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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1930, p. 2

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PM TWOTE CANA.DIÂN WFATEBIAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, .TANUARY 2nd, 1930. M. Q. V. GOULD, B.A, LL-D. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Mouey to ban en Farta and Town Propcrty. -Royal Bank Building, Dowmanville. Phxone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank cf Montreal Money te Loan. Phone 91 Bo'wmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barristes, Selicitor, 'Notary Money te Loan. Bonds for Sale. Mfles--Bleakley 'Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones Office 102; BHouse 409. D>ENTAL DR . QC. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto Un8versity. Graduate cf the Reyal College cf Dental Surgeons of On- tarie. Ofice: King St., Bawmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray !iquipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVlTT Amistaat Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate cf Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King St. Est, Bowmanville. Office heurs 9 a. ma. to 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray E-quipment in Olfice. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Hfonor graduate of Toronto Univer- ity and nieniber cf Royal Cllege cf Dental Surgeons. Licensed te practise ini Ontarie and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches. 0f-j fice: King St., 'Bcwmanville, opposite Bank cf Montreal. Phone 301. à MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduste cf Trinity -Medical College, Torolito, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence: DJr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, D.wmanville. Phone 269. 44-tl J. CLARK SELL M. 0., Ch. B.. F. R. C. S., <Edin.), O. P. M. (Succesor te Dr. A. S. Tiliey) sens. Graduate in -Medicine, Aber- deen University; Pellow cf the Royal College cf Surgeons, Edinburgh. Offies and Residence: Queen Street, Dowmanville. Phone 89. Offce Hours: 2 te 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. W. H. DIRKS, M. D. Mfie Heurs: 1 te 4 andi 7 te, 8.30. Telephone 108. Office & Residence: Dr. -Hazlewood's tormer reaidence, Wellington Street, Bowmanvifle. DR. R. W. CLARK Piysicas & Surgeon Office-Division Street, Bowmanviile (next ta Tsinity United Church) Office Heurs: 3 te 6 and 7 te 9 p. ma. Szmdays l>y appointnient only. Phane 24. 45-tf, CHIROPRÂCTIC AND DRUGLESS THP.ROPY DURWIN 2. STECKLEY houer graduate cf Toronto College «t Chirfpractie will ha in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thuraday~ and Baturday evenings, -phone 141J. Residential calîs made during foe- *005n FUNER.&L D MiECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. -Coniplete Motor or Horse Equipment. Ail cahis promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bo'wmanville phone: 10 and 34. Brancb Stores- Orano & Newcastle. ALAN M. WNL"IAMS Enibalmer and Funeral Directes. CalIs given prompt and personal at.- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Moter Anbulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bow- mnanville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctltnmer Fanm and Rouse Sales a Speciaity. Terrns moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B . V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-Dr. McElroy'.s former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. 19CY COAL NOW MNr. R. H. Collavott wishe.q te in-1 te contInue to deliver reai at Tyrouie1 station and te, ail parts efthte tewn1 and township. Ail orders promptI'- filllod and satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 518 J. HERMON Boys Poultry at Fair Prices Phonos: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Adres: 274 Auuta Ave., Toronto. 87-lyr. i c 1. i o THE EDZTOR TALCS 1 A BILL NOT AN INSULT 1 Amxong the carde, letters and gifta' A Bill or Statewnt at1 a Confessioui we have received during the pat of Faith and Trust fortnight 'was a bookiet entitled "'Acta of Devetion" sent fromn Eng- A BRILL-or a statemnent of ac- I land by a cousin, Mr. F. Moundson, count sent to a customer la not an' a long time business man of Liver: insuit nor even a jeit. A statement pool. Be tells us this "book i'oc is a confession cf faith-a atatement casionally used in Our Wes.leyan of confidence, -a souvenir of glood will' Methedist services?" As this issue --somneone bas trusted yox; Berne- of The Statesmnan is printed on the bedy bas Ïbelieved that you will pay asat day cf 1929 and circulated on your dOlgations, that you are worthy the first day of 1930 we have tbought cf trust. it appropriate to publish four pray- Credit is one of the businesbs man 's ers frem "Acta cf Devtion": An Act most precïous assets and credit cornce of Praise, of Thanksgiving for the enly te these cf proven integrity; ta blessings cf 1929, a Petition for eus those who inspire confidence. The. Heavenly Fatlier's guidance, protect- system cf credit is based on the sim- ien, blessings and prodperity during pie and straightforward assun.ptio!n 1930. and meditation ýupon the Wil that those who purchase, will pay as cf God. And we pray and trust that agr e, prernptly and justly. these suggestive prayers rnay benefit The payrnent cf a just de'bt is ail vrho read and meditate upon them simple honesty and no one deserves prayerfully. mny particular praise for plain hon- s * esty. Let us praise God for the Day, for Bonesty is four square-correct the glory and warmth cf the sun, for fram aIl directiens and in ail angles the stir cf life, and fer honest toil -honesty is basic justice, upstand- that wins foodl and reat. ing because it is plain honesty. God be praised for the Day. If we neyer receive a bill or atate- For the Eartb, the sustainier of ment cf account, it indicates that lite: for the hMis, the plains and the our credit is net sufficiently good te dales; and for the beauty cf mead- receive gYloda or servi<e on credit in ows and fields, oif flowers and of the estimation cf those froni whem bre . prie we desire sueh accomnmodation. God ead for the Earth. Most people will pay if they have FortheSky fo th sh-ftng lo the wherewithal te make ,payrnent, or FortheSk, fr te hifingcludà if they can «et it. Ail hurn.nity and the glorY cf sunrise and sunset. must pay, in cash, in goods or in ser- God be praised for the Sky. vice, for whatever cf these it uses. Anrd humanity expecta to be paid as For the Ses, that yieldis and se- it expecta V;o psy, se te pro-vide a ceives again the water wtthaut which suitable protection buffer in business Lite would dis, and is wonderful in its transactions, we have credit. stillnesa and more wonderf-ul in ita emsss u ii sare if we are te keep or credit gccd. G-od b. praised for the Ses. If it is utterly impossile to pay as Let us praise God for ous Food, sgreed, a fuIl explanation in due our and the pleasure He bas given us in creditors, in order that the credit t, lest we should neglect the needasy"stem MaIy survive and do its part if life. May Be help us te shun ail ini business. waste and te rejoice in sharing with Credit men are fais, and human thers. as wel-they must b. if they are te God 'be praised for eur Food. continue as credit men. And with them a man's credit is as he may For the, shelter frota wind and elect te have it. geatber, which being hallewed by GbdCei en odVle oeu teoe aur orn. My ePrompt Service, Good Will and, SatWs dp u tWc~p t bly.faction both te these who have credit God be praised for our Bernes. and te those who extend credit. For our Garments, which proteet Remember then thy eredit-to ur 1odies. May He teach us ta keep it good at ail tirnes. niasee 0m eautirol, not for aur vanity, but te brighten Dur commron life; and may Be strengthen cur will that none shahl go hungry or iii- heused or ill-clad. God be praised for or Clothing. Let us praise God for eur Fathers and Mothers, by whoin He orders lives and cetaforts hearts, bringng strengtb to a bouse and sweetnesas te labour. May Be ballow their work and direct their ways. God be praised fer goed Fathers and Methera. For the gift cf Children. May B. belp us ta train tbem te b.e reverent and truthful, that they may gladden aur hearts and bring joy te the world. God be praised for the Cildren. For geod Friends, to rejoice with us in our joys, te cheer us in troubule and te lighten aur tasks. M1ay Be help us te repay theta in fellewship and service. God ha praised fer aur Frienda. Let us praise Ged for Bealth, bringing wholesomeness of bedy and imid: -for Mirtb, quickening thef blood, uniting us with others and te- freshing us for werk: for Joy that heig'htens aIl eus hfe and doubles eur powers. 'May Be belp us ta share these blesaings witb others, kindling their hearts by the gladnes of aur face. Grod be praised fer Lite. Let us praise Gad for the Vision that stands beyond the mists cf pain and sorrow, giving purpose ta en- urance and making known ta us the sweetness et syrnpathy. Ail praise be te Ged. O Thou whe giveat visions unte the courage te make our dreamns came true. Blelp us te know that the ideal cannat evade us for ever; that it is knocking at the door of lite wondrously fair, wondrously practical, and is an urgent pressure upon life, hungering te become se- tuaI. To the pralse cf Jesus Christ aur Lord. Amen.t May the merciful lovin«-kindness et the Most Bigh and Bis Be]y pro-t tection be witb the sick, the sufer. ing and the sorrowful, b. with us and with ail wham we lave, now and in every time et need. Ta the praise of Jesus Christ eus Lord. Amen. friend, 0 Thou tacet wonderful in the realm of love. 0 Lord our God, giver of life and light, we bless Thee, we worship Thee -for that cf Thy gracicua goodcea Thou hast put into our niinds these thoughts; it is Thou, 0 Lord, Who hast given us all things rlchly te, en- joy, and in t.he splendeur of Ieving kindness it la Thou Thysei-f that dost transform our common life. Glory be te Thee, 0 Lord, Mot Righ.* Glory be to Thee. Alleluia! Amen. O Lord, bear our prayer. And let o*t cry cerne unto Thee. That we may face the prablerns of lite, by widening and deepening eur experience in prayer, and by rejoic- ing bath ln the richnese of corporate lite and the sternness etf personal reeponsibility. That we may neyer torget that as fotlowers of Christ we a-e the ob- 1served of aIl men, and that our fail- 'uses may cause ethers to stunsble, that, in a mneasure, God places Bis honour in eus banda. That we may be true and loyal te the hast and the hig'hest that we know and that we rnay show this truth and loyalty in every activity of our cota- monIlile. Grant us readin>ess ta approach al conflicting issues witb a desire te un- derstand; make us he1pful in criti- cism, slow to blame, quick to apprec- iate, and aave us from unkind words and from unkind silences. Grant us, 0 Lord, tea ind'erstand the gift cf prayer; that we nay pray effectually fer everyone we try te help. Grant us the wisdorn of a loving heart, ever patient and wondrous kind. Grant u3 that strong sense cf duty which refuses ta yxeld te the inclina- tion cf the moment. Grant us the royal gift ot courage; that we rnay do each disagreeable duty at once. Grant us a keen sense cf honour; that we may neyer give oufrselves the benefit of the doubt; that we rnay be specially just to those we find it bard te lîke; and may own up manful]y when we have don. wrong. Grant us a true sense of humeur; may its kindly light and its healing power relax life's tension. Grant us restrained and well-order- cd ambition sa that we may net miss * *-* nefui. s nataren oi an neui jPraise the Lord, O0my Soul; fl * s** jAnd aIl that is within me praise It is the will of Ccd that we should His ýHoly Namne.e endeavour ta keep aur bodies in O Lord, Thou Lover et Seuls, we health and strength, and cour appe- Itank Thee that in this age new vis- tites and impulses under control, and ions are given, fresh opprtunities everywhere and in all things be temp- are presented, and stirring demanda erate and pure. are made. It is the will et God that we should * * *train aur minds, and h. true in our We thank Thee that w. live in an thinking. and just in eus judging. age ot the Spirit, when a will to un- it is the will of God that we should ity is being mightily and widely de. u. honest, truthful, and upright in veloped. thought, word, and deed. We thank Thee that we liv. in a It is the will -et Ced that we should pente.cost when the young see great be diligent and faithful in our sever- visions and are strengthened te do ai callings, doing aur daily work in great tasks: while, the old, bengen- ail simplicity and integrity, and seek- able tDsee ar oriznsdû seeding and lalbouring only fer the things them on their way. which are just and good. W. thank Thee for the invigarat- It is the wil et God that we should ing sen.e that "ail things are being ruIe aur spirits, bear with each made new." and that it la given to us other's infirmities, and as much as te make traditions, as well as te up- lieth in us live peaceably with al hold themi. men. We thank Thee that, aIl the warld It is the will et Ced that we ehould over, meon have cause t- look up and live chiefly to be heIpful tOe others, lift up their heads, for their redemp- and net te seek enly eus ewn pleas- tion draweth nîgh. uire and gain. Wc fhank The. that the quiet It ia the wilcf Ced that we shouid Imind, being stayed on Tii.., can P555 do what we can te take away the sin tbrough hurry and turmoil with tran- and sorrow et the world, and te, oveir- quillity, and b. at peace. cerne ail evil with good. We thank Thee that al 'csod things that have ever existed de for ever live, and that immortality is et thel CARD OF THANKS essence et lave.1 W. thank Thee that in Thy heaven The family af the late Mrs. Danald goodness, purity and lave, which arejYellowlees desire te thank theiri of Phy Own Divin, Natuvre, shail still many friende for the sympathy andj find work to pestorta fer Tbee. j kindness ashown them in the death of We tbank Thee, Lord, that we have their mather' and for the beautitul Thyself for our guide and eurs liraI offeringa. THE SMART SHOP ANNOUNCES Bowmanville's Greatest January Clearance Sa!e 0F LADIES' READY-TOmWEAR Starts Thursday, January 2nd. LADIES' CLOTH COATS, FUR COATS, DRESSES, LINGERIE, ETC. Our store policy since starting this popular specialty shop is that flot a garment must be carried over frorn one season to another. So this offers the opportunity you have been looking for. Do n't w a it. Don't hesitate. Corne and corne quickly while choice is best for the greatest genuine values ever offered in this town in new stylish mer- chandise. $12,OOO0 WORTH 0F FUR COATS Muc Ai ai i ladies' Fur Coats, made of choice selected skins. Lskrat CoatsI Tremendous Values ini Ladii the season 's newest styles, saxnples, no two ICat ike, worth up to $225, for $ 3 . O~!. Thereis a kre ras nhr.............$ 3 .0 Imt--- *fl&t.c uisaJ& ..y ....................... ..v New Dropped Muskrat Coats, worth $ 9 Up to $290, for .... ..................$ 9 Hudson Seal Coats Plain or trlmmed wlth sable oz aquirrel, worthUp to $425, * '~lf to clear at ...................$2 50 Persian Lamb Coats Worth up to $390 for ........ $265-00 Worth up to $490 for ...........$345,00 See this wonderful range of Ladies' Fir Coats where every coat is guaranteed. Ladies' Slips in Silk Rayon In the Opera top and shaped shoulder styles; ail shades; and in sniall, mediurn and large sizes, regular up to $2.95 for .... $ 4 These arie ail shadow proof.$24 Ladies' Slips in silk rayon, in opera top style, and 3 folds on bottorn and gives a shadow proof effect, regular $1.95 for .......A1.4 In nice assorted shades. Aet Ladies' Lingerie Sets To clear at very reduced prices. These have been left over froni Xmas. Babies' Teddy Bear Coats In shades of White, Red, Rose, 9 and Fawn, that were $5.75 for .....$39 Babies' Bonnets In boys' and girls' styles, $ 2 regular $1.75 for ...................$12 Corsets 25 per cent Discount RegUl Corsets in ail sizes and styles to be sold on each on with 25% Discount- Orient Hose $1.49 Ladiei Ladies' Orient Chiffon Hose, 8½/- to 10, in Coats, erni a good assortment of shades, $14 gold and c, While they last .................. 14 Regular $f This will undoubtedly be the biggest buying eveut of the year. THIE SMART COWAN BLOCK DOWAAN VILLE les'. a good mmiozment of sizes and styles to choose froni. Corne in if you want a good bar- gain They are divided into 3 groupa: $15.00 $17,50 $25.00 The regular price of these were up to $42.50. Afternoon and Evening Dresses Wool and Silk Afternoon Dresses, aiso Evening Dresses in good variety of shades and styles. Corne in and see the wonderful values that are being offered. They are ail to be dleared out at the vexiy low price of $4.95, $9.95e $13.95 and $16-95 Girls' Coats Ini sizes 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 yerthat sold up to $15.00 for .....$6. 75 French Kid Gloves Ladies' French, guaranteed Kid Gloves, in Black, Black with White trini, Sand and Brown combinations, regular $3.75 for......$2.95 Regular $2.95 for..................... $2.49 Ladies' Umbrellas ari $2.50 to $9.75 with a 25%51 Discount ne. -m nonas and 4 s' Silk Rayon, KL. broidered in colors,ir ,c copen in the lot. 3.OOfor.................... This is a Cash Sale. 4SJOP GED. R.MASON, Manager mmamer Fa Ck, 69 PAGE TWO

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