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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 8

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L'ÂGE EKGET THE CANADIAJN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 _ .-- Ummj LEH7ÙHVALLEY ANTHIRACITE Tne C'Dd That Sati.fles SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES u vill neyer Ilave cluse to regret using our jCoal. We buy nothing but the best and guarante that you xiii smile wvith satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Phone 153 or 202 Fuel Bowmanville L ____________- ________ ____________ Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber. Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooriig. If so, wxe shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also preI)arei to take care of your order for D, L. & W. Scranton Coa!, The Standard AnLdhra'-ite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and set' us anid gLt our pîrices bc-fore you buy. MeClellan & Co. Lid. Office Phone 15; House Phones 223, (274, 218 K'ing St. E. Bowmanville "It Al D«epends on You" Meaning, of course, how you wouid be af- fected should the unexpected suddenly happen. A fire, an automobile accident, a sudden Ichange in heaith, an unexpected death in the f amiiy. Any of these can happen in a very shorttie and may have disastrous resuits. Guard yourself against the possibility of a loss with Insurance. The easy, sure way, the only safe way. You need it-we seil it. Phone 50. We wili do the rest. "Everything in Good Insurance" J. J. MASON & SO:-CN Real Phone 5W Estate and Insurance King St. E. Brokers Bowmanville esFor teBuyFarmer 1% (Furnished by thse Ontario Department of Agriculture) A calf was conveyed to the Royal the softer wxter wheat.s af Ontario Winter Fair by airpiane._ Thatsj have been under test. The report the nearest approach to ;te cow onathe former wheat is that the jumping over the moon that whae qualty is in every way superior to noticed, reniarks one ýeditor. the two previous crops, while the Ontario product, which is used chief-' A total ai $7,000,000 ivill be ex- Iy in cake-making, is said to bc' pended next year throughout the superior in both milling and baking! counties and townships of Ontario qualities ta that produccd in 19-18.1 in the improvement of sideroads. There is no evidence of sprouted; This is nearly three times the wheat, which was the cause of somei amoeunt spent during the past year difficulty in isandling last year's crop and will doubtiess prove of grcat On the otiser hand, the protein is value ta many farmers. loi-er, but on the whole it appearsý Several of Ontario's foremost1 obofeclntqaiy agricultural experts served as judgesý Beekeeping Progress at the recent International L;-vc laI connection with the recent' Stock Exposition in Chicago. They' convention of the Ontario Beekeep- included: John Miller of Ashburn ers' Association, Prof. E. Eric Mil- (Shorthorn cattle class) ; H. Noel îen of O.A.C., secretary, points out. Gibson of Kokoma (Shropshire that remarkable changes have taken sisecp) ; Duncan Johnson of Appin place in the beekeeping industryj (Ox-ford sheep) ; and W. T. G. Wien- during the past fifty years. From er, Ottawa (small grains). Ontario an uncertain side line fifty years Agricultural College, as usual, sent ago to a commercial undertaking i live -teck judIgin-,, teara to l"P*etoday, rany men3bers now measuli. against the pick of thse United States. their 'crop by the ton in place of 1ý ;pounds. For instance, anc Ontario I Growing Nut Trees i beekeeper, J. L. By Cc, of Markharn,ý A new devlapment in the work operates about 1200 colonies. Tisere l of beautifYiýig thse countryside of1was an exceptionally good crop of Ontario is seen in the organization honey ini Ontario last year and tiv.n l itha association in Elgin CountY residents of thse province took flr..t' wha view of stimulatingth plant-land second prizes for isoney at tiseý igof nut trees. This ascaini sn nTýnln niid secue te c-opraton f;wilefor the seventis consecutive I the Elgin County Council in plant- vcar 'heekeepers cci ried off thse higl:- ing rows o nut trees o borhde i est honors. borderaà the county. In addition,, OtroPrya hcg the annual yield ai these trees and Sixteen girls and fourteen boys their timber value menit consîder- from Ontario farms comprised the atia. jparty which journeyed ta Chicagoi i during the first week of Decemhcsl Hydro for thse Farm t attend the Boys' and Girls' Club1 Electrification of Ontario farin.- ýC-ongress in connection wjth the In- will be stimulated during 1930 by, ternational Live Stock Expositio. thse program ai expansion recentlyi They were the winners of judgingj ,..A ined wmch il reult in, thpe cnten t~, ,h rr resecie+hon,,r,. building of 2000 miles of hydro by virtue ai whicis their expensesl Uînes in the rural districts, as coini- were defrayed by local organizations. Mo0DEL92 year. It is also expected that ser- sentative for Norfolk, was in charge H ib ice charges will be reduced and loans af the trip, and Mrs. Cook was chap-$22o made available for installation of erane. In Chicago they joined a LESS TUBES electnical equipment on the iarm. party of 1500 young Amenican boys The mileage addeid during 1929 will and girls in a sixday programn which Majestic cabinet beauty, as shown serve 6700 new cuetoniens and bring Included nat only the Live Stock Ex- :in ibis jacobean Model, matches the operation. position but tours of the city and tonal beauty of the Majestic itself I ont or two of the langer packing Winter Conditions plants. The visit proved most ir- Live stock and feed fonin thse formative and entertaining. chief topic of the current weekly Lis by Potato Blight reports fram agricultural rep'eseni- jnvestigations show that the tatives. This statentent front one amriyloesmuh sfft of the reports appears ta be typical parmcernt.y ofhs sed uchas fty af conditions tiroughout the prov- duer chelt. a h ctiod oftato r ince: "Live stock have gone îto rdue rtchi l arlthatctinai tuber winter quarters in poorer condition lts, partc ( hthe ca ud byt) tha uual Ter wil eaven bW-hliht(is tde s ollddrc o t).nl tird less feeders stabled this win- Whiethisrtude tc, com'm nlh ter than is usually thse case. * TIhe bspread fo er ocntontuberin-h advent ai severe weather and snow n ne ancodtosti n starms brougist fali work on tise ]and jury paves tise way fan arganisms ta a haIt. However, under favorable producirsg othser rats tisat do spread codtosmost farmers had practic- anid causes heavy lasses. Much of l ally finished their falplowing. .inhelslat e abligh-nîed b tuers. * Corn Borer Situation 'There are alsa othen tuber-nottingKng tetE t Tise corn borer infestation ini ungi capable ai causing enormaus Ontario in 1929 bas been reduced lolsses. Tise following combination in tise inies.ted counties by an aver- af precautions la suggested: (1> age ai 50 per cent. oiver tise figures. Prevent digging and isandling injur- ed by tisis convention.-"Wisereas ai 1928, according ta a recerit affi- ies (2) Control late bligt foliage tisere are many smaîî scisoals in tiseý cial statement by Prof. L. Caesar af infection. (3) Avoid exposing Pi)- Province af Ontamia that are neitiser O.A.C. Reductions as higis as 75 tatoes ta teniperatune below 30 de- ecanomical non efficient; wisereas tisci per cent. are shown in some counities, grees F. and above 48 degrees F. Scisoal Regulations provide for tise whiie for tise first time in tisreel (4) Maintaîn good ventilation con- rnpraino uisfo re years no repart af total destructioîi, jditions ia tise starage isouse r anlshortato notai pupil fr on amîlscsol a nohe; heefreb or even seriaus injury, have been aeet it resolved tisat it be made compuls-J received, and no new districts eprtTHE ELIMINATION 0F THE ony upon school boards, wisere tisera tise pest. Nevertheless, Prof, Caesar' SMALL SCHOOL are four air less pupils la average at-I ponted out that tise actual number aiof____ tendance ta clos-e tise scisool tempar-' insects ould hardly vary front iast B .M oriScy-r as.aily and transport tise pupils toa a year's estimates isecause ai tise B1.M ors e'.Tes cjonn csouîs hycnst Ontario School Trustees and aing colulestycast- spread aver a much greater acreage. Ratepayers Association îsfy tise Public Scisool Inspector tisatý ____________it would bc irnpr.icticaLble."1 Curbing Cbicken Thefts codn otesaitia eot h. roshebdnup tv Chisikea tiieving is on tise wane Acrig atsbsoiaialrprs ii ird.s Tehos en upe it linOnari, ccodig t arecntm i tise Department of Educatior siolbad is csoswud inOtro o hdn to a rtentishere have heen from 900 te o OWiaccording ta this realution. autont-J statement by Hon. Jh ._itn rurai scisools in Ontario fer tise lis: 1 ically close unless tiscy can give zood, legslaionpassed at. the lst es- fiteen years thatbc had i an c'1 crage1ireas')n for~ keepng open. It Nwill be, sion ai tise legislature is gîven a attendance ai from 1 te 1 0 pupilsintrsist loývwa ua r big sisare of.tise credit for tise sate.- ceacis tee' tiink of this rpsalution. factoory situation naow prevailing Teesisasae asdr1 eb Thefts are still accurring but they nil ber e cen micar e n ient.,: aiy ru ranidvda are !zcattered and hear little resemh-ni-'hreo ria o fiint :ýAfml ru ra niiul lance te tise opidemics wisicis pre- is impossible for tise child te reý,eive i photo m'îkes a mucis appreciatcd vaild fo a trne.Thenew legi. s.uch training a-, will fit birn to c, 1Christmas git. Have H. H1unipisciel lain empowr%)rs police oficer, to , 2periîte with ethers, and pla\' hi.<pi,,' Horqey St., Bawmnanville, take youi ý,erchpoutr trns ketsap coni- ic -lue, wisen in early yearcs 1<"-,j-photo. Phsone 256. 46-tf ceri olr tasot n ce 1V OS bis ;training bi n i tin. pels truckers and others ta ee close Tisce cao be little if anynv cmet' iii n chseck an tise lirds tisey are traieh.-DO O E FRFAMR Iporting. Nat onîy bave $100 finPe. in tise class rooms, on ts YR O E O AMR bee lvidbut a total of 92 aiftIhe grounds or in atiser atviis v,_ An extension oi 1,157 îmiles of nder (te~enih joi îLbv tise ciildren learn ta woi rrlelcrcpwe i1 hv eî zI Te ndng Ocrsetor 3lst ina th etie. I utbevr i-e- gehe. amutreveymual lebyti e tr i shav Eecte year ,ndin Octber 3st lat. coing for tise teaciser teý attr»npt md yheOaroH r Eer intereFt one or two pupîls in a c:as'Pweiomiso i h Poic Testing the WiseatCrop Sise bas ta put more enthusia.m into this year, at a cost ai $2,650,000O. During recent weeks so me spien- ber w% eîk tai make up for tue !ock j, Tiscre are now <ver ),000 miles, ai did work ha-i been donc in testîng cmeion a Tistacig er(Wifes in tise farnîing district 1929 wbeat crep at Trent Institute, cmet-an ea1in roe surners tOnses ans a in t-( information. Pupils may be abie t',O an1ars in ts 'be Sh'fl 'f Commnercial Bakin- asts ttaceeaîalna nProvince electricity is used for ligh- ie it0.-.C ise weteprv pinandg arly cge, but we must rememiber ing bouses and icrm buildings, foc ________of__the tiaestiermccppovinceisexaana-cooking, iraning, wasbing and dean- tions is nat education.1 ing la tise home andl for doing a A convention oi scisool trustees ýi variety i jobs in tise farTn buildlings, theIEE couoty af Carleton was recentiy *even ta milking tise os FARM RS W FE 'eld la Ottawa, wisere tisis matte r GElSSTRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham'a Vegetable Compound Wilton, Ont.-"I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham'u egtable Compound throughtiseChange of Lufe. t iselpo me and I cannot praîma it too iighly. I waa troubled wth heat flashes and my limba were heavy so Icould hardly tarin work. 1 saw in tse ewsapers 1Ur ad about the ndadtoght to giveit a trial. T e re an',,,otiega me relief and I have told others what it dome for me. I ama wiling for you to D.I B. lewr if chs,1mua. D.sB pm~terioun.Ot à& TOM Niguhe was gone into very tisoroughly. Ia- spector R. C. Rose calle<l attention ta a number ai scisools isaving an av- erage attendance ai fram 2 to 7 pupils. It was singular tisat mo-st ai tisese scisools isad no local trustee levy. Some ai them had a balance jlan tise hank ai aver $1400. Tisey drew tise Townshsip and tise Provinc- il Grant.s. The scisoal boards de- clined ta take advantage ai tise scisool 1 Regulatians isy wisicis the few pîmar's la ance ciool may be transiported --a tise adjoining scisool. Tt was pointr'd out ta themn by tise Inspector tisat tisey would receive tise Town'î$in IGrant and tise Provincial Crant if necessary, ta pay for tise transporta- ti on. It was cansidered tisat a iewv 1 isundred dollars would cnvp, tho transrortatiaa. and tisey would not therefore require aIl of tisose grants. Rcisool Boards ieitate ta close' their scisools. even temponarily. for fean it would result in depneciati.on loCf tise value ai the farm pra'perty. 1 might also be dîfficult, they say, ta re-open tisese schools. Tisey con- aider lt a step in tise centalization of educational contraI. The folloiln resolution was peu- For Vour ,Achilng N ead Tek@ on@ ZUTOO TABLHT and in 20 minutes, thse pai n Ie ton@ and you f sel tue. ZUTOO wil stop sny Hesdache, Sick, Norvos, Dympeptic or Monhly-in 24 minutes by thse ock. 25o et dealiers. POULTRY WA NTED I want ail kinds of Poultry and amn payirig highest price. Phone Whitby 81 and reverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY MUSIC is the very spirit of Christmas . .. and a Majestic Radio wiil bring music into your home with a reaiismn you neyer dreamed possible. Hark to the high, clear melody of a Christmas carol ..listen to, the deep, sonorous tones of an organ... singers and organist are there before you. So gloriously real is Majestic's COLORFUL TONE that every note is lifelike, vivid, truc ... from highest treble to deepest bass. Here is the richest gift of al..entertainiment and education which costs $7 5,000 or more a day.. yours and your family's on Christmas day, on ever day, with a Majestic Electric Radio. Order Now! for delivery Christmas Make sure your home will have this gift on Christmas. Select the new Majestic model you want and pay a small deposit on it now. On December the 24th, or sooner if you prefer, we will deliver it to your home. The remaining payments can be arranged to suit your convenience. L. DARCH Bowma4avill WORM ]POWIDERS RELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUG- ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORUS AND RESTÜRF. THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH. NOSPH:kODriNE' b AA TiS-gCR The Great English Preparattan . ook's Regulatig ompound m TwQDSPon S ad n.îOraeIhe aeA.l.rlal eua Tnos and iemigmakes te whledAmdce. Sld ble reude- in old Veins. Used for Nervous Ji gr-s oft sr, ,gth-No. 1, S13 Dbility, Mental and Brain Worry, Ný. 2. S3: No. 3. Sa per box. Ikpndency Lss of Ener v. Papitation ilf old Iv ail dr.ggists. or sent the Heart, F tnMeMr.. irice #tX3çrrcisid runjreptof crics. foi $5.9 Iod by ailldruggises, or maild in plain C pam uht. Addrea: pkg. on receipt of pric. New amphJ mai HE COOR MEDICINEV CO. 'r«~.TE WOD MDicinE CO.ZORONTO.ONT -a L MAJESTIC DEALER Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have buit our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car by supplying such famous products as Aviation and Sheil G.a- oline, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world built of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with t his high grade Iining. Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmauvalj. brîng înto your home the 'l Spirit Of Chiristmas . 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 -1141 PAGE EffGHT

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