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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATES.NAN, BOWIMANVILLE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1929 Time flies and childhood neyer re- THE EDITOR TALKS and flot injure the fruit or plant, wa.. EARNINGS MOUNT EVEN AFTER P. L. BECKETT APPOINTED turn&-photographa lbye forever. ail the laborjous work of chemist. I CUT IN HYDRO RATES TO BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL! Don't delay any longer. Phone 2561 A rumor is afloat that more boys i i for appointment and have the photos'F are leaving the farmis in Ontario than Luther Burbank, the Amer:can; Lindsay Hydro Commission Hear Fa. d.pach frim BrantfordI savý:.i for Christmfas gifts. H. Humphries. ever. We cannot vouch for the plant-breeder of world-wide reput--- vourable Reports Auidher rmto a cret .L ________________-Itruth of the ruiner, but should bie tion, has done nuch in the way of i jte rooinh' oret .L L.EGAL very sorry to find that it's true. If seed selection of pure line strair..,BInett. on efof.tL.eBckettvieil- any boys w ho read The Statesmnan A fetv of bis creations are the Dur- nVfWc h.xecwîc 0 r- known thrcoughout Ontario asa lawn. M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD. are thinking of turning their backs bank potato which has proven of ly' to be taken on the çiuchase of ti- bawler. and brother of Maiy r ' Lt. Barrister, Solicitor, Nitary on the old farm vie sbould like thenm great commercial value; the v. iterl HdoSB' mhe.'o cw L .ck 1_LstVa î:.f Money to boan on Farm and Town to read the first prize essaay that -as blackberry wvihitb adelicious pure ing 41espatch frontiJ.:'i-y wih rinkipal cf Centrai szchool h1 c.lh1, Property. Royal Bank Buildiag recently pubished in Farm and vWhite fruit; the seodicsapple; t-heoOwtf5 i.s(wn elcectr:c l):ant vil ie h tf ing erge -chuane, lianfi!tta", liof Bowmanviil~ Phone 351HoeieVancouver. vritten by Rud- Sha.'ý.adah'sy; the .pines c1cu-; itratt h aeaes f, o ' m I~aat He W.R TIEop .M. Gubli, a student of .B r i t.tshe ocobleot. corn, and the stonc'c--itrztt h aýeaes , o o'Ieii ýitn ed Barrster Solcito, NoarY Columbia University. It i.- a mosýt plum. It would be uttorly imposa.2l)e ind-aye . Nkov . 2".-1 .gurea -Hvio Tr asterg She oy. mnvio oo1 Barîstr, olîito, Ntar troarihtful declaration of the xwon- te estimate the addLed veaich vihicb ogte k f tif e -oayHy-io i in ng hscntiehool 1ro i ugh, te tm Soiio or Bank of Montreal dr-tha: science bas virougbt for fiovis into the pocket of tho am omslndrn h i.tt n eh-ntv iyh agta tiony t Lon Phne he armes o fharreeri dofin thoruipreser ve' day isari- mandofruit eargro preor everw Dnde an Marera)n an i"- .ý1 Bowmanville. Otntario Canada. L, ik excellent rt-ading for suit of thi., patient man's devep at a special meeting. These figurr-o tien schooh. . He 1- a gra'lua' i W. F. WARD, B. A. ail farrn men and woimn, boys and ment oif vur fruits and plants, are ail of in'erc-t antI Showx~a the B. C. L.. Hîamilton Normal andi Barse, oxxor oay girl't anti any other thoughtful ln- o * ,much steady pritgrc-oshas beennm.ado*.an ande,r.,,adaa',-of W,-',n Ui,-l Bone t ban. Brionds ory ae.dividuals who are intorested in the Another recont great xvùrk <Ionr. iIn the five mionth- ýtîtat Lindsay ha, vera;tfV lÉone to oan. Bond iforstle agricultural vielfare of this great the extonding of the vibeat lino la had the reduced rates for powier afnd Offices Bleakley Block, PhneSt__ Dominion. the Peace River district. The man! light, the 2,194 cuostr erso f tho coin- FEW LEARN TRADES Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones*-to whom cf'edit for this is due i-.ýimission have sfivod $4262.49. The Office 102; House 409. Mr. Guidi virites fromi Kelowna. Herman Troule. figures givon belovi are f Ir the ten (Aylmer Express) -.B. C., and opens bis essay thusiy:ý Science bas caused mach greater months from Janaary 1st.. 192),' Much comment is being made in DENTAL We have beard mucb in recent years production and the problem facing October 3lot., 1929. ail parts of Ontario on the fact about desertion of the farm by your.g us; no i k the marketing of ail th'e The increase in capital du. io tfi that there are practically no ap- OR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Imon and vomen-that their educa- crop-. MaJch work is novi beinz donc 10 nitnths. tbrough nie-.rs. tran:- prentices to trades any more. Th],s H[onor graduate in Dentistry, Torontojtion bas been "awxay from the farîn in working eu, the best and moot formers andi line OX-iIfaiOO ha- t-.i5 an alarming condition, and it is~ University. Graduate of the Royal te the city and the factory." No it economnical means; of set:ing. The $3,599.54 or f, SI-n 1f2 d< ifficult te solve. It usod to be that College of Dental Surgeons of On- only bas hard labor indacod this ex- goeorimoft of British Columbia i- $1 3-,318.77. apprentices in ail branches of me- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville I odîs, b ut another cause can bc as- cî'eatinz a Bureau of Markets te t,,if*: Tht îlbet'Ir( - .,tal:îZ tne, chanics were plentifual, and boys office phone 40. House phone '22.1 iz-ed The methods employed by end . A committee cf f isriburion tnd of October totald S126,0r),ýÀ-3;;were quite willing ta loarn trades X-a 'îîpen nOtie he~ oli-timie farier have beon Lto)isntxv organized in the Okanagan'.9-15 , DR. year: and! $2. 17.90 s !TIt worth to employers. Nowadays it Assstat D. E W.Sison earch for the higher and more So rtc can seC tbat science ht-itaoîfroriation. Ilu ppecar that the only consider-1 Asisan r.E.W Sssn beautiful thingz of Iife bas been di-- donc mach for the farmeri. The gr -- suri): u: Ot te31 c tinof many boys after leavingi Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, caae yraano rdey ihms lt lfead to ac t 12.amounited t,, 12 I-xaantidahlis iages, aand they are quitc Toronto. office, King St. East, Bow-l orge yrao fdugr ihms ltdseadtefc b 9" t nin oosadwr-ot.ez cienfce has ~b r -t t> ho arne.resrve for dexil!iaon 1 ý vil;tgto accept th,- job offering the' manville. Office hours 9 a. Mn. t01 acettosat voa tie.. the telophone. radioý. electriciy. rap-i i'e at end o' 5t, most money, whethor t lm '- bi v-t e 1). m. daily except Sunday. Phone No doubt this charge is true l ning ivater. artificial :ce andit h- a-sh 1nhanti ,(fc- r 'I I i ualifications for çach work or ne t. go. House phone 283. X-Ry quimet n Ofie. manv inst'ance- in non-prozres.--'.'c smaillbtver--- u-eful thirea. \À' tan'-.i4 îi .Tbat 15 0one roason why there or"' XRyEupetiOfce districts. but vie do net think it'ap- these have made lfe on th-o f armni 1tc, in . ni îz ai, 's- ' ha.1 . ~' , o -sor, anvy Ihte a ., DR. R. E. DINNIWELL pies in any general sense la Durbani moare enjoyable aond ne one cao -;îvý i ment Bonda on a c. .mcaiai rc.sc ee per BLonor graduate of Toronto Univer-f5and Ontario countis-Edicor. what progress in agriculture is vet ~ Ti sV ' 't'- - alty and member of Royal College if 1 * * * te hoc'realzd. bill payable. TYPEWRIT!Nr; CONTEST Dentai Surgeons. LicensAd ta The dawn of a new cru îs bre,' ______O aiog t,,th,*-if-'-I w ti i pracýtie in Otario ad the o.nini)-i. : ringin with i the aplicatonpof.GD'S KISEo .- fL-.e, I-norr;BowmanweilBwma Youle Yo LnaLaese Amonp Lntistr in aIl its branches. Oece-iscientfic idea- te every brancb of tne 'h, - iei ,,ni :ilýý 11TePrz inr Kig S. omnilopst nutyof agriculture; improvod By Laura Bedel' 0 viiie 'o lerti' a'(. es xx e f'- -i Kin S.,Bomavile opoit1idutr tive w ith the üorre-pontiing fit n, ha The typovýir;tifrg contes't foi' C'e Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. 1 machinerv which multiplies resuits God's kises like blovin potal. 9,_.týal, 'ý*19Ï 3 useilmteo h hnposi anti save.s time, toil and monoy; and Are floating everyvibere. Oi)f. ttall .2..9sIl a ibleaitrctin c xbafffpeoip MEDICAL a groviinz feeling afcsof dignity of rural oiai rdar nnth the savinz -xx aa asf !.x:.fOhvand itrcini dle-f 1 1'eat inhim in'the -urieanis in0]!!nt clases xva.-hold Dec. 3rd. antId MEICL if wicaafecs heenie ocalThy ie po tetir coe.-t itn 192.1)wza-i .lf.0I av' proed ovon motoouua-fcithan C- W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. structure. b I saw one in a daffodil vi-S11,2~:.aTü'-re, t :o 1 !2 rvas faî. Nafvtvc iraduate of Trinity Medical Collej Ariutue' na Upon my neighbor's viiodovi-silI Ioo Toronto, formerly of EnniýskillÏn.1 of scienceos, iiiluding b)atoriolt3g. ai- -- vs $.22A.. c-r-t ia 19929 via. many to part as in the two prox"- Ofieand Residence. Dr. Beith'sology and chemistry. Research and God's, kisses like blovin petaîs 1$7. 690.95., aavio:, wa..s .15'A-it- ioaua contests, and the rosulta xveî foreficceo hrhSret1teapicto tee and othtr Flutrering on the breeze, ust-cost in 1928 was S9.204.10, etto' most gi'atifying. 2ome59.dnc n nue Sre-'the scilnctonagicutue s rsl acieei eet aai in 1929 rtas .S8.366.ýý0. aaving r. Writing for the fi".t tinte in tne~ Bowmanville. Pnone 259.7.30: September-co-triculture bas t'niliecîSas, Miss Ge true Gomme.s 1.CAKBL in the discovery of many facts which, Such lovely things as these. '$8330; coatbr -- 192!)inwas - - 0-baya, 'Men sthertu- -oini. J. LAR BEL will benefit bumanity for ail time 101 0 gather beauty rt-ile you may %Vas f065.6,cs'i 12.ws .-! saa o h senior champion-i là.O., Ch.B., F.RC.S., (Edin), D.P.H.cm. S oga e nr ny o' isssatrdo h . 968.07, .aving via- 36S-3.79: Oct,"c- .sbip. combiaing speed and iccrut-ie. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley> - certain isolated facts regarding agri-d's isslk lw etl nca 98ras $10242.15. c.t.t Miss Gertrude Robins-rn. Osha-,va. 1[ons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- culture, and were ignorant of the rc-!'o' isslk lw esi 1929 wxas $9485.u, aavinz wrcs vian tho Senior Accur'îcy chia-. iwritt leen University; Fellow of the Royal: lation of the facts ta eacb other, agri-1 So sweet and dear they are, $75698.j nfoth fenmiusvho"v College of Surgeorns, Edinbirgh. culture was not on a scientific basin,. You'll find them in a ba-h's eye> Even viith the retlaceti rates îhe' onc errer.j Offcean Rsienc, uen t. I* * * Or in a golden star. commission is piling up monoy oeaiIv In the Intermediate cls..M- Bowmanviiîe, Phone 89. I The application of the principles; f 0 you can find them any place j as fast as vas donc before bs-ca-c ýoDorothy Plummer, Bort'manville, last~ Oafce Hours: 2 to 4 P. m.. 6 to 8.30 Pi . pbysics, cbemistry, botany and other Where îingering beauty leaves a trace,. the power' cost is les..a. The cam- Vear's Novice champi,-in.vian th3j branches of physical science to agri- missioners now pay $40 per horst' peed cap r'ery ea5i'v. rriting vie!il W. H. BIRKS, M.D. culture is recent, sa recent, in fact, Miller's Worm Powders flot onlI I pawer for a year, and they formeriy ahead cf the next contestant. Mi si Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. that only a snal percentage of the extermiinate intestinal and other paid $44 per horse porver. The cn- EIaine Hill, Mourain Grove, ,inne.'- Telephone 108. cultivated acreage in the United worms, bat they are a remedy for mîssioners now have a poak load tif ed the accaracy cap. m".ktng txvo or- I Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's States and Canada la tilled in accord- many other ailments of child ren. about 1700 horse powier and have! rors in the fifteen minutes. former residence, Wellington Street,;ance with scentific methods. They strengthen the yaung stomach 2,194 customers. In fhe Novicp cîass. for thoso vWho Bowmanville. A scientific discovery whicha bas against biliousness and are tonical ini The commissioners have expre-..sedlqtarted typeviritinz since last Au DR.R.w.CLRKdone much ta improve conditions for their effects where the child suffers; the opinion that Lindsay deserves an ast, Mfiss Pearl Cillin;e. Oshawia, w on the fariner is the Bahcock tes t for fron loss of apptt. I eeih te aedces etya lts the speed cap, and Miss Bernice Bat-- physicien & Surgeon miîk. This has helped the farmer conditions they will be found usefal' as big as the eut that was given th-*ojýneîl, Bavimanviite. wvon bce ac'-uîarv' Offic-Diviion t d Church,. t impro've his dairy stock and in- and they wiul serve to allay pain anîd! year. The rate revisions are made i1 cap. Cont'petition was keen in th*s; (next to TrînityUntdCuh' crease the quantity of butter and griping in the stomach, from whicb! by the Provincial Commission each, class, and both girls had t,) turm i. Offic Hos -3 pito 5 n7t on9 .. cheese. . children so often sufer. year, usaally in April or May. very nice papers to win. SîiysyPon met2o4 y Scientifie analysis of the soil bas ___ 45-t!helped to determine the crops and fertilizers best adapted to it. The introduction of new varieties of ctoss-bre-eding bas helped. e THEROPY DURIN . SECKÈYRead on. Do not bo alarmed ay 1 .- - - ..i n,,pA iil.,..l ,hno honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractiec yul be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday. Thursday, this student uses in the two previous paragrraphs.-Ed. Reidential calls made during fore- Other scientific discoveries have noon.been applied to the operation and care of agricultural machinery, the FUNERAL DIRECTORS study of the life history of noxious insects and plant diseases for the pur- F. F. MORRIS CO. pose of their prevention and exter-, Complete Motor or mination, the application of scientific Horse Equiprnent. principles to animal hushandry and' JAIl calîs promptly the keeping of such a systemn of ac-j attended to. 'counts as will show the financial re-! Private Ambulance. saîts of each crop or cf any other en- Bowmanville phone: terprtse andertaken. 1 10 and 34. Edacation in agriculture is carried Brancb Stores-- on in each provincial aniversity in i Orono & Newcastle, i Canada. The Ontario Agricultural ALAN M. WILLIAMS j College at GaoI-ph, the 'Macdonald EmbamerandFunraiDircto. jCollege affiliated wth McGilIlai- Calîsgiero and nea iesoalatvcrsityý and the Oka Institute in the' teto. No extra charge for di-- province cf Quebec were the first of tance. Motor Ambulance at jour tihedarclua col ob sa- service. Phones 58 or 159, By -n. vic, .p Ont t, fazzd THE farm! Your father's once perhaps-your son's one day-and worth ail the hard work yOU have put into it. But hard work isn't enough. You must knowr what your farm costs to run-what it brings in. Our "Farmer's Account Book" will help you. Ask the Manager for a copy. YOU xxiiiL IKE BAN KI'G AT THE ROYAL The Pc? oya1 ]Bank F92of Canada'ý BorN-at-i-ille Branch- P. F. Aitchison, Manager 651 AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer larm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternie moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 197r3. 1t VETERINARY F_ G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Oro no igonor Graduate uf University of Toronto Al rases giien promp' and careful attention. Office-Dr UtElroy'% former office. Phonea Clarke 3921; Oronn 18-1. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious. reliable men wanted at once. Part titne pay while training for Aviation Mechanici. Garager Wo, k. Di ivng. atry, Electric Acetelytie Weldino5. House Witing, Indlustrial Eletricity. Machiroja B, cf.ay- ing, Plastering. Drafting, tfrhrring and Hairdretagng. Act qick. get >o-, Pplfý.. ton inono. Write or cail for iiofonation. DOMI1NION TR ADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Eastern lteadquarters. 163 Kitg -. W Employaient &erice-coast ta c-ts on Coughls,& Colds A apeedy, safe, proven remedy for Children and adulta. At$LJhgafIasJ,- A 5JMt1iU SspOerf.fft Professor Bahcock, by bis butter- fat test, bas aided the fariner in Oliff- inating the non-producers, hecause by the show of butter-fat the farnier can see whicb are the hest animais. The far-i stock also bas been împrov- cd by scientific feeding, artificial selection and breedinig. The im- -provements arc al hasod upan scîen- tific experiment. The science of bacteriology bas crne to the aid of the farmer by showing him boy to make use cf ben- eficial bacteria antI bow to destr.îy harmfal bactoria. The farmer now. can bav-c dean milk vitb a smali bac- teria ceunt,, tetter quality cf vinegai, and most important, good silage. In poaltry, science bas w'orked out formulac for rations forr laying bîrti an<d hird':-tîvieh are t it' <a tien eti. Thrta«h scien-ific expirinicots aI oý bas corne abouttht' sel, tile îirevi'- I ing for high igrproducattion. Tt -discor'eris-s help tiiit' farnter. fttr lie sar'cs ntonc-v antItti the i gt- - jiot .ha' i' s- 'aitnîd th"ref- re, gre-ii'-'r rt'tariz art- obtainetî fret itbir I.- if alxir'tiea. Scien" '-t shat'tx-i rnonted viitb <I It-rent bi'i'-dti ot pi-' ducý ,er'rolt-. or'ti'temeîrlifyto-nf n c ertain 4ilîrtetitons lîr'cnl' mu ni - atiiosnflt,,t' he-ir îa'ring in 'hi- cai cf thv' fotrer antd rsfr'iat n tht- latte-r. Cf.-itnrt bas chanirc<Itheo tperations of the's i. The qoil ba bot-n'ni-, -prox'oîl ly cienti.sts advioing the' u.zet of che itîcais anri crtýp rnîatioa. the best tire1Pt' cr- - t ith. , 5,,q liv Oit a sitv, th - ie! vayrs to plant yoang trocs. and the bt- 1 means of pruoing. Buît a btgger step waF taken br' sciene in the tine of sprayinr,. When, whPrs- and hnw I to apîy the diferent spravs antd theirî imal<bng in a way sa as te kill the pests- Canadian Food Producers . * Trade Commissioners Offices in Great Britain LONDON: Harrison Watson, Canadias Building, Trafalgar SquaMe S.W. 1, London, England. J. Forsyth Smith, Fruit Trade Commîssioner, Walter House, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2, London, England. LIVERPOOL- Harry A. Scott, Trade Coma. missioner, Century 4uildings, 31 North John Street, Liver- pool, England. BRISTOL: Douglas S. Cole, Sun Buildin, Clare Street, Bristol, F.nglan GLASGOW: Gordon B. Johnson, 200 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scot- land. GREAT BRITAIN wants more Canadin foodstufs. The plain fact is that the increase in trade ini somo of our food exports ta the old country ia flot keeping pace with the growth of demand. Britain's markets are wide open ta Canada. Because of the exhibitions of Canadian producta, the activity of aur Trade Commissioners, and the effects of our advertising, the British consumer is more familiar with these producta than ever befare, and consequently more inclined ta buy. Good will in Great Britain towards Canadian producta neyer has been at a higher point than naw. AUl the facilities of transportation for ail classes of praducta from Canada to Great Britain have been pravided. Shah we Canadians overlook or neglect the oppor- tunities for increased export trade which are thus laid before us? Just because domestic markets are good, shail we as producers be so short sighted as ta fail ta satisfy sa large a market which is more favaurably inclined tawards aur pro- ducts than ever before? Not yet la there axnong aur producers an adequate reallzatian of the opportunities for increased production which present conditions in the British markets afford. If yau are a producer or dealer in foodstuffa, you can assiat ta your own profit in gaining a larger share of this market. Almost every community in this country stands to benefit. The resuit cari be attained by: 1. Producing mare of the kind of products the British consumer wants. 2. Keeping up a constant supply. 3. Maintaining quality standards. Through its Commercial Intelligence Service, this Departinent will render valuable assistance ta any exporter. Our Trade Commissioners' Offices in Britain are especially well-equipped and strategically placed ta handle any export problem on behaîf of Canadian exporters. Enquiries re- garding British Trade receive prompt attention. Write ta the Commercial Intelligence Service, Ottawa. THE DEPARTMENT0F TRADE AND COMMERCE HON. JAMES MALCOLM, Ministe OTTAWA F. C. T. O'HARA, Deputy Minister t>AGE TWO t. 810

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