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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 9

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PAGE NIM THE CANAXIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUIJS1AY, NOVFIMBER 28, 1929 t must be better when millions like it Sos "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh rom te gardens' STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone C ala At Our Expense The OldNMau Yays - "EVER since I began work at 15, I have saved something every pay day and always spent less than I earned-now at 60 I arn able to retire in cornfort. To you old age seems far away, yet the years pass quickly-remember that money saved in youth is worth double the savings of middle age." YOI) WKLI-LIRE 5ANKING AT THE ROYAL The Royal Banlk 1of Canada Bowmanville Branch R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 IT HAS A TEMPTING FLAVOR- AND HIGU FOOD VALUTE SHREDDE D WHEA With ail the bran of the whole wheat The crisp, crunchy shreds of whole wheat bave a delicious flavor when heated in the oven and covered with hot milk. Heme are vitamins and minerai saits and everything the body needs for perfect nourishment. Delicious for any meal. 400,000 Women Report Benefit by actul record "<Have you receiv~ed beneft from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?" -A questionnaire enclosed with every boulie of medicine bas brought, to date, over 400,000 replies. The overwhelming ma- jority-in fact, ninety-eight out of a hundred-says, "Yes." If thsdependable medicine has helped so many women, isn't it reasonable to suppose that it will help you to>o? Get a bordie from your druggist today. XL9dîa E. Pikkams 'V. et4bLepouaxi la ct ame àn JUOS OU ~GOLDEN WEDDI.NG News For the Busy FarmerMranM@.R0.Cw, Kinderaley, San., Formerly (Furniahed by the Ontario Departrnent of Agriculture) of Orono, Ontario. i Few peotple live to see their goldeni Typical of vast work of investiga- in the County of Hadmn o a-wdig niesr;ytRc a iubndy heutmaesluin____their mn riends f iNl. nEa MseR. aC. 'tio no inprores attheOntr.ode. Ameica buershav ben CWst ern Candabya i ndl eg- Agite r ole s throe suof ur- Yeac fiSe, d Cn a iopa as$0 ph; whreie mny ocal drsdentSsi *rasies i hog andof th rea Ans largoetp fhan sal crideaex oncaîedaOtbr1.Touh ofec vau overliy ifarm er ored Clo er as been cut forsaewtel ay texpe rss penlythe ofmn- CoununrtThýe Cton ot P o nta ro t andeld eacrnme vrygs rtuain ndof isesm K anox ofts eare malf. Theya e ock are to 00 ondst. toks of mloving rmeb neauig ftsTr of hee roles illprveofdi-lievedthatthee ae ro thresn nCganadao, Beverleand le- dctvaluand, p arerhato a reat r tho ounsaof see ofwhich owiloed froco arskaetoon liitd y heselngprceofv- r hillion eutfor e brin gîng with texp ess eokalens onlov tent, by the cost of production. The will constitute the largest red claver and esteem from friends there. sligprice ba le influenced by seed cro'p in Old Ontario for rnany Agftwaa etiu selling mait o te ee i r- mong the itwaabeuil organizations but each farmer con-yearb.eTheaquality of.thedseed is.re- trols his production costs. It is ported good. The crop in Northornfirchrfrm r.ad r.C.R bettr t fed ad mlk iveOntario la practica:ly a failulte this S. Stuart, a huge bouquet of golden much bte ofe n ikfv er chrysantbemums, carnations and I cows which each give a profit than yer1aycrsnhmus idwt ul tenwhih py cstsonly. To raise Alsike acreage in Old Ontario was aycrsnhmitedwhtul ten whchepay ctheest ea estimated 20 per cent larger than in froan the L. 0. B. A. and a five yirops he py hremst b efa hior 1928 and yields per acre have varîed dollar gold piece froîn the Young yeda he rpco fotesfaniotel ro 60 to 500 pounds, low yields people in their home. per cre, or prow sdentea being general in the southern an' A genuine surprise wa.s theirs tomuh Cormpaionbsoldbs o lake counties aund high yields in the wihen a house full of people repres- tonbusel r pundbass. ay country between Toronto and enting St. Andrews Preshyterian Curbng CannibaliamGoga 'y In Northeirn Ontario, Church came in to spend a delightful TSI emriang itittettlBr-eeany.hth rd ndgom Prof W. . Gaham hea oftemcionofaike Discnh otpero,inyear thgo.bWie ohngrn'sf Pry etetof.W.R.Gahm, A. Cofbasexceed 10,000 ses, ou xedtft B eia hrs o.wa bein Lyed an a old sugestieonfor..C.,in astexmch as10last year. aot al s daylittheoride a ngoom, in th areqetod utbesofofeathr-ping Alfchaslaset rdcto nnaj ersodans of Jack bide anderoind har and cani ubas ofwhe epull are wa ain i rodtcino1929. tacri1 eronSew a, ene on dancd Mto anrst autin cninemwent. uch sane aag ieft fo eedino2.T he e- onherewarttee and advoanweedst- ois utiak ourr e t.the coanege veeftfc eeed 10,00 wich y 'ing. wh M.adthis.ucurn erC. L. platth a l. A qued atte o fesehaveyi eeldn 0 o12,00 poundsperar4 tr.Achan rs an erdon Le rlantblood as ob taid of ront h eldboutteme as20 inds1928 acre' Sha oe ndreation theor ap- s laughtr hose band given the l-aboundane fsa eoerafornse928. pecihalofton ango w he fr thes slouts s rink.se andfifetee min aute npurpofsisexectoe tor be ai-' two lon-sandigad aih.for anen- lteasapetie hadns abted thaintslnpresring. petmoyieed pro-!hoslofg-tendesbtean Cihurch.m the safe tote ack in ztepethila e du tion ing.nTai is ered po-l s Afte a sberiacnfeti, r. pus ha ot a been tepr tevouy at- normalOaar prport acomme Cowan, in a cofeewt iwrds, putacked. Onde lln po blod as fnrmalhe aan disrptriof Russell thanedn thewsios focteiwrkid- givken tOeh10all ts. The a r ountye. Prodtri of uranss s oncludhe ingitb f(rthewirh that has en o eena renewauleof therbe. Sounthwestrnotio is letimaed at everyon presnt migih thesee thda- 50 per cent of normal. The seed is mond jubilee. During the social An Important Ruling reported to be particularly heavy per tinte which followed, iuuch morrd- Hereafter persons coming to Can- bushel this yea1-. ment ensued froint recollections of ada to buy cattle for export will bie erieuces on their weddung day gîv- permtte touse hei moor crs f e byvarious ones present. After U. S. manufacture for that purpose ror instanta inylchwserd, nu- without the payment of duty, bond i broken circle was formed and every or deposit. This regulation wiîî t ""'e " m one present sang "Blest be the tiel greatly facilitate the movement ofl CO G IN ake thet binds."-Clairiou, Kindersley, eattlebuyora front outsîde Canada, ak inasmuch as forxnerly they were Mr. and Mrs. Cowan were former obliged to leave their cars at the port B- W L]IiX residents of Orono and their many of entry and engage aneans of trans-1 T«uRE friends of this village and district portation in travelling from point to Ihé will join in hearty congratulations.- point in Canada. The importance of this international trade in cattle is shown by the fact that since the first ' IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL of the year approxintately 350 pure- I$>'r~ lTesno dtrwsdlgtdt ported to the United States. Ii receive recently a letter f rom Fred 4S/mou SiP Rvs R.lPoiey, 98 St.-Paul St., St. Cath- Shrinkage of Potatoes arines, District Manager of the Comn- conduted btise ' .~monwealtlh Lif e Insurance Co. Here' Eaperimnents odrce b heD- are a f ew excerpts froin Fred's let- vision of Botany, Dominion Depart- I' 'er ment of Agriculture, show thatj ~~IDa i.Jms-1' a long tinse shrlukage of potatoes while un star- Mrne . s Jtamqes-t o adkn age can be greatly lessened if correct storage practices are followed. Ail tubera placed in storage should be mature, healthy and as free f rom moisture on thei.r surfaces, dirt and mechanical injury as possible. The storage o! even a small percentage of diseased or field frosted potatoes en- dangers ail the bealthy stock. It is, however, practically impossible to keep large quantitries in good condi- tion fer prolonged peridds unless the praper type o! storage house is used. For this purpose Pamphlet No. 10, issued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture, eicplains the require- monts of the perfect type of storage house. It clearly explains the pro- per methods to follow in order to secure the best prices for your potato crop -and hnay Ïbe ahtained from tihe departinent. Weekly Crop Report A splendid season is reported by the farmers of Ontario, according to the current weekly crop report. Farmers in Durham County report inereased egg production and splen- did markets for eggs, which are soul- ing locally at 55c for extras, and 48c for firsts. Essex Coanty's tobacco has practically ail been bought, and, although prices are no higher than last year, the average is consîderably higher. Wheat is looking woil in Huron, although drought has de- creased the faîl output considerably IThere bas been cousiderablo demand IT'S folly to sufer long from neu- aritis, neuralgia, or headaches when relief is swift and sure, thanks to Aspirin. For 28 years thse medical profession bas recoin- mendeal it It does flot affect the beart. Take it for colds, rheuma- tism, sciatica, lumbago. Gargie it for a sore throat or tonsilitis. Proven directions for its many uses, in every package. Every drug store today bas genuine Aspirin wbich is readily identified by thse name on the box and thse Bayer cross on every tablet. DASPII How well you looki1 1 mlruine voti agai Io r.preu mu Krueche. Oxiy liwrek a mutman --w-o mUI OOWe. I k Zed Ye~ i -:vean ErueMe,,SaM s o ttni.- He .aid Ar waa felu ofcda nd tvould éat thée Krs- niu azi tdao. I ai un j,èrecomnsend .EnuIerjmu aie" Jas. F. Woot Kruachen SaIt. la obtafoablo et drug ad demrtment atonWes ln Cana"a at 75e. a bottie. A lote ontalns enouigh to lst for 4 or 6 rnonbs-good h"ath for bail.a.oeUA a da". Fore W ome. epnu 8Tovo Avo.. «0.0.a Dae MaleoeB w»* ".d dom. Mr ber. -md0- - gom mas.goamOey.bm bileve t - r~M"-basgoum M4- 8 ha»a hardlyaày=-mm et aî& Wbtta dm a.tO u bat 09. M" tens b.p.::__U OOLD AT YOM UTGQ Soa ln Bowmdfnlle D y Jury & L.aveillDrugglats Ri. M. Mitchell & Co., Druagglte KeralakO's Dependable Drug Store iue how much you enjoy letters from old friends 1 have decided to, spend a f ew minutes this evening in a sort of oue..ided chat with you. This evening I, am enjoying a big easy chair andl a good book. You couldn't guesa what I've been read- j mg-a littie book entitled 'Tasnous Stories That Every Child Should Know," and they are stories every grown-up should know, too. Among 1 others 1 have read are "A Child's Dreamn of a Star," one of Dickens masterpioces; "TIhe Man Without e Country," by Edward Fverett Hale; "The Dlverting History of John Gil- 1 pin" and bais famous ride on bais wed- ding day by William Cooper-part of it was in our old Reader fifty years lago; and last of aIl I have just fin- ished "The Great Storm Face" by Hawthorne, whiclh by the way 1 want to condense to about ten or fifteen minutes' length andl use for platformn work as I do Silas Marner. I have given Silas Marner many times in tii district with splendid effeet. It's a gripping story. Here it is the 1lth day of the llth Imontis andal lti year since Armistice. IHow the tusse flues. We do not cel- ebrate it as a great victory but as a tribute to the courage and valor o! oua -men in the great struggle for freedous and justice. We were des- perately disappointed when, the war enrdeal without victory percheal on Ioui bannera, -but as 1. look back 1 aee the hand of Providence in it paving the way for world peace which a sweeping victory might have poat- poned rfany generations. Wasn't it great these two great~ mon that came up froua the working classes, going out into the woods far away from press reporters and logis- lators sitting on a log by a sra framing their pans for the greatest international question of the ages! 1 stili keep in touch with events in the homeland through the Great Family Journal. Quite interested of late in the MeGill case c "mi7g u'p, again. I coulal pro on and on. k Tennyson's brook, but must sign off now. You Can Quickly Limber Up d. Sore Stiff Swollen Joints EVen ChroniC RheUMatic it will penetrate to the bone and blessed coafot cornes quickly. Swellings in Knee, Elbow, It bsrb instantly and il 80 ean Shoulder or Finger Joints and stainless that ynu can ru it on Yield to the Mighty Power- otenajotin g t esti mchoren quickly, when the on sstf rii fuI Influence of JOINT- flamed and the agony intense. EASE. SBeing such a powerful counter Wr ritant, it just can't help bringing 1t's here, right in town and every speedy and -happy results in conges- live druglgt ha it. tion, &ore throat, cheat colds, lnu- buta a 1ow price remdy, to be sure, bago and neuralia snuch quicker btthat doemn't &top It from, taking thaii ,uyordinary r.emedy you can the kinks, lanienesa or toorture out of Use. your troubled Joints. But you must remeniLer that it in Joint-Ese l the name, so eslled for joint afflictions that I la moStly because it is compounded solely for dispensed and its heiptuluesa Wlll the purpoae -of relieving ail joint ail- satonish yon alter &Il ordlnary lini- ments. ments and other treatmonts have .uat ru), it on the stif, torinented, falled. Made lu Canada-6O cents, lame Joints and Il usta few seconds , 8 tube at ail up-to-date druegstores Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMANVILLF AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL QUAKEbfR OA&T#S Marked "Chtnaware" ADOPT CASH & CARRY PRICE FOR BREAD On and after Monday, Nov. 25th, we will seil Bread at following prices: BREAD AT STORE ..........1c LOAF BREAD DELIVERED ........ lc LOAF BUNS ............. 15c and up per dozen Be loyal to your home community. The Bowmanvilie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE WHY BOTHER WITH ANY OFJIT? Let us return your entire family wash- ing immaculately cdean, perfectly froned, freshly sweet and fragrant. Let us do the whole job. best ! Ail you have to do is bundle up your soiled laundry, phone our local agent, the truck will call promptly and deliver right to your home when finished. LEIIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE lie Coal lIaSatisrme SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES 'i ou will neyer have cause to regret using ouil Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will emile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON BuildeWs Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmaavilk The Laundry does it ýj

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