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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BlOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9~3. 1929 COURTICE1 TYRONE SOLINA P ny 'Vis n itors: Mr. and Mrs. Elto-n Wer- Me. and Mrs. Fred Bryant, Oshavea, 1 Visitos Mran s.Rbit 1ey and Mr. and Mr-. Russel Bragg, i with Mes. Wm. Little .. M. and l rs: M. and Ms.th, Rhtbrt S owmanville, at Mr. A. B. Werry's; Mes. T. Findley, Ola and Bert, Tht-rn- Cr.J.e.inence Mr and Mih, WJy,t Poundi Fooiish MT. and Mes. A. H. Brent and family,i hill, Sundayed at Mrs. Laura Vir- R.J.oJ.sanduith M.anMrs. . J.- Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. An- tue's. - .Mis-- Mae Canieron, Torotnu Rleyns, hanyd;uthsatMry Sor-i ___nis; Mes. Sidney Trevail, Oshawa,! visited with hec parents, Mr. ad s. rh a nd vs.e's.heeew od; Ms MarySHo-' bwt er sister, Mes. El O&b orne; H. Cameron..Mie. and Mes. Fred-. nd atMeoR. Pac- spet u- Tht- "Penny Wise" individual 1 Mc. and Mes. Melville Staples and Babcock, Aurora, Mr. and Mca. Chas. Idya e etnSae',Oh always rues purchasing cheap, 1Mes. S. Penfound at Mr. Albert Woodley and family, Lindsay, Mr. aw;Rvand M.Get-. _Burcr', inferior glasses. Ht- is in ceaîity Rndes Mr and MesrveonadMs. Cox and -fanuily, W. S, vie-î eMs CoeTrno "pondfolih. -White, Bethesda, with Mr. and Mrs. ited at Mr. C. W. Woodîey's--------r.Mrs Sprat-klin, Winnipeg, gueste t-f! ipudfois. r and Mes. A. J.' Reyno)lds; Mrs. SEsli Oke; Mr. Bert Gay, Miss Evelyn'and Mes.C. W. Woodley and babe, R. J. McKock,Miss arre Inferior glasses injure thet- and Mr. Harold, Oshawa, at M-r. L. J.jMe. and Mrs. Norman Woodlex', Mrs. IndRuhat M iW.L.es Mrgaret sight, and this incapacitates the 1Coixtice's; Mir. and Mes. Jack Brooks 1ErtaWoly tendLisa d O ha at Mr. W. .Van eson'Osh- indiidul. heter bnk res- ,and son, and Misa~ Birdie Fallis, Osh-' Fair and visited friends .. .Mc.an awa, at Mr. Tht-s. Baker's and Mr. indiidu]. heter bnk res- jawa, xith Mr. and Mcs. Ct-cil Found;lMes. Herbert Burgess, accompaniedi Chas. Ht-wsam's; Mfi-. and Mrs. Isaac dent or street sweeper,h hoeI Mr. Ronald Courtice, Torconto, at by Mr. and Mes. Ray Bn-t-tk, Bt-w- Hardy, Stanley and Doeothy, spenti eyes are defective bas bis t-arn- home; Mr. and Mes. Frank Horsbu.egh nianvihle, spent a few days at Niag- tht- weekend with Lindsay f riends - ing power reduced.of Cle-veland, are spt-nding a few1 ara and visited tht- Falls. . Mr. & Mes. MeanMs.Cs.mihnd m-c ayswih h-rsister, Mes. A. F. Run-'Wnu.J. Bradd and family. Oshawa, with Kedron frit-nde; Mc. adMs dit-; Mrs. R. C. Shortt and Miss Mac-j visitt atM., James Dudley's-..Dan Wttten, M-r. and Mes. J. W. Our glsss asue t-m orabt- 'on, T or Hill, are at M . Jack iM . Levi Annis, Toronto, spent tht- Glenny, Toronto, at Mr. J. J. Bro n's; normal vision--and normal t-arn- Shorttr's.Mes. Susan Shott contin- wt-ekend at home... Tuxis Boys bt-Id Me. antd Mes. Wesley Ellins, Mc. and ing pt-wer, at prîces well within ut-s quite il - ...Sunday was a day a ct-rn and wtiner rt-ast. Tht-y r- Ms icn lisTrno r n rt-ast-n IMes. Biroad, Lindsay. Dr. Wiil Bue- Tesss. ideal1 ant splendid congtaion Cluskt-y, Fred andI Donald, New Yack tden, Rochester, at Mr. Chas. Bianch- assemblt-t in tht- thurt-h morning andt1 City, N. Y., visited at Mr. Wm. lard's; Mc. Hart-Id Williams, Hanip- evening. Rev. Honniset t-f tht- Fred1 Moores.... Church service at 10.30 It~a c onBkrs c hs Victoîr Misst-n, Toronto, preacihed ala m Sepembeir meeting t-f tht-eIiwsm at Utica; Me. and 'îXrs. W-aI- fine sermon in tht- moening andI in Women' Insttt atMade'AdI tere McCarl, Neil and Ralph, Me. Mil- Juy&Loeltht- ,ening Rt-v. A. L. Richards, met at tht-ht-me o-f Mes. (Rt-v.) J. R.1 ton Balsdon and Miss Lois Bidn Ju y & L v i hitby, i most impressive mannt-r Trumpour with an attendant-t- tf 3.W- y, adMes. Fe Hardy deliveired a heautiful message on tht- Afteie the business a splendid pet-- n1 isIrnN TootMs WhenWe est yesIt l Doe Ject "I amu tht-dot-." Tht-choir grami was rendecetI. A veern inter-I 1-adonisHardy,MiseswJeanontI, Mr- Whe WeTes Eys t I Doe sngspecial mnusic- at both services.r esting taîk was gi'ven by Miss L. Rt-y-r t Hardy, Lindsay, at Mr. Har-vey Proerlt-y. In the morning Mes. (Rt-v.) J. H. Inolds, Hampton, on ht-r n-tcent trip toi Hardy's; Mr. antI Mrs. A. J. Rt-y- Steinton sang very swetty "I heard England which was very mucih enjoy- nolds and Miesa Etna et Me. Tht-s. ______________________ Itht- voit-et-f Jesus say," and in thetId by al. A vecy pIt-asing solo was jOâborne's, Whitby; Me. antI Mes. W. evening Me. Trent-er, otganist t-f Kingj rendeïred iby Mes. L. J. Goodman, and 1.Mle n lfod c n ns ________________________ St.ChuchOshwaant Mc Frnka piano duet was given by Mes. Thotm- J. J. Brown at Mr. Jos. Channon's, ________________________Walters sang "Beautiful Isle of as Barr andI Miss Fît-rent-e Gardineir, Oakwood, andI Mr. Ciarence Chan- Smewhere" as a duet w-ith was en- after which a social hall-hour was non'aLnsy e nIMs ov- I joyed by ail. A goodly naniber et- spent. Wotn andI Master Frcancis and Mi-s. tended tht- Sunday School session in Arnot spent tht- weekend in Michbigan tauhe atenoo ad tt- t-at-nW a S .EFEDwith Mes. Arnot's mother who is vea-y j tgh th shoo byRtv. . S P EN!EL1tiii. ...Division meeting ast Thues- jBoyce in his usucal inte.resting way. 1dyeeigwswl tedd n Me. Boyce- as taught the lesson tt- Visitois et Broeide, the home of1dyenigwswl tne. A. tht- sehool Vwo Sundays now andI tht-se MT. andI Mms.Samuel Bray, on Sun- I hernt-w memiber was receivred into f who were not present missed a rt-aI day were: Mr. andI Mes. James Arj - uc O'rder and after a short peogram I treat ...The- Mission <ircle met thur Werry, son Er-nest andI daughteir i t-n enjoyable contest brought tht- at the- home of Miss Aura Osborne Grae; Mr. M. A. James, Mr. and Mtrs. meeting to a close.. -. Octobîer meet- -~ -- .Saoturday aîernoen, wth Miss Autee's Gt-o. W. Jamsifl, 8son William Geort-gel ing of the Woîmen's Institute wifl be - , ro~p i chrge Th- dvetomi md augh4me -Mar Ruh, ~n-held et the home of Mes. Walter Vice gpn ch5 age.Y Thiss An nHa.lle; Dr. Marshall A. James of Cle-ve- on Thursday afternoon, Oct. loth. MiseArnltIgavea tlk reinthelaI, Ohio; Misa Irene H. Bray antI This being our annuel geanduehe' MtinyAbookld aea ainswre gthen friend, Miss Mackeinzie o-f Toronto.. meting, they wiIl be ex'pected to by Mai bosanPd-oee antIsa Rt-tie -.Fres r'n hee heh-p fueniah the- progeani. Group 6 Woeden. Refreshuxents wereeserved crofps are the- lightest in thirty yea s l hreo h- ersmns ansd an enjoyable tiine spent together .Owin< te the dtrought fenecs adieselcomt-... - onur nua Rey for an houe et the close of tht- met-t- wth dlay subsofl cannot get tht- Falh al evc a tI nSne f ing. Misses Aura and Rflttit- and Dowing-diozie, geo-nd is oca bard.... tenLOOn. Thledt- nicity.dc Thed Mes. Osborene were most «t-niaI hast- Heavy frost Thursday a.nd Fciday CîlC a ilt aepct. Tt esomnights Iast week whitened the corn~ regulae eelhy service was followt-d ieducing its f o'od-'value andI rit-h flant eaigwr given by Miess THE HIGHLANDS 0F ONTARIO or as ensilage. -.Atppes are a good PF'annY Sinles andI Messes Allen Bâl-I EvagelatCjsi.tn.K., ~ARE AT THEIR BEST IN trap in this district and aire bsuiti_- son andI Wesley Ytllow]ees. Our Evanelit Cu-ýtineKer PirceSEPTEMBER fully colored . -..Buccwheet , speaker fo-r the- afteenoon was Rt-v. accou~,niet byYouIl lke ht-hazy waimth of soVIw 0t-lCmh ore Iargt y heinG Co. Wllias of Toronto, a eetu-nedI September days in the- Highlands. thafl for mnaY YOwspast and crop isenaetbY.froni o osa, whouok You'Il like tht- breath t-f pin, andtIa g «Cd if it fils well.... Mr. andI Royast ce ptay.. on'Ot.fit eu Temple Brase Bandt cedar that is heevy on tht- air. Ev- Mes. RIO't-it MC-CUI(Mlgh, HarrstPal uperonOc. st erything you do virill set-m just right. wt-rt recent visitors at Mr. John Me- Opera House, AUl tht- Summer spiots art- in full Cullaughs'-.Mr. and itrs. A. E. swing-wondt-rful golif andI tennis- Niddery andI faxni]y, Toronto, visitedHAPO boating-hiking...riding. You can't et Mr. John Hepburn's... Mr. andIHMPO Bowmanville choose a better tonic than a f tw Mes. Edlwin Ormiston, BowmDiue AViU.r.Eveet obis Autumn nweeks in Ontario's Lake- vsttd ait Mr.v. W. J. Orai-o'a .Vis aiteor:Me.,Evet-ttr.. an SU D SP.2t. -lands. Tht-ce is excellent accommo- Mr. snd Mr& AthurPage and Mau risiors.MaW., t M Re.e rg SUNDA , SET. 2th. dation at any t-f tht-etsort territories Alma Page, Toronto, visited ait Me. gith'hess; Mr, W. SLut RohsteMr, 1 -Muskoka Lakes, Lake t-f Beys, Ka- S . Pge... .. NaM55Mncy Ol istuox, J. R. Metcalf antI ohildeen, Base Line. warta Lkesor eorgan ay.AnyMe. W. Hyslop, Bewmanville, viaited a7pm aet thaLMn-. eoginBa.Ae t Me. A. Tretnoutb's; Me. andI Mes. agenP .t-f Canadian National Railways tMi.Artîhur snd Mr. Get-. Ormis-C.Wli m adMsJ.Keun _______________________will gladiy help you make yooe ton's ....- Mie, W. J. Ortmiston wt-n tht- C. il, -Me.ont ithMs. J. Kon'sn; choit-e, make resevations. -tc. 38-2 re-t nbbon et Oshawa Fair on bis fMily, Toîrontoandwit s Mes.C Jon's - ~~~~ champion ClydestIale 'Tlack Model."Me.cCxteyaIMisM atny ......................... Mr..t-orgie Cochrane andI Me. Toronto, have returned ht-ne aftee Russe o lia t- I t-a pleasant visit with tht- foruner's hibîtors et Oshawa Fain-, with theirtauherMs.(-v)J R.B-k - drivers. Me. Gte. Cochrane bas won Mers. Gordon VanCamp and Esrel prizes with bis drivers at Bownian- Base Line, with hte mother, Mcc. ville, Miflbrook, PortPt-r-y, Lindsay ECt- lo. tehens; Miss GMuele HaMt-- antI Blackstock Fairs-Me.Franknniaki rland wihMss Gratt enat- - S'mith has secured a position in Toc-in .M .ad esW.EKnt onto .... - Miss B-t-sie Pascot- is tek- Mr. Sheppard, Mca. G. W. Pratt anti inga curs e Shw'sCoieg, Tc-son, Toronto, visited Mes. F. W. in.Ac rge nSawmboer eniTht-tFacon Sunday . ....Dr. and Mes. atteded inday Fir.Norman Allin andI thee sons, EInio-n- j atende Linsay air.ton, Ahta., Miss Annie Ailin, M. AI- j btn-t llin Miss Eva Sot-eh, Botvman- pt -- -i-,--IMAPLEGRV 1unr ville. meMWoodAmi mi- You wiil admir-e this fine suite in quaiity mohair coverings, with smart newv frieze rever-se cushions. Try it and note its roomy high-backed and com- foitable diesign. Visit our- store andi sec, it. THIS WEEK FOR ONLY $199.00 Regulai- Prit-e $250.00 FF. MORRIS Co. Phone 10 B owmanville values in town in Men's, Wornen's, Boys' and 12 doz. Fancy Jacquard dlesigns irnported from rin 4 colors, ail sizes fromn 34 to 44 .......$1.59 'Wool O. V. Men's Sweaters, in ail sizes, colors 7and heather.................................... $1.98 1k and Wool Hose oFactory Clearances when you were sweltering in a ternperature of 80 ience the big values. We bought and piaid for ody wanted SiIk and Wool Hose and jus forgot but now the cooler days are corning you wiII be and you can buy them at Nelsones 25%Y cheaper else in town. Ail the new Fail colors and ail -Regular $1 .00 for .................79c *Regular $1 .39 for ...............98c y 's Wool Cashmere Hose iprepared to give you the finest value in these hîldren-Penrnan's best quality that wili give you n in wear and appearance. Cornes in black, Sizes 4 to 91/2 ....................... 35c to 75c Pair Iew San-Tan Silks ýen the newest production-a lovely heavy shirn- in ideai fabrie for slips, lingerie, or dresses. ,mple pieces and arn passing them on to you at w price of ..................................50c Yard iitary Hair Brushes ilf-price purchase of these Ebony-backed Men's They are Worth $1.00 a pair-buy your ye- -and aiso anticipate your Xrnas buying at 59c pr. epper Shakers - Cut Glass f-price proposition-a heavy eut glass Sait and et, Worth 50e a pai-, while they last at 25c Pair. Comf ort Bats rnt just to hand-made frorn pure, dlean, new d-haîîd material used in these bats. We have priced at ...........................19c to 98c Each The finestv Girls' Sweatexm. a 6ldoz. Pukr a 6ledng rnae are brown, grey si Tw<l Purchasedv to 90 degrees-l these when nobo we had them-k asking for thern, than anywhereE sizes-two gradE No. 1- No. 2-- Childrer We are weiI Wool ilose for eh eVery satisfactioi sand and white. Have you se( mering Siik. A We procured 6 si the ridiculous lom MWoDetroit, Mich., Mrsm i]h Congratulations to Miss Margaret Py,En.-skillen, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. J.n Abernethy on her marriage this we ek Goodma and children, Oshawa, ami A special hal to -Mr. Edwin DeNure, Be-lleville ..Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Nap- Military Buhs Ms. R. L. Worden and Ms. Leonard anee, were ýrecent guests at Mr. C. qure ens now- borc> and Keene last w'eek. Mr. Church wjll bc re-opened on Oc-1 Worden and Mr. Richards motoï-ed to tober 13th, after being clos-d for- r(-J h terboro on Saturday, along with decorating and alterations. Th Sait & Pe their wives took in Lindsay..i.....monthly meeting of the W M. S. was T he sympathy o-f thi.S comnimunity i-. held at the home of Mrs. Rd ..Av-rx- extended t(> Mrs. W-i. Webb in the- n Tuesday atternoon, sept. I 7th. tht. Another half death o-f ber father, Mr. Shaw, at president, Mrs. Bîck, taking charge. Peppeî' Shaker Sel Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wehh lAfter the regular busine.ss andAr-e,- attended the funeral.Miss Nellh.- ports from the heralds, the nIeetjnL'ý Snowden, Toronto Normal,' spent the-1jwas given in charge (if Mrs. C. J. Jweekend at home. .Qute a numberI Kersiake, the prayers and hvimns lie- j i from here attended the harvest homelIing alonz the- une of the'- su.jvct services at Ebenezer on Sunday. Early Pioneers of Cainada' wýýhich Mr. Samuel Snowden is judging at was taken in three parts, hy MssKat- A big shipme Barrie Fair-..Rural Sehool Fair erson, Mrs. Salter and Mrs. Kerslake. 1 cotton-no second ht-Id on Tuesday was very largely Arrangements are being made fir them i l iep att-ended, the weather being ideal, the W. M. S. annual thank-offeiingiinal îes our school carried off their share of Particulars later. Next meetingI the prizes..Mrs. Samuiel Snowden Oct-tber 15th at the home of %f-s. C.; is visiting her parents at Ctbourg. . H. Wallace. Mr. Fred Billett and ..About 80 friends and relatives of Miss Esther Wallace are attending at the home of Mi-. andI Mrs. E. W. Frank Hastings, the O.' A. C.. Guelph. F.oley on Monday evening to spend a . . .. Church service on Sunday even -1N very pleasant evening with Miargare-t. ing was well attended andI al enjov- N' While the time was being pleasantly ed the enthusiastie address given îwf spent in games, Rev. J. H. Stainton Rev. Get-. Williams xvho was forme r-' FB called the company to order. Mlis.- ly a missionarv in Formosa.The.J.0FhB. Edna Swallow read an address and Sonday School Rally service -a,s quite atthiprer time Mr. Wm. Laird îsuccessful. A live temperance ati-1Y 'l and r. ackBrown presenteil the- dress was Zivon hy Mr. Alger of Os bride-to-be with a heautiful reed awa. This is a subjeet demandinz chair. Margaret thanked ai] fo- attentioîn and now is the- time for ac- their heautiful present and invited tion. . .. The- Young People's Leagîe, tht-m to Belleville to ste how they- will hold its Rall\' Service o~n Fritlav were enjoying tht- present... T4 evening this week. Everyont- je jn- m,,ïn\- friends antI relatives of Mrs. vited to lhe present. noV.J. H. Arthur Borgess are sorry to ht-ar Stainton of Ehenezer le expected o t-pt-n for uiesatr en lsd that she is not rquitt- so well again. addrt--s tbhe meeting..The- Sthoo Ior buisins fe en !.e but ail wisbhi-r a ý-petýd i-teovt-i-. Fair oin Ionufav was an unqîîai.lified fo t ;iwl Supper at Zion, Tu eý--. .Sudax Sboo Ral~ rt-xtSu 'tecee. Tho- diy w a lt-Iand th,- aOctober 8th. tlay in the hall at 1.30o p. nm. Le tîpresoc.nif -o any ti-r-' ;tý- ________ tht-rf-hi. a d turn nut. M-. fies to tht- interest taken in thet- Ii jVe-ra BkeSoiln, sýjCnt ii fi-w d tt cation of nur junior-s. Tht--n-iu BURKETON NEWS this wet-k x-i'h hi-r sist-î-. Mes. L. C. hv the.sr iiswhjch ai-e --cejving- Sn,-vvdIn . ...Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Frete- seilinstlriuel o n from trained Ftap- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley antI n Irn. Nîr. Bt-rt Bio,_le, St. C-t a i-ti- ,wat-' specially lan antI family, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. WesleY: i v.I.S. Iieiin Iis(ltr - ire h-te of tht- work-. Tht- Bradbuen and family, Nestleton, Me.i FrI-n.ioan. Tow n. V-et t-l th- erm ete-ill tr-quite ntut- t 'tnland Mrs. Wreford Cornish, Sali-m.i 'r-httMr. Il. G. Feýnnan on Su ild in4l tlti- t-aclt-es-n<lehiand i-. ispent Sunday at Mr. and MriHenry 41 Mi.% ...lMr. '- - S. PCn n- iii't,, !)'- c ,n'-rttul , ' cd on hectlic-, W-bhcr's... Mr. and MIis. Fr-ank! Miý Nellit-e - biî.Ttit.vi.. f t i-li-. J. .rIa4 it-'t- Welher and family, Sltaws. -lient 1 t-A th'-:. tir tht-i. Mi. Ch- C 1 1î v nlîîiti-n itrh t, Se'r-f. .? 0, lu. 5. Sunîlay at Mr. and Mrs. Ct-o. Rtibm's. bnoni, tin nda .... Qinci tt - i o ýn th(,rtr if th 2nd V;( i I-(,t.M r. and Mrs. P. Moffatt tand M r.; Vice- ni-t; SUndv. M ii îth J'hn..After otî-îtg ----ilMrs. George Scorgie- andtî- .1,i At,~ ~ ~ a v. O-t i r t b ' cil--.. i-t-t al Part wtttas k<1,%, Oshawa, Mc. and M-s. Walti-r (,-ch- lIt-V. u. B ick ; M-trs. itItck tAM-N-; ane and Jean, Bownuanx-ille. îspent I ln- ftx'r-i witb a piano dlîî<t; top-,' Sunîiay ut Mr. antIMi.la rnv Pir. tandî Mt-. \lî<:',i-lt. Oton-' j<-. 'Ot-it-otal Ms-'j,s' wa-. ' tkvn bliv Rahm's. andl Mr-. and Ir'.Il ttvî-Pastoç and MisV-ra K-týlk-- îvocatl dît t- isý 'ialituîhiert-r,in4-- Tatînfton. havei- niCgVîn hv M s. Il. Petet-s antiMi-. T.i Friend.s of Mr. Murray Emerson. tuornt-d h,,oit- frini a twwt-î-oks' motur'StIltet- -t-titI ire x'Miss Mary o-tf eteo, illeglat Ioti.leur n t ritln thrb ehQti-lit- t- nd iiSte rn On- 'vi-k. Fjîvniî0ht nt-xt will lie that ýhe Ls rerovering fî-îm hi-. se-i in us1 tar iii. rtt i'n 'tt ly tof Nort h Bay Youîîng Pootipie's Rally. Wet-hipe for, i lneSs in tht- Rose- Memor iIlSpi I andl Iluntsville. a good at-nel ance .... Mi]]Is gan-LindSay. IIGGER AND BETTER VALUES Block and Save a Lot Is your Boy or Girl the No chiid can dIo theiî- best at s( i)r-oPeily nourished. Miik is one of the best foods1 childi-en. Dî-ink moi-e of Glen Rae T. B. Pasteuî-ized Mik-the miik with the couint. Furniture cehool if not foi- growning Tested and low bacteria R. R. Stevens & Son PHONES: Office 408; Hou.. 175J BOWMANVI~ AT SAVING PRICES These are 10 specially selected fine values taken from. our big stock of new, up-to-date Fali Merchandise. We have many more equally as good-so drop in and inspect them. CONGOLEUM SPECIALS A very exceptional purchase enables us to offer you the fol- lowing big savings on these popular Mats and Rugs: 15 doz.-18 x 36 Mats, reg. 60e for ................39c 10 doz-36 x 36 Mats, reg. $1.00 for ..............79c 12 doz.-54 x 36 Mats, reg. $1.50 for .............$1.19 25 oniy-4 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. Mats, reg. $4.95 for ....$3.95 15 only-6 ft. x 9 ft. unbordered, for .............$3.95 12 only-9 ft. x 9 ft. unbordered, for .............$6.75 15 only-9 ft. x 12 ft. unbordered, for ...........$8.95 46 inch Reversable Cretonnes Regular 59c for 35c Yard 250 Yards-These are a real good buy-good heavy quality and lovely designs 4 colors to choose frorn. 46 iches wide. Regular 59e for............................................. 35c Yard THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,1929 PHONES: Office 408; House 175J BOWMANVILLE NEW FALL MERCHANDISE lson's Store

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