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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMMJ, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929PAEFV 3d OSHAWA and DISTRICT Typewriting Championships Machine Clais Und. Senior Speed Und. Senior Accuracy Und. lntermediate Speed Und. latermed. Accuracy Und. Novice Speed Und. Novice A',.uracy WI1NN ER S Winner Gertrude Gomme Oshawa Gertrude Robinson Oshawa Dorothy Plummer Bowmanville Elaine Hill Mountain Grave Pearl Collins Oshawa Bernice Bagnell Bowmanvî le School Peerles B. C. Peerless B. C. Peerless B. C. Peerless B. C. Peerless B. C. Peerless B. C. Sanctioned by J. N. Kinibail, International Conteit Judge, who supplied the copy used by contestants. Conducted under the direction of Fred Jarrett, Canadian Contest Judge. A Joint Savings Accouni is a Real Convenience PARTICULAERLY as a c ia-e r of family canyon- ienca dees the joint uccoun .dcmor.trate ius V4&ue. AIl funds depasited are suiject te wvithdrawal at- any tinie by ither of the pers 'ns ;n whosa nanies the joint accaunt is apenad. In case ai the de- ceasaeof ana of the partie.3 holding a joint acceunt. ail noney nay ha ithdîuw ; n by the ather. A joiant savings acceunt in The Canadian Bank ai Commerce is a real convenience where two people desire access ta the sama funds. THMLE CANADIAN BANK 0 F COMMERCE T'r;Tfc nTANDARD BANK 0F <ÇANADA, ) Il CHRISTMAS Only One Month Away DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY We Are Well Supplied With Furniture Suitable For Christmas Gifts Our Children's Department is well stocked and it is easy to select something very pleasing and very useful for the children, because the prices are veiiy reasonable, and one can purchase something very worth while for so *littie. Then we have such pleasing and useful -pieces of furniture for the grown-ups. A gift of furniture for the home is always appreciated and is lasting. Let us show you our gift lines including: Odd Chaire, Ferneries, Smokers, Sewing Tables, End Tables, Chesterfield Tables, Cedar Chests, Card Tables, Sweepers, Mirrors, Costumers, Lamps; -and a good Mattress will always please mother. F. F. MORRIS Co-, Bowmanyille Furniture and Furnithinge at Christynat. Tale, Mms.'Perey, Mrs. Brock, Mre. Canadian proiducta have the QuaI- Roney, Mrs. Werry and Mms W. J. lty and Varlety ta niake them i deal Clemens. fl L U Christ'mas <ifts. To ail the grief stricken fi aily cir-1 G eo. Pritchuard Buy goode produced in Canada. cIe and mosé of aIl Va Mns. Cleimens IAak for theni when dolng your on whom thse lndeaerlbable lonelineas IpHONE 4&9 D0WbMI'A LLE1 ChrWmtsa shopping. Merchanta wll ai wido'whood has faîlen, the heart- j i do welI to feature Canadian emade tek asympthy of thse whole eommuai- 900" .ty la exteuded. MILLIONS 0F WEED SEEDS THOUGHTS FOR THE FALLEN IN ORDINARY FEED GRAIN ________With proud tbanksgiving, a mother for lier children, Startling Pollution in Three Cars of England mourns for her dead icros.s the sea. Qats-Estimate 23,000,000 Seeds Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of lier spirit, 1of Sow Tbistle Fallen in the cause of the free. 1 ~So]emn. the drurms thrill: Death august and royal Some idea of the enormous spread Sings sorro-w up into immortal spheres. of serious weeds in the West is in- There is music in the midst of desolation dicated by a report from Cadillac, And a glory that shines upan our tears. Sask., where the local representative They went with sangs ta the battle, they were young, of the Department of Agriculture, Straight of limnb, truc af eye, steady and aglow. L. M. Ogilvie, estimates that there They were staunch ta the end against odds uncounted, were 23,000,000 seeds of perennial They fell with their faces ta the foe. sow thistle in three cars of oat j They shall not grow old, as we that are ]eft grow old: which arrived thera a short tme agi. Age shallflot weary them, for the years condemn. This estimate isfno niere guess, de- At the going down of the sun and in the morning spite the astounding total, but is the We will remember theni. result of a careful calculation an Mr. They niingle not wîth their laughing comrades again; Ogilvie's. part -%ho took representa- They sit na mare at familiar tables af home; tive samplas of the oats and careful-1 Thcy have na lot in aur labaur af the day-tme; ly countad the weed seeds in them.; They sleep beyond England's foaan. The sprcad cf weed seeds an theBu hr u eisaeanorhpspofud Prairies has been simply amazing, itBuwhraudeisaeadarhpspofu, being only a fewý years since sow i Feit as a well-spring that is hidden frani sight, thistle f!rýt becamie troublesonie inl To the innermost heart af their awn land they are known Saskatchewan. As the stars are known ta the Night; The reason for the spread is flot A~s tiha stars that shaîl be bright wheri we are dust, toc (lifflcult to lucaý(e. At the last Moving in marches upan the starry plain, meeting of the Seed Advisory Itoard A'; tuie stars that are starry in the turne ai aur darkness, cd t hat .w a, Western miembers report~ To the end, to the fend, they remain. e hthundred's of cars of ordinaryï-arneByo feed grain were di-.tribute<l fr';11 var-1Luec iyn ious p,int.s in the prairie Province- evr erfrse upýsadi HOCKEY SCHEDULES COUNTY PAVING COMPLETED niany cases there was "0e attenîPt t ',0_____ ciean this niaterial up bafore sowNvrg. Intermediate May Pave Scugog Road to Hampton Undoubteýdly inany of 'the cars~ werel etYa w;a foui with weed seeds as the cnes!Dec. 26-Bownianville at Part Hope.' e vNg prgraYear f th Iexanie(l by Mr. Ogilvie. Not ,n,., Dec. 27-Oshawa at Orono. h aigpornneo h is et-l c tis nd oo frni heDec. 30-Orono ut Bowmnanville. j United Counties of Northumberland stadpintcftli gai itel, bcaseJan. 2-Part Hope at Whîtby. and Durhani is practically conîpleted thora will be a great quantitv etJan. 3-Oshawa at Bowmanville. for this season. It included the psy- small, shrunken and broken kernehs Jan. 6-Orono at Oshawa. ingofneadahfmieato- 1which will 'produca -weak plants orj Jan. 9-Port Hope at Orono. manville, three miles at Cobourg, nanea a al, but there is a huge loss on Bowmanville at Whitby. one and three-fourths miles at Col-i account of the waeds. Dockage due.'Jan. 13-Whitby at Bowmanvillc. borne and the sanie at Brighton, six ta tnîs cause sometîmes anîcunts ta Or-ono at Part Hope. miles from Newcastle ta Orano, and as high as 2.5 par cent. In other Jan. 15-Bowmanville at Oshawa. the road froni Millbrook ta the bigla- words a quarter cf the farniers' land Jan. 16-Whitiby at Port Hope. way, also the road fram Norham tD is devoted ta the production of weeds, Jan. 20-Oshawa at Whitby. Warkworth, and thraugh the village a quarter of bis harvest bill is for the Port Hope at Bowmanvilie. Warkworth. saine, a quarter of bis shipping bill, Jan. 22-Wbîtby at Oshawa. The 1930 programme for County and more than a quarter is substract-1 Bowînanville at Orono. roads will probably include fran i-, ed f rom the total value of bis crop. 1 Jan. 27-Oshawa at Port Hope. bourg ta Baltimore, and the Ca-1 Moreover a piece ai land that is ab-I1 Whitby at Orono. bourg road leading towards Rice soluteiy free of s0W thistle if sown J an. 29-Port Hope at Oshawa. Lake fron Caliborne ta Ca.stlýton with sanie of the oats f rom thaseiJan. 30-Orono at Witby. and front Bawmanville ta points Cadillac cars would become s0 pal-1 Feb. 3rd and 5th-lst and 2nd teanîs north of that town, and ather pointai luted in the first year alone that the playoff. Goals ta caunt. an the County bigh'way system. direct loss would run into ten or fif- Junior teen per cent per acre while the loss Dec. 26-Bowrnanville at Whitby. OBITUARY in the permanent value of the land Dec. 27-Part Hope at Peterboro. WlimHnyCees eteo would be aven greater. When in. Dec. 30-Oshawa at Part Hope. WlimHnrClmnCetto Manitoba this summer, the writer was Jan. 1-Whitby at Bownîanville at A loùg and useful lufe was brought shown farm after farmi, where an ac- I 3 P. M. ,ta a peacaful close on TIursday counit of the spread ai sow thistle the1 Jan. î-Oshawa at Peteribora. Navember 21st., 1929 when Williami value of the land bad been reduccd Jan. 3-Part Hope at Oshawa. Henry Clemens alter niany months i frorn $7 5.00 per acre ta $ 15.00. lJan. 7-Peterbaro at Whitby. of weary waiting entered into the i Daspite the fact that the Dominion 1 Bowmanville at Port Hope. rest that remaineth ta the people of Government bas provided very defin-j Jan. 10-Oshawa at Bowmanviile. God. ite grades for seed, and that Governi-1 Jan. 13-Peterboro at Oshawa. jr. Clemnens wa.5 bor at Tyrone,' ment graded seed is flot expansive,; Jan. 14-Part Hope at Whitb b Ot., on Septemïber 24th., 1848, af and that it is contrary ta la-w ta selI Jan. 15-Bowmanville at Peterboro.. pioiieer parentage, bis parents Will- anytbing 'but graded seed, the bulk af Jan. 16-Oshaiwa at Whitby. t iam Clamens and Sarab Rosavear bie- the farmers in bath Eastern and 'Jan. 17-Part Hoype at Bowmanville. ing among the early settiers af Dur- Western Canada, continue year alter . Jan. 20-.ýBowmanville at Oshawa. ha-m County. year ta use their awn or a neighbor's 1 Peterbaro at Part Hope. For upwards ai fifty years hie re- ungraded and in many cases unclean-1 Jan. 22-Whitby at Peterbora. . sided in the vicinity ai his birthplace, ad seed grain. With Seed Labara-fiJan. 24-iýPeterboro at Bownîanville. being widely known throughout the taries maintained by the Dominioni Whitby at Port Hope. coutasapoie grclrs. Government at Quebec, Ottawa, Tor- 'Jan. 27-Whitby at Osha-wa. TmltYas a rmien to acltiat. onto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Saska-: lst and 2nd teains play off Jan. '31 Township wbere a few years ha taon where UP ta three samples aifJland Feb. 3. Goals ta count. rented a farin belonging to bis, seed will be tes.ted free of charge for 1 jte-nlw M.Rcad Nw any farnier and where during thCIOING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS? bto.HeinlMrchad BNew- slack season at present the work citn ____ Brae," a small farin three quartera be quickly and easily handled tberci wor abutthe seed H1e little knew the sorrow that was in oi a mile west ai Centreton, whicb need bie no guess wok botb is vacant chair; is still the family residence. that is ta be put in the graund, next H1e neyer guessed they>d miss him, Mr. Clemnens is survived by bis Spring. ____ or he'd stirely have been there; wiia, formerly Menie Newtan, one I He couldn't see bis snother or the son, Mr. Albext lemens, Tyrone, HAMPTON WOMEN'S INSTITUTEI lump that filled ber throat, and four grandchildren, Editb, Geral- jOr the tears that startad falling as dine, Harold and Irving. He la alsoI Hampton NWomen's Institute met she read bis basty note; suvvdb1orsitrMs ei at the home of Mrs. J'snTus And bie couldn't sea bis father, sit- Annis ai Ebenezer; Mrs. (Colonel) day aiternoon, Dec. St, w1 a t ting sorrowful and dumb, Sylvester Lindsay; Mrs. L. A. Tale tendance of fifty. TIhe president,'Or lie neyer would bave written that and Mrs. John Perey, Bowmanvilla. Mrs. H. Rundle, was in the chair: i he tbought be couidn't came. One sister, Mrs. N. M. Cale, Wini-1 Alter the apaning axarcises, minutes IHe littie knew the gladness that bis peg, and 3 brathers, Wesley, Step- aif îast meeting were read and adopt- 1 presence would have made, lien and Albert al ai Darlington pre- ed. Mrs. C. J. Kersiake reported'And the jay it wauld have given, or deceased him . AI surviving relatives oin work ai Park Committe for booth. 1 be neyer would have stayed. nanîed above, excepting, Mirs. Syl-~ $1000 was voted ta sand te Muskok,ýt,He didn't know he'w bungry bad thc vester were present at the funeral as Hospital; aise $20.00 for relief wark, little inother grown, aws alsa Mlrs. Albert Clemens andi and a conmittee was f.rned to look Once again ta sec bier baby and ta Mr. John Percy. alter sanie. dlaim hum for ber own. Many other relatives were in at- Tha prcgrani consisted cf co~mmnui- Ha didn't guess the meaning of his tendance froin Toronto, Bowmanville, 1 i- singing; vocal solo by Miss Lilliaii visit Christmas Day. Tyrone and Cobourg. jJebsan. Excellent reports of Tor- Or bie neyer wvauld hava writteni that In politics, Mr. Ciemens wasa enteconentin wre g\enby Ms. ie couldn't gat away. stauncb Liberal and in religiona W. W. Hemn and Mlrs. F. Honey. 4H' He couldn't sea the fading oi thc ifaithfulmebrateMthdt w-re dalightcd te hear what rura. cbeeks that once were pink, Church, though leading a quiet un- i"mnc eta nai r an n h silver in the tressas; and obtrusive lufe, taking little if anyl for home and country. Meeting hie didn't stîýp ta tbink pbi ati h far fcte closed by singing the National An- HoN- the years xere passing swiftly,. the church or state. Mr. Clemens Luchw-s eradbyE'I and next Christmas it might hoe possesse<l a very wide circle af theni. Lnhwssre yE There wouid hae ne homne te visit ano iriends, for bis was the open hand, Gr t etiowilhablda te no mother dear te sep, 'the kindly beart and the vivaciaus hom ie Mr. J Cwing. Preldagaro'eHa di.ln't think about it-1-ll net temperament, îvhich kept hbu young in hage afMrs. J. Colill, cronvnc sy odin' ar.inispirit despite the fligbt ef tinie, in hageof rs J Cowilconen:ý-IHa ivas headless and forgetiul, or nor did advancing 30ars impair bis o f Home Economics. i h e'd surely bave been there. mental poxvers. He had always been I-Are ycu going home for Christmas fond ai books, readîng was bis Hjave yen wrtten you'Ii be therc? favorite pastime whicb he plirsuedi 1 GoiR home ta kiçs the mather and ta witb ardour tili ýprevented by iliness.1 R ADIO No wonder they cail it "The set with the Punchi" Sec it. Hear it. You'll agree itbas the PUNCH. Finely attuned, keenly sensitive, vibrant with life, yet so powcrful, so sharply selective, so beautifully toned, you'Ul marvel as you listent Here at our store you'll flnd the fulne SteNvart.Warner line -consoles, consolettes, table models. Cabinets of rare beauty. Corne in ardcI earn of the new revolutionary features of îthis set. The "screen grid" circuit and ti.ie mosc powerful tube equipment known to radio. liere are the greatest values ini radio. We will gladly dernonstrate any set. À sail initial pavmnent will put one in your home. Corne toclay.ePi 1 DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE KING ST. BOWMANVILLE Phone 10 HO WMUCH MEA T PER PERS ON?2 Lxperienced housewives plan to buy a haif- pound of meat for each person served. Natural- ly, this rule varies, but a half-pound is usually enoughi for each seinving---considering the shrink- age in cooking. For stews, with plenty of vege- jta]2, much less is needed. Bear this in mind when buying meat, and your pocketbook will be as wci nourished as your family. Besides fresh, cooked and cured meats we seil canned goods, tea, coffee, fruit and vegetables. G. A. EDMONDSTONE MIEAT MARKETS Phone 21 Bowmanville STO-B-IE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAINI Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Priv.ste Wire Systom il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phono Calle At Our Expena. Above is show,, îhf sppros,,d i 7r $229.W Ce..tury EnglisshCanoi- Cabin.: No. 47. The traditional stimdines, and L E S S T U B E S endu!ing simPliity of deign ,.rt intteriuîic of Oid English crftsoa,,shîp, aft beautfullY Portrayed is tandsooe Console. 1,i iar with Amirrican wiout. Tytsical los, elief and solid ,ecod cam-ings embelIith the front p.nels snd the. uwo liîding doors. Th.se sardv turn.d and fIuted legs are soiidly cross-brared te insure permancnt rigidity. Enclosed bacit. 44 incises Iigis, 261/2 incses wjde, 163' icihm. deep. Thsis cabinet ls fumsisiscd wti the. Seewart-Warner Bgloctro.Dynasm;c Reproducer bsilt in,. and with the. Stewart.Waraer Scretm-Grid chasis as tise reoe:vng unit. PAGE PIVIR

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