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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEII TE CANADIAN S'TATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, NOVFEMBER 28, 1929 Caulking and Weathlr Stripping Wby huy coal to warn- your house and neglect to shut out the cold wnd? We are prepared to equip your windows and doors îith Higgin Al-Metal Weatherstrip, which is draft and dust proof. Warrn your house with les Windows will flot atle. A permanent your property. Also bave Caulked. improvement to your windows Have us call and show you al about it. Carpenter work and ail kinds of decorating done. A. F. Abernethy Phone 477-21 J. H. Abernethy Phone 431 48-tf 1-m2 PRICE SALE DRESSES This will be the final clearance of Ladies' and Misses' Silk Dresses. AIt this season's gpiments, for we havent been in business long enough to have any- thing old-fashioned. IT'S A BIG SACRIFICE CUTTING THE PRICES IN HALF AND LESS It's a heavy loss to us-but our loss is the customier's gain. A look at these dresses make the values self- evident that they are being sold for less than cost of niaterial. Sizes run froni 14 to 42, shades and styles emphasize novel and pert fashion details that are so appealing. Original Prices $25.00 to $15.00. Clearing for One Week at $12.50 to $5.00 NQW FOR YOUR WINTER COAT It's really too eardy to make a reduction in these luxuriously fur-trimmed Ladies' Coats, but we must have the room. Se we are placing two groups of these new coats on sale for the week-end: Coats originally $27.50 for .........$17.50 Coats originally $25.00 for......... $1 6.50 New Christmas Gooda Arriving Daily. THE SM3AIT SHIOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. - 16m LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Henderson, Cobourg, is guest! of Miss Lena Haddy. Mrs. W. Downing, Toronto' bas been guest of Mrs. H. W. Foster. Miss Blackbuirn, Newcastle, wasl guest of Miss Annie Allin, on Sun- day. Miss Marguerite Milligan, Osbawa, spent the weekend witb Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Miss Hilda Sunter, Toronto, qpent Sunday with ber uncle, Mr. Wni. Painton. Mrs. Wesley Douglas, Markdale. visited ber cousin, Mrs. J. E. Elliott. recently. Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, spent the weekend wîtb ber mother, Mrs. Jessie Burk. Miss M.%argaret Jolliffe, Toronto, is viiting 'Mrs. H. W. Foster and other oh! fr-iends bore. Mrs. Rd. Pooley is spending Thank.sriving %vitb ber son. Mr. Ros. Pooley. Buffilo, N. Y, Keep evening of Dec. 4th free for Sons of England Fuchre party. You and yours are invited. Miss Evelyn Bickle, wbo is attend- ing business college in Kitchener, was home over the weekend. M . Percy Shoeenaker and bride, Kitchener, wore recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bickle, Liberty St. MIN ISTERS AND CHURCHES 1Trinity United Church-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday services: il a. m.-Pastor will preach; 7 p. nm., -Rev. W. Sterling, Orono; 2.30 p. mi. --Sunday Scbool.j St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W.E Best, D. D., Minister. il a. m.-j Morning Worship, "The Man '0f Sor- rows"; 7 p. i.-Evening Worsbip, "Art, Religion and Reality"; 2.30 p. m.-,Sunday School. St. John's (Anglican) Chtrch-j Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Advent Sunday, December lst, 1929: 8 a. mi. -HoIy Communion; il a. m.-Holy Communion and Sermon; 2.30 p. mi. -Sunday School and Bible Class; 7 p. n.-Evening Prayer. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Temperance and Church Sts. Morning Worship 11 a. ni.; Evening Worsbip 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.*30 p. M. Rev. Edward Lee of Erna,, Ont., will preach at both services.1 Choir of St. Andrew's Church, Co- bourg, will furnish music at the even-1 ing service. SHOOTING MATCH The Shooting Match of Nov. 23rd, held by Green Bros. on the Crawford Fairm will be continued on Sat. Nov. 30tb, as a good nuniber of fine birds still remain to be shot off. Corne early as the afternoon is short. Green Bros. El CIE at pi th th h. eè ai Gieo. Pritcha~rd PHONE 489 BOWMAN VILLE jSALVATION ARMY CITADEL It is expected that work will soon bogin on the new Salvation Army building, the plans for whicb are now in the bands of the local officers. Tbey were designed by the Salvation Army's Arebitect in 'Toronto. The site chosen is the Bounisaîl lot on thel corner of Cburcb and 'Division Ste., across froni Trinity United Church. The building, when completed, will comprise two atoreys, the upper qro- viding ccmfortable living quarters for the staff, and the lower flooS, the hall, with the platform, reading stand and mercy seat at tbe east end. The contract for which there are three tenders-T. E. Flaxmnan, W. J. Cuiley of »o'wunanville, and A. J. Graves, of Oshawa, will be let by the Property ýBoard at the Salvation Aimy Headquarters in Toronto eariy next rnonth. MR. VANCE HERE AGAIN 1 have been caiied back to Bow- manville to instail sonie more Chani- berlain Weatheratri'pping. My cus- tomera seemno s weli satisfied with the work 1 do that they tell others who ln turn want me to fix their doors and windows. There's -no douibi about i, you can't beat the Chenker- lain. If you want an estimate for a door or wlndow cr the whoie bouse 1 wlli gindly ive you a price before, starting thle work. No guess worki and satisfaction guarasnteed. Il you want Vo sec sme phone 58-Statesman iOffice-mnd leave your name. This wili poobably b. My ilut Vlsît te Bowmanville this yeas-. 48-1 1-bUSE TO RENT-In Bowmanvllle. by lst of December, modern conveniences, $25.00. Apply 10 W. F. Ward. Barrister. etc., Bowmanvilie. Plhone 102. 46-tf I4OUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE- 6 rooms and bath, ail] moder n onven- leýnces, furnace, corner King and Liberty Ste. Apply to B. Furlier, Bowmnanvllle. 1Phone 438. 48-tf FOR RENT-Liberty Street, Itownian- vIlle, residence, ten large morne, bath- room, hot air heating, three acres of land nicely wooded. hedges and fruit trees, ail] necessary outbuldings. ApPly to The Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, Toronto. 48-2 For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-7-roomed house with garage on Wellingtonl St.. ail] con- veniences. wised for eiectric stove, new- idecorated. Immediate possession. ppiiy to J. L. Metcaif, R. R. 2, Bow- manvîlle. Phone 183-6. 47-tf Real Estate For Sale M-OUSES FOR SALE-Two new brick residenl'es, one On George t.. andS one on Grant Ave. Ail convenieices. Bar- gain for quick sale. Terms 10 suit. AP- pi t0J . it.Centre 8t., Bowms.tn- Ir e.Phono 83àe4. 17-tf LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds or latnelry war< don@- nromnt* ly. satlafactorily and ait rsaonable prices, Write Pont OMce Box 12. Or cRii Mn %V Marjnotm. King Si. X .BowmenVIII Pt-one 478w, STORM WINDOWS Storm windows qulokIy py for them. selven li fuelsaved. lH. Joens used one tblrd 1«&-J?. MoGrs.th saved twentY-two dollare-Z. Smith savedl one and a haif tons out of six-B. Turner burned 2 tons i.sm-T. Causier maved 3% tons out of S. Tfour home wil hoe warmer. your fuel bill loua wbth Storm Windows. Write for Pree Price List, re&dy gled. Addres flalliday Company. Bx 115. Hamilton, Ontario. 46-4w1 Notice to Creditors1 N TH-E MATTER 0F the estate ofý Ernest A. Osborne, deceased. NOTICE ls herefly given that ail] per- ins having any claims against the aboveý 1eceased. wh 0 died on November 8, 1929. it Bowmanvllle, are required 10 send or 1liver 10 th e undersigned exocutrix fuli partîculars ln writing of their dlaims, and tat after t he 31s1 day of December, 1929, te undersigned executrix will distribute' te assets of sald deceascd amonz the ersons entItled thprpto. linvinz regard Dnly 10th He daima ofwhich ,he 1îall lth'on ave haît notice and that said undersigm- cd executrix will flot bc liahile for said asets or anv part thereof to any pcrson Df whose dlaim she shah flot then have recpived notice. DaItAd at Bowmanville the 151hl da y November, 1929. MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL, Bowrnanville, Executrix of whll of Ernest A. Osbomne 47-2 deceased. Dainty and Different CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Cbeery bright designs with thoughtful sentiments, envelopes Vo match. 16 in a box for $1.00 1Do it early-arrange to have that photo taken flGw for Christmas. Phone 256-H. Hurnphries for ap- pointmlent. 46-tf AUCTION SALES CARCING AND TRUCKING ________ IMoving; local and long distance, Saturday, November 3Oth.-ThelPH. BOM BARD St, omnil: estate of the late Ernest A. Osborne Phn 60 Que t. oWSVII will seU at bis residence, King St., 8t Bo'wmanville, ail of -his household furniture and furnishings including sitting rooxn, dining room, bedroomn MAIL YOUR and kitchen furniture, blinds, car- pets, curtains, dishes, etc; also Ford Sea. Sale at 1.30 p. m. rain or C hristm as shine, as there is a large shed ad- a d joining residence. W. J. Challis, Auctiioneer. 47-2 C a d Tired, over-worked, strained eyes make youl feel that way be- cause they really are tired and need assistance. Piroperly fitted glasses relieve that condition-serve as a tonie to the entire nervous systeen. Attention to this is not only wiise -it is a duty. Be sure to see a Registered. Optometrist. We are Registered Optometrists iJury & Loveil Wben We Test Eyes It Is Don. j1 Properly, Wonderful Clearing Values in Men 's Suits and Overcoats THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Save Dollars at Our Store on Your Purchases, This Week End MEN'S OVERCOATS CROUP 1 at $19.95 Men's heavy quality Over- coats in navy blues, tweeds and worsteds; the populaz guards model, ulsters, and plain back slip-on models; in shades of brown and pow- der blue checks and grey plaid effects. This includes any coat in the store, values up to $25.00 and $27.50, our big clearing special this week, For Only $19.95 Take a night off and enjoy a snap-r py game of euchre at Sons of Eng- PRESCOTT-At Ilowniaovillelisj, land Hall next Wednesday night. on Monday, Novenîber 151h. 1929, to ',%r.N and NIrs, Edgar Prescott, a son (Ilonald Miss Violet Elliott. Annesley Hall,Lld. Toronto, spent the Nveekend with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MARRIAGES 4 Elliott. SELBY-OSBORNE-lli Trînity 1l'nit,,d Miss Tennison and Miss Marion Churcli, Bowmanviile, on Thursday, No- Rose. Toronto, spent the weekend voriler 21st, 1929, by Iv. .1. U. IRobins, with Mrs. Muriel Symons and MissCarl William Sell,î, Newcastle-, and Edn.îru tiedauzIhter of '.Ir.. P. Oshorne. and vivian Bunner. the laIe Mme. Osborne, Bownîanville. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston and 1GBSONGLivNER On Nov. 20th. 1929,1 inSt. John's Churcli, Bowrnville, bym tbree children, Enfield. apent Sunday Rev. ,R. J.Shires, assisteit by Rev. Scott with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Howard of Newcastle, Lucy May, elîtest Cburcb Street. . daugliter ot Mm,. Oliver of Bowmanville and the laIe Vivien L. Oliver, formerly Miss Margaret 'Pemplin, Hamilton, ofnCobalt. 10 Mr. D. V. Howard Gibeon, and Miss Dorothy M. James, Toronto sanoflhMr. and Mme. D. J. Gibson of Bow- University, spent Sunday with Mrs. avle1 N. S. B. James. DEATHS Mrs. J. Tbickson and Mrs. W. L RW -tOhwNv 7,Age Buttry ae atendng te WoanBHanna, beloved wife of Thomas Rowe, Institute convention being held in aged 95 yeare. King Edward Hotel, Toronto. CLEM ENS-la Cobourg, on Thureday,l November 21s1. 1929, William H. Clem-1 Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard at- ens, beioved husband of Menie Newton,j tended the funeral of the latter's agedl 81 years. niece, Mrs. Chas. Beatty (Eunice Bro'wn), Orillia, on Monday. Articles For Sale Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Goddard, Tor- FOR SALE-50 White Leghomn Pullets. onto, accosnpanied by Mr. and Mms. Phone 150r5, Bowmnanville. 48-1* Gus Bounsal spent Sunday witih Mr. FOR SALE-Three tacks mixed hay; I and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Cobou.rg. also one two-yean-old bull. thoroughbred First of season - Progressive Holeelin. W. L. Barlon, Bowmanville.I Euchre will be held in Sons of Eng- 83 land Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 4th, at FOR SALE-7-roomed lbouse, modern S p.ni. Goodpries ad ets. 5e.F. Foley, corner Church and Brown Sis,. Mr. R. J. MaUlory of this town, Bowm-anville. 4-tf forsnerly ýBailiff for West Durhami, FOR SALE-Double buggy and cutter; was 85 years of age on Thursday, bargain fo r quick sale. Apply to Mme. No(venmber 2lst. IRe is in fairly1manvH. Spargo, Liberty St., Northi Bow- godhat. avle Phone 231W. 47--1w- Mrs. Thos. Byaxn and Miss Ethel bFOR SALE--Oýbbage for feed can't be beaten for hiens and pullets, $1.00i per Byam, Mrs. Klinck and son Mr.! l1t0; ase some for home use, 0. Peister Klinck, Stouffville, spent Sunday witbl1 Bonmanville. Phione 599. 47-1 the former's sister, Mrs. J. T. Bragg, FOR SALE-6-roOmed Stucco Cottage, Carlisle Ave. Iail conveniences, verY central, corner 1 Church and Brown Ste. Apply on prem. Mr. Lawrence Mason, Toronto,' ises, F. Foley, Bowmanville. 48-tf Mia na weli and ofM. . M. FOR SALE-Man's splendid dark musk- Warnca wne uest ofMn. ndrat lined overcoat, witb otter collar, $35, Mrs. B. E. lnghain, Port Hope, ovex worth double; also 4 H. P. gasoline on- ; e wneend.ap. For particulare apply to the wekend.M . J . C., Drawer B, Bowmanville. 48-2 Mrs. Thos. Tod was in Toronto1 ffiday attending a coming out party 1 Wanted for Miss Dorothy Knowlton, no en- teraied jllylo offnensat the BOARDERS MEN) WANTEO-AppIy tertine a jllylotof fien hMme. G. P. Purdy, Church St., Bowman- Granite Club. 1,ville. 48-1- Mr. and Mme. W. C. Ferguson wenei BOARDERS WANTED-and Fumnished at Meadowvale over weekend visit- Roome to let. Mme. M. Smith, Church ing his brother, Rev. J. J. Ferguson, St., Bowmanville. 47-2 who is very ill. Tbey also attended WANTEO-A capable wonian for gen- the Royal Fair. eral bousework, 3 adulte. Isabel K. Smith, Concession St..l3owmanvllle. O'wing to the mild Fa11 we have Phone 295J7. 44-tf more Ladies' Coats in stock than wei should have and froni to-day Wili selIl WANTED-ExperieliCed 1{osiery Oper- la stck geat1 atome, mal e and female; eîeady employ- any oe ~ at educd mnt. Apply Durham Textilese, Bow- prices. Coucb, Johnston & Cryder-1manville. 46-tf man.WANTED-A marrieul nan bet.%eeni Miss Clara Windatt, Toronto, was ages 25 and 40, who wishes 10 iiprovelsj guest of bier cousin, Mrs. Thos. Tod, 1poition: aalary ani commîiission; prefer- last week and visited inany old ably with car. Aîîply to 'M. L., Draweri friends previous to going South Il-, l3ow .i-nanville. - 5lj where she will spend the wintez at~ LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Southern Pines, North Carolina. -For l3owmnnville and District for the Old Rellable Fonîhihi Nurseries. A Miss Rowland, "Wiliowdale Rest splendid opcning, witiî exclusive terri-, Home," Newcastle, gave an Aîter-1 an fuh. ni fone & Weilngtt- ad fl nformation.Soe&Wlig noon Tes on Friday, NoveMber 2nton. Toronto 2. 45-4 in honor of Mrs. John Reid, who was T e 87 years of age on that day. A T e number of Bowinanviile and New-i OM ORN- unaidmon castle ladies were presenit and enjoy- -II onvenl ENes. Phon 512. 47-2ý ed a social cup of tea and refrosh- alcnejne. hn 1. 4- monts in bonor of Mrs. Reîd's birtb-1 APARTMENTS TO RENT-Five bright day.eaeIly lîeated moins. wtterworks, electrlci day.lizhts, very centrai. Apply Staîeman Office. 46-tf MEN'S OVERCOATS Croup 2 at $27-50 In this group you will find this season's choicest cloths, in ail the bettexi makes, such as Cambridge and Society Brand clothes; beautiful shades of autunin brown, plain and fancy grey effects; ail wool imported cloths; and in this Fall's new styles; values up to $35. and $37.50, clearing these three days, For'Only $27.50 Group 2-MEN'S SUITS--$24.95 In this group you will find this sea- son's new model suits, in'fancy tweed and worsteds, aIt beautiful wool cloths, in checks, stripes, and pepper and saît designs, double and single breasted models; also plain grey heré- rin'gbone effectB in genuine Forbes worsteds; att values that were up to $35.00 out they go this weekend in a grand clearing For Only $24.95 Each MEN'S WOOL MACKINAW WORK COAT AT $595 A wonderful warmn coat for out- door wear, vexry heavy quality, check patterns, a coat worth ordinarity about $9.00, clearing this week For Only $5.95 It's Not Too Early to Think of X'mas GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS A splendid line of Scarfs, Sweat- ers, Hosiery, Ties, Shirts, Gloves, Pyjamas, Handkerchiefs, Bath Robes Silk Gowns, etc. Starting December lst, this store witt be open every evening, also Wednesday afternoon titi Xmas. We invite you to look over our gift.s for Xmas buying. DirectIy Oppoite Bank of Montrent MEN'S BATH ROBES SPECIALLY PRICED AT $575 A heavy quality Iderdown Bath 'Robe for men, all sizes, shades of fawn, grey and red, nieely trimmed to match, a special pi.ixchase enables us to seli this robe for Ouly $5.756E£ch T. B. GILCHRIST Ph... 41, D.wývflh Always Drowsy OVERSEAS NOW Fine quality Cards ini beautifully lined envelopes 5c ea. to 35c ea. Also splendid assortment of Personal Greeting Carde Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Corne in and choose your Gifts from our complete stock of Gift Sets, Chocolates, Pen and Pencil Sets, Tobaccos, Cigars, Stationery, Toîlet Sets, 'Ivowy and Ebony, Pearîtone, etc. A smaîl down payment reserves any article. Jury & Lovel Treasure Chest Sale Ends Sat. Nov. 3Oth. TOYS GAMES BOOKS STATIONERY SEALS AND DECORATIONS Group 1-NAVY SUITS-$19.95 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits, fine quality botany yarns, in the popular double and single breast- ed models, our regular value suits at $25.00 and $27.50, this weekend out they go in a grand clearing value, For OnIy $19.95 SPECIALS Penman's Fleece Shirts and Draw- ers, very heavy quality, at ...95c ea. Men's ail wool Shirts and Drawers (mostly Penman's make), a real val- ue at $1.50, on sale this week-end, for only ...................$129 ea. The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY Here is where you can get your Footwear Needs filled. Our stock is complete with Christ- mas Slippers, Overshoes, Rubbers, Boots and Ox- fords. And only a little over 3 weeks away is Chxistmas. Make out your list and let us help you fil it with useful gifts. Men's Fine Dress Oxfords .......$500 to $8.00 Pr. Men's Black or Brown Boots ...$3.45 to $6.75 Pr. Men's Overshoes, fine jersey, 1 buekie .. . .$2.50 Pr. Cashmerette, 3 buekie ...............$3.00 Pr. Women's Fine Kid Pumps, black - brown, $7.50 Pr. Women's Walking Oxfords, black or brown, ...................................... $5.50 Pr. Growing Girls' Oxfords ................$350Pr. Women's Overshoes, full range of colors, $2.35 and $3.00 Pr. t isses' ail rubber wool lined Overshoes, $2.25 Pr. en's Rubbers - Boys' Rubbers - Women's Rubbers Child's Rubbers - Rubbers for the whole Family Knee Boots ...................$3.50 and $450 Pr. Leather Top Heavy Rubbers, $4.50, $4.75 and $5.50 Pr. High Laced Red Rubber ................$600 Pr. Children's Overshoes ........$1.95 and $2.35 Pr. We are showing a fuît range of Fancy Slippers in Men's, Women's and Children,"s. Betteri corne in and pick yours out to-day. Hockey Boots - Spats - Mackinaw Sox Hosiery for Men and Women and many other articles that make useful gift are to be had here.' W. C. IVES, Manager Phono 200 Tuesday, Dec. lOth-Geo. E. Keys,1 Lot 5, Con. 2, Darlington, baîf-mile east and balf-qmile north of Boys'ý Training School, will sel! by auction, horses, cows, implements, etc. Also at the same time tbe farm of 77 acres, lot 5, con. 2, and 25 acres, lot 4 con. 3. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Fur ternis and particulars see bis. Norman Montgomnery, auctioneei-. , M.- ý4m

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