PAGE FIVE 'i'ua' nANATliAN sTA'PPSMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 w- Mwk Pâ NHAKH wW iem . Sf-e -,R - -mel, akho W&M0 -we@ em&epmieo.u frtaotly, Md rnay othe aumm frm whe ~w oreflneuUulyfr.A wca- dotireonsre Nm Tone ITAYU flcm e o b. nd ln Ilqnhdor tIsé *mm M $OO pe bot*e or baoe.. NLEE LA8MTU= UUU 126 womlgI.SL Usd TOROWTO 24 WrL. cw Soiddln Bowmanville by Jury & Loveil, Druggists Kersiakes Depenclable rug Store R. M. Mitchell & Co., Druggists The man who would neyer walk again. Who oetd imaofie a ntre ,iLsioy thas ad# ? A hpm h=- 2'o tAin A tomk rusahen ..;:y docto tld mvIndldy thatI"cud about Chrstm-tIfl. and wau conflned to, bed for two motha. Afe tkn mlx~ ~ ~~0 bote Iai ln a rk nuzt week. 1Ibavrdel.fenga t beb fa ts about t& W 1 = Itl- 1=wI~ Kracbeu Sat. obtaiablMÉ draa deatmoetores ln Canada at 75&. a botUs HELPED DURINO MIDDLE AGE Womian Praises Lydia E. Pinkhamn'a Vegetable Compound Sait, On.- an willing ta nswer letters rr other women, ta tell tbemn the won- derful goad Lydia E. Pinkhai's Vege- table Compound did me. 1 cannot be Sthankful enough for the benefits 1 re- ceived during the Change of Lif e. I do housework and * my troubles made unfit to wor-k. 4 A friend advised me to try the Veg- etable Compound. 1 fet great relief at once, hegan to regain my appetite, and my nerves got better. I will recom- mend vour medicine to ail wth trou- bles like 1 had."-MRS. JoiiN BENSON, 162 N. Christina St., Sarnia, Ontario. DOCTORS quite approve the &.fquick comfort of Aspirin. For these perfectly harmless tablets will case an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year after year is proof that they do beîp and can't harm. Take them for any ache; to avod the pain peculiar to women; many have found thei inarvelous at such times. The proven directions found in every package of Aspirin tell how to treat colds, sore throat, neuraîgia, neuritis, etc. AU druggists. *ASP1R1N Aupirin la a Traoemk Besltued In ceaad When You le Il Coming -VTen that aId licadaclie sends I warning that yoti arc going ta sufer- take ZUTO->. \%'lin vyou feel a Col comlng on take ZV FOi-. At the fir aigri of a pain- ai thc irst feeling ofsici ness-t:t lýc LU 100. yauî %vlUlic ail rizlit in 20 minutes ifii a lcadi-lie, or the iixt morning )fit is cold. l'tlîî ai! ggee, and tlic whole boé rein il, . Doii-dont îakc chances. G i '-, lets î -day -and bave the r oady 1< tl .s il 1< lu-t-ivriiof a 1-e: -l( Ii .rid I AKITI li M. 25C iI N .1 1:1 ~ (rltii.i ot B. IN. Robiiiso,Cu. R Cv- RcgdCaticook, BOWMANVILLE FAIR ing machines, wringers, etc., accoinp- _________anied by apt posters illustratin.g thei "Beît Fair ini Yera"Waa the Popular difference bet-,ween washing in the 1 Verdict of Those Who Attended pleasant "new way", and the cease-1 the Fair less drudgery of the "old way." i Mason & Dale are the local dealers. T. A. Dustan continued the list of Bowmanville Fair opened its gates hardware goods, with another fine dis- enjoyed one of the most successful ed their voices to the music in the days of recent ye.ars. The exhibits air from various corners of the build- were ail of an exceptionally high quai- ing; Happy Thougbt Ranges andIE RR i ity, the merchants' displays partie- "Thor" Electric Washers and Iron- ularly attractive, and the grandstand ers drew niany a speculative eye, R OESA program, varied from its usual rou- while the "Utilac" demonstrator.was tine, by trials of speed, created an the cynosure of much admiration. unusual interest. arC.AlnndGogBow Thiswas rul "Exanson Yar"had their radio wares on trial also, for the Fair, inasmuch as there were Sparton and Atwater Kent models re- more exhýbits than usual, greater spectively, and handed out pamphlets competition, and a higher qualityansovir l. noticeable throughout. One hadansovirtoal one's choice of entertainmentro W. J. Bagnell also showed models the grandstand coul<j be seen the of the popular Rogers Batteryless horse races, the judging of carnage Radios on the grounds near the and saddle hormes, the pony musical grandstand, where they provided chair, etc. For the enjoyment of music during the consumption of the softball fan, the softball teams delicacies from his ice creain and f rom Ebenezer and the Goodycar putI candy booth. up a very thrilling fight for thel Radios seemed ta have the largest iCounty Championshîp, in which the1 share in the mnerchants' displays-a Goodyearites were victorious with the revealing proof of the trend of mod- close score of 13-12. Near the east ern times. end of the grandstand, enthusiastic Practical demonstrations seem us- exponents of horseshoe pitching spent ually to be most interesting to the the afternoon ate rsn this time-honored average esn nd the maniner in game, before a crowd of spectators, which the uses of "Alabastine" wereà among whom admirers of the skill of shown and explained proved to ho no ] i th i 0-year old Roy MeLaughlin we. exception. Many a house-keeper .., very evident. Results: came away with an increased know- ClamssA-1, Wm. Mc iugh lin & ledge Of indoor decorating and vis- 1VewJVRaiol() o Son (Roy), Burketon; 2, R. Ame ions of what she herseif might ale- & E. Witheridge, Blowmianville; 31 cornplish with Alabastine which is R. McLaughlin & M. Hooper, Tyrone; sald exclusively in town by Geo. si. z h e Nw 4,M. Clarke & M. Hearl, Bown*an- Pritchard.1»e7 £ N w vulle.The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. ClamB-1,W. Mlle & LHoop ha ther conergaily decorated a ClaTyrne;B.-, W. Lmblert & pLuxoo- usual, and hiad on eihibition a nuin- Ganill, ire etn, t. swlla apes OE R aBATTI In ious ~~~stagesofismnacueA In the Am-sSSPecial for Most ring- beit tedting machine was a f eature orf ers, Pitahing 50 shoes, Roy McLaugh- bihi ,dxiîbit. .gU. U ~ U lin, the i 0-year aid wonder, led the Both the Brookdaîe Nurseries andSE erth n bast wth 18, then folUowed hi, dad, S. J. Jackman & Sons deserve hearty t e E i l h M IW. McAu n 17, R. Aines 17, E. comeneadation for their splendid R G R o e s .. Withridge1,W. Mfillar 13, M. contributions to the fair, which uni-]R GS de s . f opr10,W Lambert 9, M. Clark doubtedly required an endIess aimount 8, H. Hko¶er 7, L. Ho>pIer 7, W. of thougtht and work. The succees DUIIX 5. . Iai their efforts ta produce lbeautiful A G R I eae ' Altihouch horse racing ha. not heen atimospheres wss seif-evident. on a. program at Bowmxanville Fair lBrookdale Nurseries showed tamn foar oVer quarter of a century its in-~ iature rock garden, carpeted in aot TeRgr eaBoda fls aud todiietiOn thbiayear was the feature green grass, witai ueveitl different The Rogersnd her it isvig of m ZURn enterta.inrnent for gr-andsta.nd pat- a pecies ai evergreensin lathe back- W *"A dhzi -gvn o p rons and hundreds ai rail bu'ds wha ground, a little strean aofwster desh-.DnSa hde heRgr ai tc gurrounded ttle fra<ft as the vaiu ing down a cascade of rocks ta a tiny efe bdi nth Ro rs afe " heats took place. Resuits of races: liinpid pool, i ringed with flowers. ¶ ~ o tti ek h onral 2.15 Clasz ~~The exhibition oi flowiers swwn by Truhu ek h eakben Peter Direct; 2.1BeCnemt S. J. Jackman & Sons was fully as ith sors 'dalsi TriHp LBnet, effective, though altogether different exhibitioninteso s of Rogers k l i them! Be .ure..o....r1 1c1 Marron Harvester; J. mc_-in nature. Out flowera predoininat- te !B oha hm Dowell, Tioronto....... 2 2 4 ed herm in every rare and lavely Ir"u Gratton; Dr. Hjop- shade and tarin. In the centre waa First li the field five years ago, Rogers isa kis Cosiie....3 3 2 b askto white gladioli. SYlveter Todd; Chanibers 4 4 a3 nirlnga atste.ot.tdin-o performance. 2.30ClmeManybeautiful flawers w'ere shown 2.30 Clama by individual exhibitors also, among VstteRgr elrm yu o m m Lester Daveies (J. Mcflow- which the absence of the sweetpeas, VstteR gr elri orcm u t cI, Toronto).......... 1 1 1 whose deilcate coloringsand per New Models-ask ail the questions you Bki Leddy M. (IJ. Balantine, 6 finmes have always been popular, was o e hnyuwlIko h h oe Uabridge) .............4 65noticeable.ho e enyuwlkn h teR gr Silent Todd (Dr. Hopkins, In the centre of Ae building, the of the largest number of radio buyers Cook_îvlle)........... 2 3 2 vegetable and grain exhibita aif the Rena Hall (C. Wfliamson, Junior Farinera held first position. fToronto)............. 3 2 4 This is a new department spansored R G BSM . J S I O The Limit............... 7 4 3 by Bowinanville Rotary Club. R (E SM U Qq'YFC C I Starter-S. A. Proctor, Newrnarket 1%he main building also housed the . .TO N OM NT Judges-J. E. Walker, Newmark- Fine Arts Depiartment, whic:h by the o O T et; H. F. Kietchesan, Belleville. way, inight stand soine impro'vement Timekeeper--J. H. Davison, Ca- in the way ai more and newer ex- bourg. - hibits; the Women's Departîneint, An ispetionof he lve toc where the skilled and rpainstaking An ispecionof te lre sockexpenents of home handicrait, fancy classes confinned thee ihet that Dur-I work, knitting, dress-inaking, rug- hamn County farmers breed tihe besti making, etc., held full sway, and and take a just pride in their stock.~ brought before the eyes of the public, There was a surprisingly good show-I an atractive collection ai delicate ing of light and heavy horses whiclh and lovely work; last, but not least, clearly demonstrated that autos and thse Domestic Science Departiment tractors are not cro'wding the horse which was a delight ta the eye as into the diadard in this district. Af- well as an imaginary delight to the tter several years absence Mr. jand. palat.e. The baking seemed ta be Mrs. T. W. Cawloer & Son were again above the clUsas aifore er n in the ring making a dlean up in the campetition was stranig, alI ai which roadster and pony classes. ge apoeta l ie aefo 5<"I>aI.~ Al cattle classes were well repre- yestobecoe twashl ipprs ae cn- years Jerseysw have grofotneinn-n-530- cular sented, Shorthorn cempetition being opener. We would suggest that $ 1 0 particularly keen aniong the yaunger there might be same arrangemen aniaI. Hlsein cmenext in whereby anc might get a more satis- couMpa= numnbers and amang them were some; factory view oi these cuhibits, the "520" Table unusually fine specimens ai the: preserves, canned gonds, etc., in par- * 7 "1black & white"1 breed. In recen ua, which, in sanie cases, were 50 Bgho yasJreshv rwinpapuar- almost out ai the perspective. Q"540" a COMLETE(Exc ity which was again evidenceid in the In the large tient beyond the main OPE (xe large classes and championship quaI- I building were found fruits, grains and $240-0-0 ity. No<nrlto he r Ob vegetables of ail kinds. This dis-CMLT No fner ot a shep ae tabeltrict nobly upheld its reputation as found outside ai the larger exhibit- an apple growing centre, for apples. - ions than were shown at this fair by aio every kind were there, and in local breedera. Durham county is great quantities which were unsur- G U A IR A N TIEFI P getting an international reputation pased ytheirqaliis Among for havin.g good sheep. Swine was thevegetbles twr larg collections eeVO S 14 t the smallest exhibit in live stock, aio at cmmonadre varieties, . mong the actagenarian agricult- show-n by Ivan Law and Jales Nokes, urists noticed on the grounds and tak-j werc ai particular interest. ing a keen interestinii live stock, as The Poultry building was well filled, well as rcceiving hearty greetings although in several classes, there were from their -many firiends were W. C. no entries. It seems strange that Blackburn, James Leask, John Ayre, while there are 50 many Ramer pig- Ge.Power and others. aieons in Bowmianville. 50 iew shoulc' W*.J eB A aitebidtebapaopl lydthle bridaI nuarch. Ddritlg say 382:3, and J. O'Neill third, 18,50. h me ao ot rd ,thephfor y ul e i h signîng ai the rgse i e dy Rice & Cajs gHardware, «t% usual, LAUNDRY' WANTED lIton alîs.T h bride tufavloed Pwr rnbcavcl aa w:~amonz those who nrpesented at- Niagara rall. aTbidaed reple, rerptiondwa ed a h rd set tractive diSPlavs aioftheir warc.s. in a 1,in s , etin shedandhe d'il îenleas-or Roing adDmno i-A)knlqo unr oi oei oo r imparted parents, after wvhich the bridaI couple' cmd prni dRaigan oiin i- Alkn~( nuywr o rmpt ibrown vatadso ndUi <leum in pleiiingclrcombinations Wî' qetrOi--- sinRtr. onnl rceabeige tweed coat with sable colar. leit on a mater trip ta the ild id prdvntd VrtlpýR f,,cîo Do-, nndRtr Cabli r@ea ha On their returntn e.-,wl pr<lm naed iW. Mrj-rm. King St. E. Bowmanvlfle On their return thcy ill reside at iSats QI Beatty Bras. showed electric wash- lP>, ne 478W. Lakefield. reside in New Toronto. MIRO WIE9EK28 qRYLESSRAII Becmarkable New 1930 eeial Display at y.ur 's all this Week mraised the cumtin for "Rogers Rad portunxty to mee the radical new devélap IL w 1930 Rogers Modela will be on spedal evcry where in Canada. Be sur tourne uili fiust in standards of effiency aMd ty during Rogers Radio Week Sme the ke-arrange for a demonstration inyour r&Batteryless is the overwhelming choioe "IPRATION L1Mfl'D REAL w NNIPEG eModel >.00 Dpt Speako) P'550" Highboy $275-00 COMPLETE Phonolectro-Radie (Radio-Phonograph Combinatioul $380--. 1 COMPIETK. th a Rogers! LGNELL ILLE.)ONT. AIim% B eat Balaneed ~U 8I ft Br.akla8t QUAKIER OTS Cooki lu 21/2 to 5 mlniitf 4 -- MIN,