~rnbÎn ~t4te~mrni With Which Is Incorporated Trie BowmanvMfe News vm r. Il u A TAUP1'C £l QC)IQ vC1 Th k1L... 'XT'---------TT ---- - l- -.'- 'l----- -- At, -Qp pt- aa r i A ii£uvaIc; bc a i.opy NO4. il CHRISTMAS I PRES4ENTS And Where to Cet Them COUaH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN HAVE MADE MORE THAN ORDINARY PREPARATION FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING W. me showing a large and attractive range of gooda in the. foliowing lie: Làadie' Boxed Handkerchiefs fiiom .... 25c to $1.50 Ladfies' Scarfs .............................75c to $4.50 Faacy Towels, from .................25c to $1.75 Ladiles' Gloves, ail kinds ..............0C to $2.75 'ý-ad-e@' Silk and Silk & Wool Rose . .. .59c to $200o tadies' 511k Gowns.................$1.75 to $2.25 'Al.- Bi1k Bloomers - Vesta - -Pyjamas Ladies' and Children's Kimonas in alsidm A big assortment of Linens of ail kinds Çhildren's Coats, Mitts and Suits, etc. Kenwood and Scotch Woolen Blankets, also a large variety of Colored Bedspreads. Ladies Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices Ties....................... 35c to$1.50 Shirts ...............$1.25 to $4.50 Scarfs .................. $.25 tp $500 Handkeirchiefs ...........1c to 75c Gloves .................75c to $4.50 Fancy Socks ..........25c to $1.50 Big variety of Pyjamas, Nightgowns, Sweaters, Rats and Caps, Windbreakers, Bath Robes. Aun Overcoat or Suit makes a nice Christmas Gift. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITED BOVIMANVILLE VINÂT TOWN COUNCIL DilD fHelM twmeetig inDecembe. short courses Iu agriculture and do- mestic science te .be held here Jan. 6-MU. Received letter frein Hydre Com-1 mission atatlug by-laws would not bel ready to subinit to electo. at muni- cipal election. Requesta fromi Mia.Alberta Den- sen, Mrs. M. J. Taylor and W. D. Short ta eut down trees were re- feoed te Rwoadsansd Trees Com. D. L. MIcCarthy, LOC., asked what price Council wisiied ta put on Mc- Gill Building. Mayer, Clerk and Fi- nance Com. wil! confer with solicitor1 regardiug me. Petition for watermain on Lamub sud Second Streets was granted. IBy-law was passed ta, hold nomin- ations on Dec. 30 and if elcetion la necessary on Jan. 6bh. Council authorized sale cf High School debenturea amounting ta $100,000. Globe Indemnity Co. asked for ad- diticual premium on lisbility pchicy due te increase in population. Coun- cil considered request uncalhed for. Chie! of Police given autiiority ta engage a constable as requlred when question o! permanent man ahIlb. desît with next year. Supplementary estinuates frein varicus committees aauountiug t $946.36 were granted. Comniunity Welfare Coinuntte. given free use of Opera Hous. for RUL CORRESPOIqDENTS Statesmaa avili b. Publleb"d m Tum-. jday Next W..& otiiera iaving neivs or adv.rtang for neit w..&'a tubemapies.. aee that it reeches ti office by Mouday afternoon, If at ail possble, aud not later than Tuesday at 10 amn. This request la imade to enable us to issue the. peper a day earies' than usuai ou acocunt cf (r.s.day coming on Wednesday. Tak Yeu. COMMUN ITY WELFAUE Proceeda for Public SchodCiComcort Net Fund About $40.00 The. Comniunity Welfare Cominit- tee desire te express their thanks to the. Staff sud Pupils cf the. Public SciiooI for their kindly assistance in repeatiug their concert Tueeday, uight in aid cf the. Committe.'s fund, as well ai tte Orchestra fer tiheir help. Tiie Coumittee suc appreclate the, support given by citizeus w1he attend- ed tii. Concert, and ho<,e tisat the. greater publicity thus secured wi resuit in iucreaaed interest in thie Committee's work. ,in addition ta severai parcels of clothing, the Communlty Commvitte. gratefuly acknowledge reoelipt of the, follo'wing sunis cf money: Rotary Club f Bowmavill. $I.OO Two, friends...............1.00 a VOL L.ft.t.V MV. A1. J1iiUuiD & bJLN, Iui&h~em MINISTERS AND CHURCHES ROYAL ARCH MASONS PUBLIC SCHOOL CON<CERTS Trinity United Ohurch-PÀyv. J. U. Palooti se Cha.afe et Offmcrs Excephionally Good Prograina En- Robins, pastor. Sunday services:i o'db CaaiyHu. il a. m.-i4Morning Wershi.p; 2.30 p. The installation of the officers of j oydb aaiyHu m.--'Sunday Sciiooi; 7 p.mn.-Even- Paleutine Phçe o.2, y Al mong the. especbally MS.nîoy&ble ing Worship. Arch Masos, wau held in the. Ma-evnafti.eao, ast r- St. paul's ChurjhRev. D. W soukc Lodge Booms, Bowmanville, on gram given iby the. Public Schc>ol Beat, D. D., Minister. il a.* m Monday Dec. 16. Ex-Comp. F. C. pupile under thie direction of MWs Morning Worshi<-A "White Gift", Hoar ably conducted the. ceremony Helen Morris, A. T. C. M. Super- Service; 7 p. m.-FEvening Worship while Very Ex-Comp. Frank Erakine, visor of Munie, in the Opera House -"Christmas". Christmas services Whutuby, acted as Director cf Cere- on Thuraday aud Friday evenings with special Christmas music. monies while tiies, officers were in- of lait week. The prograuiewere St. John's (Anglican) Church- LP.Z.-G. H. Dickinson; H.--John prive list. Re'v. R. J. Sbires, rector. Fourth Baker; J.-E. B. Brown; S.E.--J. R. The. hall was filled to capacity on Sunday iu Advent, December 2Srd: Stutt; S.N.-W. J. Bragg; Treasurer each occasion with an audience of 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. mi.--F. F. Morris; F.S. (M. W Coinstock; proud and anticipative parents, rela- -Morning Prayer and Litany; 2.30 S.S. T. B. Gilchrist 1I.S. P. E. Green- tivea and friends who showed their p. M. .unday School and Bible field; M. of lut Vr.ll-F.J. Groat; appreciaton cf the. splendid work cf C a; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. M. of 2nd Veil-A. E. Billett; M of the. pupils by hearty âpplause and1 Christmas Day Services: 8 a. m.- 8rd Veil-W. R. Strike; M of 4th careful attention. Holy Communion; 10.30 a. m.- Veil-P. M. 'Cotton;Ciaplain-G. E. Theii rmbgn iha vr Christmas Service-Holy Communion Chase; D. of 0C-I. C. Hoar; S.S.- ture e prtCa l"beg wthanz onr and Sermon. F. 0. Mcflveen; J..-L. A. Parker; "Light Caalry byn Frallnzston The regular mcnthly meeting,,f Janitor--G. M. Linton. ;SppernderUniedin excllentsl the Wcmen's Association cf St. Pau]'s tra, under the. direction of Mr. Clrurch was held at the home cf Mrs. MUSIC STUDY CLUB Francis Sutton. John Morris, Concession St., on ____Tiie curtain when raised discloaed Tuesday, Dec. lOth, when new officers Ejo Evening with Gilbert and the choir cf the. school seated in a were el.cted as fcllows: Presdent- j Sulivan Oera& six-titjýd seini-circle, the girls ahl Mrs. M. E. Lord; lit Vice Pres.- in w~hite making a very effective Mrs. Geo. Webster; 2nd Vice Pres. A very profitable and enjôya(ble pictur,. After the. chorus "0 Can- Hr. SindeHal; Trecaretr-Mrs. F.R even gWS pnt by the meuubers of ada," the. choir rendered, "Coine, H. widels TeasreýMs.F.R.th, = ,wmnselle Music Study Club Now, Sail wiiuh fl by Gounod, Brown; Flower Com.-Mrs. T. Perey, at their regular mcuthîy meeting on with splendid iiarmony and ton.. Mis. J. H. H. Jury, Mrs. C. Rice, Deceinber 1lth under the. excellent Otiier choruses Sung by the. choir Mrs. T. H. Knight. This meeting maagement cf Mesdmes T. W. under the capable direction cf Misa conludd aver scccssfl yarCawker, A. W. Pickard and Mis, Helen Morris, were "Tii. Sea in for this organization. Ethel Ro ruTh Presideut, Mmss.F England's Glory," Stephen Glover- W. M. B. cf St. Paul's United H. Moody, occupied the. chair. "Carry Me Back to old Virginuy,'l Church held their Christmaai meet- The opel-as, Mikado and Pinafore, Blin; A igtigae' 'd, lng on Thursday, D).c. 12th. Yearly haviug been selected for study, MissWilson; and "Where tiie Bee iuk, reorta were received, the Treaarir- Ethel Hoar gave a short and inees- Tii. fiast individual number was a er s showlng the. allocation to have ing biographical sketch cf the. com- recitation, "Tii. Welcome," a neat been fully raised. A very internet- poser, Sir Arthunr Sellivan and Mis little speech by Bryce Seggie, wiiich meg Christms piograni cousistin.g of accomplished librettint, Sir W. S. Gil- ovydawlmetthauin, an address by Mrs. (Bey.) Geo. Mas- bert, with special referenoe to their cnveed ahescomet ti adene on; suitable Christmnas music by Mrs. contribution to world music by tii!hemlasfloe y eypet A. Colville and IMs&Chas. F. Bic. Savoy Operas. his. s< "ii-o-ne.by tii. dirn-t u'as very mucii enjoyed. Mm-s. <ey.) Trhis was followed by the. story cf ntive Primary girls, eacii carrylng Best, on behaîf cf the. Society, in a th operas with an allusion to the a doland rocking It ini tue to the very neatly. worded address cf ap astirical nature cf the, librettos. Y1he muic :-Baiitara ýRehder, Mariong preciation, presented Mrs. Geo. nadesw lutae n inter.-UHooper, Jean -Pattinson, Kathleen Cliase with a hif. merdbership certifi-S<r5 5 lutae n est. Athogh ake bysurprise, >ezsed by selectiona frein the operas. Roberts, Isabel Thouipso1n, Patricia Mise. Ch.gh acelly kowege rom the Mikado :"A Wandering Dustan, Frances Ho'we, Alba Caverly, tmsCtoe oaf oul. Ecnolection Minatrel 1" Sung by Melville Dale; Audrey Foley, Louis. Ccx, Dorothy ti ofcr sleno od i t. tollowi "imoon Soug" sung by Mms C. H. Varcoe, Jean Logan, Louis. Wilson, of ofiesrartdi h oling Dudley; "Tii. Madrigal" Sung by Jean Adamns, Mary Childs, Evelyn being elected: President-Mrs.Wui. Mesdames C. A. Cawker, M. A. Harnden, Celia Tait, Mary MeDon- Adamns; Vice Presidents - MT Neal and Meurs. R. M. Mitchell and aId Marion Knox, Doris Moses. (Re.) eat Ms. Bey) aso, Ms.M. S. Dale. Fro.m Pinsfore: "~My Gal- A dialogue, "Chiiatinas" by four Perey; Rec. Sec'y.-,Mrs W. B. Car-lý rw ugb em ýM ruter; or Se'y-Ms.A. l.autCe ugb ess .M pupils of the South Ward Sciioeli, r', rs, or.See'.-Ms. A L itchllG E Chase, M S Dale, C H Marjory Wiseman, Hazel Little, Rob- Chs ; MT7 ec'y.r-Um . .R Dudl.y and H. J. Knight. "Whn I ert West & Frank Osmond, was very 'ypeaneMi. R. o. u Boy" sung by Mr. H. J. cleverly don. and proved quit. Pop-e IBrown; Tmeac-Ms o Kniglt* "Fair Moon" Sung by Mr. ular with the. audience. .Anotherc G. E. (%aae. Tiie overtures to both aumber by the. Southi Ward pupils operas were played by Mesdames J. was a dialogue, "Chiristmas ta corn- TRINITY Y. W. AUXILIARY Clark Bell and M A. Neal. ing» alec very nlcely preaented by Palpii Cole, Jack. Colville, Charles Trlnity Church Young Women's Soierscaletsud Lewis5 Wieman. AuxIiryme a te om o Ms.COMING EVENTS Tii. Drill "Tii. Wooden Soldiers"e Auxiliarry metsat tiid homeecfcMis. E.. Smith Ferguson, Concession St. St.Pau's Church Sunday Sciiocied hit oys, rsed cring oaà oni Tuesday evenîng. Newly elect- Entertainnient will be held on Friday gn at e7usereacb c arryling a ed officers are: President--Mùii V. evening, Decetnuer 20th. ed tremen<eus applause. Tii. sold- e B. Spargo; lst Vice-Mrs.. E. Wer- A round sud square dance in lers were: Jimimy Clark, Bob Purdy, t ry; 2nd Vice-Mrs. W. R. Struke; Gene's Hall, Courtice every Tuesday Kelvin Synions, 3iobby Evans, 'Mark t Recording Sec.-Miss Rilda Sienien LmoreDugaJck nT -1 Corres. Sec-MissaFlorence Wry and Thursday evening. Good music,LaboreDulsJak nTm Treasurer-Mrs. C. H. Mason; Pian- good fIa or and a good tiane. Tickets$niy Rehder, Bill fBrown, Theodore I ists-Mrs. H. M. Foster, Mri. C. H. 25e 50.4~ LaâmWbrone, Alan Tamblyn, George. Dudley; Sec'ys. cf Christian Steward- Bowmanville Women's Institut. Bfl Rnay m ondi.Wlh,Bileyl ship--~Miss Leta Jackson, Mis. W. C. will be held in the S.O.E. Hall on W 'AreSeeaJi Knx Ives; Literature Secretary-Mrs. I- Friday Dec. 20. Ail meuiers attend Douadr, on ifr Mýn1, ene Sanders; Mite Box Sec.-.-mrs. and don't forget tii. hauadkorelfItStanle mth.nMi lrmcDcal Wrightsonm Wight; Grcip ILader-s Kr. ay O'Neill deli<hted the. audience Mrs E. Cx, Miss Lena Haddy, Mis. If you're thinking cf getting a with her effective renditiom cf "Iln M. Wight, Mis. E. Smith Ferguson; Spartan Radio Christmias Ev., order would't like ta b. as black au you."' Strangers' Sec'ys.-Mrs. W. J. Pound it to-day froni HaryAllia. Amother pleaaing land scmewiiatI Mrs. H. H. Dilling; Supply Sec'y".-surping numbr was a chorus! i Mrs. I. H. Richards, Mrs. George SHOOTING MATCH "One, T0, Tr.." by a group cf Diling; Teruperance Se'y.-Mrs. Juiors faces iiidden beind card- Pred J. Spry; Flower Se'y.-Mrs. E. A Shootiug Match 'will be held on board a, who gave their daddles V. Hoar; Press Se'y.--Mias E. E. Saturday afternoou, Decenuber 2lst, i the audience tire. chances ta Haycraft; Finance Comtnlttee-..Mrs. 1 mile wsst of Solina. A number gues wich were titir littIe nous.c C. H. Mason, Miss L. Jackson, Mis, cf turkeya and geese will provide Tiiey finally discarded their head- 1 T. W. Cawker, Mrs. C. (Bagnell, Mrs. good sport. Ammunition (81hot- gear, showiiug theuisel'vesto e hlb J. C. Cairns, Mis. W. P. Corhett. guns) provided. Chas. Howsami. following girls: -Ruth CrYdermnan, - - ______ IPansy Hooper, Dorotiiy Tàpeon, JeUa ________ IMcMullen, R'uth Logan, Helen Vir- f tue, DoroVliy Jones, Helen Brooking 1Shirley Mariden, Veda Purdy, Lucy ALL ~ l IV Il ALLI Lyle, Patricia Wilson, Helen Wil-1 TALKIN Jli IIL I t TALKING liauis, Helen Hat.ly, Marjorie Mor- ROYA (L T EA R ris, Kitty Storey Audre Comstock, PICTURES PICTURES iRuth Puifly, 1eln m taey, Helen BOVIMANVILLE Cotton. Marion Davies. Tii. firet part cf the prograni was brought te a close hy the overtiure, -:To Our Patrons "Lutspiel," Keler Sels, by the. or- May your Chriisa b. Joyful, Tepie were then presented as Happy and Free, ill s Tiiursdav evening,- And yur vrry weh ona .)nafed bv thé. Women's Canadien Christmnas Tree. Club cfBowmianvile te tue two high- _________________________________________ lest standing ru, ' i!z i'n the Entr-ance Clamq in -Canadian IHistory durinz the THURS., FR1. and SAT.-DEC. 19 - 20 - 21 ilrm. MnPreseWnted b (1M adai 'T'I~L'iT . ~' GIRL Jones, (2) Ruth Purdy. Th EThe PLACE TheGR Donated by thp Mfen'R Canadiar iIlIL~IieClub of Boivrnsnville tn the puni' AIl alkig Poducion ithtaking the hizhest nmarks at the En- Betty Compson, Grant Withers and Gertrudej tory. Winner:' Ruby Holbbs. Pre- 'hte ly Dr. J. C. Devitt. Olmatead. Donated by the Public School jBoard toe tii.tv higbest standing Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Adulte 25c; Winnrs EntýRanyHobxan f2) Che Chilren Oc.fer Jury. Presented by Mr. T. A. .1Dustan. Miss .em pthorne ..............1 0 Public Sciioci Concert ......41.85 MAYORENTERAINEDCOUN1CIL Mra. G. A. Glisple.......... 2.00 AND TOWN OFFICIALS he tteIa ........__9 As a final teuch te tthe spirit o! SAD MOORS ACCIDEST good fellowship *hich lias prevailed tiiroughout the year ithe. Town Couneil Xayor M. J. Elliottentertai- aMro. Mort. Murdoff in port Peu., ed the, members cf council and town Hospit officias to an yster suppr t theI Coronation 'Caf, at the conclusion A bad accident in wiilch MmC. of the. statutory meeting on Monday KOzTL Murdoff, Bewmmwvlloe W»asa nigt. vitia, vas caused by tie aleet tome ollowig the supper Mayor El- and fg late Priday atruou. A liott addresed the. gatierng brielly Lndaa truck sud the Torouto-Lùad- ad expressed hie appreciaticu f the My bus met in a ieadon coligion c-Oopratin and w qolehearted s Up- r - rm men k, badl, am ging port iven him m w'he Chie! Magi- b vehicles. Mrm.Mudoff w" Lrate ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~gs oti.tv. eaiaauu severely brulsed and suffer" selous- d h. would again b. a candidate for ~fenthe. shok and th. coId sud officeof maor for1p30ure. 5h. vas, taken ta port Af voce o! iyf uk or Mao30. erryhoslpital sud la still tiers, be- Ao vote ho! itityn s tMayocaiontttngtire tned aviti pueeu uia, but torhisliapiahiy n ts ocaionhas rport frein doctor stat.. h. -as mo'ved by Reeve W. H. ThIekeon thinka lie tas it eiiecked. atm. E. and s.couded by Deputy Beeve, W. &L Burton, Port -ePr, releved a brok- Carrutiiers. Short addresses follea- en collai boue and was &1so bady ed by nearly ail thoae present touci- bruieed. ing on municipal affaira. IThe.acident was a result of thse Other than Iftyor Elliett non« o!f extremely ipoor vlsIbihIty, and no the atiier memlbers cf cncil declar- charges vill b. laid a&%in* sithe. ed themeJves as regards their Inten- driver. tions for next year with the excep- Mms Murdof vwas on ber W&Y ta, tion cf Councillor Geo. W. Tam'es. upend the. weekend vlti ber huixmd He stated that muci as lie enjoy.d lis Lindsay vhinl maauager Of thea municipal life he,'would net, b. a Domiio Stores, s tha t6ov. candidate for 1930 owing ta addition- al bussuese responsililitlee which h. îai liad ta assume. n eriFRIECHRISTMAS MATRE For Chldren Undes. 14 TY«»i at Miss Suai, Bailey is vialtîn ~Royal Ilaetre, Doc. Z3rd. niece in Toronto. RylTeteanne t n 8haw's Scieoohistmas Concert Ryal henareeanChristms icat- ail! b. iield on Thuraday, Decenuber in«a ciiildren 1r.4Cirltas atu- Watch for bu!. ad 0e der, on Moday, Dec. 2rd, at 2.80 r bill.P. . Prograin tus year la blgger Pro.prietor A. J. Wadhasus cf Bal- and bettes. than erer wfth a picture moral Hotel and uis staff had an ex- featuring an old favorit, cf thse child- cept1onally busy day on %rda c ren togetiier with eue of thse seweet L3th viien they catered te three young stars. banquet&-Duram County Holstein Asesociation sud Rotary Club at nocu, *By compas.iou viti otiier radios and lu the, eveuiug the. Goodyear Tire many have expressed a declded ~re- and Rubuier Co. office staff and their Jeec o SatnRdo Es friends, enjoyed a banquet sud dance. 1 one dforu'll kuew Rady. sa To That Friend Far Away The Most Acceptable of Gifts for $2.00 To those who have made their home far from their "ain folk" nothing is quite so ac- ceptable perhaps as news of the "old home town"-the doings of the boys and girls they used to know, their happiness, joys and sor- row-s as reflected every week in the news columns of the local newspapeni Your boy or girl, sister, brother or bosom friend will appreciate The Statesman more than anything else. It will be a constant re- minder of you 52 weeks in the year. "As Good as a Lette, From Home" lk.T- ri il w ý BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th. 1929 .q9 Ofb a Vaur lin K- - rl---