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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET , , , to save time USE 1THE DIRECTORY and avoid "wrong numnber" TrELEPHONE nunibers are tricky things to Iremember. Often when you think yeu know a nuniber you have really transposed the two inside figures. It is so easy to say 3264 instead of 3624! The result is that you get "Wrong Nuxnber". You are annoyeed and so is the other person.Y ou have wasted your own tiine and his. It is safer and quicker to use the directory before you cali a numnber, because "Wrong Nrnnber" is one of the chef causes of a million calîs a day in Ontario and Quebec which go wrong - tic up traffic - cause irritation - block business. Soine of these are operators' errors, and smre are mistakes by the person rnaking the caîl. He may ask for the wrong nuxnber - lie may speak ia- distincty and be misunderstoodL We want you to have the beut possible telephone service. We are constantly strîving to provide it by reducin our own errors and by improving e?uiprnent.f But it takes three people to com- Use the drector7 - speak slowly and distinctly - avoid wrong numberu - mave time - help business efficiezicy. Ta cu sop in adt'aiw o fdemàsad uta improe (at mit Unoh' ait o'4lyai yoe <s oeeu of $S?,OOOO. A tire bult to stand the strains of 1929 motor- ing - sudden braking, quick pick-up, higlier speeds. Its super-strong carcass combines new engi- neering principles, new construction. Side-walls are strongly buttressed to resist rut and curb wear. Tread is thicker, with deep-cut blocks to give greater non-skid rileagée. The New Royal Cord is the tire you must have to get the best from your car. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT BONMANVILLE . ..... .... Jamieson & ais SUPREME BUII LDING "t ADVANTAGES WHEN building a new home or mak- ing over an old one, use this greatest of ail wallboards. You will gec these four i< supreme building advantages: Pull 38 1' tbickness-giving greater struc. r tural surength and rigidity. Basier Application-Goes up quickly, without muss -saving rime, labor and Inoney. Fire.Proof - Non-W'arping - Gyproc - walls are fire barriers. Cannot crack, warp or shrink. Takes any Decoration-Including Mla- bastine, wallpaper, paint and panels. G~Fireproof Wal b(oô) J--- A._Holgate r&Sale By Ot JohnA._____ &Son- o mnilO t THE CANADIAN STATESMAIN, BODWMANVII.LE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 ORONO (From The News of September l9th.)à Miss Aileen Breslin, Toronto, is visiting at bier brodiher's, Mr. M. Bres- lin.t Mr. and Mrs. Townley and family, Miss Catherine and Master Bruce, of Fenelon Falls, spent Sunday at Mr.t A. A. Rolph's. Mr. John Milison, Toronto, spenta the weekend at his father's, Mr.f Harry Milison.t Mrs. George Cowan was taken to Toronto Hospital last week for treat-t ment for goitre. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morton of Chii- 1 I cago visited his father, Mr. Robt. Morton, last week.a Mrs. Harrison is spending a few-v days with lier sisteir, Mrs. Adams, who is seriously ili in hospital in Ot-V tawa.a Mr. George Price, C. N. R. agent,a and MTs. Price are away on their an- nual holiday, and Mr. Leonard, w.Aith1 his wife, is in charge at the depot. S The degree teain of Orono Lodge, i I.O.O.F. No. 436, went to Pontypoole Monday evening and were highlyt comtp]iiented on the able manner inq which they put on the Initiatory De-t gree.e Mr. and Mrs. Karkosch, New York, i N. Y., formerly Iva Mason of thise town, youngest daughter of the latee John Mason, were visitoxs the past i week at hier aunt's, Mrs. Briggs,t Park Street.V Mx. H. G. Odeil and daughter, Miss i Rutih Odell, accompanied by Mrs. W.v S. Streeter, Riverside, Galif., forn-d erly Miss Kathleen Snowden, calledh on friends here Sunday. Mr. A. Odeil, Toronto, also accumpanied the party, on his way to Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Aicin and twoà daughters, Misses Thurina and Hazel, of Pine Gastle, FUa, on a mo.t<r trip,a wexe guebs of Mr. Ormne Gamsby asatv week. Mrs. Alchin la a grand-a daughter of the late W. H. Ogden( and spent lier early days in Kendal.1 In the ladies' Siding class at Osh-e a'wa Fair Miss Macia Campbell of the a Campbell Farnis Itd., Orono, was thet winner «f the silver cnp as the bestV girl rider, and alao won second mnoney in lad.ies' riding class, Xiss Eleanor Shejppard, step-.daughter ouf Mr. WiI- rBainLeak, TIunton, being winner of -the first prize.c At the borse-so pitching contest1 at Port PérrY Fair, Bob Gianville andt Ab. West of the Orono club carriede off the honora of t.he tournainent in which 12 teanis contestedi six of I them from Toronto. Besides the - silver cup, now on exhibition in West's meat shop, their winnings na- cluded a box of cigars, $2.00 andI store goods. An O~ilthat de 'Famou.-Thought Canada was not the birthplace of Dr.r Thonmas' Eclectrie Oil, it is the homne of tbhat fanious comnpound. FIroni here its good n.rne was spread to Central and South Amenica, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is fan afield enough to attest its excellence, for in ail these countries it la on sale and in demand. The Women's Institute had a good attendance at their meeting on Sep- teniber l3th. Musical nurabers were given by Miss Dorothy Rowe and Miss Viola Noden. Mrs. F. J. Hall gave a very interesting account of hier trip to the Coast. The commit- tee in charge first served a contest lunch followed by sandwiches and pumpkin pie, which were much en- joyed. Long Standing Asthma. M.lany have suffered so long froni asthma and have lried so many so-called remedies they think that there la no real hb#lp for tiheni. They should read t he letters ýreceived by the manu- facturers «f Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from hundreds of cases once as desperate as their own. Even in long-neglected c ssthis famous preparation brings prompt1 help. On lhursday, September 5th, the regular monthly meeting of the Women'.s Missionary Society was held at Leskard. Group 7, Mrs. John Thonipson convener, prepared the program, assisted by the Leskard Mis;sion Band. The scripture lesson was g;ven by the pre-ident; a chorus by five littie girls, Miss Edith Truli, pianist; devotional leaflet by Mrs. Ed Bal]; exercises by the girls and boys in costume repre-senting the different countries asking for help; the lesson rstudy "Pioneer Days in Canada" by Mrs. F. Truil, Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. W. F. Chapman. Tlhe meeting clos- ed with a hymn. An excellent lunch was served by the Leskard ladies. A vote of thanks was tendered them by the Orono Auxiliary. A ve ry pleasin g event took place tiO.'i. bYl A llen a ni, C. M G<.(anirv, -Ing., -,, i sVale'a A ]l n -0f ' ic 53!hv pî. e. Nft<î a bo(rt pe!-icl pent .n i ~ ~ ~ ~ ( n iinV3%niadnv lunch Not surgricaai opti-at.ion i.s nec--ai in remnovi ng corns i f HtliowaY's (33<0 Renî rltt uzil. TRIP TO EUROPE ed, huge apartment houses have been bujît, where for example, a 3-rooni Mns. J. H. H. Jury Givez lnteresting apartmnent may be had for $1.68 a Addresa at Women'à Canadian Club month. The program is te build froni now on, homes for 30,000 people The first meeting, this season, of a year. The value of money de- the Women's Canadian Club was held , creaised a thousandfold during the in St. Paul's Lecture Room on Mon-, war. What was $50,000 became $3.00. day afternoon, and was very well at-i In the subuirbs of Vienna are tiny tended. The new president, MNrs.l cottages, surroundeti by lovely gar- (Rev.) Geo. Mason. was in charge,idens. These are the "summer cot- and in openirig the meeting spokze al tages' andi are renteti at a very b-w few words, explaining the aimis of l piie. The people are making a cuit the Canadian Club andi asking for the! of the care of chidiren, and evident- hearty co-operation «rf ail its mei-! ly going in for quality, as the quant- bers. After the reading of the mnin-j ity ha- been s0 decreaseti. utes by NMrs. J. H. H. Jury, sandwich- The people of Prague were also a es andi tea wvere ze,-ved. I surp risc to Mrs. Jury. They are so The usual lecture took the foi-m of! very eneirgetir anti aggressive. In a very interesting talk by Mrs. Jury, Prague there are 34 daily newspapers on her recent trip to Europe in rom-, anti 17 political partie-s. The city pany with Mr. Jury on the Press Ex 'has its own "home" for entertaining, cursion. MIrs. Jury stateti that she I which seemeti far more beautiful than would not attempt to tell the club aIl our "City Halls." about Europe, only what she thought She was greatly impressed by the about it. wonderfully efficient anti busines. She spoke chiefiy of France anti like methotis of the Germans, as wel Paris, Austnia andi Vienna, Czecho- as their extreme courtesy. Berlin is Siovakia and Prague, and lastly Gcr-, a magnificent city, she declared, in- many anti Berlin. Mrs. Jurry descrili- pressix-e andi spotlessly clean. Evei-v ed very eff ectively the pastoral coun- inch in Germany la cultivated, acres try of France, so settleti and olti; the of new trees have been planted; the quiet, peaceful streanis, such a con- little homes are imm'aculute andi trast to our d.ashing tumultuous nyv- emo-therei in flowers, and not a hea.p ers; the quaint homes and farm build- of gairbage or dirty dooryard could I ings, encloseti within high walls. She be seen. emphasized the contrast between.*the A tnip down the Rime was very extxavagantly beautiful and luxurious realistically described. The scenery mansions of the wealthy in Paris and seemed te be th-reefold, finst wwe the Ihovels of the poor, who still live smooth pastoral lands, next great wvithout, almost the necessities of if e. rocks and crags, etvery inclh cultivat- Mrs. Jury was greatly interested eti, night to the top, and finally the in the International Hostel in Pais industrial scene, belching sinoke, yet which la a home f or students from with flowers in eveiry window. The different lands. Each country lias a Rime was thick with boats and ail house for i-ts young men, while the seemed to be freshly painteti in ba-ight girls live in o-ne large hosise. In colors, everything tidy, spick and Canada's House, the floorsare inlaid p. with maple leaves and the woodwork nClge h prywr wl le polieiled maple. * I oonteprywr wl Orne orf the moist inenorable days lowed up in an immnense crowd of speut by the Press repreentatives, pe.ople. who, they learned, assemieti was on a trip to Vimy Ridge. 240 lhere eve.ry yeax te protelt againsti acres about Vîmny Ridge belong to the clause in the treaty which openly Canada, being a gi! t froin France. hints ut Germaiiy as the Cause of Here axe great graves of pines, im: the Great war. ported froen Canada. The tre=ihes Mrs. Jury retxarked on the trouble are preserved, as they were during they had li getting watex te drink the wu, but the. santi bage ire filled in Europe, as it seemed to be an un- with ceinerft, and they are lighted beard of thing there! She algo de- with eleetricity. The country about clared that in mnost of thle countries la aU1 bufit up again. visited, the native men ate with a Mm .Jury was very -enthusiatic determination and ruthlessnese to- oveT Vienna, the people there, ah. de- wamrd whs.teven stood in their way, clared, being t.he most sincerely which almost beoerft the ladies o! any Z'iendly, the. happiest and gayest that fo.od whaîtscever. they met with, so different froni w<hat The Preaident nioved a vote of ap- they had expected in what was an en- p-. .-ciation te Mms Jury for lier ini- emy country. Before the wiax, the tereeting revelations of these coun- population of Austria was 52,000,000 trnies, which was beartily accorded by --now k les 6,000,000. They bast ail the Club. their industries, their agrloeltural lands to Czecho Slovakia-the, reenît la serious umemploynient. Austria Wom cause fretfulneas and robi hae a Socialist Govern-ment, which the infant of eleep, the gureat nour-1 has made .nany imnproveanients since laher. Mother Graves' Worm Exter-' the war. Co-operative laundnies, urinatoT wll clear the etoni*ch and restaurants, etc., have been eatahlish- intestines and restore healthf'ulness. CHILDREN HAVE TO CHEW IT- AND THEY LIKE THE CRISP SHREDS SHREDDE D With ail the bran of the whole wlieat You don't have to coax children to chew Shredded Wihea- the more they chew it, the better they like it-and that men sound teeth and healthy gms- Just te food for grown youngsters. ougin and so easy to serve. A Friend in Need Whether your income is from faim or fac- tory; whether you handie the plough or the peu; whether you work in office or ini the open fields, you need the. protection of sound, dependable insurance. Insurance after a loss is a friend in need. But don't wait until after a fi.e or otiier misfortune. See this agency of the. HaWtord Fire Insurance Co. to-day. It may save you heavy lou tomorrow. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St E. Bowmanville

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