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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1929, p. 9

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I E t1 4 I. A HlOT NOURISHNG BREAKFAST SHREDDED AUl the body-building elements of the whole wheat, nothing added, notbing taken away. So eay to serve and s0 deiclous- I-y nourishing. Gives new vigor and life to tired tissues. Serve with bot or cold milk or fruits. You Must Have Sugar Sugar is one of the mucb needed elements in a balanced diet. WRICLEY'S chewing sweets supply sugar in a convenient way. The flavor is an extra delight. Then too- You know You arenit addmng weight. Sugar is a fuel that burns up needless fat. 9GALVANIZED add the toucb of proas- AVAI SIDING for * tog tPe; imvn. SHINGLES Outside WaIIs 'Et also for sehools End thse fire Ihazard. Attractive ta look at. balla, kitchensad Putanoveroldroofs. inexensie. atdhrooEasy to lay. Good put nexPUve. Easl ta aU tooms. ýerl ooking, permanent, With building paper, plaster.No duat inaïnve. Use No warm, dy, wndpoo£ or bite. Easy C hoice of Brick, R ock face Thee> ne 8D ap m and C iu.baar patterns. pait Can. . q crack JOTTINGS BY THE WAY DARLINGTONI Mr. Editor- I Report of S. S. No. 3, Darlingtan, Pursuant te an arrangement to for October: supply the pulpit of Trinity United Sr. LV-~*WinrIie Gibson 76, Fl or-1 Churcb, Bownianville, on Sabbathlence Foley 70, Bessie BI1ackburn 63,1 ,morning. Octoher 27th, in the ab- fJack Finnigan .54. sence o f the pastor. Rev. J. U. Rob- Sr. II-*Annie Kush 79, AloysiusI m is. w-ho, as Preýsidenit of the Bav of Kush 73, Wilbur Blackburn 72. Grace ,Quin: ( C,nfer 2nc, Iva< dis'-har gL' TrulI 65. officia] duties on Foxboro circuit. 1 Jr. III - tBobbie Gibson 57, was glad to speak to a congregation j-Eunice Lane 46. Imade up of se many frjends of fornm- Sr. IlI-Hazol Truli 82, *Louise er years. The service was a great Foley 81, *Helen Rundle 78, *Maur- joy and spiritual uplift to the preach- ice Morphy 77, Borniece Roberts and, er, and I wa.s assured that it proved Clarence Peacock 74, Vera Gibsoni the samne to many hearer-, for %vhich 73, tHazoel Roberts 59, tSammny Van 1 was profoundly grateful. Camp 47. There are places that attract by Prs.-*Jean Metcalf and *Peggy their grandeur, others that allure by Finnigan equal, *Marie Robei-ts,ý their beauty; but the miost sacrod cf Viola Roberts, Evelîne Gibseni. aIl are those that are sanctified by *.Henours; t-Failure (belowl hallowed associations. There never 60'ýc on total) ; Figures denote per can be any place just like the co in cent. which we were rearod. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Certainly thero is no place to me like the associations of Bowmanville FARMERS WATER LIVE STOCK Their Sunday School superintendents Who la the man or woman who and teachers I seemod to see bofore would like ta hoe deprived of a plentyl jme. of good drinking water, cobd or hot? They were a noble band of men Why then deprivo animaIs in Winter Jand women whose power was primar- of sufficient water? In an Engbish ily spiritual. I takt off my bat to farmers' newspaper a warning to divi< theni and the church of my bo3rhood fanmera flot te keep live stock tpe upor and youth, and bow in silent worship long witbeut water la given by Mr. amoi in the pre-sence of Hini wbo is the William Toogood, of the well-known the1 giver of alI goed and the God cf my firm of seedsmen, in a curront note. perq if e. Ho says water constitutes about haîf that Those people beard littbe of our the live weight of animaIs, being an. plan miodern bymnology, but when they indispensable component of ail their hors( felt sad they sang "Windhani," and, tissues and secretions. It is abso when they foît joyous tbey sang nocessary, he remarks, both to carry "Ariel," on "Sacranient Day" tbey nutriment into the body and remove He~ sang "Coronation," and when tbey' waste matters. The water in the died they sang "~Mount Pisgab." blocd and tissues la in a free state, Most of those whcm I then knew and ia constantly being, as it were, have passed over-"They sing the dried eut cf the body, se that, while Lanmb in hynins above, And we in thero la a considerable amount cf bymns below." I could caîl most water in most food materials, animalsý cf them by their full name but I will should ordinarily always be allowedl net risk the undertaking lest 1 forget in addition ail the fresh pure water Fifi soeocf the best. which they wish te drink, subjeet, of j Blessed la the memory of the Sab- course, te the ordinary dictatea of ci bath spent in Bowmanville, where 1 comeon sense.On enjeyed the kind hospitality cf Mr. ***subj and Mrs. John Percy, f riends of foire coas Mr. Toogoed's warn- uase On Monday, an oarly Sunday water eften drink toa mucb wben pow Schcol associato, Mr. James Curtis cf they get and are made sick. Water self. Hampton, acting as my cicerone, is the cheapeat constituent cf flesh, tisei drove me te Zion Cburch wbere I put there is ne reason in stinting it. Mal f orth some cf my earliest efforts as The practice of f eeding an animal -reh a local preacher, in the presene cf while tired or thi.rsty, and thon aI- Tog the Washingte ns, Langmaids, Gar-I bewing it ta gorge itself with water, Heu fatts and Staintons. Iweakens the stoanach and conduces tai In the adjeining well-kept ce-te voniting and ta fermentation of tery rest the remaina et mymetherlthe food in the intestines in n..n orA. and father-since November 1862 beast. and July 1893, respectively. Ta the ** Christian there la nothing morose ori It la certain that animals bav'ingW gloamy in visiting the graves of the constant accesa ta water gain weight piaus dead, but rather the contrary. more rapidly than those watered only The readers would net want mie ta once a day, and that the gain is more just thon. much lem hable ta crave an injurious DM But I do want ta, say that "If a excesa of water directly after eatng. for1 man die shaîl heelive again?" nover The actual quantity requiired seonis pkg. camie ta me quite se forcefully as it ta depend quite as mucb upan thi n- I.'e did that day. Nover did the answers thereto ever seomed quite se much: "Blesse are thse dead wbo die in thee Lord."1 "Thero remaineth thereforo a rest ta the people of God" "In my Fatlher's bouse are many mansIons. I go te prepare a place1 for you. 1 will came again and re- ceive yau to myself." "What a bbos- sedhop isours."'ol Passing froin there we drove to the Seventh Concession and passed the spotwhee sa-odtheoldframe scisool hanse, "Baker's", where in 18611 roceived my first bassons frani Mr.! Daniel Lick. Thon passed on east- ward to Lot 17 where still stands the bouse (built in 1849) in which I first« mainste linh date tuthat sub ng e toek place. However, as I steod in fields and bouses, for a little, a droaih ra n okda ie ads Jc came over me and I tbougbt I was 1i a again a child, led by parents' banda and comforbed hy their words. In Ha;mpton a few old frienda wore met and saered memories recalled. In each place littbe acta of kindness were donc and friendly words spaken whicb will net hoe soon forgotton. Ploase parden this intensely per-1 sonal btter and forgive the infirmity, that looks back thraughb mists and teara, sunsbine and joys cf more than sixty years. h 1 do net contend that tise former i tmes were better than these; but 1I de testify that tbey were great and wi gliarous days, and a grateful momory soos tbom in a cboud cf glory. b Yours, as in thse olden, golden days, D. Rogers.,t St. Thamas, Oct. 31, 1929 STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL Third Standard Training School la ta be bebd in Trinity United Churcb,1 Bowmanviloe, freni Menday, Novem- ber 25th, te Friday, Navenaber 29th,l 7.30 te 9.30 p. ni. Pive specializatien courses are be- ing offered: 1-Primary; 2--Junior; 3-Boys and Girls; 4-Young Peop- les; 5-Adults. The first four courses will ho con- ducted by specially trained touchers provided by tise department in Tor- ente. The course taken this year will not be tise sanie as asat year. Registration Fee 50 cents. THE LATE MRS. NORA RULE In aur deatis colunin today appears notice cf thse passing of Noxa Jane Buekier, widow cf the late Robert Rule, Collingweod, aged 76 yea.rs. When deceaae.d was a young girl ah. was a member feor several montihs af the family of Mr. and Mrs. John James, then on the Daniel Holliday fanm a mile eâst and south cf Brook- lin, and being nearly tise age of the present senior editor of this journal was like a sister as bis real sisters were miucb youngeoe. Nora waa the youngest af the daug'bte.rs of Mr. and Mrs. William Buckle.r, proninent farmers living 1 % miles West af Brooklin on Con. 6, West WUhy. Wni. Buckletr waa a brother «f our wel-knawn jeweler, Mr. Aaron Buck- er, who carrled on business hait a century or more wsere W. Bagnel's Grand Central store la. A aiter of the Buckier brotiseSs was Mra. William Short oi North Darlington, B. S. No. 17? in the Potber commun- lty. g n. ani WVhen bealtitpros ides Tihis bread's on the table Canada Bread Loavos te sit aul tastes WM4BfeDrowm4 Creaun, Faney, Wbole Wb.at Iuality of the animal as it does nthe nature of the food and the )unt of the exerciâe. Man y of best mothers drink the most; 75 cent of their milk is wvater-seeî tit la pure, toc. It is a gcod rto have running water ini the se and cow stables. erbs that Heal when Bronchial Tubes Seemuail on Fire ty years ago, a quiet-garng Boul, mes Gallagher, carne to Peterborough inty. Hia was a niarvelous skill in îpounding herbaI medicine. eof bis manyprescription&-4or f olk :ect to Bronchitis or similar ills and sty coughs and colds-was bis Indian bal Remedy, full of thehbealth-giving wer drawn f rom Mother Nature, hier- 1. Wonderfully healing to inflamed sues. A builder of good, red bloo. ike the acquaintance of tis tried, iable remedy. Kee well this Winter. oether with the other fine Gsllagher *bal Hottsebold Remadie, nuw ob- bable from10 Jury & Loveli, Bowmanville E. Meflow, Phm.B., Newcastle QODIS PI1OSPHODINE." '" The GetEnglish Preparatrnn ii .dtoesa id în.:gorates the wholes I~Jervou3 s em makes ne,. Blood ntI ad Vn. sd fr Nervous ~onenc, Lsscf nervPalpitationai HertFIiingMnuovy. Pr2ce 2Pb.., ,5.bSold by ait druggists. or maited in plain * on receipi of prce, New ptmphWot mailei C.u wre3~l) 111 5 CIN OORONToONT" it bum :)warni Frost 1 NSULATION under a roof is Just as important as lingles on top of it. It good practice to keep ,inter weather outside, ut it is ;ust as important )keep expensive heat fide. Non-insulated roof d walls mean you are -I wasting at least onie ton of fuel in every three. This is an established fact. Your own architect w111 confirm it. TEN/TEST Jnsulating Building Board is the only SOLID building board, obtainable in practically any thickniess Up to 2.". It is made to meet every building condition. No matter what the exterior finish of your home is to be, TEN/TEST applicd direct to thje studding will flot only provide positive insulation against cold or heat, but it will supply greater wall strength than ordinary wood sheathing offers. 30%/ in coal bis, and keep your home warm in winter, cool in summer and quiet ail year round. Write for FREE bookiet, '<TEN/TEST and the Most Wonderful .ddvcntsire in the World." INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LimiTmD 1111 BEAVER HALL HU.L,ý MONTREAL OUNSULATING "à* THE CANADiAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1929 PAGE MNE READY IN TWO MINUTES! ARE YOU CARRYING ENOUGH FIRE INSURANCE? Each month and each season brings Its own problem, and during the next few weeks we will ail be buay making our homes ready for winter, Iooking over stoves and furnaces, making ready for the lighting of the winter fires. The lighting of the extra atoves and furnaces in the home increases the danger of fire with its consequent heavy loss and before you mutst start up the heat- ing system why flot take an hovar off and check up your fire in- surance? Are you sufficiently protected against boss? You may have what you consider the pro'per protection on your hotise and building but how about the insurance of your househobd goods, furniture and personal effects? Nine people out of ten do flot carry half enough insurance on the contenta of their homes. Are you one of these nine? Take pencil and paper, go through your home room by roose mark- ing down the pricea of the clothes, both summer and winter, the. furniture and household effects!, and it will astonish yeu how far short of the value your insurarnce coverage la. We have the agency for sanie of the best Canadian, British and American companies, a:ld will gladly help you decide !hi>wta figure out your insurance. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville . . . to save time USE THE DIRECTORY and avoid "wrong number" T ELEPHONE numbers are tricky things to remember. Often when you think yeu linow a number you have really transposed the two Inside figures. It is s0 easy ta say 3264 instead of 36241 The result is that you get 'Wrong Nwnber". You are annoyed and so is the other persan. You have wasted your own time and bis. y It is safer and quicker ta use the directory beforo you cail a nwnber, because "Wrlong Number" la one of the chief causes of a million calîs a day in Ontario and Quebec which go wrong - tic up traffic - c-ause irritation - block business. Some of these are operators' errors, and smre ar. mistakea by the person making the caîl. He may ask for the wrong number - hc may speak in- distincty and be misunderstooi. We want you ta have the best possible telephane service. We are constantly trlving ta provide it by reducing aur own errars and by improving ecjulprnent.î But it takes three people ta cam- Use the drectory - speak ubawly and distinct y - avoid wrong numbers - sav time- lI business efflclency. O opa #top i advanoa olmàId, and to <mprove vaUi# a r Ive. ait outlay t yda "et eft$57M000 OOe 1 PAGE NUM TRE CANADIIIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBEP. 7th, 1929

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