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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 5

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PAGE VIVE TiHE GANA.DIAN STATEBMAN, BOWMÂNVILLE, THUMSDÂY, NOVIIMDER 28, 1929 FACE-TO-EACEe REALISM US THRULLING THE WORLD _4 h - 'N TN THE amazing Voice of the new JSpartons there is a "something" more satisfying titan its richness.. more deightful than its purity.. more caprivating eVCn than its smooth ulness. In FACE-TO-FACE REALISM there is the sensation of nearness .. . of intimacy .. . of the actual presence of the artists. Your entertainers become living, charm- ing persons. We invite you to ex- perience this delightful sensation. Cail on us. Lowest Prices This Season Model 931-$251.50. Model 301 (as illustated- $385.00 Model 111-$55 5.00. Be sure ta secure your SPartO% -omn an Authorized Sparton Dealer. Only instruntîs berins factory seral number carry te f.,ccory guarantee. We are assured by manufacturers these prices will not be lower this season. Demonstration GIadIy Given In Your Home Harry C. Aluin King St. West Bowmanville S PARTON AI 'Radio's Ricbest Voic» CHRISTMAS Only One Month Away To Tw DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY We Are WeIl Supplied With Furniture Suitable For Christmas Gifts Our Children's Departinent is well stocked and it is easy to select something very pleasing and very useful for the children, because the prices are vexiy reasonable, and one can purehase something very worth while for so littie. Then we have such pleasing and useful pieces of fumniture for the grown-ups. A gift of furniture for the home is always 'Ippreciated and is lasting. Let us show you our gift lines ineluding: Odd Chaim, Ferneries, Smokers, Sewing Tables, End Tables, Chesterfield Tables, Cedar Chests, Card Tables, Sweepers, Mirrors, Costumers, Lamps; and a good Mattresa will always please mother. Fe F. MORRIS Co. Phone 10 Bowmanville 1 Furniture and Funiabings Boys' Parliament Election Platforms of Three Durham County Candidates -Election Saturday, November 3Oth. STANLEY RICKARD'S PLATFORM PLATFORM 0F JAS. A. HANCOCK This year there are four candidates! A few facts about James A. Han- lined up for premiership in the Ninth cock's career: Praetor of Tuxis Ontario Tuxis Boys' Parliament, and Square for 2 years; 3 years High after giving careful consideration to School Training holding % Junior the qualifications and platforms of Matriculation; Vice-President of each, I have decided to adopt prin-. Young People's League; Meauber of cipally the platform of Melville R. Ebenezer Church Choir; Regular at- Jack of Arnprior, Ontario.î tendant at Church and Sunday Ile is hîghly cominended by Mr.; Schooi; Menaber of the Eighth Older A. R. Scott, principal of Arreprior' Boys' Parliament of Ontario. High School, who was formerly ai To the Boy Electors of West Durham: mathematical teacher in Bowmanvillef As I see it, the first duty of a mieni- High Sehool., ber of the Tuxis Boys' Parliament is With regard to My qualificationsi to proniote Tuxis, and the Tuxis pro- 1 fulfil ail the requirements demand- gram in fbis own constituency, placing ed for candidates to the Tuxis Boys' national affairs second. Parlamen, ad inaddtion am In our Parliament after the Prem- PraenfteaNdeinaddtion, ana ýier is elected his platf orm along with pquraeor ofnd the eacstloTuisl the best policies of the defeated Quar.nt tne d the Baho ory of1 lcandidates are drafted into bis and Quine te Ok a Si ummer'fr aond subm-itted to the house for adoption. was appointed a member of the ex- For this reason I arn not supporting ecutive in charge of the Summer any one platform, in its entirety, but Scbool for next year. I obtained have made eut an independent plat- at Summier School and at the Stand- forni as follows, with the needs of ard Training Schoo1 held in Bow- our county predominating: manville îast winter, specialization 1. That an endeavour be made to certificates in boys' averk. 1 have ai- organîze more Trail Ranger and waysbee a rgulr an acive Tuxis Groups tbrougbout West Dur- way ben areglarandactvemem-j ham. ber of the Sunday School and- 2. That the boys of West Durham Church, and amn also active in other join the boys of Ontario County to young people's work in the latter., forai a Boys' Camp at Scugog Island M.Ny platform i s: i next summer. 1. League of Nations:1 3. That the local Boys' Work (a) That the Tuxis and Traill Board endeavour to lronlete an Ranger Groups be introduced to the inter-group program throughout al work of the League of Nations Soc-I seasons of the year: Winter-Inter- iety in Canada by the considerationi group athletics and debates; Spring of its principles, organizatien and! -Athletic meets and basebal Iwork at not less than four meetingsi leagues; Summer-Lecal camps; during the year. FalI-County Boys' Work Board 1(b) Fostering goodwill between Conf«erenees and election for Tuxis 1 the youth of Canada and the youth of Boys' Parliament. other countries in accordance with 4. That the Ninth Tuxis Boys' the spirit of the League of Nations. Parliament abolish the use of Bond 2. Leadership Training: Selling Caanpaign as a nmeans of financing the Boys' Work of the Pro- In view of the urgent need of cap- vince and tihat the necessary expenses able and worthy leadership for the be apportioned to the individual yauth of Canada that leadership groups, usiag the Bond Selling meth- training receive special emphasis in od if at ail for purposes of extension. the Ninth Parliament. Hoping that you will see it your 3. Church Probiem: way to elect me as your representa- That this parliament inaugurate a tive next Saturday, I iremain, provincial wide campaign to inake James A. Hancock. our worlc more representative in the - -- - varions denominations than it la to- day. 4. Yauth Problens: That it be the duty of the Ninth Parliaanent to assume the responsibil- miinity boys who have ýbeen releasedi from any provincial Industrial Sehools. 5. Finance: Th'at the Bond Selling Campaign be the mnethod employed to finance our provincial work for the comin.g year. H<>ping this platform meets with your approvail in an endeavour to proanote C. S. E. T. work among boys. Yours in Tuxis, Stanley J. Riekard.1 PLATFORM OF ALLAIN W 'BALSON 1. National Affairs (a) That we aim for te forma- tion of a National Youth Parliament. (b) That a feeling of unity be- twýeen the provinces be fostered by continued Premiers' Conferences.111 and by the Parliamentary Newspap- M ers being comnbined ta fora a "Na- tional Taxis Paper." 2. C. G. 1. T. That parliament shall continue co- operation with the C. G. 1. T. mrove- ment by promoting dloser relation- ship between senior groups in the local churcit, co-operation betweený local boards and joint conferencesi for senior boys and girls. 3. Finance That the Bond Selling Campaîgný be ado.pt-ed as our metihod of financ.t ing co-operitive boys' work. 4. World Brotherhood That Parliament endeavor te o- ter a spirit of friendship towvards I boys of other races in Ontario, by1 encouraging them te join Boys' Groups such as Tuxis Groupa andý Sunday School Classes or Young! People's Groupa in our communities.i 5. That we make the Ninth Parlia-' nient an outstanding efficient Parlla-I ment by ui- (a) Every opportunity heing tl ized ta present our moveinent to the! people of Ontario. (b) Conductirg a camrpaign te impres upon the youth of Ontario Allan W. Balson JUDGING COMPETITION Resuits Announced in Individual Classes Results of the Judging Competi- tion at Hampton are announced. High man of the competition-Jim Brown, Orono. High Coach-Emery Smith, Gav- a ligh man in live stock classes- Lloyd Crago, Bowananvillc. HIgh man in dairy cattle-Bdil Morton, Fraserville. Winner of C. N. E. Shield-Ever- ctt Brown, Orona. Hrses-1, IMaurice Baker, Hamap- ton; 3, Anson Btason, Hampton. Beef Cattle 1, Howard Cryder- man, Newcastle; 2, Carl Smith, Betli- any. Dairy Cattle-1, îBll Morton, Fraserville; 2, Jim a Timblyn, Orano. Sheep-Tie--Clarence Alun, New- castle, and Archie Matchctt, Fraser- ville. Hogs-1l, Lloyd i-ago, Bowmaii- ville; 2, C. W. Seymour, Ide. Paultry-1, Melvile Wood, Baille- boro; 2, Carlos Taiblyn, Orona. The. cup i live stock and thie cap ln dsiry cattle are counted as extra y*lsm and tdi cash prizes for the~ boys wlnning them are &lu &<*es I the respective classe. of stock i which tbey wze high Here's low the Club plan operates: Choose the Majestic Electric Radio you want for Christmas. Pay a smail amount each week througb this simple, easy Iplan. On December 24th, or sooner if ou desire, we shail deliver your Majestic Electric Radio to, your home. The remainder can b. paid !n amail paymcnts, arranged ta sit your coflveUieceC. Don't delay-comU luinodql -now---is the Urne to jom the 4Majestic ChrismClb! W JHAT could possibly give the whole family more enjoyment than a V'Majestic Electric Radio on Christmas morning? Majestic's COLORFTJL TONE is flot duplicated in any other radio. The human voice is as natural as if the speaker were present. High soprano notes are beil-like in their clearness and purity. Deepest bass notes are powerful, rnellow, distinct. The piano, the violin, every musical instrument is faithfully reproduced. Make sure your home will have this supreme gift on Chrisrmas day... .the Majestic Electric Radio ... unsurpassed in richness and perfection of colorful tone. Plan now to make this a Majestic Christmas in your home. Let the Majestic Christmas Club reserve for you the model you want. Corne in today and bring this announcement. It entities you to immediate entry into the Club. bechangedl onMajestic 'w IModels 911 R4~Wand 92 A. L. DARCH King St. Eut i 'I T-HE growh of the Bank of Montreal has dlosely .3coincided with the graduai deveiopment of Canada from a small coiony to a great Dominion. In the Bank's westward advance te the Pacific Coast, one of the important links in its trans- continental chain of Branches was formed in 1878 at Win nipeg, When the Bank opcned its first Branch West of the Great Lakes. This forward stcp, taken seven years before railway communication was opened up between Montreal and WXinnipeg, made avaiable ta the incomîng popu- lation on the prairies the stabilizing cooperarîoni of a strong, conservative and at the same time energetic TotalAsset iii financial institution. Excesa of 0f the Bank's 66'7 Branches, 14 are in Winnipeg $900000,00 ad 188 in the Péairie Provinces. BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 18j.7 Bowmanvilie Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager. Bowmanville

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