PAGESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSIOAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 Corbett 's Christmas Cakes and Pudding Tu those %\-ho have been buying our Christ- niasý Cakes in yeisîs past we need say nothing as 'výoi. aii'eady k'ioLthe quality of our cakes. But Lu t1iGse w'lvt (bL \\ant Lu bother making a Christ'- mas Cake ai aîi the best try ours at 50c lb. D-idî or iceci. CHIRISTMAS PUDDING M1ade from a famous old English recipe. Yoù'il flnd them particularly good, 1 to l ,/ lbs. eaelî at 50e lb. Refund allowed for return of ALMOND PASTE If you're making your own cake and want fresh Lasty Almond Paste we are supplying it al ready to put on your cake at 50c lb. CHRISTMAS NOIVELTIES What a wonderful array of Novelties and Chtist"mas Stockings we have from 5c Up. Mixed Candies, Chocolates in bulk and Gift Boxes. D«D«>Oc W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner IPhone 3 Bowmanville Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono CHOICE MEAT FROM WELL KNOWN FEEDERS IN DURHAM COUNTY Aýs usual we have made special preparations for December and Chistmas trade. We have 'isite-d many of the best stock breeders in the cour1tv in order to have something extra nice for the~ fc,.tive season-- -and we have a real choice lot of beeaf for, our customers. We know what wý- itrý seiling f'or we buy direct from the farmers. THIS LIST TELLS ITS OWN STORY WVe know where to find the good beef. 2Steers from F. W. Bowen, M. P., Clarke 1 ifer, 1 Baby Beef, Geo. Lane, Providence. 2le-*fers from Caîl Billings, Orono 63 Steýers from Fred Truli, Orono 4 Stýeers from Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone 1 Baby Beef from jas. Pooley, Tyrone 5 Heifers fî'om Squair Bros., Salem G Steers from John Clarke, Pontypool 4 Lailnbs from Frank Werry, Bethesda 1~5 1ainbs from our own stables. POULTRY FOR CHRISTMAS We have alîready bought.several hundred poùa ds of poultry - --Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chick- en--but from the way the orders are pouring in we1l need a lot more. So if you have poultry in first ciass condition which we can guarantee to our customers phone us at once or caîl and get our priccs. Town or city folks who want poultry betteil fret your order in earlv and aoiddianM nton Ie Crd CAWKI KING STREET ~' ,~c ,ER &SON BOWMANVILLE A FLOATING MASTERPIECE k. f.n-,s. rts artists are contributing toi the' will be one of the world's largest ships and -'.ill 1l shreof the new Canadian Pacifie the St. Lawrence River route between Southam"ptonY 42O'O ~e'r " of Britain" now beinz buit and Quebec. She will be the ]argest ship bet'ieen onthe(-, Frank Brangwyn, R.A., is de, gning Europe and Canada. Her speed is stil] a mystery but 1 tle dinrg saloon; Sir John Lavery, R.A., the Bailwll proablybe rund 26 knots, enabling ber to lcorn; Edrnund Dulac, th. Smoking Room; W. Heath make thetp in fv as h s( et eluee Robnso. tt~ ockailBar and Sir Charles Allom, early .ext smmran Il] be in senice in 1931. Cut jthe First Class Lounge. The "Empreas of Britain" shows vessel in advanced staze of construction TYRONE SALEM Owing to the rnild Fail we have The Cradie roll service i. post-' Rev J. R. Trumrpour conducted the moeLde'Iasi tc hnw poned indefinitely. j service last Sunday. !should have and from to--day will sel!1 Mrs. Viola Smith spent a few days! Mr. and Airs. D. Hooper, Tyrone,1 an y coat in stock at greatly reduced' with friends in Orono. Wr udyget t'h Maplez.". rinces. Couch. Johnztoni & Cî'yder- Don't forget the Christm. cn- Mr. Kenneth Wecry, Peterbro,1 man. cert on December 2th. spent the weekend with bis parent.-________________ Mr. Frank Hatherly, Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and family spent the weekend at ýhome. visited their daughter at Newtonviile STORM 'WINDOWS Miss Grace MacKay spent the o udy weekend with frîends in Toronto. The Y. P. L. meeting Sunday ev-1 Storm idw uikypyfolej Quit a umibr fom, ereatted-iening was conducted by Mr. L. Squair 1 selves Windouels qckiy fusor itr QiteRoalnu.mber Fir in erottnd-i and bis comniittee, assisted by Miss i tblrd lea>-j. McG-rath saved twentîy-t\%o ed he oya Wite Far i Toono Gibank who took the topîc. Idollarsu-. Smith saved anc. and a h'rf last week. tons out of six-B. Turner burned ') tons Reua euc erieat1.0 Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish, in cun.1- 155-T. Causier saved 2Y, tons oui of 6.31 Reguar curc sericeat 1.30pany with Mr. and Mrs. Newfane of Your home will be warmer, your fuel bill a. m. Sunday. Glad ta report Rev. Oshawa, motored to Janetville Sun- "M"a wIth S1tarn Windows, Write forý 1FPree Price List, ready glazed. Address J. R. Truxnpour able ta take up his day and visited their daiighter. lay Company, Box 115, Hamilton1 work again. 0nI. 45-4w The "Win One" girls held veny - 1 successful sewing bees at the homes _______E of Miss Kathleen McCullough andCO'TE Mrs. Floyd Dudley, recently. Dain- ty suppers were served by the hst- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay and Mis esses. ~~~~Mabelle Walters wereaWitrFr *I- I jThe Wonien's Imstitute and Ladies'i last week. Aid w111 meet in the Community Hall1 Several froin here attended the on Wednesday, Decemben llth,' atî Teacher Tnaining School in Bo'wman- 2 p.m. Roil call-Exchange ofiville last week. Christmas gifts. Don't forget your' Mns.A. F. Rundie is in Toronto coppers for the foot-measuring con- visituing her cousins, Mn. and Mn. test. Note change of date. Every- Chas. Webster. one welcomne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider visited. bis relatives at Wagersville recently,'ý SOLI1A and Mrs. Sniden and littie son of' Wagersvilie retunned with them and Mr. Jack Baker is in Lindsay judg- visited in the home of Mn. and Mrs. ing cattle for the Shonthorn Sale. W. H. Nichais. Report of farewell presentation ta Mr. Frank Wal'tens, Mrs. G. F. An- Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and nis, Miss Hazel Rundle, with the male Miss Edna Reynolds is on page 3. quantet of King St. C'hureh, Oshawa, ,Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and and Miss Lyla Os-borne, Toronto, faniily, Maple Grave, -Mn. and Mrs.1notored ta Colborne last Thu.rsday Elmen Gibson, Oshawa, visited at Mn. vening where they gave a concert. Thos. Baker's. We are giad ta note that Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Sîd Hockaday and Susan Shortt bas netunned home ta Mr. Ernest, Misses, Aunilda and Liz- bier son's, Mn. Jack Sbantt, after be- zie Hockaday visited Mr. and Mns., ing in Bawimanvilie Hospital for sev- John Challis, Bowinanville. j aal weeks. She is sanie better but Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Pace, 1î is stili keeping hierlied. Wallace and Miss Bessie Pascos, En -l'Friday evening, altbougb th.' field, Mr. and Mrs;. Lauren Hogarth weatber was extremely coid and and Miss Dorothy, Harmony. visited I windy, a goodly numben gathered ai. with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. the S. Schooi roorn whene the C.G.I.T. Pascoe. held a box social. The addres-s of The sympatby of the comnmuniy I welcame was splendidly given by is extended to the' famiiy of Mn. Miss Hazel Waltens, and the tir.:- W. N.PFascos who pas.sed away at bis' thing on the prog-ram was a play, nesidence near Sauina last Thursday "Romany CampFine," given by'sanie afternoon. Obituanv appears on an-1 of the girls, each ans doing ber rart other page. weil. Miss Louise ('aurtire gavea Mr. and Mrs. Sani Brooks and fan;- neading; a piano solo by NIis Anni ulv, Mr. Jack Brooks andi son OrleV. Wiikins; 'ncading by Miss Bet:h Gay; I O'hawa, Mn. and Mîrs. Bert Hu nt arndi then a 'sing song' by C. G. 1.,'T. son Ernest, Bowrnanville, and M~r. Anothen play, "Unbleacbeýd C IEdîgar Wrighit, Enniskilien, visitedd t, wn.s, niceiy presenteod hy C. G. I. T. Mr M .E erys andl the boxes were then .sold. Mr. r. S E.Werr's.S. S. Brooks acting as aue:i neen. I eeme Wonnsnthe meeting of the The prize for the best box was w, r Womn'sInsitue a th home f b 'ýL,; HaelRundie, -wbich was a iMns. John Paker on Tbursday after- fountain pen. The' girls a!so bail noon, Dec. I 2tb, ai. 2 o'clfck. Re a cafetenia stand for thoSe wbo bail pors f ht Cetrl onenion XIno boxes ta buy lincb. Proceeds be ivn. Meeting in charge Df WPrs 10.00. group 2. floU cal], "Bibl e QU D..; tions suitabie ta the C('histnas Se:.- O~n W(nc,-day everi.'ng of la .son." AI]liadfies uiecaîne. V.ýeek the home of Mr. anti Mr ý. W. Il . NicholXs was the scene of a p!ea. - HAYDON ant event. it being the forti-th ai,- niv.ersai'v of their w'edtiing dla *\. MNr. Ru.-el Aungît' 'i.siietl a- lor,X-ýbaut twenty-five friends froni th"', o nt..' community were invited tbere toaa Mr.Chas. Garrard made a trpt six o'clock dinner. Two long tabi.' the city recently. no were spread, the br'dù'c table aloiru-! ed witb beautiful carnations and tbe j Air. and Mrs. R. Aunger Sundayed1 other w itb iovsly manigoids. T-,% o at' Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. daugbters, Mrs. Walter Snider and Mnr. and Mrs. Jno. Wright Vi..ite.lMrs. Jno. Montgomery, Nirs. Hlerb. with friends in Toronto. Nicai,ý.s. daugbten-in-iaw, and Mýrzz. Mn. Kennetb Graham, Oshawa, 'le.- 1 Sniden of Wagensville. senved tiue ited at Mn. D. Grabam's. Idinnen wbhicb was a most appetizing MnI. and Mrs. Cyrus;ton, Port ane, sucb as Mns. Nichois is capabe( Hione, called on friends bers. of pneparing. Over the bride's Mns.Creper as oneta vsitbsntable hung a beaiutiful acetylene larnp daughten, Mrs. Grant, Toronto. the gift of the sons and daughtens t'- Mn. and Mrs. NichaIs. After the, Mr. B. Fenguson and daughter dinnen bour, which was a merry one.1 Elva visited at Mn. E. Bradley's. the evening was qpent in games and The Sunday Scbaoi xmas Tree will music and the guests departed wish- be held Monday, Decemben 23rd. inçr tbem many neturns of the day. Mn. and Mns. Grant, Mrs. Publo, The Nichols fainily were most ho.-;. Toronto, visited at Mr.q. Creepen's. pitabie ta their guests. MsBrde.Ssentewel- The Saivation Arnay Sunday School end t M. MLea'sPony-poi. wiil hold its Christmnas Concert and end t M. MLea'sPan~-poî. Tree on Wednesday, le'cember ISth. Sonny that Mn. Sandy McNeii bas in Courtice Commnunity Hall at 9 p. been canfined ta his bed with a coid. mn. Admission 15c. Mis. Ormistan accompanied ber sister, Miss Elliott, ta (hein aunt's in - the States. U TO SA E r M. Cecil Siemon, Mn. Silas Tre- A CTO S LE win and Mn. E. Bradley were un te (Royal Winten Fair. Mr. and Mm.. Stanley Head, Osh. Tuesday, De#, lOth--Geo. E. Keys, awa, Mr. Ben Flaxingtan spent the Lot S, Con. 2, Darlingtan, haîf-mi-le weekend with Mrs. Avery. east and haîf-mile nonth of Boys'i Training Schoal, will selI by Luctian Xr. Gorden aund Miss Mabel Beech honses, caws, implements, etc. Aise are visiting at their sister's, Mns. at the saine time the farm cf 77 acres, Austin Laitier, Cartwright. lot 5, con. 2, and 25 acrets, lot 4, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Glass and lit-; con. 3. Sale at1 p. ni. sharp For' tle son, Manitoba, made a short calli tenns àmad perticuians »e buil& on hen aunt, Mn.. Bradley, Sr. 1Norman Montgomery, auctioneer. î,ndable Drug Store The Depe STOBIE, FoRLoNG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building ra n elnto t. oot ~ a.d ~ - - THE SMART SHOF FOR USEFUL GIFTS Almost every nook and corner of our attractive littie shop is now filed with pîactical and useful Christmas Gifts. Some- thing that ;,otÀld picase any lady. We have flot gone in for ex- pensive articles, biÀt good things reasonably priced. So you need ha-vo nu nhestitation in coming to our store. Lot,ý G peupic- are just looking around for suggestions. Don't overicoâ 'Thc' Sznart Shop when on such a tour. You are T HESE MAKE ACCEPTABLE GIFTS SILK PYJAMAS Really stunning $2.95 to $12.430 set KID GLOVES G uara nte ed $2.75 to $3.75 RAYON SILK GOWNS Good variety shadles, ail sizes, Special for Christmas $1.95 KIDDIES' COATS Tedcly Bear Cloth, white and colors, $5.25 to $7.543 KIDDIES' BONNETS Boys or Girls $1.543 and $1.75 5CAIr F IPULLOVER SWEATERS Unique patterns and shapes New shades $1.95 to $3.543 1 $2.95 IF YOU MUST HlAVE A NEW COAT OR DRESS WE HAVE THEM AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THE SMART SHlop GEO. R, MASON, Manager. A 1. 'set el . SILK UNDERWEAR in fancy boxes $1.00 and up COSY KIMONAS nice an(l warm $3.95 to $5.75 HANDKERCHIEFS Pretty designs & nicely boxed 39c and up LADIES' UMBRELLAS Pure SiIk and Mixe(1 $2.003 to $8.75 HOSIERY Silk and Chiffon, ail shades $1.543 to $2.25 The Spirit of Christmas Nature has given us the setting for a Real Canadian Christmias Give necded articles and combine with your gifts that spirit of lDving sympathy and kindliness which is the very essence of ('hr;smas. Choose £rom this list: liot Water Bottles;........... $1.00, $1.50, $3.00 eack The:mos B-)ttles...... ...... $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 each Waterman Pens.................. $2.50 to $9.50 each Note Paper ........................ 50c to $1.50 box Hair Brîîshes............. ....... 75c to $5.00 eacb Coth Brusheq ..................... 25c to $4.50 eack 'ooh Brushe.',..................... 15c ta 50c each Toi!ct Soap ..................... 25c ta $2.00 a box 'roiet Lotion5:........................ 25c, 35c, 50c Yardiex"', Toile"'!ic....................... 25c ta $7.50 SmAHilng SaIîs................................. 50C KeopD!er C. !'. 0. . ................ 95c and $1.50 (Grcetîing('ail"........................... Sc, 10e, 15C New Gla<;u" for Mo' 1wr or Pad. We fit them. 3 PAGE six CD-- ý --' ... ý-C4&£.Y allu CIVU