PAGE TEN NEWCÂsq1 YOUNG J>EOPLE HOLSTEIN BdLK,]EDERS' MEETIN1G fhN 'Bauquet and Election off Foatured By LUrge Attendance, Officori Election off Officera and Ad"sa by P. S. Duncan. The Yo.ung People's Society of Xewc-astle United Church -heid one of. Durham Hostein Breedern' Assoc- iation held hta annuai meeting and the Most delightful meetings of the election of officers ait the Balinoral i âason on Monday evening, in the Hotel, Rowmanville, on Friday, Dec.1 form of a sumptuois lbanquet, foi- l3th, which shows there is nothing' iowed by the annual election Of of_ superstitious about the "black and ficers.white" men. Tale wrelad n heS.S.R Tm, e freoon ssso, at wh jl Tabes er lad n te S S Romthere was a good attendance, took! and gaily decorated with Christmassy place in the hotel with President A. streamers and baskets of rosy apples. E. Runnals, Welcome, in the chair, Ait the close of a bountifut meal of and J. H. Jose, Newcast.le, attending. scAlloped potatoes, roast pork, ap.pîe to his secretarial duties.J pie and ice cream, with ai] the ac-1ch Election of officers reeulted in fewl co.mpanying delicacies, the President, 1canges. Arthur Runnais was re-1 Mfr. Clarence Allun, proposed the. lected president, and Harry Jose,! toast to the King, whjch ivas respond- secretary-treasurer with an annuai; ed to by The National Anthemn. sa]arv attached of $25.00; Vice Fi-es.t hespeaker of the evening, Rev.!-N. I. Metcaife; Auditors1Irin Roy H. Rickard of Pickering, a weîî- Brag and Win. Bickie; Sales Mana- know frind o theNewcsîie ge rs-L. C. Snowden and Neil Mut-i Pe,9l, ws hen itr Yced. Mr.ton; Directors: Dariington..Elmer! peope. SS on îtrue{1 Cox and H. Muir; Carke-J. D.1 Rickard based his remarks on the iBonadA .Gbo;Hp- ý wOrds of (Pau], as lho neared his death WlrowReand an.dibo;opM ix the Roman prisons: E Tmo'hv.lCva-er Seymour on Bcw, - IV:-'For 1 arn now ready to lhoad ,F of 'e r as rai F afl; Cariwrigh-G. V. Grandy;,ýý tO beOffre asa acifie n dat, aies Commitee-... R. SeesA!Iý teyoung people, the mnembers of th . Tamly, hris. Cox, J. Sey;mour; Leagize, are cailed upon to offer their ad J. . Stevn1 lives and their services. There is as l .hofte sn o enrab rauc hoDr n liingforChrist as in aro und the quiono nuiia- dYing for him. We nmust do 1out tasks we are called upon to do in the ock at the annuai combination sale, Young peoples work of the cý urch, 1îhie~ at the samne time safeguardingj willinglY and to the best of our abil:!th interests of contributors in re- 4 itY. la the church, we worship, thespc fijre happening or condi- 1- peakerdcaed te tio ns deveioping after the sale. ! eh Or dclaed,'intheSundayl Great care is taken to have ail ani- i Seolwe strudy, but in the Youngt mals put in the sale sound in every People's Society 'we are trained forl particular and exactly as re'prescrnted service. He outljned three prohlims inP .wýhiÇbt the young -people are called 1i the catalogues; but despite ail the 1 upo to fae,-he liqortraiccare the sale results in some disa,- iý wOrld peace, and home and. forg' pointmients and basses. A question! li88ions, and urged his audienceign1 sometimes difficuit tb determine is:iil be r«d tobe ffeed"in enceiWho is responsible? -,lhe seller o be "retde to ee oorred" inyservxcetWhor1? to work out the -beat solution of these 1h ue? r1 oeexetbt? problis. Mr. Rickard's addres It was decided to do without thej made a dedP impression on th e minds services of a field mnan in t he county of te YungPeOIe reýnt nd eftj1t assist in the private sale of sur- ýl othe you ngexceolentresnt d r te l us breeding stock as his fees added 1'I ensuing election of officers. ojnly that much more to the price the i Votes of thanks were tendered tot purchaser bhad to pay.I the ladies Who rendered their capablei The meeting adopted a resolution, services as waitresses: Mi-a. Normian znoved by John Bro-wn, that Lhe ladies j1i Allin, Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Mrs. 6b- be invited t0 the banquet at the next biedick, Mrs. Fred Graham and Mrs anniff eetig fe aa e Wrragg, and to the speaker of thedieeneo opinion in regard toi e'vening. tbis, flot that any of theInembers The election of officers was in, were opposed to bringing their wivres qj eharge of Rerv. W. P. Rogers, with or in the case of the Young mon, thieîr1 Re-. and Mrs. Rickar<j as scrutineers lady friends, but severai doubted! and returning officers, and resulted whether the fair sex would enjoy the as folLO.WS: 4roceedings. The next annual meet- President-.Clarence Allin. ing wil ho held in Bowmanviile. This I' lat Vice President-.~Mrs. Eric Pearce 1 ought to be satisfactory for if the 2nd Vice rPresident-~Charlie Glenney ' ladies do not care to listen to the af- 3rd Vice President-.Loreen Lorri-j ter-d!*nner speechei they can spendt , i T«n.tfhet'mevisiting the shops of the dtilVice President-.Florence EAshton m oerthemebesjone Sth Vice President-.Mrs.A. EAshton1Bsns vrthmebs jid l0w. at this time by several friends and, Sertr-Llin'lmne invited guests, adjourned to te et i Treaure-WiburBaskerville. banquet hall of the hotel where Piro-1i Planist-...Minnie Pearce. prietor A. J. Wadhams and staff ser-1 Audjt<rs....Ai.hurBrg and T. A. yoda roast goose dinner precede<i hy Rodger. Brg soup, finished off with apple and rais- The election was preceded by tnie in pie and reinforced with Sidedse reports of the various vice Presidents of celery, fruit and cheese. and the treasurer who reporte<l a bal- Thle principal after-dinner speaker anc. on hand in the Treasury of was R. S. Duncan, Toronto, a former r $18.00. agricultural relresentative for Dur-' Trte, are still two more meetings liarn, now Diroctor of Agriculturail ithe year, for each Of which a! eesentatilves for On apindi pogrm s aredy ssredlin made la he nte ogressbe-y Ing mde i theestafbishment of! better bul areas witil the' gradua]: LAUNDRV WANTED elimination of the scrub bull, also the estaiblishment of bovine tuberculosis j Ail kicndr- or zavjnury work done prompt- free areas, the benefits of wvhich arer iy sla irrorily and ai ra9onable piý Writp Post Office Box IL. or calMr apparent to everybody. W0 arJo-1rn. Kint st. E nfowrmanvile, Sîpeaking of the founding and Pb one 47w. management of a dairy herd lio ex-1 hibited a number of charîs showingl i by actual records how the wighing' anl etigo milk, tile cul ling outj i olw Producing cows and intelli.1 ygent 'breeding and feeding al'ways re- 4 sults in increased profits and larger ~î dI> i ~.ogan should always be "Test, We t! J3reed, Feed."1 Other speakers were Dr. J. B. Rey-' nolds, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mayor, R (ad i o M .Elit Bwavl A. W.1 Agricultural ersnttvthe a- ter making an announicerment regard-1 ing the Junior Farmers' Short1 to S lst. He. aiso placed on display1 ' the Holstein Association's silver cup 1 donatod as an award to the boyt J standing highest i0 the judging off iý dairy cattle in the Junior Farmers1! audgng competitions. The winneri this year is Bill Morton of Miilbrook. WilBickle Canton, and H enry J. Knigt, ow;ýnviJeably provided bile musical entertalnmient and gave variety to the proceedings, the form- or ieadîng In community inging and' can.itributing somne peppy vocal nuni- bers. Mr. Knight, unaccompanied. ii atin othe gnatrbeyof t' lots who hbid the chief iluying Power I l9p c o , of the nation. Instead of making !hl;ý sC (j ood will for the advertisers, tiese r S A L F signs miake 'bad will, and thereforel rePresent good noney worse than I wasted from an advertising *And-.Ihd C. E. RHDER GEO. L HALL Point. Executives of the Standard1'! Lwe St., Bowmanville have seen the light, and their ex-1li Phon 265ample mlight be followed with profit' Phone 265 by others wh: disfigure the landsâe lECADIAN Owr¶MLÂN, BOWMANVULL, THUUSDAY, DEOMtIDER 19, 1929 SUGGESTIONS FOR Our Store is just bubbling aver with Choice Goods for Christmas Gifts; me and See for Yourself Col Winter Coats In Stunning styles What a lovely and practicai giftone of these Coats wouid be for Mother, Sister or Daugilter AIl deveboped of fine Englisil Broadelotil, silk lined and richly trimmed with fursof 'Qppossum, Muskrat, Caricul, Frencil Beaver, etc. Your choice of all ile fashionable colors and newest styles. ýCoats worth $25.00 to $50.00, Selling ' from ................12 95 "'$32.50 Novelty Jewelry For Christmas You will be altracbed instantiy by our new assortnient of Costume Jewelcy. Pieces are novel, out of the ordinary and designed to meot the newest in Fashion's demand. Wooden and Beaded Chokers, Brilliant Eacrings, Pond- ants, Two-'Tone Pearîs, Pearîs in ail colore, Braooches, Pins, etc., willto$ &inake ioveiy gifts.-..... 25c $15 Gif t Umbrellas Twelve rib, fuIl Paragon satin finish franie Umnbrella, ceiluloid lips and ferrule, sîlk mixture coVer; fancy handles of celiuloid and wood coni- binations, in straigilt with silk cord, and crook styles; black, green, red, navy Each in gift box Reguiar. $4.00, Each ........................ $26 15 Lovely Crepe de Chine Gowns Wilat more lovely gift toean intimnat. friend tilan one of tilese attractve Gowna of pure Silk Cre" de Chine. AIl are beautifulîy trim2med with lace, in V or square neck. Your choi'0 of sucil good <aolors as Pink, Peacil Mauve, Apricot, Green, Blue, etc. Regular $4.50 for .. . . . . . . .,. . . .$2 9 Pîllow Cases $1.39 Pair Pi]]ow Cases, 21 X -33 inches, both ilemstitched and scalloped edges, witi einbroidery patterns and eyelet effecta. Each pair tied with siik ibowitil Greetiug card in Christmas box. Rgar$2.00 value, Per Pair ................$13 Crying Dols 98c Each She otands 25 incles higil and is dressed i. pretty lace-trimmed rock and as a bonnet te match hem dres. She bas an unbreakable lead< and a real crying voîco, Don't misa Iis. Each .. ........ 98C Chiffon Full-Fashioned Hose Fine S'Ik Rose are aiwavs appreciated. These are of Service Chiffon weight with the new French heel; knit of the finest quality siik in the foilowing shades: White, Flesh, Mirage, Sun- tan , Merido, Sunbronzo, Grey, Boxed lHandkerchiefs for the Kiddies Here is somethîng that wiii appeai to al Ibe wee folks-Pretty Gift Box containinz two and three pretly Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs 17c Fine Lin.. Finish Tiley are 18 x 18 inches in size and are of extra fine linen finish Boders and stripings la contrasting col.orings. Half-incil hemstilcil. ng 6 Selling at................... 6o or 17ce ach Toyland in Full Swing Be sure and see Toyland -on tile Second Floor. Ail kinda af Toys and Gaines-mi fact every- thing ta deligilt tile hearts of litIe folks. Mufflers $1 .98 One of tile most popyular Mufflers for mnen this year isathe imParte-d 'ýBeTmberg Art Silk Square" in albover two-tone Chec,ý and Plaid ef- fects. Black wilh White, Black 'with Navy, Maroon with Whlite, and combination colorings. Worth $2.50. Men's Neckwear 49c Attructive Color Combinations A speciai lino of imported maleriaisinake up mbt Four-in-Hand Ties% for our Chlristmaas trade. The lot consista of brigili colora and canservative ratternis, xtripest. diaçronals and jacquardls, Regular 75c. Ail boxed. Men's Ties 79c lu Variety off Patterns Each Tie la in a git box and would usually sali at $1.00. We- secured a manufacturer'8 clearance of higil quality Ties Ia an asaortment compri*slng beautiful swlvels, stripes and allover »atterns in attractive colore. Silk Knickers 100 Pair Silk Knickers, everY pair first quality. You wlll want several pair of tilese for your O'wn personal use if not for Cilrifft.m Gifta. Wall fasioned with wide gusaet and elastic at walst and knees of a fine evon silk. Colors of Peacil, Pink, 'Maise, White, Green, etc. 79e Usuahîy *1.00, Pair........... WOR ALKU HPPN ER YOFAORITEr SH .aOPNG&CEnTR Formerly S. W. Mason & Son PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Limited King St. Bowmanvilîe Braces 49c la Glfft Beamo Men's Fine Bi1k Iesle Elaatic Web Braee, croas-èack style l neatly patterned light and dark effecta. kegular 75e veluse. Back in -Christmnas box. Always &n acceptable uft. STORE . ' l 1 , Bath Robe of soft finished Eiderdowun, floral, conventional and block patterns, inRose, Mauve, Blue, Green, Tan, etc; corded edges on collar; contrasting colored sîlk cord ties with pocket; smail, medium and large women'a sizes. Usuaiiy $4.50$32 Each ........................ $32 Iv 7 -'5 '1 --~ I 4/ 1 IL f , GIFTS Bath Robes WA K R Lirnited