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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 12

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s --v PAGE TWELVE FOR YOUR C HRISTMAS BOX Suggestions for Useful Gif ta: Slippers SOvershoes Moccasins Hockey Boots Shoes for Street Wear Shoes for Evening Wear Purses (imported) Aeropacks Club Bags KNOX'S SHOE STOREI P h on e 1.20_________________________________ lTEN U f or Let us help YOU probieni cf wI A FEW SUGC Bocks of New Fi "Warwick Gifts Books for Boys Games and Card Gif t Stationery Boudoir and Tai Vases and Candl Gif t China and Fountain Pens Eversharp Penci Sce our fine a Christmnas CGi Decoral J.W.JE ',Bi1C 1Phone 30 YOU WANT THEJB For Christmas Festivfi Outr goods are first quaiity, made frc ingredients we can buy. Christr-nas Cakes, plain or iced ......... Cis lna Puddings, rich and tasty ... Ligàý Fruit Cakes, you'ii iike themn.... Mince Meat, that can't be beat ........ Ain-.ond Paste, rich in flavor ........... Christmnas Chocolates in fancy boxes. PBEoduy Bread Made in Bowanvil The Bowmanviiie Ba PHONE 97 BOV WES TONPFE MORE MlLK AND BETTER CC MR. DAIRYMAN Are You Satisfied With Your Milk Pro We guacentee Weston Feed te produce nr leave the cows in better condition than any othe et equal prices. PROTEIN 209é; FAT 4%; FIB3RE This f ced cen be bought et Hampton at Pleity of other fleur and feed in stock et ail times deliveced price. Let us beip you with you.r feed prebienis. E. E. HORN, Ham Telephones: Retidicnce 129-23; Mill 129 DUSTAN'sTOVI1 NOW AT ITS BEST Santa Claus lias ieft us a wonderf roys, Doils, Games, Books, Steam Ei Pla' s Mouth Organs, Tinkertoys, Pairtig Outfits, Trucks, Autos, Sieiý ErecLor Sets, Trains, Boy Scout Knivý Blou.ks, Tool Sets, Guns, Pianos, Gr Sew-îrg Sets, Tops. STOCKING CONTEST For boys and girls under ten years. guE-ssiflg the nearest or correct weigl Stocing. The contest opens Frida3 î5th, and closes Friday evening, Dec. Stockitig wiii be weighed Saturday m 2lst, and presented to the winner. 1 test will be postcd in our Toy Wind sure Wo have youi guess put in on timi DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWi We Sm-le You Well1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 the many qualities of a saxaphofle. olates to Sami, a box of candy to Jack T. 1i 4 1 .J..~ ~ ~,~ arold is naturaily musical and his and the booby prize was a bag of ~A~T~ ~ ~ . ~ NJC ~ i~' îi ..l II4 ii~..*~ l I decriptionl of this musical intru- candy. Mrs. Courtice assisted by ~g~U~ Iment as very jntcresting and heip- Mrs. H. Hancock served refrcshments - ~.__________ -fui. Miss Hazel Walters deliicrvd te ail the guests and a joily social ________________________________________________ a wonderful address on the *"Leag-oehaîf hour was spent. A vote of ifHU!JL.3DAY, DECEMBER l2th, 1929 of Nations." This aidreqs xwas prepar-' thanks fromn the boys was extended r ____________ cd by Haze I and wvas given in a mas-- to Mr. Baker .and at the clooe of the T M Serly ay. M . Gordon Osbre gave evening thanks îvas hear i'ly giveri NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE COURTICE anether fine address on "Egerto)n Rý- te Mr. and 'Mrs. ('ourtice for thcir PI1N G ___-- er.-ofl which t.howerd a good deai cf hospitality. Now is the time te get busy with Holstein Breeders of Durhai,1 Mr. James Rundie and son Frark, skili in the' preparaticit and delivery. Ladies' Berean Class the skating rink. (Mr. J. H. Jose' Secretary>, are: Nvho is recoerinZ rm a fl-r- Tt'jd er(-- reýl5. Souch 0 O ueiayatenon Dc 2d gu solve your Mrs. <Rev.) W. P. Rogers has holding their annual business mecet- ceived whi]l picking apples, celebr.t-- cher cf Mapje Gr.ve Scito I R Mr.s. Esii Oke's was the meeting place lat te give. been quite unwell of late. ing and banquet in BovmnanVliî d h' Y:tr5 ihoehTerha 're-,, Oshawa anidc.A.Slfd cfte a&sBeanCss A ~,STOSM3r. Stanley Graham, Wellington, Dec. 13th. Tue-,da%-. Decemnbei' lOth. at hi.s son's E'E.ut.Oshawa. Xhile t;'eY large attendance was presenit aî,d spen theweeknd a hom. Reularinonhly eetig cftht'iCPý J. Rui. wer e c)niparig notes and i nkng new officers eetd fe h e ictionlMs W.M. S. teok place Thursday, De-, Young People HoId Oratorical Con- spn h ekn thm.Rglrmnhymeigo htît(Ždt'cion t0the S'uihg I eî>P1t' n lport cf nominating committee the MisRosa Cowan was a weekend cme ntt ....Ro test asng song led by -Mr. Jas. sac. aine officers were ciected by acclami- Wort Whie" gestof Wnnifed ickad. cmbM 5tT in he .C.S. Ronia 'trtnd.es 1 iiation. Miss Veliia Gay piayed a and Girls getc isWnirdRead with a fairly good attendance. 0 i-; Oui' vuung pe-p«A-ý meeting )n '>e rv hr ddesU Mr. Arthur Brage returned from ngt in nes htPra it I' hrýayeeiî as a rA ~iich ho igave 1 st pr-ie te h iz 'lpiano solo. and Mrs. Ross Pearce lto ., la ay week. (e1 Rges1a nbi t1t sce..lt h e~~ji'l3lj a:i~Gordon Osioorne2nd and] 13Vgaveareading. Rev. J. H. Stainton TueLms r.P F eGesdy pnthted1 Harold IHartlr'j 3-d. IThi'prize lg avel a very excellent address on the a"rlo ao sa -i l fZo hchwshg Ca~aryX F.Le Gesleyspen thc end.Mrs. N. L. Riekard pre O iî p),iL Lic Pri .elIn-,Mis- >iheu'u-ruldn lesticks week-end ini Toronto, visiting friendi. very acceptably. After the' openuflg'Ozzbornie p-rsided. 'flc prograin wýas, rcpwic t od frot reiatcd ion 'ibwshgl Glassware Iland relatives. exercises, reports were gix'en by t.ic;iln rzt*Orica eûcntio-'iin *.vhch 'o ehodsfr n aprcatdby the'ladies. '%lr s. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer at- varieus secretaries,' minuteý; read aid uf the ' venger meiners of the LLa ! yer and inii winn;ng- the oratùic-" Oke's groco who were in charge lstended -,hie funeral of Mr. Calvin approved and business dL-euseil guetonk part and wvai c'a "" f; ote-i hrc years in succession ic >1eserved very delicicus refreshments .ssortmient of ilui-liei t :,ilOshawa last weck. 1The foiiowing program îvas g:vn: Xi" W iMarshail. I'hu i dbneQ t srro h cUP. and a picasant tîme waspntMr. toeMisnget--'Bice audin...irr.c n wa. Mî F1lorenîce toriit ,e ie zS,,uchi <la foword-a i.nd Oke and lher mother, Ms.Rundit, retnsadCongratulations Ms edn-r.. ,'ttiair ~ ~ i" "S'lid urave aetie tak it01ereî Dot foget W. M. tS. etin a aions Caswell on lber recent macciage te Devotionai Topic-M155 sPanton; Pap- I*-a!"i".u drsf 1tuI i rqn1i-ýwork. Tue- Daere mos geiW.lMboSt ee in IMr. Harry R. Heaslip, cf Toconte. er-Mrs. A. E. Melr'Àw; Reni - ladiirece f roî lt cilnt1 Mîs R.hSymns ~ Ms.Geo. Aluin. rJ 1f* l - J en-'"cit< 7 Ž \s 7%lJ1r s. Jno). Found's this Thursday et MissmRthwayo M i M ,rlFotind Ci tid2.37,0 p. m.. w ith M.% s.Art Pascoe's tI gi L Ihti'.he vid'din(z uticreý )cefreý!ýi,'. group in charge. a weekend gie.t cf lber uncle and YugPoiX egem '&T~ 1 aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock. Monday evenîng. wih the' l'cesîdetiv.)i.. w-1i ten.d 1jl e- i i Entei MU EE~.Clarence Allun, in the' chair. and ?îiil-happ.- 1' ýr' nce"u 1' - Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Couie rc- N ELL Mr. and Mcs;. A. Lycett, Oshawa, neSlv2dVc hre~ ~. iiî tain Tuxis Boys NEWCASTLE attended the High Scbool Commec-poga. Te deVntnl t,,n Fr-î~ r' leii~it l iidu, ve~iîng -,hieTuxi-' boys àa- 20"wmand, Toroknd»Nor-pic on the North Antican Ind'anan oeqt 1 Tu .. t' îrtîl'ît u n Lll(j Ret.j. il. cingratulations te Mc. Pete Hoibert- nvile ho e dd N s ~ by Mr%. Erie Pea, p,. nu'- ~ .I r i"JoStaiinton imot î r.a n d M X I k, oot and sboe merchant, on bis ntencemielitExercisr,. tyMrs. Ford, M;L" t o -. . u el' 1 or' X et l 'l:,ttueO itg. il. i - lit , ' ad atn. . .i esw r edn i'G r "n nt i i n h ihst h ha y bride. Glad te noe etha: MNr. Reg"n 1R 'a'd 1 e'ý 3! i - I i ~ .Sint Giy aý.î- l cdlc i Unit' d Church Parsonage was te XX initie ~~t t-i t u~n-sCi'udIc rn f an intere sting weddiag Ford, who frac-,ired bis ankie lastlhv Pauline Johnson: v -cix dure, -elmn ____________ fail, has at lasotoonaa nuMtssMrneBt-101Ai-L-.- - - ,- - It i '7t:ng f ,'mneitlii' BIoy ýPari-ta- Xenesday, Dec. 4th, îvhen Mc. Fred cruthes nd i aga n a wrk. ! Tht' Yo ng e Bat.z a d Ali (! E, - *1g- -" g - or Ci. tutti t. Wa- pie-int and (<i -'Bown and Miss Elma Baker, bth T Th' fm Th Bodman adptedhîlin~a banquet for nenîhsl-' r ' cs-' , "-a -- lf ln io'i'cî- al \'ry fin,>addre-s. Po f(bu',weecie nmcig ~~~TefimSTe Ad In dae MoIdnaL vnnbcn-" --l' -VI~ li a et ard'hy Rev. W. P. Rogers. The bride froni Sir Hall Cailes' book cf sanie - " b- (- - w-rie o h'rool a teddb1brsseMa t e lm ,viib h w in C m u ty I.Rckard, Pick -tei-I --I l'-Ilîo '1 I ii ni-t; n in (;a-,- ýon. & W. Llovd iavey, whiie the groom -was Hall, Newcastle, Saturday, December I r .h > ' -u ýoI . : 2-nb.rpi; -li:ab 1 ho-~ip~~d 1h.y 'M\r. Daî-ey. 1mb st ' 4th, 8 p. rm. 50-1 .ýPeaket'. _______a______o._choc__________ lweekend with bier parents, Mr. and .c lb. Mrs. W. H. ,Lnderson, having coe 30C î1b. - M îisseceient. presentat ht GJR tLA TER VA LdLIE S A T 50c IL in Oshawa Hospital fer some time,30 bMs ea wtewob s e a, l. thome again witbh ler nmother 'nb 50c lb. MI-. T. M. Gibson"- house. Evecy- ATR E s o b9 À .50c up one %cas pieased te sec lier at the te H.S.Csmencen or t bgsheeci 3Day atter day the A & P offers the better klnds of foods aat prices which represent great savings. Thousands, at esr newYer wrs. h;hsh ESTALISHED yes, millons, of women corne to A & P every day . . . convinced tlat thse toods they buy are of the best... Matr NAe eaie, bo18to59 and that thie pries tbey pay ane lower ths.n elsewhere. Maire 1* your habit to go te, the A & P for ail your Lkery M fro ________De__ Niaio,. ce ho mah frtier oarbudget wlflgo ...and you cave In*ine as weii as money, Ifor every otfonPeterborti on Friday even- IWHERE ECONOMY RULE] A & P Store Ls .» aranged that thse courteous and capable manager cau serve you qulckly and correctly. If you iýn, a accompanied by bis par- _______ ent, ws sthr eanH.aS. Commenc-dntlwA& ,wyntsat ulgtsr ody o'l etliae - students cf St. Peter's Cllege where ______s oi president cf the 5th I 'a ' 'k.B da e ll! +Prize-Winning Postcard Numbers fomLiterary Society. t 7V 4h-77 Cp.John Goidring, since the dis- I IE RNLAE 4c-131 r.52 t-~ astrous fire which desýtroyed bis horne *4-11 t-2 and contents, i tyn IhMa Facncomb and Mr. and Mca. Reg. kY G A )'WS 1 LeGresley. I-e is 86 years cf age, ixu p a he d a djoining bi bnfo r &£U E O N L E 1 DB.IN Y Ut relatives or friends, is planning ta e o - . The treniendous growtb of thse A & P meat business, now tise .. pase ajiighs anfre 1d0rnc ote oiyofsibgn.eveybs psil mas radwelling.54Iargest retaller of meats in Ontario, bas been due to thse steadfast United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- O WN SILVERBROOK BRAND deec e h oiyo elngtevr etpsil nasa >dcin? e rs, Pastor. Sunday, Bec. lSth. lwst»ics uzcemuk nd Im.-Sunday Scbooi; 7 p. m.-Even- ~ EXTRA SPECIAL! FANCY YOUNG ROASTING- ni.et ca.J.C. anccand hedO R ec feed seiiing ing Service. On Thucsday et 2.30 p. m.at rs J.C. Tno ksSheEURIZED CREAMVERY W. A. will hoid its annual meeting FIES PA 12%. ~~and eiection cf officers. Satucday e .n.teMsinBn iI. 1 a. 2skp.ou Th Po t hO i ionep artrnent 8ssre7... . ;$46 a ton. meet in the S. S. Rooms. FEHCEMRfBTE.2LS 5 LO IN R O A ST ib. 28o "showing its heels'" ta most othier . ~. lines cf business, when it cornes to eC ONGRATN amatter cf speed as evidenced by - FANCY TuNORbASTBY the fact that a letter post macke.d NO_ 2'20TL OR LIBABOU LesAgls al., Friday, Dec. 6th, LS V ton was delivered te a patron cf New- ~ W N A P Esed%27 H C E S ~ l.3 it ncastleR.. No. 1 on Monday mcmn- c EIE UAF 15m I AT ITS BEST NOW-BAT MORE 0F IT ing before 10 a. m. For speed, 'INRCIOCQULT economy and security the mail sec- 'TINE ale RAT vice is in a class by itseif. 1 0E 0 4 6 T Mca. J. W. Glenney's gcoup cf the NDR-LSVG W. A eda enjoyal er o l 1CIFINES QUALITY A & P SELECTED BEEF __ __ __ tea last Wednesday at Mca. R. W. i o l d O t ili5 b.P R E R U E b 5 Waiton's, wbo, assisted by bEr t l e a *SB m51RT B U Elb 3 0 imnother, Mca. J. Abar, served a dainty____________________ ~lunch and also engaged the haif a NEKEY................'21-' .Tin 37C WING 00 lb-. 300 i undred ladies presenit in an interest- HONEI 21S2.HO in otest. The winners, Mca. L.-TI5-1>DV cA. 40-oz. Jar 43c PRIM E RIB Fiat 4 Riha lb. 25o M.Fihe and Mrs. John Douglas, ' ASPBERRY J > G'EI N LABEL werc presented respectively witb a GARDEN RELISH m COORE taA&01 ......D. .. .. Jar 35c BCN SOESIE................ b 2 box cf bonbons and a bouquet of BACON SMKDSIIE1.......lb 2 ~Mums. G LE ATMCR tAylQuat TUL 7 RAFS Str-og' Cuc-Teiduct-1 GOLDN TANTM2C9RNCORNED BEEF FRAYBED O.. .. .. .. .... lb. 25c St.on org'Cc-bev.F.H s n .A. sCAMP ÇOFFEE ............. MISmMA EXCELLN i Rector cf St. Gcorge's Cburcb, wilSHMINCE.........................lb.25 take place on Fciday evening, Dec.i Fl,,OUS cnoW N !RAND RSL 13tb. The Bishop cf Toronto wiii B. UET 2-LB 5. . .PE.A . .L .lb. 18C Achecnaido cfPtcoi present te institute and Rev.1 Syrup 2 TINS 2 o 5 TN31 COTTAGE ROLL y TE IC .........c m TI% will indcct. Dr. Boyle of Cobourg,' F'Fl.OFT-ý'i' TER SORT A~T NEW LOW PItICES E. MEAL SLICED ____21c FANCV AIONASELS AE For Sale by Tender GRPFRI EXAES3fo2c Tende'rs wi'l be rerce'd hY t(- undêr- T R GO N 0 II 15 ODZE sigiied for te purchase rthe iu following CROS AINIA............... 2 I3unches55 untilDec. l7th. A R T AIONA ........2B nh s1S Lot l-Te frame buiding situuitd on 'h",rh Street. formerly iis'd Ras a Proc 'ARE bytLetnChurch, in the village TofGV T TeANRE'& AC W ,Ac. accepted. 1- ,11%11'l )I M CANADA 48.8 ..~ g. BACK BACON BY THE PIEC, 37c-instead of 39ç- - eý-'i- z- j I L La ~1I -~ N1 1 0. ', i

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