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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN WTÂmMANI 9OWKANVILLE~ TEUE8DAY, NOV~EK 88, 1988 PAGE THEZE M DON'T BUY A RADIO UNTIL YOU SEE AND HEAR THIS NEW SCREEN GRID OOOOF-THE RADIO WITH- OUT SCREEN GRID TUBES IS 0F ANCIENT VINTAGE TODAY-ATWATER KENT INTRO- DUCED PERFECTED SCREEN GRID RADIO ON MAY ist, 1929. $ 228.50 COMPLETE $348.950 (CombiuatiOn) COMPLETE $251.50 COMPLETE Oîd Price .U52.50 HIGH BOY NEW PRICE COMPLETE $201,050 THE MOST DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS IN RADIO HISTORY TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED TO YOUR CONVENIENCE. FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME. THE FAMOUS ATWATER KENT RADIO IN THE EQUALLY FAMOUS NO-MAR CABINETS GÉORGE BROWN Atwater Kent Radios Dealer Store next to J. B. Martynsa Store. Division St. Bowmanville WE SELL YOU THE ATWATER KENT KNOWING THAT IT IS THE FINEST WE CAN BUY. Thee sNone Better THAN CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD We don't make this statement in any boast- fui manner. But we do say there is no better bread than Corbett's, basîng ouxr assertion on the fact that we use the best ingredients that can be obtained to turn out a loaf that is wholesome and full of nourishment. "Not how cheap but how good" is our policy. Then a word about service: With our 7 de- Iivery zigs and store service we are endeavoiing to give a faultless service. If you should have a complint let us know. Be loyal to your home town bakers. DC<DC--D< W. P, Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Bakeries at Bcawmanville and Orono School Teachers Attention Handwriting Reveals Character Cet yaur pupils to enter the contest for the most interesting handwniting, for which 1 arn offering the foliowing cash pizea: lat Prize $20. 2nd Prize $10. . .3rd Prize $5. 4th to 2Oth $1 Each. 8imiply write the followting sentence in your best handwriting: "A Policy in The Sun Life-(Canada's Leading Assurance Comnpany) is a safe and profitable investment-" Complete the following coupon snd attacli ta lower haîf of sheet on which you have written. The Contest wiUl close Dec. 3lst, and the Judges who wild be chosen at an early date, wilI announce thein deeision and prises wi]l b. pald to the wnn.rs Namne of Contestant ..................... Address .......................................... Naine off Street..................... .............. SDate off Birth ..........................Aae... Send ail entries to FRED W. WELLS, General Agent, Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canada, Port Hope, Ontario. BLRKETON teresting part of the session was a TYRONE story of the Lost Sheop told to the Miss Vera L. Denilile is in Oshawa' littie folk iîn a moet interesting way 1 Mra. . Wyborn bas returnedto General Hospital, having unde.rgone by Mi" Evelyn GaY Of Osha'wa, and 1hrhm tGadRpdMc. f an operation for appendicitis oniafter the lesson Miss 'Gay gave a' e oea rn apdMc. reading which was enjoyed by aIl. ter visiting her niece, Miss Margaret IWednesday, Nov. 20,th. She lives M'a Gay lias a wenderful way of Moore... Mr. and Mrs. R. Vfrtuer iwith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. HuL- telling stonies to chidren which i, and Dorothy, Oshawa, visited at M r. bard, Enfield. Her friends ail hope quite an accomplishiment..The Win. Staples'... .Mr. and Mrs. Richi- for a speedy recovery ... . Mrs. Rob- Trail Rangers had their reg'ular ard Sudds, Miss Ruby Virtue, Bow.. ert Jewell, Canibray, has returned1 meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. manville, and Mr. W. Hamley, Boys' 1homne after spending a few weeks Sami Vinson last Friday evening Training School, visited Mis. lsnira guest of lier daughter, Mis. Armi- when the officers fooe the year were Virtue ...Church service Sunday ______elected. Refreeliments were served nxorning was taken by five Laymen by Mis. Vinson and a good time en- from Bownianville, represent.atiyes ofI COURTICE joyed by the 'boys and their leader, 0Oehawa 'Pr"bYterY, who apoke on the Mn. Cecili Found. Mrs. Vinson made vs.rious phaes aio the Misionary & Miss Evelyn Gay and Miss Edna them veny much at home. Maintenance F'und: Mr. C. H. Mason JohnonOshwawereSunay is-spoke on "Pensions"; Dr. Devitt, i tohson, OLhaJa, ere Sund.r.andv -"Religious Education"; Dr. Blemon, itos At . .ourtic ae's .. .Mr.ad M[fyou can't ha 'with them at "Foreign Missions"; Mi. A. M. Han- Meis. ATE.rndo Ie ahresendin a Christmas time, there's one substi-1 dy, "Home Missions"; Mr. W. R. andetaingToin toe Witterir .....lme tute they will apprecate-Yo.ur Strike, "Colleges". MrT. Strilce sang On Wednesday evening of asat week . tgrp-the most pensonal of ail a solo which was veny mucli enjoyed. the Tuxis Boys were entetined g0ifts There is none too inuch tiurne The choir also nendened good music. a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t prgesv otHirprya h eft~ for an appointment if you 'would -..Women's Institute and Ladies' hom ofMr.andMr. Ry Nchos.avoid the Christmas rush. Phone Aid held their meeting on Wednes- homn e f r a rs. ofyth ichols.n 256 for appointaient. H. Humphries, day at the home of Mrs. Albert Haw- DringChefirs ato h vn Photographer, Horsey St., Bowmnan- key, when inembers of Bowmanville Mn. Chas.Mson, BowmanviIle, gave ville. 4-fWmnsIsiuevstdteTrn boys. Dainty refrahdient Teremeeting opened Wlit abot frtyfiemldietpeset. ri served by Mrs. NichoIs and prizes: BUY OOAL NOW aoul was i an iee sownt soll were presented to the three players 1 alwsasee ysoigam winning highest nuniber of points. Mr. R. H. Coliacott wishes toin antiques which was very interesting.j Walter Shortt won lst prize, neceiv-1 fritepbiMta el rp red G Lnuther Heroantd delegaeJ. îng a wrist watch, Alec Sanîsan camel ta continue to deliver coal at Ty oodatn tereconvntn in Toanto. 2nd and was presented with a jack- tation and to ail parts of the towin tedtecneto nTrno knife, and Stan Coverly 3rd received and township. Ail orders promptly 1The prograin opened by singing a box of chocolates. Over twenty filled and satisfaction guaranteed.- "Spread a Little Gladness," after boys were present and aIl had a rnost! Phone 518. which Mrs. Jas. Dudley gave a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. helpfui talk on "Gooking Ail Kinds Nichols wene genial hast andhtess1 of Meats." Mrs. Jacldman, Bowman- ..... T __________________the__Young ville President. took charge, and .Thuresdameetnsqingte aung1. ,called on Mrs. Trimble for a solo opening with the President, Mis Hat- (IJ which Ivas nîuch enjoyed; Mis, W. tie Osborne, in the chair. In the Adam the gave an excellent paper devotional pe.riod Miss Osborne gave' CH IST A S 1 on "Reading Eýioks" %vith sorne a short paper fromi the book "Jesus. sketches froni diff crent authors; solos Christ." Miss Laird, teacher of No.:fl DL were sung by Mrs. G. Pritchard and 4, took charge and the following pro-; ( iMrs A. Trimble . A pleasant social gram was presented: Mrs. Rosa1 Jjl haif-hour brought the meeting to a Pearce in hier usual attractive man.- SFULftI) close. We hope ta have anather ner gave the reading "Dotninique ;lvisit fro-m Bowranville .... Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis read an account of W. Have Gifts Suitabie For Every Mrs. A. W. Clemens, Mr. and Mis. A. the Missionaries aniong the Frenchi One oni Your List. W. Annis, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent Canadians; "The Canadian Boati mngIemae and family, Mr and Mrs. Ronald Scott Song was sung by Miss Hazel Rundle! ln teiar:jand Mr. Willis Stewart attended the and Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Mr. Ken- Book* - Pictures - Cames funeral of Mr. W. H. Clemens at neth Courtice then took charge inl I Kiddie Cars and Joycycies Centreton on Saturday. connection with the Aduit graup. Futi e n eclSt ae Mr. G. F. Annis gave a talk on eux-i Futi e n eclSt ae rent events. Messrs. Geo. and Art Gift China and Glas& Mr. and lins. Percy Magahay and Coverly sang a song, and a ganel D4nuer Sets . Lampe two boys, Omemee, spent Monday was played, after which MIr. Alani Vases and Candlesticks with the latten's sister, Mrs. G. F. BaIson, Solina, who is runing forl StampedGos and Purdy, Church Street. Boys' Panliament, gave quite a fine address and the meeting closed... Embroidered Uinens There will be no Young People's' Christmas Papotriee-some. meeting this week on account of the thing different O L R Teacher Training Sehool in Bowman-1 Novities of ail kinds ville .... The Thank-affering services Crsia ad n on Sunday, tho' not a.s largely at-i hita ad n W A N TED tended as we could wish, were quite Personai Greetings in groatI wat il k ds o succssf l. erv.Bretenaf Tren-. variety.I at l kns o ion preached two beautîful seimons Shop Rarly. Poultry and arn paying ly appreciated. Ir the morning 'U q gy , hiRhest price. Phone Mis. G. F. Annîs sang a solo, ail * y W L hty 8 and inves the evening Mrs. W. R. Courtice and . JEL W ib 81 ad ie rs Miss Hazel Rnndle sang a duet, and hlgs the choir sang at both services. The"B G 20 hags thank-offening ainounted te $400 and "B G 0"1 STEIN there la yet »ore te, core nel. 1-n~iu HIB the afternoon the Sunday Schoolj Phoneo 0 ouavll MIB 1 session w« well attended and an ln- _____________ Big Money Saving Vilnes CHARTRAN OFFERS THESE TEMPTNG SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15 only Men's Blue Overcoats, regaai '$32.50 for .....................................24f.50 25 only Men's Suits, some 2 pairs pants, regular $35.00 for ............................*24.50 25 pairs Men's Black Overails, regular $2.50 for....................................... $2.00 50 pairs Men's Work Pants,mxeg. $2.50 for .. . .$ 2.00 50 garments of Men's Wool Underwear, regular $1.75 for .......................$ 1.26 100 garments of Men's Fleece Underwear, regular 90e for ..............................$ .75 200 Men's Caps, assoxited patterns, regular $2.00 for....................................... $ 1.50 3 only Boys' Suits left, 29, 30 and 31,-Haif Price 50 Men's Sweater Coats, regular $6.50 for .$5 M0 S. Go CHARTRAN King Stret BOWmnvilje iff TIM RNADL4N vrATMUN, BOWNANVnIA TEUMAY, Novmmm U, 1120 PAGI TEM

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