) 'y p "i BRAND NEW MODEL 70 5ttinft The new Steinite Super Screen Grid. The chassis and the power pack are made in a single unit. It uses the following tubes-3 type 244 (Screen Grid), 1 type 227, 2 type 245, and i type 280, which ensures the maximum in seiectivity and sensitivity. Excepytionai volume, naturai beauty in every note, positively free fî'om distor- tion. A sensationally low price, with Dynamic Speaker. COMPLETE $195900WITH TUBES This is a cash price--canncvt accept a trade in on this reduced price. GEO. BROWN ATWATER KENT RADIdýDEALER Next to J. B. Martyn'a Store Bowmanville 'WALKER STORES, LlMITED j *1 1 I (~f t' i 'i m m A'Day of Record Values STUNNING NEW FROCKS The wonderfui assoî'tmcnt inclles modeis of smartlv fashioned dresses for spor't, afteinoon and business w-ear. Made frorn soft Satins, Fiat Crepes, and Silk and Wool. Ail the season's newest shades andi full range of sizes. $8.95 REMNANTS Our Semi-Annual Clean-U1) of all the shorter iengths of oui, entiî'e Piece Goods Sections-Fine Wool Dress Goods, Silks, Rayons, Cottons, Flan- nelettes, Chintz, Cuitain IVaterial, Toweiling, etc. You xw1ll be sur'e to finci many useful lengths and maî'ked at HALF PRICE or in some cases iess. MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Men's fleece lined Shirts and Dîraw- ers, extra fleece, soft & warmn, ail sizes. 79c MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS 98c Dark grey, made large and roomy, size 14 to 17. drb'ý - YOUR FAVORITE PYCS N SHOPPNG CENTREWAKE TRS IIE BUy FOR LESS Formerly S. W. Mason & Son Phone 164 King St. Bowmanville, 1- mw ýi TYRONE LNNISKILLEN CARTWRIGHT CIRCUIT NEWS HAMPTON SOUINA ____ Mr.Dlavid Noble, Orono,visited bisq Miss Reva McGili speflt Sunday No service at Nes"tieton Sunday Mr. Earl Duthie, '.%isses Grace and 1Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wood Bow- sister, Mrs. James Storie. with friends in Oshawa. afternoon. jEdith Duthie, Mimico, Miss L. Stain- manvile, visited at Mr. John Kjiveil's. IJuIftY'U~ Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, New- Mr. Theo Siemon bas jnstailed a B]ackstock Y. P. League heid a'ton, Toronto, visited at L. T. Pascoe's Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Enfield, BL U U Y I EV N castie. Sundayed at Mrs. Viola nwDFrs r~lyRdo very enjoyabie social on Wednesday over the weekend. 816ied M. A.J. Rynols. l Smih's IMr. and ,Mrs. J. Freeborn vjsited eein flte Church. Mr. C. H. Burrow.s, Mrs. 'M. Good-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reynolds and; Mrs.E. igh spnt wek wth rieds n Prt err onSunay. Nestleton-Caesarea W. M. S. are man and Miss Louise Goodman miot-i Ruth visited with Toronto friends. Mers. . Wght Msp Setawee itfied i ot cryounday. planning to hold a Hallowe'en party ored to, Leamington on Monday last 1Mr. and Mrs. R. J . McKessock and Bowmanville. Mr. Ray Smâih. Oshawa, spent the in the church Thursday evening. and attended the funeral of their, Miss Ruth visited Mrs. Thos Pascoe, ain e laidupefor.aJohnp ee Lad i idMrephn lannin J i Nsltn hohar odnzthldnee r Ehim iwi..Hampton. after bet ingtahl Thank-Offering services on Nov. 17.1 Mr. H. A. Saundeis,Mi.adM. Rev. David Rogers, St. Thomas. of weeks with a sprained ankle. a bazaar the tirt week in Deceaibter., Watch for further announements. E. Saunders, Mr. Robert Saunders. N ir. Jas. Clirtis, Hampton, Mr. Arthur Mr. ad Mr. Fiyd Ddley ami rs. abezMoir andMi-. Arthni1 Rev. F. W. Newell, B. B. D.. Mr. and Mrs. John Sant,_n and M> Bkr saa ceget.o r baby an revsinloerdnar nd i.Mor 1 ~ t Mr . anTalMiszWilfre<iPastor. Services Nov. 3rîl: Cadnius Elsie Stainton, Oshaw a. vislte(i at1 and Mrs. Thos.. Baker. baand M iis. . urerpGrents. r Sande vstelo j.a. Wifed10.30 a. m.; Caesarea 3 p. m.; Black- Mr. L. T. Pascoe's on Suiiay. Mr and Mrs .Albert Williams. To- Miss Grace MacKay - as clle41 is r.Semnan onKith !stock, 7 p. m.I- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Williamns hom lstwee oin toth He»Bownî-iianville. w cre Sunday visi'o rpstor , e. .w.Niel BLÂCKSTOCK and Miss Dorothy, Port PerrN. visited of her mother at Beaverton. M's. atM .n i .JonSemn. B. .B. D., preached the Thank- tM anMr.Jh Slm 's at Mr. Chas. Hows-am's. (Rev.) J. R. Trump(ýur s -akir9 mr. and Mrs. Elias Ashton, Mis, Offering services at "~The îei, The Victorian Women's Iiititiite MNrs. C. N. Gage and -son Nelson. charge of the school for a ý' Magre-Dl -LidMi.O-il (Scugog Island) on Sunday. held a social ee in ii he T,r,>n Mi. and Mrs. Pannabecker, Toronto. Mr.an Mr. eore rn i1-[ shton spent Sunday with friends lan' Blackstock choir had charge (if the Hail on Fîiday, Oct. 25t.h. visited at Mr. Frank Westiake's. ,r. and Mrly. G ri '1-.W.Yroto music ai Nestleton last Sunday af ter- The Young People's Leagu., of the '.I. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam vi>ýited ugsn Troynto, isRî a- Mr and Mr..AibeToraristo. noon. Nestieton choir provided the, Unit.ed Church helîl a ve'vii r Port Perry friends. Hugson Toono. NliýZRel 1 ar 1 r ad .Nlý-.AlertHaris music at the Janetvilie Thank-Offer-'ing social on Wedîiies>day n'ghi. NMr. and Mis. Clarence Tink andi reli visited at '.%r. R. MNcCuIIough's. famiily, Orono, Mi. and Mrs. îil. insevc. Recent rains have buun' a greai baby Kathleen, Providence. visite i alie Ieague Thu'sday eveir w a' ý"Bradley, Whitby, recentîr visited Seics charge of 3rd Vîce Pi'zident. . Mrs. ke Rev. _Mr. Elford, Scu, oIr I-and].'blessing in tbis commnunitv. ('isterns Mr. H. E. Tink's. Flod udly. A short tal1 - r J . ldlhoo misnpieached very acceptably on the cir- are again full anti plotighing i i. ,,- League meeting Mondav eveninrr Fly ulv ,%m r.J .iidlbokadSn cuit last Sunday. It was the annua! eral. was in charge of the 4th Vice Prî,--i- given by Rev.. J. R. Truniro.,n aMr Roy M.%iddlebiook andi xife an W. M. S. Thank Offering and ho dc- Residents of the village aiu 1),i- dent, Miss Ruby Dewell, and was' "Current Events-; re uin9s. \M;.--babe, Toronto, visited the former'.-i. n.inl atn o oHd . [zwl tedd il esn na -(aenc sister, Mrs. James Bradley. ilivered special mi.soavsîm ol ih 1Pastor Neweil i vibic' present at lights wili be turnu i on as s(.. ona> îead by Miss Ruth McKessock. Mir.TH RD YFID Yad SATURDAY Hatheîly; solo. Miss Floieüni ' Gr'1 Rev,. David Rogers. SI Thonia. the Tirink-offering services aiti the transformer arr\ve:t. Jack Yellowlees and Mrs. Jas. Smialt OCT. 3lt, NOV. ls and2d mner; ' .FodDde îda-oýrcalled to sec Mr. James Sýainton atO T 1,N V.l ad2 . storv xhich was verY :n-eîesîinÉr. Mr. W. H. Moore's. Glati to reportinext Sunday evening. The service' Bey. Mit. Mason i)eii.:îuetl he iurîi- favoured xith a vocal duet. Th e ___ Mn. Morea lttl irproed at~ Blackstock xiii be taken by Rev.1 pit at the Anglican Church la -t ut ,oi was "~A Night with Our Hymu You know w-hat a great saving this Imeaiîs - ableMhobe aoutl ed. rvd ni3 rBoom hour -of the Pontypl ,!ci- day. Ho spent the wekenl xiteitters.,, This was taken in four 1twoaicefrth Miss Myrtle Bruint. Mr. F~rank Me- M.adMs el.Ghm parts by Miss May Westlake and, fo ateprin~Yugtto rilsfi h Gi , Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Br Don' forget the special Thank- A numiber of tii,, youiic n eop:t Messrs. Wesley Yellowiees. Br-iier price of one plus one cent. Get a bill with Iist of Stevens, Ms Enoch Stevens. 'Mrs. offeriflc seriv:cpes a, Catimus ,nifrom the United.Chu:ub at"endted h,. Tink and Bohby Smales. Miss Ileeii articles. i 1Richard As.hton, Haydon, spent Sun- Thanksgiving Sunday. Nov. 10th. Young Peoples 'liii'. elîtion. Bay i. J Balson played a piano sOlo. Atr COur pastcodaywt Mi.Leviarunt'.eIvirei viii Ç1Q Conference. at George Sý,. sngnga hymn a social tinte tas en-I Beiiides hundreds of Rexali Articles the J .a ndt M s. avid Hrrisonaî1o * dBlcsock xvile i' United Chuîch, Pet ron, ovet- the joyed with a centest in charge of' sl nhds hfamily. Port Perry. Mr. and Mr '.ithdrawn. The ladies at Cadmti> weekend. We congratulate _M s Misses Helen Baker anti Vera Shor-' ot eo .............. o 6 i ~~~~~~~~~re making great preparations for Susie VanCamp on he"relection as ritige. Metncosd ihLeglBosMeo s. ...... fo 26 saifcin Arthur Brunt spent Sunday xivîîh theee o ( Metn l-edwhLig l Confidence in and sattisfacttanioonr-n-ax.'o 1ipe at enteitainment on secretary for the ensuing year. Benediction. Boots Regresan ...............2 for $1.01. from ou.r Registeied Optometrist, M.adMs nJfîy Monday, Nov. I lth. Election pot ha> hpen boiling in C. G. I. T. meeting on Saturday B.M.Mtcelwofo hepstiMr. aH .\Johs. Tor onto, iss Ev COURTICE this community. The Consei'vative afiernoon xvas held at the home o'fi Boots Iodized Throat Tablets ..2 foir 36c R.imtee ityea, bas been e aigs o crH . Bohn vinTore tMi ssC. W. candidate, M . M. J. Eiliott, spoke the leader, Mrs. John Baker. Plans nfifting trsha e ee of thusand ouch, Howamtnvisied Mis .J.Py. Mi. Gordon Pickell, Detroit, is in the Town Hall oni Thîîrsday, Oct. were made for the Christmas Tree i andfitingtheeye ofthoMins .o hnmponietuined tolrs.hontPe visiting relatives here. 24ih, and at Nestieron Monday. Oct. and Concert. A splendid missionai\J R & L V L -MsJhsnrtre ohrhm Mi. Ronald Courtice. Toronte. 2Sth. He was assisted by other story was read by Miss Jean Milîson. a reuof u patients terat eguoartheinTre. o e pedn w ekFwshm vr h ekn.speakers. The Prohibition Union, Misses Jessie and Gladys Yeilowlees 2»ia intervalsf otr p-xiatien i Leage openerjte.hm, o-'Mis, S. Penfound is visiting at her held a meeting at the Towvn Hill on favouîed with a vocal duet. A soc- I Îtrasfrr-xmnto. Loed bge od's Pî a y. Noa son's, Mi. Clarence Penfound. Monday, Oct. 28th. Mr. W. R. iai time was enjoyed when apples --- - EVEY EEwCrrigin a the Bibls rae essonmand Miss Veina Trewin, Oshawa, was Strike and Mr. H. G . Macklin weie and candy were seîved. Next meet- ihe detonal wastheadible Essnad a Sunday visitor ai the Parsonage. the principal speakers. Mrs. W. !in.g on Nov. 9th. brigs o u paiens, ew nd ld, Wîiht. Aftî te mnuts wîe Miss Joy Washington, Fenelon 'Adams of Bowmanrvilie gave some i Remember the Sons of Teniper- who make uipaticatsep arnt ad prigt. aftinwer e maduesfoi te FaiIsvisited Miss Ada Annis re- readings, while some W. C. T. U.ianee meeting in the Sunday School weîe made by several present anti a rey spent Sunday with the formei' Hiiaeou pialDprmetra, pr Maaosuere ade o theayently. speakers aiso assisted in the program. Boom on Thursday evening, Nov. 7; social evening was enjoyed. Lunch sisten, Mis. Ed. DeNure, Belleville alowleen _______o_ Isay M. .E.Hpp adasucssu also the Masquerade in the Sons' was served by the ladies, after which Miss Ruth Stevens, Town, spet thevsty.eWotb modemconquanpme-nt iss Annie e Aveto a e adi ge. sale on Friday Isat and wil bce nuov- STAGE PLAY GREAT FILM Hall this Thuisday evening. Bring the guesis left wishing the bride and the weekend with her grandparen±s tMty. Wih modernequipmen Miss Anie Oke ave a reding.yo,-ripumt pshnwpiesrtand ocomeualongpiegroomcomanyonyearoomof happyarmarriedpyMi.ri andr. Mis. J.. D. D tevensns an ats mtod oucn e~ topic on the liquor pioblem 'vas we'll ing tr.oadOshawa shîsrWhtey. an'ue ehd yucnb s HMi. and Mis. Albert Rundle weie Hans Kraly, famous scenarisi of Sunday School at 2.30 this Sunday lf.M.adMs hri htOh sured of pleasing results at the 1 giRo y Bey. J.ng M. Who, tend M s. l in Toronto this week with Mi. and "The Student Prince" and other afternoon on accounit of Quarteiiy I awa, spent Sunday with ber parents Bo cilsn oo niMs a-Mis. R. E. Osbor~ne, Bowmanville. Ernst Lubitsch bits, bas turned to service at Zion at il a. m.I MAPLE GROVEMran s.JD.Sen. hans o cu ton gave a reading. Meeting clo)s- A Hallowe'en Social wili be held England instead of Germany in hisl Mr. E. J. Black had a very success- Rev. Dr. Mortimer will occupy the' M. and Ms. J.oDyStvens.m Qualified Optometrist ed with Mizpah beniediction. in connection with oui Young latest story foi the screen, Metro-1 fui faim sale last Wednesday after- plpi on Sunday. !snSMi nd Mis. d ro.VnC and BOWANILE OLIES'CLB eople's meeting on Thursday even- Goldwyn..Mayer's filmization of "The noon. Mr. C. H. Mason will address the. Cyril Luke, Oshawa, on Sunday. Have Youî Eyes Exaniined. DWAVLESLIR'CU ing. Last of Mis. Cheyney," starring About 50 friends and neigihbouis Sunday School next Sunday. 1 Mi. and Mis. Samuel Snowden vi. 1Mesdames J. H. Stainton, G. F. Norma Shearer and playing at the of Mr. and Mis. Hilton Tink gather- Miss Gladys Weese, Toronto, speni ited biei parents at Cobourg on Su- Se. Mitchell and See Weil. The Armistice-Dinner will be held Annis, A. E. Rundle, K. E. Courtice Royal Theatre Nov'. 4-5-6, as an ail- ed at the home of Mi. and Mis. Wal- the weekend with Mrs. Ross Stevens. day and attended anniversary se- at the Balmoral Hotel, F'riday even- and W. R. Courtice taxe singing at a talking pioductibn. With Miss ter Vice last Tuesday evening to ex- Mis. Alex Wilkins, and son Nelson, vices there. R M ihel& C. in:, November 8th, at 7.15 p.. conctin Prince Albet this Tues- Shae in the rle~ plaYed on the îtend congratulations to the bride and spent Sunday with Mrs. ErAleit leyn KiasHng atnd. a t, on M ic el& C .1tn. Tickets $1.00 to be obtained their accompanisi. cast, the production is one of the maester of ceremonies, and afteî caîl- spent the weekend with Miss Leah olthvisitedinsstrn-.lat, Mi Drugits& ptmerita romn Geo. Crombie or thbe Balmoral Sunday morning a large congrega- Iout.standing stage adaptations of the ing the con.pany to order called on Bell. Sunday. Drugist & ptoetiigt Hotel. Speaker, Capt. F. W. Mc- tion gree'ted oui pastor, Bey. J. H.liyear AIt is a dranxatic story of Miss Helen Biaker who read a nicely Miss Susie and Mi. Ernie Laird i Mr. and (Mis. J. H. Alldread aid Phone 92Bomnle Mahon, IPort Hope. Cliff Samis, iStainton, wben lie delivered a fine modern English lifte. worded addîess explaining the reason spent the weekend with relatives in childien, and Mr. and Mis. Reld Piesident; Thos. Annison, SecretaTy- sermon on the subject "The harvesti Basil Bathbone, famous Briti-h of the gatbeiing. At the pioper Hamilton. [Oshawa, visited the formeî's siste _____________________Treasurer. lis past and summer is ended and we! stage star, George Barraud. Herbert time Messrs. Carl Wilbuî and Ernest Several from here attended the, at Kingston on Satuiday. __________________________________________ 1__ aie not saved." Sunday ScboolliBunston, Hedda Hopper, Madeline Hockaday presented Mi. and Mis. Laymen's Banquet ai Oshawa last ' Mi. and Mis. Nelson Trimble aun session in the afte'rnoon was als-o!Seymour, George K. Arthur, C'ynil Tink with a pair of beautifully' up- Thuisday evening. little daughter. Toronto, Miss Aune well attended. In the evening oui Chadwick and tother notable players bolstered ieed chairs. Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mis. James Abernethy and Trimble, Town, visited their a=n speare's "Macbeth." diiected the new play. them for thein gift. Short speeches Chas. Greenîbam and daughtei Aud- bie, on Sunday. WHAT ÀB&RGAIN LI.. SATURDAY .SMARTLY FURRED COATS $24.95 and $29.50 No finer Coats can be found within this price range. AIl smartly style(1 models, fashioned from hancisome fab- rics, featuring the new flare, moulded lines and uneven hem. They are all trimmed with lovely furs in the lavish manner of the new mode. Black anci ail the most wanted coloî's for Fali. A trip here Saturday xviii convince vou. Size 16 to 20, and« 96 to 44. $24.95 and $29.50 NEW FALL MILLINERY Becoming and styiish Hats for Matron and Misses, finished in French Suede, Fur Feit and Wooi, newest shades of sand, browrns, green, blues, black, etc. Ail head sizes. Saturday $2.98 WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS 95c Nicely madle of good quaiity white Fiannelette. Th ese Nightgowns are in V-neck style and have short sleeve; trimmed with pink or blue fancy stitch- ing. (t THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1929 PAGE SIX