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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 11

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'y I e s d the cal1 f ails T FHERE are three people to every telephone cail. If any one of them makes a mistake the cail fails. It may be the operator, it may be the person calling, it may be the person called. There are over one million local calIs in Ontario and Quebec every day which fail-"Line's Busy" -"No Answer-"No one on the line now, sir"- "Wrong Nwnber". These uncompleted calls are a serious" matter. They mean two million minutes a day wasted - congestion of traffic - constant irritation - a handicap to efficient service. Some of these cannet be avoided and some of them are due to our own errors, and many of them are due to lack of co-operation by the other *two parties. *We are constantly reducing our own errors and we are constantly striving to give the best possible telephone service at lowest possible cost. As part of this effort we are now giving publicity to common fauts in telephone usage in the hope that there may be mutual endeavour to secure .ad maintain maximum efficiency. I takes threc people to complete a caîl - if one makes a astake, the cail fails. 1It îs costing more thau $27,000,000 this llear te eztend andi improve tele- phone service in Ontario and Quebec. Hecla Furnaces Make Warm Firiends The Hecla Furnaces have rnany exclusive features which account for their popularity, satisfaction and economy. Before buying a new fur- nace corne in and let us show you why it pays to, buy a Hec- la. This places you under no obligation to buy. Re E. LOGAN N.xt to Pathicl's Barber Shop Plumber and Steamfitter Bowmanville Lod~,New Qzcîc Enlh China QMICK la very Package QUAKIER OÀTs'e Markeci ,,Chinawareti GALVANIZRD SINGLES for the Roof Encomo. fireproof. Iast tif. cf the building Ueono othr. GtprlXo SHEET STEEL CEILINGS For Schools, Halls, Stores, Hotels, Kitchens, etc. ORONO (PFrom The News of Nov. 28th.) Miss Louise Stephenson, Oshawa,: ýpent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Kerslake.1 Mr. Fred Tamiblyn won two firstsi on hi.,~ exhibit of Mlinorca fowl at the! Poyal WXVter Far,T: n Women's Institute are preparing clothing and quilts for the"Neighbor- hood Workers, Toronto. jCorna cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Removler is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. Miss Flora Cobbledick attended Women's Institute Convention at ¶King Edward Hotel, Toronto, as del- egate froin Orono Branch. No child should -be allowed to suffer an hour from worms wben prompt relief can be got in a simple but strong remedy - Mother Graves' Worm Externiinator. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bowen, Mr. R. R. Waddell, Mrs. Rena Fairbairn, and Miss Dorothy Gibson attended the big Liberal-Gonservative banquet held at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto, Thursday evening. Clarke Agricultural Draniatic Soc- iety, under direction of Mrs. D. Robb, presented the popular new play "Hands Up" recently and was pronounced excellent. It has been given several times with equal suc- ceas. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Thelma Mary, to Mr. Wil- liam A. DeMille, son of Mr. George and the late Mrs. DeMille, Welling- ton, the marriage to take place in December. Mrs. Harrison received the sad news Tuesday that her sister, Mrs. Adams, at Russell, has passed away that morning, death having come suddenly. Mrs. Harrison left to at- tend the funeral and expects to re- turn Monday. Miller's Worm Powders attack worms in the stomach and intestines at once, and no worm can corne in I contact with them and live. They alao correct the unhealthy conditions in the digestive organs that invite and encourage worms, setting up re- actions that are inost beneficial te the j growth of the child. They have at- tested their power in hundreds o! cases and at alI time are thoroughly 1 trustworthy. A very clear photo view of Messrs. George Thornton and friend Robert Hume, both of Manor, Sask., appear- ed in a recent issue of the Toronto Mail & Empire. George la a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thornten, former- ly of Leskard. The young men won from their province a trip to the Royal Winter Fair with aide trips to Niagara Falls, etc., as guests of the Canadian Pacifie Railway for being the beat breeders of swine. They competed with other members of the Manor Swine Reeders Club. George spent a day or two last week with his grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Thornton. The Gold Medal Conteat which was held on Noveniber l5th, has been pro- nounced the best ever. The judges, Mr. George F. Annis and Mrs. R.oss Pearce, of Courtice, and Mrs. W. J. Moffat, of Orono, had a very difficult task to decide who should have the medal. Mr. LeRoy Brown, who re- cited At the Stroke of Nine w;ith fine expression, was awarded the medal. Beautiful solos were rendered by Mrs. George Annis, of Courtice, Mr. Swarbrick, of Kendal, and Miss Helen Powers, of Orono. Rowe's orches- tra favored with very fine miusic. Rev. W. Sterling as chairman, re- xinded us in a short address of the need of training for the great army of youth who ere long will take our places in life. For Burns and Scalds.-Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric 011 will take the fire out of a burn or scald. It should be at hand in every kitchen so that it may be available at any time. There la no preparation required. Just ap- ply the oil to the burn or scald and the pain will abate and in a short time cease atogether. OBITUARY William Yeo, Clarke The death took place on Tueaday, November 5th, of William Yeo, a well-known progressive farmer of Clarke church district. The late William Yeo came to Canada f rom' Cornwall, England, where he was born, with his parents and other menmbers of the family in 1870, com-1 ing direct to Clarke Township. Some 27 years ago deceased bought the Hutchison farm, lot 25 , in the 3rd concession, on which he lived, and operated until about a year previous to his death. He la survived by his sorrowing widow, formerly Catherine Graham Iof Hope township; one sister, Mrs. John Northey, Oshawa; and four bro- thers. al of whom were present at the funeral with the exception of John of Victoria, B. C. Rev. Wm. Sterling, Orono, con- ducted the services at the house and grave. There wvas a large attend- ance. Interment took place at Oron-, Cemetery. The pal bearers were 1ix nephews: William Yeo and sons IClarence and Irvin, Thomas and sons Norman and Rae.-News. J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phonoes: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 8949J Addresa: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 871. PAGE PEVEN 1r TI1 Wet, Snppery Pavements call for specïilcure ~UEchances f or motor accidents mulfiply getyo pavements which are wet TIýcovered with snow or ice. Even when eupe with chiains, an automobile will not stop li so shoit a distance as on a dry pavement. Motorists and pedestrians should keep this fact in mid. Too abrupt application of brakes is the cause of much skidding. Disengaging the clutch at the saine tine emphasizes the tendency to skid, and aise detaches the most efficient brake on the auitomobile, vii., the engine itself. LI braking on a dkiddy pavement close the throttle, take the foot off the accelerator, leave the clutch engaged 80 that the engine helps the braking process, and apply the brakes GRADUALLY. Above ev'erything cisc dont lock the wheels of your vehicle by suddenly clamping down the brakes. Just before the vehide la brought to a stop, the clutch should be disengaged. On slippery pavements that are free from trafic, practice this method of controlling your automobile. The skifl you acquire may prevent an accident and perhaps save a ifé. Remmbe, too, that your brake bands pick up moistore from the pavement in wet weathe. A ret brake la not so efficient as a dry one. Driving i fail and winter bas its dangers both in city and country. By schooling yourself in handling your machine on wet or slippery pavements, your' driving wil l e saier for yourself and for other drivers. Remember your automobile is a machine. It does just what you make it do. Cur, Courtesy, and Common Sene-on the highways at ail times-but particiilarly now when new dangers are present. Highway Safety Comntittee HON. GEO. S. ENRY, Ghairman VISIT THE L&ND 0F SUNSHINE Some people travel extensively- Ocean cruises to far countries, Eur- ope, etc. Wby net spend a few months this winter in California- the land o! sunshine and play, where climatic conditions are unexcelled the' year 'round? A fascinating country of much charm, mountain scenery of i great grandeur, colorful deserts, splendid cities and beautiful beaches î where batbing is the universal past- time. Golf, Tennis and Polo are also very popular while yatching, fishing and hunting can be enjoyed to the ful- Dancing in the warm moonlit nights for those who choose. When visîting California, travel one or botb ways via the Canadian Rockies and stop over at Vancouver and Victoria. Superb hotels, fine golf courses and magnificent seenery enroute make this well worthwhile. jFull information, literature, etc., will be gladly supplied by any Can- adian Pacific agent. Mr. C. B. Kent, Town Agent, C. P. R., Bow-' manville, Ont. The patriotism of the ballot is even more necesary in a free country than, the patriotim ao! the bullet.- Governor Folk. After bridge or the theatre, seve your gueste with tteaming OXO. Its ricl beef flavour just "bits the spot." No bother-no fusn -and no sleeplessness afterw- SaI la 6- os. Flasha and Tine f4andlO Cubes Ila' "m" au Dm1 i*'to o' 67R ABIDING LOVE 1 Peter 1:*2 2 No 'humnan heart la pure and free While caring only for its own; No married pair can happy be While living for themselves alone: No hidden anare their a'ouls 'divides Whose love ini love divine abides. Ail earthly love will fade and die Or turn to bitterness and hate, Unlesa it welcomes from on high That love which la so pure and great: For' those in patha of peace He guides Whose love in higher love abides. "We love because He first loved us," Are words that show Hiis vast de- slgn: For human love He shows us thius Ras its one source in love divine: And He for those all things promides Whose love in Ris great love abides. And those will love each other well Who in eachother's labours ahare: In peace and joy they will excel And walk wlth Hiin ln faith and prayer: They need not dread llfe's changing tides Whose love in Perfect Love abides. T. Watson. Toronto, 1929 A fâmily group or an individual photo n*kee a mucb appreelated Christmas glft, Have H. Humphries, Horsey St., Bowmanville, take your 1 pho4o. Phone 258. 46-tf I I I 798 Ready for Skati ngI We are local agents for the famous C. C. M. Skates for men, women and children. Priced to suit every purse. Hockey Equipment-Skates, Sticks, Pucka, Pads, etc. Headquarters for Sport Goode MASON & DALE'S POPULAR HARDWARE STORE PHiOKE 144 New Instant-Ught rem, Joy FBOauw Ligijs Entire Room You can read i anypato the rom with this won- derful kerosene mantie aip.D The beautiful design of the parcbment shade conforms with the design on th!e bowl in such a way as to produice a very artistic effect. It's a pleasure to do evening reading, writing or sew.ing ner the white, soft mellow light of this ne oded Aladdin Table Lamp. No G.neratIns;WaItIuî Pressure Noises S.îok.; Odomi or Trla BU RNS Tt buras common oil (Keroene. aboutely safçte. pxl Ayone can operate it. Governaient tests and sentista at Icafflng .iestes show it gives twice the lýght of the best round wlck, 94q=-% i e flamne lamps and yet buras less t an bal! h i.Th ldi 94% irm9o' !l as awarded Gold Moedal at the Panama-Padfic Expocio. IOves' Pemur e a àfcen l'Afuis lime of Supplie* for a&H modeo Alie L ma But 011 Lmap 1.a"&»aouba"d ______Authorized Aladdi Dealers Bancroft Chas, W. Mullett Belleville Walker Hardware Co. Bobcaygeon Hamilton Book Store Bowmanville Dustan Cash Hardware Deseronto Havelock Kinmnount Lindsay Madoc Marlbank Nestîctou Norwood Loral Clement H. S. Hubbell & Son Chas. P. Doherty W. Gl. Dunoon M. W. Connor & Son Roy Gaffney J. A. Marlow John W. Rork & Son Hardware Hardware Stationery iHardware Goneral Hardware Hardware Generai Druggint Hardware Grocer Hardware Hardware Oaene Orono Peterborough Picton Port Hope Port Pérry Shannonville Stirling Sunderland Uxbridge Woociville 0. W. Rolph àBrown Hardware Campbell & Bout Thse Fait' Geo. T. Hancock & Som Carnegie Hardware Co. 1 J. F. MeFarlano McGee & Lagrow P. H. Flagler A. A. Walter D. A. Johnstou Hudware Hardware Hardware GM"I Hardware Hardware Geieral Hardware Jowelle Hanem Hardwmr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 --.1 7

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