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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 4

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1IHE CANADIÂN STÂTESMÂN, BOWMANVILL, TRURSDÂY, ZUB Sth, 1929 PAGE FOUR',ui STA14DARD TRAINING SCHOOL THE SCiREECH OWL 'BOYS' PARLIAMENT ELECTION HOCKEY NEWS M Suaday Scho.>I andi Chuuch Woikera Editorual Staff Electati for Year Stanley Richard of Shaw,& Electutti @wmavâle Entera Teama in Two Recel,. Certificatea By Hanuume Majority 1 O.H.A. Saries The editorial staff of "The Scree.zh 1- The Standard Leadership Training Ow,- Bowmanville High School's In the election of the 9th Boyse'l Hockey fans are assured of a Sehool for this district bas been cn Parliament of Ontario held Saturday, g'ood seasons pastime this winter 1 popular year book, bas been recefltly November Sth., Stanley Rickard of as Bowmanville Hockey Club bas en- luded for another year and a goodly appointed and preparations have a!- Shaw's andi repre.entiTig Newcastie te'red teams in both the Junior and number of Sunday School teacher3 ready been begun to make the pub- United Church was elected to repre-; intermediate OR.A. Series. * and Church workers have been en- ilication of tiîis school year the best sent the riding of West Durham ny An organization meeting was helu riched with new knowledge and in- yet. a total vote of 141. and a majority, recerrtly to get Juniors ready for the i spiration. The sessions, which were The following constitute the staff: of 61 over the two deleated candi-'fray when these oficers were elect- held in Trinity United Church, were Consulting Editor-Miss E. Stednian* dates, James Raiic'oek, Courtice,i ed: President and Manager-Jack very successful, and about forty-five Edit.or-WiuWfifred Rjckard; Assist- last year's local me'mber, and Allan Gunn; Coach--Gordon S. Chartran; students received certificates from ant Editors%-Jshf Jury and Betty Balson of Zioin. The following re- Tramner-W. J. E. Ormiston; Sec'y- the various departments. Morris; Business Manager-Ken. turns of the voting tell their own Treas-W. A. Edger. To raise funds The Primary and Junior Teachers' Morris; Assistant Business Manager story:1 to buy equipment it was decided to Eaton, Toronto, and the unit in the Staff-Winnie Lancaster, Greta Mun- Eldd 1 19 1 There is no Iack of material for 4 course taken this year was "Story day, Bob Corbett and Douglas Ad-Içourt-ice 25 0 10) the junior and the lads who get ou Telling and the Religious Education anis; CirculationF-Juabez Vanstone; Bwarcle 16 o 30 the regular lire rop will have to go of the Child." Miss Lenie ably sup- Secretaries-Annie Wilkins and lvaj Hampton 1 0 131 some. Here's a few of the players plied in Mrs. Eaton's place the first Foley; Student Activities-Nellie Salem 3 2 who have already turned out to 4 two nights. The teen-age group wvas Kirkton; Alumni-Margaret Dickson-1Hadn o practice: Y. Janieson, M. Oke, C. * taken by Rev. A. F. Marsh, G uelph., Who's Who-Helen Argue; Exchag Enniskillen 3 13 3 'Goodman, T. Woodyard, G. Dilling, dean of the school, the subject being -Marion Riekard; Girls' AthIetic- Newcastle 0o 0 49o Geo. Veal, Russerl Brown, Geraid "Teen-Age and Worship." The Beatrice Cryderman; Boys' Athletics. Tyrrone 0 1 13 'Sutton, C. Oisborne, F. Blunt, E. Young People's Group was under the~ -Herb. Coîmer; Chuckles-Ada AI- "TapIe Grove 7 0 0 Geo. Piper, Nelson Jackman, P. leadership of Rev. C. D. M.%cLellan of. lin; Form Representative-, L-Orn 1 7 i Grant, Leon Gunn. R. Adam.s: 0. Beaverton. rence Ashton; 4, Ken. Osbornxe; 3, 1 Cartwrig14t 7 31 2 Jamieson, Johnny James, M. Hart, A Discussion group for adult-s of: Bill Ingram; 2a, Elsie Carruthers; Zion 0 7 0 1 T. Moise, 'M. Lunney, Jack O'Hai'a. the church was in charge of Rev. R.i 2b, Edward Bagneli; la, Dorothy - - 'Geo. Walton. H. Stevenson, R. Hayes, J. Sires. Bowmanville, and another Edger; lb, Chester Jury. Toaio 8 4 o~ apJ uly group of adut teachers took the reg-1 Miss Sted.nan. M isses W innifredk B d *he0 The InteBmbdiatestam whirb ular Text book course, in which the Rickard, Greta Munday, Marion Rick- The Boys' Work oard wwoked u tol Thsntreodia round wchp December lesrons were expounided by ard, Messrs. John Jury, Ken. Morris thank al those who helped to carry; ons îasptseondarognd ful vf Rev. W. P. Rogers. Newcastle. Morley Vanstone and Jack Minore,: through the election. We would api hope and determination that they A large number. aiso. were in al- Consulting Business Manager, attend-1 preciate it if every .Mcenitre ve bttr hi yar 0 ee d n e t t e v a l u es i n , w h d t e e r y c o n v e n tio n o f H ig h ; sen d tw o d o lla rs t o, M r. C h a s. a son i l (I v n b t e th s y a . O te n d a n c e a t th e v rio u s s ss io nfth e ec atdid atelyc ers f th e p o ul ar pla y er " tch"e r did ne Wrte the asigment., i S h o Editors, held in Toronto on, the treasurer, to def ray' the expenzes vc therefore did not secure certificates. Frîday and Saturday. Msss wîn-j noTorntocamPadig PariaOsborne, but there'ý always ;n,w,, but reaoed the benefit of the ta.ks nie ickard and Greta Munday were, players coming aîil(ng te Wil the and discussions. appointed conveners of their re.spect- ment. an. c ' shoes of heroes of yesteryear. Short devotional periods were held ive discussion groups and as sucli. re-i îHarold Staintin Returning Oli,.:,Groupings were announced Sal- at the openinz and losing of the ev- ported before the assembly on Sat- urday from 0. H. A. headquartcrs ening's program and a recreation urday morning. period between the two sessions. Arong the events on the progranî.l Board, Mr. R. . Knowles, Mr. N. J.I is the generai apinion that Eo,~ On Friday eveniar. the certificates enioyed by the convention, were in-1 DeWitt, Editor of "The Varity," etc;, nnil enShv ae eywl were present&d hv Rev. A.F. Marsh. terestinz addresses by snch notable.; a banquet in Burwash Hall on Friday Iibt yiswibae and the Fchool was closed with an in- s Mr. Gregory Clark, Toronto Star! 000 a heatre party S'iturday aftcr- Intermediate, Group No. 3-Port spiring worship and dedication ser Feature Writer, Mrs Edith Grovesn oon; and a trip through the rew io Oooa mn villW, Oshaw vice. Chairn an Toronto PubliecSchooli Star Buiding.jnimor, Grupd 3Peteboro Po - - Hope, Oshaw'va, Whitby, BowmanviîL le. Harry Lecky, Oshawa is convener oU f both groups and meeting to dra-w% up schedules will be held in the' Motor City. Norman Taylor, proprietor of the~ The penng D sply spedin te su-ner atPortj The O enin Dis lay olborne. On Saturday he bung out his welcome bulletin board "skating at the rink to-night". An exhibition hockey game to get at the Intermediates in condition, will be played at Taylor's Rink on Mn day, Dec. 9th, at 8.15 p. m. between Gray Coach Line, Toronto 1929 ROV AN S S IlO E STORE Champions, and Bowmanvlle Inter- mediates. Our old friend "Chuck" Adams will be on the visitors line-up. - -_£ 1- % -- _f(%... 1Admission 35c. After a Strenuous Month with our Big SeIIing Out of One otr Stores We Axe Pleased to Announc That We Are Now In Our Big Main Store And Extend Hei ewith to the Public a Hearty Invitation to Meet Us in the McMurtry Store. SHOE SPECIALS Women's Overshoes - a huge variety of styles and colours, Specially Priced $1.98 Womnen's Bedroom Slippers Special Value at 59c A special display of new Wom- en's Patent, Kid, Caif Slippers and Oxf ords. At Special Low Prices Men's Rubbers, black plainovers Special at 75c Pr. Mven's Bedroom Slippers, variety of colours, Special 79c Men's Oxfords and Boots, spec- ially priced From $2.85 up MEN'S FURNISHINGS SPECIALS Men's Ties, boxed, a great dis- play of colours, speciaily pried From 49c up Men's Suits at Special Prices Iien's fleece-iined Combinations Special $1.38 Suit Men's Silk Shirts, boxed, A Real Bargain at $2.75 Mens Overcoats, Meiton blue, Special at $16.50 Men's Ail Wooi) Sweater Coats, black and white, Jumbo-knit, maroon, etc. Special $2.95 Men's Work Sox, ail wool, Special 18c Pair Men's Ail Wooi Fine Sox Spcial at 38c Pair Men's Siik and Wool Sox, var'- iety of coIouI'5, 3 Pairs for $1.00 Br1oa(lioth Shirts, a variety of colours to choose from At $1.00 Penman's Ail Wool Shirts and Drawers, heavy knit, Special at $1.29 each Men's Winter Caps At Real Low Prices 1 R. J, ROVAN COMPANY Opposite the Bowman Houa. lu thod McMurtry Block-Phone 528 HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST MeLaughlmin Bros. of Burketon Malc Excellent Showinst at Royal Wmnter Fair r I r jDurham County horseshoe pitcherz and fans were keenly intere.sted in the Canadian GhaTnipionship Horse- shoe Pitching Contest held at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto la.st week. McLaughlin Bros.-William and Russell-of Burketon, who clean- ed up most everything in sight :n the local contests at the faîl fairs were among the outstanding per- formers at the big show. Russell who was winner in the singles and runner up in rural singles in the Central Ontario As- sociation contest was looked upon as a contender in the Royal event but was eiiminated in the first round by the Sarnia lad who eventuaiiy won the Championship. Brother Bill lasted till the second round. Rin the double events the Mce- Laughlin Bros. put on splendid re- cords in the keenest of competitions and were rewarded in winning prizes in both the open and ceunty series as shown by the folliowing scores: f Singles Thos. Buckingham, Sarnia, 51; .Russell McLaughlin, Burketon, 45. Wm. McLaughlin, Burketon , 51; C. E. McConkey, Orillia, 22. 1 Doublea Open R. and W. McLauprhlin, Burketon, 51; A. Steele and G~olden. Toronto, 146. j Second Round R. and W. Mecbaughin, 50; co,'k and Kropf, Wellesley, 44. Third Round jR. and W. Melau«hliin, 52; (Irif- fi n a nd fle Prs30 Pi](..%, and Riltîv 5.73; P.. anl ' . Me ' ,auvrhlUn. .10. McIaghbnBros. fr 3rd prize r- ((v< Cou2nty Doujhies R. and W. chi. Buriceton.i 50; Ch.ndî oninur & Stoufftor. Stoutr- vifi. 12. Second Rouend P.. i d W. MIax;i,50: teýr and WMingrove, Ci-aizvnîe andà Tbird Round R. an I W. el'aluhrI. ?E.n W. Sn;ith. Waieon. ?7. Semi-Finals i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 :1 '4 '4 .4 .4 .4 .4 H H H H H i4 N H H H H H H H H H H H H H k'. OVERC( MEN'S OVERCOi Group 1 at $19.95 Men's heavy quality Overcoats in navy blues, tweeds and wor- steds; the popular guards model, uisters, and lplain back slip-on niodels; in shades of brown and 1)owder blue checks and grey plaid eff ects. This includes any c oat in the store. xýalues up to $233.00 and $27.50, our big clear- ing special this week, for only $19.95 Group 2 at $27.50 In this group you xiii find this season's choicest cloths, in ail the better makes, such as Cambridge and Society Brand Clothes; oeautiful shades of autumn brown, plain and fancy grey ef- fects; ail wool imported cloths; and in this Fall's new styles; val- ues up to $35. and $37.50, clear- ing these three days, for only $27.50 Group I-NAVY SUITS-$19.95 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits, fine quality botany yarns, in the popuiar double and single breasted models, our regular value suits at $25.00 and $27.50, grand clearing value, 1fQ for oniy .............$ 99 SPECIALS Penman's Fleece Shirts and quality, at each ...........9 . Men's ail wool Shirts and Draw- ers (mostly Penman's make), a reai value at $1.50, on sale this week-end, for only. $12 each....................$12 Group 2-MEN'S SUIT"-24.95 In this group you will find this season's new model suits, in fancy tweed and worsteds, ail beautiful wool cloths, in checks, steipes, and4/ pepper and sait designs, doublé and single breasted inodels; also plain grey herringbone effeets in genuine Forbes worsteds; ail val- ues that were up to $35.00, out they go this week-end in a grand clearing, for 4'Al only, each ..........$ 49 MEN'S WOOL MACKINAW WORK COAT AT $5.95 A wonderful warm coat for out- door wear, very heavy quality, check patterns, a coat wonith or- dinarily about $9. clear- ing this week for only.. $5.95 It's Not too Early to Think of Christmas GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS A splendid line of Scarfs, Sweat- ers, llosiery, Ties, Shirts, Gloves, Pyjamas, Handkerchiefs, Bath Elolbes, Sýilk Gowns, etc. Starting December lst, this store xii 1)e open ever ' vevening. aiso Wedilesday aftcrinoon tili Xrnas. 'e invite you to look over oui' gif ts for Xmas buying. MEN'S BATH ROBE SPECIAL Priced at $5. 75 A heavy quality Jderdown Bath Robe for men, ail sizes, shades of fawn, grey and red, nicely trimmed to match, a si)ecial l)urchase en- ables us to selI this robe $ for <nly, each .......... 5 7 DietyOpposite 1.B GI1 IiRsi Batik of MontrealT eGI C R S 'i lihlin BP eev IS 0* r n;ecd prize in this eveýnt. The secret of success; lits net in do- -- - - - - ing your own work, but in recogniz- LIQUOR STORE ASSISTANT ditch and Fenton's car also went inmb in4z the right man to do it.-Andrew I AAGR NE NCOU~R the ditch. Carngie.MAN _______Accused wvas found guilty on tih, jRobt. W. Fenton Was Apprehentied, intoxication charge on vieD DE IT AYNear Bowmanville given by H. T. 0. Gordon aik, <Montreal Witnesa) a7Yone~ nd .,h)c f Police S. Ventoiicfý Robert W. Fenton,81 ogSt, Bowmanvilie. In answer te the question "doees Toronto, Assistant Manager of ¶twel- ___j__ Prohibition Pay?" the Catholic Ad- quor store at the corner eofDver vance, the officiai paper of the court and Dundlas Streets, Toronto, Persian Balm-alluring, provoca- ( Romai.n Cathoiic Church for the was found guilty of being intoxicat- tîve and cbarming. Fragrant andc Statùs. ef Kainsa.sq and Okliahonma, ed whiie drivinz a inotor car bsh Ma refreshing as a cool breeze in sumn-r 1 nsas: "As a direct resuit of pro- gistrate Ward in Bowmanville Po1i,ý, mer. Delightful to use. Creates hlibition, Kansas ha.q $200,000,000 iii Court. Ile wac firîrd $25 and ciosts; complexions of surpassing loveliness. banks and $67,000,000 in mortgagcs and when ho picade(l guiîty te a Makez the skin velvety soft in tex- in cf her State.ý;. In Kansas there are charge ef rck-le.ýg driiyitr, hc %%as ture. Soothes and dispels ail irrita- 54 countie.s wîthout any feeble-mind- finpd a similar amount. itions caused by weather conditions. ed. 38 counties without any poor- Fenton wac; proceeding ensterîy on Softens and whitens the hands. bouses. -53 ceuinties without any per-, the Provincial Higzhway near NMw-Persian Balai is a peerless requisite sons in jai, 165 countieq without any castle and turned in front of a wpst- for women who care for charmn and represeatatives in the State peniten-' hound car driven hy L. Wannan of distinction. Use it for hands and1 tiary." Burketon. The latter took te the face. Phono 61, B3ow manville I I i 'i 'I I Il PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Report of Public Health Nurae for N ove mbe r dividua-s visited 150; No. of isits te: Aduits 14, Infants 43, Pre seboola 46, Re chool absentees 3, Re physical defects <sehool age) 37, Re seute communicable disase 6 <chicken pox 5, whooping cough 1) ; Social welfare visitsq 3; Net <ound 7; Office hours 11. No. cf Infant Welfare Confer- ences heid 5; Total attendance 71; Infants 53; Pre-schools 18. School Report No. of sehool vi.sita 29; N. of css rooni inspections 23; No. of pupils inspected 906. Olga L. Toti I ~ a Un These Value 1 BIG8 )AI VALUESi ,ilS WEEK >s Cannot be Duplicated i 1

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