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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 1

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1 '1 ~~n~ib t~in N ..N~.,, N C i~te~m~n With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmariville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOW MAN ý'LLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advallee . a Copv No. 49 CHRISTMASI PRESENTÇ And WhIere [o Cet Them COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN HAVE MADE MORE THAN ORDINARY PREPARATION FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING We are showing a large a.nd attractive range of goods in the following lines: Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs fxlom .... 25c to $1.50 Ladies' Scarfs ..............................75c to $4.50 Fancy Towels, from .................25c to $1.75 Ladies' Gloves, ail kinds ............60c to $2.75 Lac&ies* Silk and Silk & Wool Hose . .. .59c to $2.00 iLadies- Silk Gowns ...............$1.75 to $2.25 Silk Bloomers - Vests - Pyjamas Ladies' and Children's Kimonas in ail sizes A big assortment of Linens of ail kinds Children's Coats, Mitts and Suits, etc. Kenwood and Scotch Woolen' Blankets, also a large variety of Colored Bedspreads. Ladies Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices Ties .......................35c to $1.50 Shirts ..............$1.25 to $4.50 Searfs ..............$1.25 to $5.00 Handkerchiefs ............ Octo 75c Gloves ...............75c to $4.50 Fancy Socks ..........25e to $1.50 Big variety of Pyjamas, Nightgowns, Sweaters, Hats and Caps, Windbreakers, Bath Robes. An Overcoat or Suit makes a nice Christmas Gift. Co uch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITED DOWMANVILLE MINISTERS AND CHURCHES F. F. MORRIS NEW PRESIDENT St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cbnrch. HOSPITAL BOARD corner Temperance and Church St5 eot Peetda1Ana et Morning Worship il a. m.; Evening n So oplrIntttinCp Worship 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 nShwPplrIsiuonC . P. rM. Rev. Mr. Robertson, Toronto, al an.e Ont., will preach at both services. The annual meeting of Bowman- St. John's (Anglican) Church- vil optli o neett Rev.R. J Sbies, ecto Seondusually attracts a large attendance,1 Sunday in Advent, December 8th: and the meeting held recently was 8a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. m. no exception, hess than a score of -Morning Frayer; 2.30 P. m.-Sun- itîzens being present. Vice-Presi- day School and Bible Class; 7 p. m. entF .Mri rsd -Evening Frayer. tetF .Mri rsdd St. Paul's Churcb-Rev. D. W. A very interesting and informa- Best D. ., Mnistr. i a. .-,ive report was read by _Mrs. Floreýnc Morning Worsip-"The Silence of Smythe, the conscienbious and efli- IChrist and Ris Doctrine of Self-Sur- cient Sttperintendent. Complote1 rentier"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worship copy of this report is on page 21 ---"The Pioneer of Life"; 2.30 P. m. 'f this paper. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. A motion was passed referring te ____________________________the loss sustained by the Hospital in I he death of its President, Norman S. B. Jamnes. and tbat this meeting ~~ go on recordl voicing its appreciation 'AFul 10 S'pita'l in tluhe e yeacrse aam 'A F ll H use ber of the Board. A Farce ini Three Acte Chas. H. Mason presented the in secretary-treasurer's report showing the operating expenses of the hos- OPERA HOUSE pital for the pasxt year whici shsowed BOWMA VILE a siight deficit, as follows: jt onReceipts ý on Oct. lst, '28, Cash on hand $ 187.291 1O Ont. Got, Grant 3.i Tuesday, Dec. 1 Couinties' Grant 750.00 b Bowmanville Grant 1000.000 at 8.15 P. M. Donations for Maintenance 35.4s5F Under auspices of the Guild of From patients for " 13355.70 a StIonsCuc Use of Telephone 12.9oW St Jhn Curh Miscellaneous Receipts 110.26 a Witis the folloMvng cast: !Cash returned from Nurses Mr. R. M. Cotton Home account 2000.00 Miss GreggCOlverhy18190.50 l Missa e gyOlveryExpenditur..a Mrs. H. S. Fisher Bucesaeit$85 Miss Bernice Bagnell Butter and Egg 806.08 la Mr. Bill Oliver I Flour, Bread & Meal 419.681 dc Mr. Bernard Mitchell Milk 486.33 l Mr E C C Sute Potatoes & Vegetables 176.46 da Mr.E. . C Sotbe iGroceries & Provisions 1360.68 Mr. J. C. Samis Druga-&-Medi.cine 469.05 Mr. Jack S. Emmeraon Mr. Leon Gunu Miss Edith is ler Mrs. Alan Camipbell Mrs. R. W. Clark RESERVED SEATS Soc THE POPULAR CANTATA ESTHER under direction of Mrs (Dr.) Bell on Thursday, Dec. 5 and Friday, Dec. 61 OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE under auspices of Trinity W. A. Thse tait ineludes 80 people. RESERVED SEATS 60c and 50e Plan now open at Mitcheh' Drug Store. Public School CONCERT OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE i Dec. l2th-l3th Large Two-Part Choruses Drilla - Dances Recitations Prograns et 8o'clock ADMISSION 35c AU AlSeat. R«erv.d Phàt opens on December 8ird, at I Mltchelh'à Drug Store. 1 Med'l &_ Surg'l -Aippliances 1118.9i Wine & Spirits 92.50 Gen. House Furnisbing and and Renewais 217.42 'Cartage & Express 34.46 Brooms, Brusihes, Sop*44e. 149,68 Fuel 1708.2S Ligisb & Power 841.81 Water 108.38 Ice 24.00 Salaries Nurses 3976.75 Salaries Help' 2942.40 Print'g, Stationery, Etc 152.90 Taxes & Insurance 473.99 Telephone 95.09 Laundry 181.73 Repairs 597.89 Contingencies 152.43 Refund te patienta 32.75 Paid Overdraft of Oct. lat, '28. 281.99 Oct. lst, '29, Bal. in Bank 413.04 18190.50 ofs (Dbc)Wo.ens Auxliay, present ors.t(Dr) V. Hsboxiiry, Present- ed the report of this organization wbich was publisbed severai weeksi ago in The Statesman. Members of iast year's Board were re-elecbed witb F. O. McIlveen fill- ing the vacancy. At a subsequent meeting of the Board tisese officers were ehected: Presiden-"F. F. Morris Vice-President-W. Rosa Strike Se'y.-Treas.-C. H. Mason Executive Coimittee--J. W. Ah- exander, T. S. Holgate, W. J. Dud- ley, T. A. Ross, J. O'Neill and Mes- dames V. HL Storey, Thos. Todd and E. R. Bounsal, representatives from tise Womnen's Auxîliary. A vote of thanks was passed to al Who had assisted in any way in carry- ing on the work of tise hospital . successfuhly during the past year. AN APPRECIATION To the Electors of the Constitu- ency of Dem-hans: Ladies and Gentlemen:- Having received a majority vote a b the recent General Ehection froîmi bbce electors of Durham and being d.eclared ehectcd by His Honor Judg;i O'Connor at a later re-count, 1I dc- sire te express my deep appreciation for tise splendid support accorded me in bise various parts of tise county, especially to those wvho were so gen- erorus with the use of their cars anmd in varlous other ways contributed to our success. Tise endorsation and support of the Prohibition Union was indeed a valuable factor towards our success in tise cam;»aign. I muet also pay a compliment to bise Depuby Reburning Officers and Scrutineers on polling day in the riding for tise manner in whicis their work was performed sbowing evi- dence of great care and fairne&as tisroughout. jI feel lb is a distinct honor to a.gain repSesenit this historie con- st iluency in the Provincial Legisla- t ure, and as your servant desire to filh tise position so as to justify your confidence. Wishlng you al tise Compliments of bise Season. Cordialhy yours, W. J. Bragg. O'wlng to tise mlld Psul we -have more Ladies' Coats in stock than we sisould bave sud fromn to-day wilh seil any coet In stock at greatly reduced Pries. Coa0ci, John.ston & Cryder- man.1 ;il 50. 12 161 W ý 50 1 HEAR PROMINENT LAYMAN ELECTION - i î. - I G. W. MASON. KC C. Toronto, who will speak in Tri-. ity United Churcis, Sunday Mornng, nîext. Dec. 8th, in the interest of the -M.isiinary and Maintenance Fund. Ca, rying eut the prograns planîzed by th e Laymen's Association in the Osha.va Presbytery for tise M. & Mjý. Fund of the United Churcis in Can- ada, G. W. Mason, K. C., Toronto -ill peak on this important subject at t] e morning service in Trinity Unit d Church next Sunday. Tbis is an OpPortunity to hear one of the nost prominent and outstanding laymen of the United Church in Can- ada. Mr. Mason's work in drafting and personally conducting the great- er part of tise United Churcs legis- lation is well known. Many will na louýbt avail themselves of tbe privi- lge of hearing Mr. Mason next Suni- day morning. At thse evening service R'ev. John Cllorn, Field Secretary of tise Soc. il Service Dept of the United Churcb, will preach. Speciai music will be rendered by the choir at b6th services under the ilection of Mr. Fxaacia.. - gait, 'isoir Director and Organist. C( i dt ci CROWDED HOUSE ENJOYS MOLLY BE JOLLY Boys' Training Schoal Choir Score Another Triumph in Annuel Enter- tainnient 3 Tbe Opera House was crowded te 5its doors on Tuesday evening, the occasion of the Juvenihe Operetta, 9"Molhy Be Jolly," given by thse Choir 4of The Boys' Training Schooh, under -the direction of Mr. Frank Converse 0Smith, assisted by Earle Cunning- bt am, physical director. Tise proceeds of the concert wili * beepne in a genuine Cbrisbmaz; * Tread gifts, and hune.reds of townspeople willhbave the pheasure of eknowing that they bave shared ;n providing sucb a treat for bthe boys., in addition to enjoying a reah good eevening'a entertainment. 'The scene of the operetta is the barn on Green's fanm. Mohhy, apoil- ed cousin from bbe ciby, has been sent te the farn to spend ber va- cation. -Her boredom and contempt for the country and its people finally give way te a joyous participation in the preparations for a circus, and tbe ensuing merriment and excitement. The various parts were exception- ally wehl played and tse choruses and soles rendered witb a spirit and cf- fectiveness whicb pertrayed real ta.- ent and bhorough training. The boys w~ho played feminine rohes made very realistic girls. Amonr. the special stunts pre- sented by the boys, the bronze statute character posine was esper- ially priýew-nthv and drew forth much admiration and many faveur- n',e cm".Tb- -van 'ius charac- - p.. ' -ato. hnnters. b'IsI(ntball plaveit. etc.. mwere Ge or,4e Snmith. Rufs-el Lep, Wiihur Stewart, and Paul Moore. A novel pyramid, prepared and presented by nrernhers of thse Train- ing School G nsi Club a~ proved very interesting. Among the special musical num- bers were duet.s sung by Ewart La- barre and Edwyn Morrison, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginin," and "Romen mac! Juliet." sung by Ma- dame Yellski and Herr Von Howl- ski (Joe Collias and! Victor Mitchell) In these two numbers, whicb were effec*vely sunz. the choir joined in bbe chorus parts. Tise Elepsiant Dance,-by George Smiith and headore Goselin and a "Icoon" dance, by Susie and Sambo Snowflake,-!sadore Gosehin and George Giallagher created a great deal of amusement and cahled forth hearty aipplause. Tbe cast oi? the cornedy is as fol- hows: Mohhy, Ewart Labarre; Ralpb, Htlen, Stewart, Chihdren o.f Mrs. Green-Geo. Spanis, Edwyn Morrison and Joe Nobemnan; Sahly, Banl Brasb; Ned, Chifford Birkboldor; Mary, Orval Hardy; Bih, Jack Cu- sick; Letitia Barrymore, Clayton Moody; Aunt Hilda, Mahcolm Sbelly; Mra. Green, John Gibson. Reaerve Tuesday evening, Deeem- ber lOtis, for" "A Pull House" belng presented by St. John's Church. FINALLY DECIDED D0N'T MISS SEEING ESTHERJ The Musical and Dramatic Treat of a C.eneration The stage is ail set-and it loaks wonderful-and the 80 local artists are al l i readiness for the presenta- tion of that dramatic cantata "Esther" which is being held in the Opera House to-night <Thursday) anid to-morrow evening. This za k ~ without doubt the finest musical en- tertairiment which has appeared in Boxvmanvi]le in a generation. When we tell you the play is being présent- ed under the personal direction of Mrs. (Dr.) Clark Bell this adds fur- ther assurance that a genuine and dlgtul treat is in store for lovers of good niusic combined with dram- A vry raifyngadvaneesaleof tickets has taken place, but there are still good seats available for both nights. So don't stay awýay thinking ----~wil e witn thie rushi seat sale, but ~. .,.BRAGGbe sure to get a reserved seat now at W . J.BRAGGM itchell's Drug Store. Liberal Candidate, wbo will rep- resent Durham County in the Legis- 1 lature for the next term. COMING EVENTS It took exactly one xnonth to the day after the provincial Election wa.s c Sale of work, home cooking and held to decide who was the succes,- candy will be he]d on Saturday, De- fuI candidate in Durham County. cember 14th, in Salvation Army Hall. On election night and for several b Salvation Army S. S. Concert wil days after various reports were given 8 p.m. dission 15v. 0th a out as to the outcome of the elec- 8P . Amsin1c tion which made it very uncertain Do it early-ar«range tb have that whether W. J. Bragg, the veteran photo taken now f or Christmaa. Liberal candidate was elected or Phone 256-H. Humphries for ap- Mayor M. J. Elliott, Conservative pointment. 48-tf candidate. Owing to Esther being put on, When the officiai returris were an- regular meeting of Music Study Club nounced by J. W. McCamus, Returr.- has been postponed to Wednesday, ing Officer givîng Mr. Bragg a mna- December lltb. jority of 14 votes the result wvas so The reguiar monthly meeting of close that Mayor Elliott or the Con.- the Women's Auxiliary to the Hos- servative Association demanded a re- pital Board wilJ 'be held at 8.30 p. m. count which was granted. This took on Friday, Decemiber 6tIL place last week before Judge L. Providence School will hold the O'Connor a.t Cobourg and la.st2dCrita CoctonFdy, e. from Tuesday bill Saturday evening. C2ritm a Coertu on. Muial play After counting nearly 12,000 ba1- 0hathehuc. Msalpy lots the final returns gave Mr. Bragg by tbe chibiren. Particulars Iater. a majority of 10 votes over hi!- The regular meeting of the Home opponent. and School Club will ibe held in Cen- William John Bragg, the Liberà! tral Public Sehool on Wednesday, candidate, was bo.rn in tbe township Dec. llth, at 8 p. m. sharp. Pro- of Darhington and moved to Bow- gramn and exchange of Christmas imanville about ten years ago and gifts ini charge of group 2, Mrs. F. resides at the corner of Elgin and Clarke, convener. Rev. R. J. Sbires Horsey strieets. He started bis wdll be the speaker. political career in 1903 wben he wiis Everytbing is in full swing for the elected a county commissioner at the public Sehool Concert. The large time wben the counties council was two-part choruses sung by pupils un- cornposed of commissioners. He held der the direction of Miss Helen Mor. the position of chairman of the fi- ris, the S.upervisor of Music, are of nance board of that council for a very higb type. Other items on the several years and bas always been program include drille, songs, recita- keenly interested in ail branches if bions, snd gymnastic stunts. On the ,poitics. Prom 1908 until 1914 he first evening prizes donated by Can- was president of the West Durhami adian Clubs and Trustee Board wjAl Liberal Association at the ime be- be presented to lutb year's Entrance fore tbe two ridings were united in- Clasa, while on the second night to Durbam County. He was first proficiency prizes will be presented nomninated for candidate in the year to the boys and girls who came high- 1916 and was elected in the election est in their classes hast June. Tihe that fohhowed in 1919. He held the proceeds of these concerts go toward geat tbrougbout the 1923 and 1926 athhetic and phay-ground equilpment elections whicb crediéted bim with bbrougbout the echools. ten years of parliamentary expert- ence. In representing tbis riding Ir. Mr. and Mrs. W. H1. Kirby and Bragg bas done everything possible daugtrMroDîriMc. to advance thse best interests of the uhe ain eriMc. couny. e hs awaysbee w,,_ pent the weekend with their cousins, couny. H basalwas e Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. inq to intercede and give unstint'ng co-operation to the ehectors of D'.ir- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid N. Ho1bden haim County, regardless of tbeir pal- and chihdren Joyce and Victor, have itical inclinations, in the mnany ap- returned -home to Boston after visit- peais made to him for assistance in inz ber father, Mr. A. Beacock, and provincial or federal matters. other1 relatives. ALL ALLPAU'l TROYAL IilLAIIIA PICTURES R Y LTH A PICTURES BOWMANVILLE THURS., FRI. and SAT.-DEC. 5 - 6 - 7 Thrý spectaciular underseas romance from Jule Verne's famous novel ! Two years to make ! "THE MYSTERIQUS ISLAND99 With Lionel Barrymore, Lloyd Hughes, Jane DaIy. In Technicolor, Dialogue, Sound. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. m. Aduits 25c; Cbildren 10c. MON., TUES. and WED.-DEC. 9 - 10 - il "THE IDLE RICH" 1 XYou'li thfrill and suffer and rejoice with the people in this great talking picture play! Swift drama, heart-touching pathos, rich human understanding! With Conrad Nagel, Rensie Love, Leila Hyans Diriected by William de Mille. A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Ail Talking Picture. COMING THURS., FRI. & SAT.-DEC. 12-13-14 Richard Barthehness i "THE DRAG" Two Shownsî 7and 9 p. m. Adulte 38* plus Se tu; CiIdreu 28. e C" , Mýý- ebt

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