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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUrRSDAY,. NOVEMBER 28, 1929 PAGE TWO LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS biI. G. V. GOULD, B-A., 1là-D. There are maay Conishmea and Barrister, Solicitor, NatarY 1 descendants of Conisbmen ha Dur- lioney to boan on Farn and Town hamn and Ontario counties and we de- Property. Royal Bank Building, sire te give them e f ew excerpts Bowmanville. Phone 351. frorm a speech that on June 23, 1927, Hon. Staaley Baldwin addressed tei W. R. STRIKE ýa meeting of Cornishmen. Ho tolId Barrister, Solicitor, Notay them Corawall bad bad two of the Solicitor for Bank of Moautreal greatest sailers whe ever went te ses Money to Loan Phone 91 -Walter Raleigh and Francis Drake. Bowmanville. Ontario You had, tee, the Duke of Welling- ton and you sent te Parliament a W. F. WARD, B. A. strange tinity in Addison, Gibbon Barrîster, Soiritor, Notary and Herace Walpole and Cornwall Money to boan. Bonds for sae. bas contributed Lord Chancellera. Offices-Bleakley Blockc, King St., and Speakers te Parliament. Cern- Bowinanville, Ontario. Phone:- ing from Lonidon to this peniasula Office 102; flouse 409. which bas braved the storma of two _______________seas from the begianing of Time, DENTALstirred as I arn by the names of your DENTAL ancient speech and your legeadary DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE lore, 1 feel I arn very close te the Ronor graduate ha Dentistry, Toronto root.5 of our British civilîzation an~d University. Graduate of the Royal la the cradle of the greatest coleaiz- Coliege of_ Dental Surgeonsof On- ing Empire ha the world. t.nio. Offce Kng b .. mu-ý. office phone 40. flouse phone 22. Every county in England bas con- X-Ray E-quipment la Office. tributed te the ricb variety of our i national inheritance. No ceuaty is DR. J. C. DEVITT more deeply stamped with its bltory Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson and its enigin than yeurs. Bleod, Graduate of Royal Dental College,i language, religion, yeur peculiar po- Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- itien on the map, your ancient indus- manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. to tries of fishing and miaîng, and youri e p. mi. daily except Suaday. Phone more recent importation of artists,j 90, House phone 283. have aIl contributed te givo Cornwall X-Ray Equipment ha Office. its special character and earicb its DR. . E.DINNWELL special contribution te our national DR.R. . DNNIEL life. Cornwall owes much ilalber Bonor graduate o! Toronto Univer- develepment o! the ast t-ar centuries mty and member of Royal College )f te the influence cf John and Charles Dental Surgeons. Licens"d te Wesley. They gave a trernendous eractise in 0ntarho and the Do.ainii On. impulse net enly among the people Dnti try aail its branches. Of'ce- who beemme mamked off as the years King St., Bowrnanvilie, opposite weat by as their followers but te the Bank 0f Montreal. Phone 301. Church itself ha wbich they wereý bruh padwhW hylvd ibruh *u adw* *te lvd MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. f.raduate of Trinity Medical Cofle«e, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence. Dr. Beith'8 former residence on Uiiurch Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t J. CLARK BELL Nà.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.M. (Staccessar ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) BKons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-' Jeen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeon.s, Edinbairgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Bowmanviile, Phone 89. Oofce Hoers: 2 ta 4 P. m., 6 to 8.30 P. Em. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. Office Houri: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108. Office and Residence: Dr. llazlewood's former residence, Wellington Street. Bowxanville. DR. R. W. CLARK Phtysicien & surgeon Office-Division St., Bowmanville. (next to Trinity United Church} Office Hours-3 to 5 and 7 ta 9 p. mn. Suixdays by appointment only. Phone 24 DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS The Physicians of Bowmanville bave agreed to close tbei.r offices Wednesday afternoons. In case of emergency at this time enquire of the bospital or telephone operator for a doctor. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honoir graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141j, Reaidential catis made during fore- fanon. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. ( ~ ) Ailecalîspromnptly attended to. Private Ambulance 10 mand 3e pone B 10mandle 3o4 e Branch Stores- Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Clii given prompt and versonal at bention. No extra charge for d isj tance. Motor Ambulance at four service. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- manville, Ont. 3-tf. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioaer Varm and House Sales a Specialty. Terra moderate. Enniskillen P. O Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. O ron o Lfonor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl tases gien prompt and careful attention. Office-Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones Clarke 3921; Oronc 18-1. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambiticus, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay whie training for Aýiattn Mechanica. Garage Work, DivIng, Battery, Elactrlc Acetelyne Welding, House Wiing. Industulal Electriclty, Machinist BrickIay- hig Plattering, Draftlng, Barbering and Hardressing. Act quick. get your applica- dion in now. Write or cal] for information. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Eastern Headquarters, 1(,3 Krg St. W., Toronto. Ernployment service-<oazt to cosat -Ook's Regulating Compound Aieart!. rliabe reeuwaibe meaw.a.. Sod in tire de. 'o. 283; No. 3, 85 pér bot B.Id L la' draiste, or sent aron ipt of pero.. Vre.paxnPhiet. Addreeea THE COOK< MEDICINE C.- m î -i Ttat. .t (ore.I,Wodo j 0s PHO0SPHODINE-6 MM Mt lCne Great Eglish FIepaaf. zornes asi nvgOeate hole ervous syste.a makes new BIeod hiold VeinL Usuif for Nerpous l.bay. Metli oiifBasW" Be~~~~ boitdU~ du __cin plain The spirit which animated the Wes- leys bas been the secret of the West Country (%hicb Cornwall and Deon are called) of the enterpnise and courage, the character which bhas on- abled you through good tintes and bad te hold on and win tbrougb, to seize new chances of life acrosa the seas (Canada and Austrahia) when there was no roorn at home and which has enabled Cornishnien te carry their character and their senso 1 ef duty inte every corner of the Brit- ish Empire for the Empime's benefit. Isn't ithis a fine tribute?-Editar. We often notice in the city papers advertisemonts offering articles on the installment plan-for instance: $5 down will get you the article and then $5 weekly or rnonthly for se many weeks or imontha and the article la yours. "O, happy day, wben al the debta are cleared away." Here's a good story about buying on the in- stalliment plan : No one seems to know just bowý instahiment buyiag will turn out. In inany cases now, ail tbe money is' np fni, v tt anei.Ntol Photographs to be forj Foreign Mail Should i I.Be Taken as Soon a 1 with family folks, but it is just the cePts that as lier whole character. same with young folks as well. dret h oe ilsfn * ** [ erethte oer ir' fn We heard a couple men talking the lvn exterior, there la an earnest- other nigbt in town. "'You're going 1 ness about the probleins of the werld. to the show T.hursday night, 'aren't She nay not always find a means of you.?" "No, 1 can't, l'ai broke." expression, 'but theiterest hisimbed- "Bt that la pay day, how can you beIddee. Thtl yteyun broke?" "How can I? Rather, hc>w 1 girl and the newly-imarried women, as can't I? Every cent of Tay money la well as the inother who bas brought spent before I get it." On inquir- Jup -a family and sent it out into the ing whetber the other man was going, world, are the logical persons to do he f ound that hie, too, was in the social womk. saine fix-every cent spent before it I think every girl ought to have the came in. You know about the young training whieh inakes it possible for busband who camne home in high gîee. her to go to work for hier living, even "I've paid the doctor another $10 on if she does flot take up the profes- the account of the last baby." "You sion fooer which she is trained. We have," said the wife, "isn't that fu4ly agree with Miss MacDonald nice." 'I sbould say it was," about- here. In England, it is flot usual ed the young husband. "Next -week, for a married wornan to go out to I think 1 can pay him $10 more and work. The over-fuil labor .market then the baby will be ours." makes hier competition unwelcome. * * *But there is always social service. We frankly state that we have be- It serves to broaden bier outlook and corne an admirer of Ishbel MacDon- to deepen bier interest in the rworld ald. Her writings and addresses on around bier, as well as to give lier ai her observations on bier recent trip to certain amount of extra self-respect. America with hier dlatinguished1 father, the Prime 'Minlter of Great An unusually good numtber of Britain, show her to be a very sen- fiction stories as well as interesting sible young lady, as for example she matter of fact articles dealing with says otorh peri b ee'e Social work in America and at uoolieaprinteDemr home has corne to mean more and issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian more to modern young womnen. 1 Sidver Fox News, Canada's national arn but an exampie of a great bo dy ofIoutdo or life publication, which la young people who are striving, seme- Ijust to hand. Among the authors times futilely, somnetimes effectively, are such well known outdoor author- to improve conditions under which ities as A. Bryan Williams, Chiel people live, or te inake' up in some Game Commissioner of B. C., Bonny- way for the sufferings they iindergo. castle Dale, J. W. Winson, C. N. A. The normal young woman wantq to Ireson, J. E.-McFariand, H. Mortimer do something to better social ,,rdi- Batiten and Wmr.MacMillaii. The de- tieýns. On the wbole, the fla.pper has partment on angling, capably edited been deceiving the public. She has by G. P. Siaden, holds to îts usuali been biding bier inner feelings underihigh standard -and the other regular4 an attitude of gayety. She bas much ' features are of the usual bigh inter-i more feeling for humanity than the'est. crease taxes is bound te be unpopu-1 lar.1 Wbile the actual sum of rnoney me- quired for the support of a numberý o! one-room arbools is less than wbat would be required to maintain thern if tbey were coimbinod hnto consoli- dated schoola, the actual coat per pupil per day ha a consolidatod schooli la bass. Tbe mrney paid for thel education of a cbild ha wasted if ho la absent 40 eut of every hundred days. The consolidated achool does for a country child most of wbat is required. It affords hlm the oppor- tunity of attendance at a graded achool and makes bim a member of a elas sufficiently large to croate in- tereat and incentive to work, and wbat is still more important, ho can attend the higher classes witbout baving te beave home. The consolidated school thus pro. vides for at least two of the inaîhea- able rights of country children; the rigbt to an educatien equal la stand- ard to that of the towa cbild, and the righrt te receive that education witb- out baving te leave home. It opens the way for granting the third right, an education wbicb will best fit bum for the work in life he has te do, for with trained teachers and adequatel equiprnent a rural trend can ho im- parted to the education cf couatryl cbildren. Another change la achool admoiais- tration neceasary te the promotion of better rural education is the adoption of the provincial levy for scbool purposes la place of the district Ievy wbicb neiw prevails. The cost of educatiag ahi the chîldrea of the pro- vince is preiperly a charge upon ail] the citizens of tbat province, but un- der the present system the coat faIts most heavily on those who are least able to bear it. TAKEN BY Campbell's Studio Ltd. 22/ Simcoe St. S. THAT BRITAIN IS NOT GOOD ADVICEi DECADENT ADULT EDUCATION; Hon. Stanley Baldwia, Ex-Premier, A person ahould be astudent thrui told the people of Scotland, in a life. This la the opinion of Hon.i speech at Douglas Castie, Lanark- Stanley Baldwin, Britain's Ex-Preom-: sbire, after hla reburn frorm a 19- ier, addressing a class of Working! days' viait to Canada in 1927 when he Men's College students asked themi:; visited our nine Provinces and deliv- What is it that a person get.s when lbe1 ered 23 speeches, said in opening: la urged in the pursuit of knowledgc, There is no spot to wbicb 1 would by the real love of lcarning? Wbat rather corne straigbt f rom Canada do you, as students. get froni vbatir than into the beart of Scotland which you are taught in this college and bas played so great a part in the mak- frorn the compaaioaship of student ing of that great country. Why did like-minded with yourselves? You 1 go to Canada? 1 waa invited by realiy get a great deal. Whea oee the Goverament of that country to sits down te study anythitg. lie learas go over to help in the celebration of how little bie knovs. One coises toJ their Diamond Jubilee of Fedoration. be positive about things andmie ho e I accepted witb pride that I might go cornes aware of bis owa ignorance and represent in my own person the and of bow littie any mat ini thi, feelings of my fellow-countrymen to- world can really know ini the short wards Canada. 1 went for anotber space of bis life. Tîtat is grrod for a reason. Tbere bas been much evil man. It keeps him humble, as he propaganda through the world of re- ought to be, and it ca thleos bini te cent years, especially ia the new bave some kind of standiardi of val:ie countries, telling people tbat Great in learning. It makes blini discon- Britain is a decadent country, that tented with the -econd-hest. hiý we have forgotten bore howv te work, makes a man keep on sttivitig to get that we bave lost hope and heart and sometbing which hoiemy aver gel. trying to imply to those great aew but wbieb it is far btter hoiesbould colantries that association wvith ouri strive for thaa that hoe shotild ronia isiands bere is net one that can lhe (f like a elod or i turaip). hîelp to theni, and that it is tyiti The study of yrrur trwiîl angmage themselvea to a cerpse. brings you ul agatast tht roat ***things of life. It cOel ai, p b ou I was able te tell the Canadians ,wbat ha, after al, the grt'ate.-' liter- that this count'ry, far froni being de-1 ature in the Nvorl<l voar O It cadent, is the same country it wasi enables you to givo expression to ten years ago, when we stood sbould- j your tbought., anti to test thet truth er te shoulder with the Canadians ialof other peoples hought-s . Whle the Great War, and that our spirit is using yeur o,' a iipjportunitie 'sYo 1 uadimmed, our courage unquenched, mustsec te it t tht -orzne faciIiIiVsý. that of aIl the couantries in the woûrrd se far as pos-ibWt, are broughî it.lhila none bas had greater difficulties to the reach of al he pioopît who c-Il face, that wo, primarily a manufact-I use them. By - mb ay alono cn uring country, have seen the whgle ma find bi., own ai opie--- aii,-s systern of world credit and excbarigejowa soul. broken by the war, our markets ______ oate, our people thrown eut of work in consequence, and the whole of ouri REDIRECTING THE RURAL wage system. buiît up over tw-o and SCHOOL three generatiens, sbattered and hav-___ ing te bie reconstructed in a ne-wV Social Service Cauncii of Canada ;vorld. Favora Consolidated Schaois Few people could face such a cata- logue of difficulties as our people Everywhero there h denîad that have faced theni. istakes we bave education bave relation te living, made, mistakes we shaîl make; but, that the sehools should express the takiag our people as a whole, I arn daily life and that in rural district, proud of the courage, of the patiencetbey ebould educate by metans of with wbich our people, our working agriculture and rural 1f e subjects. people have stuck gimly to this aI- The one-rornsobool, planned by most impossible task through those pioneers struggling to liscover a years and are slowly but surely win-j means of educating their children, niag tbrough. That I told thel cannot be expected te meet the much people of Canada, and it was receiv-I more difficult situation confroating ed from ocean to ocean witb apyplause the rural life of this day. "The which would bave rejoiced your fundarnental need of country schoc>ls hearta. la a change of syatem." The con- Continuing, lie said: Nothing solidated school, with graded classes stnikes one more ha that country than and tmained experienced teachers is the part that bas been played by your the moît hopeful siga of progresa in country, by Scotland, in the develop.. rural educatien in this generation. ment of Canada. Its tprogressxbas been slow, but that ____________________________ a o beD epected. It is slightly more expensive. and Canadian farn- world realizes. ýIt is bier firivoious ers have be-en under such econemnic ide she shoiws, and tbe onlooker ac-1 disahilities duriar recent years that *Phonolectro Radio" on/y $358 H ave You An Acid Stomach ? Wbea gas, pain and distress follow a good maeal, it ta an -almost sure siga of "too mucb acid" ia your stornacb. Get rid of it now for it ha dangerous. Ulcers are apt te foJlow. No mat- tem how mueh acid is in your stom- ach, you can enjoy and relisb your1 next meal without fear o! aftem ef-' fecta, if you bave seme Bisurated Magnesia handy te preveat the troub-1 Ile before it starts. Try it. Eat whatever yeu life, la reason, and thea t.ake a little Bisurated Magnesia te neutraiize the acid, sweetea your stormacb and protect the stomach lin- ing. Doctors recommead BisuratedI Magresia-tbousands use it because it pesitively prevents stomach trouble- or stops the worst attack in lesa than five minutes. . Get a trial package, either powder or tablets, from your druggist, use as directed, and indigos-J thon and stomach troubles will g Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery Daily Annoyance, Troubiesonie Nights Wrecking Lives of Thtou&- anda States Writer Who Tels What To Do For Quick Relief Backacbes, Headaches, Pains in feet and legs, Nervousness, Restles- ness, frequent but scanty Urination with burning and pain, getting-up- nights-are soine of the more troub- I s leseme signa that should have prompt attention before they reacb a more serious stage! No matter how stubborn your case niay seem to be or tbow many medi- cines you have tried without resultsi -don',t tbink your condition is hope. less or tbe natural consequence of advancing years until you have tried the amazing value of Dr. South- worth's "UR-ATAJBS&" jOn a striot guarantee of money back on firat box purcbased if you do not receive swift and satisfying relief, any good druggist will supply you with "Urata'bs" ia sealed pack- ages containing a ten days' supply. If they bring great relief inside of OSHAWA 48 hours and a wonderful timprove- ment Inside of ten days, you will bel greatly pleased-if tbey do not help, I 1hey cost you nothinai Ask your druingit today.1 T HINK F IT! You can now buy a brand- new 1930 Model Rogers-Batteryless Radio- with 8fiully guaranteed tubes and buit-in Electro- dynamic Speaker-for as littie as $ 198.00! And three other popular console models have also been sharply reduced in price. Here are the new prices now in effect: New Reduced Price Rogers Model "530" - - 0108 Rogers Model "540" - - 0218 Rogers Model "550" *- - f258 Rogers "Phonolectro-Radio" 0358 (Radio-Pbonograph Combination) Ail prices complet e with Tubes Terms to suit your convenience Factory sales in October were the largest in Canada -nearly $2,000,000 at retail values. This greatly increaszd production bas brought about savings now passed on to you. At these «rock-bottom"prices, the proven, reliable Rogers is unquestionably the radio ttbuy" of the season. Corne in and choose yours today. W. J. BAGNELL King Street Bowinanville M .! M i n , A Joint Savings Account is a Real Convenience PARTICULARLY as a matter of family conven- ience does the joint account demonstrate its value. Ail funds deposited are subject to withdrawal at_ any tinie by eitber of the persons in whose naimes tbe joint accou.nt la oipened. lan case of the de- r ceaie of one of t.he parties holding a joint account' aIl money may bie withdrawfl by the otheir. A joint savings account in The Canadian Rank of Commerce is a real convenience where two people desire access to the sanie funds. lTE CANADIANBANK 0F COMMERCE if cwi hc,,hh ,$o,,,goornted Itr HE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA , Ready for Skating We are local agents for the famous C. C. M. Skates for men, women and chidren. Priced to suit every purse. Hockey Eqluipment-.-Skates, Sticks, Pucica, Pads, etc. Headquarters for Sport Goods MASON & DALES POPULAR HARDWARE STORE Bownanvil. PHONE 148 I UST IN TIMdGFOP, C-IPSTA5' BATTERYLESS RADIO0 THE GIFT SUPREME CHRIST IA4 Photograph en-0 Rogers Lou'boy oi1y $198 1 Rog'ers Higb boy on/Iy $218 DeLuxe High boy on'y $258 ="- imn- T,-iýv st.. Bowmanville. 1 1 -qý 0 1

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