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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 1

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'r e g- I P Couch, Johnston & Cryderman HONE 104 LIMITED BOWMiANVILLE. CH RISTMAS PRESENTS And Where [o Cet Them COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN HAVE MADE MOREÈ THAN ORDINARY PREPARATION FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING We are showing a large and attractive range of gooda in the foîlowing lînes: Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs from .... 25c to $1.50 Ladies' Scarfs .............................75c to $4.50 Fay To ia ront .. .......~...... 25e to $1.75 Ladies' Gloves, ail kinds .............60c to $2.75 Ladies' Silk and Silk & Wool Hose . .. .59c to $2.0 Ladies' Silk Gowns ................$1.75 to $2.25 AISO Silk Bloomers - Vests - Pyjamas Ladies' and Children's Kimonas in ail sizes A big assortment of Linens of ail kinds Children's Coats, Mitts and Suits, etc. Kenwood and Scotch Woolen Blankets, also a large Varety of Colored Bedspreads. Gifts for Men Shirts ................$1.25 to $4.50 Goe................... 75c to $450 Big Variety of Pyjamas, Nightgowns, Sweaters, Hats and Caps, Windbreakers, Bath Robes. An Overcoat or Suit makes a nice Christmas Gif t. i- DURHAM COUNTY BOYS NINTH BOYS' PARLIAMENT THE ELECTION RECOUNT s A photo of Byron Y. Haddy, eld-!Election Saturday-List of Polling The recounting o! the 12,000 andý e . LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. J. N. Lawrie recontly visitod relatives in Toronto. Bowmanîvllo stdires will be open all day Wednesday during Docembex. Soine stores are now open each evon- ing. Bey. J. U. Robins will conduet anniversary services in Orono Park St. United Churcb on Sunday even- ing. Re(v. Mr. Sterling will preach in Trinity Church here. Friends of Mr. J. R. P'hi.lp will be sorry te learn he is not able te boe out yet after bis faîl fram a ladder while picking apples. Be can get around the house with the help of a With Which Is Incorporated Thie Bownianville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 48 In Monday's Toronto Mail & Em pire a photo of Dr. David James Gog gin, a native of Durham County, wa, published extending to him congrat ulations on bis 8lst birthday on No'v 25. Dr. Goggjn was a former sup, erintendent of education in the N W. T.; hon ored by Manitoba, Trinit3 and Victoria universities, an ex. president of the Dominion Educatior association and prominent Mason. COME TO THE RUIMIMAGE SALE in ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL ROOM ois Saturday, Nov. 30 et 2.30 p. m. Sale of Home-Made Cooking Afternoon Tea Served and A program of Instrumnental and Vocal numbers. Public School CONCERT in OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE on Thursday and Friday Dec. l2th-l3th, Large Two-Part Chorus., Drills - Dance* Rocitations Prograin ut 8 o'clock ADMISSION 35e Ail Seats Reseryed Pan opens on Deceniber 3Sd, at Mitcbell's Drug Store. "MOLLY B] A Musical Comedy in T Choir c BOYS' TRAINI under the di FRANK CONV. assisteý EARLE CUN Physical Director Solos - Duets - Choruses - 1 Hear Madam Yellaki and Romeo a ýauy, Zoote ad . crsin Chanrge 1more ball*ots cast in iDurham (Jounty v. Bowmanville, appeared in Thursday'sI in the recent provincial election took Toronto Globe announcing the !act j The Election of the Ninth Boys' place before Judge O'Connor at Co- that Byron had recently been elected j Parliainont will be beld on Seturday bourg ahl day Tuesday and Wednos- Y President o! the Canadian Credit In- of this week £rom 9 a. m. te 9 p. mi. day. The sitting had to be adj-ou.rn- istitute. This is an important domnin- List o! Polling Booths and porsons ed te Friday owing te the Judge hav- ni ion-wide organization which w ields responsible in each community are: ing a previeus engagement. Up te considerable influence in commercial Bowianville-St. Paul's Sunday Wednesday night W. J. Bragg, Lib- -and retail merchandising circles. To School Room, Di. D. W. Best and eral candidate, was stili leading M. J. be Etjected as its chie! officer is a dis- Alex MeGregor in charge; Newcastle Elliott, Conservative, by 14 majority. tinct houer which we know Mr. Had- -Community Hall Rev. W. p. Rogers1 Ballots for Port Hope, Hope and dy will fill with dignity and ability. in charge; Orono-Mr. Melville' Manvers are still te be counted. Byron has 25 years' service te bis Staples' Home, Mr. Staples and Mr. credit as a faithful employee and Wood and Rev. Stirling in charge;- AS LRSTOCM O official of the Canadian General Tyrone-The Parsonage, Rev. J AS LRSTOCMO *Electric Ce. of Toronto, and for sonXO Trumpour in charge. Mr. Trompeur Faefrearnsreecmgto time bas been Assistant Treasurer Of and Mr. A. W. Annis will arrange asfiralr rebcmnto this well known manufacturing con- polling beoths for Hayden, Salemn and common in town. Menday at 7 p. cern. other peints on Tyrone circuit; New-1 m. and again at 3.30 a. mi. Tuesday tonville-The Parsonage, Rev. Wal- h fire siren seunded and the brigade COIINGEVETSlace in charge; Enniskillen-The Par- iturned eut on each occasion only te _______soag, ev.Whtean M. ac find that both calis were falsp alarma. sonae, ev.Whye ad M. Jck Th e fire brigade is a volunteer or- Griochet Needle found. Enquire Slemo n in charge; Blackstock-At ganization whose members gladly atSaemnOfc.the homes o! Mr. N. S. McNally, thi evcsInwihsci atSaemnOfc.Blackstock, Mr. T. E. Trewin Cad- give'hi evcs nwihsci Yen always have a good tume at mus Store, for further information fices are often made, te pretect Sons o! England's Buchre party. phone Rev. F. W. Newell; Hamipton homan life and property. It is Come along Dec. 4th, at 8 p. mi. -At Hampton, Solina and Zion.Fo therefore up te every citizen to sec Shaw's Scbool Christmas Concert information phone Rev. J. R. Bick, that these men are given every sup- will ho held Tbursday, Dec. 19th, at Mr. Arthur Stainton or Mr. Allan port and cooperation. Tamipering 8 P. M. Particulars Inter. Balson; Ebenezer-At Mr. George with fire alarni boxes and sending in Reserve Tuesday evening, Deceni- Peiuberthy's, Mr. Pemberthy in an alarin when there is ne fire is a ber lOth, for "A Full Honse" being charge; Maple Groie-At Mr. Ross serious offense. We cannot imagine I presented by St. John's Chorch. Stevens', Mrs. Ross Stevens in charge. aut nugn nsc rcsadi wngte, Esther being pot on, Ballots will be sent te aIl those ameshare the mpepe trarsancx rglrmeigo! Music Study Club mentioned in this list. Retur ape bud emaeontei h as been postponed. te Wednesday, officers are requested te phone the 'December 1 lth. returns on Satnrday night as soon a!- SCHOOL REPORT Providence School will hold the ter 9 p. mi. as possible, te H. Stainton, Christmas Concert on Friday, Dec. Courtice, phono Bowmanville 124-32. The actual standing o! each pupil 2th, at the cburch. Musical play Wilsl the leaders in Boys' Work in the Entrance Cass is reported. by the child.ren. Particulars later. kindly take an interest in the election The nuinhers indicate the ave-rage *BomavileWomen's Institute and see that alI the boys get out te percent obtained in recent tests. will meet on F'riday aftornoon in the vote. Remeinber we are training Pupils miust make 60% in order te S. . E Hll. Prgrai i carg o them for citizonship. The platforms be recomniended: IGrou.p 3, Mrs. F. C. Coner, conven-lo! the candidates appear on page 5. Grace Craw!orth 83, Jean Morris or. Roll cal-Christmas suggestions. Harold Stainton, Returning Officer. 83, Jean Brough 82, Jini Sissons 82, Oron DraatieClu wil preentPanlino Adamis 81, Helen Mason 79 , Oron DraatieClu wil preentEileen Bate]y 79, Gertrude Hooqier its play "BHands Up" in Tyrone Comn- WEDDIING 7£#, David Andrews 75, John Shires < Imunity Hall on Tbursday, Dec. 5tb,l 74, Harry Depew 74, Cecil Jaclctman at 8 p. m. under auspices o! the Win Gibson--Oiiver 7,EiaehAas7, Mr Ono ais Baaao an hoe-cok-Thonvpson 73, Aileen Gibbs 73, Samnt ing sale. Admission 35e and 20c. On Wednesday evening, November Allin'71, Annabelle Keller 71, Doris 20th, St. John's Church, Bowrman- Taylor 71, Bill Allin 70, Hubert ville, was the scene o! a very pretty Hooper 70, Gertrude Dewell 70, Bill THE POPULAR CANTATA wedding o! Lucy May, eldest daugh- Dunlop 70, Marion Glanville 70, ter o! Mms. Oliver o! Bowmnanville Robt. Kent 69, Russell Hayes 68, Lil- and the late Vivien R. Oliver, forrn- han PËitochard 67, Walter Goode 67, i l . l erly o! Cobalt, to Mr. D. V. Howard Buster Croarbie 67, Frank Tuerk 67,t E i3 Ii. IX Gibson, son o! Mr. and Mirs. D. J. Ma'bel Brookham 95, Frank Meflveen GSH E ibson o! Bowmaniville. 66, Philip Pattriek 66, Eugene Con- The churcb was prottily decorated noTs 64, Dorothy Nicholîs 6'3, Geor witb palms, ferns, and eut flowers ginsa Caverly 61, Jack fBennett 61, junder direction of Mr@. (Dr.) Boll for the occasion, and the eerenlony Joyce Ada.ms 61, Russell Oke 61, Ar- was perforiied by the Recter, Rev. letta Maynard 60, Ernest Hunt 59, R. J. Shires, assisted by Rev. Scot Harry Souch 59, Doris lBennett, on Ho'ward o! Newcastle, the groom 8 Arthur Rurupage 58, Jack Lunney god-father. 58, Jack Cameron 58, May Fowlert Thu~ a Dec ~ To the strains o! the wedding 57, Jla Callan 57, Roland Bate 54.1 V ina , e . arch, the bride came up the aisle Not graded-Rutb Hamm, Chas on the ar o! bier brother, .Mr. Edsall Richards, Milton Yeo. i L. Oliver, who gave her in inarriago. IJ.. H. Johns ,Picpl and 5h. was woaring a dress o! whitel soPic~î satin with four deeip lace flounces on Fri ayiDe . . 'Pl ieil aarran- HEAR PROMINENT LAYMAN Irish lace wired te stand up at the G. W. Mazon, K. C., Toronto, tol in back o! the head in fan shape and Sp.ak in Trinity United Church i ' eaught in place witb orange blossmes. Decomber Sth.e White satin sboes, steekingsasnd 1__Il_ OPERA HOUSE, gloves comp]eted the costume and she TPhe Board o! Stewards o! Tninity : carried a bouquet o! white roses and United Cburcb are pleased to an-e BOWMANVILLE Tebreas tosser, isFo-nounce that tbey bave prevaied upont BOWM NVIL E Th bries to sstem, Mia FIT- G W.Mason, K. C., o! Toronto, ot once and Mise Margaret Oliver, at- spoak at the morning service, Sun-1 tended bier, dressed alike in blue taf- day, December fth, in connectioni under auspices of Trinîty W. A. feta with touches o! gold, black satin1 witb a concerted drive o! Laymen in1 The aatincudea80 >..,î. shees, black velvet tight-fltting bats,. the Oshawa Presbytery for the Mis-g The ast nclues 8 peole. carrying yellow and white munis and sionary and Maintenance Fund. 1n RESERVED SEATS 60e and 50e each weaning a neeklace, the gif ts o! Mr. Mason is a very prominent and, the groom. Mr. Donald Gibson, o! bthrsoutstarding lawyer and Unitedg P0nn.oe t ieels ~ O A. C., Guelph, wass b hrs Churc am . Hedft nd' Plnno pn tMtcela rg best man. 7:r ushers were Mr. chLy n. B drte ad Stor. ISturt R Jaes nd M. Jhn lexpersonally conducted nearly al ht' Store.Standrt . JmenMr. Jon oKn lextheUnited Cburerh legisîstion, bis counsel1a anednrui. Missn Jn aedtnho is sought at aîl tues 'by the General i Trdiny sc.egMirnts ang asn oefyBoards o! the Church. He bas Vthe, ______ -int oegTrnosagncl cause o! the United Church deep in j At Dawning" wbile the register was bis heart and its work at home andC Ibeing signed. She wore white geer- ara tbsfne ie h gotte withb 'bIe aippers, blue hat and boda hifngrt; Te carred abouuet f rnmstheStewards since'rely hope tbat nesn-1n gomsgift. To the bride ho gave bers and adiierenta o! Trinity, te-1 greom-'s desigst fioyt ehr witb the general public, willa E JOLLY "te et a, siv adoryai, bh this i5 nushd Uie 1 silve euff lnorganiated.Churchman. 'wo Acts GiVen by the A reception was beld at "Th-e Maples," the home o! the bride's >f hegrandmother, Mrs. Edsall1, wbo a Df te warin F acklace wtb coirae bon- AL l ive r, a t he A L KI ING S C HOO L qj- of volets purp'vlvt atwth l'toche ofgol Mr. Olver thALAKIN 1.bride's mother, was ve-tring a black PICTURES R Y L T irection of and white satin ens.mble witb bat te mTatch and corsage h"uquet o! violets. BOWMAI 'ER-SE SMITHMrs. Gibson, the groom's mother, was ERSE MITHwearing grey georgette with insets of ýd by real lace, black biat witb touches o! THURS., FRI. and SA' silver. IMrs. Gibson, the groom's Wm. Boyd with Marie Pr 4Nl NGHAM grandmother, was wearing hleck ta!- i a 100 % Ta] of the Sehool. After srupper the bride and groom"T E F Y le!t ainid sbowers o! confetti on a " H L I ten days' moter trip te western Matine. Saturday at 2.3 Dances - Athletic Stunts points, the bride travelling in dress Childrei of brown silk with accessories to 1 Herr von Howlski, as match, brown coat with beaver triin- -_ _ ming and brown foît bat. On their MON., TUES. and W] di Juliet. returrn they will reside in Bownian- A E ville. A E wflake, two real cooIIS, The young couple were the recip- The Child Star of "The S: 1L-e oo-£ ens f umros oveîy wedding Talk Ygp i-- y McLaughlin Bros. of Burketon have reached the semi-finals in the county series o! the Canadian C'ham- pionship Horseshoe Pitching Contest being held this week at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Mm. James Murphy, Mount Forest, announces the engagement of her daughter, Gladys Margaret, ta Mr. William Firower, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Willisan P. Prower of Bow- manville. The marriage will take place on December lith. At a meeting o! Ontario Register- ed Poultry Breeders Association held in Toronto on Monday, Dr. E. W. Sisson was apipointed on a committee ta wait on Royal Winter Fair ex- ecutive in the interest on Ontario poultry exhibitors. The editor of The Statesman and his family wish to thank Ex-Alder- man W. C. Caverly, grocer, for bis kindness in sending themn some very choice and generous partions o! Yen- ison steaks. They were as tender and juicy as one c>uld wish for and a real treat greatly enjoyed. Santa Claus' visit to Nelson's "Store of Bigger and Better Values" was the big event of the week-end. Scores o! kiddies. packed the store during the day to shake hands with good old St. Nicholas and receive a little gift frein hi'm-and the hope that he wouldn't forgeot ta fill their stockings Christmnas eve. Chie! S. Venton bas received sev- oral complaints that citizens, partie- ularly yo'ung b>oys, bave been carry- ing and discharging firearfis within the town, and in some cases consid- erable damage bas been the rSuit. TPhis is strictly against the law and Chie! Venton wishes it kn<>wn thar, any such cases brought ta his atten- tion wil-l be prosecuted. At a joint meeting of Town Coun- cil and Chaniber o! Commerce Ex- ecutive held Monday night, a resolu- tion was passed favoring submittlng by-laws te the electors regarding pur- chase of Hydro system at the samne time as the muniipal election. It is expocted the by4aws wiIl be given their first reading at council mieet- ing noxt Monday night. The Boys' Training Selrool annual Ch.ristmas concert is an event that every;body interested in boys' welfare work should patronize. Your pires- enco at the O>ra House Tuesday nsgbt when the musical coniedy 'lMo- lBe Jolly" is presented will be an encouragement ta 4tbe lads who are taking part. The ontiro proceeda go to the Boys' Xmas Tree fund. Tic- kets 25c or 4 for $1.00. Bowmanville stores are ta-king on a gala appearance these days as the merchants are decorating their estres and placing on display Christmnas goods to solve that problem of what to give. There's no noed of going eut o! town te buy with the splendid assortment o! articles reasonably priceld offered by your o'wn home town merchants. Watch the advts i.n Thle Statesman eaeh woek for Christmas suggestions. Owlng te the mild FaIl we have more Ladies' Coats in stock than we should have and firom te-day will sell any coot in stock at greatly reducod prices. Oomch, Johnston & Cryder- man. 'HEATRE AKN PICTURES '4 VILLE LT.-NOV. 28 -29 -30 'revoat and Tom O'Brien alking Picture NG FOOL" ,30 p. M. Adults 25c; en 1IOc. ED.-~DEC. 2 - 3 - 4 Y LEE ;inging Fool" in his own Iroduction Y' BOY"P b. 2nd, at 3.45 P. m. 25c; Children 10c. P. m. Ustia] Prices. and SÂT.-DEC. 541.7 LIUS ISLAND" DIY in Natural Colo,. Ste 38 plu 8. taz;Chlldr e. %V eoýZtna lan ýe[ee, t Man

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