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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 10

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ÏlPAGE TEN THE CANADIAN S'rATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 NEWCASTLE Mr. Jones, Field Secreta.ry for On-, CARTWRIG.HT CIRCUIT NEWS BLACK C tario for the Boy Scout Movement, 1~~ -___ Mr. Edinund Thackray visitedl in; wilI address the Newcastle Scouts in!~ f N .uc- t s I1IL REý ntev. F. W. Newell, B . .D, ag rw teddteO8e Bowmanville fast Sunday week. 1 St. George's Parisb Hall on FridaY _____ Pastor. Services Dec. lst: Cadmus Suipper and Danceudrteasie Mr. .F.Lerslyspent laz-t' at 8 P. mi.____-- --- - 10.30 a. m.; Caesarea 3 and 7.30 p 'of the Ladies'Orneod . TusawthMrs. W.Jaieon." oman wthMis T1C1Ay ni. Blackstock 7 p. m..Speciai We regret to reothaMr.El Ohsawi Bowdtcb, br youner sonSain'.THU.iiD.x, NOVEMBER 28th, 1929 Thank-offering ser ices will be heldiDorreli and MrsGrbmaeni- Mrs Puhe owithhr y gr o amyat Caesarea next Sunday . The pas- posed .... A ni e f on Miss May Tolmie, Tornt, of th and hier milI manager. Mr. Geo. [trilpec i .n.adRv epeatne Rawlinson P. S. Staff, visited Mr. and'Brown motored from Castleton to PUBLIC SCH-OOL ppl of the Intermediate and Sen-' ST. GEORGE'S NEW RECTORi Dr. Bo&wles at 7.30 p. ni. The Black-, King St. United hrh Obwo Mr. ri Parelat eeen. ende P.S.CmecenE- COMMENCEMN ior Rooms, in an elimination contert, _____ stock choir will provide the music at' Friday night.Afrth mein Medar. an Mrb. Purd, lurce rcises but througb unavoidable circumstan-: Rev. NF. H. Mason Commenced His !the af ternoon service, and CamstyweeetrindtM.ad hel avey ejoabe a<l~ucesfu Mr. A. A. Colwill retuî'ned on Frn- Delightful Program Presented By ces tre were conîpeîîed to drop NwDte atSna- cora h evening service ..Nes-lMrs. Arthur Wib'. on Eucbre last Wednesday evening. day from North Bay which hoe had Young Artiats-Prizes Awarded out. The Nora Coleman Memoriail Induction Service Later tleton choir suppiied the music at the People's League vslreyaedd Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke and Miss been making bis headquarters for Prize wa presented by Rev. Thos.; e .HMo h e Yelverton anniversary last Sunday.v on Wedinesday eeig r la Eileen visite&f Mr. and Mrs. . tesl n eieytruhu-NeV. A niuch anticipated event, t.o which Wallace to the winner. Prizes to the Rector of St George's Church, New Cadmus choir provided the miea Baison, former]yo hsvlae d Ontalo o muh ofbis arg cro offor eekspas teahers puilspar Nestleton . X Standard Trainingl dres.sed the Leagu.H sacni H nyadatne th P.S Co-ohrtwo speakers were donated by castle, and St. Saviour's Church, Or-. ___frSudy col ok mnencement Exerciseýs on Friday 0v- apple..ents, relatives and f riends have been Miss Mason and the Bd. of Education. oocodute sricslniunayS hoold theundaedSCboo wrhor..datev.Forte. le os'PrW.et _ lookin forwrd with pleasurable This brougbt to a close the even- i Thoéeuectta ofsehiscesermnonsunw-e Pirl berb eldinthweied Chrc. . ..Rv .W n r.Nwl pn sensations, came to pass onFrdyngsrgaihcasalxhap well chosen, showed careful and PotPrynxt'e....e are Thursday in Torot. b .ak - -~ -"w ~ -- evenig, Novntber 2nd. Nwcastle 1 peared on the piatf orm declared was searching preparation, and were pre- planning a Men's Banquet inthsoc United Corxiispl h Jnoutstanding credit to the efficien-sneinaineetnanapelTonHaloMoay De. thnuictCesranetunyaf S-" '-' Public Sehool Commencenient Exer- ana Weerstngan expet tht ths will be a meni- ternoon. Rev.B .GeeB . cessignify a program of :exeet y o Principal Rodger, Miss Mlason ig way. In the evening MNIrbe cain Tebnut xPo earvacolg ren fRv r ~ N ri~ & T II AUATT variety-clever public speeches, bar- land Miss Purdy and a proof of the spoke on the revelation of Jesus rbeocsn.TeaqptwPfSagva Ut' I Ut'IU.//Al III i I-'~II~~ monious singing, fancif ul playlets,1 splendid work being accomplished byl Christ to Zaceaeus-St. Luke 19:1 be conducted entirely by the nmen. IF. W. Newell,ba chreote R JR OY N O IP N and last but not least, the presenta-1 their pupils. 1-10, and he shoxved very impressive i-es50. ___th_ atpe.,_ntehuc tiand reception of the numerous St1eresCue-e.~ ly tbe xonderf ul changes that Jeýus . n Hare and so ing. A fine coegain~P aadan rzswihtegener- S.Gog' hrhRv .H Christ makes in the character of sueh *'et. ranMs.rosnof osity of present and past citizens bas Mason, Rector. il a. nm.-Morning, e sza je..Te nutolJack have returned from their holi-,Havdon visite, ihM.adMs ANO NIGTHE OPENING 0F THEIR MAIN made possible. Prayer and Holy Communion; 2.30isen as clches The nducti days. While in 'Montreal Mrs. Haro Henry Mountjoyo auda . r Teprogram this year was, if pos- P. - - ayScbool; 7 p. m-Ev- mark the officiaI inaugurati on of hî'siang tbek agnihicet urd Lfînser, Ryaln Wntr Far nNT.otoS. STORE IN BOWMANVILLE WITH A NEW LINE s;ble, bigger and better than ever. ening Prayer. Imnsr.1igtemgiietCnr ie,,RylWne The proceedings were conducted by Newcastle United ('hjne-h ox-.l .\r. Mason came to Canada from Ausoni .1veek. r. n Mr s.oxaraAt 0F GOODS IN BOOTS AND SHOES AND Chaîrman H. W. Dudley, of the W. P. Rogers, Pas-tor. Sunday. De-iEngland in 1910. He joineil the M W'H Pare ndsi How1 on, iLlctoanMatrH- Sehool Board. xith Rev. W. P. Rog- cember lst: il a. m. Y[~orning x\ 01I it Contingent in 1914 anti scrved' ard, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. ievy o0 itraCrer alda h MEN'S WEAR ers assisting in the opening devot- ship; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehoi1: 7 in France witb Major A. E. Mc n itgte alo nt een. aroig t wek. ev.Mr ionai exerci-os-. p. m.-Evening Service, at vhich ai Laughlin of Bowmanville in the 2ndi andi son Brenton, motored to T%%cdAbrf cuie h upta h After a few fitting remarks by the teamn of Laymen froni St .Andrew's Battalion until September 1916ý Sundqav anti visiteti Rev. E. B. anti Anglican ChurchSna. H a SPECIAL FEATURES Men's Overails, ichairman, a play, "The Magie Hou'," Cburcb, Oshawa, xsl peak in the in- we e\ Tonhdadr'rn MsCe.ewasest of Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Bailea Il Feaure Pice $45 xxas put on by pupils of Miss MUarjory terest-s of the M. & M. Fund. Special1 to England. lie reeiv..'i h <h e Nxvcstl HrtiuiteaeSo- isendaPrihornosette feit * -H ______________ $1.45 Purdy's and Miss H. A. M.\ason's music.I charge anti came back, to Canada a i îety bas made speciai arrangement-sxekn thoe M.adMs Woes Bdjom Sl roomns. This clever little sketch, Offleers of Durhanî Lodge. A. F.; ton the Armistice, atil imnimoiate ' . xxth the Managing Conîmitte of th(,oq JolI and Ms lrnePot cosy wîth the theme of xvhicb xvas the nidnigbt & A. M. for year 1930: wý. M. R eteedTrnty College. Trionto, i(omnîunity Hlil to pres'n'lhat nD eî -dywlhM.an r.S rubber heel, Men's Caps, in a variety b1 .nalteihaiato eW ato;.PM .F rntn rdaigwt hnr.i it~~ ular motio'n picture. "Lilac Tlie."on Jfry Opening Special 65c pr. 0 haetedbearswooden soldiers, %Itber J. H.Jose; Chp.-reTFleg; re . nfshaesXry fctoy, -J.L. rye aniýiii .1 W De' o A is i:iontheen'eý Memorn;-ia)n:'Libndr-cryniiAid Feature Price 95c Goose, Columbine, Pierrot, etc., came --J. E. W. Philo; Sý'v *' T mo,)to. Far -for veaiS h. wi The High Sehool Comiencement wýlith thea-ýsistac fanuero to life in a most realistc nmaniner, de- Bradley; D. of C-E. C. q-ar 1) p curate to Dr. Paterson Snty1 ', aiSt Eci. wii h o h"ln the oit- voInz ladies o h ilgic~ W c m ens O ve shoes rn aigigted he h carts of all. and proved - J. H endry; J. D .- P. H ar ; J. ; George's Churcli .Montrea . F);-' m u a;' Hall on Fritay eveninz. De * r he C . I T il, ca e e o eblîdres a-Howard V.nD. ib.zonl; S. .-Geo-' the last two yeai- ho ha.s been curqt' h.wenFriztlaiS hlir .andt e-Cith( aqe o en variety of makes and Men's English Broadcloth actors. The work of the main char- Gaines; J. S.-Clarence Alun; -Tyler u aý St. Cyprian'z - (u,-ch. Ton >)ntot. ,..aiue o)f t2kOnhoren- day evening inoncinwt h Shirs, ater, Clrene Clrk a Pirrot -T W. acksn Aditos- . j ft niwhich Pa-iýzh he on <to take ed to the pupils of th, school. A visit of tbe Vrbpu GadMs Folanceirs, BlreretonarkasCoumieo, -A . ut ckond;W. F. ikr. -i* oxer the duties of Ne,,ci5ztle anti very fine prozrani is in course of pro- I ter for Ontariot uhmLd cosFeature Price $1.00 Cladyn oldas Mother Gooe, A.Bte n .F ik. Ormno. paration. Be sure to attend. A. F.& A. M. Feature Price $1.95 pr. _________________I ___as____________Goose,__ _________________________Tommy Brereton as Jack-in-tbe-box, was particularly commendable, as .- - Men's English Wool Sox were also the solos by Jimmy Love- k ~Women's High Grade Fetr.1rc 3c kmn captain of the soîdiers, and Reita i Shoes and Oxfords, Faue ic35pr. Cooke, leading mammia doîl. 3Pr. fo 10 he Choruses by the sînging class j W O R T ()penng Feture riceof the school, under the direction ofL Miss H. A. Mason. Supervisor ofW H L $2.45 and $2.95 pr Men's Silk Ties, variety Music, were an unexcelled testimony S.AIGW of the value of musical teaching and of colours, of Miss Mason's ability as an instruc- I iviiHE Wen the A & P Food Stores annoulie sales 01 foods, the vodeu ooiterd are rosi moey savinl potnte Children's Shoes and Rub- 35c, or 3 for $10 tor in this art. "Cherry Ripe" and 1859HE bers t Feaure Pices. ______________"Billy Boy", "Day ia Closing," "Mer- For every food at A & P han passed strict tests 10 as om «tis a quaiIty la the highet <iskn ben at Feature______________l ry Sings the Lark" and "Now Al h rcsaeb» nA&Pssvuyyrple 9»b the _________________th vey l Flowers are Going to Bed," the lat- 1[WHERE CONOMY RULIS P "ics are baaedou A hP's vinn nyr pIy < eed& i olp~i.bd its oy oet0 rcs Men's Overcoat.s & Suits, ter' three of which were two-part tmIStsObfOtomosaigOnyrla ee. Men's rubbers, plain overs a variety to pick from choruses, unaccoTpanled, were fault- Feature Price 75c pr. Feature Price $16.50 srt and closing, every word clearly axticulated, not a voice out of tune._______________ __________________ An inovation into the program was N the rendîtion of the prize nielody, jZ4> > .4»4'L Ah ens anTypo .f b.d serisoAoretfer FolSor,(a "Silvery Evening Bells," composed by US IsQuit-nuIgorc.AofeTo'Ptein -.ROV AN i S 11 E STO R E Mu*ePollard he words being sup- OUK TRA pECL4LS.. n"ta Rprm "ino ýplieýdby iss aso, sng b MuielA MONET-SAVXNG VALUE Opposite the Bowrnau Houa. ln theold McMurtry Block-Phone 528 and hiex' classmates of tmeeio 2 pN1QALk IYUBOK EK V ~ ID~DO E Room. This prize will be continued .*PJmm £ k "until the end of time" as a memorial B T E u 5 ____________ ___ -- to Mr. John Hoc>per, who was for B T E 18 5 CUT ROCK Candy ...........b 5 many years choir master in the form- Fremh Creanieoy Butte 2 Ibo. 830 MTIELA __________________________________________________ Methodist ChtLrch here, and I(YTM LA gvnb i agtr r.Go i MADE IN ONTARIOS FINEST CRIAMB&RIEnS Oi. INGERSOLL CHEESE............ lb.. .~ 7 _________________________"h eChildren's Army," sung by C E S b lb- lFRABENPMTCHS I L-OYBOXES ATA.0PRC memlibers of Principal T. A. Rodger's C E S b 1 Reduce our Prices.-Certainly Not!1 and Miss Mason's Rooms, with Kah DUMARTIS SUGAR-CUREI> 5MOKBD MT H S ~ ~ i 1 Why souldwe? onsierin per of four children, the dog, pne and the cat, 29. avOlt vvnysnouu w ~onîueîng er-quarantined for measies in the attic, ib. 290AL O l MAGIC Baking Powder ....... 16-oz.Tn 4 formLanc n qpn, Sen it. Even tbe dog and the cat were OXO CUBES ................ Tin 0 4 rcshave ilay been the lowest. there, the former in person of Kath- ROWRDE E' FMS CoNDoa....[L.... -l. in24 prie wy leen's faithful collie, Peter. ThisBODNFAUSODNE»ML...TALW W. E. Groves, Chairman Toronto . A GLE »8L K 3-T1n Board of Education, and Miss Bertha] A à P MEAT MARLKETS DISPLAY CHOICE MN"» Tabyduhe f the late Mr. IN MODERN REFRIGERATOR CASES PANCAKE FLOUR I 1 I 0an rWW.Tamblyn,dahtx the formerNE AS PRN AUNT JEMIMA................P. 7 being principal for several years of jNWSAO PIGBEITHNY.....~-b i 7 g . Newcastle High School. BEITHNY...... 12 (leu tub5es) The last of the musical numbers .15 JM.. Ajmr Red Label was a duet by Evelyn Allin and Har- 4 à À 4 Trail" in costume suggestive of the rabr.......4ozJr35 '90's. It is always a deiigbt to bear E api'-3 eP r mB a s2v Evelyn and Harold sing and tremen- RCK O S-l.9cLON-b SHRIFS rneMam ad.4l.Tn5c dous appiause, calling for an encore, RC O S -b 9. LIS 1.2cSIRF' rneM mld.4 gre eted their appearance. BREAST ROAST l......... b. 17C BORDEN'S Malted Milk ......... .Ti59 The varlîsus prizes were presented OUR OW GONDOLA during the evenîng as foilows: A & P FTNEST QUALITY BEEF COOAE-ie ete. b o 9 S tAL C; 16W iL iL G rid i ý~Canadian History Prize Dnated COOAE -ie ete . by Women's Canadian Club, Bow- ONTARIO FAVORITE-TASTE IT! manville, to girl and boy mnaking JR 0 4A L. FAVOTIGT5I higbest marks on Entrance, w-on by B U 'j.r TM Mildred Bedxin and Edwin Han-- .i ockpl resented by Mr.-(Rev.) Geo. ' ORTERROUSE 55.1. , jPoster Prizp.s - Donor NewcastleI Orange, Lemon and Eating Figs Bdo of Education, won by HensWU) Chofifue lb. CtonPeDae ning, (3rd) Evelyn Aluin. FRESH YELLOWTAIL Mixed Peel (Bulk and Packae ~ The conciuding number on the Candied Chere h rga was the Nora Coleman pub-I FLOUNDERS................ .. . lb. 14C Wainut MeatsMascioCers lspeaking contest in wbich tbree i REIR CRICKEN Raisins Xmas Cracki goo atcpnsjoined. Ail tbree speech- HALIBUT-Haîf or Whole Fish ... l.b. 25c ExtradaBrzi Nt domo i ~es gave evidence of a great deal of taiNu thought and research work and care- .MKD.... .b. L21k Spicas lmPdig surfa sCREB~-GRILJL&DO ~StOKEDn FILLETS ......... P& P CIFE U c.. Rev.Tho. ,FANCY BLUEPOINTS <ir lie>Cran berres Wholesale Distributor Miss"s Foqter and Adaîms of the Oro- OYSTERS.................. O-oz. Jar 39C AUTKORIZED DEALER ;cision as follows, 1st-Dorotby Hen- ning, wbo apoke on "Laura Secord," GEORGE BROWN,S RADIO SHOP ja"ad3dMre Shaw, "Sir ______________0__CANADA IMJ.B. ARTYN'S STORE DVSOSTWiIIE Six speakers ware chosen from the WESTON'S SODA BISCUITS-Z2 Ton Ounces Pkas.-25c.

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