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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 9

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PAGEl NMi A .1 A VII Ah pqgAMM AVN.BWXANVILLE. TRURSDAY, DFMBER 5th, 1929 IMM CAJf.i~.NA,)flLA2 l-2Um&àN r mu -- -ki. V. e THE NEW EFDLTO'S NOTES BOWMAN VILLE MERCHANTS pRESENTATION TO SOLINA ARE WORTHY 0F TOUR TRADJ CLTIZENS ON LEAVING The late Hon. James A. Rol>b, Min- 1O MNT ilgter Of -.Klnance, was a Miller by At this time of the year when a. OMNT trade and hia industry and integrity great many people are thinking of Mr.ad M&. X j. Reynolds ad brought hlm succesa and a compet- their holiday b~uying almost every Miss Edii. Reynolds Kindly Ramems- ene-a.fine record. 'town is infested with the itinerant b.red peddler, the fellow wjio goes a- lalibel MacDonald doea fnt believe round from door to door and who Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and 1in talking about what one thinks if1solicita, your order for jstsucb1 Miss Edna Reynolds, Solina, were 'Other people. JI lal of us showed things as are usually purchased for pleasantly surprised last Wednesday leqa1y good taste ours xight be a Christmnas. He cornes to the door evening, Nov. 27th when about 50O îhapper world. with a line of samples, and usually neighbours gathered to bid the- the samples are very good. and a goodbye before leaving for their new Good intentions are no guarantee smooth line of talk will get much homes. Mr. S. Edgar Werry cailed that the performance will pasas Mus- business. the company to order and Miss Lena tteo. A man may be perfect as far as This is unfair to the local xner- Taylor read a ncely worded address intention goes hnd yet be an utter chant who has bis business estabiîsh- after which Mr. B. G. Stevens pre- lailare in helping and guiding and in- ed in the tcswn, who pays his taxesisented Mrs. Reynolds with a beauti- rping others. and always shouiders his share of fui platinum iniaid raw fruit dish the responsibilities of a citizen. He and Miss Aurilda Hockcaday present- Be it known that we have a poet is the man ,&ho is entitied to the ed Miss Edna Rey'nolds with a gas among Durham County boys out business and nlot the feiiow wbo ilamp. West-Prof. H. T. J. Coleman. Sev- cornes in one day and is probablyJ 'Mr. Reynolds replied on behaîf o f eral of is poems have appeared from1 go ne the next, pays fno taxes, flot Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Edna thank-1 time to time in the New Outiook .One even a license, bas bis goods de-led the friends for their kind wishesi on Faith appears in the iast issue: livered through the post office or the and beautiful gifts. lbe distant barbor beekons; tbou: express companies, thus putting ad-I Short speeches were made by mtsst on Ided charges on, and without an op-i Mcsrs. John Pascoc. B. G. Stevens, Through fog and darkness; there portunity of the customer examining 1... KsscA.L asoChs is one who Cflows, the goods. His responsibility cease. hRtr idge andothes. L --c hs Wha stycailn onHlmwben the customer signs on tedt The remainder of the evening %vasj alone ted line. He represents som ot Commit thy faith until the jour-'side concern, perbaps onîy some job-I spent in a social way and a daintyj ney's close. ' ber, and thus two profits have toer lunch wa.s served by the ladies. Prof. Coleman was born on tm-e corne fromn the goods sold. As al NIr. and Mrs. Reynolds and 'Missi the first farmi soutb of the Tamarack usuai thing this peddler claimes that! Edna will be greatly missed in Solina j Swamp 11/2 miles west of Solina, on is merchandise represents big val-! com-nmunity. Mr. and M.%rs. Reynolds: whicb William N. Pascoee died las ces, but in most cases he off ers n,) have mioved to Bownîanville where! Tbursday. recourse to lib, customners should the 1tbey reside in Ms J. J. Lord's bo use,' goods prove unsatisfactory. 1 and Miss, Edna to Hanipt'n. Dr. C. E. Saunders, noted whcat Ail loyal citizens sbould he oli expert, lecturing on Saturdax- eve-tergur aant bchpanI The Address ing before Royal Canadian Institutelsec that he does nlot even get ani November 27th. 1929 in Conv ocation Hall, Toronto, sai(l opportunity to show bis good-.. and 1 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds anu brend should bc stale and toas-tedl;; the authorities should bc vigiiariz l- Edna Reynolds- the natural cojor of brcad was yellowv and sece that he breaks none of :heI e fyu finshv n and the natural color of butter wa b-a' oerig'tneattrdr- Ade vou om to indhta ldn-: white, and that the average rr. nIn .upparting the home toivri nie-1 ade nc s you e ihappinessin your didnotkn..vho~' o at red ~"-chant vou area-sin in the buinc- new ,home and your new field of to get the hesi results both from 'i-. ing up of the community. -or taste and its digestive quality. The I hscneto t~' . labor bousewife, 'wvho purchasei fresh to note that at present Powvmanvil1e! We could not let you go without bread and then put it on the dinner is being servedi hy 12 diff erent bak- 1 sayînz- "Thank you" f or ail you have for family consumption, would be cries, and of this numher -six out 011 donc and heen to us, and so we better advisei, lhe said t0 keep it ui i town concerris pcddle bread dai1yîhave taken this way to, show our: til it became dry. Dry bread nlot' froni bouse to bouse yet do flot pay appreciation and good-'will on the oniy tasted btter, bhut *w a- better 'ci one soitary cent toward the taxe- o f eve of your departure. the genera, health. "Our brea4 the town.' This i-s certainly unfairi There is always a note of sorrow: hardly good for anything but toa-t."1 competiion which our local hakers< in these departures from our midst, -firc forced to meet. It is up to everv, but also, wc must admit a note of Malcolmn Wallace, Principal O truc loyal citizen wbo bas the nii-I joy. Sorrow, because we realize al University College, Toronto, told terest Of his commnunity at heart ,.),great loss; joy, because we are bap-î young teachers that if tbey arc am- by bread, aa.g wcll as other merch- py that some other community vvill' bitious f0 be real teccbrs the quaI- andi-e, f romn those merchants xho have new-f ound friends. We know ! ities requiste in the ideal teacher are are taxpayers in Bowmanville. "The sands of every sea-shore to be wide a%ake, to bc veriean Keeping moving in a race te ble capable of heing intcrested iiTo buiid up other shores, and leave a great many things, and spend en-I ergy at a high rate. Correct Prof.1 COIJNTY COUNCILj Behind an empty space1 Tahngshlis oi ,,' alig OPENS TUESDAY For other sands te follow, to ieacrng la fO îer scaîg. _______Rebuild the old shore-line Dr. Guy L. Kiefer, Commissioner Considerable Budget of Business WiII And fil up the vacant spaces. of RÀealth, State of Michigan, toîd a Be Deait Witli At Session The shore-line may be well preserved city audience tiiat in newspapers and Bru se swin ou antr we kn, magazines too muc-h space is dcvoted The December session of the coun-IBtsmh>,i u ersw nw te articles on public health-it's ain tics council is to cenvene on Tues- An eyer is wthfosanie lve ovewoke sujet. Those entitled day, December 10, at Cobourg, when TAnd somit andwiethhi eove to public confidence are voluntary the' business of the yeaxi wiii be Just bow their lives have tonched health agencies, officiai health agen- cies and practitioners of -medicine- wound up. N our lives. your uwn doctors. Preventive and During the past year there have Butehosne k ow and know i el eurative medicine are doctors' chief been about twenty miles of perman- BuLike snda alogth andkoin e fieds pertio. hans, octr.ent pavement constructed, ten in thel Wbe sn vsto us a nd then fed oeatn. hakocr.towns and villages and a like nuni-ber We ie oc usad te on county roads at a cost of about Lie move on, DURHAM CLUB $50,00 nadiintoti $4,N neyer is the sanie. $500000 Inaddiionte his 140 Noone can fil another'a place 000 bas been spent on improving No one need ever try, The Durham Club of Toronto met county roads and of this amount a For God hath planned that you, are en Thuraday evening, Noveniher 28, portion was for the construction of yu at The Women's Art Association, 23 five new bridges. AnyIoustjs eL Prince Arthur Ave., Mr. and Mrs. R. At the Decgmber session the ques- AdIma utb . W. ing of 10 Walmer Rd. being the tion of the Old Age Pension Board T-is commirnity, Mr. Reynolds, re- hot and hostess. Dr. J. L. Hughes will be considered and a poiicy adopt- joiced because you thought enough presided. There was a good attend- ed by the counicil as to whether or of youxr boyhood home te return and ance and a very enjoyable program not the meinhera of that huard are spend a few more years in its midst. was given. Mrs. (Dr.) Flath, Miss to be paid. The expenditure in the We have always looked up to you as Kathleen McGill, Misa Banger and counties on account o! the pensions a man of sound judgment and a Mr. J. D. Keachie suppiied the muai- wll amount to about $72000 per guod friend. It la a great thing in cal part. A play entiticd "The Min- year, of which the counties will pay this world to be a friend to man and uet" by Louis N. Parker, was spien- 20 per cent and of this t,,enty per we have appreciated what you haWe didly given and very much apprec- cent part wil 'iereuredby in- been toelis. iated, by Miss Banger and Messrs. mates of the house of refuge, most ITu you, Mis. Reynolds, who have William Addison and William Gra- of those receiving payments under1 been with us such a short time, yeui barn. Mr. Joseph Watson and Dr. the board preferring to remnain atlhave demonstrated to this commun-1 D. J. Goggin gave short taiks. The the home and they will pay theix ity that a life ila ved by deeda and social hour was enjoyed hy ail dur- board. not by years. You came to us like ing the aerving of refreshnients. The 0f the amount spent on paving, - ea fsunahine, ahedding a meeting losed with singing and a the province wiil pay 50 per cent! aolen a iof eeyatvyi h very heartv vote of thanks to Mr.1 and it will he ncce.ssaflT for the cou!.- j community and we are going to misa and Mrs. King. cil te issue debentures for $2500001 you more than we can tell you. to cover itq share o!ftlic cnst. To you, Miss Reynolda, we do not There arc se many things - best realize yet bow many vacant placesi thing-that can only cerne wheni Why are dentists' officesi called!,wili have te be filled because you are youth la past, that it may well hap-' dental parlers? Wby. parler i.s the! leaving us. Your ever willing and te of to fnd ies Iold-fasbioned narne for drawing-! ready response to every caîl and de- pen te any o ustefn ourse.s mand on your many talents, bas happier and happier to the last. rooni. meant much to oui community and we have appreciated your untiringl efforts and worthwhile help in our midst for many years.1 As a small token of esteem, Wei ask you te accept these smali gifts u~a v ~NAV TC1 lof remenibrance and may they everl 1BARG AIIY3 remind you of your many friendsl and their good ishes, in the Eldad! community. 1I Werry, Aurilda Hockaday. 1'Mr. and M rs.1 ______ad oetil Mrs. Jas. Stain, BATTERY RADIO IN BEAUTIFUL CABINETS THESE ATTRAC~TIVE CONSOLES, HOUSING THE NENI ATWATER KENT SCREEN-GRID BAT- TERY TYPE RECEIVERS, OFFER TO USERS 0F BAT'IERY POWER PRECISELY THE SAME CABIN- ETS, IN ALL THEIR ARTISTIC BEAUTY, AS CAN BE H4AD WITH ALL-ELECTRIC SETS. THESE CONSOLES ARE SO DESIGNED TO ACCOIM*MODATE CONVENIENTLY ALL BATTER- IES. EACII COMPLETE CABINET IS A UNIT IN PRICE $229.50 ITSELF, H-OUSING REVEIVER, SPEAKER BATTERIES. A COMPLETELY NEW BATTERY SET with ail the very latest proved im- provements--.Screen-Gid, Electro-Dynamnic, Illuminated Dial. It has the leaping power to reach out across the map and bring in those far-off stations. It has the depth and richness of tone heretofore thought possible only in house current sets. It cornes from the same 32-acre factory built by the good-will of 2,500,000 own- ers of Atwater Kent Radio. It's made with the same painstaking care that keeps an Atwater Kent working without time out for trouble. For months it's been tested --and tested--and tested again, on f arta after f arm, in state after state. It's the modern battery set that you have been asking Atwater Kent to make. You can have it in the compact table mode) as iîlustrated. And, best of ail, you pay only a moderate price. Model F 7-A EI.ctro-Dynamnic Spaker TABLE MODEL 67--Jses 7 D). C. tubes (3 Screen-Grid) for use with one 6 volt storage batteY, four 45 volt h.avy duty dry "B" batteries and two 22%~ volt dry "C" batteries. ATTENTION 0F THOSE WITHOUT ELECTRIC POWER Atwater Kent Co. has supplied the demand to people without electric lights by manufacturing the above battery radios with screen-grid equipment. Tbey are the only ones of their kind in modern radios for this purpose. GEORGE BROWN Atwater Kent Radios Dealer Store next to J. B. Martyn's Store. Division St. Bowmanville Russel Stainton and nton, and Mi. and Mrb. nd famiiy; Sprays froc; ooks and family, Mr:s and famiiy, Mr. ami yMr. and Mrs. Ja. W. J. Langmaid and id Mrs. Jno. Naylor antI Wm. N. Fasce, i.-t-passed a oay Mrt.bis1 ng tlose present fronî a dis. im.Nt. rsidoene Solina. H sc tance wcre: Messrs, Will, Frank ani it red stukearsix iksago ad ý i isuTremeer, Little Britain, and spite ail that loving hands and care Mr. Robert Moase, Port Perry, cous- îvîth medical aid could do, ho lîreatli- i ms, besides relatives from Brooklin, cd is last on Thursday evenin j Columbus, Oshawa, Bowmanville. and Nov. 28th, being in bis 82nd yeai:other places. He was w-cil and favoîabiy known, Ho leaves te mourfi bis passing bis w-a a kind hushand and father, andi son Cecil, and wife, and grand.son Ia good ncighbor, and in politics was Gordon, besides a brother an<l sistor, a taunch Liberal. Mr. John Paacoe and Mrs. J. T. Ruuî- He had lived in Solina neighbor- die. hood ail hi- life. In 1985 he mar- The flower bearers wore Messrs. ried Miss Ella Rose, who died in 1897, Walton, Harvey, Harold and Frank and in 1898 ho married Mis&% Margar- Pascoeý Clifford NaYlor, Harvey et Ferguson, who predeceased hlm Csmn Alan McKessock and Hi- I b it en months ago. osamn, The funeral on Saturday Iast ivas largelv attended by fricnds and CARD 0F THA14KS neighbors. showing the esteetn to_____ one vhohadbee suc a amuiar Mr. and Mis. Cecil Pascoe wish to figzure in Dariington during bis long, express their sincere appreciation and life. thanks for kindness shown during The hearers wcre bis% nephews:1 their fathera ilineas and the beautiful Messrq. John and Edzar Pascoe, Osh- floral offerings at bis passing. awa, H. E. Tink, A. L. Pascoe, Solina, Ellis Pascoe. Brooklin, and H. L. Pas- -__ coe, Clubu. Rev. J. R. ick,1 B. A., tlhe famuly pastor, offciated at, To-.day, the bouse and grave.i Unsullied, comaes to thee new-born. Amor' thie beaifliful flot-al tributcs T~Îomorro la snet thine. -ukn were: Wreaths, fron the Famiiy, and Communication-Air, Sea and Land Ever since the invention ef BeiI's telephone fitty years ago the study of electrical communication has un- folded one phase after another of a fascinating drama of science. With plans already weIi under way for the laying ot a telephone cae beneath the Alantic we now learu that the Bell Telephone research department bas juat placed inservice thîs huge Ford tri-motor ail metal monopiane. In the outfittingoetthia plane destined te be the largest and Most complete flying radio laboratory in the worid, Bell Laboratorlu ame following their established policy of maigponeer studies of ail phases of electrical' communication. The plane bas been specially designed te adapt it te research work, and will be used fer the development et radio appara- tua for surcraît communication from the earliost exporimental stage& through to the final testing of the apparatus under actuel flying conditions. ArwATImKENT SCREEN-GRID Electro-Dynanhic i ,'twater IKent, -tLube taUJie 1L1uei -......puv I1 ad 5-tube Canadian model, new bat- tenucs, and p)owe~r tube equipment .......$85.00 Ne-1ý Sterling B Elirninator, 135 volt ........$15.00 'complete with Raythen B. H. tube. Efficient Radio Service Does v'our. radio work right? We have the Iatcýz Jewell testing equipment, and we can give you rcal service on your radio repairs. Let us recharge your radio or car battery- called for & delivered 50c; if rental supplied 75c. - Hé C. Alun - - Phone 337 King St. W., Bowmanville le AND

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