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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 5

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r. ... t. '-a-. t. -1~ ' T l THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 FACE-TO-FACE REALUSM .THRILLING ... DELIGHTFUL IN THE marvelous Vaice af the new Spartan instruments tbcre is a gloriaus "samehing"' you FEEL rather than hear. There is the wartn giow of PERSONALITY ... a dlightful sensa- tion of NEARi-ESS te your entertainfers. They seemn to appear befare you ini persan, thrilling you with a feeling of intimscy. Dont miss this entirely new radio sensation. Visit our store. Lowest Prices This Season Model 931-$251.50. Model 301 (as illustrated)-, $385.00 M1odel 3or Be sure to "ceCU your Spa.Ei ton Irn an AuhEr. ized Sisarton Deait r. OOIy instruments brar- ing factor- erilnumher carr ier .ccr guara tete. Model 111-$555.00. We are assured by manufacturers these prices will flot be lower this season. Demonstration Gladly Given In Your Home Harry C. Aluin KigSt. West Bowmanville SPARTON R ADIO l"Radio's Ricbest Voice" GRAND MASTER WAS RECEIVED DARLINGTON AT NEWCASTLE Every tirne a hen cack- i Report of S. S. No. 3, for Novem- 450 Matons of Ontario District1 les, she is asking for ber: Assemble at MntrBnut mr fti odru Sr. IV-*Winnie Gibson 78, *Bes.. InC M nter al qeor fthswndru sie Blackburn 76, Florence Foley 71, Camuniy HllEgg-Pruducer- tJack Finnigan 56, j'Stella Forsyth Upwards of 450 Masons of Onta to 41. jDistrict gathered at a inonster ban- ed Jr. IV-Harold Forsyth 61. quet at Newcastle Coninunitv fiai1 Sr. IlI*Anflje Kush 77, Wilbui- Wednesday evening, Nov. 27th, and .< Blackburn 72, Aloysius Kush 70, paid bornage to the Most Worshipful ~ Iosm. Grace Truil 64. Brother Roderick B. Dargavel,'(Gra~ndI_ Jr. 111-tEunice Lane 56, tBobbie Master of the Grand Lodge of Can-Gibson 54. head of the craft wvas extended a - Foley 77, *Helen Rundie 7.3, Clar- most cordial and bospitable welcoinc ence Peacock 72, Vera Giblhon 69, and bis address on the lengtb, deptGî. Beruice Roberts 67, tHazel Roberts breadth and heighit of Masonry iwas Malkes Hens Lay 59, tSammy VanCamp 53, fMaurizp warmly receîved by' the largo and ap- More Eggs Morphy 50 (moved away). preciative gathering'. sod y aHdEir Jr. Il-Eddie Forsytb 69. Bowmanvtlle and vicinitv \vas Wite forPrstt*Poultry Book-Fre. Sr. I-Raymond Wilson 74, Arthur strongly represented at the receplion. ~FO ...Ld Fo rsyth 6 0. Memibers were present from St. 328 CIwA-e. T.-oto 8. Ont, r r. A.-~*Jean Mcelaf, *Peggy John's, No. 17, Cobourg; Composite, 1 Finnigan. No. 30,. Pthty; Jerusalern, No. 31, Pr. B.-*Marie Roberts, *Viola Bowmanville; Mount Zion. No. 39, Robert.s, Eveline Gibson. Broolin; Durham, No. 66, Ne-w- tne n hi slcin h *-Honours; j'-Failure on total. cast1e; Coîborne, No. 91 Coiborne; iesadterslcin o e lebno. o.13, Ohaa;Cear rerited applause. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher.t N;o. 270, 0..bawa; Orono, No. 32.5, Toast ta Grand Lodge Orono; Fidelity, No. 428, Port Ferry; The toast to the Grand Lodge of WEDDING Ontario. No. 26, and Hope, No. 114, Canada in Ontario was ably dealt port Hope; and Temp!e, No. 649,w itb by Bro. Rev. A. G. Enîmet of Bucor-ox o vistrsà.eml< i h ad Port Hope. "I consider it a very. The vsit Co as- niý thea c reat bonor ta propose. this imiport- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, West1 orrun)i of the Coimnt sHllad ant toast," said hie, after prefacing Fifth St., Emporium, Pa., announce ,the Grand Master wu- extend'd a bis remarks ivith a foi% appropriaie the marriage of their daughter, Ethel welconie fitting to bis rank. He witty sayings. "This oldest Griand ,Beatrice, ta Arthur Gerald Buchor, pers:onally mie' each Mason and th' Lode in Canada," lie continue , Marselles, 111. The marriage took1 huge tbronc then repaired to the closely connected with the Mothe'r place Tbursday, November l4tb, at1 banquet hall. The I.ibrary Aiîd Lodge in England. The earlicst1 St. Lutheran Church at O]aan, N. Y. Conimittee . assisted by C.G.I.T.. pro- lnow*n motto was 'in the beginniiagIThey left immediately for Marselles vide<l a suniptuous nieal and excelled ivas the Word.' Thie original miotto where they will reside. The groom theniselveý in the dfisplay of the cul- w'as supported by a beaver as anlias a splendid position with DuPant inary art. During the banquet hour. operative builder.' It i.- a fit reii Powder Works at Seneca. Ill., a short Bro. Tainihlvn's twelve piece orches- ider to us that the Great Architect of distance froni Marselles. Mrs. tra froni Orono enlivened the Pr - Ithe Universe bas made known HiA Buchor was one of Einporium's pop- ceedings and rendered several musi-, Word-has uttered Hinîself in and ular girls and niany friends ara ex- cal selections. through Masonry, in and through theltending wishes for future bappiness. R. W. Bro. G. M. Linton, District building of the Universe. %do eniporiuni Independent. Deputy Grand 'Master presided over 9peculative Masons seek to under- lTe bride is a grand-daughter of the function and the opening toast, stand His cbaracter and understandtMr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, Ontario St., The King and the Craft, was observ- mr of His word s eutror13wavle ed.ad dSaeteKngwsrn- selves in and tbrough our lives." ee."Our Departed Brethren" Response by Grand Master As your Honor weel kens, if a Rt. Wor. Bro. Geo. . P. Everyl The response was given by M. War. person canna keep bis ain counsel, it of Whitby pro.posed the toastt Bro. R. B. Dargavel and bis uplifting is nae likely that any ither body, will "Our Departed Brethren." "Framladdress will long ha remembered by keep it for hihn.--George Bàrrow. its very nature," lie said, "thare isithose present. His clear cut views no respanse, except in the haarts of on Masonry won their way into the Il you can't be with theni at those who bonor it. 1 say they did hearts of his audience and in a cap- Christmas tume, thare's ana subati- flot give their lives in vain or spand able manner expo.unded the ideals tute they will appreciate-YoEur tbeir time for nouglit. We solenin-land true characteristics of the craft. Pbotograph-tbe mont personal of al ly remember aur brethren wbo help- 1 After thanking the Masons of the gifts.fTo rea apinamntai ou iuctli ed ta keep Canada in its place amang district for the cordial reception he alefth anahritment ifshoPwoned the commonwealth of nations and avoid theCbrtstheasrush. Pbon Sthey now sleaip in Flanders fields" rfre ath ie f young 256 for appointment. H. Humphries, mem.bers in the craft -for they are the Photographer, Horsey St., Bowman- A bush came over the vast aui- leaders of to-morroyw and thae speaker ville. 4 7-tf. ence as the "Last Post" was syi eulogized the work of the veterans, pathetically seunded by Sergt. Maor the masters of other days wbo by un- Arthur Taylor, M. M., (two bars), tiring energy, assisted ta make of Part Hope, and everyone .stoodlMasonry what it is taday. "Tyhey with bowed bead as one minute of, give stability and cantinuity," e silence was observed. claimed, "and no one can go wrong Presetatin to . M. in saeking the advice of a Past J i t E s A pleasing feature of tbe event Master." Itook place as the Grand Master was T '*' . 1presanted with a leather bound, sul- "Owing ta the very large jurisdic- For Stif f Joints ver plated tobacco bowrl. The ad- tion," be went on, "it is impassible ____ Jdress was superbly given by Rt. Wor. for any grand master ta give per- iBro. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie of 'Bow- sonal leadersbip ta direct aIl the af- Pharmcât say that when al manvilla, and the presentation was fairs, and personal leadership is ane other so-caled remedies fail Joint- made by V. Wor. Bro. F. H. Batty of of the most bhonored traditions in Ease will aucceed. Port Hope. Masonry. It is my d.uty to giva it It's for joint ailmenta only-that Weare honared in having the as far as anergy and tume wi permuit i why you should use it for sore, stiff, Grand Master bere," Dr. Bonnycastle but it must lie with tua assistance painful, inflamed, rhaumatic joints. assertad. "Ha is a man witb whom and ca-operation of every Masan. JIoint-Ease limbers u~p the joints- the traditions of .Masonry are par- Breaking through the glaînor and isdean and pentrating and quick re- fectly safe and whan lbe sets down formality af offiea, the Grand Master sults ara assurd-Sixty cents a tube the gave], may lie leave Masonry on bas a responsibility to get as closelat druggis everywhare. a biglier plane." The speaker re- as hie can ta the hearts of aIl the, Always remnemnber, when Joint. ferred ta the lave and asteemn in brethren. I want you to ramember Ease tete in joint misery gets out- which lie is regarded by the Masons we are ail one-there is no dîstinc- qulck' of Ontario district, j tian af rank or degrea. The power - "I am rnast deeply touched by this af Masonry does nat rast in the _________________ kind and ganerous ramembranca," power of secrecy or the sublimity af said M. Wor. Bro. Dargavel. "I arn ritual. pieased tbat hs token of your as-. "Masanry is spiritual," hae expiain- teem sbould came tbroug'b Rt. Wor. ed "cburches emtphasize this fact.M U I A Bao Bnnycastle, as I know him bat- Thare bas ýbeen a great increase inMSCL ter than any' other ana aIse in dis- metnbership in racent years and trct apecae h gf ntonythr aesanie who do not apprec- INSTRUM ENTS frisvlve ba a animent Perbapsvalue of free masonry. of te lve ad atachentthaiPerapstoa mucli concern is given cames frainieacli one of you." the making of new members instead IVocal Numbers of advancing the ideals and impres-____ Bro. R. Walton, Newcastle, and 'sing the newly initiated candidate1 ,Bro. R. Strike, Bowmianville, dalight- tha ramsnyi lîs ol ed the audience with two well rend- iti itself-ricb in meaning and Pianos batth new and used; or- ered vocal numhcrs and the Copsisiain Give him an ideal to gans for church and school; rad- ite quartette froni Whitby. compas. ive by and society ta live in. it ed of Bros. A. W. Lynde, J. A. Pst,-'Etakes a real Mason ta appreciate fre2 tas and pbonograpbs sold on ternis terson. E. W. Evans and C. S. masonry. A member who consider- canvenient to custoînars. Thampson, were encored seve ral theaorganization as just anotherl UV OAL 'NOW fraternity, or ana more club, bas nai _______just conception or appreciation of The Freed and Philco ara con- craft. It bas withstood the test of sdrdmreosfrdsac Mr.R.H. olarat lshs a 1 Itime, it bas seen kingdoms rise and and tone quality. There is no- tocontinue ta deliver coal at Tyrutmr. , political parties and religiaus denatn- hnfieinrdo salnadta aIl parts of the taw mton'adaI!kns forganiza- En tonhip. AIl orders promptl., itions adalknsofHv b en h e 5ic flilet and stIsfacIon gurante ti skenut through it al, it is still un-; aayusa h e 5ml Phledand aIiato uaate.sae and unchanged and stands Dominion piano? An altogether Phn 51___________.______ fi rm in the belief of God and servicoi cbarmîng instrument. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "h _____________________ t and precepts are! fas vital in aur day as in the years I t that are gon-.An-atemt o -,,AI CHRISTMAS' OnIy One Month Away Toyiwn DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY We Are Well Supplied With Furniture Suitable For Christmas Gifts Our Children's Department is well stocked and it is easy to select something very pleasrng and very useful for the children, because the prices are very reasonable, and one can purchase something very worth while for so littie. Then we have such pleasing and useful 'ieces of furniture for the grown-ups. A gift of furniture for the home is always appreciated and is lasting. Let us show you our gift lines including: Odd Chairs, Ferneries, Smokers, Sewing Tables, End Tables, Chesterfield Tables, Cedar Chests, Card Tables, Sweepers, Mirrors, Costumers, Lamps;,and a good Mattress will always please mother. F. F. MORIRS Co. Phone 10 Bowmanvil. Furnitur. snd Furnishinge PAGE FIVE Second Prize Pen in Ontario Egg Laying Contest - Cut Courtezy of Farmer's Advocate EGG LAYJNG CONTEST means Sisson's tbirds laid 348 eggs -more than last year's winners. Dr. E. W. Sisson's Leghiorns Win This.popular local breeder also had Second Place in Year's Coanpetition the winning hen in 1927 contest ________wbose record of 262 eggs has flot been equalled in past 4 years. Sbe's The 9th Ontario Egg Laying Con- a registered bird. test conducted at the Governinent, At the Reliable Poultry Farni bere Experixnental Farin at Ottawa bas1 sane exceptiopal records are being just been completed for the year and 1'estblished in the R. 0. P. conteste, results announced. I a big entry! several hens having as high as 270 list froni expert breeders in ail parts eggs to the jr credit for one year. of the province Dr. E. W. Sisson of, It wilbe reinem.bered that a few Reliable Poultry Farni, Bowxnanville, years ago Dr. Sisson literally cleaned was awarded second place on bis pen the boerds in White Leghorn show of 10 White Leghorns for a year'e birds at sonie of the biggest .poultry egg production of 2230 eggs or an exhibitions in Canada, and he stili average of 223 eggs per ben. This bas sonie fine exbibition stock Then pen laid 59 eggs more than tbe firstlhe switcbed his attention to utility pen but ]ost points on eggs being birds and again his skill in breeding sligbtly smaller. Four registered and feeding was handsolnely rewaTd- liens are included in second prize pen. ed in bred-to-lay Leghorns, whose The officiai record reads: "Botb egg production, as shown above, is a leading pan and individual recordsl record to crow &bout. The doctor reacihed higb figures as leaders standlis a inodest young mni, so, in this 281.1 pointa and 289 eggs ahead of case, we're blowing bis horTn for him last year's winning score." This land glad to do it. To th-. One Who Seeks [Iealth ________PLEASE NOTE Tbe President of Our Organizatiait DEPENDAE M. H. THUNA HERBAL j Will be at our Herbai Store 79 Siancoe St. North Phone 2558 REMEDIES Oshawa Ail Day Friday, December 6. FOR He will hoc pleased to interview any. one.]FREE 0F CHARGE who desires Over-Weight information about our FAMOUS Stomach HERBAL REMEDIES for varions Kidneys Humaz ilment.. Bad Ski Your HoaJth is assured if you get Piles barda to Nature for Heip. Our Herbai Remedies have becu b.- Tonsls-denida fore thc public ince 1888, and our Nerves organisation Lam advanced to tihe Catarrh stage where we now naintaiai 25 OF Hay Fever OUR OWN HERJBAL ST0 ES IN Tapeworm ONTARIO as welI as dittributing agenciez througliout Canada. If yeu Rhcumnatimiare aaling, sec bin wIiiIcho is ini Osh. Etc. awa and get starteal on the. path bock to Healti. DR. THUNA BALSAM REMEDIES, LIMITED. WDS PHOSPHODINE?I;o' euaigCmn ne Great Englhsh ePookr atulai,.Comoun e *d1:ones and imaigoar.ateswhl ~J nervous system. mskes new Blood A #af. .iabLe kapld. in aidVents Ijscdfor Nn'<,us' n"' Sold in tiree de. IDO&bddy, Mental and Drain Warry . 9; o 8 5 per Loi 1espod-7, Lous of Eapv Palpitation o)ti SoId b ai d diuMst, or matÀ th art ilng meu.or. mica 'ru. ox. 3 c rtp d on e p f prias. t S.ISoId by slldruggists. or maimd in plsn ?e amhl. Address: kg. O Prec i0f Ne w Nupam~ nme THE COOK MEDICINE C06 he Watchwordi MY ReIgns Supreme e familles where mothers give Ildren lots et good, simple,, ilag food-particularly àda Bread he Youagsters Love It!1 0 4~ DECORATIONS The toast to the aiter districts and visitine brethren was proposed by V. Wcsr. Bro. Geo. Hart, Oshawa, P h 1and res-ponded by W. Bro. Heron of Cn Geo. Pritchard Trn. The toast ta the ladies in C providlng the splendid banquet was BVpropoaed b.v W. Bt-o. Ca.pt. Willough- d IPHONE 489 EOWMAN VILLEE by, of Colborne. and responded by K t j _______________________Rt. Wor. Bro. Prank Rlekard of 1Newcastle.. Preserve Your Youth and Beauty ,\o woman in this world ever "saved" enough by doing any part of her family washing to buy back the youth and beauty shc toiled away. Use our completely fin- ishied family service. Your clothes are gently washed in creamy suds and all those pieces needing it are starched. Every- thing completely flnished and perfectly ironed. Send us your washing and laundry and you'll have more time to do your Christ nias Shopping. Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMANVILLF AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL IL- - ~ .1 1 1 j

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