc in the past year, report for Black- stock being given 'by Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Sign Painting I amn prepared to do ail kînds of algo Painting, ietterlng, striping of Cam. etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charles R. Poe 114 l WSt..,Ohaa Phoew 316WC.ibrne St Gas In Stomachl Hurts the Heart Don't sufer frein tiangerous gas pressing arounti your heart, frein sournesa, blcating or pain cf acixl in- digestion. Stop worrying. Your stomach simply needa an alkaline. For safe, speetiy, certain relief take a little Bisuratet iaMgnesia--powder or tablets. It quickly breaks up thee gas, neutralizes the acid, stops the pain anti keeps the stomach sweet and streng anti digsetion perfect. It is ticing this every day for theusans- it must do the saine for you or meney refunde'd by neliable druggists the wcrld ever. A NEW SMALL "CATERPILLAR" Ten horscpower at the drawbar. Lirtte brother to the larger ime in the "CATERPILLAR" family-emaller ini aize, smaller in price, but of the same quality construction as the bigger "CATER- PILLARS". Dependable-enduring---economical in operating and upkeep costs. Sure-f ooted-sof t-treading--hort-t'urning. Snaler--herefore extending to new thousands of power user the «CATEPLLLAR'S" ability to save mn, mony, mnts ONTARIO TRACTOR COMPANY, LIMITED 297 Campbefl Ave. -- Toronto 3.7%. A bactenia count of 1,000,- 000 being far below nequirements, ýtie local health department imnmed- s iately took tihe matter into hand anti 1.cekdUp on the conditions of thi f1dairy. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mr&. George Hocey, Black. stock, Celebrate Golden Jubile. The golden wedding cf Mir. anti Mrs. George Hooey was very auitiably celebrateti on Wednesday, Sept. lSth, at thein home at Blackstock, when their faxnily cf seven were aU ppres- eut except the eldest son, Dr. Hooey of Seattle, Washington. A unique feature cf the. celebration was the presence of their groomaman anti bridesaiitof flfty years ago, Mir. and Mrs Louis Grahamn, also cf IBleckstock. After the. supper, which was serv- ed by two grand-daughters, Misses Genevieve anti Pauline Ferguson, thee bride anti groom were presenteti with a numbner cf golti pieces. Mr. anti Mrs. Hooey, who have been life-long resitients of Cartwrigbt were married in Millbrook anti spent forty-two years on the fam now owneti by their son Herman. Since leaving the farm, they have resitied in lackstock in the house formerly owned andi occupieti by Mrs. Hooey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crs- bain. OBITtJARY Samuel J. Seymour, Bow-manville A highly esteemeti resitient cf Bow- manville passeti te his rewarti on Wednestiay, Sept. 18th, in the person of Samnuel J. Seymour, ageti 74 years. Mn. Seymour was a son cf William anti Mary Ann Emnerson Seymour anti was bonn in the township of Cart- wright, but move t t Bowmanville about twelve years ago. Besities bis wiio'w, whose inaiden namie was Elizalbeth Layton, he leares three sens, Jos. andi Alex of this town anti Elvin of Whitby, anti five daugh- terra, Ethel, Helen, Mns. Frank Tom- lînson, Mnr. F. Armstrong, Bowman- ville, anti Mr. A. B. Stewart cf Ton- ente. Deceaseti was a member cf Ennis- killen Orange Lotige. The funeral to.ok place on Friday afternoon f roin tee famîly nesidence, King Street. Rer. Dr. Best conduct- eti the service, the interment taking place in Bowmanville Cemetery. The pail bearers were Messrs. C. Ellis, T. Otigen, R. Kennedy, H. Hocey, R. Nichoison aind Al. Bickell. The floral offeringa incluieti trib-. utes frein: The Faniily, Mr. anti Mm. S. Arstrong, Mr. anti Mrs. C. Ellis, Mr. anti Min. T. Oien, Mnr. Wm. Layton, Mn. anti Mrs. Burns, M.r. anti Min. C. King, M.r. anti Mm. John Neal, Mr. anti M'r. J. W. Knigbt, Messrs. Geo. anti Wrn. Seymour, True Blue Letige, Fife anti Drum i aind, Mr. anti Mrs. lhos. Heighton. Amnong the relatives anti frientis frein a distance weire: Mr. anti Mir. C. Ellis, Mr. anti Mm. Thomas Ogden, Mrs. Yee, Mrs. Drew, Mr. anti Mr. Armstrong, al cf Oshawa; Mim. Bur- ley, Newtonrxlle; Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Seymour, Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Sey-, mour, of Orono; Mr. anti Mrs. John Neil cf Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden cf Osago; Mrs. John S. Staple- ton, Newcastle; Mr. anti Mrs. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Layton anti daugh-1 ter of Cowanville.1 ICLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Counoil met at Oreno on Sept. 2nti, Reeve M. J. Holman in the chair, anti menîbers aIl present. Communications were reati from: F. D. Boggs, K. C., Cobourg; A. W. Roebuck, Toronto; .Wotrkmen's Coun.- pensation Bard, re paynîents te F. Allin; John A. Barrie ackn owýledge receipt of cheque on aco urît.i Treasurer acknowledged receipt of Boundary account of $24.29 frein Treasurer of Hope as balance for 1927. R. R. Waddell was heard in refer-i ence te Municipal Act regartiing is- sue of Debentures.1 By-law was p.rssed fixing rates foi 1929:--Counties' rat. being .0128-1 Township rate .007; Special Bridige rate .00-1; anti CeneraI School ýrate I .0064. Later rate ducs not includeý Local Schoo)l rates as requesteti by I Trustees. (lanrke Agricultural Society was ati ts )wn expense permitted to police, Park St., to prevent parking cars on!I the tijys of the Fair. Account.s were passeti and paiti: Hydre Power Coin. light fur hall.................... $ 3.73, Ontario Bridge Co., steel work fer bridges........ 1508.00 Dept. Public Highways, test- ing cement............... 2.451 Clar'ce Allun, sheep daimaiges 15.00; Norm Allin, sheep inspector 3.001 Jno. Henry, Rosti Supt. fer Aucust ................138.03, McClelUan & Co., luinhen for feýrma..................60.001 Min. E. J. Randaîl, monthly payrnent ................48.00 R. H. Wood, caretaker .. 16.75 S. Cuttell, extra paffl Vot- ers' Lists................. 76.00 Jno. Henry, Roati account for August............. 1839.08 Council adjourneti to meet Tue;s- day, Oct. lst, at 10 c'clock. A. J. Staples, M. J. HOImnan j Clerk. -Reeve. ONTARIO THE VOTERS' LIST ACT REVISED STATUTES 0F ONTARIO, 1927-CHAPTER 7 AND AMENDMENTS Notice of Sittings ol Revising Oicers in the Electoral District of Durham County TAXE NOTICE that sittiff of the R.vismng Officeais for teproef eiigCGpltBo sppe.a swith regard to tiivotera, List to be used at the. Election of ssnier ce f the"AmeinlY pe- hIn for the EIectoral District of D'urbamn will be helti to he.r comnplainte as tc thIàsLit of Voters foIr tihe VUwIOSi nicipeitie.coriin tesi lcoriDsTCand that Mr EL A. Ward, K.C., 'win b. i e th Ofio.r orsatiElectoral District cf Durham. Sittings wMilb. heid for the various Municipaltiesa t the turnes and places ixidicateti below, andi the Clerk of each Municipality (whose naine andi atdreua pp rbelw)il act as the Revising Officer's Cierk f:Pr ail appeals concerning his Municipality, anti aUesuc)hw appesa in ust b. fileti wltth hlmn on or before tihe date appearing in the fiftlic.olnmn bhlow, opposite his naine. munlclpality Place of SlttÀng 'rime and Date CIerIc Lait Day for Town of' *owmanvIllls BOwmanvwlîî Town Hall oct. P, 10.30 amn & 7.30 pm. John Lyle, Bowmlanvllle e Filin Appeals Oct. 3, 10.30 a. m. Albert Blllett, Hampton Oot. 4, 10.30 a. m. Wm. Beecock, Neetieton Station Oct. 5, 10.30 a. m. A. J. Staplea, Orono Oct. 7, 10.30 a. m. H. c. Bonathan, Newcastle Oct, 8, and 9. 10.80 a. m.J. W. Smnders, Port Hope Oct, S, 7.30 p. m. J. W. Senders, Port Hope Oct. 10, 10.30 a. M. W. H. Symons, Port Hope R R 1 Oct. 11, 10M5 a. m. W. A. Jalcenan, Uothany Oct. 12, 10.30 a. M. J. N. MoGiIl, Mlllbrook Oct. 14, 10.50 a. m. Chas. Thorndyke, Mlllbrook sept. te sept. 80 Oct 1 oct. 2 Oct. S Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct, 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Orono Town Hail Newcastle Town Hall Port Hope T'own Hall Port Hope T'own Hall Port Hope Town Hall Bethany Town Hall MllIbrook 'Town Hall Millbrook Town Hall Siich Sittings will commence at the turne lndicated and wil continue until the appeals have been disposed of. AM! FURTRER TA"E NOTICE that any voter who desires t o mplaixi thait hie naine or the naine of any person entitled te be enlbeied on the saiti list bas been -oritteti fro'm the saine, or that thie narnes of any persons who are net entitled.to icb. votera have Ïbeen enterei thereon, shail on or before the. Date fixeti as in The Fifth Columnn above for filing his Appeal, apply, complain or appeal tic have (his naine or the naine of any Other Person enterd on or rernoved £rom the List AND) FURTHER TAXE NOTICE that such appeals must hoe by NOTECE IN WR1TING IN THE PRESCRIBFID PRM, signeti by the comxplainant IN DUPLICATE, andi given te the Clerk 01 the Re'vising Officer for each respective Municipality, or left for hum at his adtiress as stateti above. AIL PERSONS are calledi upon t. examine the Voters' List in order te ascertain that their naines sore correctly entered therein. L. V. 0'CONNOR, Cliairman of the Election Board for the. Countie. of Northumnberland and Durham. Datoti ait Cobouirg, the 2Oth day of September, 1929. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL AU appeals must be fileti IN DUPLICATE anti must be signeti by the person ap'pealing ON THE PRESCRIBED F'ORM. These forms may be obtained froin the Clerk tic the Revising Officer or froni the Clerk of the Election Board, at the Town Hall, Cobourg. After being ifilIed out the Appeals and Duplicates must be given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at bis adi- dress as stateti above, on or before the last day for filing appal as above intiicated. CHARLES J. McDONOUGH, Town Hall, Cobourg. Clark of the Election Board for the Counties of Northunmberland and Durham. -AT WATE Il KENT SCRiEEN-.îGRI RDIO Prove that ail you have heard about it is true ODOUlT ou'e herd f tis wndefulnewbest-seUing N rado-the Atwat t Sren-Grid. You've heard de- lighted comments on the reality of tone-on! the extreme silence of operation. And power. Everyone who's heard Atwater Kent Screen-Grid Radio talks about power! It reaches out for stations that used to lie just names. It brings themn in with the sharpness and clear- ness of needie-point seleciity. You hear sucli amazing reports of this new set that they're liard to believe-even of an Atwater Kent. But they're truc-and you can prove t it yourself just by coming in and listening for a few moments. Do it today. OP,.4 Console Model 8555 (as shown on the SP"KER right) height 431/2", width 253/4", ,,oy depth 15'. Price complete $250. GEO. BROWN Atwater Kent Radios Dealer Store next to J. B. Martyn's Store. St. Bowmn aivilie Township of DarlInaton Hlampton Town Hal Township of Cartwrght SI&sctock Town Hall Township of Clarke Villa..e ofNewcatle Town of Port Hope Town of Port Hope Townshlp of Hope Township of Manvers Township of Cavan Village of Mlllbrook i * i o s I..-.. A. Division e"v. POUR

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