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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT The Red Rose Tea guararltee means what it says. If flot satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money. 69 ]RED ROSIE T AEis good teas' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good GETPRCE Fs. sopé yr OgILRI.4f)%11z yFIRE AVD WEATIHER Put it on with PRESTON LED-HED NAILS (shown abeve) Speeiafly adapted for use in patting on mata rnofing. Thle ad on the head positively seals the nail bol- making it weather- tigbt and water-proof. No washers: no more 'tbieading". 22cpelb. Free sampie on re- quet. Rib-Roll Galvenizeti roofing ahielcis property from lightning andi fire. Wooden roofs are easy prey. In 1927 in Ontario elone, $1 814,700 worth of property wae destroyed by &e cauaed by spontaneous combustion and bLyembera faMd ing on inflammable roofs. RLib-Roil -ie abso- lutely fire-proof and weter-tight. It protecta your crops from dampnessta t t conducive to spontaneotie ignition. Hantisome; perman- ent; eesy to ley on eny roo£ Hea seven rib. to nail; others give les necm.i~ Take steps now to protect your .etcoo andi buildings. Write for e frýee sample of Ri Roi]. Prevent Spontaneous Combustion and have a Weli Ventilated Barn Wam mist air in an improperly xentilated barn produiras conditions'a conducive to spentanenus ignitiona. Preston VeaUi- lators for the roof,,adjustabie ide-waul windows and upsejous doore priteit the bar. #onir dan gers by keeping the air in conasnt circulation. Tbey aie but to keep the eementa out. Write for fulilriarticuiar.à Barn Door Tracks and Hanger Prest<in hot-g anized tour-wheel Hangera anad birdprooffBain Door Track arethe hest hardware rnade for heavy bain doors. The Hanger in adjustable up and down.a. nd in and out. This maltes erection n easy that hundreds of builders walluna no other type. PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARNS -the ntrongest hai-n on the market. TIsera are more Prenton Barns in the Provinci than ail other metai barns conîbined. Fine rof roy ei- vi-neiaied.handsome. Toon knowledgle. noPre8ton Steel'1naasa Baýias ever been destroyedi hy lightning or spontanenus combustion. Write today for our big Barn Book. Over 1,000 in Ontario-Not onelst tbrough Lightning -Guelphbtre TORONTO PRESTON, ONTARIO ~orm.a No matter whach sid you butte£ You'11 enjoy it le it's Canadl Breai L.ave8 to suit aUl tastOu-M%îte, Brownu, Fa TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929 SOUTH DARLINGTON ORONO OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS SCHOOL FAIR!I (FroI The News of October10Oh. In a letter the editor receix'ed re- HeId et Maple Grove, Tuesday, Mr. A. J. Staples ba.s b Oencnfndcetyfic ap inn usns Septeber 4th.to his room with a severe attack of Ian in Liverpool, Engiand, w-ho at- the gippe.tended the Boy S'couts' "Jamboree" Grain ~ ~ .. A gold medal contest, under th-e wie SrRhr ai 'xo * Wheat, 1 qt.-Ewart Bragg, Gît-n asie fteW C .Uwl oname wvîll live in history. ani the* Pickci. Dugla Wigh, Wifredhcld in t he Tow n Hall, Orînînu. Oct. Scout Movement ho initiatcd is likely Joncs. Gordon Barrie; Wheat, shoot )t. to do more for the pence of -the -Douglas Wight; Onts, 1 qt.-Wiii-ý..........h2athue o nie Gibson. Ralph Found, Helen Riin ýMr. alt(iMr.LT.Fsr iSe oldtathLauefNton die, Bruce 'Muir; Oats, sheaf-W in- ý nvloadhs it-,Ms D. nie ibso, OrisbyAndeson;Bar- -lilait, of Tor onto, xisitedi it nieGibonOrmby ndeson Bmthon father's, Mr. Robert Foste r. Iley, 1 qt.-Bobbie Gibson; BarIy, sheaf-Wilbur Blackburn, Bobbie i ~ Peevish, pale, resticss, and sickly Gibson, Thornton Anderson. children owe their conidition to Hens bothered wi ti Veealswoims. Mother Graves' Wormi Ex- Lice are toc, busy to toiminto xvii elt-v thniand re- la Eg - Potatoes, Dooleys - Ross Lawiao wl eivete Gordon Jarvie, Murray Wight, licle Rundie, Lewis Folex'; Potatocun. Irishstre. C. J hmsn ooto. andi Kil the Lice wlth I Cobbler-Eldon Essery, Jack Crago.:.. .. nephew, Mr. Clarke Thompson, w-ho iiLatvonne Trimble, Sammy VanCaevp, ' i t recoently returned front Mexico, vis- I Berniece Roberts, H rzel Roberts; ~ * itet the former's sister, Mn. AnnieMI MiSandy Muir;, Sweet Coronyt trtrln o c- Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Rae at Jean Stevens, Lyra Freemian. Juno j-ITdnughtor, Miss gneslanng Mrs. XViI Marsnhall, Evelyn Evans; Mange1s- ý ratas, neural îa o edce ofrno ooo no tow n te- :Glen Piekeli. Ralph Fourni, Grace, wlien relief is swift and sure, cently and xisited friends here. Miss Truli, Gordon Barrie, Gordon Jarvie. thanks to Aspannri.For 28 3-cars the j Viola Gilfillan roturnedtet Toronto Jac Vrcoe Trnis -Do iinedical profession lias recoin- ithte Soid by ait dralera Wight, Jack Crago, Murray Wigh ntended it. It docs not affect the ' Dr. G. W. McGill, his nvthor andi Wrfte for Pratt'a Poulry Book..Fee Helen Luxton.: Beets-Bort t'oulîl-, heart. Take a tfor coltis, rheunia- sisteîs, of Toronto. spet Sundlay PRATT FOOD Co. fo at d. Ltd ery, Doris Wilkins, Allant Vinson . we ihfrients in to-wre, anti at- r 28__ A-,__ Toronto___8,__Ont. Bernice Wigrht, Helen Riekard. 'li tnii, sciatica, lumbalYgo. Gargle it 38C.a v. oot ~ Varene; Carrots-Firrabelle rri for a sore fîru-it or tonsilitis. ' endedl divine service ie Ccntre St. 1 Chui-ch. Miss Kathleen MeGill, by _________ al, Ernes:t Guarne.Bernice XX gh:. Prux-cîtdi rec.tionsîrfornits înantus\oes, îet, sn1Te iv Fu Jean Vieson. Wilfi-ed Br-own. Rov in everý package. Ex-env tug storeCSquaqre" bx- H. P. Dants. Marigaret .Adaiwz. Florence Wi1kinî. readlily idenitifiet bv-tîxe naine on faMr.stockbet ipeetsTeun Ro- Lw.L i î~ao.VilaRuthte box a11dthte Bayer cross on last yacinan amve ack__. cr; Onions-Il -.-ý La\. flori< Wadlr. everx- tablet. 'to the village o' uyrg its re-. Satarnoiev , an(rx, Eleor; Vnin.dence on Park Street. Mi-.CliaIr-l -m Enne.t eerig. oulon WolîhasDuncan, tenant on pth ce, -Ernest Govodg.tonthe R. A.neF th Ross Law, Murray Wight. Jean II eisice. th .'jFicete 1A THR ; vie. PBernicoergt. ougaos Wigh. jâ UI R IN -Dega, fInA TI ~ 1vie. Pener Wioght,Dougaos Wiht.I Airin i- a Traiieiiianii kgLiu.red In Canada Mr. Charles Dnmn ftho Bt-a- Thle Coal 7%a B1essie Blackburn, Gortion Jtîrvie.;ý con Herald, Stratforti, accompanioti Ellee n Pickeil. i- by his miother, sister anti grand- 1 D D E, S IE Flowers Cr)untce. Bernîc(- i .li)einýi other, Mrs. Dobson, îaotontti intol P R LSjS IE Swet PasFloabileMashal;Couru ice, E\vart ar W vL'e-.-town Sunday week and speet the day. L Ar Ml1rfLTD Sweet Peas-Fton; .Slew:aEshrît-1 ton;iugIga< w,,ith frientis. Mrs. Dobson remain- H 'AN'CO FOR Asters-Violet Crago, Ruth Cobble-, Wl-ht, Law (1,le'tin. -luece cd for a nioru extendoti visit wit1hj dic; Zena-Hnr Hoar, Hle Courtce-.lJean WWh'. Afileen Wig1it:ý her sister, _Mrs. Oscar Scott. Wilkins, Sandy Muir, Ralph Found. Gollen Russetti '-Marra>- Wight,J ubro e r mlydb Ver GbsnThMnar emn Afnî- Don orio ob iwethe Campbell Earms Ltd. ftting Up o wileerhv Doan Marigol i l Mr lemebun, a'v n Couie. RosLaw. Sîulartlanti beautifying the groundis and, Dougas oxve, Xilbu Blckb rn. a cntss- rt Wight,i buildings on the former Foster farta, Coal. We buy nothing but Wilfred Brown; French .Marigold-- Bereice Wight, lJ3nontrn R ckarîl. west side of vilarge. Fancy stone ~ a~o ilsnl ihs Helen Ruiter, Ewart Bragg, Jemii Coulson Wooleor, 'Wesley Luxtut.' gate posts have been piaced anti a ta o ilsiiewt Clemonce, Velma Pearce. Bobb.e' Gibson, Jean Jarvie; Calendula- Douglas Wight; Weaithies-Heleýn ciescent shaped driveway in fi-ont of' you enjoy its heat and c Winnie Gibson, Lloyd -Mlteaif; Salpi-,Read oga Wh.Rs av the residence is being built. glossis-Jean Stevens, Ada Annis; GodnBrie ntWih.E-lt Certain moibd conditions must Ltu ev o iho Cosmo-Jeaa Vinson, Bessie Black- Evans; King' .-- Law-, Jean exist ie the stomach and intestines courteous service. bu.rn, Lorraine Antil. ; Wight, Brenton Rtckaîd, Douglas te, encourage wormis, and they xiii Poultry !Wight, Velmra Plît-net, Donald Court-; xs sln steemriicni Coekerel, Barneti Plymouth Rock- Wj duerins w:rht. Coulson Wool- tions permit them to. 'To be riti of Gordon Jarvie, Bessie Blackburn,! 1Pete-1theni and spare the chiid suffering, Wi]bunr Blackburn, Wilfreti Joncne, -rWon.Oimb de use Miller's Wo.rm Powders. Theyi Bruce Muir, Bobhy Snowden; Pullet, . Cooking xii correct the digestive irregulani-J Barred Plymouth Rock--Bobby Sa oxv- ties by destroying the worms, con- e J. eA . IH ILGZ den, Wilbur Blackhurn, Gordon Jr Tea Biscuits - 'Mary Clemence, -ditions favorable te, wornxs will dis- Bidr'Sp vie, Douglas Wight, Bessie Blackbuarn Peter W&oolaen, Ruth Cobbledick, appear, and the child will have no uleaSpl Gordon Barrie; Pen, Barred Plv- Florence Wilkins, Lavonne Tnimexhie more s uffering froni that cause. Poe13o 0 maouth Rocks-Douglas Wight, Gor- Hazel Truli; Apple Pie-Mary C lemi APeonekno5n ord 2f2 do JrveWibu lakbnn Bsseence, Angeline Polley, Lavonne Trim 1 f h tknohv-n a ie-long resa- Blackburn, Bruce Muin, Wilhur ble, Helen Rundie, Florence WVilki~dnts.ewsp fCarei Jones; Cockerei, White Leghorns- Alice Luxton; School Lunch-Helen'th neson of Mrs. William Brown Jean Jarvie, Ray-mond Barker, Hele-n Riekard, Velma Pearce, Douglas- passed to hier eternal rest oa Tuesday Metcalfe, Brenton Riekard, Floren ce1 Wight, Jean Upper, Aileen Wight, Seeti, Sept. 24th, at her home, Mill __________________ Foley, Louaise Foley; Pullet, Whitel Lyra Fi-eeman; Oatmeal Cookies--Sret Orono. During the past Leghorn - Raymond Bai-ker, Jean Bessie Blackburn, Hazel Trull, Mary year she hati been la rapidly failiag Jarvie, Gladys Reynolds, Douglas Cl emence, Helen Rundle, Florence health, the last three months being T uAsA TE 'P Botwel, Fanis eynld, ForeceFoley; Chocolate Cake - Lavonne eonfined to bed. Her sufferingas she f A E Bothwell, FrncisloeynoedCFlotrencebcre with unfailing patience and Foley; Pen, White Leghorns-Dûoug-TimeFoncCurce Helen fortitude. Mrs. Brown xvas a life- AN~D HIGH FR las Taylor, Ross Balson, Robert Botit- Rundle. Ronald Crago, Wilfned Jo nes, long member of the Methodist well, Helen Meteaif, Florence Foley, Florence Foley; Home-Matie Canty- Churcit. She was a kînd and faitit- Brenton Riekard. Murray Wight, Alice Luxton, GraefuI wife andi boviag mother; she lived Live Stock TrulI, Coulson Woolnen, Ruth Cbl-foherfmyangvetteithH R Colt-Brenton Rickard; Caif, Beef dick, June Walter. fbres ilc and egame thamthaea -Wilbur Blackburn, Brenton Rick- Sewing bim uec nd ei caefatha ard; Caîf, Dairy-Sandy Muir, La- Clothes Pin Bag-Velma Peairce, 1îoverant patienacoueraer a HE vonne Trimble, Lloyd Metealfe; Main- Jean Stevens, Vera Gibson; Darnîng1 thoe, anti isense;cfathoe mord n ket Laînb-Wilbur Blackburn, Bessie on Wooiea Stocking-Aileen Wight,i only hem family, but aIl who knew A Blackburn; Best broken anti exhibit-j Jean Stevens, Violet Crago; Wash 1 hen, feit the influence of hem beaui-Un ed Colt, caîf on lamh-Wilbun Black- Cloth-Helen Rickard. Velma Peance,Î fuI consecrateti life; one w-ho inlher humBrenon Reka d anyMu. Ethel Wilkins, Violet Crago, Aileen!que unobtrusive way was doing W Lavonne Tiimble, ýBes;sie Balckburn. Wight, Bernice Wight; Pillow Case- wa h ol o ohr.MI1 WE Apples Winnie Gibson, Florence Wilkins; Brown wias a daughter of the lateWit.alheba Spies-Murray Wight, Lawene .Kitchen Aron-Florence Wilkins, George andi Margaret Walsh Graanm ______________________ j aron raoWinieGibon Jandt was bora la 1850 on the olt Gi-a- of the whoe wheat T ft gn sa Ruth Cohbledjck, Jean Stevens, Mar-r nephew, 'Melvin Graham. She The crisp, crunchy shreds ofm T y M g e i ion Crago, Florence Wilkins, M'tail leaves to mourn lier loss, besides ber flavor when heated in the oven Ruiter; Patch on Grain Sack-Thorn-t sorrowing hushanti, three daughters Hlere are 'itamins and minerai w i.. ton0 Anderson, Murmay Wight, Roy anti tw'o sons: Mms. Eva Allia of Or-nedfoprfcnuis e For In iA.-htIl on. ifc nw, Dulsono, M.rs. Orley Chapman of Kirhy, b Wight, Nor-man Go-a-r. Mrs. Fred Wood of Orono, Herbent 1, Manuai Tramning cf New-castle, andi Frank xvho nesi<ies People who sufer from idgestion 1 Bird House-Geni-ge Pou-on,, Clarttrthne lotxev rncimn usullyhae tiei ppsn, hacoa uence Le-ucock, Douglas Wight; Miodelj Thco tuneraiw-as coniuîcteti hy Rev. drugs andi various digestive aitis anti J f Fa-m P(ate-Dougla., XVght. Rt- i A K. Etimison cf Little Britale. a got lîttle more than siight temnpoi-aiy' La-xv, Cliff orti CohhIeleik, Petej former paston. The largo numbea- reie-omtme ntevntht W ooiner; Milk Stool or e- col- f relatives anti frientis x'who attend-J But before giving up te chronicijson Woolnem ,Ormishy Andursmn, .-Il- d the funeral. aiso the mata>- liauti-1i.e dyspepsia, just try the effeet of a lit-If-eti Cobbh-tiick; Naii ox I;o<a h floral offernas «pokp ebo quontlyl- ilt e t-l BsuattiMa nesat the or- 1 Barrie, Coulson Woolner. 1 of the hiih osteem anti affection holtil dinary commercial carbnaecitrate, Nature Collection - for Mns. Brt- xvn. Pail-boarers xx'ore, or milk, but pure Bisairateti'vIagn,iýt' ri-Weeti Soots-Ronaiti C'.ago, lIeit-n lhon six ns-phews: Msse.rc-t. ion- tcoml3 which you cari obtain from pnacticalijRuntilo; Passanti Clov-r--Dlou '-cm Mlto ati:e0'i Gaha ly amy druggist la cit~~~~~~her pow-dcr or iris ight; Foi-sc 'iI-oLeaves jsSm-nat Rue aa.d(i tablet form.Rrilph Fotint, Douglais Wighr, Stui-ii - Take a teaspoonful cf the poxvîic-îCramgo, Wilfmoti Jones:, Duinrilu Counr. - or four tablets with a iittle wvatei- ice, G;ordon Balson. after your aoxt ateal, anti sc wh;ir Drawing IFlk P s 40SI a difference i-bis makes. It x'.il la j- Poter-Dougl.,s Xight, e u S '~ r i 'u staatiy neutralize the drngenouq. IWizht; a of owibp AtteUI Iea m Si harmful acit inl the stomach which; Wiglii Portion Bare, Douglai n ____the now causes your food<ite ferment,!JWight'; Map tof Otatrio-Stu.- rj ~yî itt uit t un o A- ,; -,- AA11 tT--1Ifil nyae godting-u-ninLLai n oeo I I *It <e Ooatrousgemorebthr- ache, headache, "i>iue" apele, and Bowmanville: 235Ol sctigmrths 69 $27,000,000 thia jear to rndown condition. Toronto:' Trinity 3949J J extend and impro-ve tel. mncyss 274 Augusta Ave. phndbe rieï nai lac, % lIW » Toronto. 37-lyr.an ubc !-ST POUNOS 0F FAT -Ri 2 short weeks I il gý,ixe ivian afat a *er.surpîrisie. Y "ce i- n N..i vor xeigiît aîiix' ni lis ate aand crix ay. n 111 atke "thilittle aily of -1 he.ibel ina glaS-..orthot L \ 1 îupart iiîet of s .waste il il uethe Svstei. 'iiey i of autiiithe trouble levaiise laI unîilii thle s'.Slem in i an - I. 1 1,tiv f.iiiiin i of e X cS5, I Iilie al t l1 ytfat. 1 liîlix i lut si-veral poundiii(sin 1-4ï t lian '2 -4. Il is Sm sefe arii( :a,;v. No ,, ,,,d rue. ,I1have tri,,ti severel i( rwavs, lbut with n[Iogiiod resOils. j.i.î q i ail yoe .tilii i t tii be." Mrs. E. 11. tier thrce or four wceks of the littie doîse, gi-t on te the Saies an fle Y uiîîieV pi)tieds of fat you hauve bat. Nau iiiÀrriîr also wviil tell ',îîî what \vou 11!1xe Vanîd inihealth îînd xi2our. 'i ur xn wili sparkile, your skin xvili be :ire>r.vou will tee! unbeiievably ýutlIhful and energetie-yoe xxiii tee!,. ila v pounds ligiter and many yeari VALLEY ACITE tat Satis fies AND SMILES WITH E-GIVING QUALITIES cause to regret using our i the best and guarantee tisfaction every moment comfort-giving qualities. ir high-grade fuels and Service ýATE & SON lies and Fuel Bowmanville TING FLAVOR- ,001$ VALUE DD[ED whole wheat have a deliclous m and covered with bot millc. saits and ever-ything the body -nt. Deliclous for any meal. 1 1if one [ips *.*. 1.eallf ails peopIe to every telephone themn mekes a mistake the îe operator, it may be the be the penson. calleti. lion local cails ln Ontario which fail-Line's Busy" one on the line now, sir"'- ls are a serions matter. i minutes a day wasted - - constant irritation - a crvice. be evoided andi somne of own errons, anti many of fce-operation by the ether reduclng our own errera ,atrlvlng te give the beat îce et loweat possible cost. ïe are now giviag pubîicity ephone usage in the hope atuai endeavour to eacure 1efficlency. o complete a ceil - If ene il Laul. 1 A

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