PAGE SIX THE CANA.DIAN STÂTF~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 CHRISTMAS PAST and CHRISTMAS PRESENT wiYARDLEYS teThree generations before Dickens' Christmas Carol stirred teheart of humanity-the lovable fragrance of Yardley's ming- led with the gifts of Christmastide. For more than 150 years "Yard]ey's Toiletries" have been po,ÀpuIar gifts, and their popularity increases with the years. That you may be able to procure theni conveniently Yardley & Co. have arranged with Kerslake's, the dependable drug store, te supply you at the sanie prices as if you bought direct from the makers. Prices fromn 35c to $10.00 A smal] (ICpo'it wvj11 secuî e any airticle for you. Sec and buy theni at ' Pond Street Jessarnîne O'Devon Freesia .April Violets and Lav~eder are their oos KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store L NOT MANY MORE DAY TO GET THAT CHRISTMAS CAKE AND PUDDING READY FOR THE BIG FESTIVE SEASON For those who have still to make the "cake" and "pudding" we want you to know that we havel received some more fresh choice Currants, Valen- cia Raisins, Lernon, Orange and Citron Peel, Shelled Walnuts and Alrnonds. Everything but the brandy for the sauce! WE ARE SPECIAL4ZING THIS WEEK Cooking Onions, 6 lbs. for ....................25C Choyer Honey in 5 lb. pails ....................5c Amber Honey by the pail ..........................45c Cooking Beans, 4 lbs for ...........................25c Christie Soda Biscuits, in 5 lb. boxes .......18c lb. (Cheapest way to buy Soda Biscuits) Jersey Rice Jerns, 4 pkgs ...........................25C HERE'S A COUPLE BARGAINS IN PLANTS 150 Jerusalern Cherry Plants, very choice, 35c pot We bought these at a very special price frorn the Nurseries because they are crowded for room-think of it 35e! Boston Ferns, from ..................75C to $1.00 TRY A FISH DINNER FOR A CHANGE We will have a shipment Thursday of B. C. Salmon, B. B. Fillets, Finan Haddie, Cod Fish, Oysters, etc. You'lh like our fishi. TAKE A LOOK AT OUR BARGAIN WINDOW Everything is priced in plain figures. You don't have to carry these bargains away. We de- liver right to your kitchen table without extra charge. IIARRY ALLIN, Oirocer -"0';E '6BOWMÂN VILLE We Are Offering THE BALANCE 0F OUR STOCK 0F HIGI-I LASS DRESSES AT ALMOST UNHEARD-OF PRICE REDUCTIONS 3 Only Good Quality Silk Crepe Dr-esses, Were priced up to $12.0 Clean Up Sale ..............................$5.00 5 Only Beautiful Silk Crepe Dr-esses, Were priced up to $16.00 Clean Up Sale ..............................$8.75 6 Only High Grade Individual Model Dr-esses, Were prieed up to $25.00 Clean Up Sale .................$........5.. .00 12 Only Dr-esses of Outstanding Style and Quality, N Were priced up to $31.50c Clean Up Sale .................$...... 3 Only Extra Special Style and Quality Dresses, Were priced up to $36.00 Clean Up Sale ......................$à5 Remember every Dress in this store is new this season-Every Dre ss is different in style-Every r Dress is a High Class Dress-Every Dress is exact- L ]y what we advertise-The sizes range from 10 Misses' 14 to Women's 4/2,. b( 't1 CLARENCE S. MASON t One door wt of F. F. Monris Co.M a SALEM MAPLE GROVE! Rev. J. W. Bunner, Bowmanville, A number frein here attended the delivered a fine sermon at the Sunday Royal Winter Fair..Mr. and Mis.. afternoon service, bis subjeet being John Munday and son Wallace, Mr.1 "The Strength of the Church." It and Mis. H. Vicke-y, Mr. and Mis. contained an earnest appeal te each i E. W. Foley, Miss Hilda, Mi. Edward: mnember to do his or bier part te up- Foley, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Woîden' hold and stîengthen the church by attended the Montgomery-Spencley! lIiving a if e that is in accordance wedding at Peterboro on Saturday. . 1 with the precept of churcb memiber-. . Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens are vis-' sh...... Sorry te learn that Mi. and iting their daughter, Mrs. Ray Snew-j Mis. F. Catoî's little grandchild is in den, Tor)nto, and attending the iRoy- Toronto hospital..A goodly num- ai Winteî Fair..Mr. Elgin Mun-: ber of our citizens are attending the day, 0. A. C., Guelph, spent the week Royal Winter Fair at Toronto....... end at home. .... Mr. and Mrs. Mont- Mi. and Mrs. L. Savery and babe,I gomery, Peterboro, are spending Newtonville, were Sunday vi.sitors1their honey-moon with thei-r cousins.' with bier parents, M.r. and Mrs. A. r and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mi. and Welsh, and attended Sunday service .: Mrs. R. L. Worden and Mr. and Mrs. ....The funeral cf tie late Mr. W. E. W. Foley. Mrs. R. D. Trimnble, H. Clemens, Centreton, took placelidaughter Phyllis, visited bier aunt from the family residence on Satur- and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George. day last, and was attended by a great Stevenson, Oshawa, on Tuesday. .1 number cf friends from at home and The concert put on by members cf distant points. Deepest sympathy is the Mission Band on the evening cf extended to Mrs. Clemens in ber Nov. i Sth, in the bail was a greatl great sorrow vfîom Salem friends, as success. Program consisted cf re- J Mi. and Mrs. Clemiens -%ere residents citations, dialogue, songs, and was i here for a numbe-r cf yeaîs. Those thoroughly enjoyed. Pastor Stain-' attending the funeral fîom Salem ton acted as chairman in his usual weîe Mis. W. G. Werry and Mi. and pleasing way. After the prograni Mn. E. J. Doidge. the autograph quilt, a great <leal cf the work being done by members cf the band, was auctioned off l)y Mi. HAMPTON John Snowdon, the sum cof $19.00 ________was realized for the quilt. Total Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Gay an- proceeds $50.00. Mr. and Mrs. nounce the engagement of their Ferguson Abeînethy arc the prou<l daughter, Maîjorie Annie, and Mi. owners cf this beautiful quilt which Leonard Sydney Fowler, Toronto, is ail done in the band colors with the maîriage te take place on Satur- the band emblem in the centre.. day, Dec. 7tb, at 4 p. nm. at 7 Wright Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Mlunday and* son Avenue, Toronto. League meeting Ray spent Sunday with lier parent 's on Thursday evening, Nov. 21st, was at Port Granb-y..Miss Corsina in charge cf Mr-. Harold Salter in the Samis is visiting relative- in Toronto. absence cf Miss Johns, Missionary . Mi. and Mrs. Ferguson Aber-I Supt. Meeting opened wvith devo- nethy and daughteýr Ellen, 'Mis. Mil- tional exorcises. Topic, "Oui Work ton Samisý, Mi. Fred Samis, spent a with the French Canadians," was couple cf days with ber sister, Mrs. taken by Mi. Will White. Miss Nora Jack Webste r, Toronto ... On Sunday Hein gave the second part cf lber re- afternoon last a large congregation port cf the convention at Peterboro listened with pleasirre and profit te During the evening Messrs. West- a very tboughtful and inspiring ser- lake and Balson cf Solina, and Messrs mon by Rev. C. B. Brethen, Trenton, Osborne and Hancock cf Courtice, who was the special speaker at Eben- gave interesting talks and asked the ezer Cburch anniversaîy. support cf the electors for the Boys' Maple Grove Xmas Tiee and Con- IParliament. Meeting closed wîth cert will be beld on Monday evening, the Mizipah Benediction.... .Monthly Dec. 2Zird, in the hall. Watcb forj meeting cf the W. M. S. was held on moýre particulaîs Iater. Tuesday, Nov. 19týh, at the home cf_____ Mis. Hilton Peters, with a good at- tendance. The President, Mis. SOI-INA (Rev.) Bick, teck charge. Mis. Clatwcrthy ccnducted the devotional Visitoîs: Mi. and MUs. Clarence part, after which reports from the Weriy and sons William and Robert, Heralds weîe given. Mis. W. Wilbui Kedron, at Mi. S. E. Werry's; Messrs pîesented an inteiesting prograin, Stanley Rickard and Roy Jones, New- the thetie being than'ksgiving, peace castle, at Mi. John Bakew's; Mi. and and oui duty te the foreigners in ci Mis. Hilton Tink, Orono, Mr. and own land. Appropriate bymns weîe Mis. Clarence Tink and Ruith, Pio- Sung. Instructive papeis were -read vidence, at Mi. H. E. Tin'k's; Mi. and by Mis. Stephens, Mirs. Niddeiy and Mis. N. C. Yello<wlees and family Mis. Knox. Mis. Wilbur favored spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. W. with a vocal solo. After the ineet- J. Pound, Borwmanville; Messrs iBilh ing Mis. Peters served lunch and Nicol and Ernest Twist spent a f ew apples, and aIl enjoyed a social time days in Toronto and attended the togethor. Ail are looking foi-waîd Royal Fair; Mis. Lloyd Willianms and te heaîing Mis. Richards cf Whitby balby Glen have been spen.ding a f ew and Mis. J. Baker and the C. G. I. T. days with bei parents, Mir. and Mis. girls of Selina at our annual W.M.S. Thos. MeMullen, Janetville; Misses Thaîk-cffeiing on Sunday evening, Helen Baker and Evelyn Tink spent Der. Sth. the weekend witb Toronto friends; ________Mi. and Mis. A. J. Reynolds and Miss Edna at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's, En- ENNISKILLEN field; Mi. A. L Pascoe spent the _______weekend witb bis daughter, Mis. Mr. and Mis. Herb. Orchard and Douglas McLaughlin, Toronto; Mis. Mr. Frank Orchard, Applegate, Mich. Aveiy Jobnston, Bowmaîville, Mirs. are visiting the fcrmei's brother, Mr. Kiate Allun, New York City, at Mi. Fiank Orchard. .. .Twelve cf the C. Thos. Bakei's; Mis. W. J. Reynolds G. 1. T. attended the C.G.I.T. and ba-by Ruth with Tcronto friends. heldin t. Pul' ChrchBowan- Mis. Jas. Sinales and 'Mis. Chas. ville, on Saturday..Several mem- nding thxe i oot hswe bers cf the Sunday School are attend- tenite Women's Institute con- igthe Standard Trann School i ventin..... We welcome Mi. and ing avil e ralwein.g .à in aMis. Gordon Hardy and family te oui veine Orchard, Bowmanville, aas cmuiy... eea rmhr homeove th weken ... M;, or-have been attendîng the Royal Fair, othy Kirktoî, Toronto, Mr. GrassTrno ?r onBae a Hamilton and Mi. H. W. Pointen vis- successful live stock exhibitor there., ite atMr.Ths. cGil'- .... Mr ' 'Messrs. Lloyd Williams and Ar- Fred ýMountjoy bas purchased a new hrBachr eei Trnols Atwater Kent Radio... Mr. and Mrs. week attending the Royal Fair as re- Heilbert JohnsAn came froni Toronto presentatives cf the Junio-r Farm'ers. and brought Mis. Pye home after.-*'Mis. A. J. Balson and baby Hel- s;pending two weeks in the city..en have îeturîed home from Bocw- Mi. nnd Mis. E. Staples, Mr. Then manville Hospital ...Several f rom Slenion, Mr. and Mis. Wesley Oke here are attending the Standard attended the Royal Wiîter Fair ..... vilehis Training Class i0 Rownian- Mis. Theo Slemon anti Mr. John vil swCCk ..League meeting. Slemn J., mde trp toTorntoMcn<ay cveni-ng was in charge cf the lon Jray...Mde athpt os drontas Pies. Mr. Allan Balson, owing to tho[ on Snda .Mi. Tos.Gilersbasabsence cf the 4th Vice Presideît, reîurned to her home after spending f RbyD el. TciitinI three weeks with friends in Toronto. MissMapl ewoe ll eu itnviin 1ý..Mr. Stanley Rickard an<i .Mr. fthcni Gon Wedncs a e. th, was Joncs, Newcastle, ':poke Sunida\teionWdesdy e. tw morning in the cf the acceçtcd. Devotional peîiod wa, in election fr oy'Pclim nt .....charge of MssMuriel Baker. Vocal' Mis. Wni. Sheppeî<i, Port lIoe, vis duetw., ugbMissJ.iead ited ber <laughte, Mis. L. S. Pethick. N Yello-wlees. Report cf the ...Mrs. Wm. Ilerring spont a few- boun People's Convention at Peter-: days last week w ith friend. in Boxe b.r was g iven by oui Piesident. nianville. M. ani Mis. rn Oui candidate to the Oldeî Boys' Snudden, . Ohawa, visitoti iheir tincli.. ailanient. Mr. Allan Balson, then Mi. Wni. lIeriing ..iU. andl Mis. utlinecd bis platforni in the election Stexait R, dniani, Port PrV, NMiss Hardy. A short ccntcst was put on Maud A-.hton, Toronto, Mr. Ira Tra-b isRthMKsok. .etn vaul, O.shawa, spent Sudayi Mi1ss Rit thMe.eague Beetiong Elias .AshtMnr..;on't f.i..t-t-c.. excepticnýal fine bunceh. Maotvc them Hoîsteins, a few Ayîahiîes, part Jerseys aid Duirhams. Cowa TYRONE tested for T. B. Te'rms: Thcee rmonths' credit on cows and six i Mr. Stanley Riekard, Neweastle,I months on stockers, at seven per cent'candidate for Older Boys' Parusa- per anntim with peisons furnishing ment, will speak at Tuxia on Friday, pproved joint notee. Wm. Maw, Nov. 29th. at 8 p. mn... . Other Tyrone Auctioneer. 48-1 news on another page. SFBLLI NU IN to public f avor. Make this store your headquarters for your requirements in General Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, House Furnisbings, Xmas Merchandise, etc. We guarantee you satis- faction or your money back. A child can shop at this store and get satisfaction. X'MAS MERCHANDISE We have gathered together from almost every quarter of the Globe a large and comprehiensive assortment of merchandise suitable for Xmas giving. You ean buy your requirements for the whole familv at this store at prices you wiil not be able to duplicate elsewhere. Our' stock is too varied to enumerate, so don't fail te corne in and see the many interesting things on dis- play-Gifts for Baby. Brother, Sister, Mother, Dad, Grandma and Grandad. Corne early while the assortrnent is good-and when you can shop with more comfort. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS We have just put into stock 10 dozen Men's heavy winter work Shirts-a very special purchase in five different makes-al away below their regular value. You can choose from plain onl check effeets in al sizes, 'ir worth $1.50 each, SPECIAL ..............................$1 9 WARM KIMONAS Soft, comfortable, fleecy Kirnonas. A new dlean shipment to fit Baby, Junior, Misses, Boys, Women or Men. A fine assort.. ment of colors to select from >to i4 O PRICES..............................$ .9t 45 WOOL COMFORTERS Lovely plaid or plain Blankets that we are offering at venly attractive prices flor this week-end selling. Every wanted style and color in the assortmnent. PRICES ................................... $198 to 1$ ib0 MEN'S SILK SHIRTS This is a rernarkable value and makes an ideal Xrnas Gift for the men folk. Cornes in Jacquard weave in blues, fawns andi white. Regular value $3.95.I SPECIAL ...................................................... $2.59 TOYLAND We have a pleasing and varied selection to offer you, but cannot begin to enumerate this vast assortment, so corne in and judge for yourself-at prices to suit every purse. LADIES' PURSES Two very special purchases that can't f ail to give satisfaction. Trhese are irnported hunes and priced at very tempting figures, all shapes and sizes to choose from. NO. 1 at............................... $.39 NO. 2 at ..............................$2.59 500 GRA13 BAGS 25c. EACH We have gone through our entire stock and have cleaned up ail the odds and ends and broken lines and are going to throw them out Friday and Saturday at a quarter a throw. You can't ail expeet to get a Silk Dress-but sorne will-but we guarantee everybody to get more than their money-worth. And remember, don't judge the value of the parcel by its size, for a diamond takes up far less space than a lump of coal, but is of far more value. We will reserve 200 of these Grab Bags for our country friends which wilI be sold Saturday night from 6 to 10 o'clock. NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS King St. West Bowmanville I <s n ~1 NELSON'S ARE SELLING OUT more merchandise every week. Our list of satisfied customers i5 growing-WHY ? Because we are off ering Bigger and Better Values than it is possible to obtain elsewhere. Hence, we are daily PAGE Mx THE CANADIAN STATFISMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929