r-- ,0-r - --- -- TEE CANADJ~&N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TEURSDAY. DFiC1~Miw1~ ~.i. mon .5, ,c&o - '- .1'5.1 1%3 ~The #0550OPHghboy îvitb eleven-inch cone. Single dial controt, automatic ivotage regulator, phonogrs lu-n" jack. Beauti ut mant aiet. NEW LOW PRICE $258.00 COMPLETE The f(ri9/nalBAITERYLESS RADIO The New 8-Tube Rogers is bringing to Canadian homes the high-peak performance of modern radio. If it's to be a "Radio Christmas" in youur home, by ail means get a Rogers. But don't deL *: -the holiday demand wiIl bc heavy. Corne in anOl choose one of the New Models nowv pay a smail deposit, and we wilI deliver it for Christmas. W. Je BAGNEL WISE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERLI PATRONIZE *SUATESMAN ADVERTISERS C HR IS TMA S!!lo And what can give more pleasure to the whole family than MODERN "SCREEN-GRJDý" RADIO d 4 -w&d ss tubes) (wit/z tube Combine your Christmas funds and secure a perpetual source of enjoyment for every member of the family. Talk it over with a Steinite Dealer Iisted below. You Can Get No More 3THREE (3) SCREEN. GRID TUBES-a total of 7 tubes. 2. Four condensera. 3. Linear power detection with au tomatie grid bias. 4. Push-îpull audio power stage, using the newest "245" tubes. Thas 5. 6. This At A,,y Frice! Reni humiesa reception. 'Batîlesbip" chassis con- struction completely shielded. E L E C T R O - Dynamio speaker. Gloricus tone. Magnificent consoles. 5tginif SUPER SCREEN-GRm RADIO Licensed for saie by Canadian Radio Patents, Limited Distribuited by GEO. BROWN'S RADIO SHOP NEXT J. B. MARTYNS STORE DIVISION ST., BOWMANVILLE 44lnt ELE*TR' f WEDDING AIin-W.bber jThe marriage was quietly soleni- nized on Saturday afternoon, Noveni- ber 0that Trinity Parsonage, Bwaville, of Minnie E. J., eldestý daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.j Wesley Webber of Bowmanville, and Mr. Harold C. Allun, second son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Allin of Orono. Rev. J. U. Robins officiated. The 'bride looked charuning in a Madeline blue flat crepe dress wth beige bat. She wore a rope of pearls, the gift of the groom. The witncsses were Miss Laura Allun, sister of the groom,. gowned in a dress of navy blue flat' crepe ithbhat to match, and Mr. Roy jWebber, brother of the bride. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. L. W. Kerr, Tor- onto, the immediate relatives of the bride and groom 'being present. Immediately after the reception thel h appy couple left, amid showers of, confetti, for Manitoru, Mantioba, and other western points. The bride'3 travelling costume was a cinnamon brown crepe satn dress with hat, shoes and gloves to match. Previous to the wedding, girl friends of the bride gave ber a mis-I cellaneous shower af useful gifts at the home of Mrs. 'Harry C. Allin, Sil-~ ver St., 'Bowmanville. The bride, was also the recipient of a numberj of lovely pieces of silverware fronai the members of the Young Women's Auxiliary, Bownaanville.1 Presentation ta Mros. Wm. Clarke 1 Before Leaving Town A real surprise party was held atl the auspices of the Ugo Igo Cl-ub -in weaters, I1ullovers, Bloomers, Pyjamas8, honor of one of its niembers, Mrs. ' ' Wm. Clarke. An extra pleasant ev- Coats, ik Drnrts, Blankets, Men's Wool ening was spent i playing cards, V '-Ilinz Scotch jokes and singing oid - FnyG us f ,ec fashioned songs. Miss Jean H'imphries, the Club's E u tc sco peeadw ofrteis pianist, struck up "Darling Nelly - O rSokicmp tead eofrtebe Gray " on the piano and in a second a regular old tiinie square dance was on. Mrs. G. Wiseman sang a solo, and Mrs. Tom Wright danced old Scotch and Iris~h dances accompanied- on the piano by Miss J. Humphries.M 'Mrs. Ted Large, hostess, rend a very appropriate address to Mrs. Wni. ]Blanket Sale Clarke, and Mrs. Fred Lyle presented hier with a very ýbeautiful com-forter. Mrs. Clarke thanked the 'inembers of This week-end we offer our entire stock of the club and said she regretted very much ]eaving town and would more PLAIN, PLAID AND FANCY BLANKETS than miss the meetings. 4 bean supper was served and A I A IG iii. everyone present did justice to the A I A IG many goodies, and another good time B-ay these for your own use or for practical gifts. ~-was recorded in the memories of those pre.ent after the singing of 10 only Plaid Blankets, regular S Auld Lang Syne. $2.9 8, for .............................. $I. 98 CIVIC LEADIERS 0F ]ENGLLAND 15I Plain and Plaid Blankets, regular&* d Give Special Message to the Pres on$4.50 to $4.3 for ..................... p3.49 C qi Approaching the New Year 12 Pure Wool O.V Blankets, in plai > Through the kindness of Mr. W or plaid effeets, reg. $8.50 for ...... $ .95 'B. C-ouch, Bowmanville'a nonogen- arian merchant, we were privileged z ý to sean.a recent copy of the Western Morning News and Mercury of Ply- mouth, England. In this issue an White Flanelette Gowns entire page was devoted to featur- ing "The Westcounty's Civie Lead- ers n 13V'Phoos o th MaorsA fine range of these warm gowns in 6 de- and Mayoress' in the various cities L .~ln and towns were reproduced along signs, Lilat corne in LJoUIshiort or ln sleeves, with special messages from each. -beautifuîîy embroidered in silk, adpie We were particularly intereste<j in adpie the comments from Mr. A. Brow- Is f ningLyne, Mayor of Bodmin, who is 98c. LO i$1.59l a cousin of Mr. Couch,' and whom we had the pleasure of meeting when lie was touring Canada two years ago with a party of British journal- ists. Mayor Lyne's message fol]ows.1 We are approaching a new year F l a h o e ik H s ful f retpossibpjtsfor helul F s i ne ik H s advance that may be immediateîy! r5 doz.-a very special purchase that selI reg- ahead of us the municipalities, lrya 17 ar i h eetclr n should play a prominent. part.1 l ia 179pia]teneetclr n Government, after a]l. is not yet i lsieinteo, 'complete]y in the hands of the I îe ntelt bureacrat o Withal-otwih-% hile They Last, per pair .......... $1.19 ing tendencies. There is much that 'local councils can do to improve th ,,oilconditions of thie people, and, perhaps in lesser degree, to contri- but to a real industrial revival ES O' Parlianient m ray place the Acts o theStautbook, but administration FOR BIGGER AND BEI» different localities, with some arnount ig t W s of discretion left ta the administra- Local -overnment i 8 passingj through a revolution and it is a' tim nedn caution with courage -toqualit ies which, perhaps, are FACTS ABOUT ATWATER KENTi BLACKSTOCK no ftnassaeiated, but they can RDO be harmonized nevertheless by wise RDO The 1930 officers of L 0. L. 133, mnen and wamen who have sonie ex- TeAwtrKn auatrnýBaktcae perience of the past, and have the TeAwtrKn auatrn~Baktcae vision to anticipate soniething of the Co. has neyer had any shares of its I. P. M.--F'red Hamilton. future. There is a ireat opportun- stock on the market. W. M.-B. Hyland. ity ahead of us, and 1 believe that It owns outright its business anid J. M.-M. V. Malcolm. Cornwall will hold its place in the its ýmanufacturing plant. It has been~ Chap.-L. Joblin. Mars. Lefxpro esseshe v .w inin 'business for more thn twenty- Rec. Sec.-S. VanCamp. Mr.Lyeexpese, ehaes nsalw icay nlprofitable years, Fn e.H 'an indiater uniat ah eris well blewould hsalas done business on its own: i.Sc-.San indcae tatsheiswel aletoasa- capital and has neyer borrowed ai Treas.-Wm. Hamilton. sist her huý,hand in the social partidollar. Marshal-H. Thompson. of his civic duties. Mrs. Lyne says Alis eercsad xpi-ec st Lect-W. Camipbell. 1 amn bezinnin- th look unon tîho litreucsan exeec position of Nfayole-s in Bo<lmin a are concentrated upon just one thingý 2nd. Lect-S. Willianms. an ever-otheryear affair, provoke.d Ith mking aind selling of firne 1Com.-Dr. MacArthur, Fred Wiî- hv the too-ready accentances of the radio instruments. Production in' Ian, Earl Dorrell, Herman Honey, F. Ma r. o hrdyask myconentits thirty-two acre factory is scien1î- A. Hyland. bayot tHei thelwa of "stonsient, fically controlled, so that Atwater____ nut nh"t.is ho wforfantrnyen Kent dealers always have enoughl meh"a vho libtf o do uthe p radios on hand to meet the public' Courage is a great asset to men-1 a~ ~1lto h~ ot f aM'vrps indemand, and are neyer averstocked. Fear is in reality one of the greati a~~~~~~~~ -tl e'lodolcrmnt li s Itnventory is never excessive., foes of the finest and most fruitfull 'the' hrough of Bodmin.I Single-minded devotion ta its nejlvn-ero alr faeudr 0,1'lthe 'vciaI side. alanov at.jo'b-4he production of the finest takes great tasks; fear of criticismi the rnoe~ ount,ý. She niav nIiradio that can be built-aas put At.,if one undertake tinustual thing3;I1 b. 'noredwih arob o chin ~'water Kent Manufacturing Company fear Of complications and nssi office. hit she is genérally in the, today in the strongest position it has attempting things which cannops- nitewhen the' bazanra have to. ever held. Strongest in the exce]l-i ibly be planned and chartered before he orntned and the' «arden partWe; ence of its product - - Aýtwatàer1a beginning is made. patronîzed. And with the adtvance IKent Screen-Grid Radio. Strontte.it 1______________ in the' statu,; of woman. why not? in the confidence of the public. 1 Strongest in stahility, which is the and be convinced of their leadership Shnw'-, Selnool <hrist'rna- Concert, keystone of permance in any busi-ý in construction and tonalqa1te will he held Thursdav. Dec. l9th, atnesRd at George Brown's Radio SoBw 8 p. mi. Parfîculars later. Hear the taeKnt Rd manville. w CH RISTMAS 's JUST AROUND THE CORNER Only 16 More Shopping Days - Shop Early for Better Choice and More Comfort. G Silk Lingerie, SiIk Hose, Silk Scarves, Stamped Goods, Purses, SGloves, SiIk Cushions, Cushion Covers, Table Runners, jStationery, Work Baskets, Hankies, Rubber Aprons, Kimonas, Nightgowns, Koolie 1Mufflers, Men's Sox, st choice in the district. Silk and Wool Hase U~ doz. Fine Plaited Hose, in ail sizes and colors Regular $1.00 value for ............... 79c. 45 doz. Penman's Full-Fashioned Silk and Wool 1Aose-their best grade worth 9 c .$1.39 pair for ............................9 c Heavy Kimonas Just the thing for a pleasing gift or for your own wear: ï53 Ladies', regular $3.95 for .........$2.98 8 Children's, regular $1.39 for...... .98 6 Children's, regular $1.7.9 for ...$1.49 10 Boys', regular $3.50 for .........$2.79 8 Men's, regular $4.95 for ...........$39 Sample Lingerie VVe cleaned up a factory lot of Pyjamas, Nighitgowns, Slips, Bloomers, etc., at nearly haif pric'e. These inake fiee gifts and you can save haif on this lot, 59c. to $1.,39 STORE rTER BARGAINS Bowmanville Cosis a Cent e.*er hen pter day It supplies al thc food cIe- m-rntîý rcqjzid by a IRO to ic e c vcry rgg shc i capable(if l.îyng-at the lowc-t possible fccd cost per 28 ingrcdicnts, incloding 6 solurces of animal protein. A grcatcr varicty of cggmaking matçriaîs than in any other mash. Test s: foi. yourself and soie sioney. This bird. of course. was Ced on Blatch-J ford', Mash f rom the day she arrived ronsecutive days. at the conteat <Sgd.) A. D. SMITH, adse Poultryman D3,t. of Agriculture, StaSe ai Dhlada. Duy ELATCHFOR»'s T@day From Your Local Dealer PAGE TEREE King Street p) -M" Lower YourN Feed Coat s Yotir feed cost ta governed by the nusa- lxar of eggs you get. The more eggs per î'ound of masb-the Iower the feed cost p>er egg. Price naeans nothing to the hien. Her job la to Iay eggs and to do that she need&- f 158 Eues la 158 Data IA White leghorn owned by the Combe *Poultry Farm,. Sedgwick. Kansas, l "arted to iay on March 27th and ait te tand Inciuding Auguet Sist laid 168 ï-U e F44 mmudi ÇZ77 ri t-771 >t55 15¶ BOWMANVILLE, TEURSDAY, DW-E»ER 5th. 192.q rn, lvztf PAGE TRREZ Bowmanvil 1 b,